HomeMy WebLinkAboutFBC Energy Conservation Code Planning&Development Services Building&Code Regulation Division 2300 Virginia Ave,Rm 201 Fort Pierce,FL 34982 772-462-2165 Fax 772-462-6443 FBC ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE Duct Sealing Certification Prescriptive and Performance Method Date: �'� y Z �L. Permit#: 03 Y/p/ Lot#: Contractor. 121 4 w n ( e 1-C 6 Address: 0 "_u 4 t'-C A70-C Construction: ❑Post Construction Test ❑Rough-in Test tdr r jf',`PrG`J Test Conditions: / PQ Date: Floor Area(ft2): U Time: la Primary Location of Supply Ductwork -1' Indoor Temperature(F): ] Z Primary Location of Return Ductwork Outdoor Temperature(F): 7 Z Total Leakage Test Outside Dud Leakage: Defaul ❑Prop.Leak Free o Proposed On= Test Pressure: .Z (Pa) Baseline Duct Pressure(optional) (Pa) Duct Press.(Pa) Flow Ring Fan Press Flow(cfm) Resub: ' ass ❑Fail Installed Pa 3) o- Total Leakage(cfm): tf ar Total Leakage per 100 sgft: 00 ley CFM25 x 100 divided by the CFA=Duct Leakage CFM/100 sgft. Testing Company Company Name: Pro Duct Services Address: 1915 Rio Vista Dr.,Fort Pierce,Fl. I hereby certify that the above Duct Sealing Leakage results demonstrate compliance with 5"'Edition FBC Energy Conservation requirements in accordance with Section R403.2.2. Signature: Printed Name: Michael Faurot License/Certificate#: 5059122 I BUILDING PEAR RMANCE INSTITUTE,;NC. 107 Hermes Road,Suite_210 Matta,NY 12620 (877)274-1274 www bpLorg Milchael F'A ra . • API � eP„D�: ,z� . �CERTIFIED PROFESSIONAL (SEE ReiMSE SIDE FOR DES MT(ONSAND EXPtBAT10N DATES) 6EFYrIFIED.pROFESS10NAi DESIGPlATION= `EXP1RAtlOtil DATE 1nfi1tiati6h:&:DantLvalage 2/16/1023 BU.ILD(NG PERFORMANCE INSTITUTE, hoc.