HomeMy WebLinkAboutPinedo Subcontractor Agreement (2)(Company Name/Individual Name) the Electrical (Type of Trade) have agreed to be Sub -contractor for RJM Custom Homes For the project located at 5711 Hickory Drive, Fort Pierce FL (Primary Contractor) (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the 1 ding of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRACTO IGNATURE (Qualifier) PRuNT NAME C ,_&cj (o a 2-7 CO5 i \ : Y +"�,RTI ! ICAi 1ON NUMBER State of Florida, County of The foregoing instrument was signed before me this (k day of �ANJXUP!`L , 2013, bye kk (� \�i Z 7 ✓) V\ who is personally known3or has produced a as wennneatuhn, ax w SUB -CONTRACTOR IGNATURE (Quali'fier) �r PRINT NAME RIGM&qy2 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of PlAi The foregoing instrument was signed before me this da of �nV �Sl�� who is personally known or has produced a -W� QM-47'f�-�, as identifiQation. ;t STAMPZPrhitNam � STAMP Signature f Notary Pu c Nota Public Nor"W-V'N, RIAD /,� Print Name ofNotary I°ublotu 7 r\,AR pN Fla e of Notary a lie �\ ........ °G �JaE 29, 2p2p P° e ! a�w .• GpMM1SS�0°+ r` F� ° • °��Sy DUNE 29 "F °•2J°0 `' '801q" Z #HH 000454 ° r eo r W J tY/y00 p°s ;9P . °.F/)ded 1h( `e: S'q Re:,J.cd 11,16,2016 A a/a ln�s,�ca`,° n` � � '� °•. Boa Z` A < q ed fWN ° q -1C,E9T J F \a\ e�� /dfo/`,Ae%dsTl aTErOFFL��\\��a\� 0110 illooaaa\,