HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVAL - ROOFING UNDERLAYMENT I 7 ( ��yy 5 yn NrJWKI11 y���t M. �. ,. ,; ' �',� �1 � �;It ui�. ,:;,;�+r 7.�• 'r, �. BCIS Home Log in User`Registration Hot Topics 1 Submit Surcharge' 'Scats&Facts TuHilmtions ;"Contact Us '� BCIS Site Map Links .i Sea:rcti Y �rpt c Product Approval 8 USER:Public Us& ProductApyroval Menu 5 Product-or Application Seardi>:Lkp_plication LISt>'Application.Detali .<, z gar + 1 FL`# FL52_59 R33 Application Type Revision Code Version '20'M Application Status Approved Comments FILE y Archived Product Manufacturer POLYGLASS USA 210 Address%Phone/Email 1111 W Newport Center.Drive �� ll�� Deerfield Beach,FL33442 h"11L_Vr�i �j� L�J F03 (9.54)233-1330 Ext 242 malpert@polyglass.com ((''OOE ((;O�VC(I""11�Gl PLOA7 NCE .Authorized'Signature Maury Alpert L�l CE:, j o L �II� II y malpert@polyglass:cdm Technical Representative: TECWREP Address/Phone/Email 1,111 West Newport Center,:Dr ve Deerfield Beach,FL33442 :(8.65)802=8017 uspolj glaisstechnicai@Oolyglass:cohi Quality Assurance'Representative QA REP ' Address/Phohe/Email 1111 West'Newpoft Center Drive Deerfleld,Beach,FL>334.42 (888)410-1375 uspolyglasstechnical@polyglass.com Category Roofing Subcategory 'Uhderlayments Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered'Architect or a Licensed;Florida :Professional Engineer Evaluation Report '.Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or'Architect Name whoAeveloped the;RobertNieminen Evaluation.Report Florida License PE-59166 Quality Assurance,Entity UL LLC Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 12/23/-2023 Validated By John W,knezevich,'PE Validation'Checklist=Hardcopy'.Received Certificate of Independence FL5259 R33 COI 2021-oi COI NIEMINEN:pff Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard :Year ,ASTM'.D1970 2015 ASTM D226 12009 ASTM D4796 '2011 ;ASTM D6163 2015 ASTM D6164 2011 A8TM.D6222 2011. ASTM D6509 2015 FM 4414 201i FRSA%TRI,Sixth Edition '2018 TAs,iW 2020 -UL 1897 20f5. _ Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code Product Approval Method Method i'Option'D Date Submitted 64/07/2021 Date Validated 04/12/2021 Date Pending FBC Approval 04/14/2021 Date Approved 06/08/2021 Date Revised ]0/15/2021 SurhmirV of,Products FL# Model,Number or:Name Description 525%.`ED Polyglass_Roof_Unde'rldy_ments_•Polyglasss roof underfayments fob use in.FBC iiVHZ_jurtsdic[ions:;�1 (HVHZ): Llmits`Of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL5259 R33 It 2021 '04 07 FINAL"ER PLYG UNDERLAYMENTS FL5259- Approved for use outside HVH2:,No R33:(HVHZ_pdf Impact Resistant:N/A Verified By: Robert'Niernihen PE'=59166; Design:Pressure:'N)A: Created by independent Third Party:Yes Other:Refer to ER Section 5 for Limits of.Use. Evaluation Reports' FL52S9 R33 -AE 2021 04 01 FINAL ER '.PLYG UNDERLAYMENTS FL5259-; R33:'fHVHz)-p_df Created by Independert Third Party:Yes' 5259,2 Polyglass Roof Underlaynlents Polyglass mof underlayments,for use in:FBC non-HVHZ jurisdictions, (non�HVHZ) Limits'of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL5259 R33 I1 2021 64 07.FINAL ER PLYG 'UNDERLAYMENTS FL5259 ApproVetl for use outside HVHZ:Yes R33'-(NON-HVHZ),pdf Impact Resistant: N/A Verified'By:RobertNleminen PE-59f66 Design.Pressure: +N/A/-522.5 Created by Independent Third Party;Yes Other..1.)The design;pressure in thls.1p5lication Evaluation Reports relates to one particular Underlayment system for ks259 'R33 AE 202-1 A4 07.,FINAL:ER PLYG UNDERLAYMENTS FL5259 use in tiie roof systerfis. Refer to ER Section 5.8.3 R33(NON-HVHZ)_pdf for other systems and-associated maximum design zreated by Independent Third Party:Yes pressures,2,)Refer to ER Section 5 for other limits of use. ss chi �s��t Contact.Us.;;�2601 Blair Stone Road,Tallahassee FL 323413hone:-850-487-1824 The'state'of Florida Is'an Wmo'employen Copyright 2087-2013-State of Florida .:'Privacy Statement::'Accessibility Statement::Refund statement Undde;Florida lam email addresses ire public records,.If you:do not want,your a-mall"address released fn;response to a public records request;do not..send electronic mail,to this entity:Instead,contact'the'office'by phone arby traditional mail.If you have any questions,please contact850.487A395.*Pursuant to Section 455.275(1)„ Florida Statutes;effective October-P,2012,licensees licensed Under'Chapter455,F.S.must provlde;the'Department with an'email address If they have one.The emalls pravlded.may tie used for official,cornmun(catlon;with the licensee.However erhail addresses are public record.If you do not wlsh to supply a;'persdnal address,•please provide the Department with.an emall address which can be made avallable.to.the public.To determine If you are a licensee under Chapter455,F.S.;please click here. Product Approval Accepts: ,® tCtF l Ciredit Card Safe . DEMO etc. Certificate of Authorization#32455 353 Christian Street,Unit:#13 Oxford,CT 06478 (203)262-9245 ENGINEER EVALUATE TEST CONSULT i -hL .O. Polyglass USA,Inc. Evaluation Report 3m=PLYG-20-FBCER.A-R1 1111 West.Newport Center Drive -FL52S9-R33'(HVHZ) Deerfield Beach, FL 33442 :Date of Issuarice:12/21/2020 (9'41 2$3-1330 Revision 1:04/07/2021 SCOPE: This Evaluation :Report is `issued under Rule k610-3 and the applicable rules:and regulations governing.the :use of construction materials in the State:of Florida.The documentationsubmitted has be.en reviewed,by Robert Nieminen,_P.E. -for use of the product under the Florida Building:-code and Florida Building.Code, Residential Volume. The products described herein have been:evaluated for compliance with the 7th Edition(2020)Florida Building Code sections'noted herein. DESCRIPTION:, Polyglass.Roof Underlaym.ents;for-We. in F•.BGHWZ jurisdictions LABELING: Labeling shall be In accordance with:the requirements the Accredited Quality Assurance:Agency noted:herein and;FBC 1507.1.1. CONTINUED'GOMPLIAII This Evaluation:Report is.valid.until such time as the named product(s)dhanges,:the.referenced Quality Assurance or production-facility location(s):changes, or Code provisions-that relate:tb the product(s)'change. Acceptance of ;our EValuatidn Reports by'the named client.constitutes agreement to notify NEM'O ETC, LLC Of any changes to the-Prod udi(sb the Quality Assurance_orthe pro:ductionfacility location(s). NEMO'ETC;LLC requires a.complete review of its Evaluation Report relative to'updated Code requirementswith each'code Cycle. ADVERTISEMENT:The Florida Product•Approval Number(FL4) preceded'by'the Word`s"'NEMbletc. Evaluated"'may be displayed in advertising literature. if any portion of the Evaluation Report is displayed,then itshall.be done in:its entirety, INSPECTIONc'Upon request, a copybf this entire .Evaluation,Report shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its dist'r.ibutorsand shall be available f&inspection at the job site at'the request of the Building.Official. This Evaluation Report consists of pages 1 through 11,. 'Prepared,by: Robert lk Nlem' oe 4,' men,P.E. �'�c � �a�a The facsimlle'seal appearing was authorized by Rod Nleminen,PE. jS{�`�`�.`�. •on 04/0712021.This does notserye as an electronicallysigned. Florida l2egistrdtion No.59k6 Florida DCA ANE1983 " a��,.,,.,..."' document. CERTIFICATION OF INDEPENDENCE: 1. 'NEMO ETC;LLC does not have;hor does it intend to'acciulre or will it acquire,a:financial interest in any.company manufacturing or distributing products it evaluates.. 2. NEMO ETC,LLC is not owned,operated or controlled byany company manufacturing.or..distributing Ord Licts;it evaluates. 3. .Robert Nieminen,P.E.'does not have nor will acquire,a financial interest in.any company manufacturing-or distributing products for which.the: evaluation reports are being issued. 4. :Robert'Nieminen,P.E.does nothave,nor will acquire,a financial interestin any other entity involved in the approval process of the'product. S. This is a building code evaluation. Neither NE.MO ETC,LLC'nor RobertMerninen,P.E.are,;in any way,the Designer of Record for any,project on which this Evaluation Report,nor previous versions'thereof,is/was used for permitting.or design guidance unless retained specifically for that :purpose: 02019'NEMO ETC,LLC' ONWOIetci.- ROOFING COMPONENT EVALUATION: im Product Category.' Roofing. ;Sub-Category: Underlayment Compliance Statement: Roof Underlayments-, as produced by;Polyglass USA, Inc., have Aemonstrated'compliance with'the following sections:of the`Vil Edit dwpoZ0)Florida Building Code through testing in:accordance with'the following Standards. Cot- liance lS Su p bjectto the Installation Requirements"and Limitations/Conditions of Use set forth'hereiri, 72. .. •. 8ectlon `"Pro "e' Standard Year RAS 115,TAS-110 ,Material standard ASTM'0226 2009 TAS 110 Material"s#anda'rd- ASTM D1970 2015 TAS 110 Material standard TAS 103 2020 TAS 110. I.Wte'r)al'standard. ASTM D6163 201S TAS 110 iMateria.l standard: ASTM-D6164 2011 TAS 110 Material standard' ASTM'D6222 2011 TAS 110 ,Accelerated.Weathering' ASTM D4798 .2011 Entity Examination Reference bate. Entity Examination= Reference' Date. ERD(TST.6049) TAS`114(J) 11757.08.01-1 8/1H/2001 `NEMQ(TST 6049) ASTM'Q1623;TAS.103 45 ICP•18•DO1.O7c18-R1 7/23/2018 ERD.(TST,6049) TAS 114(C) P1740.01.07 1/4/2007; ,NEMO(TST 6049) ASTM D6163 4S_PLYG-18-D02.01r19-A 1/24/2019 ERD(TST 60491 ASTM 01623,'TA5103 P11030.11.09-1 11/30/2009 NEMO(TST 6049) A5TM D6222 45-PLYG-18.002.05:19-C 5/20/2019 ERD(TST 6049) TA5117(a)/TA5;114(C) P11030a1.o9-2 1%30/2009 : NEM'0.(TST 6049) TAS-103 4S-PLYG-18-004:10:19.6 :10 6/2019 ERD(TST 6049) ASTM D4977%TAS'103. ni030.11.09-3 11/30/2009 NEMO(TST 6049) TA5103 45-PLY648-064.10,194 :10/8/2019 ERD(TST 6049) ASTM 01970,D4798 P37300.10.11 10/19/2011 : NEMO(TST 6049) TAS.103, 4S-PLYG-18,004.10.19-L, 10/9/2019 ERD(TST.6049) TAS 103 P46390:08A2.1- 8/6/2012 NEMQ(TST 6049) TAS 103 4S-P,LY6-18-004.1219-F 112/A/2019' ERD(TST 6049) ASTM D1623,TAS 103 P40390:08.12-2 8/7/2012 NEMO(TST 60441 TAS403 41-PLYG-19 SSUDL-D2:A 1/2/2020 ERD(TST 6049) ASTM D1623,TAS 103 C41420.09.12=3 9/11/2012 . NEMO(TST 6049) ASTNI'D1970,D4798 4S-PLYG-18-004.01.20.H 1/14/2020' ERD(T5T 6049) :ASTM D6509 P37590.03.13-1=R1 2/5/2013 NEMb(TST 6049) 'ASTM D1970,D4198 45=PLYG•16.004.01:20.K i/14/2020 ERD(TST 6049) "TAS 114(J) P39680.03.13 3/4/2013 NEW(TST 6049) TAS 103(tile slippage) 45-0,M48=004.d1.20.A 1/16/2020 ERD(TST 6049) ASTM 06164 P3t90.6113-3A 3/6/2013 NEMQ(TST 6049) ASTM 06164 45-PLYG 18=004.01:20:8 1/16/2020. ERD(TST 6049) ASTM D6164 P37590.07.13-1 7/272013 MEMO(TST 6049) TAS103 PLYG-SC15855.05.20.4 5/29/2020 ERD(TST 06491 ASTM 04601 04S946.0.13 9/4/2013 NEMQ(TST 6049) TAS 1o3 4j-PLYG-20-SSUDL-01 1/6/2020 ;ERD(TST 6049) ASTM D1623;TAS 103 P45270.05.14 5/12/2614' NEMO,(TST 6049) ASTM-D6222 4q-PLYG-19-SS1V1BB-05.A -7/23/2020 ERD(TST 6649) ASTM D1623,TAS-103 6020.09.14.6 .9/8/2014 . NEMQ(TST 6049) ASTM D4798,D1623 4j-PLYG49.-SSUDL-OS,A" 9/10/2020 ERD(T5T 6040) TAS 103 P44360.10:14A1 10/7/20i4 . NEMO(TST 6049) ASTM D1970 4j-PLYG-2d-ssUDGo5:A 9/30/2020 "�ERlj(T5T 6649) ASTM D1970,04798 P43290.10:14 10/17/2014- NEMO(T5T 6049) TAS_103 "4)-PLYG-20-SSUDL 05.0 :9/30/2620 ERD(TST.6049) TAS114(J) P39680.0313 3/41ZO13 NEW(TST 6049) TAS log 4j•PLYG-205SUDL41.A 10/21/2026 ERD(T5T 6649) ASTM 61976,64798 PLYG-SC16130.OGA6-1 6/27/2016 NEMO(TST 6049) . ASTM D1970,D4798 4S-PLY648-004.12.191Y :30/27/2620 .ERD(TST 6049) .ASTM D1623,TAS,3o3 .PLYG=5C1o130.06.1g-2 6/27/2616 MEMO(T5T 6049) 'ASTM.D1623,:TA5 103 4p-ICP-20�SSLAP-01.A. 12/15/202D ERD(TST 6049) ?AS 103 PLYG-SC10130.'06.16-3 6/21/2016 NEMO'(TST 6049) ASTM D4798,�D1623 4j,-PLYG-2tj-SSU6L-I3,A :03/02/2021 ERD,(TST 6049) TAS 103(tile slippage) PLYG-SC33040.12A6 12/27/2016 NEMQ(TST 6049) ASTM D1623,TAS 103 4p-ICP-20=SSUDL403.A 03/04/2021 ERD(TST 6049) TAS 103(tile slippage)' PLYG-5C12115.08.17 8/8/2017 NEMO RST'6049) ASTM D1623;TA5103 41-PLYG;20-SSUDL-07.A 04/07/202I ERD"(TST 6049) TAS 103 kk-SC1363S.61.A7 A15141/2617. UL(QUA962S) Quality Control Service Confirmation(PL). A9/13/2018 NEMO-(TST 6049) ASTM,01970 4-PLYG-18,004.03;18 3/29/2018 UL`,(QUA9625%), Quality,cdhtrol Service Confi.mation'(TX) 11/0712019. UL(QUA9625) Quality'Control Florida MIS Current NEW ETC,LLC. Evaluation Report,3m-PLYG-20-F6CER.A-R1 Certl icate ojAuthorizotlon:#31455 47TM EDITION(2020)FBC HVHZ EVALUATION :PL5259-AA3(HVHZ) Polyglass Roof Underlayments Revislor:l:.04%07/2021 Page`2 of,i3 O, NEMO[etc. Product,' Material:5tandard Plants) Descriptlon 4.1 Elastobase rASTIVI D6163 FL Fiberglass=reinforced,SBS-.modified;bitumen base-sheet 4.'2 Elastobase P ASTM D6164 _ ra ' .•FL T.Rolyester reinforced,SBS modified bitumen base sheet 4.3 ElastoflexSG G ASTM I]6164 FL:P-A Polyester-reinfo,rced,,SBS modified,bitumen capsheet TAS`103(partial) 4.4 Elastoflex 56 G FR A5TM D616-4 FL Polyester-reinforced,,SB5-modified bitumen cap sheet TAS 103'(partial) 4.5 Polyflex G ASTM D6222 FL Polyester-reinforced,APP modified bitumen cap sheet TAS'103(partial) 4.6 Polyflex G FR PiSTM-06222 FL +Polyester=reinforced,APP imodified bitumen;cap sheet TAS:103(partial) 4.7 Polyflex SAP ASTM D6222� FL TX y Polyester reinforced,APP mo.dlfied bitumen cap sheeC _ p_ �N _ � _ TAS103'(parti6i) 4.8 Polyflex SA'P:FR. .ASTM D6222 FL,TX 'Polyester-reinforced,APP modified bitumen cap'sheet TAS 103(parfia.l) 4.9 Polystick IR-Xe ASTM D1970 FL,PA;TX Nominal 60-mil thick rubberiied.asphaIt waterproofing mem bran e,.glass fiber reinforced,with an.aggregate surface 4.10 Polystick MTS Plus ASTM D1970 FL,N.V;PA; 'Norrdhal 60-mil thick rubberized asphalt•waterproofing TAS 103 TX membrane,.:glass fiber,reinforced,surfaced with,poly4ilm Surface 4.11 Polystick TU Max A5TM D1970 FL,PA;'TX ' :Nominal 60-mll thick rubberized asphalt waterproofing TA5103- membrane with a 190 g/h2:p-lyester fabrie_sia`rfa"ce 4.12 . Polystick TU P TA5103 FL,PA,'TX Nominal 130-m lthick rubberized asphalt waterproofing membrane,glass-fiberJpolyesterreinforced,with-2 granular :,surface! 4.13 Polystick TU Plus ASTM D1970 FL,PA;TX Nominal 80-mil thick rubberized asphalt waterproofing TAS 103 'membrane,glass fiber reinforced,with-.a polyester fabric Surface 4:14 Polystick XFR ASTM D1970 NV;TX Nomihal 80401 thick rubberized asphalt waterproofing TAS-103 membrane,;glass fiber.reinforced surfaced with a textured filer surface e 5.1 'This is a BuildingCodeE Val uation'. Neither.NEM0 ETC, LLCnor Robert;Niemin''e.n;.P.E.are,:in'any,way,'the Designer of Record for any.project'on.Which this Evaluation Report, or previous Versions thereof,;is/was used for permitting or design guidance unless retained specifically fo.r that'purpose ..2 This:Evaluation Report is notfor use in.FBC Non-High Velocity.Hurricane Zone jurisdictions'(i.e.,outside of Broward and:Miami- Dade Counties).. ;5.3 This:Eyaluatioh Report pertains to above-deck.roof components. Roof decks "and structural members shall be in accordance with,FBC requirements to the satisfaction of the-Authority Having Jurisdiction. 5.4 This Evaluation Report.:does:notinclude:evaluation:of fire classification. Refer to FBC1516 for requirements and-limitations. regarding roof-.assembly fire classification. Refer to FBC 2603,'for requirements and limitations concerning-the use of'foam plastiOnsulatlon. NEMO'ETC,•LLC. t0jiiatiort.Report 3m=PLYG-20-F BCE R.A-R1 Cert(ficate of di iorizdtion#32455 77"EDITION(2020)FBC HVHZ.EVALUATION FL5259-R33'(HVH2) Polyglass.Roof.Underlayments Revision 1:04/07/2021 Page 3of11 1 0-NEMO-fetc. . 5.5 Polyglass Roof'Undee12yrnents may be used with any prepared roof cover wherd the.product is specificallq referenced-withfn FBC approval documents: If not,l(sted,.a request maybe made to.the;Authority'.Ha\ing.Juri§didt16n for approval based on Phis evaluation combined with supporting data for the�prepared'.roof.covering. 5:6 Allowable Roof Covers: TABLE 1: ROOF COVER OPTIONS -TAS 110(510J., TAS 110(S11),.,; FBC Section US 133 TAS 110(S32) RAS 330 RAS•115` RAS 118,119'&'120 Asphalt IClay and.Concrete Tile slate or slate Underlaymertt Metal Wood Shingles Mechanical Attach A.dhesive-Set ;; Type Shingles Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ElastobaseJ .(Alternate to .(asBaseSheet, (as6asesheet, (Alternate to (Altemateto (Alternate to �'"µ DZ26,.TypeJll ,.. .- See;5.8) See 5.8) D_226 Type'.11) D226;,Type IQ 6226;Type li) Yes Yes: Yes Yes Yes Yes Elastobase P (Alternate to (as Base Sheet, .(as Base Sheet, (Alternate to (Alternate to (Alternate to 0226,Type 11) See 5.8) See.5.8) _'DZ26,Type 11) D226,Tyoe 11) 0226,Type Ilj ElastoflexS6G No Yes Yes No No No ElastoflexS6,GFR No Yes ;No No _., No' ;•, - No_. . Polyflex G No Yes Yes No No No (See 5.6.1).. Polyflex G FR No. yet No No.. ... No _ _. :No Polyfiex-SA P Yes'I No Yes No No No. �.___..._ Polyflex SA P FR' No' Yes No No No: No jolystick k4e Yes No No _ No Yes Yes .Polystick MTS.Plus Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes. PolystickTUMax No Yes ISee 5.6:1J Yes No. Yes .. _. Polystl&TUP No 'Yes No No No Yes Polystick TU Plus Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes (See S.6.Sj Polystick XFR Yes. 'Yes No Yes Yes Yes 5.6.1 Adhesive-set the is limited to'Use of the foilowing underlayment/the=adhesive combinations. " "TABLE A /ALLOWABLE UNDERLAYMENT TILE=ADHESIVE C011ABINATION51' Underlaymeht -Adhesive Florida Product.' 4pioval DAP Foarn Iouch'n•Seal Poly'stickTU Max,PolystickTU P oir Poiystl�k TU Plus Storm Bond:'Roof Tile Adhesive" N0A20-0309.05 �Dupont`'fiile'B'on&l Roof Tile Polystick.TU Max.or Polystick TU PIGS Adhesive" FL22525 Oasioflex 56 G,Polyflex G;Polyflex:SA P,Polystick TU,Max,Polystick TU P ICP Adhesives and Sealants NOA 17-0322:03 or,P•oiystickTU Plus' _ _. ''!Polysetm AH-160' _ ICP Adhesives and Sealants PolystickTU Max,PolystickTU P or PolystickTU'Plus' NOA18-0131.02 "Polyset®`RTA-1" I Refer to Tile Manufacturer's or Adhesive Manufocturer's Porido Product Approval for Overturning Moment Resistance Performahce. NEMO ETC,LLC. E%alditloh Report 3m=PLYG-20-FBCER.A-R1 CertlFcate of A"uthdrizodon#32455 7T"EDITION(2020)FBC:HVHZ EVALUATION -FL5259-R33'(HVHZ) Polyglass:Roof Underlayments Revision 1:04/67/2021 Page 4 of 11. O- NEW10)etc. 5 7 Allowable Substrates: TABLE 2: SUBSTRATE:OPTIONS F,ORADHERED UNDERLAYMENTS_ Substrates(designed to meet wind loads for project) Underlayment . :Application` Type. Primer : Material(s) Polystick IR-Xe,;Polystick MTS Plus, Deck' ASTM D41 structural concrete 49olystickTu Max,Polystick.TU:P, self-adhering PolystickTU Plus,PolystickXFR, Base Sheet N/A ASTM D226,:Type,Ilfelt;Elastobase,11astobase:P Polyflex SA P or Polyflex SA R FR Elastoflex S6 G or Elastoflex 56"G r Deck' ASTM.D41 structural concrete h'ot asphalt FR Base Sheet, N/A. ASTM D226,Type 11 felt,Elastobase,Elastobase P Deck ASTM D41 structural concrete Polyflex G;or;Poly'flex.G FR torch-applied Base Sheet N/A Elastobase,Elastobase'P 5.8 Attachment Limitations: Refer to'Section 6 8.9 EkObsure Limitations: TABLE.1•EXP.05URE.LIMITATIONS Prepared Roof Cover Maximum Underlayment _ InstailationType Expos'ure(days)• Elastobase,Elastobase P,'Polyglass G2 Base or POlygla5S Base Mechanically-attached 30 Polystick lR-XL Mec'hanicallyattached 90 Polystick'MTS:P(us,Polystick TU.Max,Polystick TU:P,Polystick TO Plus or,Polystick ' XFR Any type(per Table 1) 180 Elastoflex S6 G,Polyflex G or Polyflex SAP Adhesive set t'iie roof system 180 Elastoflex S6.G,-ElastoflexS6 G FR;!Polyflex G,Polyflex G FR,Polyflex SA P or Mechanically attached UNLIMITED Polyflex SA P FR 5:10 Tile Slippage 1imltatlons:.When.loading roof tiles on the'underlayment in direct-deck tile roof assemblies,the maximum roof slope-shall be as follows, Theseslope limitations:can only be exceeded by using battens during:ioading of the roof tiles, TABLE.4:,TILE SLIPF?AGFi1MITATIONS FOR DIRECT-DECK.TILE INSTALLATIONS Underlayment Tile Profile. Staging Method Maximum Staging Slope Elastoflex 56 G orS6 G"FR Flat or Lugged 6-tile stack(4 over 2) Prohibited without battens Polyflex G or G FR Fiat or Lugged 6-tile'stack(4°over 2) 4:12 Polyflex SA P or SA P`FR Flat or tugged 6-t1le-stack(4-over.2) 4:12 Flat' 6-tile stack(4 over'2). 5:12 Polystick MTS,Plus Lugged 6-tile stack(4 over2) 4:12 Flat 6-tile stack(4 over 2)or 10-tile stack 7i12 Polystick TU Max Lugged 6-tile stack(4 over 2) 7:12 Lugged 10-tile stack 6:1.2 Polystick TU P Flator'Lugged 6-tile stack(4 over'2) 7:12 Flat or Lugged 6-tile stack,(4 over 2) 7:12 Polystick TU Plus :Flat or Lugged 10-tile stack 6:1.2 Polystick XFR Flator`Luggecl' 'Prohibited without battens Prohibited Without battens NEMO`ETC,'LLC. Evaluation Report 3m=PLYG-20-MCER:A-111 ,Certificod of Authorization#32455 7TM EDITION(2020)FBC HVHZ EVALUATION FL5159-R33(HVHZ) Polygims Roof Underlayments Revision 1:04/07/2021 Page 5 of 11 ONEMO LAC. 6A 'Polyglass Roof UnddHayments shall be installed in.accordance with Pol•yglass published instailation;instructions subject to the Limitations set forth in Se.ction:5 herein and the specifics noted below. 6.2 Re-fasten any loose decking panels,!arid:check for protruding nail heads. Sweep'the substrate thoroughly to remove any dust and debris prior to application,and prime the substrate.(if applicable). 6.3 Approved.Assemblies: 6.3.1 Deck Type 1: :Wood,Non-Insulated r Deck Description; Min.19/3Z"plywood•or wood plank System Type ti Onderlay"rnent mechanically fastened to-deck Underlayment: One or more plies of Elastobas.e:or flastobase P with:a minimum 4-inch:side lap and'6-inch end lap, mechanically fastened to`deck, Fastening: FBC HVHZ Approved nails and tin caps(FBC HVHZ 1517.5),6-in6 o.c.at the lap-edges'and 12-4nch o.c. in a grid=pattern.between'the overlaps,. Surfacing: FBC'HVHZ Approved asphalt shingles, metal panels,metal shingles,,slate,slate-type shingles,wood shakes or Wood'sh•ingles: 6.3.2 ;Deck Type Wood,_.Non-lnsulated Deck Descnptioni Mm 19/.32"plywood orvwood_plank ysfem Type E Base�sheet mechanically fastened to deck,underlayment adrered_to_base sheet Base'Sheet One o��mo[e_plies ctJEI st-615 Elastobase.Paor,FBC HVHZ Approved ASTIVI D226,Type li felt with a minimum 4inch.side..la'p and:6-inch end lap,mechanically:fastened to,deck. Fastening: FBC HVHZApproved'nails and tin caps:(FgC HVHZ 1517.5),6-inch o.c.:at the lap-edges and 12-Inch;o.c. in agrid-pattern between the overlaps. , Cap.Ply: Elastoflex 56 G applied in-hot.asphalt or P.olyflex.G'torch-applied:or Polyflex SA_Pself adhering. and back-nailed max.i2=inch o.c:using FBC HVHZ Approved nails and tin caps(FBC HVHZ 1517.5). Surfacing: FBC WHIZ Approved mechanically attached or adheslve-set file roof system. Refer to Table IA.for all'owabletileadhesives and Table 4 for the stagging limitations. 6.3.3 Deck Type 1: . Wood,;Non-Insulated Deck Description: Min,..19/32"plywood or wood plank System Type E: Base sheet mechanically-fastened to deck;underlayrrient:adhered to base sheet Base Sheet: One or more plies of;Elastobase,Elasto.base P or FBC.HVHZ Approved ASTM 0226,Type-11 felt:with a minimum 4-inch side lap:and 671nch zendlap,mechanically fastened to deck.; Fastening; FBC HVHZ Approved nails and tin caps(FBC'HVHZ 1517.5),6=.inch o':c.at'the lap-,edges and l2-in6h o.c. in a,grld-pattern_between the overlaps. Cap Ply: Elastoflex S6 G FR,applied'in hot asphalt'or Polyflex G Mtorch=applied or Polyflexk SA P FR`•or Poly"stickTU;P,.self-adhering and back nailed.max.12 inch oc:using FBC HVHZ:Approved.nails and;fin caps`(FBC HVHZ 1517.5). Surfacing: FBC HVHZ Approved mechanically attached the roof system. Refer :to Table A for :tile 'stagging limitations. NEMO ETC,tLC. Evaluatioti:Report 3.m-PLYG-20=FBCER.A-Rl 'Certi)Icdte of-Authorization#324ss '7-EDITION.(2020)FBC`HVHZEVALUATION FL5259-R33(HVHZ) Foiygiass Roof Underlayrnents Revision 1:04/0712021 Page 6 of it ONEM0 I etC. 6.3.4 Deck.Type 1: :Wood..Non=Insulated Deck Description: Min.19/32"plywood or'�wood plank System Type E: Base_9NuA r echanically:fastened to deck;underlayment"adhered to'base sheet Base Sheet: One orariore plies of:Elastobase, Elastobase P or FBC HVHZ Appr6ved.ASTIVi'D226,Type II felt with a minimum 4-)nch side lap and 6-inch•end la;p,mechan)cally fastened.to deck:. Fastening; FBC HVHZ'Approved nails and tin caps(FBC HVHZ 1517.5) :6-anch o.c.-at lap=edges'and=12-inch o.c. in a'grid-pattern between the overlaps. Cap Ply: Polystick IR-Xe self-adhering and back=nailed max.12-inch o.c,using FBC HVHZ Approved nalls arid tin caps'(FBC HVHZ 1517:5). Surfacing: FBC HVHZ Approved asphalt shingles,slate,slate-type:shingles,wood-shakes or wood shingles. 6.3.5 Deck Type1- Wood ,Non-Insulated l Deck Description: Min.19/31"plywood orwood:plank System Type E: Base sheet mechanically fastened to deck;underlayme.nt adhered to base sheet Base Sheet; One or more plies_of�Elastobase;dlastobase"P or'FBC.HVHZ Approved.ASTM,ID226,Type.11 felt with a minimum 4=inch.side1ap and.6-inch end lap;mechanically fastened to:deck. :Fastening: FBC HVHZ Approved nails and tin caps;(FBC HVHZ 1517.5),'6-inch o,c,.at the lap-edges and 11-inch o.c. in a,grid=pattern between the overlaps. ease.ply (optional).Polystick MTS Plus:or Polystick XM'selfadh'ering.and back=nailed max. 12-inch o:c.using FBC HVHZ Approved nails:and tin caps(fBC HVHZ 1517.5) Cap Ply: Polystick MTS:Plus or'Polystick,kFR;.self-adhering-and back-nailed max.12-nch o.c.'using.FBC HVHZ. Approved"nails and tin caps(FBC HVHZ;15175). Surfacing:. FBC HVHZ Approved asphalt shingles; mechanically:attached tile. rocf:system, 'rrietal panels; rhetal shingles,sl'ate,.slate=type•shingles, wood shakes or wood shingles. Refer to Table 4 for tile,stagging: limitations. 6.36 'Deck Type 1: Wootl'-Non=Insulated �DeckDescription:• ''Mini 19/3Z".plywood.or wood.plank System Type E: Base sheet mechanicallyfastened to deck;:underlayment adhered to base sheet •Base Sheet: -One or more plies of Elastobase,'Elastobase P or FBC HVHZ Approved:ASTM:D22-6,Type ll felt with a minimum 4-inch side lag.and 6-inch end lap,mechanicallyfastened to deck. Fastening: FBC HVHZ,Approved nailsand-tin caps'(FBC HVHZ 1517.5),'6-inch o c;a1 the lap-edges and 12-inch:o.c: :in a grid-pattern between:the overlaps. Base,Fly: ;(Option"al)Polystick MTS Plus or Polystick'XFR,self-adHenng and batik-nailed max. 1'2-inch o.c. using. FBC HVHZ Approved.nails and tin-caps(FBC(HVHZ 1517„5). Cap NY; 'PolystickTU'Max,self-adhering and back=nailed max:12 inch o:c.using FBC';HVHZAppeoved nails and tin caps(FBC HVHZ.1517.5). Surfacing: FBC HVHZ•Approved mechanically attached tile roof system,metal panels_„metal'shingles,wood,shakes .or woodshingles. Refer to Table 4 for tale stagging limitations. NEMO ETC,LLC. Evaluation Report 3m=P03'2o-mak.A-R1 Certi#1cate:dfAuthor1zat1on#j2455 7-EDITION(2020)FBCHVHZ EVALUATION FL520-M3(HVHZ) Polygiass Roof Underlayments ,Revision 1:04/07/2621 Page 7 of.11 I---------- 0, 'NEM16jett. ti.3.7 Deck,Type 1:' :Wood;-Non-Insulated a DeckDescription: Min.15/32'plywood or wood'plank. System Type E> Base sheet mechanically fastened to deck;underlayment adhered;to base sheet Base Sheet: 'One or more plies of Elas'tobase,.Elastobase P or.FBC HVHZ Approved.ASTM,D226,Type II felt with a -minimum 47inch side lap:and:6-inch end'lap,mechanically fastened to deck. Fastening: FBC HVHZ Approved'nails and tin.caps(FBC HVHZ 1517 5),6-inch o:c.at the.lap-edges and i2-inch mt. In a grid-pattern.betweenthe-overlaps: Base.ply: (Optional)Polystick NITS,Plus or Pblystick:XFR,self-adhering.`and back-nailed max-. 12-inch'o.c. Using FBC HVHZ Approved nails'and tin caps.(FBC HVHZ 1511.5) Cap Ply'. Polystick fu Pids,self.-ad(ering'arid.back=nailed max.:l2=inch o.c using.FBC HVHZ Approved nails and tin caps,.(FBC;HVHZ151T.5): Surfacing: FBC:HVHZ Approved asphalt shingles,.mechanicall.y attached the roof system, metal'panels, metal shingles,.wood-shakes or wood shingles.. Refer.to Table 4 for:tile stagg ng'limitations. 6.3:8 DeckType:1; Wood;Non-Insulated Deck Description: Min.19/32"plywood or wood plank System Type'E- Base sheet mechanicallyfastened to deck;underlaymentbdhered'to base sheet 'Base Sheet: One or more,plies'of:Elastobase,Elastobase•P or FBG HVHZ Approved ASTIVI'_D226;Type.11-felt with a minimum:4-inch.slde'lap�and 6-inch.end lap,mechanically fastened to deck. Fastening: FBCHVHZ;Approved nails and tin caps(FBC HVHZ 1517.S)i6-inch o.c.at the lap=edges and:12-inch•o:c, in a.grid pattern between the overlaps. Base Ply: (Optional):Polystick MTS`Plus; self-adhering and back=nailed max: 12=inch o:c. Using FBC HVHZ Approved mails and tin icaps(FBC HVH21517:5) Cap Ply: PolystickT.0 Max or PolystickTU Plus,,self-adh-ering_and back=na'iied inax.12=inch o.c..using FBC HVHZ Approved:nails and:tin,caps(FBC HVHZ 1517.5). Surfacing:, FBC HVHZ Approved adhesive-set tile roof system.Refer to Table 1A for ailowable'tile adhesives and Table.4for'tile stagging'dimliations. 6:3.9 Deck Type 1:' Wood'Non-insulated. Deck'Description: Min.19/32"plywood orwood;plank System Type'E; Base sheet mechanically fasfened-to deck,•underlaymeni.adhered.to base sheet- Base Sheet, One Or more plies Of Elastobase Or Elastobase P with of orilinimUm'2-inch side ia,p'and 6-inch end lap,. mechanically fastened tO deck. Fastening: simplex MAV Cap Fastener,(NOA 18-1227'.05),,9-inch-o.C.at the lap=edges and 18-Inch o.c.in two(2) equally spaced;staggered center rows: Cap Ply; E16stoflex:S6 G:applied in hot asphalt or Polgflex.G.torch-appiied` and back-nailed max, 12-inch o.c.,using IFBC HVHZ Approved nails and tin caps(FBC HVHZ 1517 5). Surfacing; FBC HVHZ Approved mechanically attached or adhesive-set tile roof,syste'm. Refer.'to:Table 1A for allowable tile:adhesives'and Table 4 for'tile stagging,limitations. NEMO ETC,ilut Evaluation Re_port 3m=PLYG-20-FBCER.A=111 Cerrificate ofAutharizotion'#37455 7-_EDITION(Z620)FBC HVHZ EVALUATION FL5259-1133(HVHZ) Polyglass Roof Underlayments Revision 1:04/07/2021 Page 8 of11 _ ;NEMO I etco 6.3.10 De4.Type-1' Wood,Non=Insulated Deck Description* Min.19/32"plywood orwood plank' System Type'E: Base sheet rnechanicallyfastetled to deck;underlayment'.odhered to base sheet Base Sheet;. One or more plies.Of Elastobase or Elastobase P 1Nith al.minimum 3-Inch Sideiap and'6 Inch:end,lap, mechanically fastened to deck-. Fastening: Simplex MAXX'Cap Fastener(NOA 18-1227:OS),8=inch io:c:at the lap-edges and Virich'o.c.-in three(3) equally spaced,staggered;center rows. Primer: PG1oo or ASTM D41 primer applied to stress plates 'Cap Ply: Polyflex.SA P,self-adfier_ing•and back-nailed max 12-Inch o:c,_using FBC HVHZ Approved nails.and tin caps.(FBC HVHz s17.5). Surfacing; FBC HVHZ,Approved mechanically attached or adhesive=set tile, roof:system. Refer to Table 1A for allowable tile-adhesives and Table 4 fortile stagging(imitations. b 3.11 Deck Type i!. Wood' Non-Insulated Deckpescriptlon Mlh:19/32'`plywood or wood°plank . System Type E: Base sheet mechanicaliy.fastened'to;deck,un.erla.yment adhered to:base sheet, Base Sheet; One or more pl)es of:El'astobase or Elastobase P with a miri)mum.2-Inch side lap and-6-inch end lap_; mechanically fastened to deck. 'Fastening: Simplex'MAXX Cap fastener{NOA 18=1227.05),9-inch o c.atahe;lap=edgesand 18-Inch o:c.in fwo,(2). equallyspaced,staggered center roves. Ca.p Ply:' Elastoflex S6.:G FR applied in hot.asphalt or P.olyflex'G FR torch=applied and back-nailed max,12-inch o.c using!FBC HVHZ Approved nails.and'tin,caps:(FBG HVHZ 'Surfacing: FBC WHZ Approved.mechanically attached wile roof:system. Refer to'Table 4 for tile. stagging limitaf'ions. 6:3.12 beck`Type 1;' Wood,:Nbh-Insulated'• Deck Description: Min.19/32",plywood orwood plank System Type E: Base sheet mechanically fastened to.deck; underlayment;adhered to ba'se,sheet BaseSheet: 'One,or more plies-of Elastobase or Elastobase Vwith a minimum 3-inch side:lap and'64nch end lap, mechanically fastenedto deck. Fastening; 'Simplex MAXX Cap fastener(NOA 18=1227.05),8-inch o.c.at the lap=edgesand 8-inch o.c,in three'(3) equallyspaced,staggered center rows: Primer: PG00 or,ASTM D41'primer applied to stress plates Cap;Ply Pbllyflex:SA PFR or PolySt'ickTO P,self-adhering,self=adhering'ontl back-nailed max.12=1nch_o.c,using !FBC HVHZ Approved_nails and tin caps'(FMc HVHZ 15v.S). Surfacing: FBC HVHZ.Approved mechanically .attached tile roof;system. Refer to Table 4 for'file stagging -limitations. NEMO ETC,LLC: °Evaluation Report 3rn-P.LYG-20=FBCER A-R1 Certijicare of Autborimfion p3245s 7-EDITION(2020).FBCHVHZ EVALUATION FL5259-1133("HZ) Polyglaes'Roof Underlayments Revision 1:04/07/2021 156ge,9 of 11 *_, NEM0 ett. 6.3.13 Deck Type 1: Wood;Nori-Insulated . ,Deck Description: Min.,19/32"plywood orwood plank 'System Type E: Base sheet mechanically fastened to deck;.underlaymeni adhered to base sheet 'Base Sheet: One or more;plies`of Elastobase;,Elastobase P felt with a'min'imum 8-in.ph side lap.and &inch-end lap, rriechahically.:fastened to deck. Fastening: Simplex'MAXX Gap Fastener(NOA18-1227:05),8-in6h o.c,at the lap-edges and 8-1nch o.cAn three(3) equally space.d,staggered.center rows. ;Primer: PG100`or ASTM-D41 primer applied to stress plates :Base Ply: (Optional) Polystick:NITS Plus or'Polystick XFR;selWclherin.g_and back=nailed max. 1.2=inch io.c. using FBC HVHZ Approved nails and tin caps(FBC HVHZ 1517.5) ,Cap Ply: Polystick MTS Plus•or,Polystick XFR,-self-adhering and back-nailed max.124nch o.c.,using'FBC HVHZ Approved nails and tin caps(FBC HVHZ 1517:5). .Surfacing: FBC HVHZ Approved asphaltshingles, mocha nically'attached'tile roof system, metal panels,'metal shingles,.slate,'slate-type shingles, wood shakes.or wood shingles.'Refer-to Table 4 for the stagging limitations. 6.3.14 Deck Type 1: Wood,Non=lnsulated ,Deck gescrptio.n: Min.19/32";plywood orwood:plank System Type E: Base sheet•mechanicallyfastened to deck;underlayment,adhered to:base sheet Base Sheet: One or more plies of Elastobase;Elastobase P or FBC.HVH2-Approved ASTM D226,Type Il felt with a minimum 4=inch side lap and 6-inch end lap, mechanically fastened to deck: 'Fastening: Simplex MAXX'Cap Fastener:(NOA 1&1227:05),-8-inch o.c.at the'lap=edges and 8-inch o.c.in"three(3) equally:spaced,staggered center rows. Primer: PG100 or ASTM D41 primer applied to stress plates' Base Ply: (Optional.)'Polystick MTS Plus or:PolystickXFR,self=adhering and back-nailed.niax. 12=inch ox.-using FBC HVHZ Approved nails and tin"caps(FBC HVH215175) -Cap Ply: PolystickTU.Max,self-adhering and back-nailed max:12 inch.o:c.using FBCHVHZApproved nails and tin caps'(FBC HVHZ 1517.5). Surfacing: FBC HVHZApproved•rhecha'nicallyattached the roof system,metal panels;.metal shingles;wood shakes or wood'sh'ingles. Refer to Table 4'for the stagging limitations. 46:3.15 DeckTy0e.1C Wood Non=Insulated Deck Description: Min.19%32"plywood or wood plank Systern'Type E: Base sheet inech'anically fastened to-deck;:underlayrrient.adhered to base sheet Base Sleet: One or more plies.of Elastobase;Elastobase P or.FBC HVHZ Approved ASTM.D226,Type ll felt:with a minimum 4-;inch side'lap and'67inch end lap,mechanically fastened to.deck: Fastening: 'Simplex MAM Cap'Fastener'(NOA 18=1227.05),8-inch..o.c.at the,lap-edges and�8rI 'h.o:c.in three(3): equallyspaced,staggered center rows. Primer: PG100 or;ASTM D41 primer:applied to stress plates Base:Ply: (Optional) Polystick NITS:Plus or Polystick X'F,R;self-adher'i'ng•and back-nailed max. 12-inch 6-.id. using FBC HVHZ Approved nails and'tin.caps(FBC HVHZ 1517;5) Cap Ply: Polystick.TU Plus,self-adhering and back-nailed max,124nch-o.c:using.FBC HVHZ Approved nails and. 'tin caps;(FBC HVHZ 1517.5). Surfacing: FBC HVHZ.Approved asphalt shingles; mechanically attached tile,roof system, metal panels, metal shingles,wood shakes'or wood shingles.. Refer to'Table 4 for tile.stagging limitations. NEMO ETC,LLC. Evaluation Report 3m=PLYd-204BCER.A=Ri Cerlijlccte ofAuMori2atton N324ss 7`4 EDITION(2020)-FBt HVHZ EVALUATION FL5259 R33:(HVHZ) Polygiass Roof Unierlayments Revision 1::04/07/202Q Page 10 of 11 O.. ,Nwo(_etc: 6.3:16 DeckType i, Woo, A o n=lnsulated, _ De.ck.Description: Min..19%32"plywood-or wood plank System Type`E: Base sheet mechanically fastened`to deck;underlayment-:adhered to:base sheet Base Sheet: .One or more(plies of'.Elastobase;Elastobase P or FBC HVHZ Approved ASTM!D226,Type h felt with; ininiftiuni 4=inchside lap'and'6-inch end`lap,`mechanicallyfastened to:deck. -Fastening, Simplex,MAXX Cap Fastener(NOA 18=1227,.05),8-inch,ox.at the.Jap=edges and 8-inch o:c.in three(a) ,egaally spaced;staggered center rows. Primer: PG100.or ASTIM 041 primer applied to stress plates BasePly: .(Optional) P.olystick MTS Plus, self=adhering 'and back h5iled max. 12-inch ox. using TBC HVHZ Approved'nails'and tiri'caps(FBG H.VHZIS11:5) Cap'Ply: Polystick T.0:Max or;P61yst1ckTU Plus,self-adhering and,back.;nailed max,1-2-inch o:c:,Using FBC HVHZ Appeoved'nailsand tin caps(FBC HVHZ 1511.5): Surfacing: FBC HVHZ.A'pproved adhesive-set the,roof system:Refer to Table==1A'for allowable file adhesives and Table 4for'tile stagging limitations. 6 3.17 Deck`Type 3: _` Structural concrete,non insulated Deck Description: -Min-.2;500 psiatructural cohcfete ,System Type F:: Underlayment adhered Primer ASTM D41 Underlayment: Elastoflex S6:G applied.lin hot asphalt-or Polyflex 6 torch=applied or Polyflex SA P,,self-adhering Surfacing:. FBC,HVHZ Approved adhesive-set file fgof system.`Refer to Table 1A.for:allowable the adhesives and. Table 00r tile stagging,lim(tations: 6.3'.18 Deck Type 3: ; Structural concrete,non Deck Description: Mina2,500 psi•structural concrete Systerii`lype`F: Underlayment adhered Primer'. ASTM D:41 Base Ply. (Optional) Polystick NITS Plm,,self-adhering Cap'Ply: Po1ystIck TU.Max or Pol.ystickTU Plus,self-adhering Su'r`facing: 'FBC HVHZ Approved adhesive-set file roof system. Refer to Table 1A for!allowable tile adhesives and Table 4'for the stagging limitations. As required'by the Buil ding'Ciffidal or Authoriity:Having Jurisdiction to properly evaluate the installation of this product. Contact the named'QA entity-.for:manufacturiingfacilities covered by F.A.C.KuWe 61G20-3 QA.require'ments. '.Refer to Section 4 herein for products.and.productionvocations having met'codified material standards. QUALITY Ut.LLC—QUA9625;(414)248=6409;;Karen buchrnann@ul com. END OF EVALUATION'REPORT,- NEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Repoit,3m-PLYG-20-EBCER.A=R3 Certi/lcate o/Authorizatiop N32455. 7TH EDITION(2020)FBC HVHZ EVALUATION.- FL5259=R33'(HVH2) Polyglass Roof Und&14a ments Revision 1:04/07/2021 Page 11 of 11