HomeMy WebLinkAboutENGINEERING SUBMITTALEngineer’s Certification for Wind Load Compliance Project Name: Messinger Street Address: 136 Parliament Court Ft. Pierce, FL Construction Type: Dock Bowdoin G. Hutchinson P.E. 2705 North Indian River Dr. Fort Pierce, FL 34946 I certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, these plans and specifications have been designed to meet or exceed the applicable structural portion of the Building Codes currently adopted and enforced by City of Fort Pierce. I also certify that structural elements depicted on these plans provide adequate resistance to the wind loads and forces specified by current code provisions. Design Parameters and Assumptions Used: 1 Florida Building Code __2020__ Edition with _N/A__ Supplements and ASCE _7-16__ 2. Building Design is: Enclosed: _______ Partially Enclosed: _______ Open Building: ___X__ 3. Mean Deck Height: ___6’+_____ Roof Pitch:__N/A__ Internal Pressure Coefficient:___0.0____ 4. Width of End Zone:____1’_____ Wind Speed:_____165_____ (3 sec. gust) 5. Building Classification Table 1-1. ASCE __7-16____ FBC Table 1604.5 _1_____ 6. Wind Exposure Classification:__D____ Adjustment Factor for Exposure & Height:___1.0_____ 7. Components & Cladding Wind Pressure on Roof Zone 1___ N/A ____2___ N/A ____3___ N/A __PSF 8. Components & Cladding Wind Pressure on Wall Zone 4___+60.6/-64.1____5___+70.1/-74.5____ PSF 9. Components & Cladding wind Pressure on Overhead Garage Door ____ N/A ___PSF 10. Loads: Floor___40____PSF Roof/dead___ N/A ___PSF Roof/live___ N/A ____PSF 11. Shear Walls Considered for Structure? Yes __X___ No _____ (if No, attach explanation) 12. Continuous Load Path provided? Yes __X___ No _____ (if No, attach explanation) 13. Are Component and Cladding Details Provided? Yes __ X __ No ____ (if No, attach explanation) 14. Minimum Soil Bearing Pressure: ___ N/A ___ Presumptive: ___ N/A ___ By Test: __ N/A ___ PSF Engineer’s Note: All Aqueous structures shall be designed for a minimum 170 MPH wind load regardless of wind zone. As witnessed by my seal, I hereby certify that the information included with this certification is true and correct, to the best of my knowledge and belief. Name: _____Bowdoin G. Hutchinson_______________Cert #: ______PE#_70878_________________ _____________________________________________Date: ____12/1/21_____________________