HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPPROVED eng letterBENCHMARK ENGINEERING OF THE TREASURE COAST 806 DELAWARE AVE. FT. PIERCE, FL. 34950 772)772-267-1399 To: ST. LUCIE COUNTY BLDG. DEPT. ATTN: MICHEAL CICIO BUILDING & CODE REGULATION DIVISION CASE #106826 RE: GARRY L., WILLIAMS CODE VIOLATION 11097 S. INDIAN RIVER DRIVE. FT. PIERCE, FLORIDA FOR: YARD STRUCTURE (NO PERMIT) ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION LETTER Gentlemen, 12/08/21 I hereby certify that the fountain with the sailfish statue as built by the owner with no permit was built insubstantial compliance with the plans and specifications that are submitted herewith the "After the Fact" permit application. The fountain and statue as constructed meets the 2020 FBC (71 Edition) and the ASCEISEi 7-16. Certified by: Bowdoin G. HutchinsonDigitally signed by Bowdoin G. Hutchinson Date: 2021.12.0822:34:21-05'00' Bowdoin Hutchinson Fl. Lic #70878 This item has been electronically signed and sealed by Bowdoin G. Hutchinson, P.E. using a Digital Signature and Date. Printed copies of this document are not considered signed and sealed and the signature must be verified on any electronic copies.