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Anti-Scald Valve Instalation Manual
ANTE-SEALD VALVE ANTI -SCALD VALVES HAVE BEEN INSTALLED DN'ALL TUBS, TUB/SHOWERS, AND SHOWERS IN YOUR HOME. AFTER THE WATER LINES HAVE BEEN FLUSHED, THE OUTLET TEMPERATURE ATE EACH TUB, TUB/5HDWER, AND SHOWER MUST BE TESTED TO ENSURE THAT IT DOES NOT EXCEED 120 IF (49 t]. WATER SHOULD RUN FOR AT LEAST TWO MINUTES ON THE HOTTEST SETTING BEFORE TAKING THE TEMPERATURE READING. TEMPERATURE RANGES MAY BE ADJUSTED BY USING THE INFORMATION PROVIDED WITH THE VALVE. IN ND CASE SHOULD THE TEMPERATURE EXCEED 12O OF [49 DC) AS THIS MAY RESULT IN SERIOUS BODILY HARM AND/OR DEATH. REFER TO SETUP MANUAL PAGES SU-11-0003A THRU 0003F FOR VALVE MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS. TO ADJUST THE TEMPERING VALVE FOR A ONE-PIECE GARDEN TUB THE ANTI -SCALD DEVICE WILL BE LOCATED BENEATH THE FAUCET BEHIND ONE OF THE ACCESS PANELS PROVIDED. TO ADJUST THE TEMPERING VALVE FOR A DROP -IN TUB [WITH OR WITHOUT JETS] THE ANTI -SCALD VALVE WILL BE LOCATED INSIDE THE LAVY (SINK) CABINET FOR ACCESS. THE ADJUSTMENT FOR A SHOWER AND/OR TUB/SHOWER WILL BE LOCATED AT THE FIXTURE. 1. ANTI -SCALD VALVES COME IN SEVERAL DIFFERENT TYPES AND CONFIGURATIONS. THESE VALVES ARE INSTALL IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CODE AND EXPRESSLY FOR YOUR PROTECTION. 2. LOCATIONS: ALL TUBS. TUB/SHOWERS, AND SHOWERS WILL BE PROTECTED BY AN ANTI -SCALD DEVICE. 3. .ON SINGLE LEVER FAUCETS, THESE ANTI -SCALD 'VALVES ARE BUILT DIRECTLY INTO THE "DIVERTER". 4. ON DROP -IN OR ISLAND TUBS, THE ANTI -SCALD VALVE WILL BE LOCATED IN THE LAVY BASE CABINET FOR EASE OF ACCESS. 5_ ON ONE-PIECE GARDEN TUBS THE ANTI SCALD -VALVE WILL BE LOCATED JUST INSIDE THE BUILT-IN ACCESS PANELS ON EITHER SIDE OF THE TUB. REFER TO THE MANUFACTURERS INSTALLATION AND ADJUSTMENT INSTRUCTIONS ALSO LOCATED IN THIS MANUAL FOR DIRECTIONS ON HOW TO ADJUST THE MAXIMUM WATER TEMPERATURE. NOTES: DAPIA APPROVAL: 1.. v�' u full1 i„( v ►i > -YI a MAY-7 2015 a a. C R' Rdrnl Manufacwd m HomoConsw:noo (D"� Md ftfcw SWEd2& ❑❑❑❑ ■A/� pcCC11i�,� HOMES �r JAE�ASEN �C{01@r'�ES NOTICE: 14M SPECIFICATIONS AND DRAWNGS ARE DrwwN DY, C.YOLING DATE, 5-5-20/5 nEV. LETTER, ❑❑®❑ ORIGINAL, PROPRIETARY, AND CONFIDENTIAL DRAwiNG Tnrm ❑�®❑ ❑ ❑❑ P.O. BOX 368 SAFETY HARBOR, FLORIDA 34695 PHONE (813) 726-1138 MATERIALS OF JACOBSEN MANUFACTURING INC. SUCH MATERIALS ARE PRONDED TO THE REOFIERT FOR SPEOFlC PURPOSES AND MIDST BE WT CONRDENTIAL AND SECRET FROM OTHERS. HOME OWNERS -ANTI-SCALD VALVE DRAWING NUNDER, 5IJ-11-0003 JACOBSEN HOMES c Ln"5laIIBtton Failure to comply with all �aspectsofthese instructionsmay result ln unsafe performance. Manuel Ait Installatiorm rnllct col:, iv with relevant state and local authority n ® ASSE 101 T & 11970 Appravocl X VALVE SPECIFICATIONS Outlet teralperatUte range: 95-115•F(35-461C). Temperature, hot supply: 180"17 max(82`G) Temperature, cold supply: 40-80'F(4-271C) Temperature stablilty(inominal): • ±5"F(±2.8`G)-8ee Note 1. Temperature differential. [1/21*10'F(11`13)-See Note2. (between gotsupplyandoutlet 13141±10•F(1110)-See Note2. Temperature) Hydrostatic pressure: 125psi m6x(1000kPa) : Permitted supply pressure variation: ±20%-See Note 3: Flow rate @ 45psi pressure loss: 11/219gpm [3i4111gpm Flow rate,mlcitmurn: 0.6gpm(2Umin) Flow rate,maximum: [1/2110gpm @ 60psi pressure lost . 13/4112gpm @ 60ps] pressure lost requirements. Flusb the systero thoroughly before a iti ing-the valve: It is CRITICAL that all c ebris is flushed from thepipeworkpriorto Installing the valve. Not ushing-•fh'�e system properly is the most common cause of system d IjfiealGes. Commission the valve: Every valve is factory-sel to a nominal' temperature of 1057. Every valve must be adjusted on -site to ensure correct delivery of the desired mixed Water temperature, as installation conditions can vary from site to site. Check: • Measure and note all s1tL parameters (pressure , temperature, etc.) and check against the specifications of the chosen•valve. If the site conditions are outside those specified forthe vat_ a then they must be rectified priorto Instalfng the valve. • • Valve MUST NOT bgsubjected to heat during installation as this mardainage-the-valvelidemals. • Valve MUST NOT be •Ytted on steam :supplied systems, but fo watersystems only. Valve MUST NOT be used on. low* pressure or Instantaneous heating systems., • Valve. MUST NOT be frozen. if the valve is installed in a•sitrtation where freezing is a p ssibliity, then suitable insulation must be fitted td prevent damag� to the valve. • DO AIOT use excess thread sealant (in liquid, tape or other form) as this may cause the valve to fail. Leave a copy of these ins uclidns with the crlentfor future reference. 1 1 • A •AdjuagngD 1 g Hotlnlat' "L Caldlnlet •E Tempered Outlet Tempered Outlet D:IAE�tStt) �3 i; B C 112t'(cwct 5.3' (1 4mm) 4.8' (121'mm) 2.9' (75mm) 1/2"treo 5.4' (136mm) 4.9' (125mm) 3. 1" (BOmm)- 3/4"(rvrn 5. 7' 0 mm) 4. 8' (121 mm) .2. 9` (75mm) Notes: 60 1. As tested in accordance with ASSE 1070. so 2. This is the minimum difference required between the valve outlet temperature and the hot supply temperature to en'sure d 40 shut-off of outlet flow in the event of cold supptyfailure,in accordance with ASSE 1070. 30 3. Maximum permitted variation in either supply pressure in o order to control the outlet temperature to with •±5"17. Excessive 20 changes in supply pressure may cause changes in. outlet teinperature,thatexcee'd±5•F. a to 0 MAY-7 2015 Q o" Fodanl Manufxtumf rn Homo conwu:doa And Saro y Suwdu& 1 - Valve Dirriensions Flow Curve 5 10 15 pow raft. GaVmin Dirgram - Flow Characterlstics SU-11-0003A 20 N JACOBSEN HOMES Fittina the Valve • The* mixed water outlet from the valve should be used to supply outlets used primarily for personal hygiene purposes. • it is recommended that the valve is installed as close as possible to the point of use; however, It may be fitted anywhere on the hot water supply pipe. A NOT Y can .rNOT 9 co 81,0wor Instagadan MutgpInSensor Faucolinnralladon Diagram 3 — Typical Installations• TEMPERATURE ADJUSTMENT -'Prior to setting the valve it is necessary for the hot water• source to be switched on and delivering hot. waterat the deslgnatel.teinperature . • Test the mixed water temperature at the nearest outlet being supplied by the valve. This should be opened to allow a flow rate bf 1 to 1.6 gpm•(4 to & Llmin). • • A thermoineter•must be used at the nearest outlet to the valve to ensure.the correct mixed water temperature is achieved. yAllowthe water to run for at least one minute toerisurethe mixed watertemi rerature has settled.• • To adjust the mixed oklet temperature of the Valve, remove the Cali tb gain -access to the adjusting spindl . ite•spindle -should be rotated=clockwise to fdduce the temperature, counter -clockwise to increase the temperature- until the ' desired set point is reached. (gefertb diagram.4), - Once the set temperature is achieved, the cap should be .snapped onto the valve to coverthe spindle, - Diagram 4 —Valve Adjustment CHECKING / SERVICING THE VALVE. • Wd recommend that the valve is checked atleast once per year to ensure its continued function. For instaliationswith poor• or unknown water quality, or other •adverse supply conditions • it May be necessary to check the vAtve at more frequent Intervals. • ThW temperature should be checked at the same outlet as was used for commissioning -in the first instance. If the temperature is more than 31F from the commissioning temperature, referto faultfinding gt►lde on the next page. • There may be some variation in the temperature of the water from the thermostatic mixing valve due to seasonal temperature variations In the cold water supply. • if••the water supply is of poor quality, a filter or strainer sllduidbe fitted to the system. Troubleshooting Guide • inlettemperaturessrs • EnsuroInIet "destred notwilhinspeclfic temperatures are eannofbeobta►nedor limits. wtthlnthespocffied valye Is difficult to set. Ilmltsfortha valvo. • Hotand cold supplies • Refitthe valve with arereversed. HdUCald supplies felted to the correct connections. 2.Mixtemperatgre • Fluctuaungsuppfy • lnsha)Ipressure unstableorchanging pressures. reguletingvalves on overtime. botlihot and cold supplies. 3.Ettherfullhot arfull • Volvo Is Incorrectly set • Adjustmix temperature cold waterflowing • asregWred. from outletfixlurd. •Hot and cold supplies •Refit the valve with arereversed, HoUCaldrdppifesfitied to the correct connections. 4.Noflowfromthe r Hot orcold utater + Restore inlet supplies valve outlet qupplyfellure. andcheckmIx • filterlsblocked. temperature. • Cloanfilter. S.FIawratereducedor • Fluctuetingsupply • instalrpressure buctgating. pressures. regulaling.valves. • Fllterisbfacked. • Cleairfilter. (.Mbredwator • Hat and cold Supplies • Rantflrevahowlth NOtothtvh aupppoa flucd terhpdratute does are reversed. ocdneot eonnaotiodn. nptohg1Igewhen temperature adjuster Is bUgred. 7.vatvolsnolsy.. • Extedsivewater ••Reducowgtorvoloalty dbyfiittrng . velocity. oestaftia a prossum ragwoung valve). • Valvesized incorreogy. , •ctraaKvolve3pedrl®aorta. • tnd.d 'UMthOepp• ifuto • e vahOlaused formgu�rad flaw. • LU .� . a MAY-7 2015 0 ' Notes • • • a Weal Mmuf.Md M .. 110M cvUwalon • And sarnysWAV4 Installer, please pi information and e client: Installed By: ° Bate: Presspre At the, fa •'Itifix ieinperatiir :_ );vide the following ve these instructions with the PSI of Ir SU-11-0003B 25300 Al Moen Drive North Olmsted, OH 44070 (888) 450-5522 Installation Instructions • Manuel dinstallation • Instrucciones de instalaci6n Note Spout shower head and handles vary by model. Nota: EI surtidor tebol(eta y las mansjas va 19. pbr AI modelo. Note: Le bec, pomme de douche et les polgn�esvarTent par le mod&le. Model Number/Ndmero de modelo/Numdro de type Installation Date/Fecha de Instalacl6n/Date d5nstallation JACOBSEN HOMES Fig. 13 thur 20 - Tegiperature limiting adjustment a One Handle Pressure i ,INSI967F 6 7114 Balancing ..Ccl.ng . : �.. Tull/Shower 1d 6* . • Trim de un maneral para ducha/ banera, preslon balanceade de ciclo INstg67F • Garniture de douche/baignoire a fonctionnement cyclique, equilibrage de pression a'.. .,. t f I Capstone Models Tub/Shower. T4137IC, T4131 I CGR Shower Only: T41315G T41315CGR I C\N Comer=ne Models Tub4hower. 40311 C, 40311 CGR, 40314C Shower Only: 40315C; 40315CGR Valve Only: 40316C lz�) Baystone Models Tub/Shower. T423 F I C, T42311 CGR Shower Only. T42315C., T42315CGR CC MAY-7 2015 p tL n• < SU-11-0003C m FcdoW M.Udac urcd Iiome C00U.edon Md SNeny Stnndardr JACOBSEN HOMES INSI967F - 7114 C) RW49 > w -a cc' MAY-7 2015 0 a � . p- Fedor! Manufuured ' -iiocn�CoostnGtion' An4 Sk4Smndm* SU-11-0003D JACOBSEN HOMES ihic,tne7r '71-I.M Fig. 13 thur 20 - Temperature limiting adjustment "V 0 MAY-7 201 �U x o CL CL Fcd=l Mwduttud M frome coftsuWtion And Sofcfy$tn&r& SU-11-0003E 7. N JACOBSEN HOMES Shower heads: Standard 9.5 Umin (2.5 gpm) max. and High lrfficiency 7.6 L/min (2.0 gpm) max. or less For use with automatic compensating valves rated at 4.2 Umin (1.1 gpm) or less 10 year Limited Warranty • Cleveland Faucet Group (CFG) warrants to the original consumer purchaser for a period of ten (10) years from the original date of purchase (the"Warnanty Period l that this faucet will be free from defects in materials and manufacturing workmanship. if this faucet should ever evidence a defect in materials or manufacturing workmanship during the Warranty Period and under normal installation, use and service, CFG will provide a replacement or repair part FREE OF CHARGE. • Damage due to installation error, product abuse, product misuse are excluded from this warranty. CFG will not be responsible for labor charges and/or damage Incurred In Installation, repair or replacement nor for any Indirect Incidental or consequential damages, losses, Injury or costs of any nature relating to this faucet or any replacement or repair part. • Except as provided by law, this warranty is in lieu of and excludes all other warranties, whether expressed or implied, statutory or otherwise, including without restriction those of merchantability or of fitness for use. Some states, provinces and nations do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state, province to province, nation to nation. Simply write or call, and CFG Will advise you of the procedure to follow in making warranty claims. Proof of purchase (original sales receipt) must accompany all warranty claims. Roseta: estandar 9.5 L/min (2.5 gpm) max. y alta eficiencia 7.6 L/min (2.0 gpm) max. o menos Para usarse con valvulas de compensaci6n autom£tica de 4.2 Umin (1.1 gpm) o menos Garantia Limitada de por 10 Anos . Cleveland Faucet Group (CFG) garantiza at consurhldor-comprador original por un perfodo de dlez (10) anos desde la fecha original de compra (el'Periodo de Garantia`), qua esta mezcladora ser£ ilbre de defectos de material y mano de obra de fabricac16n. En caso qua esta mezcladora emp)ece an algun momento a gotear, fuga.r agua o demonstrar qua tiene cualquier defecto bajo instalaci6n, use y servido normal, CFG le ehviarA GRATIS las partesnecesarlas pars dejarla mezcladora an buen condici6n de funcionamlento. • Sin embargo, los dafios causados por un error de instalad6n, abuso del producto, mal use del produ4to o el use de limpiadores qua contengan abrasivos, alcohol u otros solventes org£nicos, se excluyen de esta garantia. CFG no ser£ responsable de costos laboralesy/o dafios producidos durante la instalacion, rdparaci6n u cualquler dano Incidental o consiguiente, p6rdidas, herfdas u costos de caulquier naturaleza relacionados con esta mezcladora, su reemplazo y sus partes. • Salvo como previsto por fa ley, esta garanti£ reemplaza y exduye todas las otros garantfas, condidones y afirmaciones, ya sea expresadas o Implicftas, legales u otros, induyendo sin restriccl6n alguna aquellas de comercialiizad6n o aptitud pars at uso. Algunos estados, provindas y naciones no permiten la exclusi6n o limitaci6n de dafios incidentales o consigutentes y por este motivo las sobrecitados limitaciones poslblemente no le afectan. • Esta garantfa le otorga derechos legales especfflcos y Ud. posiblemente tambi6n tiene otros derechos qua Gambian de un estado a otro, de una provincea a otra, de una naci6n a otra. Solamente Ilame o escdba y CFG le avisara cual procedimiento debe seguir an cuanto haga una feclamac16n bajo garantia. El comprobante de compra (redbo original de la venta) del consumidor debe acompanar todas ]as reclamaciones de garantia. -. LLJ -0v � ao MAY-7 2015 . 0 4 Federal a ed Nome Coasftmflowcdon !Ti And Safety Standards Pommes de douche: standards 2,5 gpm (9,5 Llmin) max. ou a haute efficacite 2,0 gpm max. (7,6 L/min) ou moins A utiliseravec des soupapes de compensation automatiques dont le d6bit nominal est de 4,2 Umin (1,1 gpm) ou moins Garantie Limitee de 10 Ans • Le groupe Cleveland Faucet (GCF) garantit a I'acheteur original, pour une p6riode de dix (10) ans a partir de la date d'achat (]a"Periode de Garantie'), que ce robinet sera exempt de tout d6faut de matdriaux at de fabrication. Si ce robinet devait avolr un d6faut de mat6riaux ou de fabrication durant la P6rlode de Garantie, at sous Installation, usage at service normaux, GCF procurera un remplacement ou ]as pl&ces de reparation gratuitement. • Des dommages dus a une erreur d"installation ou a un usage abusifou Incorrect, sont exdus de cette garantie. GCF ne sera pas responsable desfrals de main- d'ceuvte, et/ou de dommages encourus pendant l'installation, la r6paraton ou le remplacement, jli pour des dommages, pertes, Messures ou co0ts indirects ou accegsoires, rellds a ce robinet ou tout remplacement ou pike de reparation. • Fxcept6 i6 oO la loi le permet cette garantie remplacp at exdut toute autre garantle, qu'elle soit exprimde ou legale, statuee ou autre, incluant sans restrictions celles de valeprs commerciales ou d'utilisation juste. Certain etats, provinces ou nations ne pennettent pas 1'excluslon ou la limitation de dommages- int6r6ts accessoires, done les limitations at exclusions cl-dessus peuvent ne pas s'appliquer a vous. Cette garantie vous donne des droits (6gaux sp6cifiques et vous pouvez aussi avolr d'autres droits qui variant d 6tat a 6tat de province a province, et de nation a nation. Ecrivez ou appelez, et CGF vous avisera de la procedure a suivre pour falre une r6damation de garantle. Une preuve d'achat (rtcu d'achat original) dolt etre annex6e A toute reclamation de garantie. if you need Installation assistance, replacement parts or have questions regarding our warranty, please tall our product consultants at: US:1-800-450-5522 Canada:1-800-465-6130 Mexico: 61-800-718-4345 02014 Cleveland Faucet Group A Moen Incorporated Brand 25300 Al Moen Drive North Olmsted, OH USA 44070 1-888-450-5522 www.dgonline.com iINSS1967Fr - 7114 SU-11-0003F NO? 11 JACOB SEN HOMES INSTALLATION GUIDE NICHIPRODUCTS & NICHIFRONTIER TABLE OF CONTENTS General Instructions 3 Product Inspection 3 Storage & Handling 4 Minimum Clearances 4 Blocked Penetrations 5 Cutting 5 Fastening 5 Finishing & Maintenance 6 Safety Instructions 7 NichiBoard 8 Preparation 8 Fastening 8 Installation 9 NichiShake 12 Preparation 12 Fastening 12 Installation 13 NichiStaggered & NichiStraight 15 Installation 16 NichiPanel 20 Fastening - 21 Installation 22 Joint Methods 23 Trimming openings and siding to Trim Joints 23 NichiFrontier 25 Preparation 25 Fastening 25 Installation 26 NichiTrim 29 Preparation 29 iff W49. > Fastening -_.--30 29 Trimming Inside & Outside Corners � .p Trimming Windows, Doors, & Openings 30 > DEC 7 2015 Fascia, Frieze Boards, Rake Trim, & etc. 31 NichiSoffit 32 Preparation Fastening 32 32 (. Federal Manufactured Home Construction i And Safety Standards Installation 33 Joint Methods 33 Finishing 33 Additional Details 34 Blocked Penetrations 34 Integral J Channel Flashiong 35 SU-17-0002 JACOBSEN HOMES GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR ALL NICHIPRODUCTS CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS These instructions are only intended.for site construction applications. For applications on modular, panelized, or manufactured housing, please contact Nichiha directly. NichiProducts must be installed on flat, vertical wall applications only. Do not install on sloped or tilted walls, or Mansard type roofs. NichiProductsTM can be installed directly on braced wood or steel stud* (20GA or heavier) construction spaced at a maximum of 24" o.c or over sheathing with solid wood or steel backing. Correct any misaligned framing as irregularities in the framing or exterior sheathing may mirror through the finished application. When installing NichiProductsTM, it is recommended that an APA rated 7/16" OSB or plywood sheathing be used. NichiProductsTM may be installed over non- structural sheathing such as foam, fiber builder board, and gypsum type panels. Non- structural sheathing thickness shall not exceed 1 ". Due to the compressive nature of some non-structural sheathing, care must be taken not to overdrive the fastener and compress the sheathing which may result in distortion or waviness. The fastener length must be increased in accordance with the thickness of the non-structural sheathing. Shake and lap siding products must be installed horizontally. Do not install in an angled, sloped, or other non -horizontal (chevron, sunburst, diamond) fashion. A weather resistive barrier is required in accordance with local building codes when installing NichiProductsTm. Use the approved weather resistive barrier (WRB) as defined by the 2015 IRC. The weather resistive barrier must be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications and local codes if applicable. Nichiha is not liable for water infiltration. Please consult with your local dealer or Nichiha directly when using NichiProductsTM on large projects, such as buildings greater than three (3) stories or taller than 45 feet. PRODUCT INSPECTION Inspect all products thoroughly prior to installation. Do not install any product which may have been damaged in shipment or displays damage to the primer or finish coat. Contact your local dealer or Nichiha Customer Service Representative toll -free at 1-866- 424-4421 immediately should you have any questions about N.ichiProductsTM. 7:t l,:!.�I��J',, '�i •ems .., LU "1a > tf 0 DEC 7 201.5 M ' Federal Manufactured Home Construction M And safety standards SU-17-0003 3 NICHIHA INSTALLATION GUIDE FOR NICHIPRODUCTS & NICHIFRONTIER JACOBSEN HOMES STORAGE & HANDLING NichiProductsTM MUST be stored flat and off the ground prior to installation. Nichiha .recommends storing on pallets. NichiProductsTM MUST be.kept dry and stored in a covered area. Material on -site must be covered with a tarp before installation. Moisture saturation before installation may result in shrinkage or board damage. Do not install saturated boards. All prefinished products (NichiFrontier) are required to be stored in a covered area. Carry the products on edge. Do not carry or lift NichiProductsTM flat. Improper handling may cause cracking or board damage. Nichiha--is not responsible for damage caused by improper storage and hat rn NichiProductsTM. W MINIMUM CLEARANCES cc Maintain a minimum 1" - 2" clearanr a" between NichiProductsTM and deckil steps, stoops, porches, and hard surface driveways. (Fig. 4.1) IfidliB 1 "-2" mi 1� Weather Resistive Barrier Concrete foundation 0 "V . Stud -I". siNil 6")nin. ---lichiBoaff DEC 7 2015 IJ starter strip Federal Manufactured M 1"min. Home construodon clearance And Safety Stendm* I I 'I �el I Maintain a minimum clearance of 6" above finished grade, or in accordance with local codes if greater than 6" clearance is required. (Fig 4.2) At roof and .wall junctures and according to roofing manufacturer's instructions, flashing and counter -flashing are required. NichiProductsTM must be installed with a minimum 1" clearance from roofing. .(Fig 4.3) A kickout flashing must be present at roof to wall intersects in order to direct roof water away from the siding and trim. (Fig 4.4) All horizontal trim is required to be flashed with a 1/a" clearance between the siding and flashing. 0 Nichiftard'" Seal, paird dr prime but edges JU-1 JACOBSEN HOMES BLOCKED PENETRATIONS All penetrations of 1 '/2" or larger in diameter must incorporate a blocked and flashed penetration to deter water entry behind the siding. CUTTING C:) DEC 7 2015 o.. For your protection and p" Federal Manufactured Conson to the Nichiha Safety GL MHomed SafetyStandardwctard s guidelines for important safety practices. Work outdoors where feasible, otherwise use mechanical ventilation. Position cutting station so that wind will carry the dust away from the user and others in the work area. Always wear safety glasses and NIOSH/OSHA approved respirator with a rating of N 100, 0100 or P100 whenever cutting, drilling, sawing, sanding or abrading the products. Refer to the Safety Instructions in this guide for more details. FASTENING Proper fasteners and fastening play a critical role in the long term performance of NichiProducts. Care should be taken to avoid product damage resulting from incorrect ".U. installation methods such as over -driven ro fasteners, improper air compressor settings, the use of framing nailers, finish nails, etc. < Such actions may cause visible cracking, particularly at product edges that could affect key performance aspects of the siding. Where necessary, the products may be pre - drilled and hand fastened as an alternative to pneumatic fastening. Use a dust -reducing or dust -collecting circular saw with a vacuum attachment in combination with a diamond -tipped blade designed for cutting fiber cement products. The dust collector must be connected to a HEPA vacuum. Electric and pneumatic shears may be used for cutting 5/16" thick products. Models are available that can make straight or radius cuts. Shears cannot be used for cutting NichiFrontier or NichiTrimTM A jig saw fitted with a carbide tipped blade may be used for cutting service opening holes, irregular shapes, radii, and scrollwork. When using a circular saw, shears, or jigsaw, cut NichiProductsTM face down. Also ensure the board is fully supported along its length. Additionally, on factory prefinished products, take steps to protect the board finish from damage. When using pneumatic tools, ensure the gun has an adjustable depth of drive or flush mount attachment to control nail seating depth. The fastener head must be flush to the board surface. Do not over drive or under drive fasteners. Caulk or seal any fasteners that are countersunk more than 1/16" and add an additional, properly seated fastener. DO NOT use framing nailers as board damage may result. Pressure from compressors can vary depending on tank volume and the number of lines connected to the unit. For best performance, always test and adjust pressure before beginning installation. Corrosion resistant fasteners, such as hot - dipped galvanized nails and screws appropriate to local building codes and practices must be used. Stainless steel fasteners are highly recommended in high - humidity and high -moisture regions. Nichiha is not liable for corrosion resistance of fasteners. Do not use aluminum fasteners, staples, finish nails, clipped head or T head nails, or fasteners not rated or designed for intended use. (continued) SU-17-0005 5 NICHIHA INSTALLATION GUIDE FOR NICHIPRODUCTS & NICHIFRONTIER JACOB SEN HOMES Corrosion resistant, full round head siding nails or appropriate screws may be used to install NichiProductsTM to wood and steel framing members. Fasteners must penetrate into wood a minimum of 1 ", or 1/z" into a minimum 20-gauge steel stud. FINISHING & MAINTENANCE Use an exterior grade high -quality sealant that complies with either ASTM C-834 (for primed products) or ASTM C-920 (for prefinished products) requirements for all gaps that require filling with sealant. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for use. All exposed field cut edges (i.e. outside edges, field cut door and window cut outs, field cut butt joints, bottom ends of corner and window trim), must be sealed with a primer, paint, or caulk. Dents, chips, scratches, etc. on the products should be filled with exterior grade cementitious patching or putty. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for use. All unfinished (pre -primed) products must be painted within 12 months of installation High quality, exterior grade, 100% acrylic latex paints are recommended. Do not apply paint when siding is wet. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for use. DO NOT use stains, or oil or alkyd based paints on NichiProducts. Nichiha does not warrant or accept liability for the appearance or performance of third party or field applied caulks, sealants, or finishes. Periodic maintenance of the exterior of any structure is considered normal. As a guide, it is recommended that normal maintenance shall include: • Washing down the exterior surfaces periodically with a low pressure spray or garden hose to remove dirt and debris. DO NOT use high pressure power washers as they may damage the siding • Reapplication of exterior finishes • Please refer to your paint manufacturer for recoating requirements and schedules Maintaining caulks and sealants • Ensure that gutters are clear and unclogged to prevent overflows • Ensure that the minimum ground clearance is maintained by preventing build up of decorative mulch, stone, etc. • Maintain a clearance between the siding and any vegetation, shrubs, etc. w 'o 0 DEC 7 201.5 -W X C3 CL < a^ .090 Federal Manufactured Home Construction And Safety Standards SU-17-0006 9 JACOBSEN HOMES SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS Whenever drilling, cutting, sawing, sanding or abrading the product, users must observe the following safety practices: 1. Use best work practices to reduce airborne dust concentrations. 2. Use a dust reducing circular saw with collector or vacuum attachment for cutting. The dust collector must be connected to a HEPA vacuum. 3. Position cut station where wind will carry dust away from user and others in the area. 4. Do not use compressed air for cleaning dust. 5. Work outdoors when feasible; otherwise use mechanical ventilation or cut 5/16" thick product with shears. 6. Anyone handling NichiProductsTM or in the vicinity of others using NichiProductsTM must wear safety glasses and properly fitted respirators, prior to handling NichiProductsTM. We require that users wear a NIOSH/OSHA approved respirator with a rating of N100, 0100 or P100 in accordance with applicable government regulations and manufacturer's instructions. 7. All 'users must comply -with the OSHA PEL. 8. Notify others in the immediate area. Nichiha MSDS's for all products are available at.com, at your local NICHIHA dealer, or through NICHIHA directly, toll -free at 1.866.424.4421. Silica Dust Warning: NICHIHA products may contain some amounts of crystalline silica [a.k.a. sand, silicon dioxide], which is a naturally occurring mineral. The amount will vary from product to product. Inhalation of crystalline silica into the lungs and repeated exposure to silica can cause health disorders, such as silicosis, lung cancer, or death depending upon various factors. To be conservative, Nichiha recommends that whenever cutting, sawing, sanding, sniping or abrading the product, users observe the Safety Instructions above. For further information or questions, please consult the MSDS, your employer, or visit www.osha.gov/ SLTC/siIicacrystal line/index.htmI and www.cdc.gov/niosh/topics/silica. The MSDS for Nichiha products are available at www. nichiha.com, at your local Nichiha dealer or through Nichiha directly at 1.866.424.4421. FAILURE TO ADHERE TO OUR WARNINGS, MSDS, AND OTHER INSTRUCTION MAY LEAD TO SERIOUS PERSONAL INJURY OR DEATH. LU > C' DEC 7 2015 �^ Federal Manufactured Home Construction M And Safety Standards SU-17-0007 NICHIHA INSTALLATION GUIDE FOR NICHIPRODUCTS & NICHIFRONTIER JACOBSEN HOMES NICHIBOARD PREPARATION Follow all instructions in the General section of this guide. NichiBoard can be installed directly on braced wood or steel stud (20GA or heavier) construction spaced at a maximum of 24" o.c. or over sheathing with solid wood or steel backing. Correct any misaligned framing as irregularities in the framing or exterior sheathing may mirror through the finished application. (Fig.8.1) NichiBoard may be installed on flat, vertical wall applications only. Do not install on sloped or tilted walls, or Mansard type roofs. NichiBoard must be installed horizontally. Do not install in an angled, sloped, or other non -horizontal (chevron, sunburst, diamond) fashion. Ensure all weather resistive barriers are in place in accordance with local code. When installing NichiBoard, it is recommended that an APA rated 7/16" OSB or plywood sheathing be used. Boards may be installed over non-structural sheathing such as foam, fiber builder board, and gypsum type panels. Non-structural sheathing thickness shall not exceed 1 ". Due to the compressive nature of some non- structural sheathing, care must be taken not to overdrive the fastener and compress the sheathing which may result in distortion or waviness. The fastener length must be increased in accordance with the thickness of the non-structural sheathing o JWWG LU DEC 7 2015 0_ Federal Manufactured Homo ConstruoOn 14 And Safety Standards i SINGLE WALL Weather Resistive Barrler Stagger weatherBracing CONSTRUCTION cuts at least l',; 1-24"�o.c. max. Sheathing Flnisb nap pattern' ' NichlBoard' Staggered nail pattern Mimi" DOUBLE WALL CONSTRUCTION clearance above Rnlshed grade FASTENING Follow all fastening instructions in the General section of this guide. Corrosion resistant fasteners such as hot - dipped galvanized nails and screws that are appropriate to local building codes and practices must be used. When applying NichiBoard over wood framing, suitable fasteners include a full round head (min .221 " HD) siding nail of sufficient length to penetrate into wood a minimum of 1 ". A corrosion resistant, #8, ribbed, bugle head (.375" HD) screw of sufficient length to penetrate into steel framing a minimum of 1/z" may also be used. Stainless steel fasteners are highly recommended in high -humidity and high - moisture regions. Nichiha is not liable for corrosion resistance of fasteners. Do not use aluminum fasteners, staples, clipped head or T head nails, finish nails, or fasteners that are not rated or designed for ided use. 'U fastener head must be flush to the board 'U �C1 ice. Do not over drive or under drive < mers. SU-17-0008 JACOBSEN HOMES INSTALLATION STARTER STRIP & FIRST COURSE (Fig. 9.1) A starter strip is required to set the first course on the proper angle and to create the drip edge at the bottom course of siding. The starter strip material may be a cut piece of NichiBoard, PVC, or pressure treated lumber. Do not use untreated lumber, plywood, OSB or other engineered wood products as a starter strip. Install the starter strip level with the bottom of the wall sheathing or mudsill. Ensure the first course of boards is level as it will be the guide for the entire installation. Use a level and chalk line to establish a level and straight reference point for the first course. Continue to check for level lines throughout installation. The first course of siding must hang below the starter strip a minimum of 1/4". The siding should not extend below the corner trim. Sheathing ^n„ /, Stud Weather Resistive Barrier Concrete yti1" s min. foundation �Y` \ NichlBoard" Starter Strip overhang OVERLAP A minimum overlap of 1 1/4" is required. BLIND NAILING (Fig. 9.2) For a more aesthetically pleasing installation, NichiBoard may be installed in a hidden, or blind nail application. Position the fastener 1 " down from the top edge of the board and no closer than 3/8" from the board ends. Fasten from one end of the board to the other. The bottom edge of the first course must have at least 6" clearance above finished grade. • BLIND NAIL 24" c.c. max It is recommended the course heights remain Stud- aligned and transfer around corners. Sheathingham— :• 6 C3 iff W41 - 1-J V f(Pli I 1 y,'ii: 11/4" min. .IFi>:, DEC 7 2015 i;= --� - __ _- overlap siim>i:. :== nail €�?132iE " .'•i# "'i ;°iE •>a:W Weather Federal Manufactured ; I< <.?, i s? %""(� Resistive Barrier Home Construction " NichiBoard" ' and Safety Standards 0 SU-17-0009 9 NICHIHA INSTALLATION GUIDE FOR NICHIPRODUCTS & NICHIFRONTIER JACOB SEN HOMES FACE NAILING (Fig. 10.1) It is permissible to install NichiBoard in a face nail type installation to meet certain installation requirements or when specified by local code. Position the fastener a minimum distance of 3/4" up from the bottom edge of the board and no more than 1 ". This ensures the fastener will penetrate through the overlap and through both courses. Place the fastener no closer than 3/8" from board ends. Fasten from one end of the board to the other. DO NOT install NichiBoard in a combined Blind and Face nailing manner. 24" ox. max FACE NAIL Stud i 1-1/4" min. overlap Face nail t 1'' min. Weather 1-1/4" mina Resistive Barrier overlap i i t:. NichlBoard" l Sheathing I „ VERTICAL JOINT PLACEMENT, FASTENING, AND SEALING -All NichiBoard vertical (butt) joints MUST land or break over studs or solid framing (wood and/or steel). Pin -backs may be done for aesthetic purposes only. Pin backs shall be done with corrosion resistant finish nails only and are not a substitute for blind or face nailing. When possible, use factory sealed or finished ends at butt joints. ALL cut ends must be sealed with a primer or paint. NEVER leave exposed cut edges uncoated. For best appearance, offset butt joints 32" (two studs) or more to avoid creating a step or ladder pattern. JOINT TREATMENT OPTION 1: Joint Installation Using flashing (recommended) (Fig. 10.2) When using this option, the use of a joint flashing behind the butt joints is required. Install NichiBoard over joint flashing in moderate contact at butt joints. Suitable materials for joint flashing include anodized or PVC coated coil stock and code approved weather resistive barriers. The joint flashing should be at least 3" in width and long enough to extend above the t-v^orr4 I•vv_viril•v+ a rrvirnirrv, irn of 2". lu C3 DEC 7 2015EL a Q. � Federal Manufactured . Home CoasGVGtion And safey standards 0 JOINT INSTALLATION 'Weather -Stud USING FLASHING rResistive Barrier l Joint flashing ' I" from board top 3/8" from board edge erlap Ntchteoard" Install boards in moderate contact ---� SU-17-0010 10 JACOBSEN HOMES OPTION 2: Joint Installation Using Caulk (Fig. 11.1) Leave appropriate gap (minimum 1/8") between board ends and fill with a quality, paintable, exterior grade caulk. Ensure. caulk meets ASTM 834 or ASTM C-920 requirements and is approved for use at butt joints. SIDING TO TRIM JOINTS (FIG. 11.2 — 11.3) Where board ends and edges meet trim at inside and outside corners, door, window, and other trim attachments, leave a minimum 1/8" gap and caulk with a quality sealant as described previously. Weather JOINT INSTALLATION stive Barrier .. —Stud USING CAULK . thing�ylI"from board top I Corner Trim and other trim attachments must be of sufficient thickness. The overlapped NichiBoard siding must not extend beyond the face of the trim. A continuous, solid shim or build out behind the trim may be necessary , Starter Strip II dependant on type and thickness of trim used. weather Resistive — Barrier All horizontal trim must be flashed. Leave i iL�t a 1/4" gap between the siding and flashing. Sheathing - Ii Do not caulk this gap. Do not use raw I :;.' •; aluminum fleshings. Flashing-s must be l .. NichiTr;m"'i�i':j. ' galvanized, anodized or PVC coated. FINISHING Follow all finishing instructions in the General section of this guide. UJ DEC 7 2015 iL < Q" Federal Manufactured Horne Construction M And Safety Standards 11 from board edge Leave apppropriate gap between hoards,then caulk NichiBoard" Do not caulk. I ' 114" gap Flashing Stud Sheathing Weather Resistive Barrier HichiBoard" SU-17-0011 11 NICHIHA INSTALLATION GUIDE FOR NICHIPRODUCTS & NICHIFRONTIER JACOB SEN HOMES NICHISHAKETM INDIVIDUAL SHAKES PREPARATION Follow all instructions in the General section of this guide. NichiShake individual shakes must be installed directly on minimum thickness 7/16" thick APA rated OSB or plywood sheathing. Correct any misaligned framing as irregularities in the framing or exterior sheathing may mirror through the finished application. NichiShake may be installed on flat, vertical wall applications only. Do not install on sloped or tilted walls, or Mansard type roofs. Ensure all weather resistive barriers are in place in accordance with local code. Due to overlapping of shakes, no sealant or caulk is required at shake to shake joints. LU "O C DEC 7 20-15 Federal Manufactured Home Construction And Safety Standards FASTENING Follow all fastening instructions in the General section of this guide. Corrosion resistant fasteners such as hot - dipped galvanized nails and screws that are appropriate to local building codes and practices must be used. Stainless steel fasteners are highly recommended in high -humidity and high - moisture regions. Nichiha is not liable for corrosion resistance of fasteners. Do not use aluminum fasteners, staples, clipped head or T head nails, finish nails, or fasteners that are not rated or designed for intended use. When applying NichiShake over solid wood sheathing, suitable fasteners include a full round head (min .221" HD) siding nail of minimum 1 1/z" length, or a corrosion resistant, #8, ribbed, bugle head .375" HD, 1 1/a" length screw may also be used. The fastener head must be flush to the board surface. Do not over drive or under drive fasteners. NichiShake must be fastened through the previous shake course. SU-17-0012 12 JACOBSEN H INSTALLATION STARTER STRIP & STARTER COURSE (Fig. 13.1) A starter strip is required to set the first course on the proper angle and to create a drip edge at the bottom course of siding. The starter strip material may be a cut piece of NichiBoard, PVC, or pressure treated lumber. Do not use untreated lumber, plywood, OSB, or other engineered wood products as a starter strip. Install the starter strip level with the bottom of the wall sheathing or mudsill. In addition to the starter strip, a starter course is required to provide solid backing and keyway coverage for the first row of shakes. Use 8 1/4" or 9 1/4" NichiBoard for the starter course. Ensure the first course of shingles are level. Use a level and chalk line to establish a level and straight reference point for the first course. Continue to check for level lines throughout installation. The shingles should not extend below the corner trim. (continued) Stud Weather Resistive Bar 7/16" min. sheathing Concrete ii4: �1.^fq+°.4j11111` W foundation r x> tl`' fh}�1iu; I� s,:mm. • — - nlcnwnalce•- or9-1/4" lap siding Starter Strip O JWW40. MES Lu > �o C) DEC 7 2015 CL C" Federal Manufactured M Home Construction And Safety Standards The bottom edge of the first course must have at least 6" clearance above finished grade. For best appearance, it is recommended the course heights remain aligned and transfer around corners. INSTALLING SHAKE COURSES (Fig. 13.2 - 13.3) Begin the installation by placing the first course of shingles flush with the bottom edge of the starter course and securing with the appropriate fastener. Alternatively, strike a chalk line 18" above the bottom edge of the starter course and position the top edge of the shingles even with the chalk line. Weather Resistive Barrier Ballable sheathing 114" • Sheathing 1(" - - — - -• D,D NDTI IL IN I�ISIA{e'l'E��Af ;I.�� hii;l;i nags to secure through i courses, not above. ! Leave a minimum 1-1/2" HichiShake` between keyways an Dndividua4 successive aaurses. irim Weather 7/16" 24"'o,c, max Resistive Barrier Sheathing gal p for caulk ' '.� »rl ~r•I - I I i I� � f Il� ll i�l. :7 '-,} I II id: a�IiI;I� II �L•IIh if! i• ,gti�l�l. !Fi!..�:;� .. �i. I 8" 116hi$hakev' max. y(indlvidual) 1` G. 8414" or 0-114" min.. . (N(ghiliop.01. Position nalts 6 secure through previous courses, not above, 1-114" Starter strip J SU-17-0013 13 INSTALLING SHAKE COURSES (Fig. 13.2 - 13.3) Begin the installation by placing the first course of shingles flush with the bottom edge of the starter course and securing with the appropriate fastener. Alternatively, strike a chalk line 18" above the bottom edge of the starter course and position the top edge of the shingles even with the chalk line. Weather Resistive Barrier Ballable sheathing 114" • Sheathing 1(" - - — - -• D,D NDTI IL IN I�ISIA{e'l'E��Af ;I.�� hii;l;i nags to secure through i courses, not above. ! Leave a minimum 1-1/2" HichiShake` between keyways an Dndividua4 successive aaurses. irim Weather 7/16" 24"'o,c, max Resistive Barrier Sheathing gal p for caulk ' '.� »rl ~r•I - I I i I� � f Il� ll i�l. :7 '-,} I II id: a�IiI;I� II �L•IIh if! i• ,gti�l�l. !Fi!..�:;� .. �i. I 8" 116hi$hakev' max. y(indlvidual) 1` G. 8414" or 0-114" min.. . (N(ghiliop.01. Position nalts 6 secure through previous courses, not above, 1-114" Starter strip J SU-17-0013 13 NICHIHA INSTALLATION GUIDE FOR NICHIPRODUCTS & NICHIFRONTIER JACOBSEN HOMES Space shingles'/4" to 5/16" apart., A common practice is to use a '/4" shim or small piece of shake as a spacer. To position the next course, measure 8" up from the bottom edge of the installed course of shake. Strike a chalk line. Position the bottom edge of the second course of shakes along the chalk line. Position fasteners between 8'/4" and 9" up from the bottom edge of the shake where the fastener will penetrate through both courses. Position fasteners 1/z" to 1 " in from the vertical side edges of the shake. When installing, mix the 6'/4", 8'/4", and 12" shake widths in a random manner and avoid creating a repeating pattern. Layout of the course may be needed to help avoid stacked keyways. Shake keyways from one course to the next should not line up and be offset a minimum Of 1 '/2". 911-1 Stud 7/19'r Sheathing Weather Resistive ' — Barrier nY,:�'�._ ter- ;•}i{id ti'-' ,, :,;'a,;;,• • " ;;}IY}}�:,?''s,;� _ .NichiShakel (individual) III}'L•'O ,I to dL � in40 "o" Iltirl�i•�'�'t9V i� iff we Uj DEC 7 2015 Federal Manufactured 14 Home Constmotion Wftk And Safety Standards SHAKE TO TRIM JOINTS (FIG. 14.1 — 14.2) Where shake ends and edges meet trim at inside and outside corners, door, window, and other trim attachments, leave a minimum .1/8" gap and caulk with a quality sealant as described in the General — Finishing section of this guide. Corner Trim and other trim attachments must be of sufficient thickness. The overlapped NichiShake siding must not extend beyond the face of the trim. A continuous, solid shim or build out behind the trim may be necessary dependant on type and thickness of trim used. All horizontal trim must be flashed. Leave a 1/4" gap between the siding and flashing. Do not caulk this gap. Do not use raw aluminum flashings. Flashings must be galvanized, anodized or PVC coated. FINISHING Follow all finishing instructions in the General section of this guide. Starter Strip I i i :;; Nichishake, Weather Resistive,i I 8-1/4" or 9-114" lap siding Barrier Sheathing "0 OU m Do not caulk. -- / 1/4" gap I • Flashing SU-17-0014 JACOBSEN HOMES NICHISTAGGERED & NICHISTRAIGHT SHADE PANELS PREPARATION Follow all instructions in the General section of this guide. NichiStaggered and NichiStraight shake panels can be installed directly on braced wood or steel stud (20GA or heavier) construction spaced at a maximum of 24" o.c. or over sheathing with solid wood or steel backing. Correct any misaligned framing as irregularities in the framing or exterior sheathing may mirror through the finished application. NichiStaggered and NichiStraight shake panels may be installed on flat, vertical wall applications only. Do not install on sloped or tilted walls, or Mansard or Gambrel type roofs. NichiStaggered and NichiStraight shake panels must be installed horizontally. Do not install in an angled, sloped, or other non -horizontal (chevron, sunburst, diamond) fashion. Ensure all weather resistive barriers are in place in accordance with local code. When installing NichiStaggered and NichiStraight shake panels, it is strongly recommended that an APA rated 7/16" OSB or plywood sheathing be used. Shake panels may be installed over non-structural sheathing such as foam, fiber builder board, and gypsum type panels. Non-structural sheathing thickness shall not exceed 1 ". Due to the compressive nature of some non- structural sheathing, care must be taken not to overdrive the fastener and compress the sheathing which may result in distortion or waviness. The fastener length must be increased in accordance with the thickness of the non-structural sheathing. FASTENING Corrosion resistant fasteners, such as hot - dipped galvanized nails and screws that are appropriate to local building codes and practices must be used. Stainless steel fasteners are highly recommended in high - humidity and high -moisture regions. Nichiha is not liable for corrosion resistance of fasteners. Do not use aluminum fasteners, staples, clipped head or T-head nails, or fasteners that are not rated or designed for intended use. Corrosion resistant, full round head siding nails or appropriate screws may be used to install shake panels to wood or steel framing members, or to minimum thickness 7/16" OSB or plywood sheathing. Nails may be smooth or ring shank. When nailing into vertical framing, fasteners must penetrate into wood a minimum of 1" or 1/z" into a minimum 20 gauge steel stud. When installing over minimum 7/16" OSB or plywood sheathing, space fasteners a maximum of 12" apart. The fastener head must be flush to the panel surface. Do not over drive or under drive fasteners. Uj 't7 > "'tf 0 DEC 7 2015 LL � Q" .00 Federal Manufactured Home Construction And Safety Standards SU-17-0015 15 NICHIHA INSTALLATION GUIDE FOR NICHIPRODUCTS & NICHIFRONTIER JACOBSEN HOMES INSTALLATION STARTER STRIP & STARTER COURSE (Fig. 16.1) A starter strip is required to set the first course on the proper angle and to create a drip edge at the bottom course of siding. The starter strip material may be a cut piece of NichiBoard, PVC, or pressure treated lumber. Do not use untreated lumber, plywood, OSB, or other engineered wood products as a starter strip. Install the starter strip level with the bottom of the wall sheathing or mudsill. In addition to the starter strip, a starter course is required to provide solid backing and keyway coverage for the first row of shakes. Use 8'/4" or 9'/4" NichiBoard for the starter course. The shingles should not extend below the corner trim. INSTALLING SHAKE COURSES — NICHISTAGGERED (Fig. 16.2) Ensure the first course of panels is level. Use a level and chalk line to establish a level and straight reference point for the first course. Continue to check for Iev�I ►lnnc thrntar+h,-%rs+ the installation. w Install the panels starting C:) DEC 7 20.15 working across the wall. X Federal Manufact=d Begin the installation by HomeConstrltodon And Safcty SWIdards panel to ensure the panel ena TaIIs or breaKs over framing. Trim the panel end which is nearest the corner board. Weather Trim — Rosistivo Bander 1ltt" a � t tore olk from Third course up Itop of from 112 "• 314" up from lop of hepva: I i ► ��� .r,. Second course 1-114"Starter Second course - Wwther , First course ' at Figr162 OnlypxtenappQcaUon Placceallslnlo Allc"W I IsVi"'mumlllS" Iramingthrough frompanel 1.114"Starter III 1p We%APArated shealIM preYledseearees, edges. position nallsat 12" o,c. Ir4- When installing NichiStaggered panels, if desired, the bottom of the first course may be trimmed to create a straight edge even with the starter course. Place the first course of panels flush with the bottom edge of the starter course and secure with the appropriate fastener. As an alternative, strike a chalk line 16" above the bottom edge of the starter course and position the top edge of the shingles even with the chalk line. :)r best -appearance, the bottom edge of the anels should align with the corner trim. m ;ave a 1 /8" gap between the panel edge a) id any trim attachment. On applications where the panel will butt to door, window, or corner trim, cut the upper edge of the panel so it is even with the keyway. Bring panel edges together in moderate contact. To begin the second course, measure and chalk a line 6" up from the top edge of the first course to use as a guide when installing the second course of panels. SU-17-0016 16 LU DEC 7 2015 � � n" Federal Manul'aetured ii" 1 Home Construction And Safety Standards Measure and trim the t(rst piece In the second course so it is one stud cavity less in length than the first piece on the previous course. If framing is spaced 16" on -center, begin the third course by again cutting the panel one stud cavity less than the first piece on the second course. For subsequent courses, position panels in a manner that avoids creating a pattern. Drive fasteners into framing where possible. Position the fastener approximately'/2" to 3/a" above the top of the keyway and through the underlying courses. DO NOT place fastener in the upper portion of the panel. (See Fig. 16.2) Position fasteners no closer than 3/8" from the panel edge. For best appearance, it is recommended the course heights remain aligned and transfer around corners. Shake keyways from one course to the next should not line up but be offset a minimum of 11/2' . INSTALLING SHAKE COURSES — NICHISTRAIGHT (Fig. 17.1 — 18.1) Ensure the first course of panels are level. Use a level and chalk line to establish a level and straight reference point for the first course. Continue to check for level lines throughout the installation. Install the panels starting at one end and working across the wall. JACOB SEN HOMES Weather ' Trlm Resistive Barrier 11 24" o,e, niax I Sheathing forcaulk' — � : �w' �--•� DDHDTHAILI`T-- DIIA 16' Ti4'` i 1 p, ' I I ' 1/2 "" up from lap of keyway �, _,_ II ! { 1�.i tJI Ijj1 J f _ ::L.. .�.: Allow3/8"from Il��f`+ oJ1 I 316" _i 1/4"orpanel dgus. I� B-1l4" or 9-1/4" t. o•• o .� u c e o "�V (Hlchi6oard) Dntywhenapplloatlon Place nails Into h I Istominlmum7/I6" framingthrough 1-1/4"Starlerstrip thick APA rated sheathing. previous courses. position nails at 12" c.c. Begin the installation by trimming the first panel to ensure the panel end falls or breaks over framing. Trim the panel end which is nearest the corner board. On applications where the panel will butt to door, window, or corner trim, cut the upper edge of the panel so it is even with the keyway. When installing NichiStraight panels, place the first course of panels flush with the bottom edge of the starter course and secure with the appropriate fastener. As an alternative, strike a chalk line 16" above the bottom edge of the starter course and position the top edge of the shingles even with the chalk line. For best appearance, the bottom edge of the panels should align with the corner trim. Leave a 1/8" gap between the panel edge and any trim attachment. Bring panel edges together in moderate contact. To begin the second course, measure and chalk a line 7" up from the top edge of the first course to use as a guide when installing the second course of panels. Alternatively, a chalk line may be placed on the face of the previous course 7" up from the panel's bottom edge. (continued) SU-17-0017 ............... ... 17 NICHIHA INSTALLATION GUIDE FOR NICHIPRODUCTS & NICHIFRONTIER JACOBSEN HOMES Trim _ Rasbilve11er Barrier 7/16" NICHISTAGGERED / NICHISTRAIGHT PANEL 24" o,c. malt I, / i Sheathing TO TRIM JOINTS v9"sap ty 1yj":. - �1 i (Fig. 18.2 — 18.3) Third caursc—• .J:I,'. too Immrop�h IIOYwdY _ UY1 !I (� i.ili I Iojfkcylway I I;1)1 }�' Flrstcourse I I I 'i •�� i� .�JliLi 4 �?� 1. I `� 111� — 9-T/4" or 9-1/4' (tlichlBaard� Second course 1-1/4" Measure and trim the first piece in the second course so it is one stud cavity less in length than the first piece on the previous course. If framing is spaced 16" on -center, begin the third course by again cutting the panel one stud cavity less than the first piece on the second course. For subsequent courses, position panels in a manner that avoids creating a pattern. Drive fasteners into framing where possible. Position the fastener approximately 1/z" to 3/a" above the top of the keyway and through the underlying courses. DO NOT position fastener in the upper portion of the panel. See Fig. (17.1) Position fasteners no closer than 3/8" from the panel edge. For best appearance, it is recommended the course heights remain aligned and transfer around corners. Shake keyways from one course to the next should not line up but be offset a minimum Of 1 1/z" . Where shake panel ends and edges meet trim at inside and outside corners, door, window, and other trim attachments, leave a minimum 1/8" gap and caulk with a quality sealant as described in the General — Finishing section of this guide. Corner Trim and other trim attachments must be of sufficient thickness. The overlapped panel must not extend beyond the face of the trim. A continuous, solid shim or build out behind the trim may be necessary dependant on type and thickness of trim used. All horizontal trim must be flashed. Leave a 1/4" gap between the siding and flashing. Do not caulk this gap. Do not use raw aluminum fleshings. Flashings must be galvanized, anodized or PVC coated. Stud KIM 7/10" ..Sheathing Weather Resistive Barrier ` ' •,,,, . NichiStaggered or NichiStraight" X... 1/8µa.' I Starter Strip Weather (•U 10 Resistive > Barrier C) DEC 7 2015 Sheathing, CL Federal Manufactured Home Construction M C3 And Safety Standards NichlTrim"` 1 NichiStaggered" or NichiStraight" 8-1/4" or 9-1/4" lap siding f jj j..', Ua not caulk. � j_ 1/4" gap Flashing 18 11 'r' SU-17-0018 JACOB SEN HOMES NICHISTAGGERED / NICHISTRAIGHT ALTERNATIVE CORNER TREATMENTS (Fig. 19.1) NichiStaggered and NichiStraight may be installed in a laced or staggered corner application. Nichiha requires installing a galvanized, coated aluminum or vinyl PVC flashing over the building corner prior to beginning a laced corner application. Use a polyurethane adhesive where laced panels join. Do not miter NichiStaggered or NichiStraight panel edges. NICHISTAGGERED / NICHISTRAIGHT INSTALLATION AT GABLES (Fig. 19.2 — 19.4) Due to various framing sizing and spacing encountered at gables, it is recommended that a minimum 7/16" APA rated plywood or OSB sheathing be used. Install the starter strip and starter course as described previously. Locate the center of the gable and mark a vertical, plum centerline from the gable peak_ to the gable bottom. Gable center ithing Veather vsistive Barrier Staggered Butt Joint B-1/4" or 9-1/4" HichiBoard'" siding 1-1/4" Starter strip Secure to solid wood sheathing Panel centered on gable center 00 NOT NAIL THROUGH THIS AREA Place the center of the panel in alignment with the vertical centerline to ensure an even symmetrical appearance. Alternatively, the f panel edge may be aligned with the vertical i .1 centerline. C3 JffW41- J00-0 . i I I Ip w 1_ ... —1_ _ ._.111..!� > �o o DEC 7 2015 Q Face nail Flashing Trim board < small pieces 4 Federal Manafactwed Home Construction M SU-17-0019 19 LJ And Safety Standards NICHIHA INSTALLATION GUIDE FOR NICHIPRODUCTS & NICHIFRONTIER JACOB SEN HOMES For the second course, place the panel edge 16" back from the centerline. Subsequently, for the third course place the panel edge back 32" from the centerline. Using either a framing square or a pattern made from the rake angle, mark and cut the panels to evenly fit the rake or soffit, leaving a 1/8" gap for caulking. On these angle cuts, due to the keyways in the shingle panel, the panel may be weakened and require special care in handling. Also, it may be necessary to secure the panel with face nails in these areas. If the cut completely separates a piece of the siding from the panel, use face nails to secure. Face nails will also be required to secure the top pieces. FINISHING Follow all finishing instructions in the General section of this guide. UJI "D > 't3 0 DEC 7 2015 C" Federal Manufactured Home Construction I+i'I LJ And Safety Standards NICHIPANEL PREPARATION Follow all instructions in the General section of this guide. NichiPanel can be installed directly on braced wood or steel stud (20GA or heavier) construction spaced at a maximum of 24" o.c. or over sheathing with solid wood or steel backing. Correct any misaligned framing as irregularities in the framing or exterior sheathing may mirror through the finished application. (Fig.21.1) NichiPanel may be installed on flat, vertical wall applications only. Do not install on sloped or tilted walls, or Mansard type roofs. Ensure all weather resistive barriers are in place in accordance with local code. When installing NichiPanel, it is recommended that an APA rated 7/16" OSB or plywood sheathing be used. Panels may be installed over non-structural sheathing such as foam, fiber builder board, and gypsum type panels. Non-structural sheathing thickness shall not exceed 1 ". Due to the compressive nature.. of some non-structural sheathing, care must be taken not to overdrive the fastener and compress the sheathing which may result in distortion or waviness. The fastener length must be increased in accordance with the thickness of the non-structural sheathing. SU-17-0020 20 JACOBSEN HOMES On multi -story structures, avoid spanning over 1 st-2nd , or 2nd — 3rd , (etc.) story floor systems as distortion of the panels from settling of the structure can occur. The panel horizontal joint should always occur at the wall framing top plate or floor system rim joist. NichiPanels must be installed with the long dimension of the panel vertical and parallel to wall framing. All panel edges must be supported by framing. 0 Ldl "p > '"t7 C DEC 7 2015 0 � ■C CL Federal Manufactured Home Construction And Safety Standards Weather Resistive Barrier Bracing _j24"D.C.11111ax. sheathing— i Every S., � ' �;ZI F •'' Finish nail pattern Staggered nail pattern Every 6" i Min 6" ' i clearance above finished grade DOUBLE WALL CONSTRUCTION SINGLE WALL CONSTRUCTION FASTENING (FIG.21.2) Follow all fastening instructions in the General section of this guide. Corrosion resistant fasteners such as hot - dipped galvanized nails and screws that are appropriate to local building codes and practices must be used. When applying NichiPanel, suitable fasteners include a full round head (min .221" HD) siding nail of sufficient length to penetrate into wood a minimum of 1" or into steel a minimum of '/2". A corrosion resistant, #8, ribbed, bugle head (.375" HD) screw of sufficient length to penetrate into steel framing a minimum of 1/2" may also be used. Stainless steel fasteners are highly recommended in high -humidity and high - moisture regions. Nichiha is not liable for corrosion resistance of fasteners. Do not use aluminum fasteners, staples, clipped head or T head nails, finish nails, or fasteners that are not rated or designed for intended use. mom -Stud �'ti?. Weather . Resistive Barrier Keep nails- 3/8"min.from panel edges. -I ' `Moderate contact SU-17-0021 21 NICHIHA INSTALLATION GUIDE FOR NICHIPRODUCTS & NICHIFRONTIER JACOBSEN HOMES Fasteri panels a maximum b" on -center on all panel horizontal and vertical edges. Position fasteners at intermediate framing no greater than 12" on -center. Fasten at all stud locations. Fasteners must be placed no closer than 3/8" from panel edges and 2" from panel corners. The fastener head must be flush to the panel surface. Do not over drive or under drive fastener. INSTALLATION Follow all instructions in the General section of this guide.. Begin the installation by establishing a level and straight guideline for positioning the panels. If necessary, cut the long edge of the panel so that panel vertical edges fall or "break" over framing. Corner trim may be installed prior to panel installation, or alternatively, installed over NichiPanel. If butting to corner trim, leave 1/8" or appropriate gap and caulk. NICHIPANEL GROOVED 8" O.C. When installing NichiPanel Grooved 8" O.C. panels, layout of the application may be required to ensure a symmetrical or "even" appearance of the Grooved 8" o. c. accent grooves. Also, on multi -story structures or at gable ends, align accent grooves vertically for best appearance. When beginning the installation, trim the full thickness or "square" panel edge so the detailed grooved edge will land or break over solid framing. In some cases it may be necessary to add a stud or blocking to provide additional nailing area. Avoid nailing through panel edge accent groove. IU,I "0 C) DEC 7 2015 CL iL Federal Manufactured Home Construction M And Safety Standards SU-17-0022 22 JACOB SEN HOMES JOINT METHODS VERTICAL JOINTS Join NichiPanel vertical joints by one of the following four methods: • Cover the joint with a minimum 1-1/2" width batten strip. The batten strip may be fiber cement, wood, or PVC material. Caulk the vertical edge between the batten strip and NichiPanel. (Fig. 23.1) • Leave appropriate gap and caulk according to caulk manufacturer's recommendations. (Fig. 23.2) • Use metal or PVC H-channel connector in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. (Fig. 23.3) • Join the panels in moderate LJ MWO. NOT install tight or force par iW HORIZONTAL JOINTS C:) DEC 7 2015 Where panels are "stacked" on per„ Federal Manufactured . applications the horizontal joint: Home Construction properly flashed with a corrosioi And Safety standards galvanized, coated aluminum, or vinyl/PVC "Z" type flashing to minimize any water penetration. Position and secure "Z" flashing overtop edge of panel with the vertical bend behind the weather resistive barrier. A gap of 1/4" must exist between the flashing and next course of panels. DO NOT caulk this gap. Ensure flashing is sloped away from'the wall and not "flat." If a horizontal band board or trim attachment is used at horizontal joints, flashing must be in place that extends over the panel and trim attachment. (Fig. 23.4) G I� it Weather i Resistive Barrier�� Sheathing' !` �I Leave appropriate gap between panels, then caulk. Stud II . - Nichipanel" Do not caulk. r" 1/4" gap � � '-Flashing li .. . SU-17-0023 23 ..:........ . NICHIHA INSTALLATION GUIDE FOR NICHIPRODUCTS & NICHIFRONTIER JACOBSEN HOMES TRIMMING OPENINGS AND SIDING TO TRIM JOINTS (Fig. 23.4 - 24.2) When trim is applied around doors, windows, and other openings prior to NichiPanel installation, ensure that fleshings are in place over all horizontal trim. Install panels with a 1/a" gap between the flashing and siding. Where panel ends and edges meet trim at inside and outside corners, door, window, and other trim attachments, leave a minimum 1 /8" gap and caulk with a quality sealant as described in the General - finishing section. Corner Trim and other trim attachments must be of sufficient thickness. The NichiPanel siding must not extend beyond the face of the trim. All horizontal trim must be flashed. Leave a 1/4" gap between the siding and flashing. Do not caulk this gap. Do not use raw aluminum flashings. Flashings must be galvanized, anodized or PVC coated. When trim attachments are to be applied over NichiPanel, special steps must be taken prior to the panel application. • After installation of the door or window, install a 5/16" thick shim over the door or window the same length and width dimensions as the horizontal trim piece. Install the flashing on top of the shim taking into consideration the thickness of the trim. The flashing must extend slightly past the edge of the trim. • Next, install the panel above the shim and allowing a 1/a" gap between the siding and flashing. • Install the horizontal trim over the shim and under the flashing. -, NichiPanel°` Weather Resistive Barrier Do not caulk. 1/4" gip Sheathing i :>: < 1—_nashin Weather - - - - t <a g Resistive Barrier Stud Weather Resistive '�- Barrier NichiPanel" FINISHING Follow all finishing instructions in the General section of this guide. jll UJI > "G 0 DEC 7 2015 CL � Q' Federal Manufactured Nome Construction M And Safety Standards SU-17-0024 24 NICHIFRONTIER PREPARATION JACOB SEN HOMES Follow all General Instructions on Page 1 of this guide. NichiFrontier boards can be installed directly on braced wood or steel stud (20GA or heavier) construction spaced at a maximum of 24" o.c. or over sheathing with solid wood or steel backing. Correct any misaligned framing as irregularities may mirror through finished application. (Fig. 25.9) NichiFrontier boards may be installed on flat, vertical wall applications only. Do not install on sloped or tilted walls, or Mansard type roofs. NichiFrontier boards must be installed horizontally. Do not install in an angled, sloped, or other non -horizontal (chevron, sunburst, diamond) fashion. Ensure all weather resistive barriers are in place in accordance with local code. When installing NichiFrontier, it is recommended that an APA rated 7/16" OSB or plywood sheathing be used. Boards may be installed over non-structural sheathing such as foam, fiber builder board, and gypsum type panels. Non-structural sheathing thickness should not exceed 1 ". Due to the compressive nature of some non- structural sheathing, care must be taken not to overdrive the fastener and compress the sheathing which may result in distortion or waviness. The increased in acc the non-structur L C' DEC 7 201-5 Federal Manufactured i9" 1 Home Construction And Safety Standards Weather Resistive Barrier SINGLE WALL Stagger weather: Bracing CONSTRUCTION cuts at least V �. ,r 24,, 0.6. max. Wil� Finish nail pattern Staggered DOUBLE WALL CONSTRUCTION FASTENING Min. B" clearance above finished grade Follow all general fastening instructions in this guide. Corrosion resistant fasteners such as hot - dipped galvanized nails and screws that are appropriate to local building codes and practices must be used. When applying Frontier over wood framing, suitable fasteners include a full round head (min .221" HD) siding nail of sufficient length to penetrate into wood a minimum of 1 ". A corrosion resistant, #8, ribbed, bugle head (.375" HD) screw of sufficient length to penetrate into steel framing a minimum of/2" may also be used. Stainless steel fasteners are highly recommended in high -humidity and high - moisture regions. Nichiha is not liable for corrosion resistance of fasteners. Do not use aluminum fasteners, staples, clipped head or T head nails, finish nails, or fasteners that are not rated or designed for intended use. The fastener head must be flush to the board surface. Do not over drive or under drive fasteners. SU-17-0025 25 NICHIHA INSTALLATION GUIDE FOR NICHIPRODUCTS & NICHIFRONTIER JACOBSEN HOMES INSTALLATION STARTER STRIP & FIRST COURSE A starter strip is required to set the first course on the proper angle and to create the drip edge at the bottom course of siding. The starter strip material may be a cut piece of Frontier, NichiBoard, PVC, or pressure treated lumber. Do not use untreated lumber, plywood, OSB or other engineered wood products as a starter strip. (Fig. 26.1) Install the starter strip level with the bottom of the wall sheathing or mudsill. Ensure the first course of boards is level as it will be the guide for the entire installation. Use a level and chalk line to establish a level and straight reference point for the first course. Continue to check for level lines throughout installation. The first course of siding must hang below the starter strip a minimum of 1/4". The siding should not extend below the corner trim.The bottom edge of the first course must have at least 6" clearance above finished grade. It is recommended the course heights remain aligned and transfer around corners. .Stud Sheathing -Ill / Weather Resistive Barrier Concrete ` i": ? ,i ! 11�} I'`I'� {it,!� 6 spin. foundation r��jlrliAs NichiFrontier" Starter Strip OVERLAP A minimum overlap of 1 1/4" is required. BLIND NAILING For a more aesthetically pleasing installation, NichiFrontier boards may be installed in a hidden, or blind nail application. Position the fastener 1" down from the top edge of the board and no closer than '/z" from the board ends. Fasten from one end of the board to the other. (Fig. 26.2) C w4r. FACE NAILING LLJ It is permissible to it 0 DEC 7 2015 a face nail type insta IL installation requirem Federal Manufactured Home Constiuction b local code. y And Safety Standards Position the fastener a minimum distance of 3/4" up from the bottom edge of the board and no more than 1 ". This ensures the fastener will penetrate through the overlap and through both courses. Place the fastener no closer than 1/z" from board ends. Fasten from one end of the board to the other. DO NOT install NichiFrontier boards in a combined Blind and Face nailing manner. 24" o.c. Stud, SheathinE 1-1/4" Weather Resistive Barrier SU-17-0026 tzi 26 JACOBSEN HOMES VERTICAL JOINT PLACEMENT, FASTENING, & SEALING All NichiFrontier vertical (butt) joints MUST land or break over studs or solid wood framing. (Fig. 27.1) Pin -backed corners may be done for aesthetic purposes only. Pin backs shall be done with JOINT TREATMENT The use of a joint flashing behind the butt joints is required. (Fig. 27.1) Install NichiFrontier boards in moderate contact at butt joints. corrosion resistant Wg. aitable materials for joint flashing include PVC not a substitute foi iodized or coated coil stock, and code U:)proved water resistive barriers. When possible, usf � DEC 7 2015 0 -ie joint flashing should be at least 3" in ends at butt joints. CL. < idth and long enough to extend above the ALL cut ends must a' Federal Manufactured Home Construction M oard height a minimum of 2". 0 primer or paint. NL. �...... And safety Standards ..,.r. u aiDING TO TRIM JOINTS cut edges uncoated. ..Weather Stud Sheathing 'ResistiveF;.n,.��' 4 Barrier I.. - 1„ from board top ilointflashin 1/2" from board edge ;�er..�fi.; �(I<,, I'••.;; :i1'''�. NichiFrontier" 1/8" gap and caulk (optional) VertiGai Joint --STAGGERING THE -SHAKE BOARDS Shake keyways from one course to the next should not line up vertically. Layout of the application may be necessary to avoid stacked keyways. NichiFrontier boards have three pattern spacing variations. Board orientation may be "flipped" or reversed to aid in staggering the shake pattern and avoiding stacking of keyways. Where board ends and edges meet trim at inside and outside corners, door, window, and other trim attachments, leave a minimum 1/8" gap and caulk with a quality sealant that meets ASTM C-920 requirements. (Fig. 27.2) Corner Trim and other trim attachments must be of sufficient thickness. The overlapped NichiFrontier siding must not extend beyond the face of the trim. A continuous, solid shim or build out behind the trim may be necessary. Sheathing Weather 'Resistive Barrier HichlFrontler" SU-17-0027 27 NICHIHA INSTALLATION GUIDE FOR NICHIPRODUCTS & NICHIFRONTIER All horizontal trim must be flashed. Leave a 1 /4" gap between the siding and flashing. JACOBSEN HOMES (Fig. 28.1) Do not caulk this gap. Do not use raw aluminum fleshings. Flashings must be galvanized, anodized or PVC coated. ALTERNATIVE CORNER TREATMENTS NichiFrontier boards may be.installed in a "laced" or staggered corner application. (Fig. 28.2) C3 iffW0. When installing NichiFrontier siding in a laced U.1 "0 corner manner, a galvanized, coated aluminum, O DEC 7 201.5 -T or vinyl/PVC flashing over the building corner g g x Q prior to beginning the application is required. CL < Use a polyurethane adhesive where laced a" Federal Manufactured AndSafConstruction M 0 boards join. FINISHING Follow all finishing instructions in the General section of this guide. ;g `---- --- "il.�- Starter Stript-- iflM�, NichiFrontier'" Do not caulk. gap Sheathing- I Nichiirim" flashing 11-1 Stud m SheaWing --� ��1111rr✓//III___i%lir� �, ,,• Weather Resistive Barrier Paly- urethane -t = ~ - -� " -�= °- — Staggered sealant ���=�-= Butt Joint SU-17-0028 NICHITRIM PREPARATION JACOBSEN HOMES Follow all instructions in the General section of this guide. NichiTrim can be installed directly on braced wood or steel stud (20GA or heavier) construction spaced at a maximum of 24" o.c. or over sheathing with solid wood or steel backing. Correct any misaligned framing as irregularities in the framing or exterior sheathing may mirror through the finished application. (Fig. 29.1) NichiTrim may be installed on flat, vertical wall applications only. Do not install on sloped or tilted walls, or Mansard type roofs. NichiTrim is not intended for usage as a siding product. Ensure all weather resistive barriers are in place in accordance with local code. When installing NichiTrim, it is recommended that an APA rated 7/16" OSB or plywood sheathing be used. NichiTrim may be installed over non-structural sheathing such as foam, fiber builder board, and gypsum type panels. Non-structural sheathing thickness shall not exceed 1 ". Due to the compressive nature of some non-structural sheathing, care must be taken not to overdrive the fastener and compress the sheathing which may result in distortion or waviness. The fastener length must be increased in accordance with the thickness of the non-structural sheathing. board on its edge LLI DEC 7 201.5 Federal Manufactured Hoene Construction �? And Safety standards FASTENING Follow all fastening instructions in the General section of this guide. Finish nails (minimum 15 gauge), smooth shank siding nails, or appropriate screws may be used to secure NichiTrim to wood and steel framing members. Fasteners must penetrate into wood a minimum of 1 " and 1/2" into steel framing to ensure trim is securely fastened. Pneumatic fastening is recommended. When using pneumatic tools, ensure the gun has an adjustable depth of drive or flush mount attachment to control nail seating depth. The fastener head must be flush to the board surface. Do not over drive or under drive fasteners. DO NOT use framing nailers as board damage may result. Pressure from compressors can vary depending on tank volume and the number of lines connected to the unit. For best performance, always test and adjust pressure before beginning installation. Weather Resistive Barrier ; �6'd� Stagger weather ,' Bracing cuts at least 1 f 24". o.c. max.: -- I' clearance above finished grade Finish Nlchii nail pattern DOUBLE WALL CONSTRUCTION ,'j�S Staggered nailpattern SINGLE WALL CONSTRUCTION SU-17-0029 29 NICHIHA INSTALLATION GUIDE FOR NICHIPRODUCTS & NICHIFRONTIER JACOBSEN HOMES Corrosion resistant fasteners, such as hot -dipped galvanized nails and screws appropriate to local building codes and practices must be used. Stainless steel fasteners are highly recommended in high - humidity and high -moisture regions. Nichiha is not liable for corrosion resistance of fasteners. For best aesthetics, on door and window trim use a minimum 15 gauge corrosion resistant finish nail. Do not use aluminum fasteners, staples, clipped head or T head nails, or fasteners not rated or designed for intended use. When installing NichiTrim with finish nails, position nails no closer than 1/2" from board edges and 1 " from board ends. Place a minimum of two nails every 16". On 12" trim (11 1/a"), apply 3 to 4 finish nails at 16" intervals. (Fig. 30.1) When installing NichiTrim with siding nails or screws, position fasteners no closer than 1 " from board edges and 3" from board ends. Stagger fasteners on alternating edges every 16". On 12" (11 '/a") trim, additional fasteners may be applied if needed. If hand nailing NichiTrim, pre -drilling may be necessary in some applications. NichiTrim"I Fastening Specifications Finish Nail Siding Nail Distance from edge 1/2" 1" Distance from ends 1" 3" Spacing 16" 16" Spacing pattern Stacked Staggered TRIMMING INSIDE AND OUTSIDE CORNERS NichiTrim may be used in a single or double corner trim method. When corner height exceeds 10', join stacked boards using a min. 22.5 degree weather cut angled away from wall. Keep weather cuts a minimum of 12" apart on adjacent boards. (Fig. 30.2) Nich7rim"' 22.5° - 454 leather cut l ti —�= 6" min. UJ "0 > "q C3 DEC 7 2015 p CL < CL Federal Manufactured Home Construction M And Safety Standards SU-17-003 0 30 JACOBSEN HOMES TRIMMING WINDOWS, DOORS, AND OPENINGS '(Fig.31.1) When using NichiBoardTM, NichiShakeTM, NichiStraightTM, NichiStaggeredTM, NichiFrontierTM, Sierra PremiumTM Smooth and Sierra PremiumTM Shake products, trim all openings prior to siding installation, and follow window, door, vent manufacturer's installation instructions. Leave a minimum 1/8" gap between trim and siding and apply sealant in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. FASCIA, FRIEZE BOARDS, RAKE TRIM, & BAND BOARDS (Fig. 31.2-31.4) NichiTrim products used in fascia and rake board applications must be fastened over a continuous wood or steel subfascia. On runs exceeding 10' use a weather cut to join trim boards. Horizontal band boards must be flashed with a 1/4" gap between the siding and trim. Also, adequate flashing must be present between NichiTrim and any brick or masonry ledge. All horizontal trim must be flashed. Leave a 1/4" gap between the siding and flashing. Do not caulk this gap. Do not use raw aluminum flashings. Flashings must be galvanized, anodized, or PVC coated. im LU Install door and window trim > ro over" method. Ensure the to = DEC 7 2015 Q spans over the top of the ver- �- a' Federal Manafacnxed pieces. (Fig. 31.1) Home construction M And Safety standards When applying trim around windows with a nailing flange, it may be necessary to install a thin shim beside the flange to provide a flat, even surface level with the flange. This will allow the trim to remain "flat" on the wall. no not caulk along top edge. F Flashing required over trim. 1/4" gap Fl Weather Resistive Barrier�,.� Nfchlirlm.00nly J�,..�., ` ls / in•hetween la Do not place nai Leave a minimum 118" gap between siding p and trim, then caulk. joints. i F1 max. ,I __._ I i 1�� ":i -.__ 16�_- �l,iyt :i�• .� WARM" 1/9" gap, then caulk. Weather Resistive Barrier! Sheathing; i Blacking/support; f Weather Resistive Barrier (1 shacting / { I 1 _�1:1•�` ,I ��._ ,r ,I �`Caulkis optional. Roof --- �i, framing 514" and 414" NichiTrim" 7116" Nichiirim"only SU-17-0031 a Do not caulk i 114" gap B �— Flashing Nich7l aw caulk ``••NichlBaard" Rearing Roof 1�`���Z underlaymenl 1 ----Drip edge flashing Sub fascia != <•°� panel 31 NICHIHA INSTALLATION GUIDE FOR NICHIPRODUCTS & NICHIFRONTIER JACOB SEN HOMES NICHISOFFIT PREPARATION Follow all instructions in the General section of this guide. NichiSoffitTM panels can be installed directly on braced wood or steel stud (20GA or heavier) construction spaced at maximum 24" on center with the long dimension of the panel perpendicular to framing. All NichiSoffit panel edges must be supported by framing. Ensure that all. necessary framing supports, nailers, ledgers, and sub -fascia are in place prior to installation. FASTENING Follow all fastening instructions in the General section of this guide. Corrosion resistant fasteners such as hot - dipped galvanized nails and screws that are appropriate to local building codes and practices must be used. When applying NichiSoffit , suitable fasteners include a full round head (min .221" HD) siding nail of sufficient length to penetrate into wood a minimum of 1" or into steel a minimum of 1/z". A corrosion resistant, #8, ribbed, bugle head (.375" HD) screw of sufficient length to penetrate into steel framing a minimum -of 1/z" may also be used. Stainless steel fasteners are highly recommended in high -humidity and high - moisture regions. Nichiha is not liable for corrosion resistance of fasteners. Do not use aluminum fasteners, staples, clipped head or T head nails, finish nails, or fasteners that are not rated or designed for intended use. Place fasteners a maximum of every 8" o.c. at panel edges and intermediate framing members. Fasteners must be placed no closer than 3/8" from panel edges and 2" from panel corners. The fastener head must be flush to the panel surface. Do not over drive or under drive fasteners. Use a corrosion resistant, min. 1 1/z" length, full round head siding nail or appropriate screw to install the soffit to the framing. Fasteners must penetrate wood framing a minimum of 1 " and at least 1/2" into metal framing. U.1 '"I7 DEC 7 2015 � Q CL � C Fedaral Manafaatured Home Consuwtion M And safety standards SU-17-0032 32 JACOBSEN HOMES INSTALLATION (FIG. 33.1) All NichiSoffit panel edges must be supported by framing with the long dimension of the soffit panel perpendicular to framing. Ensure that all necessary framing supports, nailers, ledgers, blocking and/or sub -fascia are in place prior to installation. Position vented soffit panels with the vent holes toward the outside (toward fascia) for optimum airflow. Soffit vents may be installed into un-vented NichiSoffit. If corners are mitered, install blocking from wall corner to inside of fascia corner. Ensure rafter tails and sub -fascia are of uniform length and width. The use of a string guide or chalkline is recommended to aid in positioning of the soffit panels. Sub -fascia Hichisafrir Fascia Y Inting to outside of eave JOINT METHODS (FIG. 33.2) Join NichiSoffit panel ends by one of the following four methods: • - Join the panels in moderate contact. • Leave appropriate gap and caulk according to caulk manufacturer's recommendations. Cover the joint with a batten strip. • Use metal or PVC H-channel connector in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. FINISHING Follow all finishing instructions in the General section of this guide. Shim lbtr m�L ._ ., _ .�'� Hutt -to Siding..: Trim Over Siding __ . w 0 DEC 7 201.5 cc C "I —Framing member I �` Framing member i- ' CL Federal Manufactured Home Construction And Safety Standards M —S r Moderate contact H-connector Framing member I j'', l•i Framingmember SU-17_0033 J! _I Batten Leave appropriate gap and caulk 33 NICHIHA INSTALLATION GUIDE FOR NICHIPRODUCTS & NICHIFRONTIER ADDITIONAL DETAILS BLOCKED PENETRATIONS (FIG. 34.1) Wall penetrations larger than 1 '/2" in diameter must incorporate a blocked and flashed penetration detail to deter water entry behind the siding. NichiTrim 4/4 or 5/4 in thickness may be used dependant on the desired look and siding product used. The siding must not extend beyond the thickness of the trim block. On some larger or existing penetrations it may be necessary to "split" the blocked penetration horizontally for ease of installation. Use a minimum 22.5 degree weather cut. Flash the top of the blocked penetration with appropriate flashing using a'/a" gap between the flashing and siding. Do not caulk the 1/4" gap. Weather Nlchigoard'" ResistiveSarrie>i Ili,! Sheathing Do not caulk 1/4" gap � -- Flashing Vent Cover NichiTrimm Weather 11 1 '_"'----caulk Resistive Barrier il� Nichilloard'" JACOB SEN HOMES LU "0 0 DEC 7 2015 CL "C CL Federal Manufactured Home Construction M And Safety Standards SU-17-0034 34 INTEGRAL J. CHANNEL FLASHING (FIG. 34.2) Windows must be installed per manufacturers' instructions with all required flashings. Prior to siding installation, install a flashing at the bottom of the J channel which will direct water over the siding course and deter water entry behind the siding. This may require sealing with a quality seam tape. The flashing must be 3"-4" in width and of sufficient height to extend behind the J channel and overlap the siding course below. At the bottom of the window, lap the flashing over the board a minimum of 1 " similar to the installation of a joint flashing. Seal all field cut ends with a quality exterior grade primer, paint, or sealer. Do not install siding tight against inside of J channel. Nichiha does not recommend filling the J channel with caulk. Idow Window Fastener JACOBSEN HOMES LU > 'G 0 DEC 7 2015 4_ •C Federal Manufactured Home Constriction M And Safety Standards SU-17-0035 35 NICHIHA INSTALLATION GUIDE FOR NICHIPRODUCTS & NICHIFRONTIER Uj C3 DEC 7 2015 CL Federal Manufactured Home Construction And Safety Standards JACOBSEN HOMES SU-17-0036 36 JACOBSEN HOMES w w Never underestimate the pOwer C) DEC 7 2015 � cc Of really good tools C Federal Manufactured Home Construction And Safety Standards Whether you're an architect, a builder or a contractor, Nichiha wants to see to it that you have all the information you need to make your project go as smoothly as possible. The way we see it, we're partners. Our website offers a comprehensive collection of technical information, Architectural details, in depth specifications and everything you'll ever need to know about installing Nichiha products. We invite and encourage you to visit our website at nichiha.com. And by all means, if you have a troublesome question or comment, our ears are always open. Call us at 1.866.424.4421 or visit us at nichiha.com. NICHIHA WARRANTIES NichiBoard, NichiFrontier, NichiPanel, NichiShake, NichiStaggered, NichiStraight - Lifetime Limited Warrantyfor original owner and first transferee.* NichiTrim, NichiSoffit - 25-Year Limited Warranty for original owner and.first.transferee. * See Nichiha, warranties for detailed information on terms, conditions and limitations. Visit nichiha.com for easy downloadable warranties or call toll -free 1.866.424.4421 for a copy. Nichiha MSDS is available at nichiha.com, at your local NICHIHA dealer or call 'NICHIHA direct, toll -free 1.866.424.4421. Certification '; r & testing: ' H nmcaoEcativry Report Report Report Report No. EC-59, No. 12098 No. 14086 No. 14-0715.13 73,74 Silica Dust Warning: NICHIHA products may contain some amounts of crystalline silica (a.k.a. sand, silicon dioxide), which is a naturally occurring mineral. The amount will vary from product to product. Inhalation of crystalline silica into the lungs and repeated exposure to silica can cause health disorders, such as silicosis, lung cancer, or death depending upon various factors. To be conservative, Nichiha recommends that whenever cutting, sawing, sanding, sniping or abrading the product, users observe Safety Instructions. For further information or questions, please consult the MSDS, your employer, or visit www.osha.gov/SLTC/silicacrystalline/index.html and vmw.cdc.gov/niosh/topies/silica. The MSDS for Nichiha products are available atwww.nichiha.com, at your local Nichiha dealer or through Nichiha directly at 1.866.424.4421. FAILURE TO ADHERE TO OUR WARNINGS, MSDS, AND OTHER INSTRUCTION MAY LEAD TO SERIOUS PERSONAL INJURY OR DEATH. 6.29.15 WEB SU-17-0037 37 JACOBSEN HOMES o James Hardie Building Products 231 S. LaSalle Street, Suite 2000 Chicago, IL 60604 SAFETY DATA SHEET Page 1 of 10 Date of Issue: 06/01/15 Section 1. Identification Product Identifier: Exterior Fiber -Cement (Medium Density) — Includes all Generation 6 HZ5 and HZ10 products with the following product names: HardiePlanke lap siding, HardiePanel® vertical siding, HardieSoffit® panel, HardieSoffit®, Beaded Porch Panel, HardieShingle® siding, HardieShingle® notched panels, HardieShingle® individual shingles, Hardie® Reveal TM Panel, 7/16" HardieTrim® boards Manufacturer Name, James Hardie Building Products Address and Phone 231 S. LaSalle Street, Suite 2000 Number: Chicago, IL 60604 1-800-942-7343 (1-800-9HARDIE) Emergency Phone 1-800-942-7343 (1-800-9HARDIE) Number: Recommended Use: Exterior Fiber -Cement (Medium Density) is used as an external wall cladding Restrictions on Use: None known Section 2. Hazards Identification. GHS Classification: Carcinogenity, Category 1A Target Organ Systemic Toxicity Repeated Exposure, r�+oaten. GHS Label Element(s): Symbol. LLJ DEC 7 20 Signal Word DANGER May cause cancer if dust from product is inhaled CL FedeW Manafac Hazard SU-18-0001 lured .p 15 M lords JACOBSEN HOMES i MA a -James Hardie 231 S. LaSalle Street, Suite 2000 Chicago, IL 60604 Building Products Page 2 of 10 Date of Issue: 06/01/15 471-34-1 Calcium Carbonate <30% N/A Calcium Aluminum Silicate (Hydrate) <20% 9004-34-6 Cellulose <15 1333-86-4 Carbon Black <1% Section 4. First Aid Measures Inhalation Acute effects — Dust may cause irritation of the nose, throat and airways, resulting in coughing and sneezing. Certain susceptible individuals may experience wheezing (spasms of the bronchial airways) upon inhaling dust during cutting, rebating, drilling, routing, sawing, crushing or otherwise abrading fiber cement, and when cleaning up, disposing of or moving the dust. Chronic effects — Repeated or prolonged over exposures to crystalline silica can cause silicosis (scarring of the lung) and increases the risk of bronchitis, tuberculosis, lung cancer, renal disease, and scleroderma (a disease affecting the connective tissue of the skin, joints, blood vessels, and internal organs.) Some studies suggest that cigarette smoking increases the risk of silicosis, "U I DEC 7 2015 ® Federal Manufactured ITI Home Construction And Safety Standards bronchitis and lung cancer in persons also exposed to crystalline silica. Acute silicosis — A sub -chronic disease associated with acute, massive silica exposure, is a rapidly progressive, incurable lung disease that is typically fatal. Symptoms include but are not limited to, shortness of breath, cough, fever, weight loss and chest pain. Such exposure may cause pneumoconiosis and pulmonary fibrosis. Required treatment — If inhalation of dust occurs, remove to fresh air. If shortness of breath or wheezing develops, seek medical attention. Skin Dust may cause irritation of the skin from friction but cannot be absorbed through intact skin. If skin contact occurs, wash with mild soap and water. Contact physician if irritation persists or later develops. Eyes Dust may irritate the eyes from mechanical abrasion causing ,.. watering or redness. If eye contact occurs, remove contact lenses (if applicable). Flush with running water or saline for at least 15 minutes. Seek medical attention if redness persists or if visual changes occur. Ingestion Ingestion is unlikely under normal conditions of use, but swallowing the dust from the product may result in irritation or damage to the mouth and gastrointestinal tract due to alkalinity of dust. If ingestion occurs, dilute by drinking large amounts of water. Do SU-18-0002 JACOB SEN HOMES 5 L we r 0 a t7 K e, James 231 S. LaSalle Street, Suite 2000 Chicago, IL 60604 Hardie Building Products Page 3 of 10 Date of Issue: 06/01/15 not induce vomiting. Seek medical attention. If unconscious, loosen tight clothing and lay the person on his/her left side. Give nothing by mouth to an individual who is not alert and conscious. Section 5. Fire -Fighting Measures James Hardie® fiber -cement products are neither flammable nor explosive Suitable extinguishing techniques: Appropriate extinguishing techniques for surrounding fire should be used. Fire -fighting equipment: Firefighting personnel should wear normal protective equipment and positive self-contained breathing apparatus. Special hazards arising from the James Hardie ® fiber -cement products are neither flammable nor substance or mixture: explosive. Hazardous reactions will not occur under normal conditions. Fight fire with normal precautions from a reasonable distance. Section 6. Accidenta I Aelease Measures Emergency procedures: No special precautions are necessary in the event of an accidental release. The following precautions apply to spills or releases of dust generated during cutting, rebating, drilling, routing, sawing, crushing or otherwise abrading fiber cement. Protective equipment: Good housekeeping practices are necessary for cleaning up areas where spills or leaks have occurred. Take measures to either MWW 41 > eliminate or minimize the creation of dust. Respirable dust and U "0 silica levels should be monitored regularly. DEC 7 2015 � Wherever possible, practices likely to generate dust should be C ( controlled with engineering such as local exhaust ventilation, dust L, suppression through containment (e.g. wetting loose dust), Federal Manufactuired M !� Home Construction enclosure, or covers. �d And Safety Standards Use respiratory protection as described in Section 8. Proper methods of containment A fine water spray should be used to suppress dust when sweeping and clean-up: (dry sweeping should not be attempted). Vacuuming with an industrial vacuum cleaner outfitted with a high -efficiency particulate (HEPA) filter is preferred to sweeping. Dispose of product in accordance with local, state and national regulations. If there are no applicable regulations, dispose of in a secure landfill, or in a way that will not expose others to dust. Section 7. Handling and Storage Precautions of safe handling and Fiber -cement boards in their intact state do not present a health storage: hazard. The controls below apply to dust generated from the boards by cutting, rebating, drilling, routing, sawing, crushing or otherwise abrading fiber cement, and when cleaning up, disposing of or moving the dust. SU-18-0003 JACOBSEN HOMES Uj C CL CL 92 James Hardie Building Products Page 4 of 10 231 S. LaSalle Street Suite 2000 Chicago, IL 60604 Date of Issue: 06/01/15 James Hardie® recommended best practices for handling fiber - cement: Keep exposure to dust as low as reasonably possible. Respirable crystalline silica limits are specified by OSHA and MSHA and identified in Section 8 of this MSDS. Exposure to respirable (fine) silica dust depends on a variety of factors, including activity rate (e.g. cutting rate), method of handling (e.g. electric shears), environmental conditions (e.g. weather conditions, workstation orientation) and control measures used. Wherever possible, practices likely to generate dust should be DEC 7 2015 � carried out in well ventilated areas (e.g. outside). The work I) practices and engineering controls set out in Section 8 should be < followed to reduce silica exposures. Federal Manufactured Home Construction Keep away from reactive products. Do not store near food, beverages Avoid dust. And Safety Standards or smoking materials. spilling and creating Maintain appropriate dust controls during handling. Use appropriate respiratory rotection during handling as described in Section 8. Incompatibilities: Hydrofluoric acid will dissolve silica and can generate silicon tetrafluoride, a corrosive gas. Contact with strong oxidizing agents such as fluorine, boron trifluoride, chlorine trifluoride, manganese trifluoride or oxygen difluoride may cause fires and /or explosions. Furthermore, limestone is incompatible with acids and ammonium salts. Section 8. Exposure Controls/ Personal Protection OSHA Permissible Exposure Standards (PEL): Exposures shall not exceed an 8-hour time weighted average (TWA) limit as stated in 29 CFR 1910.1000 Table Z-3 for mineral dusts, expressed in million particles per cubic feet (Mppcf) and/or milligrams per cubic meter (mg/1`1`13). The American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists Threshold Limit Values (TLV are that organization's recommended exposure limits based on an 8-hour TWA. TLV mg/m3 PEL Mppsf PEL mg/m3 Crystalline Silica (Quartz) 0.025 mg/m3 250 - 10 mg/m3 (Respirable) — %Si0 + 5 %SIO + 2 Quartz (Total Dust) — — 30 mg/m3 %SIO+2 Calcium Carbonate (Total Dust) 10 mg/m3 — 15 mg/m3 (Respirable) — — 5 mg/m3 Calcium Silicate (Total Dust) — — 15 mg/m3 (Respirable) — — 5 mg/m3 Nuisance Dust (Not Otherwise Specified) (Total Dust) 10 mg/m3(inhalable) 50 15 mg/m3 (Respirable) 3 mg/m3 15 5 mg/m3 Cellulose (Total) — — 15 mg/m3 (Respirable) — — 5 mg/m3 Carbon Black 3.5 mg/m3 — 3.5 mg/m3 SU-18-0004 JACOBSEN HOMES 560 IW CL 92 o James Hardie Building Products Page 5 of 10 231 S. LaSalle Street, Suite 2000 Chicago, IL 60604 Date of Issue: 06/01/15 Other limits recommended: The National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) also has a Recommended Exposure Limit (REL) of 0.05 mg/m3 for respirable crystalline silica, based on a 10-hour time -weighted average.. Engineering Controls Personal protection when handling products that may generate silica dust: (1) follow James Hardie ® instructions and best practices to reduce or limit the release of dust; (2) warn others in the area to avoid the dust; (3) when using mechanical saw or high-speed cutting tools, work outdoors and use dust collection equipment, and (4) if no other dust controls are available, wear a NIOSH-approved dust mask or respirator (e.g. N95 dust mask). During clean-up, use a well -maintained vacuum and filter appropriate for capturing fine (respirable) dust or use wet cleanup methods ---:.never dry sweep. Cutting Outdoors 1. Position cutting station so that wind will blow dust away from user or others in working area and allow for ample dust dissipation 2. Use one of the following methods based on the required cutting rate and job -site conditions: BEST • Score and snap using carbide -tipped scoring knife or utility knife • Fiber -cement shears (electric or pneumatic) DEC 7 2015 BETTER Dust reducing circular saw equipped with M Hardieblade TM saw blade and HEPA vacuum FedaW Manufactured Home Construction extraction And Safety Standards GOOD (for low to moderate cutting only) • Dust reducing circular saw with Hardieblade TM saw blade Cutting Indoors • Cut only using score and snap method or with fiber -cement shears (manual, electric or pneumatic) • Position cutting station in well -ventilated area to allow for dust dissipation Sanding / Rebating / Drilling / If sanding, rebating, drilling or other machining is necessary, you Other Machining should always wear a NIOSH-approved dust mask or respirator (e.g. N-95) and warn others in the immediate area. Clean -Up During clean-up of dust and debris, NEVER dry sweep as it may excite silica dust particles into the user's breathing area. Instead, wet debris down with a fine mist to suppress dust during sweeping, or use a HEPA vacuum to collect particles. Important Notes 1. For maximum protection (lowest respirable dust production), James Hardie ® recommends always using "Best" -level cutting methods where feasible 2. NEVER use a power saw indoors SU-18-0005 JACOBSEN HOMES James 91 231 S Hardie Building Products LaSalle Street, Suite 2000 Chicago, IL 60604 Page 6 of 10 Date of Issue: 06/01/15 .� 3. NEVER use a circular saw blade that. does not carry the Hardieblade TM saw blade trademark DEC 7 2015 4. NEVER dry sweep — use wet suppression methods or HEPA ( vacuum 5. NEVER use a grinder or continuous rim diamond blade for Federal Manufactured M Home Conshuation cutting 6. ALWAYS follow tool manufacturer's And Safety Standards safety recommendations Personal Protective Equipment • Respiratory— If respirators are selected, use and maintain in accordance with ANSI Standard (Z88.2) for particulate respirators. Select respirators based on the level of exposure to crystalline silica as measured by dust sampling. Use respirators that offer protection to the highest concentrations of crystalline silica if the actual concentrations are unknown. Put in place a respiratory protection and monitoring program that complies with MSHA or OSHA (e.g. 29CFR1910.134) standards, which include provisions for a user training program, respirator repair and cleaning, respirator fit -testing and other requirements. Comply with all other applicable federal and state laws. • Eye — When cutting material, dust resistant safety goggles / glasses should be worn and used in compliance with ANSI Standard Z87.1 and applicable OSHA (e.g. 29CFR1910.133) standards. • Skin — Loose comfortable clothing should be worn. Direct skin contact with dust and debris should be avoided by wearing long sleeved shirts and long trousers, a cap or hat, and gloves. Work clothes should be washed regularly. Section 9. Physical and Chemical Properties Appearance and odor: Solid gray boards with varying dimensions according to product. Some product may have a surface coat of water -based acrylic paint or acrylic sealer Vapor Pressure: Not relevant Flash Point: Not relevant Specific Gravity: Not relevant Autoignition Temperature: Not relevant Flammability Limits: Not relevant Volatility: Not relevant Boiling Point: Not relevant Solubility in water: Not relevant Melting Point: Not relevant Evaporation rate: Not applicable Section 10. 'Stability and Reactivity Stability, Crystalline silica and limestone are stable under ordinary conditions Conditions to Avoid: Excessive dust generation during storage and handling Materials to Avoid: Hydrofluoric acid will dissolve silica and can generate silicon tetrafluoride, a corrosive gas. Contact with strong oxidizing agents such as fluorine, boron trifluoride, chlorine trifluoride, manganese trifluoride or oxygen difluoride may cause fires and /or explosions. Furthermore, limestone is incompatible with acids and ammonium salts. Section 11. Toxicological lnfortnation . Routes of exposure: Fiber -cement is not toxic in its intact form. The following applies to dust that may be generated during cutting, rebating, drilling, routing, sawing, crushing or otherwise abrading fiber cement. SU-18-0006 Iw CL Fe i A JACOBSEN HOMES e -James Hardie Building Products Page 7 of 10 i 231 S. LaSalle Street, Suite 2000 Chicago, IL 60604 Date of Issue: 06/01/15 Related symptoms: Repeated and prolonged overexposures to dust containing crystalline silica can cause silicosis (scarring of the lung),and increases the risk of bronchitis, tuberculosis, lung cancer, renal disease and scleroderma (a disease affecting the connective tissue of the skin, joints, blood vessels and internal organs). Some studies suggest that cigarette smoking increases the risk of silicosis, bronchitis, and lung cancer in persons also exposed to crystalline silica. Acute silicosis is a rapidly progressive, incurable lung disease that is typically fatal. Symptoms include, but are not limited to: shortness of breath, cough, fever, weight loss and chest pain. Such exposure may cause pneumoconiosis and pulmonary fibrosis. The following relates to health effects of cellulose: Based on limited animal research, it is possible that repeated chronic inhalation exposure to cellulose fiber dust over time may lead to inflammation and scarring of the lung in humans. Precautions taken for crystalline silica dust will protect against cellulose. P Medical conditions generally aggravated by exposure — Pulmonary function may be reduced by inhalation of respirable crystalline silica and / or "U cellulose. If lung scarring occurs, such scarring could aggravate other lung conditions such as asthma, emphysema, pneumonia or restrictive lung .2015 diseases. Lung scarring from crystalline silica may also increase risks to nufttwed pulmonary tuberculosis. %ftw �struction Standards Smoking — some studies suggest that cigarette smoking increases the risk of occupational respiratory diseases, including silica -related respiratory diseases. ,Acute and chronic effects: Acute toxicity— not classified • Skin corrosion/ irritation —not classified • Serious eye damage./ irritation — not classified • Respiratory or skin sensitization — not classified • Germ cell mutagenicity — not classified • Carcinogenity — may cause cancer if dust from product is inhaled • Specific target organ toxicity (repeated exposure) — causes damage to lungs and respiratory system through prolonged or repeated inhalation of dust from product - Carcinogenity: California Proposition 65 Warning: This product contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC): Crystalline silica inhaled in the forms of quartz or cristobalite from occupational sources is carcinogenic to humans Carbon black is possibly carcinogenic to humans SU-18-0007 JACOB SEN HOMES j oJames Hardie Building Products Page 8 of 10 `�' 231 S. LaSalle Street Suite 2000 Chicago, IL 60604 Date of Issue: 06/01/15 The National Toxicology Program (NTP): NTP has concluded that respirable crystalline silica is a known human carcinogen LD50 (Silicon dioxide): Rat oral >22,500 mg / kg Mouse oral > 10,500 mg/kg Section 12: Ecological.informatioh There is a very limited amount of ecological data available on the effects of releases that may occur from this product being released into the environment. Clean up of the spilled product would not be expected to leave any hazardous material that could cause a significant adverse impact. There is a limited amount of ecological data available on crystalline silica, primarily because it is a naturally occurring mineral. An adequate representation of these data is beyond the scope of this document. Section 13. Disposal, Considerations Dispose of material as inert, non-metallic mineral in conformance with local, state and federal regulations. Crystalline silica and limestone is not a RCRA hazardous waste. Section 14. Transport Information There are no special requirements for storage and transport UN No: None allocated Dangerous goods class: None allocated Hazchem code: None allocated Poisons schedule: None allocated Packing group: Not applicable Label: Not a DOT hazardous material. Local regulations may apply Section 15. Regulatory Information DOT hazard classification: None Placard requirement: Not a DOT hazardous material. Local placarding regulations may apply California Proposition 65: Warning: Airborne particles of respirable size of crystalline silica are known to the State of California to cause cancer. CERCLA hazardous substance Listed substance: No (40CFR Part 302): Unlisted substance: No Reportable quantity (RQ): None Characteristic(s): Not:applicable RCRA waste number: Not applicable SARA. Title III. Sections 302 / Extremely hazardous substance: No 303 (40CFR part 355 — L1,I Emergency Planning and rr.,,, Notification): 0 DEC 7 2015 SARA. Title III. Section 311 / Acute: Yes er 312 (40CFR part 370 — . Chronic: Yes Hazardous Chemical Reporting: Fire: No Federal Manufactured Community Right -To -Know): Pressure: No Home Construction Reactivity: No And Safety Standards SU-18-0008 "u C� M JACOBSEN HOMES o :James Hardie Building Products 231 S. LaSalle Street, Suite 2000 Chicago, IL 60604 Page 9of10 Date of Issue: 06/01/15 SARA. Title III. Section 313 (40CFR part 372 — Toxic Chemical Release Reporting: Community Right -To -Know Not a RCRA hazardous waste TSCA Inventory List: Yes TSCA 8(d): No Section 16. Other Information Prepared by Jeff Fry Issue Date: 06/01/15 Read label before use FIBERCEMENT Contains: Crystalline Silica (quartz) 10.300A Calcium Silicate (hydrate) 10-60Y Cellulose r&a<10%] Rap DANGER May cause cancer If dust from product Is Inhaled. Causes damage to lungs and respiratory s stem through prolonged or repeated Inhalation of dust from producL Prevention Response,. Storage: s osa: e er to the pro uct a ety eta eat before as hands an ace thoroughly after ter cement is not a ea hazardDispose o prockict in accordance with use. Do not handle until all safety precautions handling. If exposed oreoncemed. Get medical when handled or stored in its original, local, state and national regulations. have been read and understood. advice. If shortness of breath or other health unaltered condition If there are no applicable, regulations, concerns develop after exposure to dust from dispose of in a secure landfill, orin a Do not breathe dust fromthe product Do not the product, seek medical attention. way that will not expose others to eat, drink or smoke when using this product. dust - Wear personal protective equipment, as specified below. The hazard associated with h=comont arises from the crystalline silica present in dust genorrated by achy ties such as cutting, rebating, drilling, routing, sawing, crushing. or otherwise abrading filuLcoment, and when cleaning up, disposing of ormoving dust When doing any or these activities in a manner that generates dust: (1) follow James Hardie instructions and best practices to reduce or Omit the release of dust; (2) wam others In the area to avoid dust; (3) work outdoors and use vacuum dust collection when using mechanical saws or other high speed cutting tools; (3) work outdoors and use appropriate vacuum dust collection when using mechanical saws or other high speed cutting tools and (4) wear a dust mask or respirator that meets applicable national regulations, as specified below. During clean-up, use a well maintained vacuum and fiherappropdate forcapturing respirable fine dust or use wet cleanup methods -never dry sweep. If using a dust Otttak gcrespirator, always use a NIOSH-approved dust mask orrespitator (e.g., the N 95 dust mask). WARNING: This product contains a chemical known to the State of Californiato cause cancer. For more information go to www.P65Wamings.ca govfpmduct. James Hardie Building Products, Inc 231 S. LaSalle St, Suite 2000 Chicago, IL 60604 USA 1-880 JKA:RDIE www.jameshardio.com www.jhsafesho.com This form has been prepared to meet current Federal OSHA hazard communication regulations and is offered without any warranty or guarantee of any type. James Hardie Building Products cannot control the use of its products, and therefore specifically disclaims liability and responsibility arising from the use, misuse and alteration of its products. The information contained on this MSDS was produced without independent scientific or medical studies analyzing the effects of silica upon human health. The information contained herein is based upon scientific and other data James Hardie Building Products believes is valid and reliable and provides the basis for this MSDS. The information contained herein relates only to specific materials listed in the document. It does not address the effects of silica when used in combination with other materials or substances, or when used in other processes. Because conditions of use are beyond James Hardie Building Products control, the company makes no representation, guarantee or warranty of any kind in this MSDS, either express or implied, including the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness of the product for use for a particular purpose, and assumes no liability related to the information contained above. C) iff SWO )> - U.a IV 0 DEC 7 20-15 CL Federal Manufactured Home Construction M And Safety Standards SU-18-0009 JACOBSEN HOMES } e -James Hardie. Building Products Page 10 of 10 231 S. LaSalle Street, Suite 2000 Chicago, IL 60604 Date of Issue: 06/01/15 James Hardie Building Products requires, as a condition of use of its products, that purchasers comply with all applicable federal, state, and local health and safety laws, regulations, orders, requirements, and strictly adhere to all instructions and warnings which accompany the product. 7`1 IU 'D C) DEC 7 2015 0 CL < Q ' Federal Manufactured Home Construction ITI And Safety Standards SU-18-0010 JACOBSEN HOMES 12 0 JamesHardle Hard 1 e P 1 an k®, -7_-yAap Siding EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 2013 INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS - PRIMED & COLORPLUS® PRODUCTS Visit www.lameshardle.com for the most recent version. SELECT CEDARMILL° • SMOOTH • CUSTOM COLONIAL' SMOOTH • CUSTOM COLONIAL`" ROUGHSAWN CUSTOM BEADED CEDARMILL® • CUSTOM BEADED SMOOTH • STRAIGHT -EDGE SHINGLE PLANK IMPORTANT FAILURE TO INSTALL AND FINISH THIS PRODUCT IN ACCORDANCE WiTH APPLICABLE BUILDING CODES AND JAMES HARDIE WRITTEN APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS MAY LEAD TO PERSONAL INJURY, AFFECT SYSTEM PERFORMANCE, VIOLATE LOCAL BUILDING CODES, AND VOID THE PRODUCT ONLY WARRANTY. BEFORE INSTALLATION, CONFIRM THAT YOU ARE USING THE CORRECT HARDIEZONE'm PRODUCTS INSTRUCTIONS. TO DETERMINE WHICH HARDIEZONETm APPLIES TO YOUR LOCATION, VISIT WWW.HARDIEZONE.COM OR CALL 1-866-942-7343 (866 9HARDIE) STORAGE & HANDLING: p CUTTING INSTRUCTIONS Store flat and keep dry and covered prior to Installation. Installing siding wet or OUTDOORS 1. Position cutting station so that wind will blow dust away from user INDOORS 1. Cut only using score and snap, or shears (manual, electric or pneumatic). saturated may result in shrinkage at butt and others in working area. 2. Position cutting station in well -ventilated area joints. Carry planks on edge, Protect 2. Use one of the following methods: a. Best I, Score and snap es and comers from breakage. James edges 9 ii. Shears (manual, electric or pneumatic) -NEVER use a power saw indoors Hardie Is not responsible for damage caused by Improper storage and handling b, Better. 1. Dust reducing circularsaw equipped vnih.a HardteBlade'saw blade and HEPA vacuum extractlon - NEVER use a circular saw blade that does not carry the HardieBlade saw blade trademark - NEVER dry sweep — Use wet suppression or HEPA Vacuum of the product. c. Good: 1. Dust reducing circular saw with a HardieBlade saw blade (only use for low to moderate culling) Important Note: For maximum protection (lowest respirable dust production), James Hardie recommends always using "Best" -level culling methods where feasible. NI05H approved respirators can he used kr conjunction with above cutting practices to furher reduce dust exposures. Additional exposure information is avalable ® at www.Jameshardie.com to help you determine the most appropriate cutting method for yourJob requirements. If concern still exists about exposure levels or you do not comply with the above practices, you should always consult a qualified Industrial hygienist or contact James Hard, for furher Information. sooearos IMPORTANT. To prevent damage to the drip edge, extra care should be taken when removing planks from the pallet, while handling, and when installing with a lap gauge. Please see additional handling requirements on page 4. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: • HardiePlank® lap siding can be installed over braced wood or steel studs spaced a maximum of 24" o.c. or directly to minimum 7/16" thick OSB sheathing. See General Fastening Requirements. Irregularities in framing and sheathing can mirror through the finished application. • Information on Installing James Hardie products over foam can be located in JH Tech Bulletin 19 at www. lamehardie.com • A water -resistive barrier is required in accordance with local building code requirements. The water -resistive bamer must be appropriately installed with penetration and hnction flashing In accordance with local building code requirements. James Hardie will assume no responsibility for water infiltration. James Hardie does manufacture ardiftap®Weather Barrier, a non -woven non -perforated housewrap', which complies with building code requirements. • When installing James Hardie products all clearance details in figs. 3-14 Figure 1 Double watt single wall must be followed. n io • Ad1'acent finished grade must slope away from the building in accordance with local water -resistive barter let Construction Construction -in bracing building codes - typically a minimum of 6 in the first 10'. 24" o.c. max • Do not use HardiePlank lap siding in Fascia or Trim applications. plywood or • Do not install James Hardie products, such that they may remain in contact with standing water. OSB sheathing • HardiePlank lap siding may be Installed on flat vertical wall applications only. • DO NOT use stain, oil/alkyd base paint, or powder coating on James Hardie® Products. • For larger protiects, Including commercial and multi -family projects, where the span of the wall I significant in length, the designer and/or architect should take Into consideration the coefficient of thermal expanslon and moisture movement of the product in their design. These pp values can be found in the Technical Bulletin "Expansion Characteristics of James Hardie® r%;i,:. 1'j'' Siding Products" at www.JamesHardie.com. LU INSTALLATION: JOINTTREATMENT One or more of the following joint treatment options are required by code (as referenced 20091RC Figure 2 Nail line Of nail R703.3.2) stud line is not A. Joint Flashing (James Hardie recommended) ;; i I fast netrplace B: Caulking' (Caulking is not recommended between 3/4" for ColorPlus for aesthetic reasons as the wpter- �:� •'_ � o 1 l from top of plank) Caulking and ColorPlus will weather res s11ve m barrier '. edge a(planK differently. For the same reason, do not caulk nail heads on Joint ° °r ColorPlus products.) flashing a ,ate C. "H" jointer cover d ie lone' HardHardie DO NOT Install Trim over HardiePlank /HardleShingle. Install planks in moderate contact at buttJolnts a DEC 7 2015 water -resistive barrier 0 0 fastener 0 0 0 Install a 1 1/4" starter strip to ° o ensure a consistent plank angle ,o e '— leave appropriate gap between planks and trim, then caulk' Mnta• Raid naintinn nvar raulkinn may nmr1imp. a sheen dlffP..fenre when Compared to the field Dainted PrimePlUs. "Refer to Caulking section In these Instructions. 'For additional Information on HardieWrapO Weather Barrier, consult James Hardie at 1-866-41-fardie or www.hardiewrap.com WARNING: AVOID BREATHING SILICA DUST James Hardie° products contain respirable crystalline silica, which is known to the State of California to cause cancer and is considered by [ARC and NIOSH to be a cause of cancer from some occupational sources. Breathing excessive amounts of respirable silica dust can also cause a disabling and potentially fatal lung disease called silicosis, and has been linked with other diseases, Some studies suggest smoking may increase these risks. During Installation or handling: (1) work in outdoor areas with ample ventilation; (2) use fiber cement shears for cutting or, where not feasible, use a HardieBlade saw blade and dust -reducing circular saw attached to a HEPA vacuum; (3) warn others in the immediate area; (4) wear a properly -fitted, NIOSH-approved dust mask or respirator (e.g. N-95) In accordance with applicable government regulations and manufacturer Instructions to further limit respirable silica exposures. During clean-up, use HEPA vacuums or wet cleanup methods -never dry sweep. For further Information, refer to our installation instructions and Material Safety Data Sheet available at www.lameshardle.com or by calling 1-800-9HARDIE (1-800-942-7343). FAILURE TO ADHERE TO OUR WARMS,, MSDS, AND INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS MAY LEAD TO SERIOUS PERSONAL INJURY OR DEATH, SD°SM .a o M C3 HS11117-P1/4 9/13 U JACOBSEN HOMES �Zo CLEARANCE AND FLASHING REQUIREMENTS Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5 Figure 6 Roof to Wall Horizontal Flashing Kickout Flashinq Slabs. Path. Stens to Sidina Figure 7 Deck to Wall Figure 12 Drip Edge Z-Flashing�^ f i Min. '/a" Do not caulk) Figure 8 Ground to Siding f 1 x 4" Figure 9 Figure 10 Gutter to Siding Sheltered Areas Figure 13 Block Penetration Z Flashing �2 ' Figure 14 Valley/Shingle Extension Figure 11 Mortar/Masonry > 'U DEC 7 2015 X Q• Federal Manufacturod M Home Consh=don And Safctv Standards FASTENER REQUIREMENTS ** Blind Nailing is the preferred method of Installation for HardiePlan!0 lap siding products. Face nailing should only be used where required by code for high wind areas and must not be used in conjunction with Blind nailing (Please see JH Tech bulletin 17 for exemption when doing a repair). Pin -backed corners may be done for aesthetic purposes Only. Pin -backs shall be done with finish nails only, and are not a substitute for blind or face nailing. BLIND NAILING FACE NAILING Nails - Wood Framing Nails - Wood Framing • Siding nail (0.09" shank x 0.221 " HD x 2" long) • 6d (0.113" shank x 0.267" HD x 2" long) • 11.ga. roofing nail (0.121" shank x 0.371" HD x 1.25" long) • Siding nail (0.09" shank x 0.221" HD x 2" long).. Screws - Steel Framing Screws - Steel Framing • Ribbed Wafer -head or equivalent (No. 8 x 1 1/4" long • Ribbed Bugle -head or equivalent (No. 8-18 x 1-5/8" long x x 0.375" HD) Screws must penetrate 3 threads into metal framing. 0.323" HD) Screws must penetrate 3 threads into metal framing. Nails - Steel Framing Nails - Steel Framing • ET & F Panelfast® nails or equivalent (0.10" shank x 0.313" HD x 1-1 /2" long) • ET & F pin or equivalent (0.10" shank x 0.25" HD x 1-1/2" long) Nails must penetrate minimum 1/4" into metal framing. Nails must penetrate minimum 1/4" into metal framing. OSB minimum 7/16" • 11 ga. roofing nail (0.121" shank x 0.371 " HD x 1.75" long) • Ribbed Wafer -head or equivalent (No. 8 x 1 5/8" long x 0.375" HD). FASTENER REQUIREMENTS continued on following page OSB minimum 7/16" • Siding nail (0.09" shank x 0.221" HD x 1-1/2" long)* SU-19-0002 HS11117-P2/4 9/13 L JACOBSEN HOMES ,Eo FASTENER REQUIREMENTS continued 24" Figure 14 Figure 15 St d O.C. max Stud 02max Joint I Minimum overlap Flashing for Both Face '^w�—�•"°��ly j� and Blind Nailingr— JP" Nall Line I �r 314'- i / o- Blind- Nail min.1 1/4" i overlap i \Face Nell i Water Resistive Water Resistive Barder 1 1/4' min. Barrier Ovedap Laminate sheet to be removed immediately after installation of each course for ColorPlus® products. 1 1/4' min. Overlap ` When face nailing to OSB, planks must be no greater than 9114" wide and fasteners must be 12" o.c. or less. "Also see General Fastening Requirements; and when considering altemative fastening options refer to James Hardie's Technical Bulletin USTB 17 - Fastening Tips for HardiePlank® Lap Siding. GENERAL FASTENING REQUIREMENTS Fasteners must be corrosion resistant, galvanized, or stainless steel. Electro-galvanized are acceptable but may exhibit premature corrosion. James Hardie recommends the use of quality, hot -dipped galvanized nails. James Hardie is not responsible for the corrosion resistance of fasteners. Stainless steel fasteners are recommended when installing James Hardie® products near the ocean, large bodies of water, or in very humid climates. Manufacturers of ACQ and CA preservative -treated wood recommend spacer materials or other physical barriers to prevent direct contact of ACQ or CA preservative -treated wood and aluminum products. Fasteners used to attach HardieTrim Tabs to preservative -treated wood shall be of hot dipped zinc -coated galvanized steel or stainless steel and in accordance to 2009 IRC R317.3 or 2009 IBC 2304.9.5. M JWWW :* 'U C) DEC 7 2015 0 PNEUMATIC FASTENING cL Federal Manufactured M James Hardie products can be hant < Homen��0s�; p� pneumatic tool. Pneumatic fastening is nigniy recommenaea. aei air pressure so that the fastener is driven snug with the surface of the siding. A flush mount attachment on the pneumatic tool is recom- mended. This will help control the depth the nail is driven. If setting the nail depth proves difficult, choose a setting that under drives the nail. (Drive under driven nails snug with a smooth faced hammer - Does not apply for installation to steel framing). • Consult applicable product evaluation or listing for correct fasteners type and placement to achieve specified design wind loads. • NOTE: Published wind loads may not be applicable to all areas where Local Building Codes have specific jurisdiction. Consult James Hardie Technical Services if you are unsure of applicable compliance documentation. • Drive fasteners perpendicular to siding and framing. • Fastener heads should fit snug against siding (no air space). (fig. A) • Do not over -drive nail heads or drive nails at an angle. • If nail is countersunk, fill nail hole and add a nail. (fig. B) • For wood framing, under driven nails should be hit flush to the plank with a hammer (For steel framing, remove and replace naiD. • NOTE: Whenever a structural member is present, HardiePlank should be fastened with even spacing to the structural member. The tables allowing direct to OSB or plywood should only be used when traditional framing is not available. • Do not use aluminum fasteners, staples, or clipped head nails. ® ® Countersink, OD 0 Fill &Add Nail snug flush DO NOT DO NOT Figure A Figure B under drive nails staple HS11117-P314 9113 SU-19-0003 JACOBSEN HOMES ,t Za PAINTING CUT EDGE TREATMENT CAULKING IDO NOT use stain, oil/alkyd base paint, or powder coating Caulk, paint or prime all field cut For best results use an Elastomeric Joint Sealant complying with on James Hardie® Products. James Hardie products must edges. James Hardie touch-up ASTM C920 Grade NS, Class 25 or higher or a Latex Joint Sealant be painted within 180 days for primed product and 90 kits are required to touch-up complying with ASTM C834. Caulking/Sealant must be applied in days for unprimed.100% acrylic topcoats are ColorPlus products. accordance with the caulking/sealant manufacturer's written recommended. Do not paint when wet. For application instructions. Note: OSI Quad as well as some other caulking rates refer to paint manufacturers specifications. manufacturers do not allow tooling. Back -rolling is recommended if the siding Is sprayed. COLORPLUS® TECHNOLOGY CAULKING, TOUCH-UP & LAMINATE I• Care should be taken when handling and cutting James Hardie® ColorPlus® products. During installation use a wet soft cloth or soft brush to gently wipe off any residue or construction dust left on the product, then rinse with a garden hose. • Touch up nicks, scrapes and nail heads using the ColorPlus® Technology touch-up applicator. Touch-up should be used sparingly. If large areas require touch-up, replace the damaged area with new HardiePlank® lap siding with ColorPluso Technology. • Laminate sheet must be removed immediately after installation of each course. • Terminate non -factory cut edges into trim where possible, and caulk. Color matched caulks are available from your ColorPlus® product dealer. • Treat all other non -factory cut edges using the ColorPlus Technology edge coaters, available from your ColorPlus product dealer. Note: James Hardie does not warrant the usage of third party touch-up or paints used as touch-up on James Hardie ColorPlus products, Problems with appearance or performance arising from use of third party to It are not James Hardie touch-up will not be covered undef the James Hardie ColorPlus Limited Finish Warranty. w —o PAINTING JAMES HARDIE'@ COVERAGE CHART/ESTIMATING GUIDE SIDING AND TRIM Number of 12' planks, does not include waste C) DEC % 2015 PRODUCTS WITH COVERAGEAREA C11 COLORPLUS®TECHNOLOGY LESS a* Federal Manufacasrsd il9 When repainting ColorPlus products, OPENINGS Homo Construction James Hardie recommends the following HARDIEPLANKO LAP SIDING W < And safety Standards 0 regarding surface preparation and SQ 51/4 61/4' 71/4 71/2 8 81/4 91/4 9112 12 topcoat application: (1 so =1ao sq.ft.) (exposure) 4 5 6 61/4 6 3/4 7 8 81/4 10 3/4 • Ensure the surface is clean, dry, and free of any dust, dirt, or mildew 1 25 20 17 16 15 14 13 13 9 • Reprinting is normally not necessary 2 50 40 33 32 30 29 25 25 19 • 100% acrylic topcoats are 3 75 60 50 48 44 43 38 38 28 4 100 80 67 64 59 57 50 50 37 recommended 5 125 100 83 80 74 71 63 63 47 • DO NOT use stain, oil/alkyd base 6 150 120 100 96 89 86 75 75 56 paint, or powder coating on 7 175 140 117 112 104 100 88 88 65 B 200 160 133 128 119 114 100 100 74 James Hardie® Products. 9 225 180. 150 144 133 129 113 113 84 • Apply finish coat in accordance with 10 250 200 167 160 148 143 125 125 93 11 275 220 183 176 163 157 138 138 102 Paint manufacturers written instructions 12 300 240 200 192 178 171 150 150 112 regarding coverage, application methods, 13 325 260 217 208 193 186 163 169 121 and application temperature 14 350 HO 233 224 207 200 175 175 130 • DO NOT caulk nail heads when using 15 375 300 250 240 222 214 1a8 - , 188 140 ColorPlus products, refer to the ColorPlus 16 400 320 267 256 237 229 200 200 149 17 425 340 283 272 252 243 213 213 158 touch-up section 18 450 360 300 288.,. 267 257 225 225 167 19 475 380 317 304 281 271 238 238 177 20 500 400 333 320 296 286 250 250 186 This coverage chart is meant as a guide. Actual usage is subject to variables such as building design. James Hardie does not assume responsibility for over or under ordering of product. ADDITIONAL HANDLING REQUIREMENTS Pull from across the stack -Do not go down the stack IMPORTANT: To prevent damage to the drip edge, extra care Y ,}•�' should be taken when removing planks from the pallet, while e' handling, and when installing with a lap gauge. Planks are Interlocked together on the pallet, therefore they should be removed from the pallet horizontally (side to side) to allow planks to unlock themselves from one another. RECOGNmON: In accordance with IMES Evaluation Report ESR-2290, HardiePlank® lap siding is recognized as a suitable alternate to that specified In: the 2005,2009,&2012 International Residential Code for One - and Two -Family Dwellings, and the 2006, 2009, & 2012 Intemalional Building Code,. HardiePlank lap siding Is also recognized for application in the following: City of Los Angeles Research Report No. 24862, State of IFlorida listing F1.48139, Dade County, Florida NOA No. 02-0729.02, U.S. Dept, of HUD Materials Release 1263c,Texas Department of Insurance Product Evaluation EC-23, City of New York MFA 223-93-M, and California DSA PA-019. These documents should also be consulted for additional information concerning the suitability of this product forspecilic applications. © 2014 James Hardie Building Products, Inc, All rights reserved. Additional Installation Information, A James and ® denote logyUmlled. orregistered teredtradem of JamesHlardie James Hardie Technology Limped. ®Is a registered trademark Warranties, and Warnings are available at of James Hardie Technology Limited. www.jameshardia.com 2 HS11117-P4/4 9/13 SU-19-0004