HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubcontractor Agreement'r PERMIT # "ISSUE DATE 10Nf%_� F i. PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT (1 OA ae _ (Company Name/lndiv'du I Name) have agreed to be die Roofing Sub -contractor for GRBK GHO Homes LLC (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at CiD)(1\ �Cy (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the filing of a Jtlilt VRINT and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the of Sub -contractor notice. SA-C Ab : CJK-.,nI 1 Li S COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER Slate of Florida, County ofS�' W(X, The foregoing Inslrument was signed before me this doy of 61 ACAiIsj__. 20LI, hyWffl1W_"gfl -l2V who is personally known has produced a as Idenitlien lion. STAMP Signnture orNolary Public _63'-c St Print Name ol'Nulary Public Alem C. K*y x Comm #GG9249yc •. DO �' 22. 20 Revised 1 l/l6/2016 ! fF" .� � A,...� r�' nu �� nAYtt tv-p- SUB-CONTFA_CTORSIGNAfURE (Qualifier) 1Nbl a2 7,33 f'0UNTY CERTIFICATION NUM111.31, Stole of Florida, County ofn�lzi •I•hl' furenninq in.lrumcul wn..igncd before me Ihls 1Z tlnp of '7� t �r . Jn�f h} �Sf2�1P1 i w1a1/�� who Is personally known ur has produced a 71Nrtificalinn. f, STAMP Ni lure of Notary Public h�A"_ M aq Print Name of Notary Public J CHRISTINEMOHGOLI t p Notary Public -State of Florida 1 �7; Comminlon 0 HH 7990 ..•or n;.! My Comm, OlplFes Jun t �, 2024 - Banded through National Not t+ y 1bsn, �i. PERMIT ISSUE DATE PLANNING & Buildin- & Code Compliance Division 111:11.1)INC PERMIT have a-areed In be u_ ii 1111.711Y tile V*C.1 LLC For the project localed.11 `2_US0C_pr1i�r (Pro.jeci SireLl Addres,, or Propo-1% Ia% 11) It is undel'SL(Wd 111.11, ifflICIV is aliv chall-c ol'slillus requirdill!" oul. particip.111oll t,vidl the '111twe Incliliolled project. the 1111ildi i., and Code Reg elation Division of St. LUCk: Will IIC ;Itl% i.NCLI 111.11'..'Llaill ILI 11IL: fifill" 01,l Ch',1111—W 01*SUb-coIl1I',ICI.oI' notice. :z i7d.vi I Oil SIG :l tatfirict.) SI It -CON I'll V Hill SI('A\ H 111. I'Jimlifler) 4.2 $. .14 1 Q - V�, 1'r (1.1 , Imo_.__ __ - VN 11:PRINT IN AME A kWe ow C. Leu_ Comm.IGG9249 0 E Ockku 22,2023 - Thfu Aamn Notaq ftMvm CI I I * N I'li CI: It . I . 11:1( . A 1. It A wiN day of .2104). its alw i, livi"1111311% 1, . Imml at ha. lir"1111mla a, idculilicalinu. YItiiti;nalurc of \'nt:u;( Public A N I P VICTORIA L CLOS I" COMMISSION 0 GG07ow EXPIRES February 07. 2021 PERMIT* ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division. - .13U1LD_INC PER�11Pi' SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEt11EN1' Ridgeway Plumbing have agreed to be (Company NanicAndivid ial Name) the Plumbing Sub -contractor, 1'or Gho Homes .(Type.ofTradc) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID 4) It is -understood that, if there is, any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the'Buil ing-and Code -Regulation Division ol'St. Lucie County will be advised -pursuant to the ruing.of a Chaci of Sub -contractor notice. (Qualirrerl Qs1`1111112 Mak-, C W C)Sl-I'u5- COUNT%' CERTIFICATION NU\IRER '( state or Florida, County or C( AA The.foreguing inslrumrnl Nrssigned liefnrenmthis V uny or Nho is personrlh knuNn or has produced a as idedlirication.' A VAAAA!' STAMP Swnnlure urNutary I'uhlic ti Print Rayne orNalary Public fill 1 • r � �= AleeSe C. Keft Comm:I�GG92�910. Rcviscd l l / 141201 G 'rotnNss uu1rUC.9 19-15354 . 'OUNTY CF.R'rIFICATION NUMBER tilnle fir Florido, County of Palm Beach flit foregoing inslruniem was signed before nit this 24th dhy fir December 20_ In, Gregory Kozan . who. is personally Iona+in Azar hnr produced if. ss idenliricalion. X l✓ ti'1'A �I I' alurc of Noln y Puhlic Linda Paz ,err ry, . Notary Public Stale of Flonda Tint Nanie orinlan• Public i 17H Paz A My Commission HH 033752. a ntl' Expires 0511812024 PERMIT# ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENTSERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT have agreed to be Company Name/hidividuul Name) �J the �itvt Sub -contractor for. (' 'ype of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at (Project Street Address or Proper� y Tax ID 11) It is understood that, ifthere is any change of status regarding_our participation with the above mentioned project, the Bui ing and Code Regulation Division of St. LtICie County will be advised pursuant to the Filing of a Cha► a of Sub -contractor notice. COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUNIDE+R Slate of Florida, County orys-• LmG e, The foregoing iostrtmtcnl was signed heforc me This_ tiny of , 20_, by who Is personally known Je5r has produced n as Idenlifieation. S-rAbll' Signalure or Notary Public Print Name of Natary Public I - r Rcvixsl 1111612016 � *R=f22 ` s SUn-CON' tAC' t .tiICNATURIi unlirier (t2 (CcaIcQ.rckP✓kl' PRINT NAhll{ COUNTY ClilrrIVICATION NUh11II-3t Slate oflgolida,Countyof The foregoing 1nstrutnent was signe(i Uf.,��"- ree�mis e Il s&_. y . day of 2o_, b`- y M '.'.Vr4C� who Is personally known _A- or has produced it as identification. . I{;nnhrrc of Nnlnr ubllc _ STAMP ,orcl It elf Priul Name of Notary Public ott;Yn�°i�° JDRDANXM * * MY COMMISSION # GG 087M EXP ��r's°.o liundcdTfw Sregot No aY SaNtcs N PERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & .DEVELOPMENT. SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division COUNTY ' e BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT AC Quality Electric have agreed to be (Company Name/IndividualName) GFiO Homes Electrical Sub -contractor for -(Type of Trade)- (Primary Contractor) For the project located at 2uso -(Project Street Address or Property Tax ID 1d) . It is understood -that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the -Bull ing and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Chanle of -Sub -contractor notice. - ', bSlluS COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida; County of e' pp,, The foregoing instrument was signed before me this tJ�ay or zo:�, hy. Yid I Lf who is personally known or has produced a as identification ' STAMP Signature of Notary PubLi Q-e e-SC . t-f-1 l eel Print Name or otary.Public e�,C�,o�,m,�mA.9.G•G�9�249- 0 Revised 11/162016 `'-'#m:Ockiw22, 20 iia,i Bo IM 7hw Aaron Notary SUB -CONY OR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) v N .S . PRINT NAME fir' /3i)tny/-2 0 COUNTY- C TIFICATIONR MER State of Florida, County of rJ= The foregoing instrument was signed before me this 2�L day of ,20?Eby ( R'-( a EyAIJ.S who is personally known, -or has produced a as identification. STAMP Signature of No I - r �rrinfl �°L r r'_ 7 Print Name of Notary Public ,y'��k,. JOHN PEREZ ip , ti� Notary Public -state. of Florida y� �� Commission N GG 986541 ?r��d�� AtyComm. Explfes May 11, 2024 Bonded through National Notary Min,- .