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REGEN DEC 0 a 2017W j PIwRMMING . St. Lucie County, FL Bps Home , L,gin UserItegistra h a Hot To W: .5ubmit5uftharge Stats:$eaft-1 PAM(Gaborm41. FBC�Staff :BCIS Slte Map ' :Links ; •$earM 1: b � .7 F ProduaAppPoval USER:PuhllcU se'r �Pfl�lGi,P.00roval Menu Prod.z v Apoircatlop Sea i'cN y ApQlfca n List>-AppO aatlon POOR FL12328-R7 f _ M. Application.Type Revision Code Version 2014 AppllCatton Status :Fipprovad j Comments Archfved I Rladuct:T'IanUfacturer TAM)(O9tiilding.Produ4ui Inc., Address/phone/E all `PO Box 14M. Joplin,Id0.64862 (4l... 624-66. Ext 1230.5 'keir`:f_etlenCfltarok CD.M A ithoxlzed-SigmAare' :Carter Lea (cartel lea@ to mko.xom'. Technical RepPjesentdbie-- Iferrl.Eden Address%PhcnejErnail. ;pqk Box 14g4 lop I[n�MO.6486g -4(41 ):624i 6644-- 1_xt 3305 j ker-ri_eden@tarti ko.com. Quatlty.Assurance.Represen[atiye Address/Rhona/Email I .Category. Ragfing: Sutfcategory. Under►ayments Complianc..e Method: EV.11bation Report from a'Mbr.Ida Regis) red:Architect.or-a licensed: Florida!?rafessional Engineer' t.- 'Evaluation Report-}tardcopY Received Florida.Engineer or':Architett Name who-developgd Zachary R :Priest the EValuatlom Report i florada Ur.'ense pE`74021 Quality Assurance,Entity U4 LLC. Quallty Assurance:COntfact Eicpiratlori-Date- 01{R/Xi. Y Locke Howden Vapdated 13 . , Validkpon:Checklist, Nardcopy)Aece)ved Certificate of InAependenGe; PT.... ;: 1 - f � s Referencei3:Standard and Yea"r.(of Standard) — ard; ® ASTM DIM, 2009 A TM b226 �+ 2006 ASTM D4869; I�✓ .2005 ASTM mf66 2061. E9u(valence of Product Standards, .Certlfled 8y Section's frgm.the Code I Design Preessurm N/A.; I Created by"Independent Third Party:.Yes Other..'See eva{uation.report`f6r"Iiinits of"u§e. EvalmatbnAleports r 328 .R7 AE TBP1400 .3'20f4 FPA TAi W nderlaynisnts FINAL odfjl Created b'y:Independent Third Party.Xas 12328.7 TAsphalt saturated,organic;,,feit Limitsrof Use Insta11ation Instructlons Approved for usedn_HVHZn No t) j,3 ZQJ 4 FPA IM,KO Apprroved for use outside HVHZ:Yes I,J�iderlavment�FINAL.Ddf'� Imp act:Resistant N/A. Verified ay: Zachary R.Prlest 74021 Oesign_Pressure:N/A Created by.IndependentT.hfrd Party:Yes other See evaluation report for:limits of:use: 1 Evaluation Reports` FL123Z8-47-AP,TMADO 3 2014 IPA TAMKO Underlavritents FINAL Ddf,f Created b Independent T�ilird Party:Yes 12328.$ No. 30.'UL Asphalt sat urated organic.felt Lini is bif Use Installatloii:Instructions� Approved for use rn HVHZe:No k{' 2128 R7 lI TBPY4D01 2014 FPA'TAMKO Approvedfor.use outside:HVHZ Yes tinder{avments-FINALD&it Impact Resistant NIA Verified By: Zachary R Priest 74021 Design.Pressure �t/A Created by Indepeadent:Third Party; Yes Other:'See evaluation report.for limits of use. Evaluation Reports -=2328 p7 9E TBP1400[3 2614FPA TAMKO. Under{aaments•FINAL pdf .I `Created by Independent?hird Party;Yes 123Z6;9 ITANJ-FELT Afternate.to-ASTM D.226,Type lI.underlayment Limits of Use: Installation InstructfonIl Approvedfor:use rn:HVHZ Na Ft]2128 gib II T9PZ4001 3 7W4 FAA TAMKO Approved for,user outside H1►RZ:Yes lundar a _6 is.FINAL ndf Impact Resistant N/A Verified B�: Zachary:R Priest PE 74 21, benign Pressure N/A' Created by`Tndependent ird party:Yes Dt6er See evaluation report for linijts'of use Ei luationlReports 1 p4I? 2R R7 IiE 7BP44001j 3 2014 FRA.°fAmKo } tlnde lavrnerits l NAL odf tt Creaked by'Independent .,ird Party:fifes j 12329.10 TW N�etal and Tile Undertagrnefit self.adhering modified bitumen underlayment, Units of Use Installation institictions.j Approved forluse in-tWkZ No FL12328 0II TBP24U01 3 2014.FPA-'TAMK!2 Approved:foruse out IiYHZ,Yes` InderlavmPnts FINDdf .Impact Resistant."N/a verified 9y;,Zachary R Prlest 74021 Design Pressure1/A. Created by Independent Ttiird,Party:,Yes Other.See:evaluationsreport for'1ltnirs:of-u5e.: EyaluatfoirReports 'FL123?8 R7 A'E TBP14007�3 2014 FPA TAMKQ rid i iayp�ents-FINAL pdf rd Party.:Yes —N�� Created-bp independentThi 123 8:1t TW Underlayment self-adheripg modified bitumen:underlayment j Lio►ifs of Use. Insta11at1onInstructions App'ovedforuse.1n_HVHZ:No Fi,1'1 RT tI�P1400i- 2Q1 FPA TAMKO. Approved for use acitsiidB HV,HZ:`Yes l�nderl!! ents FINAL:ndf Impa Resistant.N/A Verified By.!Zachary R.Priesf74021 Desigg Pressure N/A Created by Independent Third.Party: Yes Other.Sec evaluatio'n'replirtfor limits of use. IvalutitlonReports; F(,�y„1,�8.R71 A� FBP14Db1:�201d Fly TAI�IICO 0 n der{avrrients-KNAC.Ddf. II Created�y Independeent Third Party:Yes: 3 j u;rtt eieiik �` I .Cnntatti§;:.7.601 916it-atone.And.-j Ashassee F132399'Monef 850-4874824 71ie:5tate:nf:Florida is.yn an/tiq.emplayei,Codynoht,2007-2013 State of Florida:.::Privacy StatemenF.".Aedessi lWlitv.Statement :114CMW Statement .. -.mail 3(•you.,have,any 9� stioru;.'piease ctlnf tic remrds•reQueSt,Co tWt send electrueie Under'�loiida-Taw,email addresses are public rernrds N youd9 t tlt wgrit,you(e-m0il•address releasQd'tn responsetcra pu matt to this entity In teadi wMect the office by phpne,or by-Vaditlonal y pe act 85D 487_1395 KPursuant to section 4S5�.ZS(1,Florida Statutes,e(tective October 1 2n12;licensees-ilcellse¢under q;apier 455,F 5.itiust-provide the Depaitinent with an email address if.the"y have Zot address,please' rOvidc the Department with an emall.add�reSS,F h5;;,;Can])Q made�a_v�allat;14 to ti,e.publlc TO deep peco�if you do not:wfsh to suDWY a one.'The emails-provided maybe used_�,for official;communlcatiQn with3h@ iioer�see..:Howover email,addresses are publ•) Pe p lermine.lf you are-a Ucensee under CnapFec ProducuABprovaf:Acceplim ER® I ;� I II Certificate of.Aumorizatrort:No 20824 REE I17520 Edinburgh Drive CK Tampa,Ft,33647' (El 3)-480.3421 TECHWCAL.SERVICES, LLC I I EVALUATION RE.PORT FLORIDA•BUILDING:C010 J-5-- EDITION(2014) Manufacturer: TAMKO BUILDING-PRODUCTS,.INC_ Issued August 22 201-6' PLO.;Sox 14.04 Joplin,MO 64802 :(41T)62d-6644 .hjMJ/vvww.tarnko.com Quality.Assurance.: UL;LLC.{OUA9625) I SCQPE 'Cate gory:• Roofing. SubgAtegory.: - Underlayments Cade Sections•: 1:507 2.3,1507.2:4; 607 4.5,1,1507,4.5.2;1507.4.5:3, 15b7 5 3,1;507 5 3:2 1507.6.3,15t17,6 3 2.1'507 ti�,1507 7::3 15Q7,:7 3;2,.1507.8',9,- 1:50T 83,2, f507,8 8,T1507 8, 15Di-9 3, 1507,9 3.2;.1507 9t5,1507.9:9 Properties: Physical properties II ntr e o Standard I Ye.6t PRI Construction Materials.Techr16logles(TST6049)' TA P--191-D2-01REV AS.TM 019.70< 2009 PRI Constnrction'Mateneis T,60hno[ogies(TS i 6.,i149)' TAC?192-02-01 ASTM D-1970 2009 ?R)Gonstnrction lulaterielS:Tectinot6gles:(TST6049) TAI? 93-02-(ll ASTM 0:1970: 2009 PRI ConstrucflonMaterials Technologies(TST60.49), TAP-214-02-1 AsTM D,4869 260te09 PRI GanstrucUon liAaterla(s fachr►otogies ZTSTfi(3- TAR-215-02-0] ASTM D 226 2046. PRI Copstrup0gn Matorlals Technologies(TST6049). TFtP216-02:Q3: i15TM D 63.80 I 2003(2009)' PRI Conslcuc,on,Materials Technoogies(TST60�49); TAP 2 t7 02-t11 RE1l ASTM D 638(J 2003(2009} PRI Constrttction;Materials technologies(TS f6049). TAR21g p2-01 A&M D 226 I 2006' PRI.Can9tnic0omMeteriafs Technologies(TST6049) TAP 219-t)2-01 ASTM D:226 2006 P•RI•Constructian=talaterials Technologies(TST6049). TAP-22t3-02=01 ASTM D 5380 2003(20Q9): PRtConstrgciton Atatedals Technologies(T578049)- TAP-222102-01 _ ASTM D 4869 20-5e ;PRI Cdnstroction7vtaterialsTechnologies(TST6049) TAP-319 A2 01.;]' ACC 188 I 2012 01 4 LLC(tST96w) 13CAT2269 AS A D 226 I �2006' PROt7UCT�E$GRIPT{O(+l.Als{D:APPUCATIOtt � � T/1MK A$TM Slate ASTM D 6380,Class M,Type U plld;B ayment constni.cted from erg Inic felt,�tprated: Surfaced ftoU.Rocfin_g �uifh asphalt:agd:cpated tit;kioth.s des wAIn asphalt an surfaced with:granules, f Rhin:slope;: 2:12 Appficafion The underlay--ent bM..be bstalied,with mityimuro;2" side laps ar?d minimum 4"stagg_ered:end laps and in. accordance 'with FRSA/TRI; _07230' fvr file applications.. } Aliowable roc#coverings: Attachm6nt of aspha it-:shingle valleys and day-an. concCete 3ile shalt,be permitted in accordance with tho;.FBC:. 'page 1. 4 e9 I'd This-6bi3166U6n'report Is provided tar State:of Ftonda product approval.wder:Rule 61G20-3. The<manufacturer shall notify 5RF5K Technical Services,LLC-Df anyprvduct changes or.quaftty assurance sharfges throughori#the duration:tar which this report is valid. Tl?is_evacuation Teport does not ezprsss.nor imply'awarranty,installation,:recommended use,brother produpf attnbuters that are not specifically addressed hereto: I I • 'I TA6YIK0 BUtfLS� REEKPRODCUT$j INC,NCRE j ITAMKO Underlaymente: ' TEG1if+IlCAL.SEFtV)CE$s.LLC TAMKOS ASTM Tl.le ASTM.D 6380.Class M,.Type 11 undeda•5r►n ent-onstrticted from an,organic felt saturated: ti It then coated on both Shies with.pspttatt'I nd surf..acsd w ith:granwies Undedayment WAh 13 spha Applrp on: The underlayment shall be installed with minimum 2" •side.laps and rnihimum 4 staggered end:laps and in ,accordance: with Fk$A.TRi 07. 230 for tile applications I i f L.. Allowable�roof coverings: :Attachment :of clay aril ncrete tile; shall be, permitted rn acc ndance.with the FBC, TAMKOO;Master ASTM D 6364,Class S'Type N'underlayment constructed from aq D. anic_felt�saturated Smooth: -vv_ith asphalEthencoafed�on both sides with,asphak- nd surfaced with>a fine.mineral: .Application: The undedayment strap be ins lled:along the valley in accordance with FBCjrequlrements. Allowable roof coverings: Attachment- of asphalt; sfingle- valleys shall be perMitted:in accordance with the FBC. TAMKOV MolstWre :Self-adhered A8TQ1 13 197U 1fibergiass reinforced, modified bitu;l on sheet mern_brane. Guard PlusO. +Leith a mrnetal surfacing atld;a.rsrnavab(iB tetease flit�l on the adhes�ve.srde, I Appiicatiorr_' The underlayment• shall.be: attached by adhering directly 6. the roof beck wrtth mum 3'1.f2" side Tap_' d in.imurn 6"staggere.dIndni'enddlaps. Min.•applicatuonternperoturtn 44°F. Allowable.i4'of coverings:: Attachment of asphalt shingles and .01- nicatly fastened concrete and: cfay file roofing sfiall be permitted to accordance vWth:thl FBC_ 'TAMKDS Na.:1 b ASTM; ASi M p 226 ype:.l urtdeelayment constructed,from.anon-perforated organic fell thins Asphalt Saturated saturated with,asphalt: Organic Felt Application; The unperiayment shall.be installed.with minimum T $ide laps'and minimum 4 endlaps. I Ailowable;roof coverings; Attachment;of,as phalf�shingles�metal roofing mood shingleesi wood f shakes, and -soli roofing .shall be permitted to nc accordae%AA6 tis:FBC• TAMKO@ No:7 5 tIL A5TN1 D 226,Type l iirideriayment-constructed from l non perforalel d organic felt that is Asphalt Saturated: saturated with asphalt. Organic Felt pplications; Tfte underiayrne.It shall tie inst�lled'with minimum-2° side la ps:-andin6 hiitnum a"and laps-. I g „metal roofing,-wood Allowable roof'coverin s; Attachment of�sphaltshingles shlei6jes wood shakes,. and roil roofing sMM be permitted In accordance with the-FBC., I I Fl_^I 328=f27 I Pag®2 of 4 Ttils,evWWRIpn,reporf is pr pcl for State-of.Floridi3 product;approvil(under,Riule 61020-.31 The.manufacturer sh8lt notify CREEK. Technical.Services,lIC-brany product-changes ar quality assurance�changes throughout tl e..duration for which this report#valid. This evaluation;reQor tines not aispress.bor iinpty warranty,installation;.recommended use;'i or other prod"u"ct attributes That are not ,specifically addressed herein.. I I ' D j TAMKO�SUI. 41NGPROt3CUfiS,INC. ■ �, _� 'TAMKO UndaNayrnalm TEctiNMAL SE"IC M,LI., TAMKOO No.34 ASTM ASTM O 226;Type it uttderlayntierit:eori5tructed from a nonperfonated;organic:felt:thai Asphalt Saturafed saturated-with esphatt;, Organic Felt Application: The uniierlaym ntshalt:belns led.,wifh.minimum.T sitle laps and minimum V end laps. 'i Allowable root coverings; Attachment of�sphalt atliitgles; metal ra frog, clay and concrete tile, slate h#tiirigles, wood shingles, wood s#talces,:pnd roll roofing shall the permitted:in accordance with:the Fac. TAMKOO tio.10`UL. ASTM D 226,Type-Q'-underfayment constructed fto !a non�pr3,rf :'fed organic felt tt►at#s Asphalt Saturated saturated With asphalt: Organic felt' Application: The side t ps�and m n mum 4 i fled with minimurn:2 aps. Allowable roof coverings: Attachment of sphalt shingles-metal roofit g, clay and :concrete tile, slate.:shingles„ Wood, shingles, wand shakes And colt roofing shall be perrnitted;in aecorriaric a vuith the t=BD.:. TAMKOOTW Metat and Self-adhered; ftexibie; ASTM D 1.970, rubberize I: asphalt.shet membrane with-a: 'rife'Uaderiayr»ent pbJyrrier f1m..on the surface;and a removable:re[easa`film on'ttie gall' side:: Application: Tl.e ur ded APP ayment shall ;be attached by adhering, directly-to-the roof.'deck with Minimum 4"-side laps and minimum 6" taggered end laps. Mr app)icetlon#ehperafuce; Allowable rooftcoverthgs: Atfachmtii t of. sphatt shingles,_metal roofings and inee anically fap'oned clay an concrete stiles shall to permitted in t.cordancs intito tho FBC_ T.AMKOO'TW Self-adher0d 'flexible, ASTM O 1970, rutit�enze 1.asphalt sh I� membrane uuift a ()nderla"Min polymer film on1he siurface:and a._removable release film an the ad oreslvasida- Application: The- underlaym Ot shall: be. aI ed by adhering direr fly to.the:roof.deck with minimum V side Taps and mintrnum 6" aggeretl end aps_. Misr:.application'temperatum. 4'(°F Allowable roof,coverings:. Attachtnettt of asphalt shintagO6 :and metal eoofing- shall be pemtitted to accordance with the FBC. TAMKOO TAM=FELT AfWM#te to ASTM.tQ 226;.Tycpe#and Type ll urt. ayinent coristn►cter!from a non- perforated organic felt that Js saturated:m thr asphalt Application: Tfig underlaytrterrtshall beinstallea`+nnth'n3nlmurn 2" side laps and minmum 4-end flaps. Allowable roof coverings- Attachment a#As I sit shingles#shall be,permitted in aces;'rdance w►th the FBC:; `fBP!4001: F112328-R7_...... . _ Page 4.of 4- Ttiis evatuatlon repo#,1s pro_1ded1orStatO of Ftorida,praifuct epprtfo under Rvtefii3OZ©3 The manufacturershwl notify.CREEK, Tmhmcat.Services,.LLG ofany product changes or quality!assurance changes throilghoig t -dwat on for which this m PC "his valid. This evaluation rvort-doas,not express nor.imoyvy yyarTerity installation,reoomm-inded use,ar nthef pr4iltict';aftributes#hat are not spei�icallyatidresset!herein; i I II 7AMKO BUILDING PRODCUTS,INC. Kl.r TAMKO UWadayments C TECHNICAL,SERVICEs,-LI.0 I:ItNITATJONS � �� 1) This evaluation report is:not for use in the.,HUH 2) Fire Classification is not wlthin the scope of this evaluation. 3). Wind uplift resisanenotwithinscpe of this evaluation. o 4) Installation Of.t evaiu..ated product shall com y with this report;the FBC,and:tlje manufacturer's published application:instructions. Where discrepancies.,exist.between these sources,the more restrictive and:FBC compliant'installation.detall,shall prevail. , 5) klinimurni.application temperature shall be 50°F.unless otherwise noted. Contact tie.manufacturer when Installing at temperakwgsi tietow the tfiinimurn application temperature. 6) Deck substrates shall be dean; dry,;,and free from.any irregularities-and debris;. All fasteners in the.deck shall be checked for protrusion and.-correctled prior to underlayment appycatian: T) Ttte roof deck.shall°toe:constructed.of-closely-fitted sheathing.fpr new'nor existing,construction: Roof back dance C.requirements- 8) unlesse,Installed othetvviseistated r he m nimurnBoof slope shah be in accordance ve�startin a autirements; 9) All underlayments shall be installed with the roll:length:patallei to ttte ea g the eaves and tapped. In successive eoutses:installed up:the deck in•a manner that effectively sheds water,from the deck. End laps shall be staggered betwaerr cawrses in.acirdanaernth the:manUfactureFs application instructii�ns. 10j The iindertayment`may be:used'as:described in ether icurrent.FBC;product approval documents:. 1 i) The.undetlaytxtent:shall riot be installed over ecistingtioaf cpverings_ f2) Contact.-the manufacturer regarding specific:exposure for.each underlayment 13)All productsalsted in:this report shall be manufactured under a qualit"ssurance'progt a n'in:compliance with Rile!B'1 G20-3. II I II COMPLIANCE STATEMENT The products evaluated herein by Zachary R. Pnest,R E have_demonstrated.compliance with the:Florida:building. Code's Edition(20'14)as_e�idenoed;in the:rerereneedAocuments submitted by the named manufacturer. I, ,����r�utit►itsrrY Il � �02; . .01608.2 2 �0, 9.35:39. 0 , 10 �9 8TATE :0<F `w '0, �v ,I ©,13l�y, . ` `.. Zaeharyr:R Piiest,I'E: I� Q ganization No.ANB964-1 21. CERTIFICATION.-OF;INDEPENDENCE =CREEK Tethnit:Ai 6ernces=_LLG do9stcioS:have;riot wilt it acquire;:a'Hnanciatin{crest in any company�rnanut'actu4ng:dt;distri�utss�g pinduesunderthis �valuadon. I CREEK TechNeAservices,LLCts,irocpWrv4;:operated,or'cCntrRlledbyanyisvmpany:menufa`cturing:ord(stribulingptoducts; der thisevaiuelion. I Zachary R.Priest;P.E.does not have,nwwllracquire,ainat�clal interectici 8oytompeny manufastuting or distributing du Ilts urtder;thia evahi8tion. Zar]ary R'Presl, P.E.does not•haye;norwl ecquf re a finanafnterestn any other ihvolvedin.thePP. P if tha product.. a royal: rocegs o I I 1� END.OF REPORT I .' T8PIa009 3 FL12828 R7 Pags of 4 This evaluation report is:pr coded for State of Florida product approval sunder Rule-69 G2p . The,manufacturer shait notify CREEK 'Technical Services,LLC lit any protluctchanges or quairly assurence.:changes throughput the durattoq for which this report-is valid. This:eUaluation.Mpori:d.oes not express°nor imply warranly:,instaliation,recommended use,or other prodpgt attributes that aTe'not specificalty-addressed heraln. I' 1