HomeMy WebLinkAboutProperty Parcel ID# 4502-212-0001-0001PARCEL ID: 3534-334-0001-000-5 ZONING: HIRD FUTURE LAND USE: RU ImmaN01=01:412 A parcel of land being a portion of Section 2, Township 37 South, Range 41 East, St. Lucie County, Florida, more particularly described as follows: Commence at the intersection of the Centerline of State Road A-1 -A and the North line of said Section 2; thence N 890 39' 32" W along said North line, for 53.30 feet to a point lying on the Westerly right-of-way line of State Road A-1 -A, said point being the Point of Beginning; thence continue N 890 39' 32" W along said North line for 353.00 feet; thence S 00' 20' 28" W for 100.00 feet to a point lying on the South line of the North 100 feet of said Section 2; thence S 890 39' 32" E along said South line, for 383.84 feet; thence N 34" 58'42" E, for 7.39 feet to a point lying on the Westerly right-of-way line of State Road A-1 -A, said point lying on a curve, concave Easterly, having a radial bearing of N 69' 37' 53.5" E, and a radius of 11,509.20 feet; thence Northerly along the arc of said curve, through a central angle of 0" 29' 57", for an arc distance of 100.24 feet to the Point of Beginning. TREE LEGEND PALM TREE OF% STRANGLER FIG PARCEL ID: 3534-334-0001-000-5 ZONING: HIRD FUTURE LAND USE: RU N W S E7' ST. LUCIE COUNTY PROPERTY PARCEL ID: 4502-212-0001-000-1 ZONING: HIRD FUTURE LAND-USE-fttf—­ OWNER / APPLICANT: MONTIERRE DEVELOPMENT, PLLC 748 N. HIGHWAY US 1 TEQUESTA, FL 33469 (772) 203-7383 DRAINAGE STATEMENT 353.00' i me proposed surface water management system will consist of site grading which directs stormwater runoff to a dry detention area. The dry detention area will provide water quality and quantity treatment. Water quality treatment and quantity attenuation will be provided per SFWMD, FDOT and St. Lucie County criteria for new development. WATER AND SEWER STATEMENT The proposed 4 unit multi -family project will connect to the existing FPUA watermain which runs along Al A for potable water needs. The proposed 4 unit multi -family project will connect to the existing SLCUD forcemain via a proposed privately maintained lift station. The project will also receive reuse water from SLCUD for irrigation needs. TRAFFIC STATEMENT EXiSTING12" ` WA: E-R MAIN .A (P �A � G) 0 R=1 150920' 7 ____—L=100.24' A=0'29'57®� " EXISTING 41, FORCE MAIN EXISTING ASPHALT 7.39'PAVEMENT N34058'41.6"E A PROPERTY ADDRESS 9461 S. OCEAN DRIVE JENSEN BEACH, FLORIDA ST. LUCIE COUNTY PARCEL ID: 4502-212-0001-010-4 ZONING HIRD - HUTCHINSON ISLAND RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT FUTURE LAND USE RILI - RESIDENTIAL URBAN FLOOD ZONES THIS SITE LIES IN FLOOD ZONE AE, ELEV.=4'AND ZONE WAS SCALED AND INTERPOLATED FROM FEMA MAP PANEL NUMBER 12111 C-0312K, DATED FEBRUARY 19, 2020. SETBACKS FRONT: 25' REAR: 15' SIDE: 10, BUILDING HEIGHT MAX HEIGHT=35' 2.5 5 10 20 Graphic Scale 1 Inch = 10 Ft. Open Space Calculations .OVERALL SQ. FT. AC. % OVERALL SITE AREA 37,138.38 0.853 DRAINAGE AREA 18,245.66 0.419 100.0% IMPERVIOUS SQ. FT. AC. % BUILDINGS 4,064.50 0.093 22.3% PARKING AREA (PAVERS) 2,968.97 0.068 16.3% BRICK PAVERS 4,612.10 0.106 25.3% IMPERVIOUS TOTAL 11,645.57 0.267 63.9% PERVIOUS SQ. FT. AC. % RETENTION 2,012.00 0,046 11.0% GREENSPACE 1 4,588.09 0.105 25.1% PERVIOUS TOTAL 6,600.09 0.152 36.1% Stephen It's fast. It's free. It's the law. I W (D z F- Alk _J Z z WW U_1 CL U-i z 0 0) el W z 0 Z < 0 MW 0 im Z Lu o Lu < LU Er ii 0 0) (0 LL co Z z 0 LU C? 0 _J < 0 Zn U) o c) W U) cz, Q0 (D z CL 06 X Lu W Lu z (D z W Q J z N Z ed 0 00 z DATE: 06.30.2021 DRAWN BY: RSW DESIGNED BY: Sc CHECKED BY: SIC HORZ SCALE: ill = 10' VERT. SCALE: n/a DRAWING NO. Aoft A M0_ JOB NO. 2021-118 z 0 U) Li X z :D 0 0 W F-) Z) kYA7A,7JT;M I ffr Mi 7tI i U�X*1-34_fl TliiQ DOCUMENT, TOGETHER WITH THE CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS PRESENTED HEREIN, AS AN INSTRUMENT OF SERVICE, 13 INTENDED ONLY FOR THE St'l-,CIFIC PURPOSE AND CJENT FOR WHICH IT WAS PREPARED, REUSE OF AND it tPROPER RELIANCE ON THIS DOCUMENT WITHOUT WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION AND ADOPTION BYSTEPHEN COOPER RE, SHALL BE WITHOUT LIABiLI I � TO STEPHEN GOc')PER P.E. & ASSOCIATES, P A. CONSULTING ENGINEERS