HomeMy WebLinkAboutReport ( Geotechnical ExplorationREPORT OF GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION PROPOSED ODEH RESIDENCE RENOVATIONS 12461 SOUTH INDIAN RIVER DRIVE JENSEN BEACH, FLORIDA FOR MR. ANTHONY ODEH 12461 SOUTH INDIAN RIVER DRIVE JENSEN BEACH, FLORIDA 34957 PREPARED BY NUTTING ENGINEERS OF FLORIDA, INC. 1310 NEPTUNE DRIVE BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33426 ORDER NO.18506.1 RECEIVED DEC 13.2018 Permitting Department St. Lucie County, FL Geotechnical & Construction Materials Engineering;Testing, & Inspection Environmental Services Offices throughout the state of Florida www.nuttingengineers.com info@nuttingengineers.com NO •: �l ger of Florida Inc.l Established 1967 Your ProjectkOurCommitment November 30, 2018 Geotechnical & Construction Materials Engineering, Testing, & Inspection Environmental Services Offices throughout the state of Florida www.nuttingengineers.com info@nuttingengineers.com Mr. Anthony Odeh 12461 South Indian River Drive Jensen Beach, Florida 34957 Phone: 504-458-6104 Email: anthony@cccrecovery.com Subject: Report of Geotechnical Exploration Proposed Odeh Residence Renovations 12461 South Indian River Drive Jensen Beach, Florida Dear Mr. Odeh: Nutting Engineers of Florida, Inc. (NE), has performed a Geotechnical Exploration for the proposed renovations at the above referenced site in Jensen Beach, Florida. This exploration was performed in accordance with the written authorization to proceed provided by Mr. Anthony Odeh dated November 17, 2018. This evaluation was performed to develop .information regarding subsurface soil conditions at specific test locations which along with proposed construction information provided was used to develop opinions regarding earthwork procedures and foundations for support of the proposed construction. This report presents our findings and recommendations based upon the information examined at the time of this evaluation. PROJECT INFORMATION Based on site observations, the current residence consists of a split level, concrete block and wood framed home. The residence appears to be supported upon a stem wall shallow foundation system with some concrete block perimeter walls along the lower/basement like section of the residence. We understand plans include some renovations to the existing residence which will include the expansion of the roof system and covered patio features. These renovations will require the construction of some new column foundations. We were provided plans for the new construction. The new construction will consist of either wood frame or concrete block construction as indicated on the site plan. The proposed improvements are planned to be supported upon a shallow foundation system with an allowable soil bearing pressure of 2,000 pounds per square foot, similar to the existing building. We estimate that less than six inches, if any, of fill may be required to bring the site up to construction grade; however, the final building pad elevation shall be determined by a professional architect, civil engineer, or other qualified party. 2 1310 Neptune Drive - Boynton Beach, Florida 33426 • (661) 736-4900 - Fax (561) 737-9975 Broward (954) 941-8700 - Port St. Lucie (772) 408-1050, • Miami Dade (305) 624-0060 NE should be notified in writing by the client of any changes in the proposed construction along with a request to amend our foundation analysis and/or recommendations within this report as appropriate. GENERAL SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS Soil Survey Maps As part of the geotechnical exploration, we have reviewed available Soil Conservation Service (SCS) survey maps for Palm Beach County. These SCS maps provide qualitative information about potential general shallow soil conditions irr the project vicinity. This information was derived from approximately 6 ft. deep manual auger borings, aerial photo and surface feature interpretation at some point in the past (mid 1980's to early 1970's). The SCS data may or may not reflect actual current site conditions. A review of the Soil Survey for Palm Beach County revealed that at the time the survey was conducted, the soils at the site were described as Paola sand. The Paola series consists of nearly level to sloping, excessively drained, deep, sandy soils in long, narrow dune -like ridges near the Atlantic coast. In general the subsoils are white to yellowish sands that extend to a depth of approximately six feet or more. We note that the soil surveys were typically penetrated to a depth of approximately six feet. Subsurface Exploration NUTTING ENGINEERS OF FLORIDA, INC. performed one Standard Penetration Test (SPT) boring (ASTM D-1586) to a depth of twenty feet below land surface. The location of the test boring is indicated on the boring location plan presented in the Appendix of this report. The boring location was identified in the field using approximate methods; namely, a measuring wheel and available surface controls. As such the soil boring locations should be considered to be approximate. We note that due to the potential for underground utilities at the test boring location, the upper four feet of the soil profile at the test boring location was manually cleared. Because of this, the relative density of the upper four feet was not obtained. Test Boring Results In general, the soil boring location recorded loose to medium dense gray to light gray sand in the upper eleven feet, underlain by brown to yellowish brown sand to a depth of twenty-five feet, the maximum depth explored. Please see the enclosed soil classification sheet in the Appendix of this report for additional important information regarding these descriptions, the field evaluation and other related information. Note: Substantially different subsurface conditions may exist at other areas of the site. Buried debris may or may not be identified or adequately delineated by soil borings. Test pit excavation can provide more insight into such conditions and rock lithology if present. Such conditions may be revealed during site development activities (e.g. proof rolling, utility & foundation excavation activities) or other related activities. Should additional assurance be desired by the client, further subsurface investigation could be performed. Nuttinu ER DOWNS ofHadda Inc. I Emblished 1%7 YourftJeais OurC=1W&nent Groundwater Information The immediate groundwater level was measured at the boring location at the time of drilling. The groundwater level was encountered at approximately fourteen and a half feet below the existing ground surface. The immediate depth to groundwater measurements presented in this report may not provide a reliable indication of stabilized or a more long term depth to groundwater at this site. Water table elevations can vary dramatically with time through rainfall, droughts, storm events, flood control activities, nearby surface water bodies, tidal activity, pumping and many other factors. For these reasons, this immediate depth to water data should not be relied upon alone for project design considerations. ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATIONS New Loads on Existing Foundations Based on the results of the test boring and our understanding'of the proposed construction, it is our opinion that any new loads that will be utilizing some existing foundations can be supported on the existing soils using a maximum allowable soil bearing pressure of 2,000 pounds per square foot. Note that the allowable soil bearing capacity used in the design of the existing foundation system is not known at this time. The opinions and recommendations herein are based on the premise that the original plus the new loading on the existing foundations does not exceed an allowable soil bearing pressure of 2,000 pounds per square foot. If this is found to be different, this office should be notified immediately. A Structural Engineer should evaluate in place footings relative to new loads. New Foundations or Floor Slab Areas The boring performed for this project suggests that the site may be prepared using conventional site preparation and compaction techniques as described herein. Once the site has been prepared in accordance with our site preparation recommendations presented in this report, the proposed renovations may be supported on a shallow foundation system using an allowable soil bearing pressure of 2,000 pounds per square foot. Once plans are fmalized for the proposed construction, a copy should be provided to Nutting Engineers for review to determine whether additional details or changes to our recommendations are warranted. All work should be completed in accordance with applicable building codes, other regulations as appropriate, and good standard local practice. We recommend a minimum width of 16 inches for continuous footings and 24 inches for individual footings, even though the soil bearing pressure may not be fully developed in all cases. We recommend that the bottom of footings be at least 12 inches below the lowest adjacent finished grade. Nutting Engineers of kWidatne6Fstabfished 1967 Ya-wft-frctir0ar0m.ftmms 4 The contents of this report are for the exclusive use of the client and the client's design team for this specific project exclusively. Information conveyed in this report shall not be used or relied upon by other parties or for other projects without the expressed written consent of Nutting Engineers of Florida, Inc. This report discusses geotechnical considerations for this site based upon observed conditions and our understanding of proposed construction for foundation support. Environmental issues including (but not limited to), soil and/or groundwater contamination are beyond our scope of service for this project. As such, this report should not be used or relied upon for evaluation of environmental issues. Prior to initiating compaction operations, we recommend that representative samples of the structural fill material to be used and acceptable in -place soils be collected and tested to determine their compaction and classification characteristics. The maximum dry density, optimum moisture content, gradation and plasticity characteristics should be determined. These tests are needed for compaction quality control of the structural fill and existing soils, and to determine if the fill material is acceptable. If conditions are encountered which are not consistent with the findings presented in this report, or if proposed construction is altered or moved from the location investigated, this office shall be notified immediately so that the condition or change can be evaluated and appropriate action taken. The vibratory compaction equipment may cause vibrations that. could be felt by persons within nearby buildings and could potentially induce structural settlements. Additionally, preexisting settlements may exist within these structures that could be construed to have been caused or worsened by the proposed vibratory compaction after the fact. Pre- and post conditions surveys of these structures along with the vibration monitoring during vibratory compaction could be performed to better evaluate this concern. The contractor should exercise due care during the performance of the vibratory compaction work with due consideration of potential impacts on existing structures. If potential vibrations and impacts are not considered tolerable, then alternate foundation modification techniques should be considered. Nutting Engineers of Florida, Inc. shall bear no liability for the implementation of recommended inspection and testing services as described in this report if implemented by others. Nutting has no ability to verify the completeness, accuracy or proper technique of such procedures if performed by others. Excavations of five feet or more in depth should be sloped or shored in accordance with OSHA and State of Florida requirements. The Geotechnical Engineer warrants that the findings, recommendations, specifications, or professional advice contained herein, have been presented after being prepared in accordance with general accepted professional practice in the field of foundation engineering, soil mechanics and engineering geology. No other warranties are implied or expressed. Nutting Engineers of Rodda Inc.[ EsmbHshed 1%7 Ya,w R1gF etrsOurfommFhnent 6 We appreciate the opportunity to be of service on this project. If we can be of any further assistance, or if you need additional information, please contact us at your convenience. Sincerely; NUTTING ENG ERS OF FLORIDA, INC. Richard C. Wohlfarth, E. C o eII : ;ii P.E: #69947 Director of Engineering Senio n&eer Appendix: Boring Location Plan Test Boring Result Limitations of Liability Soil. Classification Criteria REP ANTHONY ODEH RES ADD 12461 S INDIAN RIVER DR JENSEN RENOVATIONS SHALLOW CEG Nutting of Flad& Irx.1 EstahWwd 1967 YavtHoJeetisdwe'-MM MMt 7 r® t 11 1 Fr, .ira •yv#,4.u! � �, ':+{tn! I ��1 y�`.�� 4 �T•. }il.. t . 4^ r, a ,p' !�"t`SS? q�l'i+l.,�-y.� I.a , A"s.- - ! • AV A+'`",. wy1 F!'�.^�r !t''�.�T` 1 N11� x u C c 2 z w 0 w 0 m (9 z i= z U) I. - Nutting BORING NUMBER B-1 Boynton Beach, Fle33426 Eng����rS Telephone: 561-736-4900 PAGE 1 OF 1 -0 of Flodda Inc i Essabllshed 1967 Fax: 561-737-9975 ,f) 'UWP° J cth°arCoMndt—nt PROJECT NUMBER 18506.1 CLIENT Anthony Odeh PROJECT NAME Proposed Residence Addition PROJECT LOCATION 12461 South Indian River Drive Jensen Beach Florida DATE STARTED 11/26/18 COMPLETED 11/26/18 SURFACE ELEVATION REFERENCE Approx. @ Road Crown DRILLING METHOD Standard Penetration Boring GROUND WATER LEVELS: LOGGED BY T. Lovett CHECKED BY 'C. Gworek SAT TIME OF DRILLING 14.7 ft APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF BORING_ As located on site plan ♦ SPT N VALUE _ pw E rA 10 20 30 40 PLC jL .. W Q O MATERIAL DESCRIPTION a Blows y CDz 20 40 60 80 ❑ FINES CONTENT (%) ❑ 01 o,'•. ,.;:, Lt. brown fine SAND and LIMESTONE fragments 20 40 60 80 AU Lt. gray fine SAND 1 AU a 2 SS C 5 o 3 7 0 4 4 3-5.5.7 10 u SS 5 4.6.8-10 14 10 SS j Brown fine SAND 6 16 ♦ c i i i Yellowish brown fine SAND 1 7 6.6.6-7 12 :A 15 QS ss s 5.7.12-11 19 A 20 Bottom of hole at 20.0 feet. Disclaimer Nutting Engineers of Florida Inc. accents no liability for the consequences of the independent interpretation of drilling logs by others. LIMITATIONS OF ILILABILI LITY We warranty that the services performed by Nutting Engineers of Florida, Inc. are conducted in a manner consistent with that level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of the profession in our area currently practicing under similar conditions at the time our services were performed. No other warranties, expressed or implied, are made. While the services of Nutting Engineers of Florida, Inc. are a valuable and integral part of the design and construction teams, we do not warrant, guarantee or insure the quality, completeness, or satisfactory performance of designs, construction plans, specifications we have .not prepared, nor the ultimate performance of building site materials or assembly/construction. SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION Subsurface exploration is normally accomplished by test borings; test pits are sometimes employed. The method of determining the boring location and the surface elevation at the boring is noted in the report. This information is represented in the soil boring- logs and/or a drawing. The location and elevation of the borings should be considered accurate only to the degree inherent with the method used and may be approximate. The soil boring log includes sampling information, description of the materials recovered, approximate depths of boundaries between soil and rock strata as encountered and immediate depth to water data. The log represents conditions recorded specifically at the location where and when the boring was made.' Site conditions may vary through time as will subsurface conditions. The boundaries between different soil strata as encountered are indicated at specific depths; however, these depths are in fact approximate and dependent upon the frequency of sampling, nature and consistency of the respective strata. Substantial variation between soil borings may commonly exist in subsurface conditions. Water level readings are made at the time and under conditions stated on the boring logs. Water levels change with time, precipitation, canal IeJel, local well drawdown and other factors. Water level data provided on soil boring logs shall not be relied upon for groundwater based design or construction considerations. LABORATORY AND FIELD TESTS Tests are performed in general accordance with specific ASTM Standards unless otherwise indicated. All criteria included in a given ASTM Standard are not always required and performed. Each test boring report indicates the measurements and data developed at each specific test location. �11t�ing Engineers lour Project f9 Our Cammhment ANALYSIS AND R EC®IVMNDATI®IYS The geotechnical report is prepared primarily to aid in the design of site work and structural foundations. Although the information in the report is expected to be sufficient for these purposes, it shall not be utilized to determine the cost of construction nor to stand alone as a construction specification. Contractors shall verify subsurface conditions as may be appropriate prior to undertaking subsurface work. Report recommendations are based primarily on data from test borings made at the locations shown on the test boring reports. Soil variations commonly exist between boring locations. Such variations may not become evident until construction. Test pits sometimes provide valuable supplemental information that derived from soil borings. If variations are then noted, the gedtechnical engineer shall be contacted in writing immediately so that field conditions can be examined and recommendations revised if necessary. The geotechnical report.states our understanding as to the location, dimensions and structural features proposed for the site. Any significant changes of the site improvements or site conditions must be communicated in writing to the geotechnical engineer immediately so that the geotechnical analysis, conclusions, and recommendations can be" reviewed and appropriately adjusted as necessary. CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION Construction observation and testing is an important element of geotechnical services. The geotechnical engineer's field representative (G.E.F.R.) is the "owner's representative" observing the work of the contractor, performing tests and reporting data from such tests and observations. The geotechnical engineer's field representative does not direct the contractor's construction means, methods, operations or personnel. The G.E.F.R. does not interfere with the relationship between the owner and the contractor and, except as an observer, does not become a substitute owner on site. The G.E.F.R. is responsible for his/her safety, but has no responsibility for the safety of other personnel at the site. The G.E.F.R. is an important member of a team whose responsibility is to observe and test the work being done,and report to the owner whether that work is being carried out in general conformance with the plans and specifications. The enclosed report may be relied upon solely by the named client. SOIL AND ROCK CLASSIFICATION CRII','E]UA SAND/SILT CLAViSILTY CLAY N-VALUE (bpfl RELATIVE DENSITY 0-4 Very Loose 5 —10 Loose 11— 29 Medium' 30,49 Dense >50 Very dense j00 Refusal ROCK N-VALUE (bpi) UNCONFINED COMP. STRENGTH (tsO CONSISTENCY <2 <0.25 v. Soft 2-4 0.25-050 Soft 5-9 0.50 —1.00 Medium 9 —15 1.00 — 2 00 Stiff 16-30 2.00-4.00 v. Stiff >30 >4.00 Hard N-VALUE (bpO RELATIVE HARDNESS ROCK CHARACTERISTICS N> 100 Hard to v. hard Local rock formations vary in hardness from soft to very hard within short verti- cal and horizontal distances and often contain vertical solution holes of 3 to 36 inch diameter to varying depths and horizontal solution features. Rock may be brittle to split spoon impact, but more resistant to excavation. 25<N < 100 Medium hard to hard 5<N < 25 Sob to medium hard PARTICLE SIZE Boulder >12 in. Cobble 3 to 12 in. Gravel 4.76 ram to 3 in. Sand 0.074 mm to 4.76 mm S ilt 0.005 mm to 0.074 mm Clay <0.005 mm DtSCRIPT ON MODIFIERS 0 — 5% Slight trace 6-10% Trace 11 — 20% Little 21 —35% Some >35% And Group Major Divisions Symbols Typical names Laboratory elossifiealion.criteria „ /yyy�� \2 D6U `'�3P� — v s Gw Woll. add Duels, avel-sand g' e g g` � � C = greater thin 4, C = betxteenl and 3 o _— t mixtures, little or no fines o E D D xD lU 10 6D o to GF Poorly graded grovels, grayel-sand little fines Not meeting all gradation requirements For GW U x " c, v mixtures, or no m o o d d w u GW Silty grovels, grovel-sond-silt c r u Atte:'A" hery limits below u d Z = •`_c c `o mixtures m Z a-Vul o line or P.I.less than A Above "A" line with P.I. r m 5 v E i 3 between A and 7 are bordu- GC clayey grovels, grovel -sand -cloy Arterberg limiu above 'A' '„ i m o = n E e z 'a H = ' U a 001 line cases requiring use of dual symbols, c os30 ? — O o mixtures i = e a line wnM1 PJ. greamr than 7 I ' „ a � 3 Ohm o = c 3W Well -graded sands, gravelly Bonds, Cu = D°0 greater than 6; C. beriveenl and 3 8 little or no fines 9 ; Din DID�60 E o u SF Poorly graded Bonds, gravelly sands, little or no fines Not meeting all gradation requirements For SW 0 m v c m U z .", - a a V d n v 8 d c o nac m m a r a z c o o SM• Siltysonde, sand-stilta mixtures u= s a Atterberg limns below 'A' u o fC c r `~ n line or P.I. less shoo 4 Limns platting in hatched zone •t = E `� o 3 a E c N o o a s— E with P.I. between A and 7 are borderline razes requiring use SC Ooyey sands, send -clay mixtures Atterberg limits above "A° ;! n $ : ut rn ° o J: w of dual stem. ry c line with P.I. more than 7 Inorganic silts and very fine sonds, — h ML rock flour, silty or clayey fine sands M or clayey silts with silghr plastidy 60 _ a a Inorganic clays of low to medium A 50 o o CL plasticity, gravelly days, sandy, n _ clays, silty clays, Icon cloys at c N 9 2 OL ' Organic silts and organic silty days g AO of low plasticity 70 o c° t o Inorganic silts, mimceous or diatom- n �¢ OH end MH .. MH about fine sandy or silly soils, elastic - 20 - P �,o ° silts cl W .y a `o CH Inorganic days or high plasticity, fat E a ao `o ,0 11 d `o a clays s vt E Ml and OL CY-ML e v OH Orgonic cloys of medium to high 0 1 o 10 20 20 /0 50 60 70 e0 90 too — c plasticity, organic silts `o Liquid Limit .2 •M 0 PT Peat and other highly organic sells Plasticity Chart � :E�HIfl�� an9dd+>`Im+ecsucdt G f6ur/�f r40trf Mwewe r Mission: To protect, promote•& improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state,_ county & community efforts. Nader Anthony Odeh 1 Yellowstone Court New Orleans, 'LA 70131 fway a:a�-x-,�-r;. t! p +::d HEALTH Vision : To be the Healthiest State in the Nation RE: Contingency Letter Application Document No:AP1368285 Centrax Permit Number: 56-SF-1883792 OSTDS Number: 12461 S Indian River Dr Jensen Beach, FL 34957 Lot: Block: October 17, 2018 Subdivision: Rick Scott Governor Celeste Philip, MD, MPH Surgeon General and Secretary Dear Applicant: This will acknowledge receipt of an application dated 10/10/2018 for a permit to use an existing onsite sewage treatment.and disposal system located on the above referenced property. From a review of your completed application, it has been determined that your existing system appears to meet the minimum standards of F.A.C, 64E-6 for the proposed use:_It is approved for use with the plans submitted to:this office.. If this system should -fail, causing an unsanitary condition to exist, steps must be taken to bring: the system into,compliance immediately. Department approval of thesystem. does not guarantee satisfactory performance'for any specific period of time.. Any change in material facts which served, as a basis forissuance of this .approval requires the applicant to modify the permit appltcation, Such modification may result in this . approval being made null and void. issuance of this approval does.not.exempt'the applicant from compliance with other Federal, State,. or Local Permitting requited for development of this property. If you have any questions on this matter, please call our office at (772) 8:73-4931. Sincerely, Dianna May, Environmental Supervisor I Enclosures cc: Florida Department of Health wwW.FloridasHealth.eom in ST. LUCIE COUNTY hyFLA 5150 NW Milner Dr, Port Saint Lucie, FL 34983 CE 0,M eallh PHONE: (772) 873-4931 . FAX: (772) 873-4893 <Vldoh t_ { s St. Lucie County Health Department I � a 5150 NW Milner Dr Port -Saint Lucie, FL 34983 HEALTH PAYING ON: PERMIT ft:56-SF-188379.2 eILLDoc#:56-BID-3996970 CONSTRUCTION APPLICATIONMAP1368285, RECEIVED FROM: Nader Anthony Odeh AMOUNT PAID; $ 35.00 PAYMENT FORM: CREDIT CARD PAYMENT DATE: 1.0/10/2018:. . MAIL TO: Nader Anthony Odeh FACILITY NAME: PROPERTY LOCATION: 12461 S Indian River Dr Jensen Beach, FL 34957 Lot: Block: Property .I D : 4504-234-0002-000-2 EXPLANATION or DESCRIPTION: QUANTITY FEE 139 - OSTDS Application Approval Existing, No Insp 1 $ 35.00 RECEIVED BY: MontanezNM AUDIT CONTROL NO. 56-PID-3767761 -'amva ova P;qqL?X0d.T0.Dtrm (pawn aq gnu 42m T40-L 'TA.9=d Ga�!4;avT.0rq0A .TTa STZO-F:lTpa .17no _,-W,80 IST,01, Ha (Aj.*paag) _xocpo .[ I su-Fead ;D q0 IT .01crem va 5_5 UBTsaju llra,49AS AtrTp.-C:Fna go "Oil D019 E z OR go 9CIAM 4T=rl NOXXV-RaO.991 Wicluilla iSg- ax-mlota 01 SoO.T.1,02ula Lcjb I' ;w �L ;-avus om a.0Rvtsl:cr E M/A a isa 15;9010.*'189 aaa Ov Mqa-vqmVA.v -aamu.s -S.1 :.x7adasr aaflva Srluov Sh lazis IMEazoua :# am txEadoua lao W/M r6� X I . : asxwma ZKOTSZA.TaEW :.Xz)0,M : lorl ..blQlxvwOaAx zmuadplacT ,9XO7; STAO'sa UHH xuomnxvzE;. ffo xo=vuaaisaaD. -puj,:xs kdbau am (x�xjaal;w) cru,%mwici ,. aXaaRvdp :xo :a, alvau;) qvA mos uRt grza- grim ao lROlXvlxM.=Qa EIGIAMET ax Ram ST Z.1. I.SErlMMvMs Valuorl.a. Imt-sq'i, -NO (M) (S.)'SOT"&R­i' .0r.1 xnv_as. mti asnas=% xosxscE v 7,q gax;Dn=SgOD zi.azi-doHlav P,XXV01riadv -do xtMaxqcta-ir 7LEE cla.xa EKQ;) ZEr G.L �.XNVDirjcTcl%7 . *0!A-Q-d UMjj xxetodmajj I i luleumoplxecm [ I avcleclarL E I irtftm 6T4PT.0H C I uxa sits BTzt Sixg ula�sAv AeR f I .11MI-Ea X,0T,1DnXlSXW Wdl NO-147DM&Tv MIMES alva 9:11q MsOiTsma GNT xNEximaill ammas HL115go alYd 91va6 Hmmmu aao zxaxzzvaaa -ON WOOVITa ON