HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOCMICHELLE R. MILLER, CL9".. —'F ;IRCUIT COURT SAINT LUCIE COUNTY - AFTER RECORDING • RETURN TO: FILE # 4954078 11/18/2021 08.46.45 AM OR BOOK 4723 PAGE 178 -178 Doc Type: NC RECORDING: $10.00 PERMIT NUMBER: Z 10 9 — 0 O� I NOTICE OF CO\I\• ENCIiMENT The undersigned hcrch) gives notice that improyenicnt iyill hu made to retrain read properly, and in accordance with Chapter 713, I'lorida Statutes. the lollowing inlonnntion is provided in this Notice orComnieneement. I. DESCRIPTION OF PROPF.RTI' fugal description ofthe property &: street address, iI available) TAX FOLIO NO (1'CN).: 4502-801-0008-000-8 I,en:11nesct•iptfott 2/11-37-41 FROM NW COR_GOV LOT 1SEC 11 RUN N 89 DEG 30 MIN W 57 FT TO SE COR TRACT G, TH N 22 DEG26 MIN W ALG ELY LI TRACT G 712.8 FT TO N LI T — , : Construction of 28 town homes community . GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF I�•Ir Iso:: � 1 �In.�7 y 3. OWNER INFOR3•IATION OR LESSEE. INFORNIA11ON IF'I'lll LESSEI: CON'TRAC:TED FOR"rl•IE INIPROVENIIiNT: a. Name and address- SeaGlass Ocean Dr^Development LLC,1111 Kane Concourse,Bay Harbor Islands 3315, b. Interest in propcn% 100% Ownership-- c. Name and address of I'ce simple iii1cholder (if dillcrem from Owner listed above): ,—_ 4. a. CONTRACTOR'S NA\1E: Bayview Construction Services Contractor's address. 4826 SE Railway Ave, Stuart, FL 34997 b• Phone number: (772) 283-9300 S. SURETY (il'apphcable, a copy ol'the payment bond is attached). a. Amount ol'hond. _ b: Phone number: c. Name and address: 6. a. LENDER'S NAME: NWL 2016 Evergreen LP Lender'saddress. 3323 NE 163rd St, PH #704, North Miami Beach, FL ?I, Phone number: (305) 528-6846 7. Persons irithin the State of Florida designated by Ownci upon nhuni notices or other ducunicnis may he served as provided by Section 713.13 11) (a) 7., Florida Statutes: a. Name and address [gal Zakhodin, 1111 Kane Concourse ,Ste 209, Bay Harbor Islands 33154 b. Phone numbers ordesignated persons: 2123650830 8. a. In addition to, himsell'or herself".oiwicr designates_... ___---__—of — to receive n copy orthe Licnor's Notice as provided in Section 713.13 11) (111. Florida Statutes. b. Phone number ol'person or entity designated by Owner: 9. Expiration date of notice ol'conimencement (the expiration date will he I year front the date ofrccording unless a dillcrent date is specified): 04 702 \YARNING TO O\VNI:R AN)' I)AN'NII:NTS \IADI-.111"I'I II•: ()\l+\I 1, ,\VITICI.1 M EXPIR61-10N OF TI IE ,\,ancE OF CO\• MENCEMENT ARE CONSIDERED IMPROPER PAYMEN'rS UNDER (:I IAPTI:R 717, P.\R1' I. SISC I'IO\ 713.1 FJ ().RID,\ ti'I', 'I\ t; I I:S. AND CAN RESUI: r IN 1'UI IR PAYING TWICE FOR l'"PROVrMEN'rS'I'O POUR jinn: t <� �er nr Lesser, or On•ncr's ui• Lcssec•s . � aril)friccr/1)ircchn•/I'ai•nicr/\1ana�cr) State of L©�1��7q- Couniy (it ...... The fbregoina instrument \\as acknowledged beliire nit- by nicans ul' physical presence or Q online notarisation• this day ul' 2)7_. 2(1_ t! by as A/� y� ( name of person) ,[ . %7%K2 % /�i_!,_%20^_... _.. 11n (name ofp�u., un r all'ol'ivhom instrument nos csec(ucrU (h lie of muthnritr...e.A. nffieeit trustee. mttnrney in fuel) Personally Known—O.. or Produced Idenulic:uuni.-- 'I')pe ol'Idemilication Produced_- I_Aa Nolary4. (, ic'g c i'ut:uy Public) (Print." ype, or St n Ci iissioned Nanie ol'Nutaiy Public) & VINCEENZO ZURLO ' :,A. �:, Notary Public . State of Florida Rcv.l2-OS-20 �o�°+ Commission r GG 362081 My Comm. Expires Aue 4. 201