HomeMy WebLinkAboutWINDSPEED CHART/'i. �1-.. • - -. •93 'lif a. :ilea `.i'.i: ! i?:`fi:riC.., ., r!?:i!'i' i!. `-✓/ b. V,.,,i = nominal \S`ii?C.. "r (-cc' appl:ca7 1e i_1 met110"S, `e:' ted .., C. l ,1[ = ll1Ci'.. c iICSi_'I �'•.'iI?:_. _Ci` dELet!1LI'_Ed il'OlIl Figure l ii;)`i_ TABLE 1+609.6(2) 11 `.::., .. _ = ^T,CR, FaDR BUILDING HEIGHT AND EXPOSURE (A) _ ivIEA, l O(�1C I�ii��711 (1?0l) L " (DOSU1=E R C D j J _.010 1.21 1.47 �0 1.29 ..5 00 At, - ,.; 49 ;.� 12 3 1.59 1.84 6 1.22 1.e. 1.87 R609A.1 Gal -awe ,i'l.^., ki DeI'1'Z Garage doors shall be labeled with a permanent label provided by the garage door manufacturer. The label shall identify the garage door manufacturer, the garage door model/ series number, the positive and negative design pressure rating, indicate impact rated if applicable, the installation instruction drawing reference number, the Florida product approval or Miami -Dade product approval number if applicable, and the applicable test standards. The required garage door components for an approved garage door assembly may be indicated using a checklist form on the label. If a checklist format is used on the label, the door installer or the garage door manufacturer shall mark the selected components on the checklist that are required to assemble an approved garage door system. The installation instructions shall be provided and available on the job site. TABLE 1609.6(1) NOMINAL (ASD) GARAGE DOOR AND ROLLING DOOR WIND LOADS FOR A BUILDING WITH A MEAN ROOF HEIGHT OF 30 FEET LOCATED IN EXPOSURE B (PSF)1.2,3,4,5 all ULTIMATE DESIGN WIND SPEED (VU,) DETERMINED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 1609.3 (MPH - 3 SECOND GUST) Width cft) Height c+�) 100 MPH 110 MPH 120 MPH 130 MPH 140 MPH 150 MPH 160 MPH 170 MPH 180 MPH 190 MPH 200 MPH Roof Angle 0 -10 degrees 8 8 +10.0 -10.0 +10.5 -11.9 +12.5 -14.2 +14.7 -16.6 +17.1 -19.3 +19.6 -22.2 +22.3 -25.2 +25.1 -28.5 +28.2 -31.9 +31.4 -35.5 +34.8 -39.4 10 10 +10.0 -10.0 +10.2 -11.4 +12.1 -13.6 +14.2 -16.0 +16.5 -18.5 +18.9 -21.2 +21.5 -24.2 +24.3 -27.3 +27.3 -30.6 +30.4 -34.1 +33.7 -37.8 14 14 +10.0 -10.0 +10.0 -10.8 +11.5 -12.8 +13.5 -15.0 +15.7 -17.4 +18.0 -20.0 +20.5 -22.8 +23.1 -25.7 +25.9 -28.8 +28.9 -32.1 +32.0 -35.6 Roof Angle > 10 degrees 7 +10.0 -10.9 +11.4 -12.9 +13.7 -15.5 +16.1 -18.2 +18.5 -20.9 +21.3 -24.1 +24.3 -27. +27.6 -31.2 +30.6 -34.6 +34.2 -38.6 +38.0 -43.0 16 7 +10.0 -10.3 + 10.9 - 12.2 + 13.1 - 14.6 + 15.5 - 17.2 + 17.7 - 19.7 + 20.4 - 22.7 + 23.3 - 26.0 + 26.4 - 29.4 + 29.3 - 32.6 + 32.7 - 36.5 +36.4 - 40.6 L__ . 78 MPH 85 MPH 93 MPH 101 MPH 108 MPH 116 MPH 124 MPH 132 MPH 139 MPH 147 MPH H155PH] O Sf: I lo01= 04.8, trim i -1i1: 1p,J- hoLir= 1.7 QiCilll7. I0sl`==1/.i+u • i]ili.a_ v(Usi_.7 •Y�ViI1C1 spNc'd i l;s.:; Cl`i"t1";.i"i:t=!.foill lJjiei?!8;c De51!T-i VvlilCi :,;JtEC1 per Sc'Ci1f?I': ii,i,.j.l I'door ;sizes or vv lid 'ieeds between dio:;e _jived above the lc< d rnav hti irti nni.!C:'d, C iiii';'\: i; C use the !O:iCI li::;;i i with, the 1i1`1'.'e!- Ce001" iI -- .abieval'.. C5 ill 1�C:Idi LIS':Cd �O!-11Ci Uht£I n C1t OS1!t 1J"'111'_110 Vli7✓ i�' the cid-.!s i i-. ePt`_oC i1 c cii-ii iil r30 p, pi Table 1" .. ,=) _. r111S c 17<i IIRUS `!;ZPS SiF_i?!ri Or2jiiiie$ actiiliz to';;ard a:ld a,'v1,- from die- l?i]11C1E?]fL sur4liCeS. =. C• 'vi]S I�` prE;;` srec; .i; :iliIP door has feet C1 t 1t`1Ct1i] ill t; 1:. ii7 ''ti 11L -i7Pe. TilblC Vidll.CS ! WILICI.0 Cie 0.5 lo:!C reducti w, l',M'A. FLORIDA BLLDING CODE" BUILDING, 7th EDITION (2020) ADA Accessibility Disclosure Statement - This document may be reproduced upon request in an alternative format by contacting the County ADA Coordinator (772) 320-3131, the County Administration Office (772) 288-5400, Florida Relay 711, or by completing our accessibility feedback form at www.martinJIL - accessibility-feedba *. Rev. 01-21