HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit App Updated..All APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Date: Permit Number: SLC 2109 -00 Building Permit Application Planning and Development Services Building and Code Regulation Division Commercial Residential 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce FL 34982 Phone: (772) 462-1553 Fax: (772) 462-1578 PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT LOCATION: Address: LOI23-101Z57 S. Property Tax ID #: tA50 o1 — ocFi 00O - a Lot No. Site Plan Name: 0C0'M'bQ,1A PUS Block No. _I I Project Name:(`- %QDbL JQ3!t4,1\= DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK: r'r m r} --a- a I C)q - L)n I New Electrical Metery_Second Electrical Meter (Affidavit required) CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION: Additional work to be performed under this permit— check all that apply: _Mechanical _ Gas Tank _ Gas Piping _ Shutters _ Windows/Doors _ Pond Electric _ Plumbing _ Sprinklers _ Generator _ Roof Pitch Total Sq. Ft of Construction: Sq. Ft. of First Floor: Cost of Construction: $ 0 Utilities: _ Sewer _ Septic Building Height: OWNERAESSEE: Name _V,m &aa, 6,. lla,.,vbd Address: I1II�W Lam, At Z09 City: "(1111ta_ �dpaM State: Zip Code: 3315 `i Fax: Phone No. Z% 2 - 3105- blaw E-Mai1:I(V10 O f f f'�.PT�1rJ�nnar I n. r P,� Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page (if different from the Owner listed above) CONTRACTOR: Name: . 5s Cune,S M��U�11,'tb4 Company: Gc �.afnFJ(0[Jlntk , L Address: (nine SE 9". ell IZC . City: %'kaL\d State:: Zip Code: 3'MR14 Fax: Phone No 1�T2- ?_0>7 -Z151 E-Mailer" Go 1=1A26-ric.,Chm State or CoAty License E�C i iU 102- 3 k If value of construction is 2500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. If value of HAVC is $7,500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. SUPPLEMENTAL CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW INFORMATION: DESIGNER/E'YGINEER: Not Applicable MORTGAGE COMPANY: Not Applicable Name. Name: Address: Address: City. _ ___... State: City: _ _. _ --State: Zip: Prrone. Zip: Phone: -- FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: _ Not Applicable Name - Address: --- City: Pnone: BONDING COMPANY: Name: dr�ress, __ A � _ 71p Phone: Not Applicable OWNER/ CONTRACTOR AFFIDVIT: Apphcat;c�i r; trrret:,v to obtain a p(I'Mit to 11) th(, work and intitadatior- as Indicated acetify that ni .,vDrk or ,tal:atior "a:; com .v,ced prier to thQ of a pe-r111t St _yc:v Co .,t%. Kes no rr +7 o,. r t,0n t -rt z1, g a It nf; a per mit will authorize to(, ;.mint hoider to build the subject structure N ch is n con nrith my ,,.p +cai;;o Ho°mc Ow,ne Assoc at,on rules, bylaws or an covenants that may restrict or prohibit such ,su ture. ;lfeas oc,.ult ,n t� ;t,:.r 11omp C v, As,c.iahcn and review your need for ,:iny restrictions which may apply. �rt;:onsiderr :o: (I- r, re�q..s pwrtat, t dc,-;vreby ag,rfle t('-at ; will, in ell resp(r(.ts, perform the: work n accordance % n the appr�)ved D•iwis, the x.:fa 5-Acing Cooes at�d it. Lijc.e County Amendme•tts. The foilowmg b,. ding permit applications are ex. mpt frorn undergoing a full concurrency review: room additions, accessory strur .,es. swimminp poi .s, fences. walls, sif r,s, screen room. and accessory uses to another non-residential use "WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOP IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MUST BE RECORDED AND POSTED HE JOB SITE BEFORE THE FIRST INSPECTION. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WI UR L NDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORJINR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT." S rE W C' mvt, w5 cvr Con*,r utor .. Agwit fe! Owne( t Cor,tra,aor%i.ci..nse HeSTATE OF FI O A J F FLORIDA } COUNTY OF rsi(cl _. COUNTY OF �CLuiY�. -7 -Z_C.d IChnd,- Name of erSt`n maKing StatE �T;rr,, Personali� Krr Type of ident -�-,^y,ca- Proauced—, .atxv y P o , n �.r • MEh�� , W " W -... �F• ` Notary Pubs; E commnsrc • i P=• ®j 3?, 'f 1t't (R: MBtiQRtfrA. E.- SL)PPRVISO i CJ;_i - - -" V ; F,' 1AL..- , ;wtti•;� a E E V,,ED r'a A E 1('LFTF( 7, . f.-. r1.s .. rit wi a(k! .vito&PJ beiOre tw ,v 20Z1 by Name o,petscin making stat erlt. 'ersonaily Known _-�� OR Produced identification I vpcE of Ide" t'ficatlon Liar- +Sigrature of Nc, Cernnliision#GG918121 Po ' Expires October 13, 2023 C'urnmfssion No oF" 8ondsdThruTMYF*Mlvrance800-385.7019 PLANS VEGETATION SEA TURTLE MANGROVE REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW ELECTRICAL RISER DIAGRAM NOT TO SCALE *'Use :IOL" L eyrrora ry LOL11e,LL-m 1c IIiJ,St ?m,((v--r poh ''-'a 031: ggl e N -ly ce Ci, ,,G�tr /- "1 For any other electrical applications apply Florida Building Code 107.3.5 Electrical 1. Wiring; Services; Feeders & Branch Circuits; Over Current Protection; Grounding; Wiring Methods & Materials; GFCI 2. Equipment 3. Special Occupancies 4. Emergency Systems 5. Communication Systems 6. Low Voltage 7. LoadCalculations 8. Design F1oodElevation 8 Underground Overhead 1. Size Service: 1200A 2. Conductor Size: 3ro FEW CU ❑ ALUM 3. a. MeterMain: b. Meter Can Only: 0 2" PVC (3) 310 conductors (2) Ground Grounding Electrode Conductor Size rods #6 with #6 ground #4 ❑ #2 Other Dual Electrodes or TestRequired CONSTRUCTION TYPE: ❑ Residential ❑ Mobile Home New Installation Old Installation i EL{E1C�TR'IC L !! Go Local Electric, LLC 670 SE Monterey Rd Stuart, FL 34994 772-237-2351 info@golocalelectric.com I Electripil Load CalcuYtlons Job / customer r Phone No: 2-'XI ) G_ 'XI - [. 3.7 I Fax No: Project: erg. �� �, f1 � � ° e0 O Location: Existing Service Feeder Size: Existing Panel Size: Main Breaker Size: — ?A� Number of Breakers: Euistin__ a Loads. g Sq. ft. x 3 watts per sq. ft. 3 Appliance cir. @ 1500 watts each Laundry cir. @1500 watts each Range @ 8 kw Dishwasher and disposal @1500 watts each Microwave @2000 watts Water heater @ 4.5 kw Tankless water heater Dryer @ 5 kw Regridgerator @ 1500 watts Bathroom 1 @ 1500 watts Sprinkler Pump Other Other Other New Loads: Pool pump Pool light Heat pump Chlorine generator Air blower Boatlift Other Other Other First 10kw @ 100% Remainder @ 40% A/C heat @ 100% watts Z_ (T1 watts watts watts watts watts watts watts watts watts watts watts watts watts watts Sub Total ,2 _ wad watts watts watts watts watts watts watts watts watts Total c�,,lA watts watts ��-- watts watts Total watts 1V` Divided by 240 volts = Amps Prepared by: Date: