HomeMy WebLinkAboutEngineering CONTRACTOR:East Coast Aluminum Products.Inc. `\ DESIGN CRITERIA WIND SPEED AND ExeosuRE HAVE BEEN DETERMINED USING THE ADVANCED •. Aonlimble Code.,R,gulatiom,and Standards TECHNOLOGY COUNCIL'S WEBSITE 1.The 5th Edition(2014)Florida Building Code,specifically Chapter 16 Structural Design, AND GOOGLE EARTH. Q';• - •••'�� Chapter 20 Aluminum,and Chapter 23 Wood. Q; 0 6'• 2.AA ASM 35 and Specifications for Aluminum Structures,Pan l-A oflheAluminum Design Manuel prepared by Th.Aluminum Association,Inc.Wnbiagron,D.C.2010 Edition and - a-'W a *\Q O:Z_ the Guide to Aluminum Construction In high wind areas,2010. O= 3.ASCB 7-10. - ;N�.7 Z 0 Wind Lead. C9 1.Building Occupancy Category,Paragraph 1604.5 and Table 1604.5: Risk C¢te¢ary 2. ALL,MANUFACTURES CABLES SHDWINL•' •••' ((V��� 2.Basic Wind Speed Figue 1609C,State of Florida Debris Region&Basic Wind Speed, U FACTORS AND SHGC COMPLIANCE ,P���•••�( P�O��`\ Paragraph 1609.3.1 and Table 1609.3.1 Equivalent Basic Wind Speed: / \\\\ MMPH.Van=124 MPH WITH FBC ENERGY CODE MUST /ff 111111\\\\ 3.Exposure Category,Paragraph 1609.4.3: EinosureB REMAINONALL DDDRS WINDOWS A-2 PROFESSIONAL SEAL 4.BuOdin9 Category far Aluminum Shudurcs,Paragraph 2002.6: .y� Cele¢ory TYPE 3-CLA59 ROOM:Non-Rabitnble.UncaadiNoned 'I 8�-ps UNTIL INSPECTION p-3 PROVED A_3 •+{'--8'-Oe Roof e ,I 1%3(T1P) L RaafType:MONOSLOPE a�.F ' 2.Roof Wtcrial:4"s 48"z 0:032"eumnoalto aanel Elite 2000.1.0 demur f aim.Florida •r ATTACH TO FASCIA j W PraduetAaorovelN22 FL 7561-R1. -... - - ..._.-. -. .. -17 - -..-,. .. __2X3PB - 'Mj. V'. Foundotlao Durban '�' 3K2 3X2 C a IO New Tvne R 0"Monalllhle Concrete Slob-8"s B w/(I105 Cone 31 ov Ina 1. tome,on END TLC K 2%DJ - U. P9J 3"chslre cad pouredw/3.500 PSI concrete.Dow 1 e&o nv to xlattn¢aln6 with 13"g5 '' - BEAM 0AND ALL PROP#%60 reharA 24"ac.The fauodetlom arc based on n mlolmum.oll hearlse nrevurcof L600 ;� 2X3PB �'��€�� Ttl ANY CORK NB p-2 ;r/ � ®d50 FI�6DINSPECTORS7H Snec111cagona t AY®gL�WROBARY IN ICAnL C Z The following specifications me applicable to this project 0 4'X4,.,@. �WITN f&6APPLICAFiLB COD I.Ali work shall bean accordance with the Sth Edition(2014)Florida Building Code,and any - I o1 rs LU 7.0 DENSITY FOAM u.t d other applicable local codes and regulations. ,� i0 .1 COMPOSITE PANEL -'--F ' 2.Aluminum extrusions shall be 6005 TS Alloy.Due to quality control issues,no 2%3CIRT M2X3GRTmanufacturer substitution is acceptable without the specific written,signed and sealedauthorimtion ofSuncomt Abortion Engineering,LLC. l2%3PB I Q A 3.Siren Material:Design based on l8/l4 or 20/20 Better View.Any other material must t o iq in 0 roved J •� zzzttt 4.Festenerame required to be corrosion resistant,minimum SAE Grodo 2 or better zinc plated -� J to A87h1B633,ar coated ataiNeu steel aedm"300°,or uncoated stehdesa steel aerie, CON �E�F o ' 0 3X2%0.070PB SORATTI MEN I J S.Al/SelfMeti¢g Beam Sectiona me to he stitched wiW eiWcrpl4 screws 6"femeads cod is EDGE BEAM THE FTHE M Q Q 24"enter to center or 012 scrows 6"fmm ends and I center to center. Z z 5 6.Door location shell be determined by contractor in the field. - I VQ} 7.Wham concrete specifications are require dwhetherinthescreenenclosurescopeormtby I - I LU as ly oneoramic regulatory agency,the fallowing speciftsttonv are applicable: - +Y-T-O' T-0 +441"` Z Q a Cc lots conform to ASTM C94 tbrthe following components: A-3 L Portland Cement Type I,-AS7M C 150 ii Aggregates-Lugo Aggregate 3/4"max-ASTM C 33 to LU ILL Atremmtung+/-1%-ASTMC260 23'-0' pp Iv.Wator reducing agent-ASTM C 494 Cle 6 v. an Potable water V-W 1'-p' g vi Other admizturea rat pertained 4X48'XO.032' b.Metal accessories shall confom to: COMPOSITE PANEL E I.Reinforcing Bars ASTM A615,grade 60 if. Welded wee fabric-ASTM A195 e.Concrete slump at discharge chute not few titan 3"mrsere than5".Wueradded O attar belching is rat permitted. el(1V 3 Prepare-and place concrete per American Concrete Institute Manuel of Standard 2 PB 2 P6 3PB 2X2 (. u��(y p'11.�7 TF•1 {E//�5 Practice,Pans 1,2,and 3 Including hot weatherrecommendatioas. - o -- -- -- ST LUC?E--O - ),1ANCE e.Main cum or pobyethylenecudngpemdtted. 1 _l BFYIFWED FOR LLJ IY E Prior to placing concrete,treat the entire subsurface area for termites in compliance eV B,V I NNED B1 Q O with the FBC. DA'[E PT ON] 1Tp rz g.Concrete shall be placed over a polyethylene vapor barrier. '� TBET(E ILNUT e.ILS h All aluminum components embedded within concrete dull be coated with PLANS AND 11ADE. Q O E bituathi us painturepoxy. 1X3 OR NO INSPECTION WILL BE- w 9.All lumber and plywoodandlhav grade minks and mamrent idemJeatlon and Shell _ ALUMINUM- �uUN conf rho to the following: -KICKPLATE(TYP) _ �`�`�`111 a Framing lumber shall be minimum no.2 southemyellow pine and have a maximum - - mo a (�) A 2 A 2 _. _ .. `moisturecorantofl5%:. A2 Q b.Pressure treatments shell be asmasubb,oarmse k-33,womansalts or colcum,as recommendeda for the use condition.Presser mated lumber shall be Impregnated wilheccaselt neamcntin accordance with f rat-w•571 and bearthe American 3'-3a' 3'-3a' 3'-3�' 3'-3�' 3'-3�' 3'-3�' 3'-3a' - DRAWN BY Wand Pmservatives Institute goal(ry rerk ip-2. MC a Well Sheathing:APA rated Sheathing,thickness as indiceteE,Exposure 1. d Aluminum members that are uncoated shall be separated ram Ff lumber by 300 felt COMPON NTS k GLAODINO DATE DRAWN paper,lomil polyethylene sheet a equivalent material. DESIGN PRESSURES FOR WNDOWB E/DODRS'. - 10/11/17 9.Contactor shall provide Florida Prodmt Approval information as to the exact window being +30.4 PSF -40.7 PSF - REVISION 'utilized for Ibis project including manufacturers specification,and installation method,for anchoring the submitted windows to Aluminum members and specific sizes as indicated on A-1. 10. Contractor shall provide any additional bacbdng and anchors as required by the window manufictmreu recommended pmcedures. 11. .All Sim panels within 24"ofa door opening shag be oftempered gins per , FBC.R308.4 SHEET NO: 12. An gashing and wemherprooMg shall be provided by the contractor. 13. Use ofthese plans acknowledlics tind accepts a limit offiability not to exceed design and a A 1 engineering fee. File Copy ALUMINUM MEMBERS DIMENSIONS �� ,� •a�j�IN�, KICK PLATE TES: HOLLOW SECTIONS 1/e'x2"x2"EXTRUDED 1. 0.024 ALUM ANGLE 5062 H-32 ALLOY EA 2. SCREWALLCORNERS .'•••• •, 2 x2:2"x 2"x 0.046" SIDE Wf(2)N14 x 3/4'SM9 3. 1008-120B WIND ZONES '/L •�1y 2x3:2"x 31'x0.050" INTO UPRIGHT • • USE 08x 6/6'SMS 4812"O.C. `� M " LL A:'. 4. 120C-1400 WIND ZONES Q�y yy I o 2%5:2'x4"xO.050" USE NB x SAY EMS a 8"O.C. 21, TM r O;Z� 2%5:2"x5"x0.050" c, S. 140 C-150 ISxE18 WINO ZONES -D-( 4 OPEN BACK SECTIONS 'ce" "�iuinFiq USE YBn516°SM94y O.C. J CI \ N �- S. ISOC&ABOVEWINDZONES U) ) 2'_ 1x2:1"x2"x 0.040' .�•Q.'' a USE N12 x 5/e•SMS®6"O.C. Q-• O co 1 z 3:I"x 3"x 0.045" •4' 7. SCREW GIRT,BOTTOM RAIL / L� ` ` ••�4, ' &BOTH SIDES i ✓OL(`•,�. �••'•!-�� SNAPSECT[ON9 .�• /, •7�•• •••••R�`\��� 2 x3 Snap:2x3"x0.050" SLAB FOOTING . 4+" ., I I 000 x11/2"x 2118°x 1W lll *IP\\\\ a. INTERNAL OR EXTERN ¢ 2 x4 Snap:T'x 4"x 0.045" SEE PLAN i' • 4• OPTION 1: PROFS SIONAL SEAL SELF MATING(SMB) W/(4)NIOzW ALUMANGLE I ALUM RECENINOCHA SIDE VIEW + WI(3)N10%3/4°INTO 2x4SMB:21x4"X0.044x0.100" I GIRT EACH FACEB(3) N10 z 3//'INTO UPRIGHT .2x5SMB:2"XS"x0.050"x0.100" � a ❑ 2z6SMB:2"x 6'x O.050"xO.120" -- - _ - K W 2 x7 SMB:2"x T'X 0.057"x 0.120" - (2)3/8°OVA CONCRETE 2xS SMB:-2"x8"z 0.072"z0.124" - SCREWANCHORS - �' UPRIGHT __ _ - __ - U .-. -d 2 x 9 SMB:2"x 9"x 0.072"x 0.124" (2 14°GONG.EMBED) a 2 x 10 SMB:2"x 10"x 0.092"x 0.398" - CHAIR RAIL MEMBER I I ILL. (. MINIMUM FASTENER EDGE DISTANCE:1/2° 1"x 2°BASE PLATE I I 2°x PATIO MINIMUM FASTENER SPACING:314" <cx ANCHORED TO CONIC W1 iW EXTRUSION UJI cc �' CONCRETE SCREWANCHOR yI CONCRETE SCREW ANCHOR: s E11 (MIN.1 114"EMBED) fi"MAX EACH SIDE OFPOST ��Luuu HY( SIMPSON TITEN HD OR EQUIVALENT s •^'a AND 24"O.C.MA% ID Ly 7 SHEET METAL SCREWS ISMS): uu+r •' f •• W a! �d ITW/BUILDEX OR EQUIVALENT 4 a - SLAB/FOOTING •• - a.!•.. V. SEE PLAN • FRONT VIEW Z B 2"x 3"OR LARGER UPRIGHT TO CONCRETE DETAIL /LC CHAIR RAILSTCALE UPRIGHT DETAIL 2 J A_2 SCALE:NTS A_2 Q R Lu S 1-x T O.B.FASTENED TO CORNER POST W/N72x 11YY'SMSATS°FROM Z a t TOPS BOTTOM RAILS.TYPICALLY® Nino q • 1/6'x 2'x 2-EXTRUDED I I 24"O.C. Z Nino p I ANGLE 6052 H-32 ALLOY • • (4)N74x3WSMS Vf W:7(0000P R • • INTO DJ Ire•x TxY'EXTRUDED ANGLE 5052 CORNER POST SM9 LLOOY EACOOST 1,RNER W/()#14 x 2• CONCRETE SCREWANCHOR INTO g ., CONCRETE u W000: ' •',b' 2 N10z 11IY'SM - --- N10 x 3"WOOD SCREWS,6" • S I ,. •.' THRU)SCREWB099E8' _ FROM OIRTB®1Y'O.C. iwcx�ax Exa -2-}' ' � SLAB/FOOTING '' ' CONIC' " ; SEE PLAN 114'DI0.z3'CONCRETE �' .%u ' CONIC p �-SCREWANCHOR ANCHOR EMBEDMENT -A �g5 -'- - ----- _ S° -- - SLAB/FOOTING • FROM GIRT S®24'O.C. �'�' LLJ K (4)010x 11127INTO SEE PLAN .:4' '• p -SCREWED .!••'.' in SIDE VIEW " a p SIDE VIEW _ k 2° CORNER P09T W/1'xY® b IS`1 ow § (1)3115.13 CONCRETE YI INTO POST BACKSIDE W_ 7 SCREWANCHORS UPRIGHT 311' LENGTH A9 REQUIRED 77�p a�i ..... -._ ... (2.1/4•_CONC..EMBEO).- " .PRE-HUNG.. - - - ,.fOR21/4"EMBED CONCRETE- 2"K2"bR2"%3"HOLLOW I ....... ..... .. .. .. _ I ..I.. .per ._.. I SECTION GIRT DOORJAMB 6CREWANCHOR INTO ._ _....__... ... ....__... _ CONCRETE DRAWN BY 1°x 2"BASE PLATE ANCHORED TO CONICWf11a" - - Mc CONCRETE SCREWANCHOR ••k"• G'••• 4, J (MIN.I 1W EMBED) DATE DRAWN 1"x 2°BASE PLATE 6"MAX EACH 910E OF POST ANCHORED TOCONC W/11V r ' AND 24'O.C.MAX - 10/11/17 CONCRETE SCREWANCAOR REVISION (MIN.I 114•EMSED) +4,•! •�'= a• .. 6"MAX EACH SIDE OF POST.• ' C'1 1X2 TO HOST STRUCTURE DETAIL AND 24•o.c.MAx �.'e•' ~•°•••` A 2 SCALE:NTS '.•... •; .. ♦ •• _ • FRONT VIEW FRONT VIEW SHEET NO: DJA UPRIGHT TO CONCRETE PRE-HUNG CP-1 CORNER POST TO CONCRETE DET 1 A �O: A_2 DOOR LOCATION DETAIL A_2 SCALE:NTS file ®�Dj' �— SCALE:NTS L .\ aa�N LL N14x57/B'SMSW/ 'ZO�Z 1 12"DIA.NEOPRENE -D-;W ( 4^ Qz - FACED WASHER®S"O.C. FLASHING-INSTALL i N••• Q ••(�16 ` 1� UNOEREXISTING ORIPEDGE 6' ^,�,�•y.•. 4"x O.OB2"EXTRUDED �Li••••••••' •O�\� . +ej:ci' Ji�+•l "l'n>•.r','- ,y'::iY: RECENER CHANNEL /// ,� ]i ? \\ 'Iigr?+tr"4i1�".4-^SY`,'ri-..^. J '••` #14 x 314°SMS®0'D.C. IITI III\1\. 4"COMPOSITE TOP AND BOTTOM PROFE SIONAL SEAL ROOF PANEL W/1 1W DIA NEOPRENE WASHER 0 TOP SCREW ONLY E-GUTTER W/M2®12'D.C. 1°x1"x IIWALUM R.4;Y; •I '-'/'^��1°T+^ ❑ TOP a GOT.(3 PER PANEL) ANGLE WI 3#12 x 3/4"SMS EACH SIDE rt\•��° rc+�^9"'(,Finw�•'�.N C W L' .. . (2)1/4"DIA j r� %iM:2n•}r7*v.nrar K ..U. 'cc THRU BOLTS I 3"x2"x 0.05W Lu ca. r 3 I I UPRIGHTORPOST LL SEESHT FORADD% O sQ'• i ,may MEMEBER INFO. 4°COMPOSITE PANEL (LAp SCREWS W C C I ®B'O.C. LW �= O. `7j tl} 22aZ_ w d �d _S_COMPOSITE ROOF TO POST CONNECTION S-1 COMPOSITE PANEL TO FASCIA DETAIL A-3 SCALE:NTS A_3 SCALE:NTS C J ' um QZ LLI z— �I Sg$SS t H Lu C IC EXISTING HOST WALL 3 S N5 CONT 31"OVERLAP ®JOINTS ON 7 CHAIRS NEW4"SLAB E%ISTINO SLAB 3"x2In 4- -- Qa GRADE - ux1r BARS®24'O.C. oS'EMBED EPDXY IN PLACECONCRETE: TYPE II(2)114"x 3'OUICKSET MODERATE SLOPEFTG W S WANCHORS INTO WALL Z12-3:121112"x2115"x11R"xWx0WOOD:ALUMRECEIVING CHA (2)AI4"x3LAOSCREWSW/(4)#12x 31e SMS EINTO WALL91DE INTO B NOTES FOR ALL FOUNDATION TYPES: 1. THEFOUNDATIONS SHOWNAREBASEDONAMINSOILBEARING DRAWN BY PRESSURE OF 1,5W PSF. me 2. THE SLABIFOUNDATION SHALL BE CLEARED OF DEBRIS,ROOTS AND COMPACTED PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF CONC. DATE DRAWN 3. CONCRETE SHALL BE PER SPECIFICATIONS ON SHEET A-1. 4. FIBERMESH MAY BE USED IN LIEU FOR WELDED WIRE MESH. 10/11/17 5. VAPOR BARRIER NEED NOT BE INSTALLED FOR EXTERIOR REVISION ' NON-HASRABLE CONCRETE FLAT WORK 1 S-2 BEAM TO HOST STRUCTURE ATTACHMENT DETAIL A-3 SCALE:NTS _ A. TYPE If FOOTING TO AN EXISTING SLAB A-3 SHEET NO: File COPS' A-3