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Certificate of Title
Mali Lien Satisfaction to:Dept at Highway Safety and Motor Vebkcles,Nell Kirkman Building,Tallahassee,FL 323SMSDO 'j'# 14 63730117 B# 3490345 h; c t----Identification Number Year Make - Body IM-L-BHP Vessd Regks.Na --- TiQe Number ` i 'x ■ FLRZ2BD25335899 198,47 HARR —j—HS 56' — 120738939 Registered Owner. Date of Issue 05/20/2021 Uen Release VICTORIA REY*TATMA CHAVEZ GARCIA Interest in the descnbedvehidels hereby released BY. 3200 S 7TH ST LOT 150 Title FORT PIERCE, RL 34982-6341 Data IMPORTANT INFORMATION 1. When ownership of the vehicle described herein is ® transferred,the seller MUST complete in full the Transfer ofTdle by Seller section at the bottom of the"certificate of tale. Mail To: 2. Upon sale of this vehicle,the seller must complete VICTORIA REYNALDA CHAVEZ GARCIA the notice of sale on the reverse side of this form. a 3200 S 7TH ST LOT 29 3. Remove your license plate from the vehicle_ FORT PIERCE, FL 34982 4. See the web address below for more inforrnatIonand the appropriate forms required for the purchaser to title and register the vehicle=mobile home or vessel: httpJlwww-hsmvstatefi.uslhtmtRitgnf.html ` E # ti �' � ed iM4i l �• / 'b•� � y � '� `.�'�14�`+.y.f t 9- ,;.� v +� 'i y� Y o y! 's.!4 3'•� /s � ? �}e>1� V t� ld ratlon GrOber a ,,.Year Ma(e - y •� rNri HHP mess a is.N k- „Ttl, RJR q r ; € ' -' i F FIZBD253358'99 ';'' 19ff4 BABA l S 56' ' k 30738939 ~! Lie---Ww.ase ' s>T� ' b i Y *' f tolntereestinthedesaihedvetildeis�herehyYeteased 1 �PICf ;:/✓• 3zy. ! 3 r'jta r.. ,. ;. F; 1 k3 y 4�.tk -rib ft Y ! # ;State T-Crddi .- PrmatyBrand t� 5eeotdalyHrand PretrlsswDate aH]k e f S l F �f—.O,,dometerSatusor-esselManufachrrercrOHu .I.,Engine ngtineDriv Hl1Malenai T Pp Date afIssue, a �; 1 ;: U5/2012021: Date L Registered Owner .. .. . VICTORIA, EYNATDA CHAVEZ GARCIA 3200:S 7TH ST,101-150 l FORT, PIERCE,..FL' .34982-6341- ppM •�l� 1st Lieriholder- • DMSIDNOF MOTORIST SERVICES. TALLA1MEE `:,' ' FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAY SAFETYAND MOTOR VEHICLES Robert kt.Kyr>adr• 14�1 3 �J 9 2 Terry L Rhodes7�771111 ti Director Control Number Executive Director 49+ r 24 /1 149139925 s — -- --- - - TRANSFER OFTITLE BY SELLER(This section must be completed at the fmie of sale.) C— Federal aad/or state lawrTdrelbat the seller state the m;leaggpurdiasdsname,sellimgprice aid daft sold incanpid.w$h the ftad ofownet1* FAMilocempletearpiapidmgafalsesiatemeotm.•yresdtm5naaad/orimpra®eat This title is x-zirraated to be fr--from'ny Tieas except as noted w tLe{aze eftbe urtifieatemld the mnt��ihide av vessel darn6ed is berebyi<ensfeaed to ZSellerMustFaterRuchasatNarn Addy t . r ...SellerMustEutezSetlm`gP¢ce;- Seller MustEnteiDateS,okd: r .' IAtestatetltisttlkis..0 5ar 6digitodometerrbw reads 1 1, 1• it I .l I.LXJ(-oUmIas)m9cs,dateread aadifi=bycer*fliattgthe6estefmylmowl etheodvmeterreedoi� Q'I.refl"ACrUALbM.HAgI1 QZialNEXCMOFITShEC ANC"I,IIMS: �.3.isNffrYHEACNALmLEAGE' n .. .. . UNDER PENALTIES OF PEWURY,I DECLARE ilIAT 1 HAVE READ THE FOREGOING DOCUMENTANO THAT THE FACTS STATED IN rr ARE TRUE. } •SEL LEKMusi "C(LCFTT Mm't �, - SignHeie: sgasera S lhintHers -a �+y .; •..; Se]IingDedet'sLicenseNumber TmcCoDected - • a . 1 - .... , :AucvanNairte .. .. •.a,', I.ieensp I�®bar. FURCHASEti Must Ctl PIIRCHASERMust ,. l Stsa'Itekr ' - $rgn�erc F R . ' r fH ,NOTICE PENALTY ISREWREDBY}AlW 1 fN.OTSUBMREOFF ORR3S FESVr,i N3MU)A[YS AFTRO"AT<EOEPURCHASE ,�`• 1 - k .kl zMF,"`. Ya f:£ N^ 'f. £•i', k t 1 f `•kt ..%= •y b—._r_.�Ff i°v�� _l,:£S.S £ � F' O_ .t it �� c 8 i ...d',., � .F.« �� �i� � r r .`�- ��`:� .1., ,� •sv�oe r 1 Jr'� '��� '_ ;�.�.,�' � .�i•. r ,,;,5,.:.:,..:,_ .,. „w .rya • � ... .. -.._ �".T:3.r.... -.alit;�, .,r u,'�bt`..:tt;:+�`:c[3�:n,. r _tf< (���_ /i:L:' Mail Lien Satisfaction to:Dept of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles,Neil Kirkman Building,Tallahassee,FL 32399.0500 T# 1463728367 ® (---- identlfication Number— Year lake -r- Body WT. Vessel Regis.No, Title Number �I0738941 'III RAW IIII Registered Owner; ` Date of Issue 05/20/2021 Uen Release Interest In the described vehicle Is hereby released ® VICTORIA REYNA•LDA CHAVEZ GARCIA Title 3200 S-7TH ST LOT 150 Date .FORT PIERCE, FL 34982-6342 T>4PORTA=,INFORMATION 1, When ownership of the vehicle described herein is ST complete in full the f Transfer of Tifie by Sellensferred,the seller ttsection at the bottom of the certificate of title. Mail To; 2- Upon sale of this vehicle,the seller must complete VICTORIA REYNALDA CHAVEZ GARCIA the notice of sale on the reverse side of this form" VICTORIA S 7TH ST LOT 29 3, Remove your license plate from the vehicle. 4. See the web address below for more information and FORT PIERCE, FL 34982 the appropriate forms required for the purchaser to title and registerthe vehicle,mobile home or vessel: httpJ/www hsmv state-O.usihtm[Wiint.html a �; ` ® . _ _ Y: �,. h 'ice+.r': S'�#.s"ut^t-.yti2,I'r k�`r.t I' h9 �'•°'' 4 ���./,� aA tt�,tN�:*�2?V 4y ly"�ni�J.��ii'h�icti'Sy..lY '%r% r"1.�'y 4�y-�1! a.,�"�- t�;� y-�tr..,y�a_1'Jl,�,�ra�f'y`�E yy�•�" � S �� - -sr; "�'� �. _, {1yid ' 1 enti Uon beta r' i 'yam __ "iMake�r-F tt go6y( . 1-13HP 3' fl�essetReg9s_No ?lte, u 4/Y`.;9'c ;�- a.�. +�rtiVa c g c �r -..ts.- / -�• 'H ;� t 4 s_'t-���f. p { w.'FLF�iLHU2b3351i99'`'n°j`a<,�aa'� �.'98�r4�T'6 '�Jr'�`�*S$a "" .`..16 ss3. � .s+.•+.dt.�y;.��+aA� 4Ld9. '1� � LAerYReleaSe:»;ry� '�`<�t_, Cps., ->ate �':f -� �r5 a _ a/ tin Hs iA� 3 y'r; �• H,/ U,ti a fd? e 1gtn� w ;•intetestm.3hedosrnbedvetude�shenibyreteasedj, p 3g�3,-;,J1�aTrt•5.. ��i' wrsn�`!»r -h�3a 1,0 '""-'N� ./ s`�: Q.e/r.,y n- •s'ri 1 53 fi', 3 � ^. ..�-'s••-ri-^iG..—..•.^•. �"6;J�.� Y }.. ��a',. //� t!'t<4, s'o -1 a k / yf F+. /Y f4ly1l-1'.Js�3e�$ ,y . ..?��33�..�,'n";c S'i 9'�5�'?i�A, l.fKi� /. L . :¢, d%/ h.sb lti,i)� / /Z . i� - 's' s"^x a Brand 3 - < „Sewn Brerid ° -q Naot rl'' Usgq'- `� Prev1ssue.Date _BY r ` Y ----<,,-�..1'POi ry _.�=' > dry � .ag F/,o-,•y.i, ry?.�f+rS o,4�S �,. /rs�f:5�r,�',-;e`1 >r. 5$ ��. ..d,Y t��o� ',y�jy8rf'dnd8j��. 9.!v./,-..`;ts JF nzsaa'Y+ .:r, r. 't'r�Er,ls;rh�f�S �S ,,, 7 :46d�.r''rJ .sy. .rrr f -FLaF sr bi1NiG l s �// :/9•:npt y J bK. e n j.� r/�?- t c / :'s^� .y?y r�.'"1,ps r r h3- a' L /• -"/sSY•,+, rJ' .fsy. ,�'. f 3-s !'.. // �`4"s-/ fi �'.ssr. a� �S L'.. .s A./..: �d 74 .<�_ r/ ,.Hs t (''�"OdgmeterStatusar�essetManutactureSorOH:use s :EngrrteDrivee ,}�WlMateda�l Prgp , , Date of issue a ,� ,: . via- ;AW. W ,!%7s.T 'H^ Ve �� �9. VICTORIA R�Y)`IALDAFCHAVE2Gi!3RCIA�" 5 5 x l f r` s{, e '. 't r, y' i �/,' /3200 AS 7TH ST Ls07/f050 H r r'a f / s 5 / rr ;FORT BIERCE, FL 349132 6341 ; w $Efj, p/ 4 K f 1 F / ✓ f l / •h f / ys �/ i. •r-' !, e. x;� `r i / < p /; a. s: ;H g �I11VISlON OF MOTORISJ SERI/i�ES< g s /r rALLI�yASSEE/ 4 fi FLpRIDA pEpARTMFt iT pF HtGH �YSAFETYAND MoIoR VEHICLES y s o, •r-.yxr *st ,s !`v" ,. / ar.L / ' t: y 4 / " RobertR K t t f { Terty L R odes ; t ' 05rector'Y x e , ' yr sr. 3 Ctmtrol Nlt>31(iFrr 1`^Cj J 2 4 �r E> SUtlyaDiredgr /1 7.49139924, !> 8Y � '� Dd~ f ,Jfy/ > '•/ k ,£ j, �/I d t i r^ ' 'TRANSFER OP VLE HYSELLER(mils sect on rriii`st be completed at the tlrije`ol sale) eratmld/orstateJaWA,9 retliaFthesellerststelhem7enggpurchssetsmm�e seUmgpricemddausatdmamnecgmrwfd+thetrmsfaofo G�vp FaQuretowmpteteor pmndmgs'�atsesimemartmTymvitmlmesandtoruspnwnment /f o / / ,Y y This hde rs vratTanted m 4e bee trom adyLeas except asaotedaat5e face ofthe cersEcate slid tLe mototvetucle or vessel desrni5ed rs hereby trarrsfern d tv r S@IcM„sikOtgparct,tuehName ✓' z t a r s =£ / `" {Addis yMQ . l :`r _,r:Seller MustF�t�SelLngPna.f ?. ,e ,, / ,t _ -/,kSe11�11fustEuterDateSold. £ :,; ` s,y:.y s s i#:: ": -•j/yVe stataitan lLS'©+5 or �] 6-di,�t odomeur frow,teads U I 11 .-_J.Xjfuo teptLs)mdm date'iead w : / a>�iheeebyr cerefy dfat to.the hestatmy kaowiedge the odametareadm$ � ):retleas9CTUAGI(tI1EA9E b" �.'2 tsINEXCFSS`QFrISMECHANICA?ItL�ArS y " Q}7:rsNOTTfiEACSUALMILFAGE r y N/Y y N i .,. N r i 11NDER PENALTIES OF PERJi1RY,i AECLARE:THAT I tiAVE READ THE FOREGPING OOCUMENTANd 7MAYTHE FACTS STATED IN 1TARE TRUE CO-SELLER Must S liereg s i € /.1 i" r ,., Srgn Mete. ✓ r J r. Y yYv.., .s "'j?rinl lleiC H •r 3 rrirrtljcrj. -�/�/,9Nt dJ f^/n s ✓ ay Hz" /' a J 5 {','/ ? k /'zi r /F f4 fr /' <„ r^s ✓ /Y s / f !, f'< f s 3 r s Selling DealePs LcenjerNum6er x J ¢ sd I Tmr,N9 ` / s r a Tax CODested. i@ - rp ,k5,1J'"--4-d 5;- �x�--�i�✓-'�Jr'-�,. 11•i Yy"ro Y r 4s,� 'y i' ry`aL i'7.'<'_'"r-�<z t y ,. y � sfr/ a s'PURCIASltMast $ <a J o£ c r _"4 i s u` a L C�P,YJRCilASEEINIust 4 w s tin a Q k v y v g c a/ 's:">� ;:Srgn'lie�''�x yT TJs f-'4y.c y r h�T'sa; T� ry/ r ete°-d ,-3r'P �- =r� ,.ass !sue `wiaft•. 3 f tw �; uaH_- ��'/�1�+' :.:f v/ s ✓,� t of .✓. s✓ sR°/ .T 3—S-.s T a' .N .3, f � - ' •/, r a f.,tp$ y/$tL! � t; ,/",e /w"n� I� <rH /%r S f„a; 3 1•d/,rz$E a.,h s;tf'a� a �'i�.f k-/i yds s. -.ig sa ni y.. %nyiiL,.�,+�d 4s Hi'/°i_ f ''j,� . •' „s y NOTICF„PENAL'LYIS'RECWREDBX.LIIWIPNOT'SUB fTlEDFORTRANSFERUNTHIN3GOAY5AFTERVATEOFPURC - X -� �,�sr n i.fs' "r'�r3 '+"•/3ta R-g�':1 "/ .�gs�;�.ry::f� {r!'tir �$ F/r a�Y.+r/'q Hf' .e//aLq �.. 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