HomeMy WebLinkAboutSub-Contractor AgreementPERMIT4 ISSUE DATE er COUNTY `F 1, 0 R I D A _46 PLANNING.& .1),EVELOPAI.ENT SERVICESI Building & Code Compliance Di'Asloni BUILDING PERMIT -SUB-,CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Aqua Dimensions Plumbing Services have agreed to be (Company Name/Individual Name) the Plumber Sub -contractor for Port St Lucie Properties (Type.6f Trad , 0 (Pririiary'_Contractor) For the ptoject located at 4005 Avenue T,(2405-601-0003-000-5 (Project Sireet, Address or Property Tax ED#) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regaidin . our participation with the above mention ed project, the BuildingLucie County and Code Regulation Division of St. L wilt be advised pursuant to -the -filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice.. CONTRA C11011 SIGNATURE (Qudfier), . /A k A4 PRINT NAME * COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, Countyvfj C. ,e The foregoing instrument Was.sidned befor e day 6r W"We -,2021by.macy= Molrww who is personally, knowliXI—or bas,pioduc'cd a as Identification. Pt A STAMP SignaturDOZZo—tary Public /SUB-00NTRACT0FCSIG,NKTVRE (Qualifier) PRINT NAME COUNWC , ERTIFICATIONI NV�JBER state of Florida, Coun ty of The foregoing instrument ryas signed before the this, 26 f.y,t March by oil who is Personally known _�O_or hai produced a as W­ h I[iliation. LISA LESTER PrinfNamc Notary Public' Print Name of i .4p Notary Public State of Florida Robin L Bowen MY Commission GG 298212 Revised Il/I'6n6I6 or add Expires 02104/2023 FLQkibA 9mn* OG127647 ka, Expires 7/24/2021 PERMIT # the For the project located at ISSUE DATE PLANMWG & DEVELOPMENT Building & Code Compliance BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Name) Sub -contractor for (Primary 'roject Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be filing of a Change of Sub -contra or notice. CO CTOiISIGNAT (Qu Wer) PRINT 31 (��v COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMER State of Florida, County of 57 - U..1(A o The foregoing instrument was signed before me this 2A.,'►. dayof ,�l)11� e .20a 1 by �r� MV T1411 O who Is personally Imown,Lor has produced as ldentiReadon. STAMP SI9nd&'ZN6YNo1Qry Public Print Name of Notary Public 4.0 • Notary PubliFlo c Stele of ddo Revised 11/16/2016 `t; Robin L Bowen _ . My Commission GG 2oa2t2 Expues o%12023 E. Ce State of Florida, County The foregoing instrument w kSLM(- , 20a 11 e---wbo Is personally l wn= a'; id�nti,GcatIoa. irn have agreed to be the above mentioned pursuant to the signed before me this a day of 0-n i 1.I QCw&D it has produced a wfJ1) STAMP Public Stalo of Flonda oftlw00d- nnussion HH 054334 , PERMIT € UE'DATt �� *,tt , r ;--•� P'�L�1 ING c C I?E LE3 WNT SEM ICE+ S , 3eStn dIng' &, Code C€ria�apt anci� IDar�asio i � • • i3UYi�liiP�(3 €'ERiVITT� i , ' v SU,,B-C1 iiVTi A 6k,'kGREEM� EINY I , s have agreedao':be (Compank i?i e/lndjyi—dwt'I N4tne1 tte . Sub.`"contractor (Type of.Trade) (Pr�niar}- Coniraator'). For the po�ect lacated:at �� h (P�o,�et;t;Sfireet Az3aress orFroperty,Tax ID #�) - � , It is znderstotid_t4zat: if ihe., 'is any change af<status regarding our participatton i =lth t above;mentiotied" project, the Bttzlding apd doddltegttlatton D vl ion d-St Lucie;Caunty mill be ad-ised'pursuant16 the filing afa�Chang`° ofSu%tee. Gi]Nrm M G.',%-tTURE ti kr): 5U33 CQF4TRfLGi(?R`SIfaN+ { nUlifict) AQ PR AhiE ,, -4 ��-� ° „;. , ° . , .•'°�QilN+1'�Ct<RTinTC�t7'tOV;�TUMBEtt, �,." SftiEeofElorlda,Gountyof f , e SftttCof=[oricl� Canai} of ° Tite.iotoing tnaromeptvs signed bchirc;n'sC thisq day o[i1C farc�diug iAstmmenf,trisseQued #icforC ttie 1ti W ` Jayof: \Yy vzo 2t l av VY1 rRr V— M i m `j 4, T t1/�G i'Zh A2! b trho ispCtstulseliy itnQW.n`• 'gt li i5 ptY dUCecCst; vLo five ,onnily Rn ulvn Y _:or Iwe pr tctucrd a> :i§'identitiretiou;-,' . • r ss Ittentifirifioo. 3� ` 33 ST4SiP Sipggt - . NotaryPu¢lic • , s-0nakur q 1�'oWry;Fl161tc • , t L IPA �h h j -� PriutIVmsec„ (Noitry.i?ubifc Pcuttti me`S nfi�ot i'ubbC b . 1S,§MDATA - W., WWI T M M '. LI&JUICS-MU- ,(�p3paqy Nameauamaw a Name) the (TYp6-IDfTrade) FOr t1le pzoject IM-W at, L) D65 A, j - iris th4 if thm- 'i's mw dhaw of §tWm regar& -a 'a, gootp rh PrIOjemIfiOrDtWdbg and Co& Re ga badon, CIDUIlty 50mg of a Change of Slab -.wntactor no*e. C—C 7, -L\jue J20-kliby VhAVIK YY1cnn jam) P=OMMY,44TM, Lor ims Amae-il k 2§m Koko rab& %,-") " I A ;-i-T kN;q- - oEMotmyFabic ;s&ulJT=Am rtL-iked 1 IA&2016 Notary Public State of Florida Robin L Bowen My Commission GG 298212 E Pr:TO210412023 ageO f,q be advised- pwuant W the, m kAbW SHAR09fttRSQN C " E94r I x SAMI25,1024 aofi' *Tii�.11u. d I - i PERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Building & Code Compliance BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT (Company Name/Individual Name) IJ the yky �C Sub -contractor for T (Type of Trade) c (Pri For the project located at y ��� J✓ye n u-en (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County filing of a Cthange of Sub -contractor notice. r CONT CTOR SIGNAT (Qualifier) SUB -CONTRA( PRINT NAME PRINT NAME 31220 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of S+ lrl.. C A The foregoing instrument was signed before me this 8 M day of l" isa r- , 20L, by M AY1L 11'1CMTk1 JZ) who is personally known Xor has produced a as identification. STAMP Sign to a of Notary Public 6%" 1 .1 wetn Print Maine of Notary Public VICES ision i have agreed to be r 0 p C '�� 1 es 1 Yl C Contractor) with the above mentioned be advised pursuant to the SIGNATURE (Qualifier) ao_a; s03$ COUNTY CERTIFICATIONnNiU1MB,E.R State of Florida, County my of 1 1--�-C The foregoing instrument was signed before me this&rh delay of �kfve 20g by K tc�JA is "Oyi 1 who is personally Town _$,—or has produced a as identification. Print Name of Notary Public LEW E.y� Notary Public State of Florida Robin L Bowen �y My Commission GG 298212 =-Y State of Flo?ida1j d�Expires 02/04/2023 enor w n GG 298212Revised 11/16/2016 2023 I IDPORT STo LUCIE ualiLy I:Ionie Builder License # CBC1263072 SUB -CONTRACTOR LIST: i PROPERTIES A/C: AIR CONDITIONING UNLIMITED CERT# ELECTRICIAN: AAPEX ELECTRIC:CERT# EC1 ) 343 INSTALLATION: DAVIDSON INSTALLATION: CERT:2140 PLUMBER: AQUA DIMENSIONS PLUMBING: CERT# 18628 ROOFER: CARDINAL ROOFING: CERT# 9072