2300 Virginia Ave, Fort Pierce, FL 34982 772-4624SS3 Fax 7724621S79
Building Permit # J 1110 3 f002 Site Address: 8201 Amalfi. Circle Fort Pierce FI 34951
Street City State ZIP
The undersigned hereby certifies that insulation has been installed in the above -described property to meet
the minimum requirements for R-Value of the Florida Energy Efficiency Code in accordance with the approved
plans and specifications, as follows:
1. Exterior walls have been insulated with (check one from list) to a
thickness of 314 inches, which thickness, according to the
manufacturer will yield an 'A' value of 4.1 : at bags
per square feet
2. Ceilings have been Insulated with (check one from list) to a
Thickness of 10.5 inches, which thickness, according to the
manufacturer will yield an 'R'value of 30 at.. _ bags
per square feet
Manufacturer: __ .- Owens Corning
spray on cellulose
Fiberglass batts
Rock Wool Batts
Aluminum Fall
Fiberglass b ankets
Fiberglass loose FIN
Rock Wool blankets
Rock Wool loose fill
Cellulose loose fill
e.az.li s . Other
3. ter+ar+t-Vallc�have been insulated with Fibe lass Batts tp
a thickness of 6.5 inches which, according to the manufacturer, will yield an value
Of 19 Manufacturer: Owens corning
4. Garage partition walls of conditioned living area have been insulated with Fiberglass Batts to
A thickness of 35 inches which, according to the manufacturer, will yield an 'R' value
Of 13 . Manufacturer: Owens Corning
The following areas have not been insulated:
Insulation Contractor E5� LL d-- General Contractor/Builders
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Company !Name CC number Company Name CC number
;C � d +4: 1.1 l3364 q4
ict is NAme License # Con me License #
11-'04'2021 f [ G75 Z
i o sSignature i, Date CoriMlicrorsSignature Date