HomeMy WebLinkAboutLetter To Performed Inspection ServiceUNIVERSAL"
eotechnical Engineering'
Construction MaterialsTesting.& Inspection.
Bui.lding.Code.Comp.liance' .
:Occupational Health '& Safety.".
Grounded in Excellence Building. Envelope.
SE•P 0 2 2029 .
August 5,
Lucie County
. .
L C 20
St Lucie County Building:Department Permittirh .
Attention: Doug las.`Harvey, 43uilding Official
2300' Virginia Avenue
FortPierce, FL 34982
'Subject: Letter In' tent.to Perform Threshold Inspection. Services.'.-
Project: Ocean Glass Townhomes :.
10101 SouthOcean.brive
Jensen -Beach,. FL•. 3495Z
UE5 Project.No: 3360.1800156.0000
PermitNo' To.Be Determined
Dear Mr: Harvey:
Universal Engineering' -Sciences; . (U,ES) has been retained, by OceanGlass' Development, LLC to perform :Threshold _'-
Structural Inspections for'the.proposed project located at 10101 South Ocean Drive, Jensen.Beach FL 34957: The special:-.
inspection services.will.be• performed to verify that.the proposed structural load •bearing components are constructed in_,
accordance with the approved. plans, specifications, threshold inspection plan. and -any approved: modifications.
Theinspections will.be:accomplished by an authorized. representative meeting the requirements of FAC 61G15-35.004 (2):
under the direction of a licensed Professional:Engineer/Special Inspector registered in -the StaW'of Florida.--The.qual.ifying
Special Inspector will be Paul: 'H: Danforth, P.E; (PE#.44653, SI# 1103)`who -is competent to provide the engineering
services for these types of structures.',The.building inspectors will be.Josean Duprey (BN7330),:John Postlethiivaite- (BN
.25 Matthew Chaney (BN7342), Dan Divan l3N(4041), and Clyde Thirbenny,.(BN4046).'The.branch office that will be.
responsible for handling this project is located at 607 NW.Commodity Cove, Port St. Lucie, Florida 34986, the phone number.
is (7.72) 920575 and the fax number is (772) 924-3580, respectively...
As part of our scope; UES will be' performing the required.inspections outlined in the project's ThresholdAn'spection Plah for
the proposed construction. UES will. maintain an inspection logbook at:the construction, trailer for review by -representatives.
. of.your,department and. -all relevant signed and sealed inspection reports will be trahsmitted'to your office upon completing .
the inspection scope of services:
Please call if .you have any questions at (772).924-3575.
Sincere) .®p�Baa6op.®QB
UniveaS i� �Iifti : ®Sciences .
Fl(j3da ,� , ° 80
®.Q ° Ao °
Paul° :.Dan r1�i P ° '
P' offigi e `N3;. S1 1103 :.
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St" t Flo)i a C?4$5:F
®aaBatt, .° .
-607 Northwest Commodity Cone;.PQrt5t. Lucie, L, 34986 1 �p (772.) 924-3575 "I f (772) 924.3580 I, u.nive;rsalengineering.corn :.: