HomeMy WebLinkAboutInstallation Instructions System Pan & Concrete467 Swan Ave 9 Hchen-Wald, tN,38462 a :�800)., 284-743T 6 om 4 FaX (93 LATIOIM404TRIPCTIO NIS FOR FLOO10A S E P 2 2A3f@Y# 6634, sob OTH9R P43ENT PENDING St. Lucie County Permitting AySFAN.*4WONGE6. 10,14M, Willa: COO fl%O!FO Col.- 024Z Z*: S. TAT E OF AN, Ali 461 Swan A`Ve v fthenovald 394 2 .94 0 WWW.OfjveftL:i��odf qfesxorni Fax %(931-1706-881-1 6LfvEWkTECkN!010G1E,SffNC4 PLORIVA INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FORTHE STEEL _.N0ltNQA__T10K sySUM MOPEL -1161 1VOieps 1A4, I �ONG,ITUOINAL 4W-oonow steps 1-9 tATE44k QNLY.: Follow Steps 1-3.and Steps I 0"T.4 ENGINEERS STAMP FOR CONCRETE-APPLIC. A �TIQNS:Poflow Skeps 15-18 *ERGINEERS. 2AW vgr 1"$f%EaA].CIRCUIWSTANCES.-if,thefollowing.conditions.;occur.!STOP.ICont#ct:iDli' .7e.chn;F1o9ieF.j:it1=8W,2 4-7072. a) Pier.hefghtexceed&48" t).Roof eaves vkeei:1-160. e) Location is within 1506 feetof coast b), fength of home.. exceeds 76 96' ftiWAT16M 9FAWOOD-PAR z:Remove weeds anti debris in an approximate two.fi6dt sOifare t0expose *firth Will for each. ground pan (C) . 3. Place grqund pan (Q directly. bdiowchassis -16.be6hL Pressor drive *pan Aimlinto so -unthen iostAlhpi.e r per r Instructions.or.per v.10, fida Begs: ,$PtCIALNOTF-160_!Oicltudihi. t!Vj:brac-system moy:aiso.-serveas.apier u6der,toneaf"k0ouic be idaed asany other pier. lt it: rocpmen fid thataftertevefin 9 pie -third in&(11Vj bef6re�.horie is 0"lypn to piers,,Wrnplete piers, -and one steps 4 through 9 befPW then z .1 USEDTO . DETERMIN . E CORREaTYPEOF ANCHORPER SPIL. CLASSIFICAWN BE USED. IF PROSETEST READING.5 ARE BETW.I. EEN 276413 , 50 A'4-f= A STABILIZER PLATES EVERY 5A!"VEnCALT16 ARE O PL�REQUIRED NO 4. Choose one ofthe approved longit4dinal t0e InAalbtlon.v, either dfaOramfor 4pproorl . ate.plerheighi at PIER HEIGHT T. V, (400 Win, - 450 Max.) Tube Length Tube Length �21 .7431470 -3, 1341-'. -3 33' �0 41 Diagram A SYSTEM J*Oditil 101: L Wo) PER n00W5e_CT10N.jS. REQIJIR�D. $O(L TEST PROBE SHOULDBE EST R .. 6166.Ui 8 5.6-5.FOOT AWHQRMUST BE USE0. Q$t_ G,W,VNP ANcHoRs.wa,4-VAGONALMS AND FITHIV ITS (P L �!D. R STICALTIE ONNECTIONP01W. A E - _.ERIF or &Then*seIede; t, :ft torrect.squarube.(E),Iehgth from the 4 . tube:,to,achieveaopr*optiate:lEih.g'th- PlEA:HeIGHT I -Sol, 47. 28" W3511` '30to 6 A9 44" Diagram B the -1,5*0" square. Pf'ttarria§eb , oft4nd leave nut loose for final adJLittOent. 5. Install tubbs.(E) in the brocke fAirisL 6. Place.1-beam connector on th4`,,b6ttom flange ofthelbeam. P T (For Diagram A.415 Ilation) Slide 'the 5etetted 1._25"tube '(Q into a I -SO"tube (5) pF10:.Ott#ch to 1-beam cQnno rl IF) and faSt. nloosely with bolt .and: nut. (Foe Diagram B:Ihifalatfon) Attacfithe .set6icted 1 "t bes'(E):.totbel-beameonneciors(F )'and fasters Jobs lywithbolts and -nuts. 8. Repeat steps 6-through 7 to create:the'V'patternof the square tubes loosely In place:: 9. Using standard harid toots tighten all nuts and bolts. (F6rf)iaoram A.irittaflatIgn orily,.secure 1 .2V`.and 1 500 tubes Using four(411.14't-1.4:x:3/4�'self;tPPP.^!t)g scr;ews% in pre -drilled hale;.) 1101 T "V-1. THE WDELAW V".(tO.N.GIT!JPINAL:&LATERALPEOTECTIO.N�)ELiMiIATESTHE NEED 0115TABILI STABILIZER PLWESFRAMETIES, -NOTE-ITHE USE 0F:THIS_S'(STWREQUIRES VERTICAL-nES.SPACEO:AT.5e.. )((EPTvM0Ef . HE'HbME MANUFACTURP-S.PECIF.I.E5 DIFFERENT. .FOUR FOOT (41 GROUND ANCHOR MAY KV5EDE remaining 0 Marjufacturees * inst ructions, NOTE-Centeefin6amhors n forgd ewaif anchor 1.oAds.Wexcess of 4,O00-Ibs. XaYquire a 5'-anthor per norid& Code. . . . . .tube -& brace part location, The je�ij,gj�s cfcmeln either 6W or 11. .Selectthe corrects. tub, *#4j 72u 1 fths.(Wjt�:t 1 as b 11V'tilbe as the inserted t6be.) eng hi .�O't tube the ottotlube, an _h�., 12. tnstail the 1.50trans'0rse b#ace:(H) to the .ground: pan connettw_ (D) v it'and nut, 13.Slidel,25"ttansyer,seb 14. Secure 15W transversearm to 1.2 SI'transvers--.aym.u'tinof6Ot(4)114!-*l4X3/W " tell tapping screws in pre drltl d holes. Page' PATPMTk9KqA1 SA:b ()T.Hr-R. PAWNT.PMOW, www;oliver-teehnotiogiescom a IN TALLATlOAI USING CONCRE79-H-UNNERI-F0.01-MER IS. Aconcri6terunnerifooteror-.slabm4.be'usi.edi6place.df*th.e.-s.teet.jrbLindp;in.; a) The concrete -shall -be minirnurraI500 J psirniJ , . x b). Xconcrete runner maybe either longitudinal. or tr6nsy.ers0,j.nd imum of B'deep.w.1th! a. minimum width of 115 inches itqdi a ly or 19 inches transverse to-allow,properdiga d the,td9 long O nn.c4�.betweentl*,ct).ncri�te.bbitan I ,e, of the contfete (see beioW).e :c) -Footers: must-havetTiinimum.surface f.area .of. 441 sqADq h....e.21"s uar�i),.and .t&omstbLa.min i-Tnurnot8"deeP. d tf-:a, ful . I slab . is used, the depth must be -a 4"Minimum. . Sp caul in ti �petrson -of the sy$tern bracket jn#a a iomis not re.quired. Footers. Mot al I'm f bvat leost.4" ftomthe concrete bolt°to the .edge 'of -the concrete:. HOM ThebottorrOf oil footings; pads, slabs and runners must -tie !-perJ*ocMjurfsdl ttfom A0991VDINAL.•: LM*del. T1-M.LV!V.ktj 16. Whe!s using P - art#110!-W-CPCA (wetset).simply -install the bracka.in'runrier/fo -Whon:i0aallin cured concrete,use Part# --pWOR ., � , - 91n nc '51$"xr CO, w- 1,014m&CA.kdrysetlofhe !1Q.1:(&y.sei):CA bracket attacbet!16 the concrete zqte wedge bolts (Simpson 04 # - fio � I 66ons, then. usiri§.a 51W diameter S16BOOH 518" X.3".or PowemequiWent). Place. the CA br*acket.sn.4efiredldcattbn'.mark- bol� t.. .e- 1. 0 6 oat 4h(� holes;.Place wedge�bolts:lnto, drille masonry bit., drill a hole id.a minimom*depth ofr,'Make: sure,alj- dust and 00iiqet:.P.Js III. W..r! 0-i.-Of-1-7- Fl lightly drive' thp.w6d4e bolts holes; then place 1101 (city set) CA bracket onto wedge bolts and. start we. ak6'..ahamO . .. dgeboltnutsj 'dowri by hitting the nut.(rnak1ng-*sure not -tobitthe top of thie4& on bolt), !h—esledVe of concrete wedae bait needs to be at or iaeCow t#ic -ton of concrete C mplete by tightening nuts. 17: F6r -wet setApart # 1101M�TAC.Ay nn ry set instat}atior3 {part #'11t31-D*TA[A mark bolt hole locationsthen using.a 5.1814jaM. m8onry-bit. drill a. bole tri rrsrnim depthof3'.:Make scare ail dust aid.concrete is.. blowhout "if thehole. Place Wedge bolts. #S162300H 5/8" X , or Power nuivalent) into (D) c6mr0e drylransve'rse 10 'bolts dowmby'hitti.ingtho hu r Opd ligh.tly�,t!40e the wedjil' (mpking s4re not to tonne, otand into drilledhole.lf heeded, take ham .1 . , . y, . I.. . . -ect . I ' � :hit the top of threads on. bolt), then remove theIiOt The sleeve of edcr&wbdg -- - 1*0. When. using. part4t i 16-1 CVW (Wetsk)-'Of 1101 CVD(dry'set)jn 113. '. I.AENGTH Of "OUSE IS T S0 x SIZE :Z.;a— JL�OCATTIQ OF -6-iNd ONLY V1 LOC 0 4;,- - T t]KANS C�9Ttll l t4L'LOCIATI901S. :t-gNOTHS * . PTO .52' ALL WJ!YT.H5:AN.D LENdtHS.OVER .52'TO V' HoMESW"0 RliQUIR&PER FLORbA REGULATIONS :51-11WOF, PITCH 6 sy for homes over er 512.'Aod. up Sp!stems:for h0ne lengths UP to::52'and 8 �yStems PA7'9wit 6434v5o giOTHER.RAXENT PENDING'. Revision 0$ . /2 VU T %I =Transverse Arrh, I=Rgitii Commit Ream cGhnedor Pan k, f"m- 0 - R 'Trtnsi� me Alin . Part f I ltl' W --TACA nol 9mvin cmu foier qnQted M d el 4 1 .161 TCOV Florida approved ground anchors may be used in al t lGcat lans except where home mantikturers jltcations for side'wali straps areinexcess of 4' 600 lbs.These.locatlorts require a 8`lar%chor.:Per Florida code— C = GROUND PAN I CONCRETE RIOTER ORRUNNEk vAl D =GROUND PAN/ CONCRETE VSRACKETS TRANSVERSE CONNECrO.R (gonnect,5 with 1/2;carriage bolt.-nd ut) E=TELESCOPIINGVBRACETUSEAS-SEMBLY AND 1 .25' TU (1.5* TUB BOTTOM TUBE F ='Vgk.ACE 1:8EAM CONINECTMASSEMBLY H ::;:TELESt0P1N6 TRANSVERSE ARM ASSE108LY I =. TRANSVERSEAAM I -BEAM C0NNECr0R,*kconneds with h1grade'S - 112''; , x*0 /X, carri #`fb'olt and nut), J=VPAN 9RACOT.(.connects with F- -Ur Brace i=Beanr, 4 � Tra.n syerse Arm panne tars / T4 Mal . :80ttorr 0 5"Y .D - Pan TTaft0&5KmNedo.f I.Concretletransverse Bracket C - GrquM Pah Concrete FraQter t-VIRiaceTubeo.51) �Moaelj V '*I! 1161 COhcrete V:Bracket PATENT#-6634150 &OTHERRATENT PENDING Patt4 110.1 D-CPCA 1 Part a 161 MCKA not.shebmi Mcdet# -1 101CW" Rev ision 04/23111