HomeMy WebLinkAboutEnvelope Compliance CertificateCOMcheck Software Version COMcheckWeb Envelope Compliance Certificate .­� RECEIVED P 'ect in'f6Information Energy Code: SEP 0 2 2M020 Florida Bui[cli g n Cdcle -E'- nergy Conser:Vatio.n Project Title- Building-1 Locaii6b: St. Lucie County Permitting Jensen Beach, Florida Climate Zone; 2ai Project Type: NeW C6ns'trutt . ion Veitic-61 Glazing /Wall Area: 4501. Construction Site: Owner/Agent: .10101 South Ocean Drive = Building 1 Jensen Beath, -Florida 34957 Additional Efficiency Package(s) Designer/Coniractor' Weighf Gardner'., Wright'Gcirdner Architect LIJC 154 Ktog Street ' NE Atlanta, -Georgia 303 - 07 404-218z8.460 Wright* ..CawrightgardnOra..echitect..to m Credits: 1.0 Required - 1:0 Proposed Redt.iced'.Lijht.jng Power, 1.0 credit Reviewed for Code Building Are6 Floor Arpa Compliance Universal Engineeling 1-Main Floor (Multifamily): Residential 2632 ..7 Sciences 2-Second Floor (Multifamily): Residential ?808 3-Top Floor:(Multifariiily) :'Residential -168 . 8 Envelope Assemblies Assam . biy Gross Area : Cavity. . Cont. Proposi6d Budget U- or R-Val6b R-Value U'PaPt6r Factorls) Perimeter Roof: Attic Roof, Steel. joists [BIdj'.. Use 2 - Second Floor] 1674 -30--0-6. .0.041 0.627. Roof: Attie Roof, Steel joists, [Bldg: Use, 3 - Too. Floor] 1107 30.6 0 .0 0.041 0.027 Floof: Steel joist, [BIdg'.. Use I - Main Floor] 26.32 19.0 b.0 . 0.05'" 2. 0.03 . 3 NORTH Exi.'Wall: Steel -Framed, 24in. o.c., [Bldg. Use 1 Main ain Floor] 1728 .0.0 35.0. 0.026 0.0" Window: metal Frame: Fixed;Perf. Spdcs4: Pr6ducf ID na, SHGC 1163 0.340 'Omo 0.2.5, [614g.'.Use I -Main Floor] (b) Ext. all; Steel.-Frarriedi 241n. ox. [Bldg.: pse.1 -.Main Floqr] 1.443 0.'0 35.0 0.026- 0.'064 Wiridow: metal Frame: Fixedi Perf. Sp'ecs.: Product ID na,SHGC 160 -0.340 0.500 Door:., Perf. Specs.: Product ID na, SHGC 0,25, [Bldg. Use 1 - 54 0.3410 0.8ao Main Floor] (b) SOUTH Ext. Wall: Steel -Framed; 241n.o.c.', [Bldg. Use 1 = Main Floor] 1728 0.0 s5:0 0.02.6 0.0.64 Window:.Metal. Frame': Fixed, Perf. Specs.,: Product ID na, SHGC 652' 0.340 0 . 0.25,jBIdg_. Use 17'Main Floor]. (0) .500 Window: Fixed,-Perf. Specs.. Product.IQ na; SHGC 652 0.340 0.500 0.25, [Bldg; Use l - Main Floor] (b) Project Title: Building 1 Report. date: 08/23/21 Data filename: Page 1 of 15 Assembly Gross Area Cavity Cont. Proposed Budget U- or R-Value R-Value U-Factor Factory.) Perimeter WEST Ext. Wall: Steel -Framed, 24in. ox;, [Bldg. Use 1 - Main. Floor] 1443 0.0 35.0 0.&6 6.064 Window: Metal Frame; Fix_ ed,.Perf. Specs.: Product ID na, SHGC 150 — 0.340 6.500 0.25, [Bldg. Use 1- Main Floorf (b) Door: , Perf. Specs.: Product ID na; SHGC 0'.25. [Bldg._ Use 1 _ 54 — 0.340 0.630 Main Floor] (b) (a) Budget U-factors are used for software baseline'calculations'ONLY, and are not code requirements: (b), Fenestration product performance must be certified in accordance_witFi RFRC and requires supporting documentation. Envelope Design Envelope Compiiance Statement Comp.'ffance Statemenh' The. proposed envelope:design represented in.this document is corisistent.with the building plans_; specifications. and other.calculations submitted with this permit application. The proposed envelope systems.have been. designed to meet.the'2020 Florida Building Code, Energy Conservation. requirements in COMcheck Version COMcheckWeb .and to cbmply with'ariy applicable mandatory requirements listed'iri .the'lnspe.'ction Checklist: Name,- .Title Signature. Date Project Title; Building 1 Report date: '08/23/21. Data filename: Page 2 of 15 = COMctieck -S►oftWare Version COMcheckWeb #nte'dor Lighting Cor piiance Certificate ' Project Information Energy code: 2020 Florida .Bbilding Code,, Energy Conservation Project'Tifie: Building 1 Project Type: New. Construction. . Construction Site, - Owner/Agent: Designer/Contractor: :10101 South Ocean Drive - Building Wright*Gardrier 1.. Wright Gardner Architect LLC Jensen Beach, Florida 34957 154 Krog Street NE A lanta Geor i a 303-B46:o:0�. Additional Efficiency Package(s) 4o42i8 . Wright@wrightgardnerarchitec`t:co m . :Credits:. 1.0 Required. 1.0 Proposed Red uced,Lighting Power, 1:0-credit Allowed Interior Lighting. Power . A B• 'Area:Qategory. Floor Area Allowed :. Allowed Watts (f -Wafts / ft2 1-Main Floor(Multifamily) 2632- 0.61. 1611 2-Setond.floor (Multifamily) 2808' 0.61 1716 3-T6p Floors(Multifamily) 1688. 0.61 .. 1033 .. _ Total Allowed Watts _ 62 Proposed Interior Lighting Power q B. C D E . Fixture ID :.Desetiptiori I Lamp 1 Wattage.Per Lamp.1. Ballast Lamps/ #•of .. Fixture (C X D) Fixture Fixture Watt. 1=Ma'iri-Floor (Multifamily) LED: LED LFriear33W:, .. 1 3 .63. 189.. LED: LED PAR'1.2W.. 1 3 12. .36. -, LED:. LED PAR 12W: 1 20 12. - 240 . . LED: LED MR 6W: 1 4 12b LED: LED MR-6W: 1 4 5 20 2-Second Floor (Multifarily) LED: LED PAR 12W: 1 3 12 M LED: LED PAR 12W: 1 . 16 12 . 180 LED: LED.MR 6W: 1. - 5 .. 5 .. '.25 3-Top Floor (Multifamily) LED: LED PAR i2W- 1 4' 12 46 LED: LED.PAR 12W: 1 2 12 24 .LED: LED' MR 6Wi .. Total;Proposed Watts -' 828 Project Title; Building 1 Report date: '08/23/21: Data filename: Page' 3 of 15 COMch•eCk Software Version COMchec.Meb Exterior Lighting. Compliance Certificate ' Project Information Energy code: 2020 Florida Building :Code, Energy Conservation -ProjectTitie: Building 1 Project Type: New. Construction Exterior. Lighting Zone 3 (Residential mixed use.area.(LZ2)) Construction Site: Owner/Agent: Designer/Contractor:" 1010.1 South Ocean Drive- Building Wright:Gardne� 1 Wright Gardner. Architect LLC Jensen Beach, Florida 3495.E .154 Krog 'Street NE : : • Atlanta; Georgia.30307 404 218-8460 Wright@wrightgardne'ra rch itect.co M. Allowed'Exterior'.Lighting Power . A B C. D. E. Area/Surface Category Quantity Allowed Tradable Allowed Watts Watts Wattage: B North(Illuminatedarea:offacade, wallorsurface) .• 1.728ft2 : 0'.07:'.: No .130. South (Illuminated• area of facade -wall or surface). 1728. ft2. - .. 0.07 No. 130 Total Tradable Watts (a).= 0 Total Allowed Watts = 476. Total Allowed. Supplemental Watts (b) = 400 (a) Wattage tradeoffs are only:allowed between tradable'areas/surfaces. '- (b) A•supplemental allowance equal to 400,watts may b'e applied toward compliance of both- non -tradable and tradable areas/surfaces. Proposed :Exterior Lighting Power . A B C D E.. - 'Fixture ID : Description:/ Lamp I Wattage Per Lamp I Ballast Lamps/ # of :. Fixture (C X D) Fixture FixtU're Watt. North (Illuminated "area of facade, Wall: or surface. 1728 fi 2):' Non -tradable Wattage LED: 1.51) PAR ISM ... 1: 3 15 " 45 .South (Illuminated area of facade wall or surface. -1728 ft2). Non -tradable Wattage LE17:' LED'PAR 15Wr 1 2 15 30 East (illuminated area of facade wall or surface. 1443 ft2): Non -tradable Watfage_ Westdllluminated area of facade wall orsurface. 1443 fE2): Non_tradable Wattage Total.Tradable Proposed Watts = 0 :Exterior Lighting. Compliance-.. - Staterhent . Compliance Statement: The proposed exterior lighting design. represented in:this document.is consistent. with the buiilding.plans, specifications,,.and.other calculations: submitted With .this permit"applicatlon.,The proposed. exterior liglitingsystems-have been -designed to meet the. 2020 Florida Building Code; Energy -Conservation requirements ill COMcheck.Version COMcheckWeb• and to Project Title; Building 1 Report date:. 08/23721` Data filename: Page 5 of 15 comply with any applicable mandatory requirements listed in the Inspection Checklist. Name - Title' Signature Date a Project .Title: Building 1 Data filename: Report date:. OS/23/21... Page 6 of 15 COMcheck Software Version CGMcheckWeb Inspection Checklist Energy Code: 2020 Florida Building:Co.de; Energy Conservation Requirements: 17..0% were addressed directly in the COMcheck software Text in the "Comments/Assumptions" column is provided by the user in the COMcheck Requirements screen. For each requirement; the user certifies that a code requi�ement-will be•met and how that is documented, or that an exception is being claimed. Where compliance is 'itemized, in a separate table, a reference to that table is provided.: .Section.' .. :: PIan;RevieW. 'Complies?" Comments/ASsumptions •: C1032 Plans and/or specifications provide all ;❑Complies 1 [PR1j? 1information with.which compliarice.' ;❑Does Not 1 - I can be determined. for the building 1 1'envelope and- document where []Not Observable.; le, cepdons to -the: standard are ;❑Not Applicable j daimed.: C103.2- Plans; specifications,.and/or " ;❑Complies- [PR4]l: (calculations'provide'all. information 1ODoes Not With which compliance can.be determined for the interior -lighting. ;❑Not:Observavable , and elettrical:systems and equipment ' !ONApplicable':; and -document where"exceptions.to ;. the standard are claimed; Information ; provided 'should include interior lighting power calculations; wattage of; Ibulbs and ballasts; transformers and control. devices. C103.2 Plans, specifications,.and/or ;[]Complies. [PREIP calculations -provide all information ;❑Doe"s Not with which compliance can be ❑Not Ob servable, determined forthe exterior lighting... ; and electrical; systems and equipment ;ONot Applicable :and -document where exceptions,to Ithe standard are claimed: Information I i provided should include exterior lighting power calculations; wattage of; Ibulbs and ballasts; transformers and ; jcontrol,devices: C402.4.1 ;The vertical fenestration area <= 36,, ;❑Complies. [PR10]1_ ipercent,of the gross -above -grade wall :QDoes Not ,area: . ;❑Not .Observable ; j❑Not Applicable C402:4.1 The skylighf area .<='3'percent of the ;❑Complies [PR11]l. Egross roof area: :0Does Not - .. ❑Not observable:: I _ E Not.Applicable ;.. . 1• High IMPact (Tier 3) _ 2 Medium Impact (Tier 2) _ 3 'Low Impact (Tier'3)_ ' - Project Title: Building l Report date:. b/23/21 Data filename: Page . 7 of 15 Section : • . Plan Review ':. Complies? •' Comments/Assumptions-• .. & Req.ID -. t402.4.2 ;In enclosed spaces.> 2;500'ft2 ❑Complies [PR14]l. (directly under a roof with ceiling ;❑Does Not (heights >15 ft. and used at an office, lobby; atrium; concourse, corridor, ❑Nof Observable (storage, gyriinasium/exercise.center, ,E]NotApplicable ; convention center, automotive service,: manufacturing, no ' refrigerated.warehouse, retail store; ; �oistribution%sorting area, Ctransportation, or workshop; the .. ;. following equirementsapply; (a).the jdaylight zone under skylights is >= half the floor area;.(b),the skylight ; area to claylight,ione is >.= 3:percent with a -skylight VT >= 0:40; or a . 1minimum skylight:effective aperture >= 1 percent or c- 0.66 using TubulanD'aylighting Device's VT rating:.. .. ; C405.5.2 I Group R=2 dwelling :units. have. ;OComplies ; Requirement .will be met: [131116]1 f separate'electrical meters:' . - :ODoes:Not I.. ;❑Not Observable ;OKoi Applicable ; ... .. C406. and/or. ` : ;OComplies :ItequirOment.will be met.. [PR9]l 1PIcins,.soe�cIff.cations, calculations provide :all information :Does' Not With which compliance can be ❑ Not Observable ; . determined .for the additional energy (effici.ency.package options..: ., .. .., • . ;❑-Not Applicable . . Additional Comments%Assumptions: .[71F igh.Impact (Tier l) 1 2 Medium Impact (Tier 2) 3 1 Low Impact (Tier 3) .. . Project Title; Building 1 Report date: 08/23/21. Data filename: Page 8 of 15 .4 Section. :. #;: Footing,/Fouhdation,Insopction Complies? 1...,Comments/Assumptions & Re ,ID . C303.2.1 I Exterior insulation protected against. ;❑Compiles [FO6)1 damage sunlight moisture wind ❑p I N oes. of (landscaping and equipment maintenance activities. ❑Not.Observable . ;❑Not Applicable . Additional Comments/Assumptions: 1 g. p # • 2 'Medium Impact (Tiler 2) 3` l ow Impact (fier'3)- Hi h Im act (Tier 1) Project Title: Building 1 Report date: '08/23/21: Data filename: Page 9 of 15 .• section. .. ".. -.. Framing/:Rough-In.lnspeetion . Complies? • ; :.. --.Comments/Assumptions" .. • ", -Si Reg,110 C303.1.3 'I Fenestration products.rated in ;❑Complies [FR12]2' accordance with NFRC. ;❑Doe§ Not_ ;❑Not Observable; ❑Not Applicable C303;1.3: Fenestration products are certified as ;0Complies [FR13]' 'to performance labels or certificates :0Does Not provided. ;❑Not 'Observable ❑Not Applicable'.. C402,4.3 Vertical fenestration SHGC value. ❑Complies ' •; See the Envelope Assemblies table for values. ; " [FR10j1 Uboes Not QNoi Observable I . ,QNot Applicable, C402.4.3, i Installed vertical fenestration U-factor ;❑Complies • ;See the'Erivelope Assemblies fable for:values. t402.43; SHGC.consjstent With label T❑ and..ifications :4. [FR8]1 CspeDoes:Not cand.as reported in plans and. COMcheck, •reports. r - ❑Not Observable Not.Applicabi ;❑e ; C402.5:1 The building envelope. contains a ;❑Compiles [FR16]l continuous air. barrier that is sealed in �Doe''s N an approved manner and•either ot Observable-, '❑N constructed: or tested in"an approved r PNotApplicable lmanner. Air barrier penetrations'are Isealed'in an.approved manner.'. Section. .... Mechanical Rough-ln Insodction Complies? Comments/Assumptions C402:5.5, Stair and'elevator: shaft vents have. • ;OComplies _ C403,2.4 'motorized dampers that automatically O1.boes.Not 3 [MB)j close. Refemece section C403.2.4.3 for-operationai details: ' . " .:- - :ONot Observable ;ONot.Applicable Additionai Comments/Assumptions: Section Rough=ln. Electrical Inspection • Complies? Comments/Assumptions '.. -& Re .Id C405.2.2. ,Spaces required to. have light= :❑Complies 2 I reduction controls have a manual ;❑Does Not: [EL22]1 control that allows the occupant to ❑Nof.Observable 1a reduce.the connected lighting load in reasonably uniform illumination ;❑Not'Applicable 1pattern >= 50 percent: ; C405.2.1', Occupancy sensors installed in ;❑Complies C405.2.1, 1 classrooms/lecture/training rooms, , 1❑Does Not 'conferehce/meeting/multipurpose ❑Not Observable [ELl8]? rooms, copy/print.rooms,. Applicable lounges/breakrooms, enclosed offices, ;QNot . open plan. office.areas, restrooms, storage rooms, locker rooms; warehouse storage areas; and other spaces. <= 300 sgft that are enclosed by floor-to=ceiling; height partitions. Reference.section language. . �C4. for_control function in ,warehouses and.section C405.2.1.3 ; for open plan office:spaces: C405.2.1; Occupancy sensors control function in i0Complies ; 2 warehouses: In.warehouses, the'.' ;❑Does'Not [EL19]1 lighting'in aisleways and'open•areas is, controlled with' occupant 'sensors that ;❑Not Observable 1 - automatically reduce'lighting power Not Applicable by 50%:or more whenthe areas are unoccupied. Thu e occupant sensots ; control lighting in eachAisleway independently and do not control. lighting'beyond the.aisleway being controlled by the sensor.. C405.2:1: Occupant sensor control function in. ;❑Complies 3 open plan office areas: Occupant.,- ;Does Not [EL20]1 sensor -controls in:open, office'spaces a❑Not Observable >= 300 sq:ft. have controls 1) configured so that.general lighting can ;❑.Not Applicable be controlled separately in control zones with floor areas <=-fi00 sq.ft. within.' the space,.2) automatically turn off general lighting in -'all control zones.; within'20 rriinutes.after all occupants. t have left the space; 3) are configured ; so that general lighting power in each control zone is reduced by >= 80% of ; the full: zone general lighting power within. 20 minutes'of all occupants . leaving that control zone, and 4) are configured such -that any daylight responsive control will activate space general ligkiting'or control zone general lighting only when. occupancy for the same'area is•detected. C405.2.2, Each area'not s&ved:by'occupancy ;❑Complies ; C405.2.2. .sensors (per C405.2.1) have tirne= . :❑goes Not 1, switch controls and functions'detailed, C405.2.2. in sections C405,2.2:1 and C405.2,2.2: ;❑Not.Observable U.Applicable 2 ; [EL21]2 111 High Impact (Tier 1) 12 Medium Impact (Tier 2) 3 Low Impact (Tier3)- Project Title; Building 1 Report date:. 08/21/21 Data filehame: Page .12 of 15 A Section : • . Rough=ln. Electrical.lnspection •' .:. Complies? • .. 'Comments/Assumptions C405.2.3, Daylight zones.'provided with 1❑C0mplies C405.2.3. individual controls that control the ❑Does.Not 1, lights independent of general area ❑Not C405.23. lighting. See code section C4b5.2.3 -Observable ;❑Not Applicable 2 Daylight -responsive_ controls for [EL23]2 applicable spaces, C405.2.3.1 Daylight; responsive control function and ; section C405.2.3.2 Sidelit zone. ; C405.2A ,Separate lighting.control devices for ;QComplies [EL2611 (specific uses:installed per approved ;❑Does Not' j lighting:plans.l.Displajrand'accenE lighting, lighting. in display cases; j�Not.Observable ;�NotApplicable supplemental: task lighting and. Ilighting equipment for sale shall have occupancy sensor control. 2) Sleeping 1 units shall have auto off controls: .. C405.2.5 .. .. Manual lighting controls are in.a '❑Complies [EL28]3 location with ready access and where ;[]Does Not. controlled lights are visible. ;❑Not observable'; ❑Not Applicable., . . C405.2.6• Exterior. lighting systems provided ;❑Complies ; [EL30]r•„ wit6.controls complying with - ;❑D.oesNot .. ; = C4.05.2.6:1 thtough'C405.2.6.4' r daylight shutoff and decorative .. pNot Observable , lighting. shut off:... ❑Not A . lica. e PP .. C405.6 tow=voltage dry.=type, distribution.' ;❑Complies ; Requirement will: be met: [EL26]2 electric transformers meet the. ;❑Does Not minimum: efficiency requirements'of ❑Not Observable ; Table.'C405:6. ❑Not Applicable ; .- C405.7 Electric motors. meet.the minimum ;❑Complies ; Exception - Requirement does not apply. [EL27]z efficiency requirements of Tables ;❑Does Not C405.7(1) through C405.7(4)i Efficiency verified through certification ;ONotObservable , under an approved certification ❑Not Applicable ' program or the equipment efficiency ; ratings shall: be provided by motor manufacturer (where.certifiebtlon ;. programs do'not exist):_: C405.8.2, Escalators and moving walks.comply ;[Complies ;Exception: Requirement does not apply. C405.8.2. with:ASME A17A/CSA B44,and have: ;❑Does Not 1 [EL2812 automatic controls configured to teduce. speed. to the minimum j❑NotObservable permitted 'speed' in accordance with ;❑Not Applicable ASME A17.1/CSA B44 or"applicable local code•when. not conveying ; passengers.. C405.5.3 Total voltage drop across the ;❑Complies ;Requirement will be met. [EL29]2 combihafion .of feeders_ •and branch :[]Does Not circuits <= 5%: ❑Not Observable ; -]Not Applicable Additional Comments%Assumptions: 1 High Impact (Tier•1) 2 Medium:lmpact-(Tier2)­ 3.1 Low Impact (Tier•3)- Project Title; Building 1 Report date: 08/23/21 Data filename: Page' 13 of 15 Eli Section.. Insulation Inspection. Complies? •. „Comments/Assumptions & Re .Ib C402.2.1. ; Insulation installed on.a suspended, lOComplies ; 1 [ceiling having ceiling tiles is not being 'Oboes Not [IN20]1 ;specified for roor/ceiling assemblies. Continuous insulation. board installed ;ONot.Observable; OfVot Applicable in; 2 or -more layers with edge joints: offset between .layers, C303:2 Building envelope insulation is labeled ;❑Complies [IN10]2 with R-valu&or insulation certificate ;Oboes Not providing R-value"and'other relevant . . ONot Observable data, ;ONot Applicable ; C3012 Above -grade wall, insulation.'installed. ;OComplies [IN7]1 1permanufacturer's'instructio6s'. ODoesNot ❑Not .Observable ; im r ;ONot.Applicable C303.2, Floor insulation installed per .. - ;OComplies C402.2.4 manufacturer's instructions: Cavity or :[]Does Not [IN912 structural slab. insulationIns tailed in Observable permanent contact with underside of decking or structural slabs... - ;l]Not ;❑Not Applicable C303.2.1 Exterior s insulation iprotected from ;[]Complies [IN14]Z damage with a, protective, material.: 1ODoes Not Verification.for exposed foundation Dbservable insulation may need. to occur during Foundation Inspection: . • .. ;❑Not []Not Applicable . C104 Installed above-grade:wall, insulation ;IlComplies. ;See the Envelope Assemblies table for Values.. [IN611 . type and• R-value'consistent with UDoes Not insulation specifications.- reported In ❑Not:Obsenrable ; )pla ris.and COMcheck reports. I Not Applicable. C402.2.4 Installed floor insulation type and R- ;❑Complies ;See the Envelope Assemblies table for •values. [IN8]2 value'consistent.iuith insulation Oboes Not specificafions, reported in plans and COMcheck reports: ;i]Not Observable T❑Not Applicable. C402.2.6 Radiant panels and associated VComplies ; [IN38p ---, components, designed for heat []Does Not. transfer from the panel surfaces to the i []Not Observable} occupantS,of indoor space are' insulated with .a Min'imum.of R-15: , . ;ONotApplicable ; C402.3 High-albedo roofs satisfy one of the ;❑Complies [INS]3 following: 3=year aged -solar 1ODoes.'Not reflectance_ >=-0..55 and -thermal . emittance >=-0:75:or3-year-aged ;[]Not Observable solar reflectance index >= 64.0. ;[]Not Applicable ; C164 Installed roof irisulation:type' and' R- Ivalue.consistentWith ;❑Corrrplies- ;See the EnVelope Assemblies tattle for values: [IN2]1 insulation ;[]Does Not specifications reported in plans and COMcheck reports. For. some ceiling �ONot Observable systems, verification. may, need to ,ONot Applicable ; occur during Framing: Inspection. ;, j C402.5J, All sources of air. leakage in the ,[]Complies ; 1 building thermal envelope are sealed, Does Not [IN1]1 { caulked, gasketed, weather stripped ;I]Not.Observable or wrapped with moisture vapor- material. t. ;❑Not Applicable [permeable wrapping to . minimize air leakage:. Additional_ Comments/Assumptions: 1] High Irripact (Tier 1) 2 JIMpdkim lmpact'(Tier 2)• 3 Low Impact (Tie(3).. Project Title: Building 1 Report date: 08/23/21. Data filename: Page 14 of 15 r $eetion :Final Inspection "'.• Complies? Comments/Assumptions &Re .ID .., - C409.2.5. Furnished b&IN instructions for ;❑Complies 2 systems and equipment to the :0Does Not [FI17]3 building owner or designated ;❑Not Observable representative. :. ;❑Not.Applicable -; C4.02:5;6 IWeatfierseals'installed on all loading ;❑Complies [FI37]l dock cargo door openings and provide �E1Does Not ;direct contact along the top and sides of vehicles parked in the doorway. ;❑Not Observable . ;❑Not Applicable'.. C402 5.8' luminaires.in therrilal : , ;❑Complies ; IFI2613 :' envelole'to lirriit infiltration.'and be IC ;�D.oes NoE JRecessed rated.'and labeled. Seal. between Not Observable interior finish acid luminaire housing: ❑Not Applicable C405'.3.2 ;Interior installed lamp and fixture .' -: ;❑Complies ;See the'Interior.Lighting fixture schedule.for values. [FI18]1. f lighting power is consistent with what I ODoes Not is shown on the approved lighting : Iplans; demo..nstrating proposed�watts ; ;]Not Observable o I (are' less than or:equal to allowed . ,ON t Applicable I watts'..' C405,4.2 Exterior. lighting power is consistent Complies ;See the Extedbr.Lighting fixture schedule'forvalues. [FI19]i _ with,what.is'shown on"Ahe approved. {❑D.oesNoE lighting plans, demonstrating, f . • - ,❑Not Observable ; proposed.watts'are less than "or equal, ; .. , Ito allowed• watts,.. -.- .. ;❑Not Applicable .. C408.1:1 ' ; Building operations and maintenance :UComplies.' ; Requirement .will: be rnet. [FWI7 ' documents will be.provided to the ,ODoes'Not Documents will cover ❑Not :Observable (owner. manufacturers' information, . specifications; recommendations, ;Not Applicable. ; programming.procedures.and'rneans of illustrating to owner how. building, equipment and systems are, intended Ito be.installed; maintained; and operated., Regular maintenance ; actions'shall.be clearly stated on accessible label: C408,3 g systems have been tested to ;❑Complies [FI33]T 14ighilh ensure proper calibration, aiijustment; :Oboes Not programming, and operation, ' 1❑Not Observable ;❑Not Applicable ..; Additional. Comments/Assumptions_: --4