HomeMy WebLinkAboutHealth Department Septic Approval PERMIT #:56-SF-1772441 APPLICATION #:AP1296433 STATE OF FLORIDA a DATE PAID: DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH t �� ONSITE SEWAGE TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL FEE PAID: SYSTEM RECEIPT #: •���we DOCUMENT #: PR1068822 CONSTRUCTION PERMIT FOR: OSTDS New APPLICANT: (Standard Pacific of Florida GP, Inc) PROPERTY ADDRESS: 13196 NW Wheaton Ln Palm City, FL 34990 LOT: BLOCK: SUBDIVISION: Riverbend PROPERTY ID #: 4425-703-0007-000-4 [SECTION, TOWNSHIP, RANGE, PARCEL NUMBER] [OR TAX ID 'NUMBER] I SYSTEM MUST BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARDS OF SECTION 381.0065, F.S. , AND CHAPTER 64E-6, F.A.C. DEPARTMENT APPROVAL OF SYSTEM DOES NOT GUARANTEE SATISFACTORY PERFORMANCE FOR ANY SPECIFIC PERIOD OF TIME. ANY CHANGE IN MATERIAL FACTS, WHICH SERVED AS A BASIS FOR ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT, REQUIRE THE APPLICANT TO MODIFY THE PERMIT APPLICATION. SUCH MODIFICATIONS MAY RESULT IN THIS PERMIT BEIING MADE NULL AND VOID. ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT DOES NOT EXEMPT THE APPLICANT FROM COMPLIANCE WITH OTHER FEDERAL, STATE, OR LOCAL PERMITTING REQUIRED FOR DEVELOPMENT OF THIS PROPERTY. i SYSTEM DESIGN AND SPECIFICATIONS T [ 800 ] GALLONS / GPD Aerobic Unit AQUAAIRE AA800 CAPACITY A [ ] GALLONS / GPD N/A CAPACITY N [ ] GALLONS GREASE INTERCEPTOR CAPACITY [MAXIMUM CAPACITY SINGLE TANK 1:1250 GALLONS] K [ 450 ] GALLONS DOSING TANK CAPACITY [ 87.00 ]GALLONS @[ 6 ]DOSES PER 24 HRS #Pumps [ 1 ] D [ 650 ] SQUARE FEET Netafim drlD line SYSTEM R [ ] SQUARE FEET N/A SYSTEM A TYPE SYSTEM: [ ] STANDARD [ ] FILLED [X] MOUND [ ] I CONFIGURATION: [X] TRENCH [ ] BED [ ] j N F LOCATION OF BENCHMARK: Catch basin rim far side of wheaton @ S PL j I ELEVATION OF PROPOSED SYSTEM SITE [ 6.00 ] [ INCHES FT ] [ ABOVE BELOW IBENCHMARK/REFERENCE POINT E BOTTOM OF DRAINFIELD TO BE [ 9.00 ] [ INCHES FT ] [ ABOVE BELOW]BENCHMARK/REFERENCE POINT L D FILL REQUIRED: [21.00] INCHES EXCAVATION REQUIRED: [ 65.001 INCHES 7The system is sized for 5 bedrooms with a maximum occupancy of 10 persons(2 per bedroom),for a;total estimated flow of 0 520 gpd. T Performing Lift Dosing. H Pumps must be certified as suitable for distributing sewage effluent. The licensed contractor installing the system is responsible for installing the minimum category of tank in accordance with E s.64E-6.013(3)(f), FAC. R BIANNUAL OPERATING PERMIT/2 YR ME CONTRACT REQUIRED FOR FINAL APPROVAL y SPECIFICATIONS BY: Brian J Ingram TITLE: Environmental Specialist II APPROVED BY: '�'�-+al�, In �`�ITwwIEvvv: Environmental Specialist II � St. Lucie CHD . Briaam � Cio 1 DATE ISSUED: 07/14/2017 �J EXPIRATIION DATE: 01/14/2019 DH 4016, 08/09 (Obsoletes all previous editions which may not be used) Incorporated: 64E-6.003, FAC Page 1 of 3 i v 1.1,4 AP1296433 SE1040714 , NOTICE OF RIGHTS ` A party whose substantial interest is affected by this order may petition for an administrative hearing pursuant to sections 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes. Such proceedings are governed by Rule 28-106, Florida Administrative Code. A petition for administrative hearing must be in writing and must be received by the Agency Clerk1for the Department, within twenty-one (21) days from the receipt of this order. The address of the Agency Clerk is 4052 Bald Cypress Way, BIN A-02, Tallahassee, Florida 32399. The Agency Clerk's facsimile number is 850-413-8743. Mediation is not available as an alternative remedy. Your failure to submit a petition for hearing within 21 days from receipt of this order will constitute a waiver of your right to an administrative hearing, and this order shall become a 'final order'. Should this order become a final order, a party who is adversely,affected by fit is entitled to judicial review pursuant to Section 120.68, Florida Statutes. Review proceedings are governed by the Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure. Such proceedings may be ciommenced by filing one copy of a Notice of Appeal with the Agency Clerk of the Department of Health and a second copy, accompanied by the filing fees required by law, with the Court of Appeal in the appropriate District Court. The notice must be filed within 30 days of rendition of the final order. I I I i i i I� i I I 1 �r m ; St. Lucie County Health Department N 5150 NW Milner Dr Port Saint Lucie, FL 34�1983 HEALTH PAYING ON: PERMIT#:56-SF-1772441 BILLooc#:56-BID-3455523 CONSTRUCTION APPLICATION#:AP1296433 RECEIVED FROM: The Milcor Group, Inc. AMOUNT PAID: 1 $400.00 PAYMENT FORM: CREDIT CARD PAYMENT DATE. 06/26/2017 MAIL TO: (Standard Pacific of Florida GP, Inc) 1 i I FACILITY NAME : PROPERTY LOCATION: I 13196 NW Wheaton Ln Palm City, FL 34990 l 4 Lot: Block: Property ID: 4425-703-0007-000-4 EXPLANATION or DESCRIPTION: QUANTITY FEE -1 - OSTDS Construction Application and Plan Review,New 1 $ 100.00 126-OSTDS Construction Permit(New or Mod, Amendment) 1 $ 55.00 127-OSTDS Construction System Inspection 1 $ 75.00 128-OSTDS Construction System Inspection Research Fee 1 $ 5.00 133 -OSTDS Construction Reinspection 1 1 $ 50.00 -1 -Surcharge (All) 1 ! $ 15.00 -1 -OSTDS New Permit Surcharge 1 j $ 100.00 i i RECEIVED BY: VanceMH AUDIT CONTROL NO. 56-PID-3284604 li I I ' 1 dF S1tEA I 4 STATE OF FLORIDA PERMIT NO. �. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH DATE PAID: P ONSITE SEWAGE TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL FEE PAID: *QGL SYSTEM RECEIPT #: APPLICATION FOR CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: [X ] New System [ ] Existing System [ ] Holding Tank [I ] Innovative [ ] Repair [ ] Abandonment [ ] Temporary [ ] APPLICANT: Standard Pacific of Florida GP, Inc. AGENT: The MilCor Group, Inc. TELEPHONE: 772-223-8850 I MAILING ADDRESS: 6526 S Kanner Highway, Stuart, FL 34997 I ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT OR APPLICANT'S AUTHORIZED AGENT. SYSTEMS MUST BE CONSTRUCTED BY A PERSON LICENSED PURSUANT TO 489.105(3) (m) OR 489.552, FLORIDA STATUTES. IT IS THE APPLICANT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO PROVIDE DOCUMENTATION OF THE DATE THE LOT WAS CREATED OR PLATTED (MM/DD/YY) IF REQUESTING CONSIDERATION OF STATUTORY GRANDFATHER PROVISIONS. --- =-------- --________---------- PROPERTY INFORMATION LOT: �C�4 BLOCK: SUBDIVISION: R1VerbE'rid PLATTED: Yes PROPERTY ID #: 4425-703-0007-000-4 ZONING: PUD I/M OR EQUIVALENT: [ Y / N ] 1 I PROPERTY SIZE: 0 . 6 1 ACRES WATER SUPPLY: [ ] PRIVATE PUBLIC [ ]<='2000GPD [ ]>2000GPD IS SEWER AVAILABLE AS PER 381.0065, FS? [ Y / N ] DISTANCE 7 SEWER: FT PROPERTY ADDRESS: 13196 NW Wheaton Lane, St. Lucie County, FL DIRECTIONS TO PROPERTY-East on Becker Rd. for approximately 2 . 5 miles to Gilson Rd. Then north on Gilson Rd. for approximately a mile. Then East on NW Radciittay. BUILDING INFORMATION [ X] RESIDENTIAL [ ] COMMERCIAL ! I Unit Type of No. of Building Commercial/Institutional System Design No Establishment Bedrooms Area Sqft Table 1, Chapter 64,E-6, FAC 1 Single Family 5 4126 2 -A ia�ni�o �.• 4 0 Np 5 i 92g2 • -� [ ] Floo '/Equi t D i [ i t e (Specify) p TF SIGNATURE: o.�•�� DATE: '•Q� : DH 4015, 08/ (Obsoletes previous editions which may not be'j�&AL E� 1,`% Incorporated 64E-6.001, FAC I11e11���� Page 1 0£ 4 I I ' STATE OF FLORIDA PERM?T #- DEPARTWNT OF HEALTH , ONSITE SEWAGE TPEATMENT AND DISPOSAL_ SYSTEM ° SITE EVALUATION AND SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS LOT: 'Oli- BLOCK: SUBDIVISION: PROPERTY ID #: `� S 7o y ` [S®etion/Township/Parcel !No. or Tax ID Number3 To BE COMPLETED BY ENGINEER, HEALTH DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEE,OR OTHER QUAt.xFiEb PERSON. ENGINEERS MUST PROVIDE REGISTRATION NUMBER AND SIGN AND SEAL EACH PAGE OF SUBMITTALl. COMPLETE ALL ITEMS. a�tazr,,' 'z0RmE 7'P -sm2E i4f3�Vi�'�dm ".O-.;3TTE 7.s�Bd: [ Y3°:Ei .J I X- 0 �p�+ ESfi a n SCAM FLOW: GALLONS PER DAY RESIDENCES-TAB /OTHER-TABLE21 AUTHORIZED SEWAGE FLOW: !o GALLONS PER DAY [1500 GPD/ACRE O Op GPD/A UNOBSTRUCTED AREA AVAILABLE: _ SQFT UNOBSTRUCTED AREA REQUIRED: SLQF/T BENGEIlrIlARK/REFERENCE POINT LOCATION: C c t''� � l� �j�EJ L F ELEVATION .OF PROPOSED SYSTEM SITE IS /FT _ /BELOW] BENCHM 0X/REFERENCE na hW./i 4 .4 'N•V' Y%i•:•�M.7'4+If•Yn�_'.�.J :Yiil� f• °i.-�9� "4' - sf."ia:JJ m .L'li� L'i'Ii'w4 -Z.V Wi.i�, Filiv 'LL1, . SDf . ta�h`3T:R. ( FT, DT'ICiS ' . r s . [' 5,. j' Na. WELLS: PUBLIC: ET I,It4tTED USE.. PRIVATE: FT NON POTABLE: FT BUILDING FOUNDAT ,ONS. sV FT PION RTY LINES- -7 FTi POTABLE WATER LINES: FT SITE SUBJECT TO :FREQUENT FLOODING: [ ] S 11W EAR NO 10 Y FLOODING? [ YES C'�] NO 10 YEAR FLOOD ELEVATION FOR SITE: A/ � FT MSL/NGVD SITE ELEVATI0 :!FT MSL/NGVD ;so= C7i,XL3�_,INS 3 i19.:`51'TE 1 sCxZir'��, 1 XNFm0apzlr0N-SITE ;s lwaszm. Y c E DETrH `� . 1 o TOGl /t. To/ ' S v Tol/ I A/ TO E— � z o 2 TO G d C TO;! 11. I G L._ TO cq t Z, 5 6 j To 7 -11,5 To7 TO I O TQ'. TCYr,- "-"-q�gyp:�.. i TO USDA SOIL SERIES: fits G u��U�- USDA SOIL SERIES: tit OBSERVED WATER TABLE: l INCHES [ABOVE /<gir 9; EXISTING GRADE. TYANA0 , RCHED. A�PirlMii��ESTnmTED WET SEASON WATER TABLE ELEVATI N: INCHES [ABOVE j EXISTRADE HIGH WATER TABLE VEGETATION: [ 3 YES [-`Rio MOTTLING-. � YES C EPTH:� ( -_INCHES REbOU S/ PITIONAL CRITERIAt S � `7 wf t"i.� r.; 1 U• 1 � SITE EVALUATED By. to Dir a.01s, Qa/04. tr�h�aJ; esc�P i¢ .eaxt? �v .x * ha,.acs�ak.r ?Ardisd .6 Efr P A :. P'a V J�f'+rliltttict TheJune 20, 2017 Via: Hand Delivery Melanie Vance 9 St. Lucie County Health Department j 3855 South US Highway#1 I'I Fort Pierce, Florida 34982 1 Engin6en g{ Re: Riverbend- Lot 2 a Value-Driven Septic System Permit Application Sustairiafile Etiv.ror ii7ehf: Dear Ms. Vance, Attached please find an application for single family residential septic system permit, including the following documents: 1. Signed and sealed Application for Construction Permit(DH 4015 Page 1 of 4); 2. Signed and sealed Site Evaluation and System Specifications(DH 4015 Page 3 of 4); 3. Signed and sealed System Design Criteria; 4. Signed and sealed Septic Site Criteria; 5. Representative Authorization document; ! 6. Three(3) 11 x 17 signed and sealed lot Site Plan; 7. Three(3) 11 x 17 Floor Plan; and Office Locations:,.. 8. Application fee of$400.00(please charge credit card on file). ,Federal. edf5'se°;"' If you have an questions, lease do not hesitate to call me at 772I 223-8850. Federaf.Htiry" Y Y q P ( ) Hobe Sound:.: Sincerely { 33455 or Group, Inc. 1 9035 Americana Road#13 Vero Beath Florida.: 32966`, elissa e Phone President 772.223.88%0 Fax Enclosures 772-223 8851 Etnail- Cc: Philip Darling .marketing@ com Web- ihemilcorgroup. : com P:\Projects\S12-Standard Pacific\S1204-Riverbend\permitting\Septic\Lot 2\SLC Health Dept Lot!2 septic app submittal cover letter.doex a APPLICANT'S NAME: standard Pacific of Florida GP, Inc. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Riverbend (PB 67-36)- Lot z PROPOSED SEPTIC SYSTEM SITE INFORMATION _ - I certify that there are no potable private wells within 75 feet of the available area for the proposed septic system, that there are no non-potable wells within 50 feet of the available area for the proposed septic system, that there are no wells within 25 feet of a pesticide-treated building foundation, that there are no public wells that serve less than 25 people or less than 15 homes or businesses within 100 feet of the proposed septic system, that there are no public wells that serve more than 25 people or more than 15 homes or businesses within 200 feet of the proposed septic system, that the water line from the water meter or well to the structure is at least 10 feet from the available area for the proposed septic system unless the plans show the line to be double sleeved, that there is not a gravity sewer line, low pressure sewer line or vacuum sewage line in a public easement or right-of-way that abuts the property, that there are no lakes, streams, wetlands, or surface water within 75 feet of the available area for the proposed septic system unless the property was created prior to 1972, that the septic system is proposed on the side of the lot farthest from surface water, that all private wells, septic systems and surface water on adjacent or contiguous land within 75 feet of the applicant's lot are shown on the site plan, that all public wells within 200 feet of the applicant's lot are shown on the site plan, and that the location of building or residences, swimming pools, recorded easements, paved areas or driveways, sidewalks, the general slope of the property, filled areas, drainage features, and surface waters such as lakes, ponds, streams, canals, or wetlands are shown on the applicants lot. The natural grade elevation in the area of the proposed septic system anld the benchmark must be shown on the site plan. Please locate the benchmark within 200 feet]of the proposed septic system. e0%% 1419 N. m0 �'p ��0�i�� C' * s, a. z :C) 0 Q NOTE: MUST BE CERTIFIED BY A FLORIDA � �� \ REGISTERED SURVEYOR OR ENGINEER. FLORI PROFESST NAL O.: DATE: t/` ,2 _0 , y7�= 1JOB NO.: docs/forms/septics/SepticApppPage207 -�� REPRESENTATIVE AUTHORIZATION Riverbend Subdivision .Please be advised that the undersigned has authorized the following person(s)to act on their behalf in seeking approval for the above referenced application: 1 Melissa G. Corbett,P.E. The Milcor Group,Inc. 1 6526 South Kanner Highway#236 Stuart, Florida 34997 (772)223-8850 I Witness% ric�t Name P41cle r-001-1vyc- Print Name ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE OF COUNTY OFrz� The foregoing was acknowledged before me this day of 20 (_k, by . -J4and[ ] is personally known to me or [ ] has produced as identification. Notary Stamp Notary Public SIVAN SHACHAR 1tl�o4pPY a�B,., I MY COMMISSION #FF007026 ,i9�........'c`; EXPIRES April 10.7.017 ' •..F OF f�O,.• (407)393-0153 FlofldalloleryService.com 1 I i I • I System Design Criteria for 0 Standard Pacific of Florida i 13196 NW Wheaton Lane, Port St. Lucie, FL 34983 (Lot 2, Riverbend PUD) a i Aerobic Treatment Unit With Drip Irrigation 1, i i Prepared By: Todd N. Smith, PE, Inc. 121 Hinchman Ave,. Sebastian, Fl. 32958 772-559-3699 i I certifythat the engineering features of this aerobic treatments stem have been designed � g Y � � or specified by me and conform to engineering principles applicable to such projects. In my professional judgment,this system, when properly constructed, operated and maintained, will achieve the established performance standard and comply with all applicable s\ggh9Odf16r4 ate of Florida and the rules of the Department.1 `� ,! ► A. FDOH in St. Lucie County Environmental Health 00 Site;Plan Approved for Construction ® Supersedes All Previous Site Plans for 'f`.idd . Smith t pt% ��� s OSTDS#66-6F-r7�zliti &Well # I gibe'Qr�s I �'$2 Date:-7 r N r Date:' ����` Reviewer. ��fl111111�'��1\ I i II 1 Drip Design n Calculator Job Name/Homeowner: Standard Pacific of Florida Address: _13196 NW Wheaton Lane, Port St. Lucie, FL 34983 Permit Agency JSt. Lucie County Health Department ! Installer Name Brian Davis Septic Designed By: _Todd N. Smith, PE, Inc. Date: June 16, 2017 i Gallons Per Day: 520 gpd Soil Loading Rate(GPD, Perl Sq. Ft.) 0.8 Recirculation Rate: 13.12 gpm Minutes Per Dose � 15 Emitter Spacing (ft.) 1 Sq. Ft. of Application Area 650 Drainfield Reduction: 0% Linear Feet of Tubing 1 325 Number of Emitters 325 Linear Feet of Tubing Per Zone 325 Number of Zones 1 • Emitters Per Zone j 325 Drip Rate (GPH) 90 I Gallons Per Minute Per Zone 4.88 i I Minutes Per Day Per Zone 107 I i Doses Per Zone 6 Total Doses Per Day 6 I Time Between Doses in Hours 3.70 I Total Run Time in Minutes 107 Maximum Connections to Manifold 6 Gallons Per Dose 86.7 l Total Dynamic Head Calculation (TDH= Static Head+ System Operating Head+Dirty Filter+Total Friction Head) Static Head= 5.42 ft. System Operating Head (29 psi) = 67 ft. Dirty Filter= 11.5 ft. Friction Operating Head Header Diameter = 1.00 in.. Type of Fitting Eq. Length Quantity Total Eq. Length 1" Std. Tee 1.7 ft. 8 13.6 ft. 1" 90 Degree STD Elbow 5.3 ft. 4 211.2 ft. Total Fitting Equivalent Length= 34.8 ft. Actual Length of Discharge Pipe= 80.0 ft. Total Pipe Length= 114.8 ft. Total Friction Losses in 1" diameter discharge line GPM HI in ft/100ft HI of 114.8' of 1" Static+ Total Discharge Dia. Operating Head Head (ft.) +Dirty Filter 15 11.70' 13.43' 1 83.92' 97.35' 20 18.90' 21.70' 83.92',, 105.62' Use Pentair Model S.T.E.P. Plus D-Series 4" Submersible Pump (20 gpm— % HP) Pump Curve shows 18.0 gpm @ 102 ft. of head System needs 4.38 GPM Recirculation 18.0 GPM-4.88 GPM= 13.12 GPM Residential: 520 GPD Maximum Lot Flow 1,316 GPD (On Public Water: Usable Lot Area (Less Roadway) =122,932 SF All. Lot Flow=22,932 SF/43,560 sf/acre x 2,500 gpd/acre= 1,316 GPD Drip Area Required: 650 sq. ft. Drip Area Provided: 650 sq. ft. Unobstructed Green Area Required: 975 sq. ft. Unobstructed Green Area Provided: 1,048 sq. ft. i System Design Criteria Residence is 4 Bedroom (4,800 sf >Habitable Area >4,050 sf) = 520 GPD Drip System to be placed in Trench System 520 GPD / .8 GPD per sq. ft. =650 sq. ft. of drainfield 0%drainfield reduction for aerobic treatment standard 64E6.012(2)h Drainfield Requirement= 650 sq. ft. of drip irrigation 8 Lines at 40.63 feet long with emitters every foot and lines greater than 24" apart 325 emitters in 4 loops x 2 sq. ft. per emitter= 650 sf Contigency Plan 1. At high water level, the system will start alarm. The owner must contact the maintenance entity within 24 hours. 2. Maintenance entity personnel will inspect the system and make necessary repairs within 36 hours as per 64E-6.012(4)(b). 3. Owner shall pump the tank as required to keep trash out of the aeration chamber. Operation and Maintenance = The operation and maintenance manuals are provided to the installer and maintenance entity at the time of installation. Installation Installation instructions will be provided by Brian Davis Septic on site to insure proper construction and installation. DRIP EFFLUENT DISPOSAL SYSTEMS DESIGN CRITERIA- Dated June 16,2017 Drip effluent disposal systems shall be permitted as an alternative drainfield option for use in Performance-Based Treatment Systems in the State of Florida. The following criteria apply. Florida registered professional engineer shall design all drip effluent disposal systems and the design shall include and consider the following: 1. Drip effluent disposal systems shall be considered performance-base treatment systems. 2. Effluent for drip effluent disposal systems shall be pre-treated to reduce both the 5- day Carbonaceous Biochemical Oxygen Demand (CBOD5) and the Total Suspended Solids (TSS) to each be less than 20 mg/l (Secondary Treatment Standards). 3. The infiltrative area required shall be the same as the area required for a mineral aggregate drainfield with reductions all for the reduction of CBOD5 and TSS as noted in the Florida Administrative Code, Chapter 64E-61 Part IV, Performance- Based Treatment Systems. 4. In a bed configuration,the drainfield area shall be calculated as extending one foot beyond the sides of the outermost emitter lines. 5. In a trench containing a single distribution line,the drainfield area shall be calculated as 2 feet x the emitter spacing in feet x the number of emitters. 6. Drip effluent disposal systems shall be considered pressure distribution systems. 7. Head loss calculations shall be provided to insure proper�',hydraulic pressure at the emitter. 8. Pump selection shall be indicated in the design specifications. Pump performance curves shall be provided. 9. Re-circulation rates shall be indicated on the drawings. 10. Check valves,petcocks, inline filters, and vacuum breaking device locations shall be indicated on the drawings. 11. Drip effluent disposal systems shall be time-dosed over the 24 hour period. Demand control dosing shall override timed-dosing in periods of flow where timed dosing cannot handle the excessive flow. 12. All drip emitter systems shall be designed as continuous,loop circuits with no dead- end emitter lines. All systems need to incorporate a mechanism for backwashing or flushing. 13. Drip effluent disposal systems shall meet the following operating paj ameters: * Minimum operating pressure at the emitter head shall be 10 psi. * Maximum operating pressure at the emitter head shall be 45 psi. * Maximum system operating pressure shall be 60 psi. * Maximum discharge rate per emitter shall be 1.5 gallons per hour. 14. Drip emitter lines shall be drawn to scale and drip emitter spacing shall be indicated on the drawings. 15. The maximum emitter longitudinal spacing on a distribution line sha�l be 2 feet. g p g The maximum distribution line spacing in a bed configuration shall be 2 feet. 1 J i 1 16. The 24 inch separation from the seasonal high water table shall be measured from the emitter orifice. 17. Setbacks shall be measured from the drip emitter lines. 18. There is no drainfield sidewall in a drip-effluent disposal system. The definition of a filled system in a 64E6.002(24),Florida Administrative Code, is not applicable to drip effluent disposal systems. A drip effluent disposal system is considered to be a mound system when any part of the bottom surface of any drip emitter line is located at or above the elevation of undisturbed native soil in the drainfield area. A drip effluent disposal system us considered a standard sub-surface drainfield system when the entire bottom surface of every drip emitter line is installed below the elevation of undisturbed native soil in the drainfield area. 19. For mound systems there shall be a minimum separation of 18 inchesi between the shoulder of the fill and the nearest drip emitter line. Mound system slopes shall be in accordance with s. 64E-6.009(3)(f), Florida Administrative Code. Mound systems shall be stabilized in accordance with s. 64E-6.009(3)(f), Florida Administrative Code. 20. For standard sub-surface systems, the elevation of any fill covering t e drainfield shall extend no less than 18 inches away from all emitter lines beforel tapering down to natural grade. 21. Minimum cover on the distributions lines shall be 6 inches for standard sub-surface systems and 9 inches for mound systems. The maximum cover for all systems shall be no greater than 12 inches. 22. The system shall include a petcock on the dosing pump discharge line for effluent sampling in lieu of the installation of monitoring ports required in s. 64E-6.029(2), Florida Administrative Code. 23. All on-site sewage treatment and disposal systems that include a drip effluent disposal system shall have an annual operating permit,maintenance contract with an approved performance-based system maintenance entity and shall be inspected in accordance with a 64E-6.027(5), Florida Administrative Code. 24. Manufacturers of drip effluent disposal system distribution lines, emitters, and components shall apply for and obtain approval for specific model numbers or part numbers prior to inclusion of the components on any site specific permit application. 25. Manufacturer's of drip effluent disposal system components shall provide design and installation manuals for engineering and construction guidance. Design manuals shall include tables that detail flow rates vs. pressure and pressure loss per length(s) of distribution pipe. i a a i Answers for Drip Effluent Disposal Systems Design Criteria for the State of Florida Dated June 16, 2017 I 1. Compliance i 2. 2.9 mg/l CBOD5 - 4.43 mg/1 TSS (30 day effluent average- ANSI/NSF Standard 40) 3. Compliance 4. Compliance 5. Compliance 6. Compliance 7. Head Loss Calculations Provided Pressure Loss in 114.8 feet of 1" tubing& dirty filter is 121,94 psi. Pressure Loss in return line= 3.98 psi Flow Rate while the system is running is 18.0 GPM. „ Pump is capable of producing 18 GPM at_102_ft. of head Pressure to field will be adjusted to achieve a maximum of 30 PSI on the supple manifold by opening the by-pass petcock located in the pump tank. 8. Pump Curve attached 9. 18.0 GPM, filter flush return line, 4.88 GPM during field flush, 13.12 GPM in pump tank. 10. Located in Headworks. 11. Compliance 12. Compliance 13. Minimum operating pressure at emitter head is greater than 10 psi Maximum operating pressure at emitter head is less than 45 PSI Maximum system operating pressure is less than 60 PSI Maximum will be .90 GPH per emitter. 14. Compliance 15. Compliance 16. Compliance j 17. Compliance 18. Compliance { 19. Compliance 20. Compliance 21. Compliance 22. Compliance 23. Compliance 24. Completed with FDOH 25. Drip Manual given to Installer and Engineer i 9 e AquaAire Sewage Treatment System Models 5007600,750, 800,1000, 9200, 1500 In One Piece `dank witfr't9 Lire II External Risers noted W diameter either concrete or poly E Alternate Aerator Locations Aomtor _ ar oa oo Qo as Access Access 3„ 314"Schedule 40 PVC not more than 100 LF from Plant 7" " , 4 Inlet a°lee_ 2/2f1 2/2" _- 21/2" - At O.mWt - r into Liquid" AerationlNlixing 2'/2" Compartment Clarifier C F Ctr.Dim. Ctr. Dim. Fi Air Drop Line 3" o it Deflection 5" t� 3" 3" Disc - D A "Extend 10"into liquid depth on AA1500 Schedule Desi nation Trtmt BOQ Total Aeration Clarifier 9 Capacity Loading Volume Volume Volume A 8 C D E F G H AA500 1500GPD 1 1.25 1 748 1 560 1 188 168 171 164 160 163 18'4145'/4 55 AA600 600GPD 1.50 857 642 215 77r/z 80'/z 64 60 63 21% 52'/a 55 AA750 750GPD 1.85 1076 801 275 9T/z 100' 64 60 63 29'! 64'/a 55 AA1000 1000GPD 2.50 1420 1063 357 111 114 64 71 74 35% 71% 55 AA1500 1500GPD 3.75 2216 1699 517 1131 1134 17471 74 373/4 893/ 65 74' s 3 AA$00 OOGPD 2.0 1155 858 297 84 87 66 71/z /z 24/4 55/a 57 AA1200 1200GPD 3.0 7751 1300 451 86 89 77 86 89 243/4 573/4 68 Ecological Tanks,Inc. 0412005 ORZP FZELD CROSS SECTION FT. OF DRP TUBE� LINES . 25Be CENTERS WETH EMImRs eys ; I FOOT EqSTAU JD �Mlg 6--9"MIRMW F04A1L GRADE I i W p}{/ IS q,p p,,, Smiften A Effw dvg spa Dva--929'Bebw zamf9teas LOOP Loop SUPpAY nas f9 > 90 q FT Y�ll Supply Lan Lengfla Vmdu i �lII1� r Return Line I"dim to Pump Taak IA- nm Mmifold V diE6 Supply Mus ftzm Adr R$laff V811 � SaappAy am mn di Pump I d fl day Pump�• Pump Took I (nts) i I � s 450 I s I I ! s "'law i� y ! I Jtg- �AtiAsaf �� I I I i 3" i 3° r�rssa•! cs�►�oaiet Hole.�.._�c, C�!nity ems•......4�C�I�s All VdM Mff , I � Past (of i i C I 0'�ai t�Q il�ffi�A�'111k�9 O' s41 . i i ,0cw mid 9E�1UF84 ' mid€�t!g�e I f . I 1�1°) N W !rJ (nr�N Lsory )) Pentair Model S.T.E.P. Plus-D Series 9 4" Multi-Stage Submersible Effluent Pump Stainless Steel 1 i CAPACITY LITERS PER MINUTE 300 0 25 50 75 100 200 80 225 9 w oc w �O 3 60 w Z Z � 150 ' y'O 40 = w J = 0 F_ 75 j 20 OC�� 06PM� t— o 0 15 Iq 30 45 60 CAPACITY GALLONS PER MINUTE • Specifications Body Construction: Stainless Steel (300 Grade) 1 Horsepower:% HP Maximum Head:225' Maximum Capacity:40 gpm (model dependent) Flow At 10' Lift: model dependent Switch: None Motor: Dry-wound, double ball bearing,double-seal and thermal overload protection, UL and CSA approved. Impellers: Precision molded Acetal for perfect balance...ultra-smooth for the highest performance and efficiency. Allows for.080"solids Diffusers: Polycarbonate I