HomeMy WebLinkAboutSub-Contractor Agreementp'ERMfr# .. ISSUE DATE PLANNING& DEVELOPMENT SERVICES RECEIVED as Building & Code ComplianceDivision. BUILDING PF"Fr . OCT 0 8 2020 SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT St. Lucie County . - Permitti^• VIA .tom a:ti..t�- ,SP'.rii �z 'have agreed to be (Congm" NameTlndividual'Namc) ILI the �7'AL Sub -contractor for . - s ( 0 .4 Conbactor) ., . (type of Ttade) ..:: � . :: :.:: (Primary ...... . For the project:located at .. ;� n. : Project Strcet Address or.Prapcdy Tax ID #) It is understood that; if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the:Building and Code Regulation Division of St Lucie County will be advised pursuant to -the filing ofa. Change of Sub=conuactor notice.: eo croft GNATURE (QuaRMCF). slGNMIRE CQudir—i _i, i Pm-r. NAAffi : PRINTNANTO ex, Sa 3015 COUNTY CEKriF "MONK N411mu �R�. COUMT CMMRCA"n0N NUM. Sere of *Urida.CmOv of i J 1 , i�li1C. State of Fiwida. CnKnty d� The Wry irtIramint trns signed before nee this day or TSe rop:Lmiuginstrtment was *wd before we thl day.of avho permaaDvi�nwn �!�sprvdaced a: wlm is pe:mosfly or ba prod reed a a: m � as rdenreatia.. 0 SrA 1P :STMIP rc Pub6e ..... ... 1mCt l to S :n(lP2, Print Vase Notuy:Pd�ik Print Name qEY4dxrY Pab&c TONYA R. MILLS: Notary Public -Stet® of Florida Comrriisslon # GG 918275 =� °`` My Commission Ex Re%isdIUW-16 pirgs :��?�� ' mm October'01, 20523."'" pFn ;. PERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES RECEIVED Building & Code Compliance (Division eb • OCT 0 8 2020 � 13UILI)INC; 1'IiK�11T -SUB-C:0NTRAC'TOR AGREE. ItsNT St. Lucie County Permi"+^ 3Alu—ly��n_q �n� - have.agreed to be. nip- 1mc/Indiv'idual Name) v� the Vnbj.C_1 T Sub -contractor 11or St Lucie Habitat for Humanity f' "Te of 'Trade) f P(inlary Conu'tictor) For the proiect located ilt 7503 Sebastian:Rd Fort Pierce, FL.34951 (I'rojccl Sheet Address or Property Tax ID 8) It is undelmood that. II•lllere isally cll(lllge ol'titallls regarding Gill- pal'licililtion with the above mentimled project, the lhilding lend Cb(le Regulation f)ivision of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the ailing of a (:hange ol'Sub-contraetor notice. c(IXcl�ltI T2-0 rLC-A4-- PRINT NAME: Salle (if Fluricu, ('aunty or STL LACAG The ford fling il0runtent %vus sigiml bbdurre me Ihis B an) of CGTot3 Z& 44 D. CAtJ1-fQ1)')4 �sho is prrsnndlh knn+ulur lins produced n _______ r Sipnt tur o . Will��- -rc 1. L i. LS . Ih•inl Name nl Nulnry 1'nblic til'll•CU ItA(' oil SI(: '. 1'- tli (Qmdiller — -- PRINT NAME. COUNTY CI:RTIFIC\TIO.N[ 'N�V-AInER Slate of rin'riiln,Camll� oC_l W��i 1_A.JL� «�' I'Ire fnregoing.imtrumcnl ens signal befure Inc,Ihi%_ tiny of ��e�_. Ztl�l. try' 1Cn tl_cr_��;_llunr� %i ho is persouolb• Itnown --ill' hirs prnduced a ns id�cnliou. .� ti'I',\III' tiigunturc fir :N lard• 1'ubfic - ----- -- f�rinl \al�lr\ulna• 1'uhlir TONYA R. MILLS �ksNotary Public -State of.Florido Ito I.ed I1.'u,rnu, -,'a Commission N GG-918275 My. Commission Expires October O1, 2023 �otPpY PGoe� JACOUEIINE ANN BORJA n Notary Public. State of Flofida f;1y-Camm. Expirtis Afarch 17, 2023 �'�orr4o� comrnission N0. ad 3121101 S'1':\\II' PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES "' 3" Building & Code Compliance Division RECEIVEb BUII..DING:PERMIT OCT 6'8 2020. SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT St. Lucie County Permitting have agrreed to be (,C`ompaiiy Name/Individual Name). tale Sub -contractor for St Lucie: Habitat for Humanity ('Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) f"orahc prqjcct located at 7503 Sebastian Rd Fort Pierce, FL 34951 Wr(ijcct Street Address or Property Tax In #) It is understood. that, if theme: is any eMange of status regarding otu• participation with the above rnentioned pix�jcct, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie Countv will be advised ptirstiant to the fining of Change ofSub-contractor notice. Ct)NT CCTOR SIC\AT1 RF. (Qualifier— L RAGfi)ORIS)♦t'iiiTjU121 (t IGri lifter); 1L�/ GiGi� • .�. C 1r60C,�n% - s f%✓tttvl:r.c PRINT NANII: - PRINT NAME COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER COUNTY CF.RT.11FICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County, or 6-1 i;IY�{� / State of Florida, County of nfknr, �{ 12 The foregoing instrument was signed bckrre me this ((J day of The foregoing instrunientwas signed before me this, 'day of OLiDO-f-42- 20 by 21)!L by `, kyg FCof1Atxrx who is personally known r has produced a w•ho,is person allyknmsn J or lens produced a as' a ti - R as identification. S'rr1YIP /t1l�dlrl � 7� cr *,lure of , - STAMPS try Public Signature of Notary Public print Na ne of Notary Public o ��, NYA R. MILLS Print Name of Nona Public .. z: _Notary PubliOtate of Florida =• •= Commission # GG 916276 F,,�� %'�o►r,.My Commission Expires Optober 01, 2023 i _ ft& Noisy Pubic State of Flonds f Melissa Hruby Revised I IiIG/2tlla a t f .Waa/2*94024 075534 ... PERMIT # ISSUE PATE PLANNING .&. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES' ,.. .... . Building::& Co.de:'Complionce Division - ` RECEIVED. BUILDING:PERMIT 'SUB-CONTRACTOR:AGREEMENT 0 8.2020 St. Lucie County Permitti— have agreed to be - (Company 1 ame/1n6;• idual Name)• the Sub -contractor for St Lucie Habitat for. Humanity - T e of Trade Primary Contractor For 7503 Sebastian Rd: Fort Pierce, FL :34951 the.project located at : ..:. Project Street Address or Property Tax ID # It is understood that; if there .is any change of Status.regarding our participationwith the above mentioned project, the Building.and Code Regulation Division of St.. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change,of Sub-contractor_notice....= CONTRACTOR �A R SIGNATURE (Qualifierj.. : - SUBCONTRACTOR SIGNATU :(Qualifier) ' Van U.,o_ PRINT NAME PRINT NAME, COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER. COUNTY CERTIFICATION. NUMBER,' . State of Florida; County of71 [_tiyl; State of Florida; County of .Sf Lam; Z' The foregoing instrument wassigned bcfore_me this day of The foregoing instrument was signed before me this —' day of uL , 20Z, by _,by .: Qj,iA &mncio who is personally knownor has produced a who is personally known _)Lor has:produccd a a dentificsi as identification. -- i STAMP. - (`' STAMP SlilyiNCre of No y Public ignature of Notary Pub 'c, ? VIA p Print Nume.of Notary: Public Print: Name of Notary Publi&j. ,ls+ Notary Public State of Florida TONYA R: MILLS : " +� Arlene N. Ferguson otra ua ,�' _ .. ..: M HHo 166245 isa ... _ ANotary Public -State of Florida cy�*= Commission fi:GG 91827:6:: w� xp 6/2312025 E Revised 11/16/2016 �,��?:' My Commission Expires. . Octobe'r01, 2023 - _1 PERMIT# ISSUE -DATE - PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Buildin & Code Coln liance Division . ' � g . 1� RECEIVED . BUILDING PERMIT OCT O 8 2020 SUB -CONTRACTOR: AGREEMENT .. - St. Lucie County Permitti� . St: Lucie Habitat for Humanity have agreed to be (Company Name/Individual Name) the Insulation Sub -contractor for .St Lucie_Habitat for Humanity: (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project:located at 7503 Sebastian Rd. Fort Pierce, FL 3.4951 (Project Street Address or -Property Tax ID #) It. is understood that,.if there is any change of status regarding ourparticipation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Subcontractor notice. CON CT R SIGNATURE (Qualifier) (4 1—"O ovi - PRINT NAME COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER -State of Florida, County -of .The foregoing instrument was signed before me this day of:: G1G1aa'8� , 20 21 by 2T P- Ca4 toup who is personallyknown K—or has produced a as i entif on. ` STAMP Sign re of N y Public Print Name of Notary Public TONYA 13. MILLS - Notary. Public -State of Florl o• •= Commission #► GG 9182,75 Revised 11/16I20i6 ''� F„;'.' ' My Commission -Expires :t �uPo�a� October 01. 20123 SU�TRACTOR SIGNATURE. (Qualifier) PRINT NAME .: . COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of� The foregoing instrument was signed before me this day of who is personally hownx—or has produced:a �asjd�t�tiffitatio .�eo ` STAMP Public ion*1:4caS. Print: Name of Notary Public IM"'VP'!., TONYA R. MILLS 4DA OB / ?� V= Notary Public-State.of Florida _+ •= `Comm#I ission . GG 918275 ®�' My Commission Expires ` October 01, 2023 RECEIVED OCT 0 8 202.0 91,ut11© County PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT Building & Code Regulations Division 2300 VIRGINIA AVENUE FORT PIERCE, FL 34982-5652 (772)462-1.553 FILLED LAND AFFIDAVIT I, the undersigned, am the owner of the following described property, (Parcel for which I have applied to St. Lucie County for a Final Development Permit. In accepting_ this Final Development Permit, BP Number , I acknowledge that as owner of the above described property, and in accordance with Section 7.04.01(D), St. Lucie County Land Development Code, I shall be responsible for assuring adequate drainage so that the immediate community WILL NOT be adversely affected. I further acknowledge that in granting this permit for the development of this property, St. Lucie County is neither obliged nor liable to provide for, or maintain in any form, adequate drainage off my property which will not adversely affect the immediate community. Property Owner Name (Please Print) Prop�wner Signature Date STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF_�I� ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORRE, ME TH,I,S. p � DAY OF 00�CufL , 20—ZL, BY �` "(�� 'r%� ('(J1J�..1 WHO IS PERSONALLY KNOWN TO ME OR WHO HAS PR AS IDENTIFICATION. -Fenun C . ]1A (u-5 //�^++ ((�� (� OTARY PUBLIC TYPE OR PRINT NOTARY V71. q I G J/COMMISSION NUMBER .TONYA R. MILLS NotogVM411c-State of Florida ® * Commission # GG 918275 F�rg, My Commission Expires October 01, 2023 SLCPDSD Revised 04/11/2011