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ELITE PANEL SPAN TABLES: 1. Net allowable loads are permitted to be multiplied by 1.67 to derive ultimate loads (psf). i3' x 0.024' x. 1 - LB EPS PANELS 3" x 0.032 x I - LB EPS PANELS 3" x 0.024 x 2 - LB EPS PANELS 3" x 0.030 x 2 - LB EPS PANELS DO KI M 1 (ALL,']WABLE CLEAR SPAN CHARTS)- (ALLOWABLE CLEAR SPAN CHARTS) (ALLOWABLE CLEAR SPAN CHARTS) (ALLOWABLE CLEAP. SPAN CHARTS) S ASSOCIATES.LLD NET MAX. ALLOWABLE SPAN (FT) NET MAX. ALLOWABLE SPAN (FT) NET MAX. ALLOWABLE SPAN (FT) NET MAX. ALLOWABLE SPAN (FT) CONSULTING ALLOWABLE ALLOWABLE ALLOWABLE ALLOWABLE STRUCTURAL LOAD (PSF)' L/80 I L/120 L/180 V240 LOAD (PSF)' L/80 L/120 L/180 L/240 LOAD (PSF)' L/80 L/120 L/180 L/240 LOAD (PSF)1 L/BO L/120 L/180 L/240 ENGINEERS 16.17. V`.76 IS 33 14.10 10 34, 12.22 10.35 20 16.64 15.96 14.06 1217.50 1).59 16.91 15.9E 10 19.33 18.95 18.31 17.6E 10 20.11 2007 19.4E 1881 ?I 12,44 1 .16 20 I8.11 17.66 16.3E 1 15.06 20 1902 1881 175 116.35 30 10.]E 1079 9.41 6.60 30 15.17 14.0E 1121 8.3E 30 1680 16.3b V4,61 12.4E 30 1793 1758 1573 13,89 PO BO%10039 !0 9.22 9.22 6.60 2,85 40 13,69 12.16 B.36 4.5E 10 15.49 15.06 12.4E 9.8E 40 1683 16.35 13.89 11.43 Tampa,FL 33670 D 6.17 6.17 3.79 _ 50 12,22 10.26 5.51 0.]6 5D 14.18 13.7E 10.51 726 `.0 15.7e 15.12 12.05 8.9] Tel:(8131857.9955 0 7.40 6.39 09B 60 10.75 8.36 2.66 60 12.87 12.46 8.57 4.67 60 i4.64 13.99 10.21 6.5E 0 6.81 4.5: 70 9.27 6.4E 70 11.57 11.16 662 2.0] To 13.55 1266 B36 4.0E Rev./Oa! Description LO 633 2.69 80 7.80 4.5E - 80 10.2E 9.8E 4.67 - 80 12.45 II?3 6.52 I.EO /� °g ISSUED FOR PRODUCT - 0]4M PPROVAL 14" x 0.024 x I - LB EPS PANELS 4' x 0.032 x 1 - LB EPS PANELS 4' x 0.024 x 2 - LB EPS PANELS 4" x 0.030 x 2 - LB EP$ PANELS N:4 1ssu6o FOR MOT 1 (AL L�_:w ABLE CLEAR SPAN CHARTS) (ALLOWABLE CLEAR SPAN CHARTS) (ALLOWABLE CLEAR SPAN CHARTS) (ALLOWABLE CLEAR SPAN CHARTS) �""" PRODUCT20(0Fe aro IssueD FORR zow Fee �.ET MAX. ALLOWABLE SPAN (FT) NET MAX. ALLOWABLE SPAN (FT) NET MAX. ALLOWABLE SPAN (rT) NET MAX. ALLOWABLE SPAN (FT) ©7m: PRODucrAPPROVAL ALLE�!ABLE ALLOWABLE ALLOWABLE ALLOWABLE sue vFDRFD 5I LOAD (PSF)' L/80 L/120 L/180 L/240 LOAD (PSF)I L/80 L/120 L/180 L/240 LOAD (PSF)( L/80 L/120 L/180 L/240 LOAD (PSF)' L/80 L1120 L/180 L/240 �' 'd15 -ROVAIoucT „ 13 1900 -19,00 17A7 16.53 10 20,50 20.50 20.11 19.24 10 21.97 21-97 21.52 2037 t0 e4.17 2,137 24.17 24,17 20 1501 150!. 1501 13.95 20 1961. 19.2,1 17,19 15,74 20 2077. 20.77 19.96 19.76 20 23.6,1 2164 2341 23.11 30 12.50 12.50 12.50 11.38 30 IB-17 17.a9 14.87 12.24 30 19.57 19.57 1821 16.55 30 2257 22.57 21 90 2101 4D )0.97 1D.97 ID.97 8.80 40 16.72 15.74 12.24 �74 4D 1836 IB.36 16.55 14.3d d0 21.51 21.51 2039 18.919.9E 9.9E 9.44 622 SD I5.28 13.99 9.6E 50 17.1E 1].16 14.89 12.13 50 20.45 20.45 18.89 16.80 Q 912 9.13 151 3,61 60 1384 12.24 7.00 60 15.96 15.9E 1324 993 60 1929 1939 17 37 1470 8.5E 8.5E70 12.40 10.49 4.38 70 14,75 14.75 11.58 7.]2 70 18.33 IB J? 158E 12.59 W of OD2 8.0E 164 - 80 10.95 8.74 1.75 80 13.55 13.55 9.93 5.51 80 172E 17,2E 14.35 ID 49 ZQ Z C_ c 3 CL (L < 6" x 0.024 x 1 - LB EPS PANELS. 6" x 0.032 x 1 - LB EPS PANELS 6" x 0.024 x 2 - LB EPS PANELS 6" x 0.030 x 2 - LB EP$ PANELS m d W (ALLOWABLE CLEAR SPAN CHARTS) ((ALLOWABLE CLEAR SPAN CHARTS) (ALLOWABLE CLEAR SPAN CHARTS) (ALLOWABLE CLEAR SPAN CHARTS) 0))-1 a�0 NET -T MAX. ALLFIWA3LE SPAN (FT) NET MAX. ALLOWABLE SPAN (FT) NET MAX. ALLOWABLE SPAN (rT) NET MAX ALLOWABLE SPAN (FT) O O LL 22 W ALLOWABLE I ALLOWABLE ALLOWABLE ALLOWABLE U c Y O a LOAD (PSF)l L/80 L!12D L/180 L/24D LOAD (PSF)1 L/80 L/120 L/180 L/240 LOAD (PSF)1 L/80 ffi 80 L/240 LOAD (PSF)' L/80 Li120 L/180 L/240 E c2 w 4 O IO 2300 21.24 21.47 20.05 10 2a.00 24.00 24.00 23.4E 10 23.93 8 23.60 10 24.00 2400 2400 23.84 G � 20 18.0E 180E IB.06 1805 20 23.3'1 23.21 21.92 20.22 20 2320 3 22A6 20 23.65 23.65 E3.34 22.84 O30 15.13 IS.I3. 15.13 15.13 30 22.10 21.63 19.4E 17.0E 30 22.4] 18 N13 3D 22.9,1 22.94 22.59 2185 a N U ZE 1334 11,11 13,34 i7.J4 40 20�86 2005 17,0E 13.8E 40 21.75 3 d0 2223 22.23 21.85 20.H5 Q O O `Q so i2.10 12.10 I2.10 10.91 50 1962 18.47 1,162 106E 50 21,02 9 50 2153 21.53 2110 1986 -1 00 O=J(n -60 11.17 Ii.l] 11.17 8.43 60 18.38 16Z9 12.22 7.4E 60 2D.29 4 60 20,82 20.8E 203E18.87 () Q Q 70 I9.44 ..10.aa. .10.30. 595 70 17.11 15.30 9.8E 4.2E ]0 19.5] 19.57. 78.79 70 20.11 20.11 1961 17.87 111 U0D 985 9.85 843 7:4] 80 15.91 13.7E ].42 1.0E 80 1884 1984 17.94 80 19.40 I9.40 18.87 Isse IL of W O - J d1a11 be cornkiuc;cd using Type,30(I3-H154 ahuninunl fixings,I or 2 FCF ASTM C:579,9m winer b:md EPS SEAL JOINT WITH { 1,_I' E 7 COOT INUDUS CAULKING :1611c!,:to ahaninum lacings with A;iiland C licruicnl 2020D iSO grip.Fabrical ion to be by Eli le panel prodUCIS Oak'in ) U U U U U U U t,cordaucc wit1::,ppu)ved labricarion acthDds• O O O O 0 0 0 0 0(� DRAWN BY; OYK 2 iailc r,X)f Iznnrls mairaniil a Ul..171>Liat)class'[)'(c.¢L)rating and arc NE•R-501 approved. ) O O O 040 O O O O O D.( CHECKED BY: DYK I IS>Sixeif irrtial has bsll designel{,nd Shall he fabriCated in acl•Ordance with the requirements of the Horidi Building Code �� SCALE: AS SHOWN �'"liditi(m(BFGI,(xmg7usil.poach coinpix lvi(h Chaplet 7 Sc(•tion 720,Chapter(i Section R03.CIasS A ini(•rigr linish,an(I B01 OM FPc s DnTe' zn9m NG TITO bap1L1 26 Sucil011 2603,Ail local building Code arneodinen1%Sball be adhered In as required. INTERLOCKING CROSS SECTION -- -- -_- - - - �: 4 L - - GUTTER -- Y -k - OPTIONAL 7�1 - - - .I:ed�sl�=let-.halldetemune'hg=flcceptedengineenng-pl Dctice-dwalloLL'able-loads-Cot Sltespecllic'Ird'Cl1nd111nnC'(iIY.ILICInr DRIP CAP O UT !vad cm,ibinndons)usin�gthe data from 1:ie ailo%%ablc loads albles and spans in this approval. SLOPE 4 Mnx WIDTH INTERLOCKING Q,.•' �C E NSF� _ PPNEL (I/4'/FT NIIJ SLGPE)5, 1lClll•ClligllIIli1ILS n!1(I 0110n';Illle SIialIB have!)ecn listed to nice)FF3C including the HVH7..InHVH7..,lllis productshall he used OWQ17O O"'O O� -)s O • BJI7(EON �•j1'.O O O O O O O O OC FLA.�REPGih tlrllCllllCS`'11011011e CO11SIdCFCd 11Pliig ai'C.1Sg'p);r SODII!111 I(il011i11('SS II11pOCl rOSlslaI1C0111 aCGi)rdr111CC l0 dIC.11Vi I7. 0o0000 w EP$CORE ILB OR 2LB OOO000000O / 000OOC.1• SIu`tt)'fi1Clr,r oP2.0 ha5:'GCo use to developalle"Ible loads and span,Cio1i1 testing in 0CC01'd:111C1•11'I!ill•(;11111 L`I IIleS�nr NALUIi1NUN BOTTOM J OO V 0 IATr.haa!•ilim Siractwes Pan I and conCorner io!he 1)!3(-CFiaplcr 1G and 20, FA[INGs 00C 02688] I CiiIC�livs been C(i11C1LIC:2d;n aGC0id011CC lit AST\•(r..72-05:Streng0i Test Orponeis(or Builllilig conStraclion. I CLEAR SPAN(L) INSIDE TO INSIDE 0.1 00 -OH Q STATErB ILi7�]b E :Icli:roni•e a-st reports:111i1'I-CS-195�.IIL'CI-66-21 Ud,IIfa'I-DG-2UG(;,tIlP:fl•DG=IDS,HL'ff-bG 017,fII:>I'I-Og-I UO2,IfE'I'f• ooC 'n p PROVIDE 0 (1u-2107.!10'CI-0S-i)S7;II['f1-06-20G9.11G'1:-(IO-2070,HET(.OG-2D71,HLT'I'[-OS-1994.116f1.0$-I991,E1E"fl-OC,-2072, COO OR10p`-0 [rIGINEEP. OF RECORD TO PR O C tsn I!I:Pl i1h_'(p i;j;111,11-06.2074.IIER-OS•199f,•,Illi'fl•0$-19g9,IiF'I I-(IS-(993,1i1:'1'I.0$-191t5,I1E:1'I.O.S-199$.I'f[fi-(1$- FOR ROOF CONNECTION$6 ADO iHICKNEs$OF 00 36•MAXNIN FRONT e 25% / NA4•••F.s -25-15 SUPPORTING STRUCTURE DETAIL BY WALL FOR TOTAL 0000 Or PnN[L VIDLH a SIDES i9c)0,'Illi'I'I-CI$-1997.1fF:1'1-05-2037,I;EI'1-OS'02(J.111-I'1.05-2039,111'11-OS 2030.1IF:T1-OS-2041.11Il1.O5-204B,HFTI- THIS DR ANY OTHER ENGINEER. PANEL SPAPT 00 (12' ItP% AT SIDES) 2Dat,.an:f;-o$ 031,NE'19-DS-203&.li[:7"1=OS-2UG5,lif-TI-05-2D40.H[il'I-OS-2042. 1 L;na:w intcrpvi:I?:p;)sl1r.!I be.aIioll ed F(.x figunss%Oltin the tables shown. Drawing No.-FL-1001 104 ).'3rc15 willr!iln bcains si!a1!be consldcre(I equicaG:nl t0 similar panels wiLhvut lion beams. Design professionals may include EPS ROOF PANEL/SPAN DESCRIPTION 1 of[It1:'!!gr�e:an I,,exceed Shc,vo fipareS as 1><nrt of site-s)ecilic en,gineerin„. SHEET 1 OF 1 CONTRACTOR:Master Craft Aluminum WIND SPEED AND EXPOSURE HAVE DESIGN CRITERIA: TECHNOLOCGYCOEBsrrEEN DETERD USING THE ANCED `\\\```\, UNCIL'S W Applicable Cade,,Reeulntiom.and Standards AND GOOGLE EARTH. - ` \V,.• •,•VjL�i� 1.The 5th Edition(2014)Florida Building Code,specifically Chapterr16 Structural Design,Chapter 20 Aluminum,and Chapter 23 Wood. Q4Z'' 2.AA ASM 35 and Specifications for Aluminum Structures,Pot I-A of the m n LL 2W Aluminum Design Manual prepared by The Aluminum Association,Inc. _CL 0 Washington,D.C.,2010 Edition and the Guide to Aluminum Construction in high wind areas,2010. 0. - Q.'• Z Z 3.ASCE 7-10. Wind Loads ��i O'7••• ,. ••'l!Gj�♦ 1 Building 1.Occupancy c cy Category,Paragraph 1604.5 and Table 1604.5: Blsk i��,.(••* RO�V`�� 2.Basic Wind Speed,Figure 1609C,State of Florida Debris Region&Basic Wind P1F $04� Speed,Paragraph 1609.3.1 and Table 1609.3.1 Equivalent Basic Wind Speed: 3. poaxe150MPH.Vsm=1160.1PH N A-2 ,1'-- 4.Exposure Category,Paragraph 1609.4.3: E:pmure B 5.Building Category for Aluminum Structures,Paragraph 2002A Bulidloe Cateeory CV p 1-Carport:Nara-Habitable.UneomdlNoped ,I, 9,-1@" I g'_7�"—,�'• 0 ,j ,d S HH Roof Type 1.Rooflype:MONOSLOPE 3X3X0.093 K W 1.Roof Material:3"x 48"x 0.024"Elite 2000 Composite Panel,1.0 density 3X3X0.093 2XISSMEI POST O foam.Florida Product Approval Number FL 7561-R3 POST 4TH WALL a Uj FaumdeNom Dealem LU ExisNo¢comcrefa No xddlNopai concrete faoNm¢or slob b required to mist the 7 ? loads Imposed by the propod eotug n lab it am4" 3"X48"XO.024" ¢ ition.free from " a I L7 0 cond1.0 DENSITY FOAM thick wllhcep 8"z 8"thick eaed slabericaand Iraeaumd structural crackine,paWne,nr other deterioration. COMPOSITE PANEL R 2 d a Specification. R The following specifications are applicable to this project: - 1.All work shall be in accordance with the Sth Edition(2014)Florida Building Code, 2X6SMB 3X3XO.093 Z 3X3X0.093 A-2 end arty other applicable local codes end regWations. i EDGE,BEAM POST U 2.Aluminum extrusions shall be 6005 T5 Alloy Due to quality control issues,an POST _ _ ?J�" manufacturer substitution is acceptable without the specific written,signed and J a sealed authodration of Suncout Aluminum Engineering,LLC. I I I I Z 3.Screen Materiel:Design based an 18/14 or 20�Better View.Any other material . _8'_3"— _ sl'---9'-7, 9'-7s --+I` -8'-3"--+I` a S must be approved 4.Fasteners aro required to be corrosion resistant,minimum SAE Orede 2 or bettor O W d 9 zinc plated to ASTM B633,or mated stainless steel sales 1300",or uncoated 22'-O" Z F stainl... ss steel series°400°. THESE PLANS AND ALL PRO POSED WORK ZEIRE t 5.All Self Meting Beam Sections meta be stitched with either 414 screws 6'from ARE SUBJECT TO ANY CORRECTIONS N W � ends and 24"center to center or N12 screws 6"from enda end 12"center to center. REQUIRED 13Y FIELD INSPECTORS THAT 6.Where concrete specifications ens required,whether in the screen enclosure scope or 3"X46"X0.024" MAY BE NECESSARY IN ORDER TO not.by an or more regulatory agency,the following specifications are applicable: COMPOSITE PANEL COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE CODES. it a Concrete shall conform to ASTM C94 for the following components: g i.Portland Cement Type 1,-ASTM C 150 ii.Aggregates-Large Aggregate 3X'max-ASTM C 33 a iii. Airemmining+/-1%-AST'MC260 2X3K.B. Iv.Waterreducingweter__agent-ASTMC494 v.Clean PotablaF (7yp) — CONCEALED FASTENERS OflATTACH9,IEN z --- - - - vi. Other admixtures not permitted — — — ARE THE RE_SAONSIBILITY OF THE b.Meted accessories shall conform to: I 3X3XO.093 3X3XO.093 3X3XO.093 -• --I.Reinforcing Bars-ASTMA615,gmde60 co CONTAACTOAOFflECORD POST POST POST C.Concrete at Q 0 C.Concrete slump et discharge chute not less than 3"ormoro than S'.Water La] added after botching is not permitted. ij fl d.Prepare and place concrete per American Concrete Institute Manual of L111_,' O��,I W 0 tY W Standard Practica,Parts 1,2,and 3 includinghot weather recommendations. �'.(�/•.YY1 7 - e.Moi,tcueorpolyethylene curing permitted. ST.LUCIE000N' PI%IIP CPTlf7Slo� ^ �gg £-friar to placing concrete;treat the entire subsurface area for termites im— -- ---- -_ -_ A-2 _ __ 1IYI___ _ a compliancewitththe FBC. _ -_.... ., _.__ _ __ _ _ . RRY[F.IVEDFORC i i-CE _6f.W� S. Concrete shall be placed over a polyethylene vapor barrier. RE VII NVE BY - - - - -— - - h.All aluminum components embedded within concrete shall be coated with a DATE DRAWN BY bituminous paint or epoxy. 1 PLANS AND PERMIT NIL'ST BE KEPT ON JOB GD 7.All flashing and weatherproofing shall be provided by the contractor. 9'-7 " 9'-7 p GRNOINSPECTIO`�1'ILLBEMADE. 8.Door location shall be determined by contractor in the field. DATE DRAWN 9.Use of theca plans acknowledges and accepts a limit of liability sot to exceed design 11/07/17 and enginee.ring fee. REVISION File C SXEer NO; A-1 ALUMINUM MEMBERS DIIYIENSIONS HOLLOW SECTIONS v'°• •••'•�"Y 2x2:2"x2"x0.046" � '• ,ti •. �� 2 x3:2"x3"x 0.050" Q, 4i �, ••2 2 x4:2"x4"x0.050" ) LL Q: 2 x S:2"x 5"x 0.050" —a,: O 0 OPENRACKSECFIONS (S)0J4x47/8'SMSW/ 11/2'DIA.NEOPRENE l x 3:1"x 3"x0.045" Q'• Z ( �v, Z� I x :1"xx0.040" FACED WASHER PER PANEL ,• ` �O � � •SNAPSECTION9 2x2Sm 2"x2"X0.04 \ 2 x3 Snp:TX3"xO.O5 I I 2 x4 Sp:T' 4"x0.04U" V _. .,' Cr, 3•x 3'x O,m3" I PROFE 910NAL SEAL SELFMATING(SMB) POST I 3•COMPOSITE 2x4SMB:2"X4"xO.Daa"z0.100", I ROOF PANEL 2 x 5 SMB:2"x 5"x 0.050"z 0.100" W x 0.062•ALLIM 2x6SMB:2"x6"x0.050'x0.120" I RECEIVING CHANNEL 2X7SMB:2"XT'x0.057"x0.120" W/nOx314'TOPAND (3) °O� C' Ld W c_ 2xSSMB:T'x8"-x O.072"xO.124 I I TxrxWxll'ALUMANGLE BOTTOM AS ENO CAP THRU BOLTS -0. a. 6 2x9SMB:2"x9"x 0.07P x 0.124" I EACH SIDE OFUPRIGHT 2XIOSME:2"x10"x0.092"x 0.398" I W1(1)3w OUL w S'CONCRETE 2'xe•SMB ANCHORS IMO CONCflSTE z LL 92MAUM FASTENER EDGE DISTANCE:Ur ANo(2)31B"x<•THRU BOLTS xOABT 0 4 O� NUNUdUM FASTENER SPACING:3/4• L y POSTWCONCRETE SCREW ANCHOR: a y '. W SIMPSON TD'EN HD OR EQUIVALENT SHEET METAL SCREWS(SMS): - •, Z � . TiW/BUII.DEK OR EQUIVALENT Lu 3 S COMPOSITE ROOF TO POST CONNECTION' A_2 SCALE:NTS Z B 3"x 3"POST TO DECK CONNECTION DETAILS /1 g= A_2 SCALE:NTS .. �W z(9D � T COMP ROOF PANEL SELF-MATING BEAM N W Hog I I _ FLASHING I I Qa ROOF PANEL ••• I. cr 9Ha •4 R.a8u : 1 \\ I FQF W j \ I I U2UU� (5)914x4 NEOPRENE 1 tl7'01A NEOPRENE IXISTING�'' \\ I Dc W FACED WASHER PER PANEL I BUILDING/ _ 1 �0= tL ZxaxO I1...... (3)318'OIA _ __-__—_ . _ ___ _ _ _ __ _ __..KNEE BRACE - � � I,.—I FRIGHT... .._ _ LL_m_m LL.LL THRU BOLTS • I DRAWN BY 2"xB"SMB ` I 11Q"x2118"'re": I GD 3"x3°POST -- IVNGx3°LONGALUM DATE DRAWN RECEMNG CHANNELAL M #12x3lCSMSFA FACE& I 11/07/17 (3)012x 314"INTO POST REVISION S-1 COMP.ROOF TO POST[a14TH WALL DETAIL SCALE NTIS S-2 KNEE BRACE CONNECTION DETAIL . A-2 A_2 SCALE:NTS 111� �� SHEET NO: A-2