HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOA - ALUMINUM HORIZONTAL ROLLING WINDOW/A a 2A iNtlifiry DEPARTMENT OF REGULATORY AND ECONOMIC RESOURCES (RER) BOARD AND CODE ADMINISTRATION DIVISION TICS O :,A,.QCEPTANCE (NOA) E.S. Windows, LLC 3550 NW 49'h Street Miami, FL 33142 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PRODUCT CONTROL SECTION 11805 SW 26 Street, Room 208 Miami, Florida 33175-2474 T (786) 315-2590 F (786) 315-2599 wwrv.miamidade.eovfbuildine This NOA is being issued under the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials. The documentation submitted has been reviewed and accepted by Miami -Dade County RER- Product Control Section to be used in Miami -Dade County and other areas where allowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). This NOA shall not be valid after the expiration date stated below. The Miami -Dade County Product Control Section (In Miami -Dade County) and/ or the AHJ (in areas other than Miami -Dade County) reserve the right to have this product or material tested for quality assurance purposes. If this product or material fails to perform in the accepted manner, the manufacturer will incur the expense of such testing and the AHJ may immediately revoke, modify, or suspend the use of such product or material within their jurisdiction. RER reserves the right to revoke this acceptance if it is determined by Miami -Dade County Product Control Section that this product or material fails to meet the requirements of the applicable building code. This product is approved as described herein and has been designed to comply with the Florida Building Code, includin the i"loc ,y Hurricane Zone. DESCRIPTION: Series "EL200" Aluminum Horizontal Rolling Window - L.M.- APPROVAL DOCUMEN : D No. W16- 6, titled "E - L200_ffonzontal Rolling Alum. Wdw. (L.M.I.)", sheets 1, 2, 3, 3.1, 4 and 5 through 11 of 11, dated 12/19/16, with revision D dated 06/22/20, prepared by Al-Farooq Corporation, signed and sealed by Jalal Farooq, P.E., bearing the Miami -Dade County Product Control Revision stamp with the Notice of Acceptance number and expiration date by the Miami -Dade County IMPACT RATING: Large and Small Missile Impact LABELING: Each shall bear a permanent label with the manufacturer's name or logo, Barranquilla, Colombia, model/series, and following statement: "Miami -Dade County Product Control Approved", unless otherwise noted herein. RENEWAL of this NOA shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed and there has been no change in the applicable building code negatively affecting the performance of this product. TERMINATION of this NOA will occur after the expiration date or if there has been a revision or change in the materials, use, and/ or manufacture of the product or process. Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement of any product, for sales, advertising or any other purposes shall automatically terminate this NOA. Failure to comply with any section of this NOA shall be cause for termination and removal of NOA. ADVERTISEMENT: The NOA number preceded by the words Miami -Dade County, Florida, and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the NOA is displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety. INSPECTION: A copy of this entire NOA shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. This NOA revises NOA No. 18-0221.03 and consists of this page 1 and evidence pages E-1, E-2, E-3 and E-4, as well as approval document mentioned above. The submitted documentation was reviewed by Manuel Perez, P.E. �--- �,�--- - —� MIAMI•DADE COUNTY NOA No. 20.1208.0? NOMMM Expiration Date: January 19, 2022 Approval Date: February 18, 2021 T2/10/21 Page 1 E.S. Windows, LLC NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUBMITTED 1. EVIDENCE SUBMITTED UNDER PREVIOUS NOA's A. DRAWINGS 1. Manufacturer's die drawings and sections. (Submitted under NOA No. 16-0617.04) 2. Drawing No. W16-86, titled "ES-EL200 Horizontal Rolling Alum. Wdw. (L.M.I.)", sheets 1 through 11 of 11, dated 12/19/16, with revision C dated 01/12/18, prepared by Al-Farooq Corporation, signed and sealed by Javad Ahmad, P.E. (Submitted under NOA No. 18-0221.03) B. TESTS 1. Test reports on: 1) Large Missile Impact Test per FBC, TAS 201-94 2) Cyclic Wind Pressure Loading per FBC, TAS 203-94 along with marked -up drawings and installation diagram of an aluminum horizontal sliding window, prepared by Blackwater Testing, Inc., Test Report No. BT-ESW-17-007, dated 10/24/17, and addendum letter dated 12/15/16, both signed and sealed by Constantin Bortes, P.E. (Submitted under NOA No. 18-0221.03) 2. Test reports on: 1) Air Infiltration Test, per FBC, TAS 202-94 2) Uniform Static Air Pressure Test, Loading per FBC, TAS 202-94 3) Water Resistance Test, per FBC, TAS 202-94 4) Forced Entry Test, per FBC, and TAS 202-94 5) Large Missile Impact Test per FBC, TAS 201-94 6) Cyclic Wind Pressure Loading per FBC, TAS 203-94 along with marked -up drawings and installation diagram of an aluminum horizontal sliding window, prepared by Blackwater Testing, Inc., Test Report No. BT-ESW-16-007, dated 12/08/16, signed and sealed by Constantin Bortes, P.E. (Submitted under NOA No. 16-0617.04) C. CALCULATIONS 1. Anchor verification calculations and structural analysis, complying with FBC 51n Edition (2014), dated 06/10/15, prepared by Al-Farooq Corporation, signed and sealed by Javad Ahmad, P.E. (Submitted under NOA No. 16-0617.04) 2. Glazing complies with ASTM E1300-09 D. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. Miami -Dade Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources (RER). n Manuel Perez, P.E. Product Control Ex NOA No. 20.1V9.2 Expiration Date: January 1 Approval Date: February 18, 2021 E-1 E.S. Windows, LLC NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUBMITTED 1. EVIDENCE SUBMITTED UNDER PREVIOUS NOA's (CONTINUED) E. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS 1. Notice of Acceptance No. 17-0808.02 issued to Kuraray America, Inc. for their "SentryGlas « (Clear and White) Glass Interlayers" dated 12/28/17, expiring on 07/04/23. 2. Notice of Acceptance No. 17-1114.14 issued to Kuraray America, Inc. for their "Trosifol® Ultraclear, Clear and Color PVB Glass Interlayers" dated 01/18/18, expiring on 07/08/19, 3. Notice of Acceptance No. 17-0712.03 issued to Eastman Chemical Company (MA) for their "Saflex CP - Saflex and Saflex HP Composite Glass Interlayers with PET Core" dated 09/07/17, expiring on 12/11/18. 4. Notice of Acceptance No. 17-0712.05 issued to Eastman Chemical Company (MA) for their "Saflex Clear and Color Glass Interlayers" dated 09/07/17, expiring on 05/21 /21. F. STATEMENTS 1. Statement letter of conformance to FBC 511 Edition (2014) and FBC 6'1' Edition (2017), and of no financial interest, dated 09/25/17, issued by Al-Farooq Corporation, signed and sealed by Javad Ahmad, P.E. (Submitted under NOA No. 17-1114.06) 2. Distributor Agreement signed by Carlos Garcia and by Evelyn Daes. (Submitted under NOA No. 16-0617.04) 3. Laboratory compliance statement for Test Report No. BT-ESW-16-007, issued by Blackwater Testing, Inc., dated 12/08/16, signed and sealed by Constantin Bortes, P.E. (Submitted under NOA No. 16-0617.04) 4. Proposal No. 16-1228 issued by the Product Control Section, dated 11/16/16, signed by Manuel Perez, P.E. (Submitted under NOA No. 16-0617.04) G. OTHERS Notice of Acceptance No. 17-1114.06, issued to ES Windows, LLC for their Series "BL200" Aluminum Horizontal Rolling Window -L.M.I., approved on 01/11/18 and expiring on 01/19/22. f Manuel Perez, P.E. Product Control ExaHitSer NOA No. 20- 08.07 Expiration Date: January 19, 2 Approval Date: February 18, 2021 E-2 E.S. Windows, LLC NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUBMITTED 2. NEW EVIDENCE SUBMITTED A. DRAWINGS 1. Drawing No. W16-86, titled "ES-EL200 Horizontal Rolling Alum. Wdw. (L.M.I.)", sheets 1, 2, 3, 3.1, 4 and 5 through l 1 of 11, dated 12/19/16, with revision D dated 06/22/20, prepared by Al-Farooq Corporation, signed and sealed by Jalal Farooq, P.E. B. TESTS 1. Test reports on: 1) Air Infiltration Test, per FBC, TAS 202-94 2) Uniform Static Air Pressure Test, Loading per FBC, TAS 202-94 3) Water Resistance Test, per FBC, TAS 202-94 4) Large Missile Impact Test per FBC, TAS 201-94 5) Cyclic Wind Pressure Loading per FBC, TAS 203-94 along with marked -up drawings and installation diagram of an aluminum horizontal sliding window, prepared by Fenestration Testing Laboratory, Inc., Test Report No. FTL-11027, dated 04/23/20, signed and sealed by Idalmis Ortega, P.E. C. CALCULATIONS 1. Anchor verification calculations and structural analysis, complying with FBC 51h Edition (2014), dated 06/10/15, and updated on 11/09/20 to comply with FBC 711, Edition (2020), prepared by Al-Farooq Corporation, signed and sealed by Jalal Farooq, P.E. 2. Glazing complies with ASTM E1300-09 D. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. Miami -Dade Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources (RER) Manuel Perez, P.E. Product Control Exa n r NOA No. 20•i 08.0 Expiration Date: January 19, 2 Approval Date: February 18, 2021 E-3 E.S. Windows, LLC NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUBMITTED 2. NEW EVIDENCE SUBMITTED (CONTINUED) E. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS 1. Notice of Acceptance No. 18-0725.11 issued to Kuraray America, Inc. for their "Kuraray SentryGlas® XtraT"' (SGXTM) Clear Glass Interlayer" dated 05/23/19, expiring on 05/23/24. 2. Notice of Acceptance No. 19-0305.02 issued to Kuraray America, Inc. for their "Trosifol® Ultraclear, Clear and Color PVB Glass Interlayers" dated 05/09/19, expiring on 07/08/24. 3. Notice of Acceptance No. 20-0622.01 issued to Eastman Chemical Company (MA) for their "Saflex PVB Clear and Color Glass Interlayers" dated 08/06/20, expiring on 05/21/21. 4. Notice of Acceptance No. 20-0622.03 issued to Eastman Chemical Company (MA) for their "Saflex Storm - Saflex and Saflex HP Composite Glass Interlayers with PET Core" dated 08/06/20, expiring on 12/11/23. F. STATEMENTS 1. Statement letter of conformance, complying with FBC 6«' Edition (2017), with FBC 71n Edition (2020), and of no financial interest, dated November 9, 2020, issued by Al-Farooq Corporation, signed and sealed by Jalal Farooq, P.E. 2. Proposal No. 18-0784 issued by the Product Control Section, dated 06/29/18, signed by Manuel Perez, P.E. G. OTHERS 1. Notice of Acceptance No. 18-0221.03, issued to E.S. Windows, LLC for their Series "EL200" Aluminum Horizontal Rolling Window -L.M.I., approved on 05/10/18 and expiring on 01/19/22. Manuel Perez, P.E. Product Control Exetin�r NOA No. 20.1� 08.0 Expiration Date: January 19, 2 Approval Date: February 18, 2021 E-4 O cop> :r = cmi - , , FRAME HEIGHT 10, � I Ism'.9 —5-8 �1/2- K: :E; VENT HEIGHT 0=1 C) 02 > 55 7/8' 0 :E M :E O.L. OPG 0 t: > 0 �u 0 ------- 0 M c st'. ?D > 8 0 10 0 0 C0 w w 0 0�r.0 of E 0, 4 0 m z0- z 0 z t:I z 0 4 0 > 0 A F-9 MOW- 2EO UU! pm 08 cc x- JAMB 'JAMBS oz orm 'a, CORNERS 62' MAX. z c-,:; > m m b S 1-0 m 0 S2 FRAME HEIGHT r 0 A 58 1/2- 0, 20- c: g� ':�� , VENT HEIGHT 0 m z 0, no �z 55 7/8- 0c, Y. Az�; 0, g- A ; D.L. OPG. .0 Z2 1 z -'0 z MOO= In - - 0, z - z Ag. - A. A XX 0 w fj.'0 c m w t 141 rz, -10 0 mom "s L' rzz �w 0 j- r o vr-z mm� z c > c ii z 5.10m? 93 0Oe 0 '6A 'z Do cm, c" 5 EAU a w C, 'm 020 R z -U,> 0 rt r z O m iz� 8 m -'0 r-': 0 0, p m— w 7. 00 �q mv Z�m O z m A 0 eel0- 6 1/2- 0 x 0 zMAX. Ma i ar LJ CORNERS 62* MAX. FRAME HEIGHT 56 1/2- YEW HEICHT rt ct I $ I-N--C 55 oix C i D.L. OPG' w M 2 CIO -0 1!3 � r , 0 ------- Ego V, 3i 0 'T� Z Z > 0 c� L .0 NO I 'A go- 0 n 0, T- c z Z z + 0 + f1l Z :lz 2t 'D -0 A"- T In La 'n 'n z gig z 7j; ll 7 ;20 Z� . . ...... �.MAX. MAX. i CORNERS (-I.: LLe isions: ES- EL200 HORIZONTAL ROWNG ALUM. WOW. (LMA) I f A L-FA R 00 Q CORPORATION C wµXwals-ltc� E.S. WINDOWS, LLC ENGINEERS & PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT 9360 SUNSET D9.27A71 LOPOATE-0-70- 2017 r&C n (� �. .eol.: ,�2•-,�• � o,.n.n _ u0DRIVE: SURE 220 MIA C DIJ2.18!, 3550 NX 49 STREET (CA.ff 35Sd)!j cl MIAMI FL. 33142 TEL M(305) 264-8100 1. FLORIDA 33173 06.22.!l GENCR� TEL (�05) 63 8 _5I51 F FAX (30S)2624197a A)l (305) 638-5158 ( --- '- - -- . .... .. ____SOMP-ANCN K 6 -- _ ALUM. WOW. (LMA) I f A L-FA R 00 Q CORPORATION C wµXwals-ltc� E.S. WINDOWS, LLC ENGINEERS & PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT 9360 SUNSET D9.27A71 LOPOATE-0-70- 2017 r&C n (� �. .eol.: ,�2•-,�• � o,.n.n _ u0DRIVE: SURE 220 MIA C DIJ2.18!, 3550 NX 49 STREET (CA.ff 35Sd)!j cl MIAMI FL. 33142 TEL M(305) 264-8100 1. FLORIDA 33173 06.22.!l GENCR� TEL (�05) 63 8 _5I51 F FAX (30S)2624197a A)l (305) 638-5158 ( --- '- - -- . .... .. ____SOMP-ANCN K 6 -- _ c FRAME HEIC — - c , �m I 58 t I <-----" VENT HEIGHT m ! 55 7/8' I O.L. OPC. _ I j—I I� of , 1 y _ 62' MAX. In N A > _... FRAME 1J2 HT 58 w (+ JJ 55 7/8- D.L. OPG. m� — II � m 0I� I mi, I fir I 8 tp' 'j 411'1 w +! _ "', MAX.Ak MAX. JAMB h 9,1 n n= CORNERS JAM85 ! ti Z i °I< OI rn II �. L r^— F RAME EIGHT 58 1/2- .._._—_VENT HEIGHT OPG z D.L I oA I� v22 - F�sc ;-_ _.9i-=t1=clpco_ MAX _. . i Jn MAX. ° w CORNERS y�� -F 30 Ill x z too °K C, 0 o yIS C v a °m 7J n °550 m w; old i!'•\��\' >:I° TTi a m c L NI to � J ,o m 0IZ IZ a N� D T_ '. w to it z qq> r b^ <° Oo I D. al .�1_: - -- _ -- H f o o - — -- -- --- jV j '17 6 1/2' 10' in in MAX. MAX. JAMB JAM85 fill'11� \ j---- L-- CORNERS ROOQ Ieo�M 1,12- 1o.I A Dv z1ce "J s -� 3550 N.W WINDOWS, 9w STREET NG ALUM. WDW; (LM.I.) Ann�SA oRtoDRIVE, �RA a _ o os.¢a- w¢X.i Aa+san --� MIAMI, FL. 33142 TEL.(305) 2646300 FAK(308328249"' C ° `nk tY, p TEL (305) 636-515t FAX. (305) 676-5156 COMP -AWL W16-86E5 1 tIl ! rll 1 •II II EXTERIOR 1/2• MIN. TYP. 0 Z D \ GLASS BITE y y = \I m 0 y mC) -_.._-_; ����$amp� ur . 0 1 \ Q N 0= 0 C O cTi A 100 In C�'rrm sro zv I to oZ•tm"1 n �Nme a 3,^I 30 _ I c] c EXTERIOR i /2• MIN. TYP. I CLASS 81TE f i ---- --� z pp C 1m+1 � on "w ns O N /SOCF ��h y°S i FF" 7 za G O n n � � � S• G ° ••3 0Oj �oMz Oo r r _ 0 3 Z p m p m 7/2" MIN. TYP. .a = a r0 ` EXTERIO `:-' •!... CLASS SITE mz s� M 3 O 0 �zCF9 y O = N a C o ;r` i e- �3o e fi o 0•� n i em m1p �y 1/2• MIN. TYP. m EXTERIOR Da G CLASS BITE v ^ e �z er' v \m o cm; m=uA��o9m°oA�ao ` ✓ - ;n y a O 'a' E� .°� $ �8 ° ao c cC, Z Ti 3 a i0ot.: t2-IB_IB Itrey1 1157 _ J ES-EL200 HORIZONTAL ROLLING ALUM. NOW. (LAL) AL-FAROOQ CORPORATION la o ` no BateT- escn-fon- E rcd.: 1�2• 1• A 01 1.f] PCV. (+ER AIR CAYYCrRS E.S. WINDOWS, L,LC ENOI NEERS IL PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT .r. - - --- - 9360 SUNSET DRIVE SURE 220 T 'b B iT YPWT"D TO j01] fRC 3550 N.W. 49 STREET MIAMI, FLORIDA 33173 M TMIO C Ot.l2,1B WTER YtA OPTIONS AD= (C-A N 3'S56) a, G 0 OB.T2 30 CO+CML RfliLOM -- MIAMI, FL. 33) 42 TEL (305) 2(i+ewo FAK (30s) 20269]B '^k pY -" TEL. (305) 6311-5151 FAX. (305) 038-5158 (' ' enua eur�wra_RRrc 1/2, MIN. TYP. mo GLA55 817E .p > 0 Ln EXTERIOR - C A °Z `i m r _ Z � 2 � C � G't 1J55 8RE EXTERIOR / Fo D cgmj � Nr S9 m t z. a m 'D m o "No, 3 �- a �33a � --4 v " e Sy � N TB --a 8 r z p Z D 3 0 o�m `O 0 N J e Za0 m � � a � O c Z Al a la w: 17-1C-18 Q. wH 1/2•�1. mg )c \�n � a' n' ��y� xo •� m i N O O .0 o ES-EL200 HORIZONTAL ROLLING ALUM. WOW. E.S. WINDOWS, LLC 3550 N.W. 49 STREET MIAMI, FL 33142 TEL (305) 636-5151 FAX. (305) 038-5158 EXTERIOR 1/2" MIN. TYP. .-� GIA55 BITE gy x a i Soo y C �m g=Al 5 0 p EXTERIOR 1/2" MIN. TYP, C /m•1GUSS 81TE ' \ C u m go 2z Um m 2 N S O �• m a EXTERIOR 1/2" MIN. TYP. p GLASS BITE \ il 4 ER a+ ma ZS w j y N p p o - • EXTERIOR 1/2" MIN. TYP. GLASS RITE w n i=2y 310 AVOpI 3 O Z2 N F y AL-FAROOQ CORPORATION ENGINEERS 6 PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT 9380 SUNSET ORIYE, SUITE 220 MIAMI, FLORIDA 33173 (C.A,N. 3538) TEL (305) 28Mi00 FAX. (305) 262-0978 COMP-ANL W16-86E. WINDOW HEIGHT EXTERIOR {00) p � m A / I� ' V r • ( r wu R I err, ..- ..._ ..... _..-._........__ _....._. uxn z `N i/4• MAX. = L 1/4- MAX. _...- VENT HEIGHT -. �a ._.SHIM _... - .-. -.. _... ..._... __. ,.... __. .. ._. .. _____.. _._ ._..._.. SHIM +af gp� N CRn a WINDOW HEIGHT 19 �) EXTERIOR n � • I .._ n-o7 28Y�W000 91)GR. WOOD STRUCTURE a♦ I p 1/4• MAX. v SHIM 1/4- MAX. S =;O _.SHIM =0 =0 P1 o 0 3 m m xemw-0 . 4 a 0C X g ;i a iR9v n c=1 em �.y �.e 2 t.. nSG zX cn v + + s y rs m � S egNI N V m m \\\\\Illll,Il fffff S N _ 4 _ r_.�_____._.-._..____.___.__ revii ons: _ � ES-EL200 HORIZONTAL ROLLING ALUM, WOW. (LM 1.) AL-FAROOQ CORPORATION a o no a .17 e�5tn5(iori- ENOINEER5 6 PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT a ,/x_. ,• • ot.,,.n rro twwcc tws s,ut E.S• WINDOWS, LLC 93805UNSETORIVE,surtEzso B ou.n.,T I iW DMMci i1Rs SbEET MIAMI, FLORIOA 33173 (CA,N. 35Js) -- 3550 N.W. 49 STREET lI ) �• M: 1,wlo t 01.12.1e xo uw+cc nas vIm MIAMI, FL. 33142 TELa•�os,zoaaaoo FAxtaos,zezetrxe 9 -' 0 06,22,20 GENERAL RMSOi chk 6X: '-� - [TEL. (JOS) 636-5151 FAX. (305) 638-5158 rnuc_•w on rl �OoO ir?.Tsl y;y S • pnlj i a0mm �:In , (] Py2 r 0;l Ora;�f ZZZ N yy _1 m p 3SN z2)R1 SN�A O O Z Z 7Oc m0 � O Z DOZ �y�7 c �OA mm C Z �N C Z-Z: -Zi-Zi0 _ V) U1 MCA E p O t� Z 00 to 000 =0 z C§ 3 a m Z _ mO OpA rOpO Z - m �tN'1 A°� 5 ou m Z poA z nm On0 o 0 �4mm Nlael0 N�,Z7 .p O � 9NNo\ p y`yyrnl'^ synmm ooa o 3 x fC'! �. A 8r -x_ 1 NO QN O Z Z D y v m Z N O m 0 z 2 CDm Ioa0 y O yy O . $ N m C C m z N A r mDpl y 0 x mrn 8 m�ci clSm N Z O VNj1 m C r mn z 2 ' O N I o."d 1 12—ta.,s .trevrslons , +� �_�pp HORROMAL ROLLING ALUM. WDW. 11 walEn ro :on lss 3550 N.W 49 STREET 1 I I Ef °Y TAR10 � C 101 141M NO CN+NGE TNK-SriEET � � -- _ � o to a/ to. ' GEMERLL aLvisroN � MIAMI, FL 33142 II 11 II I ! t amti ;gyp � ,/,- LW(. s SH W --•-1 I =cll 11 am mcF�li of I 1 gkmll �COII I v�F �i gAi� g I 1 AL-FAROOQ CORPORATION j a ENGINEERS & PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT 9390 SUNSET DRIVE, SUITE 220 MIAMI, FLORIDA 33173 (C.A.N. 9338) TEL (305) 2e4ESO0 FAX. (305) "ZG5/5 i, WOOD SUCK 0 iq 11 . ... ..... .II I Z 0 of p 0.3z Ic! .7-4, ou 1p lia m J; i4z .4 a t, I EDGE DISC 0 0- z 0 m _n rES-EL200 HORIZONTAL ROLLING ALU WOW. (LM.I.) AL-FAROOQ CORPORATION q.7AqCe j by-.desulp.-f-C., w cmc sKE7 E.S. WINDOWS, LLC ENG111"I'S 11 PRODUCT llr'VCLOPMEW - 9 360 SUNSET DRIVE, SURE 220 f 0 d, br TARto ____,_ 1 3550 N W 49 STREET MIAMI, FL. 33142 MIAMI, FLORIDA 33173 TEL (305) 20"100 II (C.A.N. ­j FAX. 26 2-89761_ D �Wzz,2 zzm_ I - ! IL T L (305) 638-5151 FAX. (305) 63a-5150 ------- r (305) —MjjQ2VV HEIGHT_ EXTERIOR . T cl O g- 21 0 c 04 m 0 C c 1m em Nil .4 a 1. 0 -11-1!--Llino ES-EL200 HORIZONTAL ROLLING ALUM, WOW, (L.w.) AL-FAROOQ CORPORATION II 1/2 . I . A OIA1.17 w ow4c ims Swa--- E.S. WINDOWS, LLC ENGINEERS & PRODUCT DE 9350 SUNSET DRIVE. SUITE 410 f .27.17 0-mc 'ws 3550 N.W. 49 STREE-r MIAMI, FLORIDA d, br. T 10 00 c 01.12.15, MIAMI . FL, 33142 3317�11 (CA N ' 3538)11 TEU(305126"100 FAX. (305)'262-697a 1 0 M.22.201 CENTRAL AII� 11 TEL. (305) 638-5151 FAX. (305) 638-5158 —c - - 1 2 - - - _wj N' — 1/4- MAX II WINDOW HEIGHT — ------ EXTERIOR Tt rmo 0 0 6 r -Lv a C; 10 z co Ro w 0 0 z 80 0 0 ff 0 O c C m m w ES'-EL2GO HORIZONTAL ROWNG ALUM. WON. (LMA) 11 AL-FAROOQ CORPORATION E.S. WINDOWS LLC ENGrSlTl.PR OLICTIDEVIELOP"ENT 4 r' 4 OR 3550 N.W. 49 STREET 9300 SI.I.R. [ MIAMf. FLORIDA 33173 (C-4.N.= MIAMI, FL. 33142 (305) 2fI-13100 FAX (305) 262 1E1. (305) 638-5151 FAX. (305) 635-5158 o lm It �rlNli li.l '' log i I ( I f i im >i i Im I.1 miu N'Ij,;=ls?Iol I •�I r Iml ( ij .m!m � .kiln' rn':, P. 19:-�ti N 1 (^'I';m N N m'.Eli`m.1it x:x 'P n P'- r r'r m V t .� • .I JO�41 - C1 N.,i Y O'er -Nim O b . 7 TniA ty tit: 1 11',1 I NII'1 N s.... 22I m'm S A 9 9 A I9'A 9 F�': �DDaa A a SIN _. N N:�•�� O 2.2 IN O \I �I���e 1>xT c�IFAS 8 -iem g; �r 9; t'O 1L �•,Sf9 y O m,a 9 t'1 GS Fj�H lJ •e.- a'il.N Z F'o �' i :. Fi 98 v IA" I m mlml c1 ;Ft: :IF S i '•. LrI5 a i. cr y y C'' N �rz�a \ice �' of m c m. a I < "Ia ijx ::Gx ^J 9 alr r ZI bl z -z Z NI ! I 149pp 1N9 ImppI''OUppmI I1u0NOupp 0 �N f'spp, p, l�44 �ICI-o po0 IqO`yr Ii �O�p, I�ONpIII O�IiYOQym,t I : I V: x.slx . r•1.m,�1n n ml I � � � 3 m m =01r•0 0 cr 7) ?m3n 0 9 m y r •m O n pM m 7 m O N V ■ •: a-19 16 revlslon3 l r--- q - - ES-EL200 HORIZONTAL ROLLING ALUM. WDW. (L.M.1.) AL-FAROOQ CORPORATION ( m Jo Inoi1%!e { Gy descnpi on " _ l a 1011111 M CUA E TN 511EE/ I ENO{NEERSd PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT �, _ EsAll . WiNoows, LLC -60 SUNSET DRIVE. SURE 220 ,m m .- a l00 271T f r+0 tlW.LT 1ms sr6n 3550 N.W. 49 57REET 0 I M• TAR* C :ot 12 1P I uo CKwcE Tos SKU -f MIAMI,. FLORIDA 33173 (C.A.N. 3538) 0 0622 I GovE NCVISbM "1 MIAMI, FL 33142 (TEI.(303) 26"100 FAX•(3051262.6976 TEL. (303) 635-5151 FAX. (305) 63a-5155 C .��i._.____..!..-1_ ....__ .. __ ._•. comP-ANL\w)6-a6ES 0 T4_ z T_ . :Z1 —1 x I 4 �L� — r M C. x 1� 0 1 0 r 0 V) F __A P is m 8 8 yy o 0 N. J § 4: 0 & 0 9 T_ LZI 0 z m Pv W o'Sum OZ wo 2 n- 0 qrma c log-4 g z tj -I ie N; m 10 F i to -4 a P :L > I tz tft_l! j ES-EL200 HORIZONTAL ROLUNG ALUM. WOW.(LAI.))f AL-FAROOQ CORPORATION ENGINEERS & PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT iolji No Tlf A -1 -s siva !— W.27J I I to - FIRM iii�i E.S. WINDOWS, LLC 071 "SO SUNSET DRIVE, SUITE 210 IF 3550 N.W. 49 STREET N ;rr TARfQ OD ic MIA, FL. 33142 FAX (305) 26249 soWT L. 05) 635-5151 FAX. (305) 638-5155 jr COMP -A?46 I I 4::--H�-- a,— T- 1 w v mu - Mg m K m tico fev;sii ni.- a 6-1-; 12- -To - A F1 17T 02E. L Ca 0) _j ES-IL201 HORIZONTAL 10LON1 A11M, WDW, (LKL) AL-FAROOQ CORPORATION E.S. WINDOWS, LLF ENGINEERS & PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT 9360 SUNSET DRIVE. SUITE 220 is f 3550 N.W. 49 STREET WAMI, FL. 33142 MIAMI. FLORIDA 33173 (MA.M. 3538) TEL I TEL- (305) 635-5151 FAX. (305) (205) 262�6978 -- - - ------ 6E