HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLAN COMPLIANCE AFFIDAVITUN1VEf `).AL' ENGINEERING SCIENCES F{ECENED SEp 0.2 2021 .County Ocean Glass Townhomes 10101 s Ocean:Dr. Jensen Beach, FL 34957 Permltting dVate Provider Plan Compliance Affidavit- Private Provider.Firm: :. :.Universal Engineering Sciences Private Provider John Carl Peterson Address*..: 007 NW Commodity: Cove, -Port St.; Lucie; Florida 34986 Phone: 772=924-3575 .: Fax:. 772-924-3580 Email: gfaschedulin (a universalengineering.com ; I hereby. .cert'ify .that. to. the :best: of my knowledge and :belief the plans submitted were' reviewed., 6r.and. are: .in compliance, with the. Florida. Building :Code and :all_.local, . amendments . to -the Florida B-61 .. rig .Code by the :following affiant; who is duly authorized, to: perform plans review. pursuant to Section_ 553:791, _Florida Statute -and holds the appropriate. license: or: certificate: Name: John Carl Peterson- Plan: Sheets: AO-00; AM ; AO-07, A0-08, AO-09, A0.10A, A040B, . A0-10C; A04-1, AO-12;-AO-13, AO-14, AO-15, AO-18, A1=I0,:Al=1i, 'Ai-20, Al-21; A1-22, Al-23, =Al_., 24, Al-25, Al-26, Al-30; A1-31, Al-40; Al-41, Al-42, Al-50, Al-5.1, AI' Al=52,-Al-53, Al-60, Al-61, Al-62; Al'63, A1-64,'A1765, E0.=0L.E1=01, E1-02, E1-03, E1-04, M0=0.1;'M1-01, M1-02, M1-.03; lYI1=04, M2.00; M3.00., M3:01, P0-01,'P1-00; P2-01, P2-02;'P1-05,'PI'04' P5=01,.P5.02; P5.03, P5.04,T6.01, P6.02,-P7=00, SB1=01;.SB1-02, SB -03, SB1704, SB1-05; SB1-06, SB1-07., SB1-08;.SB1-9, SB1710, SB1 11,SB1-12, SBI-13; SB1-14, SBI45, SB1-16,-SB1717-.SB1-18, SB.I-19.. Florida License%Registration/Certification #(s) and description: . Kyle Sawchuk, Gray Yigrass : Mike:Mayall AR96356'. ' PX3589. PX1700 Signaturel of Reviewer: SWORN AND`SUBSC BED'be ore me by. John Carl Peterson BU#1721 being personally known tome 'or having: producedas, identification - and who -being fully sworn and cautioned; state. ..that ;the forego' is true, and correct the best: of his/lier knowledge or. belief. ignature of Notary ' .. Print Name-. .. Notary Pubhc:.NQTAR ..4 BELOW .: My commission expires; . ERMANyt,VNNJOZAMS: .. .. .. .. . (UPY Notary Public.• State of Florida Commission0NM10E455 My Comm: Expires Mac 21, 2025 Baued National rotary A. SR.