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Product Review; (Solarpill)
�., •2015-09-28 11:40 SCP Branch 54 7723438907 >> 772 569 1063 AP72 6281-7 90],23MUM IT, T1 a( , For use with all pools Environmentally -friendly INSTRUCTIONS 1. Oalmwghnc lho Am, bor of SuluAll (opsulas no:dud accauG„g to p,ud sttc. • -- i pig par 1,000sq. fl, (93 sq. n,.) ofswlucu Gran Ill 30,000 givens U 14,n0U l). y.. Shako wall hofnto using. Rel"DYa Ihn blue pirrdog fool 61111110 lsntkugD. St•.pinato Ihu blue pim(ing tool ham Iho lush pin. I'leto lim poinied call of lho blue• plarriug loaf Iqlu II10 rn(a»ud amn ill Iho (fill. liolding die (Igsuia, firmly ptosc Ih" Blue punting tonl nuuirul c lu"d stxho", (wooden dc(k or tomato pad) unld 111 pforciuu loot Po,ullos fhrnuphlho phislk cop. Rinnovo i1u, bluo piur(hng Inol, llold rho wpsulo avHl IIID apnn skim• n1"r. Osing III" suppGHd wldtn push- on, piurco anr. indent roily. a '+ m 3. Will) Ilw pump running, pfuca cnitmlu(s) in sklmmor mx1 ullov, liquidjr, dispense. Ili not OUR Al skiwuncrwidt (hlodne iublors. 4. Ronwvo Sohn( ill captulu afro• 4.6 boors u, wiwn d,o color lwnn (lam,, ,md (Tsc(nd la Imsh. II Is sgggesled lhml you nor Ihu pump fur at fnad 01wu,s daily for IKuller (irndnlion. Ill(' uwlodty of dolly h"ut loss is due to ovignormimr. Solon ill minifthov boor loss by fonidng m d1ro•ihii, Invisihh: buuiot o, On! surfrrcu of Ilm wuler to !:duce ovapmnlion. Its patoniod duGvory syslcm gwmluully t&nlsos 1110 foumla Inlo IIIu fifanliull systofl to allow fur oplimmu cavou,u". Ono (wpsulo . boats a 30,00111111110" (114,000 Mot) pool for ono 01011111. Ropkim wiwn GUMMY to nndwlcin WOW lcmpnmiuro. Sn►ulYO (rill ho usol Willi Alf lypos of soullizor rind Is compnnl,lo wish wll Pool (118ji try. I'm bostrawlls, anon ibu rowan downward to do(u:uso wmal 1 unfuro movement, m SuloWill iv nnostaffutlivo Yl sly! waior.11,lovon rfi,hibutlrul or use ill walor bulmv 657 (181) ouT pmdorn iosiduos which shodul dlsnislnourin a few days. STORAGE AND DISPOSAL- Kuup ibis p,uducf ill Original liuhlly(I(K toNalnor vdnran nm Iv uso. Dw not loth" coninhim. Rincn Ihurougbly bcforo disandlog In mnlr. on uill slDro of 1oulpou,ln,os bolww 4011• (4'0. IIAZIIRD WARNINGS. Avoid ViRr,(T(nnro(I wilh.din, oyes,), c1D1hi1u. ho 11,11 niix Will wlhor (hmuicals. FIRST AID: Ill eau of conin(I immr Il IrJ 'I{ P 1/2 It •u u y us r oyes wr slam wdh plenty of water. fun motliud uhenliim If irdtnlgn porsfds. w EMERGENCY COIRA(T INFORMATION: Ilavo Ilm producl (unrolnoi i� or labol wiih you wlwn «tiling G OWN canmil coon, 'it dodo,, ill going fur Ifealm,,,,It. You uKty also, nnlod 1•1100.4%4.9300 CHfM1RLC (Domoslit, NGru, AmorinJ ur ,•I l03 52l 3007 CNr,MTklr. (furmrraiond, collect cafic ,ucoplod) luromoruoncy mludicol Imuhnom i ilamintion. NOTICE: N011101' fhilaSmnf", hie qur IIIo soller of Ibis produtl (on A,("pt urry rnspon"IbJily whore Illo prmbatis lull usod marling to dkocrinns mil jar rho nlullno hi which d was blinded. Hot Source, Inc. 1631270111 St. tin', Saito 100. ObIhaO WA 91111171 :. '2016-09-28 11:40 SCP Branch 54 7723438907 >> 772 569 1063 Ariz • 6 1LD17901;3 1 For use with all pools Environmentally -friendly INSTRUCTIONS 1. Dolermlire Ilia number of SolorHU capsules noodad actotdirig to pool size. 1 pill per 1,000sq. ft. (93 sq. im) of sulfate orca or 36,000 gnllans (114,000 U. 2. Shake wall before using. Remove the blue IMotcing tool from the package. Separate Ilia blue blasting tool from the push. pin. Placo tiro pointed end of the blue• piorcing tool into ilia recessed area of the cop. Holding the cop5919, firmly press the blue plotting tool cgofnst a hard surfrim, (wooden deck of concrete pad) until the piercing tool punches through the plosifc cop. Remove The blue pferdng tool. Noll Ills capsule over the open skin, mar. Using Ilse supplied white pusih pin, piano one frldeat only. d 3. With the pump running, place capsole(s) in skimmor and allow Ifgdd to dispaose. Do not plow In skinnier with chlorine tablets. 4. Remove SolmPill capsule Chet 4.6 hours or when Ilia color turns dear, and &mid to trash. It is suggested that you con the pump for of least 8 haws dolly, for prapercirculation. The majority of doily beat loss is due Io evuporafian. XUPIN nlinimrzas heat loss by forming an ullro•Ilda, invisible horsier on ilia surface of tiro water to reduce ovoporelwo. Its patented deh'very system gmduolly releases the formula 1010 Ilia fillration system to allow for apilmuet coverage. Ono capsule I(eols a 30,000 golion (114,000liter) pool for one month. Reptom when necessary to moinloin water temperature. SAM can be used wlll►ALL types of sonidzais raid is compatible wills all pool chemistry. For be# iesuls, angle Ilia relums downward to deaeose water sulfate movement, as 5010011 is most effective in still water. Uneven 696bution or use in water below 657 08'0 may produce rosidues which should disnppeor in a few days. STORAGE AND DISPOSAL: Keep this product In arfghial tighTly closed Conkker when not In use. Do not rouse (oatelM Rrnso thoroughly before dacading kl Irash. Do notstore at temperatures below 407 (4'0. HAZARD WARNINGS: Avoid DIRECT contact wilh skill, eyes or ctolhing. Do not mix with other chemicals. ` FIRST AID: In case of contest, imnlabiolyflush oyes or skhi with plenty of ` water. Got medical attention if irrilollon porsisls. EMERGINCY CONTACT INFORMATION: Ilava Hro product container or (uhal with you when calling a poison control canter or doctor, or going for houlmeni. You moyolsol cema(t MOD-424.93DO CHEMTREC (Domeslit, North America) or+1.703.5273887 CIIEMTREC (Intoniotionol, collect calls accepted) for emergency medical treatment iofomration, NOTICE: Neither IlohiSource, Inc nor the saner of His product cm aceopt any rosponsOrllilywhere Ilia product is not used occonling to directions and for ►he meaner in which 11 wns intended. ' Holosourco, lat. 1631 ?20111 St. SE, Suite 100, golholl, WA 90021 Piano: 425-801.6464 9 Fax; 42M822476 Aquall P>erld SoloPgl are bndamnrks or rogiskred harlemaik of IleloSource, Inc. and/or Its subsidiaries. www.Imlosouuo.Com • www.aquo•pdLwm r - © 2011 NabSource • Rev. 057700 Net Contents:15.2 oz (450 mill P 2/2 e l i