HomeMy WebLinkAboutA2P0322M_MountReplacementAnalysis_PASS_TMobile_120ft_10.05.21 ES&SDate: October 5, 2021
Katie Lebovitz
Program Manager
USA Engineering, Inc.
2818 Cypress Ridge Blvd., Suite 110
Wesley Chapel, FL 33544
(813) 994-0365
Subject: Mount Replacement Analysis Report
Carrier Designation: T-Mobile Improvement
Carrier Site Number: A2P0322M
Engineering Firm Designation: USA Engineering Designation: A2P0322M
Site Data: 10410 S. Ocean Drive, Jensen Beach, St. Lucie County, FL, 34955
Latitude 27.27388900° Longitude -80.20583300°
Structure Information: Tower Height & Type: 110 ft Rooftop
Mount Elevation: 120 ft
Mount Type: Wall Mount
Dear Katie Lebovitz,
USA Engineering is pleased to submit this “Mount Replacement Analysis Report” to determine the structural integrity of T-
Mobile’s antenna mounting system with the proposed appurtenance and equipment addition on the above mentioned supporting
tower structure. Analysis of the existing supporting tower structure is to be completed by others and therefore is not part of this
analysis. Analysis of the antenna mounting system as a tie-off point for fall protection or rigging is not part of this document.
The purpose of the analysis is to determine acceptability of the mount stress level. Based on our analysis we have determined
the mount stress level to be:
Wall Mount (typical) Sufficient w/Replacement
*Sufficient upon completion of the changes listed in the ‘Recommendations’ section of this report.
This analysis utilizes an ultimate 3-second gust wind speed of 164 mph as required by the 2020 Florida Building Code 7th Edition.
Applicable Standard references and design criteria are listed in Section 2 - Analysis Criteria."
Mount structural analysis prepared by: Jad Bitar, EI
Respectfully Submitted by:
Marc Maier, PE
FL PE No: 72513
COA No: 31705
This item has been electronically
signed and sealed by Marc P.
Maier, P.E., FL License #72513
using a Digital Signature.
Printed Copies of this document are
not considered signed and sealed
and the signature must be verified
on any electronic copies.
Oct 05 2021
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Wall Mount Replacement Analysis Report Page 2
Table 1 - Final Equipment Configuration
Table 2 - Documents Provided
3.1) Analysis Method
3.2) Assumptions
Table 3 - Mount Component Stresses vs. Capacity
4.1) Recommendations
Wire Frame and Rendered Models
Software Input Calculations
Software Analysis Output
Additional Calculations
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Wall Mount Replacement Analysis Report Page 3
This is a proposed 3-sector Wall Mount, designed by Site Pro.
Building Code: 2020 Florida Building Code 7th Edition
TIA-222 Revision: TIA-222-H
Risk Category: II
Ultimate Wind Speed: 164 mph
Exposure Category: D
Ice Thickness: 0 in
Wind Speed with Ice: 30 mph
Seismic Ss: 0.048
Seismic S1: 0.027
Live Loading Wind Speed: 30 mph
Man Live Load at Mid/End-Points: 250 lb
Man Live Load at Mount Pipes: 250 lb
Table 1 - Final Equipment Configuration
Manufacturer Antenna Model Mount / Modification
120 120
Wall Mount
Site Pro #WWM01
3 ERICSSON RRUS 4480 B71/B85
3 ERICSSON RRUS 4460 B25/B66
Table 2 - Documents Provided
Document Remarks Reference Source
RFDS A2P0322M_Market
Swap_6 Dated 7/27/21 -
Structural Analysis Report Morrison Hershfield Dated 1/17/21 -
Antenna Mount Pictures - Dated 8/17/21 USA Engineering
Mount Analysis Report - Dated 8/31/21 USA Engineering
3.1) Analysis Method
RISA-3D (Version 17.0.4), a commercially available analysis software package, was used to create a three-dimensional
model of the antenna mounting system and calculate member stresses for various loading cases.
A tool internally developed, using Microsoft Excel, by USA Engineering was used to calculate wind loading on all
appurtenances, dishes, and mount members for various load cases. Selected output from the analysis is included in
Appendix B.
3.2) Assumptions
1)The antenna mounting system was properly fabricated, installed and maintained in good condition in
accordance with its original design and manufacturer's specifications.
2)The configuration of antennas, mounts, and other appurtenances are as specified in Table 1 and the
referenced drawings.
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Wall Mount Replacement Analysis Report Page 4
3)All member connections are assumed to have been designed to meet or exceed the load carrying capacity
of the connected member unless otherwise specified in this report.
4)Steel grades have been assumed as follows, unless noted otherwise:
Channel, Solid Round, Angle, Plate ASTM A36 (GR 36)
HSS (Rectangular) ASTM 500 (GR B-46)
Pipe ASTM A53 (GR 35)
Connection Bolts ASTM A325
5)The structure and all components are assumed to be plumb, in good condition; and free from deformation,
rust, corrosion, and cracks.
6)The supporting documents and drawings provided to USA Engineering, Inc. resemble the actual field
7)Wall is assumed as a CMU construction. Contractor should verify prior to construction.
This analysis may be affected if any assumptions are not valid or have been made in error. USA Engineering should
be notified to determine the effect on the structural integrity of the antenna mounting system.
Table 3 - Mount Component Stresses vs. Capacity (Wall Mount)
Notes Component Critical
(ft) % Capacity Pass / Fail
1,3,4 Standoff M9A 120 25.6 Pass
Antenna Pipe 1 120 77.0 Pass
2,3,4 Wall Connection - 120 71.1 Pass
Structure Rating (max from all components) = 71.1%
1)See additional documentation in "Appendix C - Software Analysis Output" for calculations supporting the % capacity consumed
2)See additional documentation in "Appendix D - Additional Calculations" supporting the % capacity consumed
3)All sectors are typical
4)A structure rating of 105% or less is within engineering tolerances and considered acceptable
4.1) Recommendations
The proposed mount has sufficient capacity to support the proposed loading configuration. In order for the results of the
analysis to be considered valid, the mount listed below shall be installed.
1.Install (2 per position, 4 per sector, 12 total) Site Pro Standoff Wireless Wall Mount #WWM01 with Site Pro
Hollow Wall Mount Kit #HWK58. Install the proposed mount as depicted in the attached sketches.
2.Install (2 per sector, 6 total), 10’ long, 3.5’’ O.D. sched. 40 galv. antenna pipes for position 1 and 2.
No modifications are required at this time provided that the above-listed changes are completed.
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Wall Mount Replacement Analysis Report Page 5
72'' c-c
24'' c-c
Wall bracket must be
installed with a 12''
min. vertical distance
from the edge of the
wall to the center of
the tube.
Proposed Site Pro
#WWM01 (x2) at
position 1 for each sector
Proposed Site Pro
#WWM01 (x2) at position
2 for each sector
Wall Mount Replacement Analysis Report
October 5, 2021
Page 11
ASCE 7 Hazards Report
No Address at This
Standard:ASCE/SEI 7-16
Risk Category:II
Soil Class:D - Default (see
Section 11.4.3)
Elevation:0 ft (NAVD 88)
Wind Speed: 164 Vmph
10-year MRI 88 Vmph
25-year MRI 109 Vmph
50-year MRI 122 Vmph
100-year MRI 133 Vmph
Data Source: ASCE/SEI 7-16, Fig. 26.5-1B and Figs. CC.2-1–CC.2-4, and Section 26.5.2
Date Accessed: Thu Sep 30 2021
Value provided is 3-second gust wind speeds at 33 ft above ground for Exposure C Category, based on linear
interpolation between contours. Wind speeds are interpolated in accordance with the 7-16 Standard. Wind speeds
correspond to approximately a 7% probability of exceedance in 50 years (annual exceedance probability =
0.00143, MRI = 700 years).
Site is in a hurricane-prone region as defined in ASCE/SEI 7-16 Section 26.2. Glazed openings shall be protected
against wind-borne debris as specified in Section 26.12.3.
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SS : 0.048
S1 : 0.027
F a : 1.6
F v : 2.4
SMS : 0.076
SM1 : 0.064
SDS : 0.051
SD1 : 0.043
T L : 8
PGA : 0.022
PGA M : 0.036
F PGA : 1.6
Ie : 1
C v : 0.7
Design Response Spectrum
S (g) vs T(s)a
MCE Response SpectrumR
S (g) vs T(s)a
Design Vertical Response Spectrum
S (g) vs T(s)a
MCE Vertical Response SpectrumR
S (g) vs T(s)a
Site Soil Class:
Seismic Design Category
D - Default (see Section 11.4.3)
Data Accessed:
Date Source:
Thu Sep 30 2021
USGS Seismic Design Maps based on ASCE/SEI 7-16 and ASCE/SEI 7-16
Table 1.5-2. Additional data for site-specific ground motion procedures in
accordance with ASCE/SEI 7-16 Ch. 21 are available from USGS.
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The ASCE 7 Hazard Tool is provided for your convenience, for informational purposes only, and is provided “as is” and without warranties of
any kind. The location data included herein has been obtained from information developed, produced, and maintained by third party providers;
or has been extrapolated from maps incorporated in the ASCE 7 standard. While ASCE has made every effort to use data obtained from
reliable sources or methodologies, ASCE does not make any representations or warranties as to the accuracy, completeness, reliability,
currency, or quality of any data provided herein. Any third-party links provided by this Tool should not be construed as an endorsement,
affiliation, relationship, or sponsorship of such third-party content by or from ASCE.
ASCE does not intend, nor should anyone interpret, the results provided by this Tool to replace the sound judgment of a competent
professional, having knowledge and experience in the appropriate field(s) of practice, nor to substitute for the standard of care required of such
professionals in interpreting and applying the contents of this Tool or the ASCE 7 standard.
In using this Tool, you expressly assume all risks associated with your use. Under no circumstances shall ASCE or its officers, directors,
employees, members, affiliates, or agents be liable to you or any other person for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential
damages arising from or related to your use of, or reliance on, the Tool or any information obtained therein. To the fullest extent permitted by
law, you agree to release and hold harmless ASCE from any and all liability of any nature arising out of or resulting from any use of data
provided by the ASCE 7 Hazard Tool.
Page 3 of 3https://asce7hazardtool.online/Thu Sep 30 2021
Design Parameters
Site Name :
164 Yes
D Zg : 700 300 H1 :7.00
120 α' :11.5 30 H2 :111.00
Kz min : 1.03 1 Ks : 1.3
Kz max : 2.01
Kz :1.48
-Ke : 1.00
Flat/Rolling Terrain Kt : -A Gh : 1.00
-f : -110 Kd : 0.95
-Kc : -
-Kh : -
-Kzt : 1.00 125.8
Position 1 - Antenna
FFVV-65C-R3-V1 FRONT 1 F 95.95 25.2 -10.656 0.90 3.81 1.26 10.66 9.59 9.59 9.59 1,206
FFVV-65C-R3-V1 SIDE 1 F 95.95 9.25 -3.552 0.90 10.37 1.51 3.55 3.20 3.20 3.20 402
Position 2 - Antenna
AIR6449 B41 FRONT 1 F 33.1 20.6 --0.90 1.61 1.20 5.68 5.11 5.11 5.11 643
AIR6449 B41 SIDE 1 F 33.1 8.6 --0.90 3.85 1.26 2.49 2.24 2.24 2.24 282
Position 1 - RRUS
RRUS 4480 B71+B85 FRONT 1 F 21.77 7.48 --0.90 2.91 1.22 1.38 1.24 1.24
RRUS 4460 B25+B66 FRONT 1 F 17.00 15.1 --0.90 1.13 1.20 2.14 1.93 3.17 3.17 398
RRUS 4480 B71+B85 SIDE 1 F 21.77 15.67 --0.90 1.39 1.20 2.84 2.56 2.56
RRUS 4460 B25+B66 SIDE 1 F 17 11.9 --0.90 1.43 1.20 1.69 1.52 4.08 4.08 513
Member Width or Dia. (in)(F)lat / (HSS) / (R)ound (HSS) Thickness (in)UDL (lb/ft)
0 30 45 60 90 8 F -151
4 HSS 0.17 47
3.5 R -40
Dish Type:
P / PR / CS / G
FA (lb)Ka
θ (°)Description
2.6.9 Gust Effect Factor
Structure: (M )onopole, (S)elf-support, (G)uyed, (A)ppurtenance :
Σ (cum.)Σ (for
Description # of Items Element Height (in)
Width or
Dia. (in)
TIA-222-H : Design Wind Force on Appurtenances Design Wind Load on Appurtenances
x (ft), distance from the crest (Site-Specific) :
Topographic Category, 1, 2, 3, 4 or Site-Specific :
Topographic Feature (Site-Specific) :
z (ft), height AGL at the base of the structure :
H (ft), height of crest above surrounding terrain :
L (ft), distance to the crest from surrounding terrain (Site-Specific) :
W s (ft), width of windward side of building :
Xb (ft), horizontal distance from windward face to center of structure :
2.6.7 Rooftop Wind Speed-Up Factor
qz = 0.00256 Kz Kzt Ks Ke Kd V2 (psf) :
h (ft), height of structure from base (only affects Gh for SS) : Velocity Pressure
Ka Aspect Ratio (AR)C (Round only)rs (HSS only)(HSS) Thickness (in)
EPA (Override)
(ft2) Antenna Loads at Varying θ Uniform Distributed Load
Ca for Element
EPA per
(EPA)A (ft2) = Σ(CaAa)A
FA (lb)
Total (ft2)
Annex C: Design Wind Force on Typical Microwave Antennas
Description θ (°)Diameter (in)CA / CS FAM / FSM (lb)
Annex S: Analysis of Existing Antenna Supporting Structures
Kes / Fw
2.6.4 Basic Wind Speed and Design Ice Thickness
V (mph), Basic Ultimate Wind Speed, 3-second gust : Structures/Appurtenances supported on enclosed buildings :
zr (ft), height of structure above rooftop :
Hs (ft), height of windward side of building :2.6.5 Exposure Category and Velocity Pressure Coefficient
2.6.6 Topographic Effects
Exposure Category, B, C or D :
z (ft), AGL elevation of discrete appurtenance :
2.6.8 Ground Elevation Factor
zs (ft), mean elevation of base of structure above sea level :
H (ft), height of parapet :
Wind Loading (Rev. H) (REV.2.1)_ Wind Loading 1 of 1 10/5/2021 1:03 PM
Design Parameters
Structure Risk Category II Structure Height (ft)110
Importance Factor, I 1.00 Mount Rad Center (ft)120
Amplification Factor, As 1.00
Short Periods, SS 0.048
Period of 1 Second, S1 0.027 Dead Load of Structures and Appurtenances, D (lb)1437
Long-Period Transition Period, TL 8 Dead Load of Guy Assemblies, Dg (lb)0
Fundamental Period of Structure, T 0.336
Short-period Site Coefficients, Fa 1.6
Long-period Site Coefficients, Fv 2.4
Design spectral response acceleration parameters at short periods, SDS 0.051
Design spectral response acceleration parameters at a period of 1 second, SD1 0.043
2.7.6 Vertical Seismic Load Effect
Vertical Seismic Load Effect, Ev (lb) = 0.2 SDS (D + Dg) =14.66
2.7.7 Horizontal Seismic Load Effect
Redundancy Factor, ρ 1.00
Total Weight, W (lb)1437
Seismic Response Coefficient, Cs 0.03
Note: Seismic loads do not control.
Effects of Horizontal Seismic Forces, QE 43.11
Response Modification Coefficient, R
Horizontal Seismic Load Effect, Eh (lb) = ρ QE
Total Seismic Shear Force, Vs
TIA-222-H : 2.7 Seismic Load Effects
2.7.4 Seismic Design Parameters
Table 2-3: Importance Factors
2.7.5 Design Spectral Response Acceleration Parameters Amplification Factor
Seismic Loading (Rev. H) (REV.1.0) Seismic Loading 1 of 1 10/5/2021 1:05 PM
Wall Mount Replacement Analysis Report
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Wall Mount Replacement Analysis Report
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Page 26
Project Name: A2P0322M
Date: 10/5/2021
Engineer: JB
Antenna Mount Model:Wall Mount
Reactions Shear Bolt Capacity (per bolt)
Y (k)2.6 Design Capacity, Vult (k)10.82
X (k)0 Required Capacity, Vmax (k)0.65
Z Tension (k)-2.2 6.0%PASS
Z Compression (k)2.2
MX (k-ft)1.37
MY (k-ft)0 Tensile Bolt Capacity (per bolt)
MZ (k-ft)0 Design Capacity, Tult (k)14.41
Required Capacity, Tmax (k)1.92
Bolt Design
Diameter (in)3/4
Material Threaded Parts Bearing Strength at Bolt Holes
Thread Cond. / Loading Threaded Parts - X/S Design Bearing Strength, ΦRn (k)22.02
Number of Bolts 4 3.0%PASS
Bolt Spacing (in)6
Edge Distance (in)1.25
Clear Distance, Ic (in)0.84375 Combined Tensile & Shear
(Tmax / Tult)2 + (Vmax / Vult)2 ≤ 1.0 0.02
Connected Element Design - Flange Plate
Thickness, t (in)0.5
Length of Plate, L (in)8.5 Flange Plate Stress
Specified Min. Yield Stress, Fy (ksi)36 Required Stress (ksi)13.67
Specified Min. Tensile Strength, Fu (ksi)58 Design Stress (ksi)32.4
Connected Element Design - Tube 42.2%PASS
Width (in)4
Wall Capacity
Design Capacity, φV (k)2.11
Backing Plate Capacity - Two Way Punching Shear
Design Capacity (k)6.57
Connected Element Design - Backing Plate (Plate Per Bolt)Required Capacity (k)1.92
Thickness, t (in)0.5 29.2%PASS
Length of Plate, L (in)8
Specified Min. Yield Stress, Fy (ksi)36
Specified Min. Tensile Strength, Fu (ksi)58 Backing Plate Capacity
Design Capacity (ksi)32.40
Required Capacity (ksi)23.04
Rating 71.1%
Wall Parameters
Anchor Rod Bearing Thickness, t (in)2.5
fc (psi) 1500
Grout Thickness (in)0
Grout fcm (psi) -
Wall Connection Calculations
4-Bolted Connection with 4 Backing Plates