HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVAL - MODIFIED BITUMEN ROOF SYSTEMS s stti FFcvr±e F1ry Lcs [YT F;: '+SJr [�•7aza s s,L a- SLIM-m ry Sta�S 6 �5 �t,'.7rcZt:e= C�>•f£ as - 3:35 5t Y.c� LiYYS 52?r[at ` bci / I Product Approval PM(jUa ADDro'lal Menu>Procia cr Ap L'�,I!Qn�>Agoiii3tlon LN >Agjp -= Cods ° �Ert 2020 m stam FILE C®PY Arenive[1 Product P9atrtr actvaPr POLYGLASS USA ' 4'SC''Zj," i3PiF�e�'nvCv?.�3 �'..i�.�r�Jtr7k:GC.� g6E`Y'P_ Deerfield Beach,EL 33442 (95-4)2333-1-4 Eat�42 ' I Authorized-Sign luM Usury AFpect anaipert@polyglass.com TectimCal ReXeSentative TECH REP III IT a'd----9.E�t C Br_e1rs�a near ieid Beach,FL 33"•'Z (8E6)802-9017 tL�61}f' e.�St�t e47T� NoNglass-cIIm AddresslPhone/_ma's1 1111 West Newport Center Drive fi? Headar.EL 33442 (SS5)410-1375 uspotygiasstechnical@polyglasscom Category Roofing r Writ�7 ia,Y..c iw:.t ec3 E:-37isc"1flfi Report fmam a`,F-1-ida 13t�iSTE:c�'s Architect w a Urens—ed Sonda Professional Enginmr Eva°.12hon Repe.M-l-L=Ydcx7,;7 R,osida Era�eQr or.A,r lit Eae wha dew-e aped the ftb rt Meminert Rurida L€ceas PE-59166 Qualcrf � Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 11/07/2022 �"3iid� d Sy John.Wf Knezei:ich,PE Validation Checklist.-llardcopy Received Certificate of Independence FL1654 R2R COI 2n21 ni COI NIEMINEN cd Rererenced Standard and Year(or Standard) Standard Year ate'-M 63r 2DI2. 11.917.1€489; 2GG9 AST"M162 2015 AS M Df.163 201S A��1 D6164 i 2011 AS UM 5-16222 2Lq-1 ASTM D6509 2015 • I httpsJ/flvrid'vuitdn�.csefprfpr app 4d-asps!param=«vGEVY�atDgTgqu21v-,2lmF,-I-f^'_>p-6pK.AbnncsBui;iPJl3EK2tviTzRrl°.i3da3rI 1/2 ° i ASTM G155 2fF13 FM 447Q 2Glo FM 4474 1Y UL 1897 2012 I EgWvatercce of ProduG Standards €a-bf' Sectares frc,`a the Eek� i 0-,e Subr rst.Etf d €S Cfyi`2022 Date Validated 06114f2021 U e P.-�:[d<crg rBC kgmz fi 3 6202t Date Apprcwec OS110/2421 Summary of Products FL* ;n ec ll nr rgmrr.i� i 1654.1 ---— Fc�5u3ass&lfr & w styltea€ S65 and Ra'rriedified biiumert systems jurisdicliwis. j I %a�asr ¢�for t§ler :Ito - Isxs .as I l i ,pip [ 2021 06 09 FINAL Al ER pG MOOBiT FL1654-, Approved far use c ube ide HVHM yes R28.nodr I i i I.as:g'3.="e+.�:�s8�is.A j Werffl-t F-y-Rzberti t#eri ;C r t--^ 15�zc I Design Pressure:+NjAf-622-5 y Created r of�i?.�£ 37-is'S'ii `P4•k'r J:Yes I toil'er:l-j T.'I--.dz--Ign^pF z;sk £e e24 ttizs applicatirrr:fVlams Evalualae n RO#zoris i i c cz ass--ma;r rnarm ccc cszck-R.zfc-ta the FL1654 R28 A,E2021 06 09 FINAL ER PG MODBrr FLT654- ER Append%for other systems and deck types-2_)Referta!R28-p3 Smear,5 for ou,s Y i^Fi3s c f 3.)Refer M.i-16717 Creates by L rdepend_M 7¢tiTd Ply:Yes i F Csvltact US::Z 01 Blair S.an2 Rnad.Taiiahassc FL 328a�F Pgene�850-48. -S.24 I_. Aw`;�E�G_-nvs_£ a�S,T�+�S'�r.EFcrira_:-:E;i.Z dS�^'as?::, Eusaer 90,,[a I=.emir addr--5_e e Pam fecm*-If y+u d4 not neat yru:e-mail 8ddr-v r4ease,in r:,i sm 0 a 1-x-ecrds request,sa,rrt sand eleWcnic mattt--t ze�-141 kmuz-=LG-a---eZZ"ti tf:rcr--e RYMN 'e a"C3'f'' >5� �i.te'iCCate.cis 5��6LL5Lu..s'Tw'S�8'T4 St41'. ETasiB��:�.. m.`�.."i�a '433.%•cr�zsens t4:es�i:.-�'1.:�.w^�°'1�'�,-.ES.rst.�r�lr�Qc�:staa�a&�arPml�.e',:�E ivijr.�,�r'��q'�.zrm�ne_??�.efr.Lit> p.rd may be e,s d for tr al comm,urimtm with the hm sec.kiawever eras)addre�.M are pW tc remrd.Sf you do:M wish to suPD'y a pszrp3 address,VPBe e fsszxde dle cepa-ta'.srt sXIh err email retdr-&cbA:h ran be irone aswal-)Y'w M prft`=-To dEmm)Me tf w',are a kh:Esee wmtr Gogle 455,ES.,T-1—e drec here. Cre(V Card 4 -tip w, I I i I 'zit _ _ I I I I Certificate ofAathrA.mtion 432455 uf4 ir�D3�25-2-9245 353 L-hristian Sere ,Und 413 Oxford,CT 06478 ENGINEER EvALUATE TEST CONSULT i Volyglass USA,Inc, l valusiki6 Rep=P9M.07- -tR2S„- 1111 West Newport Center Drive FL1654 it28 _ a,. r Deerfield Beach,FL 313442 (95r3)233-3330 Revisica 2S"06I09J2021 SCOPE: This E-jskrarmn Repwt is iss,sL-J under FALLe 63 and Om appkaWe rules and reVulations-gpL-Emireg the use of construction materials in the State of Florida.The documentation submitted has been reviewed by Robert Meminen, ls.E.fOs use of the product ender the Florida guifdi a Code. The product descrihed lT�e�n has been eva€rsased for compliance with the T°Edition(2020)Florida Building Code sections noted herein. p'fSi�tTti 1°ol'ygt��tlsied�'�tsnrer;.,RSystQ�ns�r�se,sra¢BC.n -1�'�J}#2 jurss� r?.s L Amy Labeling shall be in rdance-wkh the remjilewteyas.of tie Ac-aedited Qtaa Assurano--Agency noted herein- Co•nrnit C_ PLMUCE:3 his E7a-e.0 tiCn Report is Vakld URtil SUCK tiMe as the named Fia changes,the reaerenced Quality Assurance or production facility locations)changes,or Conde provisions that relate to the product(s) change. Pxceptrance of our Ev-aluatkm Repons by t�e wetted cWent constitutes ar eement to no DEMO ETC; iiC of any changes to the product(s),the Quality Assurance or the production facility location(s). MEMO ETC, LLC requires a camypsete M, of im Evahlatim, Report rdatn-e to updazed Cie requrr egne=vi+ih eaEh Wle Cyr Amaats€mEw:The Florida Product Approval Number(FLti) preceded by the words "NEMOIetc. Evaluated" may be disp%y^ed in advertising literature- tf any portion of the Rraluation Repmt Ins alisp y!ed, shall dame in its entirety. 8w'r _Upan rqueft,a cWj of this entire Evaluation.R shall be provided to the ct=er lyt the manufactuver or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. This Evaluation Report consists of pages 1 through 5,plus a 98-page Appendix. Fb ida Registr&Vcn No S-91K d t`+ADHda M AMEZ983 .�'v„: '` Ctie rrirres%t.E an[2 tC392�Z3_Ties ck is�rt zr e�z s Q.E!YC*rFtRZFI?t7(WWDEvSR�.. I_ NEM0 ETC,LC does trot have,nor does it intend to acquire or vol)it acquire,a€rrandal interest in Ly company rnanufactudng or 2- NEMO ETC,LLC is not owned,operated or cordrolled by any company manufacturing or distributing products it evaluates 3- Reheat Mem n,F s imp nor eccr,&E a fi arz#1--truest in a�,r s€r a�rr��rasr w-�Cr c,�st zrds�qz e�er€ts for tahth the evaluation repos5 are!ping issued. 4- Rif?5 nmq,P F-Boas nvL iave,no apse,a town—1 wzteq-�in ES-4 alkeT a2,'4`tt$ sa the appMV&process of the pmdact. 5_ ihis is a buflidirg code evakaton. Neither NEM0 ETC,,LLC nor Fzhert Nlemirsen,P.E are,in any way.the Designer of R---,jrd far any iu '£on wlkh Ws€vah2=n Report,cr p us veritow tires,s w--s used far pe vm—k ft or ahEo ggmla a ram- rz-sa;,Ded SPECI Ealltr for that P+srPOSe- 0201s,n-okla-CTC,@-f C i I NNEMOletc. sub-categolw Maarified Bitumen Roof Systems compEarnce Staternerat. posiglass r-Aodfr6 B-i8umeern Roof SVsteM, as pro,_ur-ed at Panlygl-s USA, frat-, have demonstrated comp lance with the fb[Wwing sectiom of the 71 Edition(2020) Florida Building Code through testing inacccwdaaw wfth the ao Ang Standards_ f esmprrance€s sbbje�t to flee lnstidI%-i RegaA-es-semts and Limitations(Conditions of Use set.forth herein- e •e 1504.31 Wind resistance FM 4474 2011 2504.3.1 Wfnd res s n ce UC M7 2012 1504.6 Accelerated weathering ASTM G155 2013 25faB4.7 & sr� F`v'4470,sectiaa4� M16 1507.10.2 li'rater-ral standard ASPii+1 D4601 20k2 1507-10.2 €fia--feria5 Standard AS PO D4847 2009 j 2W,11.2 tzte;ial standard ct5TW-1 D5:52 2015 1507.11.2 M-oterial standard ASTM D61 B 2015 i507.11.2 )')a'-rtal scan`lard ASFM D5164 2011 1507.11.2 Material standard ASFM D6222 2011 1 = �€eiirad g'sa ETzI 2kYT15 ErsLi twin Reference Date_ Erb Ei®m ;Releerenfe..:-- "II2�e - - - +-� E 5'- :.4 ??�6e sue' aSS7-i S��sv�°da37 Esii;asFlfr�T FRs t47a s 7� 71WIM4 EnFt{'tSGE1;5 FB;x i 7E'j4v7-0 €1K--Ci�:+iS�s..r.,.17-i i/3��d=r F�*1T�Yj-F286�' EM4W4474 Ego I TST6049) FM 44711f4474 P137G0119.M 9/10f2D09 EM(T571E67) FM 4470/4474 5113MS 312012006 EFi£4(35rFMS; F10T4471 Td ERVUST5049) FM4470/4474 030551112.6}9 W21200 FIVIUST1867) FM447014474 M30663 911212007 E3.n."'W'W47) RA4'1?D14474 F3c-nAm3xx 3/15flq'23. FAIUSTIW.71: FW+r 44711Z 17Z 6f.3477 3 l3MkT ice) M163 Mr-L 311V2Q11 RAJIMIZE71 EM44-10,4444 3a-a ,{a1/z114 ER0(7ST6049) D69 P37-90MJ3-1-Ri 2/5/2033 FtA{)ySM7) FM447 2/2/2017 014474 51a79 &-R. �i3''s'L� B pz=-S'.EB.F�c?`.�3 21x-7 �r 'rmuso-�ssrp! M44-'�i' z9T=v' },—11U FRO(T5660&"9) C6222 21b/2M 7m{Tsn-&6`} RA447a 39icFY SP7R0M E,BrBT5049) Fi94470/4b74 i 36313 3/41ZD13 FM[BT2867) FM4470 3=va 1/13/2004 c12�#kS'-7%-9 3wmzzl ffir i y p�*S �rix�*��"r�� Eg:3tF328 Efil) ar 5f S36Y64F6YS5 Fs3s�AD.23Y v�2jF4V33 Cii4ccY. } cBS tt 1L>tc� �rz: k3piT1AM's EFD(159MS) EL1447014474 b I£37Li.13 816j2M3 kTMO UST6M) Cc6cetity aSAI.YG18401.10aS 3DI31203S Fula(4Tf-:9) 0 4ffl1 P4S;1 . 23 3/4/2!r 3 WEN IC, 3i D43937 - sc-a .is-ar 2 n[--Yv2TJ2 ERD tTSr6043) D4+6D1 F"70.1EUS 10/4/2013 MEMO(s-iGGI 3) FM4474 .--7Lg 1Sa"C3.1339 UaFJ201E ERD UST6049) 05363 fra64P_M F332 as M4 3/8/AM P-WD(i5T60"") D6164 4S-F GS&04231a3-3 33JIS/2018 Ele'CDgb:aT `( 0.5'ft'Vlz"� s� -.4 l�AI-1-4 (Psasus�; ���.� ����� �T 79 ERD-'STSO49) M447014474 SE61&f.11.14 IVID/2VIA NEVIO fYST6049) 65163 1f24fM9 ERI)rW6049) Q vatGT55 p:54COSCEP-15-1 31311.2015 NFARAO -16&1% OW52IM55 V25f2019 E wtv-.T6 1 cuts E2 r'454P�35-1•F.I. %132f2vz 3i3ti MYGM crzw57 5 Z1m-2-9-!U1T-tL% 2-s'E9 ERD i-MFG 99) D6162 Sc3MASAS 5/8/ZU2+ WW UST6049) FM 443 4LPLW-U-Ta02.FSA 418/i0I9 EPD OREM,% P44474 sna=G5.3s SjLqPW3 VMG f 35T6W) Ma LS Ft�SFiY24a�8 5�3/2S))9 F;(Wags) Dcun s31-F,35 VZ/23720111 U340,r57 63) 04=/CLSS SJu7mq ERD}TST6049) FM 4470/4474 scrossis 4/1/2D1s NESAO M76049) Ds£Z2/MISS is FiTG 12s 0U s 19-a S120/2019 M(FS5049) F1Fs44M,4474 W27AM fm ) DWA 4snv&m-r�a..=7: 5/31Jz019 magtts."A4% rM14TMA-G-4 r21vs -r_S..G,SS�2 VVAME `=Yzvlarff3Tfiz�r,.�i G%.'�--�S:F ER13p5T6049) R41447014474 PL'.'G-SaOnS.0716-R1 9/23/2016 KEMOtM6049) D6164 s=Lc'.s zasisa 9/6/2819 ERUffjSi6IIrII2 7.0iP2Z1@ - W:mafTST&j4* D6164eCass •+. -�sw:-MIrl.1 91W1014 EP38OSSW.3 FlE4;,c3 a: c - 35 1Pj3 j2r_a- 0&'3:'MF-G-RW4s) FW44;PV -- sC.t;- :. 3Z)ax'•2fl4L9 ERD OST6049) FM 4470/4474 3f17/2017 MEMO(7S76D49) D4602 32/13/2019 EEDt''S'rM4S) FA9A-470Pti'-'4"A [E-&5'1 9Wn5-U vnq-n7 HEW00536" D6264 4t442?r-e9.aeaaassime 1/2j2020 FS;i?li5r 5) R444711-474 57F-IWcP'S.7 !090 CeMAT BU154;aur, £yfLv�T3 3�1Pts E 20 ERD(6T6049) FM 447014474 its-S[ur�t317 9/i1/2017 KWO(TST6049) D62-Z2/GSSS 4a-Fur-19-sso-•3Bs45a 7/2312020 FiSr4f43:Y -a ERh4)S:i3 ��'.bTT.,4,27.?6, �".12`39QC +'+"EAi'DUSTFOCIM FM4'W Sa-FiCr3�, F;(3'd FAQ Fdr4 f'GStI95T l3,9CSZ'e '�*.X9.�:3 Q.t;2}'�'�'7 !ti5YEfFf'SsF�Td.�§ 1�L'?jt€t4 �?E'+�eT�39tiFF5{5:�:.',. lY�`�"'.u72C0 RA UST1867) FM 4470 2Da32AM 11/Z L%S NFBRO JT5T6049) D61.64 4q+1YG-20-SN%%HE.s4A 10/21/2020 MEMO ETC,LLC ` i Crififirc-afAui3esz ticn#3rS5 7-1 EDITION(ZD201FBCNON-HVHZEVALUATION FL1654-R28 paga2ays NEMO etc. Exam RdemMe paste . . Fat M rz 8 w) Fi,F4,1-M tea, %a Ei2#"_s WWA FFT.447a rM(TsT126-) FM 4470 3006546 114/200 NUAO(TS WQ) criticality c w�Yb u iswus�n a s,7/zu23 eiveytST`5 fj F3?:`74} 3MCS57 Eti�T�£'Cz FPS(TgT�isF) TL IV, rs: _CZL� Zf 2�27 FrAt'ST1667) FNT4470 B9043SI V12l7ciW t:Rs(ism ism) TASn4 PLEA-LI-5-CZ-02 FM(T5T1367) FM 4470 3W1113c ZILS12M F'Rt(TST5878) TAS 3-14 xra-M-02-03 218/2017 F$ (5 x0 RU4473 37D i5' SM-42em prquam TA5224 1, �,�n SvTzle�i7 Ftt9(T5178b-/) FLT4M 35TZarn 7 tuna FffiMVsMF 7AS'n4 FdSA-Zaz-m<a 5t17tz6s7 CM(sT3867) W rife M14S1 SrAt o .r€r(CFR15521 pFop-FEE RLw. 17_ ems; €? 71. �itrcz7Ti8 3es�Es• 6)''-.i�.s'.� M talk� t5) Qa2cy£n=E �.ec-ram 5f7.3 asiS U1(QUA95251 Qa3vtYCmy'vai F-Lb6M Gnrent ••W t • TWs Eva!uafcn Rem covers Mygc m l G&Beed ffiftmeri Roof installed in accordance wirth PWVglass USA,Inc.pub isbed€nstal;atiar in-st tc lons and the @i nka iaons)`Can 4$iorks of€Jse lese�n. Material Standard We F g PoW)ass G2 Base ASTI M D4691 it t N/A AL t€t pa-; SA Bas-e ASM Dul.st1. H m/'A FL ( Blase Sheets Elastabaase M ASTM D4601 11 j NIA f PA Elastoveat AS7%M Gd847 NfA I N,6A PA pity if fibr. - s ASPAA D r4,'a g EI/A FL APP,Smooth- Pokbond' ASTM fii6222 ( E S 'rt 6 SurE.Ce Mem!1mr-es PoL € ASTM Vg__M d S FL Patybond G ASTM D6222 i G FL ASFFA ME= F 6 FL Potyfitex G FR ASYM D6222 I G FL f Pa.$tcaske G ASIRM VN M d I ' G UY APP,Granule f t a'westto G FR ASTBrl D6222 I G M1 Sur€.4m�sYRrtt�ra��s POk-KOKSAP ASII's trsi 2 3 ¢ Ea F€,TX poly)tex SA P FR ASTM 1%222 1 I is TX PoVifresko G SA A {.i G6222 R j Ci a lLL' pa f� Ss SA F;S ASYM D6222 a G NV ElastoshFetd VP ti•1F()•ormerYl'HastoshWd Hry ASTM D636Z In I 5 R PR Ek-sto e V&-m-Ed},Sksfaase j f`STNA D 5163 I' I S FL Elastoflex V ASTM D6163 1 S FL Rn r� .5,tL 1°.:`;; = RSt M 0463 1 f 5 Fx r Elastoilex SA V FR AS-1 N1 D6,163 1 5 €L,PA,TX EL OmxSAV Fibs AS-RA D6363 1 ' S R' X SBS;Smooth- Se€�Zc-4.rvte:s:ii3tatie. s Etastoflex SA V Plus FR ASTM D6163 I I S FL,TX Elate _'Mse P ASBA€ie3E2 1 e 5 H_ Eh .1ex SA BaSe liD ASTM D6164 1 5 PA.TX Ea af'_-cSG A t4'['+3fh9364 f S ( FL EFastoSWeld TS Asw D63ZA 2 S PA Elastoftex 55 HP AST M 06164 Bt S f cV ASrM€fA64 1 g 5 ( FL i NEMO ETC,LLCM E cif armor v2 n:.3245 71"EDITION(2020)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION FLIE54-RZS rIr&'ztzssMaCFredE^.s+_mP--.Wows RyaX&WnRAM Papa 3of5 N' Nwoletc. T, lc �:lAaA pp : ateuial5taridard Type p 's= Elastasli�ld i-iT 6 ASTM 136262 181 G FL I Eiasrosh eld HT G FR A uEU D5�i 65i2 W I Gil FL Ebs*t-cfleY v G ASTM DS-163 1 G F4 PA, Uastofiex V G FR ASTflJI M163 i 6 Fri PA ASTPA D6i64 't. I G FL,PA Surface Membranes Elastoflex 56 6 FR ASTM D6164 i G FL a ElastoslfPeW Tay C- .azSW DG164 i i G r FY TX €lastoshidd TS 6 FR ASTM D6164 i I G FL,TX EL-stoffe.SAP . , ASM-5 06a64 l I G FF_TX Eiasteflex SAP FR, ASTM D6164 l G FL,TX 1 • o 5A iris is a Eti&T g Code Evraluall m. Wittier NEmiig EFC,Ll_C nor Ruben 4lieminen,P_E. M any v ,the Deter of Record for any project on which this Evaluation Report.or previous versions thereaf,is was used for permitting ar design guidance unless retained spedfically for that purpose- 5.2 This Evaluation Report is not for use in FBC High Velocity Hurricane Zone jurisdictions(Lee,Broward and Miami-Dade Caontic-s)- 53 leis Evaluation Repart pertains to ahGve-dejA roof eo onents. Roof decks and sa.ructural members shall be in accordance with FBC regtgremerds to the satis-vactiost of the Auffio iTy H-ving Jurisdixtioo. 5.4 - This Evaluation Report does nit ir.c --evaluatzn of fte chassis fah- Refer to 1 1-%5€or requiresm ats and limitations regarding roof assembly fire classification. Refer to FBC 2603 for requiremer�rts and limitations concerning the use of fbam p?as3ic-insulation- 5.5 This Evaluation Report does not include evaluation of roof edge termination. Refer to FBC 1504.5 for requirements and liter: lions regarding edge securement for tmv-slope rout- 5.6 Refer to FBC 1511 for requirements and limitations regarding recover installations. 5.Ei 1 Fir rTechaaeiea ry a=ated compo rrts aver a tizg rwf`di=- ,lbswniers 9eall be tI ems ex ealsfin,v-dc for withdrawal resistance. A qualified design professional shall review the data for comparison to the minimum segadr -4 for the sysr Ting ski b--in zDmirdance with M15Ifirs iS lFX-1 or a Appr3cEdwi Standard TAS 165. 5-52 For bore led insulaffion or membrane over existing-subArates in a re-roof(tear off or recove€it tal latiors,the existing deck or existing roof surface shall be examined for compatibility with the adhesive to be installed. If any surface cored- :s e)Est that Mng syste=rn perfarmrace i,.ro question,fief tilsliat testing in a4=dance YAth AWISM IA- 1,ASTM 1907 FM Loss Prevention Data Sheet I-52 or Testing Application Standard TAS 124 shall be conducted on msck-e.ips o-f the pzoga5ed new roof asernb j; 5.6.3 For bonded insulation or membrane over existing substrates in a recover installation,the existing roof system shall he capable a€vesistinE project de igr;t pressum-- on its own rarest to the sat�rat�i��.of the Autho Having .lurisdictioat,as documented through field uplift testing in accordance with ASTM E907,FM Loss Prevention Data Sheet,1-SZ or Tes*arg Apprtcati va Stwdaed TAS 224- 5.7 Refer to Appendix 1 for System attachment requirements for wind load resistance- 5-7-1 'MOP'=I-Aa smum,Dasigm Pmssure is tte reseaft of tee for tiv nd rod resWtanre based one agowalga%ind Ids, and reflects the ultimate passing pressure divided by 2(the 2 to 3 margin of safety 1?i FEC 2504-9 has already been a lien#).Refer to FSE I for�terririnatiai-t of design vAnd toads. MEMO ETC,LLCM Ce Au��atln P3245-5 T-EOrrION t20201 FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION FL1654-1128 1m'F$33 4' d'c'i FB+24a L95+Ca�g'SLs:�.� 5>.�tt?S215n�S:.Q� c":9a Page 4 ors NEMO¢etc. 5.t.2 For rne.�haat; q' a=c�"r-tx Campo�e�s par t'- ded. izwula-n, the rrsa ra m. deSiFt py re fcr e selected assembly shall meet or exceed at least the Zone 1 PRIME design pressure determined in accordance with FEC MaptEr 16- l= zed pr e--ones sWJ employ an anzchment densfty de tined by a s uAfiedd design professional to resist the elevated pressure criteria. Commonly used methods are A fSPRi Vi , FM Loss Preumfier. S 2-29, 1 S�� W aIad�fng Ap�StwWwd PAS 237- Assembiies marked with an asterisk'carry the limitations set forth in Sec6an 2-7-10.1 of FM Loss Prevention Data Sheet 1 29 J 2fl )for Zone 2/3 en ceweas- 5-7.3 for assemblies with all components fully bonded in place,the maximum design pressure Tor the selected assembly sh--:l rrez cq,mac$critical deftz piresssre,��€a m meccarda=e nth FBc 03p,QT 16. No raZ mrkai ara sas is permitted for these systems. :cif catfonen-s in the rmf assammy shal hawe gzmfdy assurance au:FA in accrd=roe FA-C-Mde GIG2D-3- Refer to the Product Approval of the component manufacturer for components listed in Appendix 1 that are pTeduced fsp a Product Mariufactwev other than Um rest holder on P4e.1 pori 3iaiyglass li otlafied 8-stamen Rao"r Systems shall be installed in accafdance with PbIVriass USA, inc. published alfaftw'r ims—Vuctfons,subs to the L nitaft s/Conditions of tlsee hated hEreim � a j As required by ibe Building Official or Authority tla%ing Juriisdii ttan"®prei df ev�lurte the ins arlialian of this prod rct- c antau the named SAS entrq fim marmfachmma fall tms coveaed by Fl A.C-Rule£14G20-3 QA regsacr+zlmen-- Refer to Section 4 herein for products and production locations having met codified material standards. -THE 98-PAGES THAT FOLLOW FORM PART OF THIS E VALUA7fON REPORT- I I NEMO ETC,LLC E. pep cent egt`ArFFc zstont 33 > 7-EDITION(2020)F8C NON-HVHZ EVALUATION FL1.694-RZB ftgeSafS *NEM0 etc. REM ► C :14 A A •0 @ @ 5ytrtem Dose Sheet hoof Lover(Note 1.9) MDP No. ® Type Fasten(Nato 11) Attach [Rase Ply cap (Psi) Wed, ed,19/32 � �•���� - -��� ..�..�,,y ��� -- � CAT,t).671 Trufnst VersLt Pastenors(mhL M"ponetrmlon)t(+ -----— ., --—-Elast(ihase!-(paly-flim-1>latp5;_�.SfCeM s riot pl:+te fri n Or top) Note;Versa-rust Plates shall bt:tinter hole* 9-Inch ox,of min,4-Inch hp and 9-Inch ox. Lxpomm',105tu primed with at four(4•),aquuffy spliced center rows �D5•SA'H— — -SOS-TA-- - ---s127.5- ---- - W-207 min.l0/32"APA PGW)or ASTM 041 primar. raved plywood _ _ _ _ __ __ - __ __ _ ____ _ Now: "For ro-roof or recover construction,field withdrawal roVitom:e taxing(Nato 11)shall ylr.+ld mdUnwm 141 Ibf, Additional Verso-Fast i'05tencrt withfn each Verso-Fmt Plate may be utlilaed to produce minimum withdrawal resistanca System m�Roof Cover(Note 18) _ Desk(Pdot91) Pritncir �`" N (psi) No. Jr31nt Treatment y._ _� L Basra Ply Ply M. C.cap Ply SCLI"AMICRINa BAR Pl.rr . APA rented, Eiastoflax EA V Pluri 7/16 CAT, r05D Joints arc coverod with 4-Inch wide strips of Clo � or Elostofiex SA V rolled into (Optional)SDS•SA J SD°- 5BS•5A,APP,SA, 52,5 W-209 0.418 In,, NnNome � place to create continuous bond. Feoflex SA V TA,APP-TA SOS-TA,APP•TA Cxpe>urrY 1 G�SB Plus Fa Min,•15/32- - (Optional)5DS-SA;SBS- SB5-SA;APMA, W Inch plywo 209 r]d None Nono SBoS-SA TA,APP-'PA 'SUS-TA,APP•°fA -90,0 . fvlin,15/32- (Optlonal)SDS•5A,SBS- SBS•SA,APP•5A W-210 PG100 Noire 5D5•SA ` •975 fncah lywood __ _ _ _ _ TA,APP-TA _ _SUS-TA,APR-,TA W-211 Min,1:5/32' «w Plywood joints am cowered with 4-Inch wide strips of Elvatofiex!iA V Plug,rolled Elastoftex SA V or (Optional)SOS SA,SBS- SUS-SA,APP-% r tRi,a Inch tilywood (P3ptionnl)11G100 into place to create continuouc bond, -_ _ _ .__.. Elastofiex5A V Fri TA,APP•7A SOS-TA,APP>TA W 212 Min.15/32- POLYDRI'iC 745 Noma SDS•SA (Optional)SOS-SA,5DS- SBS•SA,APP•SA, 40.5,0 Inch plywood or WB3000 ___ 'rA,APP•TA SBS•TA,APP•TA ���-�� .�...Min,15/32- Plywood joints arrj coverad With 4-inch wide strip,of rklstofiox 5A V PILIP,rolled Elasetsflox SA V Plus (Optional)585-SA,SBS- SBS-SA APP4A W-213 inch plywood (Optional)PG100 Into place to create continuous bond. or Elastollax SA V TA,APP-TA SOS-TA,APP-TA 1135'0 _ Plus PH 11yUltlp 9V4rLM5 W'rn SeLF•AI?I INC AP1�.ItASE PLYi ny. � - W214 Min,15/92- (optional)PG100 None APP.•SA-H (OpLlonel)APP-TA APP-TA J0,0 inch plywood Min.15/32• Plyavdod joints are coverer!with 4-Inch wido stripe of Elattoflex SA V Plus,rolled , W-215 (optional)PGi00 APP-SA-11 (optional)APP-TA APP-TA inch plywood Into place to mate continriou,,blind, Hvehitl SY�7kN13 Wolf SCLF�Ab11CnIF-0r SB$EDABL PL1S ~ NEMO ETC,LLC tivuluation Repott P9290,02.01J-11*Mi for FL1654-R28 Cuttificatu(if Authorltation 422455 7T"EDITION(2020)FBC NON-HViiZ EVALUATION RevInlon 261 06109/2021 02018 NWO ETC,LLC Pafyrjl:ass Modified 111tumen Roof Systems;(054)M-1330 AppendlY.1,Page 36 of 98 NNEMO I etc. MATGRIAI �� » AIsC'LICAI IC?fV 5E39 SA M � Bane Ply Glastabase SA � Self adhc?ring (followed is6b'5elt A lheHnS I+yt,rla SraCanti gn,c PI Ono aP more �hes Elastafl©k SA V,[lust by to_rcli•cauphud Sheei}_ "' ._.v �.. F oflex 5A V Ffl,l tastoflcFx 5A V PRIs Elust il[tsI µA U Plus FR�kiastoflax aA Ulls+'fID Slis SA Orla•Ply �0651uflge $A I' Clas�nlloxSA Ia FR,f'2 +! PeflnGt � � ,eif Adhrsring (SDS,Sclf-Adhering) Notet "ttnlass ntheewlsa notGl,parmissible Inambmne slrtastrates for Stjs SA aeo limited fa the SOS:�.SA Base Pip 613tions hervirt,, V ors F16stdGase Plth a drily Jll 'tn ;ttrr atoms APP�CAi Cop Ply Polyflax G Fit PG aD 7t 15 2 0 ...,,..,,..:�.,..._.,........a_..:�....._... .,.�,.....�....�..�...:.�........ :..�......d.��,...— -....�,....�....,.....,....,..,.:.a.. [ill/sue" .=ti.._... .a:-TA lausa PIy aP pl i7ne or more 9112 Praly6,-50 V,Palyf:l Pnlyband {APP,Torch-Appilod) Ca yl PIY 1) flex Pal flex G Pol flex G FR n bond,tsol blind G,P�al fire Vka G,PP0I fresica G FA _ APP SA•I.1=_ Snif-adhuring(followed Fsnse Ply- Palyflc!x SA Bastt- b torch•°c Ilpil sheet) (�rl+ ee•raha�!r;�yur,w!,r}�ttnnls _ _ _ _ � .__�._...._.-._-_ wa-_...._...-.._..,.w,.._ ,._ .�._•_ _s_.:....._._;..1'.�-..�.�,,.._...._ APP-SA _wc, Pi Nalyficx SA P IffulyfltFx SA P FFa,Polyf't�esko CF 5A,Pglylfeslto A I Note- ^cases atherwfse natal,Peembslbia ttrembrone substraw for At p-SA ern limited to tha 905-SA base Ply optlone herein, self-Adhering (APP,Self•Adhefinp) Elastobuse V of rlastobase_P with_tr poly-fill"top sur aCIP, iG Vapor barrlr?r optlons for use over str untural concrete deck followed by bonded Insulitibn carry the followlntt MDP IIMItatluns, The lesser of the MDP listings below vs.thane in Table 3A appllos, VAPOR DA rki OPTIdNS �S1WCTL1RAL Cdf4 npf 0ip't'OE GI,CIf FnriUbytn py A0Rt51V&•APV41EU IN9Ull1YIC1N PGhrAale CAI VAPOR BARRIPH pItlMCtt R 1 -----•-~-'-°'' � IN`il14AT147NADttF.31VE Iv16P(FF9F'} if _.0 a TYR NOT5 __ APPLICATION C-Vi)'1. P610p ElnstofleKMV, PW SolffAdlweting 0-IS ore »t2•inch0:1'. �G00 _C-V0.2. Priuu PAtybase VV_ Torch-uPpllud p•I5 ar tp-20�t 1 InClt o.c. ?5,0� C-VH•3 PG100 ElastoflexSAP ___ �� 5elhAdhering G•IS 12-hrchoc, 75,0 _. w C VIA 4 PGS00 Ay IL or Polybond __ _,Y-_ Tarch-anplled M-OSFA,M-PG a OD GD or CR-20,12•innch o.c. •1a1.7 C-VB•5. G100 W Elabtc1flaxSA P _ - _.N m g ._< - _ ::....»...��-.... �„......_.,.,__,.,...�,.._,.w.... _.,.,...�.,_w 541fAcilWaCin ,..�..._ M-OSf•A 12•Incno�C, -157.5 C-0--6. RGtoo Potyflex tar Polybond � rnrrh-apillied. M-DSt A,M-PCi•i,0G'�0D of CR 20,f Inch t7.e. 185.b C•VB-7, PG10n Flastoflex SAP - --- Sulr-Adhying CR•20,12-Inch ox. -� -270,0 C-Vfl-g PG Elastofl x 5A V,G5A V,GlttstoMex SA V rR,Elastoflex SA V Plus.Cinstoflox SA V plus fit Sc if-Adhtlrin, M-05rA M-PU 1 O0900 or Cif-20, 1.2-Inch u,C. •240.0 C VB I. PG1.G)0 SLt$-7A(with santlPrl-to =surface} � Tnrdh applled MuASfA,M•ftCa 1,09500 or( i-20,12-inch o,r.. 240.i1 . v _ _. _ _._. _..,..._.. yr - �a....... NEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report P929D,02.08•It20 for FL1654-RZS Certificate of Authorllation 4132455 7T"EDITION(2020)FBC NON-HVNT EVALUATION Reviglon 26!06/09f 102i 02018 NENICF ETC,LLC Polyglu Y Modified Bitumen Rovf Systerm5;(054)233.2330 Appendix 1,Page 4 of 98