HomeMy WebLinkAboutBPMC 03242021 Backup1BEAR POINT MITIGATION BANK
St. Lucie County, Florida
FDEP Permit #0175246-001
Semi-annual Status Report
In Support of Specific Conditions #26 & 29
July through December, 2020
Prepared for:
Roger Jacobsen, Interim Director
St. Lucie County Mosquito Control District
3150 Will Fee Road
Fort Pierce, FL 34982
(772) 462-1692
Fax: (772) 462-1565
Prepared by:
Hobe Sound Environmental Consultants, Inc.
9512 S. E. Duncan Street
Hobe Sound, Florida 33455
(772) 545-3676
E-mail: bobhsenv@gmail.com
Section Description Page
1.00 INTRODUCTION............................................... 1
2.00 AUTHORIZATION ............................................. 1
4.00 INSPECTION/MONITORING .................................... 3
5.00 ACTIVITIES ................................................... 4
6.00 MAPS/FIGURES ........................................ 4
7.00 DATA/LEDGERS .......................................... 4
8.0 PHOTOS & ASSESSMENT ...................................... 5
9.0 COMPLIANCE & PLANNING ................................... 6
10.0 CERTIFICATION .......................................... 7
Exhibit Description Page
A Authorizations .................................................. A
B Synopsis of Monthly Inspection Sheets ............................... B
C Water Quality Graphs............................................. C
D Exotic Vegetation Management ..................................... D
E Activities & Costs ................................................ E
F Water Level Graphs..............................................F
G Rainfall Graphs.................................................. G
H Maps ...................................................... H
I Site Photographs................................................. I
NOTE: This Report, together with the concepts and design presented herein, as an instrument of service, is intended only for the specific purpose and
Client for which it was prepared. Reuse of and improper reliance on this Report without written authorization and adaptation by Hobe Sound
Environmental Consultants, Inc. shall be without liability to Hobe Sound Environmental Consultants, Inc.
HSE 12-005.27 11 January 2021-i-
July through December, 2020
Submitted by Hobe Sound Environmental Consultants, Inc.
On behalf of: St. Lucie County
c/o Roger Jacobsen, Director
St. Lucie County Mosquito Control District – Permittee
1.0 Introduction
Bear Point Mitigation Bank (BPMB) was originally permitted on 17 November 2003 and
a perpetual modification was issued on 29 January 2010. The BPMB was determined to be in
compliance with its original permitted conditions, including the installation of 24 culverts, five
years of monitoring, establishment of a financial assurance reserve account, a credit assessment,
and acceptance of a Long Term Management Plan. Water quality data, water level, data and
wildlife usage will continue to be monitored in perpetuity and results included in the semi-
annual status reports.
2.0 Authorizations
Please refer to Exhibit A for authorized signatures, as required. The permittee for BPMB is:
St. Lucie County
c/o Mr. Roger Jacobsen, Interim Director
St. Lucie County Mosquito Control District
3150 Will Fee Road
Ft. Pierce, FL. 34982
Authorized representative:
Mr. Roger Jacobsen, Interim Director
Phone:772 462-2818
Fax:772 462-1565
The authorized agent is:
Hobe Sound Environmental Consultants, Inc.
9512 SE Duncan Street
Hobe Sound, FL. 33455
Authorized representative:
Freda R. Posin, Senior Project Manager
Phone:772 545-3676
The approved QMS is:
Hobe Sound Environmental Consultants, Inc.
9512 SE Duncan Street
Hobe Sound, FL. 33455
Authorized representative:
Freda R. Posin, Senior Project Manager
Phone:772 545-3676
3.0 Submittals/Correspondence/Meetings
The following correspondence and submittals were made from July through December
02 July 2020 - HSE answered an email from SLCMD requesting guidance concerning a
USACE wavier used to seek FEMA reimbursement for storm-driven damage along the
dikes of Bear Point.
14 July 2020 - HSE received an email from SLCMD responding to an inquiry concerning
anomolous water level data readings collected during June 2020. SLCMD approved of the
data with the calibrated off-set implemented by HSE. SLCMD proclaimed that the on-site
instruments are new and have required calibration for some time, but the pandemic has
presented logistic difficulties that have delayed the repairs.
29 July 2020 - Semi-annual Status Report (January-June 2020) is sent to FDEP.
08 September 2020 - SLCMCD received notification of complete exotic removal and
maintenance (Purchase Order # P2021489) from Southeast Soil & Environmental Service,
08 September 2020 - SLCMCD received a letter from FDEP approving the debit to the
ledger of 0.04 debit for Grand Harbor Golf Club, LLC (OGC File No. 20-0980) from 02
September 2020.
17 September 2020 - SLCMCD received a letter from FDEP approving the debit to the
ledger of 0.05 debit for City Of Port St Lucie-D-11 Drainage Canal Improvement
(56-102801-P) from 01 April 2020.
29 September 2020 - SLCMCD sent an email notifying FDEP and HSE to modify their
contact lists to include Roger Jacobsen as the Assistant Mosquito Control Director.
06 October 2020 - SLCMCD sent an email to SLCBOCC requesting quotes for the annual
appraisal of BPMB.
05 November 2020 - SLCBOCC sent an email notyfying SLCMCD that the request for
the new Purchase Order would be sent to SLCMCD shortly.
12 November 2020 - SLCMCD sent an email to SLCBOCC containing the vendor copy
of Purchase Order #P2121100 for the BPMB Annual Appraisal for 2021.
09 December 2020 - SLCMCD received a letter from FDEP approving the debit to the
ledger of 0.03 debit for Seawatch Condominium (50-299650-003-MA) from 21 October
15 December 2020 - SLCBOCC received the 2021 Prospective Appraisal of BPMB from
FULLER-ARMFIELD-WAGNER Appraisal & Research, Inc.
29 December 2020 - HSE received a letter from SLCMCD interim director Roger
Jacobsen stating the total costs of maintenance activities from July through December
4.0 Inspection/Monitoring
Monthly inspections for wildlife usage, security issues, construction conditions,
exotic vegetation, water levels, and trash pick-up were conducted, and the results
tabulated. An annual wildlife observation was conducted by Barry Lege’. The July
through December 2020 inspections and reports were completed by Andrew Eiseman,
Brett Koskan and Brian Randle. A synopsis of the monthly inspections (July - December
2020) can be found in Exhibit B.
Biologists observed and recorded all wildlife utilization. Wildlife utilization was
determined by sighting, scat, calls, nests, burrows, tracks, etc. Current conditions within
the mitigation bank are conducive to the life cycle productivity for various wildlife
species. Species composition within the BPMB is indicative of a healthy, productive
system and observed fauna indicates a diverse and abundant wildlife usage within the
bank. The vegetation within the BPMB appears healthy, with no outward signs of disease
or insect infestation. Natural recruitment of desirable native vegetation is evident
throughout the area. Exotic and invasive species are being treated and maintained on a
regular basis not to exceed the 1% cover per acre in accordance with the Long Term
Management Plan, Attachment D of FDEP Permit modification Number: 0175246-014.
Exotic vegetation was minimal during this six-month period.
Inspections of docks, culverts, levee, trash receptacles, gates and signage were
performed and status recorded in the monthly inspection reports. Additional details about
the culverts and levee can be found in Exhibit B.
Condition of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) at the culverts is also observed
monthly and noted only in case of deterioration. It is natural for SAV to move around and
disappear from one area and re-appear in another. Currently, SAV populations appear
5.0 Activities
Weekly general dike maintenance continues, which includes trash pick-up and mowing,
as necessary. The dike, levee, road and rip-rap are in prime condition and open to the
public. All piers and boardwalks have been fully repaired with the exception of the Traub
dock (Exhibit B).
Monthly monitoring for wildlife and general inspections continued (Exhibit B).
Water quality testing o c c u r r e d m o n t h l y from July to December 2020 (Exhibit C).
Semi-annual exotic vegetation management occurred twice in the first week of
September 2020 (Exhibit D).
Please refer to Exhibit E for BPMB maintenance and monitoring activities and costs for
July through December 2020.
Water level data were collected every 15 minutes (Exhibit F) and rainfall was collected
daily (Exhibit G).
6.0 Maps/Figures
The following maps and figures depict the location of various structures and particular
areas of interest in the Bank:
Exhibit H: Figure 1 of 2 depicts the Bank itself and the locations for data collection,
including water level and water quality data, as well as areas that were maintained.
Exhibit H: Figure 2 of 2 is the 2018 aerial photograph of the Bank showing the original
area for Brazilian pepper removal in the north.
7.0 Data/Ledgers
Water quality, water level, & rainfall
The rainfall from July to December 2020 appears to be generally greater than average.
While the months of August (±7.93 inches), September (±4.88 inches) and December
(±1.03 inches) experienced less rainfall than their respective monthly averages, July
(±6.83 inches), October (±14.22 inches; nearly triple the projection/ monthly average) and
November (±7.78 inches; also nearly triple) exceeded their averages (Exhibit G). If these
averages, provided by South Florida Water Management District (cumulatively 32.08
inches) are held as a projection, then the rainfall within the bank this six month
monitoring period (cumulatively ±42.67 inches) far exceeds the projected outcome.
All water level data loggers (WL1 & WL3 impoundment and WL4 & WL5 lagoon)
appear to have functioned properly for the majority of the six-month period. WL1
eventually malfunctioned on 12 November 2020 and has since remained offline (Exhibit
F). With some minor offsets applied to accurately represent on-site water levels, data
correlation between lagoon and impoundment water levels confirm that tidal flow was
unrestricted during the end of the year. Likewise, available data also suggests that water
was conserved within the impoundment while the culverts were closed, as designed. It is
worth noting that the impoundment water level gauge nearest to the southern entrance
gate (one of 2 used to manually verify water levels within the impoundment) has been
relocated due to continued issues with breakage and/or relocation by local fishermen. The
new staff gauge location can be seen in Exhibit H.
Most water quality parameters (i.e. water temperature, salinity, pH, Eh) from July to
December 2020 were within the success criteria of Permit Modification No.0175246-014.
However, data indicates that dissolved oxygen (DO) levels were insufficient throughout
the impoundment as well as by the southernmost lagoon-side station during the July and
August 2020 readings. Several factors that often contribute to lower oxygen levels in
water include algal blooms, man-made pollutants (via sewage spills, rain runoff, etc.),
adverse weather conditions (cloudy; absence of wind), rising water temperatures, high
turbidity levels, and/or general lack of seagrass. While the exact cause of these drops in
DO remains unclear, it is worth noting that all stations reported acceptably high DO levels
throughout the majority of the six month period. Please refer to Exhibit C for water
quality graphs.
Three (3) debits to the State ledger were made within this six month period. A purchase of
0.04 credits was made on 08 September 2020 by Grand Harbor Golf Club, LLC (OGC File
No. 20-0980). A purchase of 0.05 credits was made on 17 September 2020 by City Of Port
St Lucie-D-11 Drainage Canal Improvement (56-102801-P). A purchase of 0.03 credits
was made on 09 December 2020 by Seawatch Condominium (50-299650-003-MA).
Credits have been deducted from the ledger and the ledger balances are 37.406 Federal
credits and 41.15 State credits.
8.0 Photos & Assessment
Monthly inspections conducted from July through December 2020 verify that
Specific Condition 24a-e of Permit Modification Number 0175246-014 are being met
regarding security, construction condition, exotic vegetation, water levels, and wildlife.
Issues observed and noted during monthly inspections were addressed immediately
following monthly inspection report submittal. Please refer to Exhibit B. No permit
modifications are anticipated for the upcoming status report period. Continued
maintenance of levee, pumps and culverts, water level, and water quality equipment are
expected as needed, along with exotic/nuisance species maintenance, treatment, and
removal. Representative photographs of Bear Point Mitigation Bank are provided in
Exhibit I.
9.0 Compliance & Planning
Compliance with FDEP Permit Modification No. 0175246-014 and future
planning is noted below.
For the past six months, water level (WL1 & WL3 impoundment and WL4 & WL5
lagoon) has been recorded and plotted whenever available (Exhibit F).
Water quality data shows that both the impoundment and lagoon are currently in
compliance with FDEP Permit Modification No. 0175246-014. Water quality data loggers
need to be checked and/or calibrated frequently in order to ascertain the status of the Bank
and the water quality within both the lagoon and impoundment.
Monthly monitoring of wildlife and inspection of the general condition of the Bank has
continued (Exhibit B). Species diversity is excellent and new species continue to be
observed on the Bank site.
The semi-annual exotic removal and maintenance program was conducted in September
2020. Brazilian pepper, Australian pine seedlings, carrot wood, and other exotic and
nuisance pest plants, were eradicated. Southeast Soils and Environmental Service, Inc.
conducted their initial treatment followed by a check to re-spray. (Exhibit D).
The impoundment was maintained according to Specific Condition #13 of Permit
Modification #0175246-014. The following is a list of activities and dates of permitted
operating procedures that occurred during the July through December 2020 time period:
1-5 July Culverts 3 is half open, Culverts A, B, 4 & 5 are closed, 7 pumps
running, 2 aerators running.
6-11 July Culverts 3 is fully open, Culverts A, B, 4 & 5 are closed, 7 pumps
running, 2 aerators running.
12 July Culverts 3 is fully open, Culvert A is half open, Culverts B, 4 & 5
are closed, 7 pumps running, 2 aerators running.
13-15 July Culverts 3 is half open, Culverts A, B, 4 & 5 are closed, 7 pumps
running, 2 aerators running.
16-21 July Culverts 3 is fully open, Culverts A, B, 4 & 5 are closed, 7 pumps
running, 2 aerators running.
22-26 July Culvert 3 is half open, Culverts A, B, 4 & 5 are closed, 7 pumps
running, 6 aerators running.
27-28 July Culvert 3 is fully open, Culverts A, B, 4 & 5 are closed, 7 pumps
running, 2 aerators running.
29 July-4 August Culverts 3 is fully open, Culvert A is half open, Culverts B, 4 & 5
are closed, 7 pumps running, 2 aerators running.
5-18 August Culvert 3 is fully open, Culverts A, B, 4 & 5 are closed, 7 pumps
running, 2 aerators running, generator off.
19 August Culverts 3 is fully open, Culvert A is half open, Culverts B, 4 & 5
are closed, 7 pumps running, 2 aerators running.
20-30 August Culvert 3 is fully open, Culverts A, B, 4 & 5 are closed, 7 pumps
running, 2 aerators running, generator off.
31 August Culverts 3 and A are fully open, Culverts B, 4 & 5 are closed, 7
pumps running, 2 aerators running (Start drawdown).
1-3 September Culverts 3 and A are fully open, Culverts B, 4 & 5 are closed, 7
pumps running, 2 aerators running.
4-22 September Culverts 3, A, B, 4 & 5 fully opened, 7 pumps running, 2 aerators
23 September Culverts 3, A, B, 4 & 5 fully opened, 3 pumps running, 2 aerators
24 September Culverts 3, A, B, 4 & 5 fully opened, 1 pump running, 2 aerators
running (Stopped recording water levels).
25 Sept.-4 Oct.Culverts 3, A, B, 4 & 5 fully opened, 1 pump running, 2 aerators
5-11 October Culverts 3, A, B, 4 & 5 fully opened, pumps off, 2 aerators
12 Oct.-31 Dec.Culverts 3, A, B, 4 & 5 fully opened, pumps off, aerators off.
Culverts, generators and telemetry equipment continue to be maintained throughout the
Bank on a regular basis. Pumps are normally removed for maintenance at the end of the
drawdown each year (December) to be cleaned and the bearings replaced. They will be re-
installed in April prior to the pump-up event. Please refer to Exhibit E for yearly
maintenance activities and associated costs.
In the next 6 months, typical site management, including debris removal, monthly wildlife
monitoring, exotic vegetation removal, water level and rainfall data collection, the
annual drawdown and monthly water quality data collection will continue.
Dike and interior exotic vegetation control and debris collection efforts are on-going on a
weekly basis. Pier replacement/repair will be on-going until complete.
10.0 Certification
This report represents a true, accurate, and representative description of the
activities and site conditions at the time of this report.
Freda R. Posin
Freda R. Posin Date: 11 January 2020
Senior Project Manager
Hobe Sound Environmental Consultants, Inc.
Common Name Scientific Name Number
Observed Activity
Mottled duck Anas fulvigula 3FY
Anhinga Anhinga anhinga 11 R, FY, S
Great egret Ardea alba 18 R, FY
Great blue heron Ardea herodias 26 FY, F, W, R
Cattle egret Bubulcus ibis 13 R, FY, F
Red-shouldered hawk Buteo lineatus 1 R, FY
Green heron Butorides virescens 5 R, FY, F
Least sandpiper Calidris minutilla 1 FY, F, R
Northern cardinal Cardinalis cardinalis 14 R, FY
Turkey vulture Cathartes aura 35 R, FY, W, F
Bonapartes gull Chroicocephalus philadelphia 2FY
Common-ground dove Columbina passerina 10 W, F, FY, R
Black vulture Coragyps atratus 14 FY, R
American crow Corvus brachyrhynchos 8FY
Fish crow Corvus ossifragus 1FY
Blue-jay Cyanocitta cristata 11 FY, R
Little blue heron Egretta caerulea 14 R, FY, F
Tricolored heron Egretta tricolor 7 R, FY, F
Least flycatcher Empidonax minimus 2 FY, F, R
White ibis Eudocimus albus 28 FY, R, F
American kestrel Falco sparverius 1R
HSE 12-005.27 11 January 2021Page 1 of 5
Common loon Gavia immer 2FY
Great black-backed gull Larus marinus 2FY
Laughing gull Leucophaeus atricilla 40 R, FY
Belted kingfisher Megaceryle alcyon 22 FY, R, F
Red-bellied woodpecker Melanerpes carolinus 11 R, F, FY
Wood stork Mycteria americana 1F
Yellow-crowned night-heron Nyctanassa violacea 1R
Black-crowned night-heron Nycticorax nycticorax 6 F, R, FY
Osprey Pandion haliaetus 45 FY, R, F
Brown pelican Pelecanus occidentalis 56 FY , S, F, R
Double-crested cormorant Phalacrocorax auritus 31 R, FY
Roseate spoonbill Platalea ajaja 1FY
Black skimmer Rynchops niger 12 FY
Northern parula Setophaga americana 3 FY, R, F
Black-throated blue warbler Setophaga caerulescens 2 R, FY, F
Yellow-rumped warbler Setophaga coronata 3 R, FY, F
Palm warbler Setophaga palmarum 89 FY, F, W, R
Pine warbler Setophaga pinus 4 R, FY, F
American redstart Setophaga ruticilla 30 F, R, FY
Common tern Sterna hirundo 1FY
Least tern Sternula antillarum 1FY
Tree swallow Tachycineta bicolor 17 FY, F, R
Royal tern Thalasseus maximus 2 R
Solitary sandpiper Tringa solitaria 2 F, W, FY
Mourning dove Zenaida macroura 12 W, F, FY, R
HSE 12-005.27 11 January 2021Page 2 of 5
Common Name Scientific Name Number
Observed Activity
River otter Lontra canadensis 1SC
Bobcat Lynx rufus 1SC
Raccoon Procyon lotor 1SC
Eastern grey squirrel Sciurus carolinensis 1SC
Bottlenose dolphin Tursiops truncatus 2 S, F
Common Name Scientific Name Number
Observed Activity
Sergeant major Abudefduf saxatilis TNTC S, F
Sheepshead Archosargus probatocephalus 2 S, F
Hardhead catfish Ariopsis felis TNTC S, F
Common snook Centropomus undecimalis 2S
Silver seatrout Cynoscion nothus 2 S, F
Sand perch Diplectrum formosum 1 S, D
Threadfin shad Dorosoma petenense TNTC S
Mosquito fish Gambusia holbrooki TNTC S, F
Mangrove snapper Lutjanus griseus TNTC S, F
Black mullet Mugil cephalus TNTC S, F, D
Vermiculated sailfin catfish Pterygoplichthys disjunctivus 1D
Atlantic needlefish Strongylura marina TNTC S, F
HSE 12-005.27 11 January 2021Page 3 of 5
Common Name Scientific Name Number
Observed Activity
Mangrove tree crab Aratus pisonii TNTC W, C
Land crab Cardisoma guanhumi TNTC W, F
Eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica TNTC F
Mangrove crab Goniopsis cruentata TNTC W, C, F
Comb jelly Mnemiopsis leidyi TNTC S, F
Fiddler crab Uca spp.TNTC W, F
Common Name Scientific Name Number
Observed Activity
Agama Agama agama 5 W, F, C
Green anole Anolis carolinensis 5 W, C
Brown anole Anolis sagrei TNTC W, C
Green sea turtle Chelonia mydas 1D
R-Roosting, FY- Flying, F-Feeding, S-Swimming, W-Walking, M - Mating, C- Climbing, SC-Scat, D- Dead
HSE 12-005.27 11 January 2021Page 4 of 5
Security:The newly installed gate and extended fence at the entrance to the
Bank appears to be in good condition and fully functional. No sign of
vandalism or unauthorized use was observed.
Construction Condition:The pumps, levees, gates and barriers are in good condition and
functioning properly. The levee has remained stable since its
restoration. All piers have been repaired with the exception of the
‘Traub dock' (main fishing pier). All culverts appear to be
functioning as designed, but the sign labeling Culvert #10 has fallen
off and should be repaired and/or replaced.
Exotic Vegetation:Very little exotic vegetation was observed along the trail these past
six months. A maintenance event occurred in September 2020 to
further reduce the amount of exotic/nuisance species within the
mitigation bank.
Water Levels:Water levels ranged from roughly 0.0 to 3.0 feet within the
impoundment during the six month time period. It is worth noting
that the impoundment water level gauge nearest to the southern
entrance gate has been dislodged and absent since July 2020, and thus
should be repaired or replaced as soon as feasible.
Trash Pick-up:The Bank was largely clean of trash, and the trash receptacles were
mostly empty but clearly being utilized. Trash observed along the
levee was minimal, although there will always be some trash floating
in from the river and getting caught in the mangroves. Maintenance
has been on-going and has kept this flotsam to a minimum.
HSE 12-005.27 11 January 2021Page 5 of 5
Sept 8, 2020
TO: Lauri Heisterman
St. Lucie County Mosquito Control & Coastal Management Services
3150 Will Fee Road
Ft. Pierce, FL 34982
FROM: Gregory J. Sawka, CPSS
PROJECT: Bear Point - Purchase Order # P2021489
Exotic removal / Maintenance- SEPTEMBER .2020
Southeast Soil & Environmental Service is please to complete exotic
removal & maintenance- SEPT, 2020 at Bear Point.
Dominate species included Brazilian pepper, carrot wood, young Australian
pines. Numerous small plants were sprouting closer to the berm found on
the northern end of the parcel. A few scattered Australian pine along the
southern and northern portion of the property were eradicated. The +317 -
acre property was surveyed from the southern perimeter trail north to the
upper sand flats.
Site was wetter than normal with scattered pockets of ponded water from recent
Bear Point Mitigation- SEPT 2020
Personnel (ml)
Day 1 Bear Point- 09/01/20 GJS-AES 1250
Day 2 Bear Point- 09/07/20 GJS-DMS 500
Total Chemicals Garlon 4 & Impel 1.75 L
Gregory J. Sawka, CPSS No. 02625
SSoutheast Soil & Environmental Service, inc. 4511 S. Indian River Dr.,Ft. Pierce, Fl 34982