HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubcontractor Agreement I i • • ! PERM[Trf ISSUE DATE . PLANNING & DUELOPMENT SERVICES Building&Code.CoIn011ance.Di. Sion RECEIVED � t 6 •-- RUILD1tVG PERIt11T MAY 2 3 2018 SUIT-CON7 RAC7'OR AGRFEI4ICNT ST. Lucie county, Permitting i • r ELECTRIC CONNECTION/RANDY SJAARDEMA hi+:vc ag►eed.to bq_ (Company N'it i0n.dluidttiil Nine); the ELECTRICAL Sub-ccliitlacfoi`fo► STANDARD PACIFIC.f�-c'_i1i'1rt_-C: (T�pe of Trade) (Prlrnury Contractor) :Foy the"Xai�Iect.Icicated.rif RiVERBENQ LOT Z 13196 Wheaton, j (Project Street:A'ddress or F?roperty Tax:1D. . . It rs.,ulyda stood"that 1f:there is:any.cliatige of status I-ep pjdjjjg our pirtictuatiun witlrt'he above:Tnentioned project,the Building ai)d Coc�e•Regulation Division of St. Lucie Cotintv'w.ill be advised purlsualit'to the � i :f i ing of;i1 Change of Suki eonti�ict---notice. i coy C:' ak si GMAT t1Rv.,(Qiiiturirry: St!li CO\t�f,Sc rOR 31GNA i URE;iQuuTI11 C" RANDDY SJAARDEMA 1!LtT11 NA'y1F. 1'RI\1 NAt11G COUV l'C...iR11F1(7k 1ONNUINtTE,R. COUNTY CERTIFICATIONNUM DER C r;�+ir�. ST LUCIE 5atc of l locldn (,uunq of N f titalc ofllarida Counlyof'. '1'1,e fureguina i..Wrunlent a as slgiicd imforc lne flow dit)(if T kc.fargMpg lustrument was signed before me this 26`sday of rr1MARCH sn ie,1i,. RANDYI S,li4AR17EMA Z4 k, � cis : �.' P/K �iiio:,ti pers,mxli)knannor kas Pruduced a �rfio,ls pers,inpllti knou`p X i,r lies Produceiin asadcnNticii(ion, n3'tilenhacnf pn Siguafure6rnolnn,public 1 SiguiuureofNofaryPubl►e SITYAN T BROMELOW i 1'rinf.Naiiic;tif Nub,ry`,Buullc f'rinl Name orr,,\oinry Public j n,• �'I?T i SNYhtj?riRp!a}Et 04Y X +Mly=3111AiIA' 110t,ry Public Stite of Florida ,ti/�,j •t4``' � ;ii (hx UC)1IfU5"aiGtiC?'/�tcS 17,2018: Cerulif slcn;rFl 1 , 47105 d B'tL2,tans)PIola" A •�,a� a �I i PER{v11T#: ISSUE DATE s i'I�AI�IIQ1)<1V In1E±;'�>r�.4�`I'I�IEi T �ilE;RVICES i f�,` "I �`% Building Vic: Code C � `� "WehW f l Hull Dli\G HERNUi f SUR (()id 112AC:"1 UI ,1Ci2L ST. Lucie County, Permitting All Phase Roofing, Inc. have, agt ced to.bo (Cnmi?<nta Namelln¢ivirlcial dame) the:.Rooting SuU=i c�nttz}cteic to[ Cal /atlantic/l i;nnar Horner (rype<i,Trade) ('I?i irtiaryConti"<ctcti•) I For the Ireijecf Eocatcd at%3/%� NW Wheaton Lana (Pr�icct Stfeet r�<ltlresz.Or PrOpelty I t It iS Understood that, if there with the -,ib6ve mentinaied I hI<)jc.ct thc.[3uildin aiid C'.c do Regulaticit 1) i islou: r St. L�ictt;(OUnly will be.a.dvised pui•suai t to'lhe 11 (i)iitg�f a C.liangi;�iFSuh-e�i'ti•actor nUtee, i � y 1 _.... a ----�-j C:OV'I'f2,1C:'1'OR:SIC,'Ne�T[iftl ((luiiiilicel :4[ ONTRA(TOR SWIM TUa(Qualifier). 4a. ,, ; . James:Boafri_ght TORT Rmmv* CCC1331229. (eti bra C[.ttru lc �rtt..»�t atftl;lr -CO[\11 C'lRl 11 lC:aU lONNIN IBER Sliila itf]la td r,,C'ounh•:n[` 1,�t�. �Ci� SGttc if l`loridn,C'tiiml}'af i The fttec},owF:IIIStt*null fidlirel fill ..Ihls ifil of I'bc lorej iiin};Inrlrntit4at��t signivl I tcf�rc nu Iliis 23' d:i�s pf March Jai es:Boatright -- ttliP it{tccaonallj autott n_1'aI Ii;ia.Iirt�durrihe _ u•bo fs 1100411lg kitolru fror G rs j ruditred iis.iticiuific ttion. SlUcnhfiiiliou.. �.lgin:fuicof\ntt. 'oldie ��_ 'ijtrougCo,f�Rlnt� l� Pt M PS'n nc of Notaryll'dblie I'i•rnt Nwi e of No6ry Publie I v= �< �r�r tv Y �� Ashley Johnson COMMISSION n FP19t `;,c> .s''�'T'r cannn�►ss1oN.� f � i F°f�"+° YPI. GGO821944 - moo,, EONS:February 14 2019 ltt:isci ltl:l612(ll"G GCS prfl 1'D,.20 �'fr„07MV AARONNOTARMOM i i I f : PERMIT#. ISSUE DATE i 4 i LAINNXNG �i.:DEVELOPMJCletT�IC+fl3�ICE�. h 'li uild ng& Code.Compliance. Division Stj.B-CON I A A C T 01A r�[Cf ii bFAat MAY 29 3 20118 a. ST. Lucie County, Permitting i RIDGEWAY PLUMBING ' ve�agreed.. be h (Company.Name/Individuaf.Name.) / ; PLUMII�IGt 'aG C the. Sub-contractor for a1 _ — (Type off. (Primary Contractor) For the project located at/ 3jell J NW WHEATON L.N: (Project Street Address or'Property Tax ID#). �. Tt is understood that,if there is:agYchange of status.regarding our participation with,the above mentioned. i project,the Building and Code Regulation Di vision:of$t,.Lucie County will,be advised pursuant to the 1 filing of a Change of••Sub-contractor notice. i __ R CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE(Qualifier SU&CON . SIGNATURE(Justifier)O. GARY KOZAN , PRINT NAME PRINT NAME 1. 1.T-6$26 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER COUNTY CERTIFICATION.NUMBER State of Florida;County of '. �vV! IC2t-`9 State of Iloridnl Comity of PALM BEACH The Yore oln insfrument•was ai ned before uic:this G�'da of The fore oin instrument was si ned before me this 'day of g _ & g y : $. g. S `` {{ G KOZAN I ,20{11,,by �,04� �C; <�C. ,20 ARY ^,by mho:is peraonnl[y known or hos;produeed:o who is orsonally-tmown X or has pr duced:a . _ i i as identificalion... as identification. I } STAMP 'I STAMP Siguoture.ofNotnry ubl(c Signa ure of.Notary Public 1. r. Print,NameofNetbryPublic Pei tNnme.o_Notary Public Ia pg, I f. D YtV Pj,�4 .SIVAN jjf1�: �tiJR 1 'vv�':.ti KATO. NM HALL NotaryPublk-State of Florida' �,v fNY:Gt?itiMISSiON��GG0 'r c•- Commisslon'ttGG 19EXF?IRCSApri11S7;202 ' ots� '`MyComm"ExplresJun17,:2022 Revised 11716/2QLb Bonded tfiraugl�Natlonal Notary Assn: f f i I PERMIT# M'U* DATE. l»a lami a:& Code Compliance Dion, n Mao BYIYLDING PEYtSv1IT. SUB-CON i MAY 3 2D i8 i Preferred AC ST. Lucie County, Permitting have . . ave I greed to be (Company Narnellndivid6l NamO the. HVAC Sub-contractor_for .Standard Pacific/Lennar (Type of.Trade) OHMAty Contractor) For the project°located at: .13196.Wheaton Lane .. l (Project Street Address or Property Tait ID4) j t It is understood that,,ifthere: s any. .change.of status regarding our participation with the abo-ve.mentioned project,the Building and'Code Reg of St:Lucie County will be.adVisdd puisiaant to the filing of a:Change of Sub.-contractor notice. ' / CO R 9tONXTURE.(QuaRffcr) SU .CO RACTORSIGItATURC(Qualttier) i P12L�1T NA11�: PRINT NAW '&114 � COUNTY CERTMCATION(N�UMBER COUNTY CERIMCATION NUMBER I }! State.ofvlorlda,Countyof tJlf)�y i Statoof.Tiorida,:.Coaniy.of' �lyi'�f" } the for otng inst.rgment wassL-ned before one this Z day of. The foreooIn-instrumentnms stgned before m.i lhistal6y of C+�� 20 by 1�-��� .(rl tjtit,': t `Ij.i t'x Z wbo:is Pecsonallyio1o,"_ hzs prodoced,a ... who is PC. no] Int _.n: o has Or. ced.a as 7dentirtce6n: a.itle40 I �I SiA11 i' STA1lIf' Sirnatureof otar�- utigc �onahliti6f o aryPubLc j ic PrintName.of Notary Pabitc Pr2ntName 0f Notary Pubuc ��N �, Yr jRiCiA fiADD. ;ycP °'tt•_ DIVAN' . gAih -8 `AR ?° ,_ MYCOMMISSIoN#FF7Q7507 j �'. i ' ec 1AY G (VIM1SSION 4..GG08n4 -0 * S Jul 18,2019. EXPIRE Y f E.XPIE2ES"Aiinl'10,2021SondOdltitilNofa<YPub4{cUtidenvntsts i I k i I PERMIT# :ISSUE DATE. , £r s PLANNING I)EVELOPIVIENTSERVICES � : J Building �i.:C91 e. ComplrRuce.Division o . . REQ BYJILDING PERilI1T SU$ 0'T CR A ACTOR g:!KE•M T SEP 2.S .Z017` PERMITTING S t. Luc'le Co unt FL Y . Ridgeway Plutmlrig have-agreed to be: (Company N.ame/hidt.viditAI Name);. the Flu.mbing Sub contractor for .Standard Pacific:of Flarida <Fivne 6FTraii0) (Primary CotiCractor).. .yy,2c-2at3 DDD - -c � . �1 / l `Foy the:project located at :13/96 ,� ^ /I1: �+ L . v� 99 . (Project Street Address`orP(operty`T ID 4) It is°understood that,'if there is any change of_staius regridtnb Dirt partclpatnn with the abeive mentioned project; the Buildinl;;and Code Regulatlor `Div s oti0f St: Lucie County wt1L be advised pursuant to the. in : a Change cyf Sub contractor notice. . . :l CQNT.MkCTO SIGNATURE(Qualifier). SU(3-CON'CR 1 ft-51GMNT URE(Qpaliricr). Scott Harala Gary:Kozan PRINT N►�M PRINT N,+ME COVNTY-CERTlFlC XTlON'NVMRFR COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUNWR State of Florida,County of -$rOWarfl State of F1orl�la,Countj`.qf Palm Be I Gr, The foregoing instrument tsas signed icforc aic'this day of i lie foregoing;insiniment���s signed hefor.cinc this. j:L ay-o.. czo ,i,>: Scott Harala . zo_,h� Gary Kozan_ Who is -ersonall p yhnoWn X ' or hasproduced a W9ro,is personally tcnoWn X or has proilnccd n as identification y / as identilieat.ion. STAMP S'TANio. 21 �3`gnature.0fN0tnry:Puhhc signatur 'arNotaryPublic ✓: tt" :E t "gin r { �? Kathleen M Hall Print Name of Notary Public: Print Name of;Yotan Public �i;a n,. SANDI GOQPER � __ NirR�"uo Y KATHLEEN M HALL �,F111 p�N •r�A . r% Notar Public Slate of Florida :•� _ Notary 0ublic:-.5tate of Florida Dommission�A FF 05690 R ss 1 ;My Gomm Expires-Sep 7,2019 + : My Comm Expires Jun 17,2018 Commission N Fx 133506 r `''f„4P�I���`' Bonded through Nalianat Notary llssn. • . gamed Through Natlonai Naary Assn. �61440.. i .. PERMIT::k ISSUE.:DATE PLAN-NTNG & DEVktOPIVIENT SERVICES Building& Code Compliance D><vision � . REC81 E i3tJ1Lb NG:°PCRM1 r® 56B CONTRACTOR ACR'CLML CI" I T 2.612017 PE�1d1T-ffNG St;J Lucie County, F II Preferred AC:&Mecharncal" have agreed. to Ge (C omrJany Ndmelindividual Nainc} the HVAG S.Ub contractor for Standard Pacific'of,lFlotida (T)pei?( itade} I.aty`Conitaciar}" : _ � for tlae.pioleet located at /d/.�1�n `iC%GJ L / (!'mlect Sheet Add vs Propclii) Ta t In!f}.. +I , i It.is understood that;ifaheo is any. a status regardnig out parepatton with tint;above tt;entioned::: : :project, the J3:ulldtngnnd Code Regulation Division oi�SY: Lucid Cot ulty will be advise i pursilani to the Ming of a Change ofuU=contractor notice:; J CONTRAC(`oti$lGit URE(Quotifi r) ORSlG1LfEtR ''(Qunliticr) Scott Harala.. rr + t t" '+ V . YRL\TT NAME 111ii11'\A.M)' COU1T)':CFt2TIrICrIT]Oti\LtA111E12 COi7NT1'CRTIEfCAT((1\\t+A[IIER sty.0 of riorlda,.County oC B rowatd i 5tate;of Ctarlda,Countygf Q 1►Yl IjPC'11 3L The faieKoin tnstrnmenCniis:3tgne+lbefure u2e.(kis l ;dny of I If' Tltrforcgoing:Snstrumcat..wassignedhefarenti this dnyfy uf c.:otf Harala �� � 2�iLR +ho Ts ei3onail I;nown X''or hns:r idneds�` rho i per ntlh kno� At slpro ced u` P � p as identificrttion - . /f �Tf 141i`Q[ ign turc:nf lotnry PubLc igunt re of No ty .- 0 I,,, ,i1v"+4' r 1157 y / (/ )/ //♦ h ' J iiu r; ter Pe btG ltrgr+ric+s iLt.f Wn. 6 +A-J\t2,LL tEa9Yxlti>V�t0.?4i4'Yar.,�,t'W ,<s � Fr3nt\rime of Notam pubile PrifirNa.memNoiltry Public SANDV'GOOPER 4L'j� Notary Public-Siate of Flotlda commisslon<r FF 0156ya e�i eR sd1U6 I /2 • 0 e tl1�J S 7 Z Ivi Gorttitr.Ex Iras p + RondedthioUglfi�atianal:P�otaryAssn I I I . f . 'i PERMIT It ISSUE DATE M4 PLANNWG & 1?IEMOP1V )CNT SRjrCS 4• Building & C4de iQ01ii 1�nce A vision � I r. RECE1 BUILDING PERMII � Stl.B. CONTRACTOR AGRENVIENT SEP 2 6 2017 PERM11I1NG St .Lucie:County, Fl. :. CJM Roofing; inc.,. have-agleed to be (company Nan eAndividual Name) I the Roofing Sub carttactor fo';. . Standard Pacific:of Florida (_Tyne.ofTiade) (Primary Contractor) 'I vI the ptojecdocated at . 131996 w( ?cG-?'oll Ld4 c cz/!-► L. aye j (Project Streel:Addre§s of Property Tax:.ID'ht) . It is�tiliclerstood that, i#there is any change.of status regarding:otir.harticipaton with the above lnentloned. project,.#ite Building and Code Reg llatlon.<D►vis on of`St: Lucie countyl 4vi l be ad_vi ed pairsilanf to the rWil o'f a Cl'ahge of Sub contractoi•.ttotiice. . � lea C'O,N`TRAC7 OI2$IGNAl IIItE(Qu jlifiv SUB.-CONTRACTOR SIGNAL I)RE(Qpziliticr)- Scott HaralaA, Steph'errMallelc . ralNT nAntt RRtNT NAME 2$663 COUNTY CEItTIFIC-ATI.ON.NUNIIIER COUNTY CFRTlrfCATr0P f\UAtI3ER State of Mlorida Coup ar Broward:. Palm ty 5Ghlc of floriihi;.Coitnty of I ' I'lie foregoioginstrumentivas.signed bcfiire me this/9. di1}of The fo�egniog ipstrumei�t`ras sigl ed before me Scott'Harala zo� by. F qf�t""t`t�dA:C�iFQ. ,20�,h�•__!.�7�(1t�l�Rl .M)) 11-tC.' nbo is persnnnlly lmmvn x or bps'pruduced:a �tltq:Js'persUnally tu�gisn or Jl its prodiiccil a I as. on. as denhticptio` i. n+ �J o<►RYcoet� TAA4ARAfYNNCboy 11IP!STA -���'.'.", ' ,� � * :t�rcot3"i��,19�"FF'ssolJt yS.l alu t of Notary:I',ufilir Signat8rc bPNnCary Putilir c� o. 7 EXPIRES:;lanua 25,202t). F9 BarAzdThu9�dgel:tiOlznSoma3 MMAkA "Priti ame.of Notary Public. . PriuCNnme oCNolnn:Pu Lc SANDI.000 LP {3 04�?;Poea, fiM1ARACft'000K °« ' Notary 1' -Pbf(c state of Fforfda *w* MYCoMM1551oN#PF9501f1 GommISSIOn VA FF aI569t1 1ez EXPIRES Jimmy 2$2020 Y. omm.Expires So(17,'0I'q pEFLUQ'' Bv4e4d.1 ud;ztN ea7s�rt iti v,�ed /161.01611! fiondeil ihraugh National Notary Assn: