December 8, 2021
Gary Mayfield
Hartson Construction
104 Meco Lane
Oak Ridge, TN 37830
Re: Maverick Boats Guy Wire Loading
Comm. No. 210947
Dear Mr. Mayfield:
Thank you for contacting MBI Companies Inc. regarding the stack installation at the above -mentioned
The following guy wire and stack loading information is provided for the installation of various stacks
penetrating the new pre-engineered building roof structure for Maverick Boats in Fort Pierce, Florida.
The following building, stack and wind load criteria was utilized in the development of the guy wire and
stack base reaction:
• Building: 850 feet long by 125 feet wide monosloped pre-engineered metal building with a roof
eave height of 28 feet at the low end and 38.42 feet at the high end. The roof slopes at a pitch of
1 inch in 12 inches (1:12)
• Stack: The largest stack is 54 inches in diameter and extends approximately 13 feet above the
roof. The smallest stack is 28 inches in diameter and extends approximately 10 feet above the
roof. Each stack is vertically supported by the equipment and equipment foundations within the
building and is laterally' supported by the roof opening and four (4) guy wires. The wires are
fastened to the tops of the stacks near the rain cap flange and extend to the roof at
approximately 45 degrees.
• Wind Load: The wind speed for this project is 160 mph, Exposure C.
Utilizing the 2020 Florida Building Code (7`h Edition) and ASCE 7-16 along with the building geometry and
the largest stack, the force exerted on the stack above the roof is 79.2 pounds per linear foot. The
maximum guy wire and stack reaction occurs with the wind blowing perpendicular to the stack with two
guy wires positioned as shown in the below screenshot.
University Tower
651 E. Fourth Street, Suite Soo
Chattanooga, TN 37403
(0) 423.756.5046
299 N. Weisgarber Road
Knoxvlile, TN 37919
(o) 865.584.0999
a .
Maverick Boats Guy Wire Loading
Comm. No. 210947
December 3, 2021
Page 2
The resulting maximum reactions at the supports are as follows:
Fx (horizontal)
Fy (Vertical)
Guy Wire
669 Ibs
669 Ibs (uplift)
360 Ibs
Ignore (load supported by stack at equipment level)
Note: Above reactions are indicated as ASD (allowable) wind loads. The guy wires are installed as
tension -only members and the reactions shown on the left support are negligible in the support design.
This letter is prepared only to provide information regarding the support reactions to the project
Engineer of Record to check the pre-engineered metal building structure. The fastening of the stack and
its guy wires to the structure are the responsibility of the equipment manufacturer. This report is the
exclusive property of Harson Construction and the release of this report to a third party is the owner's
responsibility. Compliance with any specifications, legal, or code requirements is specifically excluded
from this report.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact our office
Ryan M. Gerken, PE (TN)
Senior Principal, Structural Engineer
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W. Nicholas Deal, PE, SE
Principal / Structural Engineer