HomeMy WebLinkAboutSub-Contractor AgreementPERMIT # ISSUE GATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code CO MPliance Division e _ BUILDING PERNwr SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT AAPEX Electric (Company Name/individual Name) — the Electric have agreed to be (Type of Trade) - --- Sub -contractor for Adams Homes of Northwest FL, INC (Primary C r� -- _ For the project located at � �3S'G�' (Project Strcel Address or Pro rty Tax ID It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the ab project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of Sr Love mentioned uc � C filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. TRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qua liFtcr) W. Bryan Adams PRINT NAME 29179 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUhjgER - .— State of Florida, County of St Lucie 1e ounty will be advised pursuant to the SUB-CONTR4CTOR SIGNATURE -' ' }1` (Qualifier}• PRINTNAM1N? _ -- C� Y CERTIF(C'9A N NU 'Jj R - '— The foregoing instrumcnt was signed before mr this S10tc of Florida, County o _ ;e day of _"_ . 202-I, by W Bryan Adams The foregoing , /iinstrrumcnt�ssas signed beforeme this dayof who is personaUy� known )or has produced a — =- bjfr. 20 Oby ?9 H'ho is personal) as identification. y known X.or has produced a O" v\ as identification. - -_---_-- - Signature or Notary Pubfi S7,\M11P 2olt?Y °Uc JAAIE L NARNER _NaofNotary Public `��eootaVV{�a�08912Z Print Name of Notary Public �— EXPIRES Apol 2. 2021 Q_ �/�/ 1 l3cnaeC rtit 5,41AI Notary Sernces OF ring Name of—rs(otary Pu be !"`•�— 'POr- Notary Public Stale of F�nde Hannah E Moore Reoisod 11 16/2016 '�jr- MY Commission HH 017099 '►or �tT Expires 07/01/2024 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT r / Pcz41'e)�' o (Company Nanie/I ii-v dual Name) the M (Type of Trade)— For the project located at Compliance BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT have agreed to be Sub -contractor for�oc LJ 1. �nr � �• (Primary Contractor) (Project Sheet Address Property Tax ID k) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our Participation project, the Building and Code P ton with the above mentioned Regulation Division nt' ct i filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE ----- (Qualilicr) PRINUN, COUNJTY CERTIFICAl10N NU��IBER State of Florida, Countv of The foregoing instrument uas signed before me this day of f 2021 b_ y L116AM N-0a m who is persona y .n ar has produced a as identiticatinn. Signature or Notary Public STAMP Print Name of Notary public '� -- "''•°e��; PATRICIA ANN GRIFFIN MY COMMISSION 9 GG137624 Rev,sed I Irlfinplb •;r;"d�, EXPIRES September 26, 2021 LICle County avill be advised pursuant to the -C RA TOR SICC; K.\1,U �Ra RE tQu:rlilirr) — PR-4r. INT NAPOE 477. Q . uSS V COU�RTIFICAT O.NNUi�IgER State of Florida, Counts or Q F The I'oregoint, instrument ssa.s signed hefore me this _ day of Q ( Russo ss'ho is persodall vn t/ or has produced a _ as identification. —� Signature of Notary Public -- STAMP Print Name oa otar —� y Public "'"�%PATRICIA ANN GRIFFIN _ MY COMMISSION At GG137624 EXPIRES September 26 , 2021 I PERMIT p I ISSUE DATE - _ PLAIYNfNG & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ® - Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT n1�CompapM In1 17 iZc_'t,�1 S P��1� (any Narpe/indi1,dual the (Type of Trade) �1 -- Sub -contractor for For the project located at -) 12!Y _L z (Project Street Address or Property have agreed to be Adams Homes of N%trNest fiodde. h (Primary Contractor) 1i ID a) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of Si. Lucie County will be advised pursuant eo the d filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. p t to the CO R SIGNATURE (Qualifier) Adum Homes of Nor*mest Roftda, Er - PRINT NAM1re --� ggig9 COUNTY CERTCFICAT1ON NUMBER Slalc of Florida, Couary &ia� The foregoing instrumcnl was signed before me Ibis _ day of 20Iq by William Bryan Adams who is personally known bas produced a as identificafioo. �'g"�+tofNvrat� fy,�{;c STANe _ SHELLEYA. SEPULVEDA prior Name ofNo[ary public :•+�!"' ••; SHELLEYA. SEPULVEDA My COMMISSION # GG 262074 fir., EXPIRES: January 25, 2023 or'` .• Bonded Tbry N Revised I1/16/20 o�ryPubOcUradatitnlarb SUB -CONTRA R SIGNAT S�� t- URE (Qua1fier) PRpYT,,, ^� " V( r-1 tfykf e COUNTY CERTEFICATfON NUNIBER State or Florida, Co.uory or IT7. k-,-,Ge The fortgolog lostrumeot was signed before me Ibis day Of —� 20& by '�a't��r's'1�r1 l�� ✓Y1%yat;L who Is personally knowo f/ or bas produced a as ideatificalioa JIA Slgaalurc of Note STAMP nn ry Public t`i C_ tY Gt Q�.t:gl[� c7o h_v,cr ri Pnal Namc of Notary Pa lit o..p :B,•.. All DOUG(AS JOHNSON ?� `�•�� NolaryPublic 51a1e of Florida Cummtssion # GG 084821 :t� or r`oP My Comm Expires Mar 20. 2021 Bonded Nrougn Na6mal Nolary Assn PERMIT # ::ISSUE DATE 4txtt.`+ h i.ij I. ( 'onlpany Nam the Rooting (7)•pe orTradel PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division Name) BUILDING PE1011-1- SUB-CONTRACTOR ACREE.NJENT have agreecl to be Sub -contractor fc11- Adams Homes of Northwest Florida, INC (Primary Contractor) -----� -- FOr the project located at L G (Proj.cf. Su -eel Address or iliciperig Tax It)-#) - �.----- It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participa[iou %,-ith the above mentioned project, the BUildinf; and Code Regulation Divisiotl of St. Lucie Cvuftty,vill be advised pursuant to the filing of a Cbange of Sub-cont.rucror notice. William Bryan Adams hai�•r n�a.�u. .. cot•�T'TTTR riic:`n'r1(7). 7t"--,Ti a2—.----- State of Florida, C'ounh of St_Lucie I he Gn•tN�oing insrr•amrnt n;u sirncd hefbrc• me this � da.t oC by William Bryan Adams _- irho`is Ini-s`soili ly hno%yn -X_or has produced a as identification. olgaturc of Notary Public �1 n ..__IM 0 o V Print Fame of Notary Publir Notary Public State of Flprida Hannah E Moore My Commission HH 017099 Rc iscJ l lrit 'I)In 7ap0A Expires 07/Ot/2024 i i ICNA'fURI )ualificr}-.�.— �o�� 6Y6 COL'N'Il' CP,RTIGrCAT'rON NCh,961?I2-----------� - Stale of Florida, C'nunn aE St Lucie The foregoing iirstrunreti( uas signed before me this / day of who Is personally knawji_&_pi has produced a as identificatian. Si;,nn(urc of �btarp Prrbtic ttaY_lA Prin( Nante or Notary Public ,P ONNotary '� �t� Pubk State of Florida Hannah E Moore My Commission HH w 017099 Expires 07/012024