HomeMy WebLinkAboutFlorida Department of Regulation (FDEP) Permit or Exemption \ T DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY JACKSONVILLE DISTRICT CORPS OF ENGINEERS 4400 PGA Boulevard,Suite 500 y� Palm Beach Gardens,Florida 33410 REPLYTO November 14, 2017 ATTENTION OF Regulatory Division HE Palm Beach Gardens Section MIN.S�?6 P01V Ft�(?. SAJ-2017-02668(GP-PWB) Fl�•UP�T ___� SI DES ST.LliC 40LN-ry BL L►L�iC DIE'�SIC� REVIEWED FOR C E CI0 SiDF, REVIEWED BY ,:, t f,[hR Kevin Jansen DATE `�tiMEJ0PT�ONJOB .7 I � ---- 3921 Shoreside Drive PLANS AND PF_R.� I ZiFort Pierce, Florida 34949 OR NO INSPECTION WILL BE MADE i TIE 9 Dear Mr. Jansen: Your application for a Department of the Army permit received on September 27, assigned number 2017 has been SAJ-2 - -017 02668(GP PWB,). A review of the information and drawings provided shows the proposed work would require installing a new wood dock and boatlift with 22 piles. The project would affect waters of the United States associated within the Indian River Lagoon adjacent to I3921 Shore side Drive in Section 23, Township 34 South, Range 40 East, Fort Pierce,ISt. Lucie County, Florida. Your project, as depicted on the enclosed drawings (Attachment A), is authorized by Regional General Permits (GP) SAJ-20. This authorization is valid until March 22, 2018. Please access the Corps' Jacksonville District Regulatory Division Internet page CONCEALLtoFyiipgtrhe�sp�eeA��gag c�.�general conditions for SAJ-20, which applies s ficW %jcpROPOSED WORK th0 rpizatl0nn f.e Tn ernet U RL address is: ARE,SUBJECT TO ANY CORRECTIONS �°�� +� �eraaal�l6i (� Ii�� REQUIRED BY FIELD INSPECTORS THAN C®NjICpOR Op REL®p MAYIBE NECESSARY IN ORDER TO h tp://www.sai.usace.army.mil/Missions/Re_blatorV.acpQl9PLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE CODES, Please be aware this Internet address is case sensitive; and,�you will need to enter it exactly as it appears above. Once there you will need to click on "Source Book"; and, then click on "General Permits". Then you will need to click on the specific SAJ permit noted above. You must comply with all of the special and general conditions of the permit; and, any project-specific conditions noted below, or you may be subject to enforcement action. The following project-specific conditions are included with this authorization: i 1. Manatee Conditions: The Permittee shall comply with the enclosed (Attachment B) "Standard Manatee Conditions for In-Water Work— 2011." 2. Sea Turtle and Smalltooth Sawfish Conditions: The Permittee shall comply with National Marine Fisheries Service's (Attachment C) "Sea Turtle and Smalltooth Sawfish Construction Conditions" dated March 23, 2006. 1 Fide Copy -2- i I 3. Turbidity Barriers: Prior to the initiation of any of the work authorized by this permit, the Permittee shall install floating turbidity barriers with weighted skirts that extend to within one foot of the bottom around all work areas,that are in, or adjacent to, surface waters. The turbidity barriers shall remain in place and be maintained until the authorized work has been completed and all erodible materials have been stabilized. I 4. Piling Installation: Installation of pilings greater than 24 inches in diameter, or installation of any size metal piling or sheet piling by mechanical impact hammer is shall be driven manually.prohibited. All metal piling(s) all � 5. Cultural Resources/Historic Properties: a. No structure or work shall adversely affect impact or disturb properties listed in the National Register of Historic Places NRHP or those eli ibleifor inclusion in the NRHP. 9 ( ) 9 , b. If during the ground disturbing activities and construction work within the permit area, there are archaeological/cultural materials encountered which were not the subject of a previous cultural resources assessment survey (!and which shall include, but not be limited to: pottery, modified shell, flora, fauna, human remains, ceramics,. . stone tools or metal implements, dugout canoes, evidence of structures)or any other physical remains that could be associated with Native American cultures or early colonial or American settlement), the Permittee shall immediately stop all work and ,ground-disturbing activities within a 100-meter diameter of the discovery and notify the Corps within the same business day (8 hours). The Corps shall then notify the Florida State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) and the appropriate Tribal Historic Preservation Officer(s) (THPO(s)) to assess the significance�of the discovery and devise appropriate actions. c. Additional cultural resources assessments may be required of the''permit area in the case of unanticipated discoveries as referenced in accordance with the above Special Condition ; and if deemed necessary by the SHPO, THPO(s), or Corps, in accordance with 36 CFR 800 or 33 CFR 325, Appendix C (5'). Based, on the circumstances of the discovery, equity to all parties, and considerations of the public interest, the Corps may modify, suspend or revoke the permit in accordance with 33 CFR Part 325.7. Such activity shall not resume on non-fedelral lands.without written authorization from the SHPO for finds under his or her jurisdiction, and from the Corps. d. In the unlikely event that unmarked human remains are identified on non-federal lands, they will be treated in accordance with Section 872.05 Florida Statutes. All work and ground disturbing activities within a 100-meter diameter'of the unmarked human -3- remains shall immediately cease and the Permittee shall immediately notify the medical examiner, Corps, and State Archeologist within the same business day (8-hours). The Corps shall then notify the appropriate SHPO and THPO(s). Based, on the circumstances of the discovery, equity to all parties, and considerations 'of the public interest, the Corps may modify, suspend or revoke the permit in accordance with 33 CFR Part 325.7. Such activity shall not resume without written authorization from the State Archeologist and from the Corps. 6. Assurance of Navigation and Maintenance: The Permittee understands and agrees that, if future operations by the United States require the removal, relocation, or other alteration, of the structures or work herein authorized, or if, in the opinion of the Secretary of the Army or his authorized representative, said structure or.work shall cause unreasonable obstruction to the free navigation.of the navigable waters, the Permittee will be required, upon due notice from the U.S. Army Corps o Engineers, to remove, relocate, or alter the structural work or obstructions caused the leby, without expense to the United States. No claim shall be made against the United States on account of any such removal or alteration. 7. Self-Certification Statement of Compliance: Within 60 days of completion of the work authorized, the enclosed "Self-Certification Statement of Compliance" (Attachment D) must be completed and submitted to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Email the completed form to: CESAJ-Comp[VDocs(abusace.army.mil or mail the completed form to the Regulatory Division, Special Projects and Enforcement Branch, 4406 PGA Boulevard, Suite 500, Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 33410. This authorization does not give absolute Federal authority to perform the work as specified on your application. The proposed work may be subject to local building restrictions mandated by the National Flood Insurance Program. You should contact your local office that issues building permits to determine if your site is located in a flood-prone area, and if you must comply with the local building requirements mandated by the National Flood Insurance Program. If you are unable to access the internet or require a hardcopy of any of the conditions, limitations, or expiration date for the above referenced RGP,�please contact Paula Bratschi by telephone at 561-472-3532. Thank you for your cooperation with our permit program. The Corps' Jacksonville District Regulatory Division is committed to improving service to our customers. We strive to perform our duty in a friendly and timely manner while working;, o preserve our environment. We invite you to complete our automated Customer Service Survey at -4- http://corpsmapu.usace.army.mil/cm apex/f?p=regulatory_su,rvey. Please be aware this Internet address is case sensitive; and, you will need to enter it exactly as it appears above. Your input is appreciated —favorable or otherwise. pP P PP Sincerely, Paula Bratschi Project Manager Enclosures: Attachment A: Drawings Attachment B: "Standard Manatee Conditions for In-Water work—2011?' Attachment C: "Sea Turtle and Smalltooth Sawfish Construction Conditions," dated March 23, 2006 Attachment D: Self-Certification Statement of Compliance Copies Furnished: Bruce Jerner jerner ,bellsouth.net CESAJ-RD-PE i I I i GENERAL CONDITIONS 33 CFR PART 320-330 PUBLISHED FEDERAL REGISTER DATED 13 NOVEMBER '1986 1. The time limit for completing the work authorized ends on the dates identified in the letter. If you find that you need more time to complete the authorized activity, submit your request for a time extension to this office for consideration at least one month before the above date is reached. 2. You must maintain the activity authorized by this permit in(good condition and in conformance with the terms and conditions of this permit. You are not relieved of this requirement if you abandon the permitted activity, although you may make a good faith transfer to a third party in compliance with General Condition 4 below. Should you wish to cease to maintain the authorized activity or should.you desire to aban`don it without a good faith transfer, you must obtain a modification of this permit from this office, which may require restoration of the area. 3. If you discover any previously unknown historic or archeoll gical remains while accomplishing the activity authorized by this permit, you must immediately notify this office of what you have found. We will initiate the Federal and state coodination required to determine if the remains warrant a recovery effort'or if the site is eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. 4. If you sell the property associated with this permit you must obtain the signature of the new owner in the space provided and forward a copy of the permit toy this office to validate the transfer of this authorization. i 5. If a conditioned water quality certification has been issued for your project, you must comply with the conditions specified in the certification as special conditions to this permit. For your convenience, a copy of the certification is attached if it contains such conditions. 6. You must allow a representative from this office to inspect the authorized activity at any time deemed necessary to ensure that it is being or has been accomplished in accordance with the terms and conditions of your permit. I I a I f i • I DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY PERMIT TRANSFER REQUEST PERMIT NUMBER: SAJ-2017-02668(GP-PWB) When the structures or work authorized by this permit are 'still in existence at the time the property is transferred, the terms and conditions-of this permit will continue to be binding on the new owner(s) of the property. Although the construction period for works authorized by Department of the Army permits is finite, the permit itself, ,with its limitations, does not expire. To validate the transfer of this permit and the associated responsibilities associated with compliance with its terms and conditions, have the transferee sign and date below and mail to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Enforcement Section, Post Office Box 4970, Jacksonville, FL 32232-0019. (TRANSFEREE-SIGNATURE) (SUBDIVISION) I (DATE) (LOT) (BLOCK) (STREET ADDRESS) (NAME-PRINTED) (MAILING ADDRESS) I i (CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE) i i I t i � i N 5!1 1 � i r� 3921 Shoreside Drive � f Exhibit Created On: ~` Exhibit No: 1 2017-09-21 ST.LUCIE COUNTY, FL I - L .� � Application �. j: -,` REGULATION DIVISION " Project Name: Jansen Dock Application Number: 170920-157 ."Y iav) N 0 125 250 South Florida Water Management District Feet GE05>ATIAL SENYIc[5 MANMADE WATERWAY SEAGRASS SUREJVEYPERFORMED BY 115'WIDE BRUCE JERNER ON AUGUST 29, 2017. NO SEAGRASS OBSERVED WITHINA 50' O� �Q RADIUS OF PROJECT SITE �� PQ TOTAL OVERWATER ! CV DOCK AREA =328 SQ FT i O P Q ! `Z I PROPERTY LINE -.._.._.._.._.._.._...... --- - - - CL RAMP TO j I j UPLANDS AS i 10' I NEEDED 4' a °' I ` � 42 i �2 CV CA CD p O 12'6" V •Q. j GAO i Q I � i N: �I _.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.. PROPERTYLINE CV j I I I 1" — 20' W JANSEN Jerner&Associates,Inc. SHEET 2 -------i Marine�r Environmental ConsultingDate: 9/5/17 3921 SHORESIDE DRIVE ! _" � ' 2537SEAlfonsoA��e. Part St.Lucie,FL34952 ' ............. ....P......:.. ..........{ Ph.(772)283-2950 FORT PIERCE � �, " x�. JERNEMBELLSOUTH.NET ..: ' r Pier Section Thru Pier Plan View Live Load 40 lbs./Sq Ft Dead Load 5 lbs./Sq Ft N O VARIES SGL Bolts,Nut, N Washers 5/8"H.D. ►_ .; I i............... 1 Galy. Or S.S. (304) w u —.. -Nut-Fully Threaded -:_- _-i " __ a VARIES 2"x 6"SYP, .40 ACQ J, !� 4i di X 6"Lags for Decking#1 Grade w r Pia' t 5i, ii i Stringers Minimal plank spacing. a i-•--►�� ��" • Fasten w#10 3"SS 304 Screws,2 per Stringer I r- Yi is is iY' 2"x 8"P.T. SYP, .40 Cn N ACQ treated stringers to i"i �� ' -• O 9 MHYV_.. be butt jointed,butt i„ i i � n _��►�/_ joints to be staggered. i 2"x 8"P.T. SYP, .40 ACQ treated DBL bents O 7 _O ' ., .. .. .. ! .GRADE > .u�•° <•> ?.r.�v, ry �nr. • n> ..t`�y� Stringers 24" r� r a ��'`r .a , •a���< .� '�� ,x O.C.Max .Q. Min. 8"Dia.2.5 CCA treated piles CENTER STRINGERS TIED CL DOWN WITH 2"X 4"X 12"0.40 Q TREATED PINE W 2PC 3"SS SCREWS @ EA MEMBER Pilings jetted to a minimum depth of 6'and as necessary to provide adequate bearing and stability O " N t Id W JANSEN ' Jerner&Associates Inc. SHEET 3 ........ ___.:_.._..._i tal C 3921 SHORES/DE DRIVE L 2537SEAlfo oiAve. Po'tiSt.Luae,FL34952 Ma Date' 915117 ....._....... .._._........ ._......_; Ph.(772)283-2950 FORT PIERCE - �n�,���r�:;�,^:EY���;� JERNER@BELLSOLITH.NEI' i STANDARD MANATEE CONDITIONS FOR IN-WATER WORK 2011 The permittee shall comply with the following conditions intended to protect manatees from direct project effects: a. All personnel associated with the project shall be instructed about the resence of manatees and P P J P manatee speed zones, and the need to avoid collisions with and injury to manatees. The permittee shall advise all construction personnel that there are civil and criminal penalties for harming, harassing, or killing manatees which are protected under the Marines Mammal Protection Act, the Endangered Species Act, and the Florida Manatee Sanctuary Act. b. All vessels associated with the construction project shall operate at"Idle Speed/No Wake" at all times while in the immediate area and while in water where the draft of the vessel provides less than a four-foot clearance from the bottom. All vessels will follow,routes of deep water whenever possible. C. Siltation or turbidity barriers shall be made of material in which manatees cannot become entangled, shall be properly secured, and shall be regularly monitored to avoid manatee entanglement or entrapment. Barriers must not impede manatee movement.1 d. All on-site project personnel are responsible for observing water-related activities for the presence of manatee(s). All in-water operations, including vessels, must be shutdown if a manatee(s) comes within 50 feet of the operation. Activities will not resume l ntil the manatees) has moved beyond the 50-foot radius of the project operation, or until 30 minutes elapses if the manatee(s) has not reappeared within 50 feet of the operation. Animals must not be herded away or harassed into leaving. e. Any collision with or injury to a manatee shall be reported immediately to the,Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) Hotline at 1-888-404-3922. Collision and/or injury .should also be reported to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in Jacksonville (1-904-731-3336)for north Florida or Vero Beach (1-772-562-3909)for south Florida, and to FWC'at ImperiledSpecies(a)mVFWC.com f. Temporary signs concerning manatees shall be posted prior to al d during all in-water project activities. All signs are to be removed by the permittee upon completion of the project. Temporary signs that have already been approved for this use by the FWC must.be used. One sign which reads Caution: Boaters must be posted. A second sign measuring at least 8,'/z" by 11" explaining the requirements for"Idle Speed/No Wake" and the shut down of in-water operations must be posted in a location prominently visible to all personnel engaged in water-related activities. These signs can be viewed at MyFWC.com/manatee. Questions concerning these signs can be sent to the email address listed above. i I i I i CAUTION : MANATE E HABIT-AT - Alt�ro�ect-ve�s•e-Fs I D L E SPEED / NO WAKE When a manatee is within 50 feet of work all in-water activities must SHUT DOWN- Report any collision with or injury to a manatee : Wildlife Alert: ` 1-888-404-FWCC (3922) cell * FWC or #FWC • �0,,1JT OF C, 0 �P9T UNITED STATES DEPART IENT OF COMMERCE National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE ✓a,�f Southeast Regional Office 263 13th Avenue South St.Petersburg,FL 33701 I SEA TURTLE AND SMALLTOOTH SAWFISH CONSTRUCTION CONDITIONS The permittee shall comply with the following protected species cons Itruction conditions: a. The permittee shall instruct all personnel associated with the project of the potential presence of these species and the need to avoid collisions with sea turtles and!smalltooth sawfish. All construction personnel are responsible for observing water-related activities for the presence of these species. b. The permittee shall advise all construction.personnel that there are civil and criminal penalties for harming,harassing,or killing sea turtles or smalltooth sawfish,which are protected under the Endangered Species Act of 1973. c. Siltation barriers shall be made of material in which a sea turtle or smalltooth sawfish cannot become entangled,be properly secured,and be regularly monitored to avoid protected species entrapment. Barriers may not block sea turtle or smalltooth sawfish entry to or exit from designated critical habitat.without prior agreement from the National Marine Fisheries Service's Protected Resources Division, St. Petersburg,Florida. d. All vessels associated with the construction project shall operate at."no wake/idle"speeds at all times while in the construction area and while in water depths where the draft iof the vessel provides less than a four-foot clearance from the bottom. All vessels will preferentially follow deep-water routes(e.g.,marked channels)whenever possible. e. If a sea turtle or smalltooth sawfish is seen within 100 yards of the active daily construction/dredging operation or vessel movement, all appropriate precautions shall be implemented to ensure its protection. These precautions shall include cessation of operation of any moving equipment closer than 50 feet of a sea turtle or smalltooth sawfish. Operation of any mechanical construction equipment shall cease immediately if a sea turtle or smalltooth sawfish is seen within a 50-ft radius of the equipment. Activities may not resume until the protected species has departed the project area of its own volition. f. . Any collision with and/or injury to a sea turtle or smalltooth sawfish shall be reported immediately to the National Marine Fisheries Service's Protected Resources Division(727-824- 5312)and the local authorized sea turtle stranding/rescue organization. g. Any special construction conditions,required of your specific project, outside;these general conditions,if applicable,will be addressed in the primary consultation. Revised: March 23,2006 O:\forms\Sea Turtle and Smalltooth Sawfish Construction Conditions.doe z SELF-CERTIFICATION STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE Permit Number: SAJ-2017-02668(GP PWB) I Permittee's Name &Address (please print or type): i i Telephone Number: Location of the Work: { Date Work Started: Date Work Completed: PROPERTY IS INACCESSIBLE WITHOUT PRIOR NOTIFICATION: YES NO TO SCHEDULE AN INSPECTION PLEASE CONTACT AT Description of the Work (e.g. bank stabilization, residential or commercial filling, docks, dredging, etc.): Acreage or Square Feet of Impacts to Waters of the United States` Describe Mitigation completed (if applicable): Describe any Deviations from Permit (attach drawing(s) depicting the deviations): i certify that all work and mitigation (if applicable)was done in accordance withi the limitations and conditions as described in the permit. Any deviations as described above are, epicted on the attached drawing(s). I Signature of Permittee Full Name of Permittee (printed or typed) I Date SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT i September 22, 2017 Delivered via email Kevin Jansen 3921 Shoreside Dr Fort Pierce, FL 34949 Subject: Exemption for Jansen Dock Application No. 170920-157 Exemption No. 56-100036-P j St Lucie County Dear Mr. Jansen: The South Florida Water Management District (District), reviewed the information submitted for the proposed 328 square foot dock at 3921 Shoreside Drive and has determined that the proposed project is exempt from the requirement to obtain an Environmental Resource Permit, pursuant to rule 62-330.051,Florida Administrative Code. Activities that qualify for this exemption must be conducted and operated using appropriate best management practices and in a manner which does not cause or contribute to a water quality violation. Pursuant to Chapters 62-302 or 62-4, Florida Administrative Code. This letter does not relieve you from the responsibility of obtaining other permits (federal, state or local) which may be required for the project. The determination that this project qualifies as an exempt activity may be revoked if the installation is substantially modified, if the basis of the .exemption is determined to be materially incorrect, of if the installation results in violation to stalte water quality standards. Any changes made in the construction plans or location of the project may necessitate a permit from the District. Therefore you are advised to contact the District before beginning any work in wetlands which is not specifically described in the submittal. The notice of determination that the project qualifies as an exempt activity constitutes final agency by the District unless a petition for administrative hearing is filed. Upon timely filing of petition, this Notice will not be effective until further Order of the District. 3301 Gun Club Road,West Palm Beach,Florida 33406•(561)686-8800•1-800-432-2045•wwwsfi�rmd.gov i Kevin Jansen Jansen Dock, Application No.170920-157 September 22, 2017 Page 2 i i If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact Jose Vega, Environmental Analyst 2 at (863) 462-5260 x3011 or jvega@sfwmd.gov, and Carolyn McCreedy, at 863-462-5260 0042 or cmccreed@sfwmd.gov. Sincerely, i Electronically Signed by i Ricardo A. Valera, P.E. I Bureau Chief, Enviromental Resource Bureau I c: Bruce Jerner, Jerner &Associates i i I I i i Exhibits The following exhibits to this permit are incorporated by reference. The exhibits can be viewed by clicking on the links below or by visiting the District's ePermitting website (http://my.sfwmd.gov/ePermitting) and searching under this application number 170920-157. Exhibit 1.0 Exhibit 2.0 , I I I NOTICE OF RIGHTS As required by Sections 120.569 and 120.60(3), Fla. Stat., the following is notice of the opportunities which may be available for administrative hearing or judicial review when the substantial interests of a party are determined by an agency. Please notes that this Notice of Rights is not intended to provide legal advice. Not all of the legal proceedings detailed below may be an applicable or appropriate remedy. You may wish to consult awattorney regarding your legal rights. RIGHT TO REQUEST ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING A person whose substantial interests are or may be affected by the South Florida Water Management District's (SFWMD or District) action has the right to request an administrative hearing on that action pursuant to Sections 120.569 and 120.57, Fla. Stat. Persons seeking a hearing on a SFWMD decision which affects or may affect their substantial interests shall file a petition for hearing with the Office of the District Clerk of the SFWMD, in accordance with the filing instructions set forth herein, within 21 days of receipt of written notice of the decision, unless one of the following shorter time periods apply: (1) within 14 days of the notice of consolidated intent to grant or deny concurrently reviewed applications for environmental resource permits and use of sovereign submerged lands pursuant to Section:373.427, Fla. Stat.; or (2) within 14 days of service of an Administrative Order pursuaant to Section 373.119(1), Fla. Stat. "Receipt of written notice of agency decision" means receipt of written notice through mail, electronic mail, or posting that the SFWMD has or intends to take final agency action, or publication of notice that the SFWMD has or intends to take final agency action. Any person who receives written notice of a SFWMD decision and fails to file a written request for hearing within the timeframe described above waives the right to request a hearing on that decision. If the District takes final agency action which materially differs from the noticed intended agency decision, persons who may be substantially affected shall, unless otherwise provided by law, have an additional Rule 28-106.111, Fla. Admin. Code, point of entry. Any person to whom an emergency order is directed pursuant to Section 373.119(2), Fla. Stat., shall comply therewith immediately, but on petition to the board shall be afforded a hearing as soon as possible. A person may file a request for an extension of time for filing a petition. The SFWMD may, for good cause, grant the request. Requests for extension of time (must be filed with the SFWMD prior to the deadline for filing a petition for hearing. Such requests for extension shall contain a certificate that the moving party has consulted with all other parties concerning the extension and that the SFWMD and any other parties agree to or oppose the extension. A timely request for an extension of time shall toll the running of the time period for filing a petition until the request is acted upon. FILING INSTRUCTIONS A petition for administrative hearing must be filed with the Office of the District Clerk of the SFWMD. Filings with the Office of the District Clerk may be made by mail, and-delivery, or e- mail. Filings by facsimile will not be accepted. A petition for administrative hearing or other document is deemed filed upon receipt during normal business hours by the Office of the District Clerk at SFWMD headquarters in West Palm Beach, Florida. The District's normal business hours are 8:00 a.m. — 5:00 p.m., excluding weekends and bistrict holidays. Any document received by the Office of the District Clerk after 5:00 p.m. shall be deemed filed as of 8:00 a.m. on the next regular business day. Rev.11/08/16 1 i Additional filing instructions are as follows: . Filings by mail must be addressed to the Office of the District Clerk, 3301 Gun Club Road, West Palm Beach, Florida 33406. • Filings by hand-delivery must be,delivered to the Office of the District Clerk. Delivery of a petition to the SFWMD's security desk does not constitute' filing. It will be necessary to request that the SFWMD's security officer contact the Office of the District Clerk. An employee of the SFWMD's Clerk's office will receive and file the petition. . Filings by e-mail must be transmitted to the Office of the District Clerk at clerk65 sfwmd.gov. The filing date for a document transmitted by electronic mail shall be the date the Office of the District Clerk receives the complete document. A party who files a document by e-mail shall (1) represent that the original physically signed document will be retained by that party for the duration of the proceeding and of any subsequent appeal or subs I equent proceeding in that cause and that the art shall produce it upon the re best of other,parties; and 2 be party p p q P ( ) responsible for any delay, disruption, or interruption of the electronic signals and accepts the full risk that the document may not be properly filed. INITIATION OF ADMINISTRTIVE HEARING Pursuant to Sections 120.54(5)(b)4. and 120.569(2)(c), Fla. Stat., and Rules 28-106.201 and 28-106.301, Fla. Admin. Code, initiation of an administrative hearing shall tie made by written petition to the SFWMD in legible form and on 8 1/2 by 11 inch white paper All petitions shall contain: 1.Identification of the action being contested, including the permit number, application number, SFWMD file number or any other SFWMD identification number, if known. 2.The name, address, any email address, any facsimile number, and telephone number of the petitioner and petitioner's representative, if any. 3.An explanation of how the petitioner's substantial interests will be affected by the agency determination. j 4.A statement of when and how the petitioner received notice of the SFWMD's decision. 5.A statement of all disputed issues of material fact. If there Fare none, the petition must so indicate. 6.A concise statement of the ultimate facts alleged, including the specific facts the petitioner contends warrant reversal or modification of the SFWMD's proposed action. 7.A statement of the specific rules or statutes the petitioner contends require reversal or modification of the SFWMD's proposed action. 8.If disputed issues of material fact exist, the statement must also include an explanation of how the alleged facts relate to the specific rules or statutes. 9.A statement of the relief sought by the petitioner, stating precisely the action the petitioner wishes the SFWMD to take with respect to the SFWMD's proposed action!. MEDIATION The procedures for pursuing mediation are set forth in Section 120.573, Fla. Stat., and Rules 28-106.111 and 28-106.401—.405, Fla. Admin. Code. The SFWMD is not p1 oposing mediation for this agency action under Section 120.573, Fla. Stat., at this time. RIGHT TO SEEK JUDICIAL REVIEW Pursuant to Section 120.68, Fla. Stat., and in accordance with Florida Rule of Appellate Procedure 9.110, a party who is adversely affected by final SFWMD action may seek judicial review of the SFWMD's final decision by filing a notice of appeal with the Office of the District Clerk of the SFWMD in accordance with the filing instructions s'etforth herein within 30 days of rendition of the order to be reviewed, and by filing a copy of the notice with the clerk of the appropriate district court of appeal. Rev.11/08116 2 yes" �,�� �• 3 1�., �� 3921 Shoreside Drive { <—a_ � � .� �a..,,ts v sir�..,�'� �-• � �x �� � � s �: zrc:� ' 3 `�$" .3a �s"' _ a:. i'J:- r,.�1,.r•L" .. `fix, 4 - n ' ' r@ •s ..wry' �`-'r �.. � , . .z.r gmv rc " _,�.- �a '2• I ! 1 � v fir` •.•�• i. "� � -1� �`"-'k Mom' } SFN11V1D Leo p--!ua!KSMrv, e�sf Exhibit Created On: r Exhibit No: 2017-09-21 ST.LUCIE COUNTY,FL Application REGULATION DIVISION Project Name: Jansen Dock Application Number: 170920-157 2.. N w _- 0 125 250 + South;Florida Water Management District GEOSP FeetpTIdF S EX,VICFS MANMADE WATERWAY SEAGRASS SUREIVEY PERFORMED BY 115'WIDE BRUCE JERNER ON AUGUST 29, 2017. NO SEAGRASS OBSERVED WITHINA 50' P RADIUS OF PROJECT SITE TOTAL OVERWATER ! N A�O��P ) DOCK AREA =328 SQ FT — i SP�Q ! I• d PROPERTYLINE . I I I i RAMP TO UPLANDS AS : 10' I j NEEDED i C� 42' m z O� -n O 1.----. I I m Z .o �o�� i •CL i Q i - s O I O ! 1 O �I I PROPERTYLINE N r I 's 1" = 20' W JANSEN _�1 I� I Jerner&Associates,Inc. SHEET 2 —a— Marine&Environmental Consulting Date: 915117 3921 SHORESIDE DRIVE - - 2537SEA1fonsoAve Port St.Lucie,FL34952 j I _ Ph(772)283-2950 FORT PIERCE JERNER@BELLSOUTH.NET Pier Section Thru Pier Plan View Live Load 40 lbs./Sq Ft Dead Load 5 lbs./Sq Ft CV VARIES SGL Bolts, Nut, ry i i N Washers 5/8"H.D. - - _ - _ _ _ i i Y - Galy. Or S.S.r 304) w r:iii: -� ____ Nuf FuUy.Th eaded VARIES 2"x 6"SYP, .40 ACQ i %"x s"Lags for Decking#1 Grade w � a Stringers Minimal plank spacing. H �a f! Fasten w#10 3"SS(304) ~ Screws,2 per Stringer ��— i —�• ° - — r - 2"x 8"P.T. SYP, .40 O CO) N ACQ treated stringers to c I u I -• Im t .._.114HW_.. be buftjointed,butt ii n joints to be staggered. ~ 2"x 8"P.T. SYP, .40 ACQ treated DBL be L—�I i O Z killi.......III " -.. c ^:a,:ie�i f F• dtt, Q GRADEKM C� '.y � Stringers 24" _ es Min. 8"Dia. 2.5 0.C.MaxCL •Q. CCA treated piles CENTER STRINGERS TIED DOWN WITH 2"X 4"X 12"0.40 Q. TREATED PINE W 2PC 3"SS SCREWS @ EA MEMBER Pilings jetted to a minimum depth of 6'and as necessary to provide adequate bearing and stability p CM W JANSEN Jerner&Associates,Inc. SHEET 3 f— Marine&Environmental Consulting Date: 915117 3921 SHORESIDE DRIVE - - -�� �_�' 2537SEAlfonsoAve. Port St.Lucie,FL 34952 FORT PIERCE - __ Ph.(772)283-2950 i ,�.::_—: *�,,-;. JERNER@BELLSOLITH.NET \1 _ TARPON ICa>` i' o Tt N °n FLATS too .3921 SHORESIDE DRIVE \/ 0aN ai.�a�'t xro ti �1' SEA.Si�'r 1�'! •am1 f a N t r LU yo 11 I 1 La _.jF.' J'r' CP�yJylip )r'r l.JY FBI�LJ ��. /1 �®1V— •� `q 1 �Fs t , r0aur ath, f , r Fort plafc�¢ �0 JANSEN Jerner�r Associates,Ian . 19 r „:' -:- SHEET 1 3921 SHORESIDE DRIVE -- _� -__ 37SEMarine soAve.Environmental ucie,FConsu 349 Da 17 2537SEAIonsoAve PortSt.Lucie,FL34952 Ph.(772)283-2950 i I FORT PIERCE JERNER@BELLSOUTH.NET �� MANMADE WATERWAY SEAGRASS SURE/VEY PERFORMED BY 115'WIDE BRUCE JERNER ON AUGUST 29, 2017. NO SEAGRASS OBSERVED WITHIN 50' O� �Q RADIUS OF PROJECT SITE Q' TOTAL 0VERWATER DOCK AREA =328 SQ FT �Q�O LINE i I i RAMP TO i UPLANDS AS j 10, I j NEEDED `! 42' O _._. .._.._.._.._.�. i i CC31 _. .#.._.._.._.._. i i Z O (� 1 \ Gip a c ` I I 1� PROPER I ~ I la W Paul Reth�brd ; I i �4#72459 Fort'�� PC'��F JANSEN Jerner&Associates,Inc, I s EET 2 3921 SHORESIDE DRIVE _ 37SEAlfonso Ave. nortSt. ucicFConsulting9 Date: 9/5/17 ,r . 2537SEAve. PortSt.Lucie,FL34952 F P�.�772�283 2950 FORT PIERCE ,.>; ,r i6 _,:;_�;�rf; JERNER@BELLSOLITH.NET Pier Section Thru Pier Plan View Live Load 40 lbs./Sq Ft Dead Load 5 lbs./Sq Ft VARIES SGL Bolts, Nut, P-4 Washers 5/8"H.D. ► �_.�" ~ r . r••. _._._._._7L7— ._I Galv. Or S.S. (304)w ,Q..J i; Nut Fully Threaded "` ' 11� — VARIES ^I� 2"x 6"SYP, .40 ACQ II ! Decking#1 Grade w I t j X 6"Lags for Stringers Minimal plank spacing. "'' � Fasten w#10 3"SS(304) y ;ul I -- — -- -- � - - —Screws,-2-per Stringer- --- �� i --� --- --- -- 2"x 8"P.T. SYP,.40 k ACQ treated stringers to !^! O -� be butt jointed,butt n 'q _ •'.: .._.._.._.._.._.._.._.. lol I. li joints to be staggered. .._.114I.YV._.. 1 9g 2"x 8"P.T. SYP, .40 " "I ACQ treated DBL bents n H r ; '•• I I iiii ■�� II • _•—• it ' GRADE �--► Stringers 24" Min. 8"Dia. 2.5 O.C.Max CCA treated piles CENTER STRINGERS TIED DOWN WITH 2"X 4"X 12"0.40 TREATED PINE W 2PC 3"SS SCREWS @ EA MEM�F�R� Pilings jetted to a minimum depth'of 6'and as N.NXX `�vlgol,�' s fi necessary to provide adequate bearing and stability Danfe-1 Vt�l s1fib Fi ; L a , FortP3e!'ce,� � 7 �,• �; ; JANSEN T Jerner&Associates,Inc. ��,� 88°0��f �� �t� � rSHEET3 Marine&Environmental Consulting gtPt'l��5' ? *y 3921 SHORESIDE DRIVE ----F l-F 2537SE Alfonso Ave- Port St.Lucie,FL34952 Ph.(772)283-2950 FORT PIERCE �i ;;&:;.._�,�;�-�;d�,r• JERNER@BELLSOLITH.NET ENGINEERING REVIEW. NOTE TO EXAMINER: BOAT LIFT TOP CARRIER BEAMS AND THIS CERTIFIED ENGINEERED MOUNTING BRACKETS COMPLY WITH WIND LOAD REQUIREMENTS OF THE 2014 FLORIDA DRAWING HAS BEEN PREPARED BUILDING CODE, PER ASCE 7, AND PER SPECIFICALLY FOR USE ONLY BY DESIGN LOAD REQUIREMENTS OF THE 2010 ALUMINUM ASSOCIATIONS DESIGN MANUAL. BEAMS AND MOUNTING BRACKETS 00000a0000 ° PER HI-71DE IONS, MLL EXCEEDEULTMATE DESIGNSTRUC WINDnSPEED OF o°1O000R M °e°po°ooOO 180 MPH (EXPOSURE CATEGORY C OR D) oo ¢, C E BOATS ARE TO BE REMOVED FROM BOAT o O v F o LIFTS PRIOR TO A MAJOR WIND EVENT. o NO.43855 -p 0 0 srA cw m o °o 0 .o o PILINGS °° F O R 1 O PILING PENETRATION TO BE 10' o-000 881 01%e 000° ona INTO THE SAND BOTTOM OR 5' 0 • o°000000 N Ao 0op,o % INTO ROCK STRATA , st SUB—SURFACE CONDITIONS CAN VARY GREATLY, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL PILE CAPA CI TIES TO COMPLY WITH FBC 2014. ALL PILINGS TO BE ROGER BABER RE NO. 8" MINIMUM DIAMETER MCR PROF SSIONAL3855 ENGIN££RING 2.5 C.C.A PRESSURE TREATED C.A. NO. 26967 WOOD, PRE—STRESSED CONCRETE 1014 NW PINELAKE DR. OR COMPARABLE EQUIVALENT. STUART, FL 34994 PILING MOUNTING TABS 16 MINIMUM (2) 3/8" DIA. SS LAG BOL TS FOR WOOD PILING OR SS CONCRETE ANCHORS FOR El___... _ CONCRETE PILINGS PER ,PILING 1192bD ELECTRIC MOTOR C6REQUIRED.MINIMUM (2) 3/8" 6.8vAMPS 0 115V EACH DIA. SS CARRIAGE BOLT FOR 4.fNMPS ®230V EACH ATTACHING MOUNTING TAB TO QU. 7/TY.• 2 LIFT REQUIRED PER PILING. TO ,kD WATTS: 2024 MOUNTING TAB CONSTRUCTED FROM 1/4" X 2" ALUMINUM 6061 — T6 FLAT BAR . e. ra 1 pvc G"vacs + rr + 10 WNt£ + B A[a01Wv BUNKS On ri#M m YAW BONES ? i wo EE"nr rr� e 9,000 LB. CODA GEAR M� 7� BOATLIFTS AND MAR/NE PRODUCTS ° 'EFT TAD D T ' W OU 4050 SEL W 7Z ROAD 3 AMT TOP MWOU?ASSEMY T BOAT LIFT + + ua.N„r �� + FORT PIERCE, FL 34981 r+ x ssnc rmB Ta + z R. HYDE SCALE.• NTS DATE. 1/3/17 REV 1 1-800-544-0735 www.hi—tide DESMPVaV