HomeMy WebLinkAboutEngineering L+ E L 1 E F'A.NEL SPAN TABLES: 1. Net allowable loads are permitted to be multiplied by 1.67 to derive ultimate loads (psf). .-::0 4 Y. - LB .EPS PANELS 3' x 0.032 x 1 - LB EPS PANELS 3' x 0.024 x 2 - LB EPS PANELS 3" x 0.030 x 2 - LB EPS PANELS DO KI M (ALL;7Gl'AKCE CLEAR. SPAN CHIIARTS) (ALLOWABLE' CLEAR SPAN CHARTS) (ALLOWABLE CLEAR SPAN CHARTS) (ALLOWABLE CLEAR SPAN CHARTS) G ASSOCIATES.LLC '! + NE7 MAX. ALLOWABLE SPAN (FT) NET MAX. ALLOWABLE SPAN (FT) NET MAX. ALLOWABLE SPAN (FT) NET MAX. ALLOWABLE SPAN (FT) CONSULTING ALLOWABLE ALLOWABLE ALLOWABLE ALLOWABLE STRUCTURAL LOAD (PSF)' 1/80 L/120 L/I80 .L/240 LOAD'(PSF)' L/80 L/120 L/180 L/240 LOAD (PSF)' L/80 L/120 L/180 L/240 LOAD (PSF)I L/BO L/120 I L/I80 L1240 ENGINEERS 1 it, -,16.17 .15.76 15.03 I4.10 10 17.50 17.50 16.91 15.96 10 19.33 18.95 18.31 17.66 10 20.11 2003 194E 16.81 - 20 13.44 13A't 12 10,2E .35 20 16.64 N15.96014.06 -- 20 18.11 17.66 1636 1506 20 190E IB.BI I7.5B 16.35 30' 10.78' 10.78 9.41 6.60 30 15,17 30 1680 16.36 1a a) 12.4E 30 1793 1].58 IS 73 1289 PO BOX 10039 <0 922 9.2E 6.60 2.85 40 13.69 40 15.49 150E 12.46 9.86 40 1683 16.35 1' Il?3 Tampa.FL 33679 508,17 8.17 3.79 50 12.22 50 14.18 13.7E 10.51 7,26 50 15,74 15.1E t2A5 8.97 Teh ao3t 857-9955 60 7.40 6.39 0.98 - 60 10.75 60 12.87 12.n6 8.57 4.6] 60 14.6a 13.89 10.21 6.5270 681 4.51 70 927 No'61355 1266 83E e.06 R-10.1e OeSCAPt(On 80 6.33 2.64 80 7,Do 80 10.2E 9.86' 4,6] - 80 1216 11.47 6.52 1.60 ISSUED FOR PRODUCT )044m APPROVAL 4" x 0.024 x l - LB EPS PANELS 4' x 0.032 x 1 - LB EPS PANELS 4" x 0.024 x 2 - LB EPS PANELS 4' x 0.030 x 2 - LB EPS PANELS ISSUED FOR 2001 (ALLOWABLE CLEAR SPAN CHARTS) (ALLOWABLE CLEAR SPAN CHARTS) (ALLOWABLE CLEAR SPAN CHARTS) (ALLOWABLE CLEAR SPAN CHARTS) ��^ PROOUCTAPPROVAL 7m ISSUEDFOR2010FBC NET MAX. ALLOWABLE SPAN (FT) NET MAX. ALLOWABLE SPAN (FT) NET MAX. ALLOWABLE SPAN (FT) NET MAX. ALLOWABLE SPAN (FT) ©7a'7 PRODUCT APPROVAL ALLOWABLE ALLOWABLE ALLOWABLE ALLOWABLE S6UEOCOR FB T4t, LOAD (PSF)' 4V^ E4i.n PRODUCT L/80 L/120 L/180 L/240 LOAD (PSF)' L/80 L/120 L/180 L/240 LOAD (PSF)' L/80 L/120 L/180 L/240 LOAD (PSF)' L/80 L/120 L/180 L/240 �' 101E aooaavAL 10 19.00 19.00 17.17 16.53 10 20.50 20.50 20.I1 192a t0 2L97 21.97 21.52 20.97 10 24,17 2a.17 2a.17 2a.17 20 15.01 1501 1501 13.95 20 1961 19.24 17.49 .15.74 20 20.77 20.77 1986. 18.76 20 236e 236,1 23.41 23.11 3a 12.50 12.50 12.50 11.38 30 19.17 17.49 11,17 1224 30 1957. 19.57 18.21 16,55 30 2257 22.57 21.90 21.01 40 10.97 10.9] 10.97 8.80 40 16.7E I5.]4 1224 8.I4 40 18.36 18,36 16.55 14.34 40 21.51 .21.51 20,39 19.91 ..I 50 9.92 2.92 9.4'1 622- 50 15.28 13.99 9.6E 5.25 50 17.16 17.16 14.89 12.13 50 20.45 20.45 IB 89 16.BO Q 60 9.13 9.13 7.51 3.64 60 13.ea 1224 7.Do 1.]5 60 15.96 15.96 1324 9.93 60 1939 1939 I].3] I4,>0 J O 70 0.52 8.52 5.58 1.07 70 1240 10.49 a.3B 70 14.75 l4.]5 II.58 7.7E 70 18.33 IB.J3 IS.B6 12.59 W W BO 0.02 8.0E 3.64 80 10.95 B.7a I.JS BD 13.55 13.55 9.93 5�51 80. 172E 17.2E 14,35 1049 TO ZQ Z CL c3 dq¢ 6' x 0.024 x 1 - LB EPS PANELS 6' x 0.032 x I - LB EPS PANELS 6- x 0.024 x 2 - LB EPS PANELS 6' x 0.030 x 2 - LB EPS PANELS Y`0ro v (ALLOWABLE CLEAR SPAN CHARTS) (ALLOWABLE CLEAR SPAN CHARTS) (ALLOWABLE CLEAR SPAN CHARTS) (ALLOWABLE CLEAR SPAN CHARTS) as No z o rn a-O NET MAX. ALLOWABLE SPAN (FT) NET MAX. ALLOWABLE SPAN (FT) NET MAX. ALLOWABLE SPAN (FT) NET pIAX. ALLOWABLE SPAN CF7) `o o_J (L 0 ALLOWABLE ALLOWABLE ALLOWABLE ALLOWABLE C) O Y O n O_ LOAD (PSF)' L/80 L/120 L/!80 L/240 LOAD (PSF)' L/80 L/120 L/180 L/240 LOAD (PSF)' L/80 L/120 L/180 L/240 LOAD (PSF)' L/BO L/120 L/180 L/240 E t U J W 10 2300 21.24 21.47 20.85 10 24.0D 24.00 24.00 23.42 10 23.93 23.93 23.88 23.60 10 24.00 2400 2400 23.B4 > U d LU Q C_ 0 V - 20 IS06 IB.06 18.06 18.0E 20 23.3A 23.?1 21.82 20.22 20 23.20 23.20 23.03 22.46 20 2365 2165 23.34 22.84 H a Z ED 30 15A3- 15A3 15.13 15.13 30 22.10 21.63 19.4E I].02 30 22.47 22.47 22.18 21.33 30 22.94 22.94 22.59 21.85 E y � a y W 40 13.3e 13.3a 17.34 17.34 a0 20.8E 2oA5 t7A2 t3.82 40 21.75 21.75 21.33 al�7. Q 2223 22.23 21.95 2885 < CO CO 2 5 Q 50 12.10 I2.10 12.10 I0.91 sD 19.62 18.47 1a,BE 10.6E 50 21 A2 21.0E 20.e9 50 2153 21.5? 2110 198E 0)J U Q J 6D 11.17 11.17 11.17 8.43 60 18.38 16.89 12.22 ].42 60 20,29 2029. 1964 60 20.8E 20.8E 20,36 18.87 D CD(� LL Q Q 10,44.. .10.30 5.95 70 17,14 15.30 9.8E 4.2E ]0 19.5] 19.5] I8.79 ]0 2011. 20.71 1961. 17.87 LL(n co 80 9.85 9.85 e'43 3A] 80 15.91 13.7E 7.4E 1.0E 80 IB.84 1884 17.91 BO 1940 19.a0 IB.B) 16.88 O LLL SEAL JOINT WITH ' I. C0111p1181[l:Iti1111`IS sllnll I)c CnRtil1111'll'CI U4111g LypC 3003,41154 aluminum fncingi,I nT 2 PC.h ASTNi C,-579 Oarperner brand EPS CONTINUOUS CAULKING .1 IF+cre to alunlinum timings with Ashland C:helnical 2020D ISO grip.Fabrication to be by Elite panel products only in ) U U U U O U U U U t-f accordance with approved fabrication methods. O O O O O DYK O O O O O i`a DRAWN BY: DYK 2. Elite roof+noels main(ain a UL 1715 fins)class ("t)riling and al'c.NER-50I a.)n)ved• ¢w SCALE:CHECKED BY: As I R PI ) 000 ) C)000OOC ao SCALE: AS SHOWN 3. I'hisso Cirwalion has been designed.and shall be 11abricated in accordance with the requirements of the Florida Building Cody - _ fiditinn(FBC),compgsu- panels comply with Chapter 7 Section 720,Chapter 8 Section 803.Class A interior finish,and '- e°7 raM1l FAn14Gs DAT• 3nwa] (.bapter 26 Sccil6o 2603.Ali local building code olnendnTonis shall be adhered m as required. _ _ _ _ __ _ _ INTERLOCKING CROSS SECTIQN_ _ _ __ __ _ OPTIONAL * /{ ----4.-l-bode.9igner�sl;nil.delermineby'acreptedangineerin(3-practice°the°allowahleload5'forsitcspecitie-loadzandiiinns'(ih:lOding DRIP Q .. -`_ O ��. a'MAX WIDTH INTEPLOCKIFIG •� �GENS•• load cumbinatinns)using,the dnla from the allDwroble loads tables and spans in this approval. SLOPE PANEL (1/4'/r T MIN SLOPE) ••••'. S. Deflection limits and Dllo)s:lhle spans have been listed to nice,,FBC including the HVH7,,.In HVHZ,this product shall he Used 000000000000u " O N0.4 ;•EONK E. 0 0 0 C in Slnmll)1'C5''iIOL lu be coTLsidercd living Wrens"per Ccction 1616 Unless impact resislaneo in nccord(mcc l(1 fill'I'1V11J: O O O O O Z a CPS CORE LLB OR 2LP O O O O FLA.R .NUhn n:glilfl'11iC'lll::Ire mcL O°O-O°O,O°O, OQO�ODOC (i. Safety factor of 2.0 has been use to develop allowable loaf's and spans from testing in accordance t0 the Guidelines ror ` -� o°v E D IA ssoanie o ALUMINUM BOTTOM p LU .r� A0 6887 Aluminum StruiAves I'nrt 1 and conforms m the FI?C(Ampler 16 and 20. � �FACINGS � p0° � 80X 10043,L� I ' Testing his been conducted in accordance I(,AST+!E72-05:Strength Test of Panels rot'noilding.Construction. CLEAR SPAN(L) INSIDE TO INSIDE 00C-O.H.--- 01. STATETOBRa,x loop 9. Referonce test rel"'ns:IIETI-05.1999.TIFTI-06.2104,IIEI'I-0(l-206f),111:11.06.2105.IIE'r1-06-^OG7,IIETI.05.1002,IIETI- o°C 06y-2107,I1L-11.05-1987•I E'rI-OG-20(i9,IIEq'I.06-2070,NETI-06-2071.1'IE-11-(15-1994.IIE4I'1-05-1991.1I8'1-1-06.2072, °o CORIOP- ENGINCEP. OF RECORD TO PP.°v10E oO 36'FLAY. IN rRONT A 25% S ''II%iT-06-ZO7,i,lil.:i1-06.2074,I-Il�'f l-(1;-1996,11r:'I'i•05-19$V,IIETI-05-1993,liril'I.O_1955,Flf.:l'I-US-1995,11['ff-0t- rOR RODE CONNECTIONS s ADD IHLCKNESS or 0 Sf •UAL•�` -25-15 SUPPORTING STRUCTURE DETAIL BY WALL FOR iprAL 0000 Or PANEL WIDTH 2 SIDES Y( Y990,I It Y Y-05.1997,ill.;l'1-05-2037.liI-.-H-05--2.029,III:rl-05-2039,1111'I-05.2030,IIETI-OS-2041.I'I1 1-1.05-2048,1'Ir:I'I- THIS OR ANY OTHER ENGINEER. PANEL SPAN: OO (12' MAX AT SIDES) rromrill, 05.2036.HE ri-05-2031.1'IFTI-05-2on.IiET1-05-2065.1IFTI-05-2040.HET'-05-21142. 9. !..incar inh;qudaio:T shall be cllnw'ed for figures aeithin(he lablu shoran Drawing No.-FL-1001 10. l)aneYs with fan be:nns shall be consi(ierc(I equivilent(o similar panels without Ian beams. Design protcssionals may include EPS ROOF PANEL/SPAN DESCRIPTION tit su'enz;th a;f the inn heart, exceed h Tr f ureS as sir(of x'site-s cilic ellgineerin„. SHEET 1 OF 1 CONTRACTOR:Muster Craft Aluminum WIND SPEED AND EXPOSURE HAVE \111s /�i� ' DESIGN CRITERIA:. BEEN DETERMINED USING THE ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY COUNCIL'S WEBSITE :``�/ •••••..���� Applicable Code.;Regul.tim s,Sort Standards_ P AND GOOGLE EARTH. Q`.• ••,2�! 1.The Sth Edition(2014)Florida Building Code,specifically Chapter 16 Structural IT. U.S,'• Doigr,Chapter 20 Aluminum,and Chapter 23 Wood. _d:h 1 O C3. -12.AA ASM 35 and Specifications for Aluminum Structures,Part I-A ofthe _ 2 �C - ro W Aluminum Design Manuel prepared by The Aluminum Association,lno. - •O 4 0. Washington,D.C.,2010 Edition and the Guide to Aluminum Construction in high N 7. Z t 'ZI C wind areas,2010. 3.ASCE 7-10. Wind Lands '�' .ic p��\v`\ 1.Building Occupancy Category,Paragraph 1604.5 and Table 1604.5: Risk eWind pee 2.Basic Wind Speed,Figure 1609C,State of Flaride Debris Region&Basic Wind PROFESSIONAL SEAL Speed,Paragraph 1609.3.1 and Table 1609.3.1 Equivalent Basic Wind Speed: 3. Vm.'r=160 MPH.VAsp=124 MPH 4.Exposure Category,Paragraph 1609.4.3: Exposure B 5.Building Category for Aluminum Structures,Paragraph 2002.6:Buildipe Category Q 1-Carport:Non-Habitable,Unconditioned pj yj u Roof Type A-2 cV _LU cc 1.Roof Type:MONOSLOPE -9,_2n w 1.RaofMelerial:3"x 48"x 0.024"Elite 2000 Composite Panel,1.0 density foam,Florida Produce Approval Number FL 7561-113 0 Foundation Deslim 2X8SMB 3X3X0.093 w W p i Existing co 4TH WALL ncrete.No additional concrete faodne or slab Is required to resist the POST q lands Imposed by the proposed construction If the exl.tine slab Is a minimum 4" C thick with an 8"x 8"thickened slab edge and in sound condition,free from W �E rt C ii! _ structural erackioe,spalline,or other deterioration. specifleatian. 3"X48"XO.024" i0 i0 The following all be in accordance we applicable the S this project 1.0 DENSITY FOAM I THESE PLANS AND AL PROPOSEDIWORK tt I.All work shell be in accordanco with the Sth Edition(2014)Florida Building Code, COMPOSITE PANEL ARE SUBJECT TO ANY ORflECT10N5 � and any other applicable local codes and regulations. REQUIRED BY FIELD IN 3PECTOR9 T Z V ' 2.Aluminum extrusions shell be 6005 TS Alloy.Due to quality control issues,no MAY BE NECESSARY I ORDER TO J manufacturer substitution is acceptable without the specific written,signed and COMPLY WITH ALL AP LICABLEC DES. sealed authorization ofSuncoast Aluminum Engineering,LLC. 2XBSM8 a 3X3XO.093 Q Z Sg 3.Screen Material:Design based on 18/14 or 2020 Better View.Any other material A-2 EDGE BEAM POST $ must be approved. - t( 4.Fasteners are required to be corrosion resistant,minimum SAE Grade 2 or better LU d 15 Iam zinc plated to ASTM B633,or coated stainless steel series"300",or uncoated I Z R F stainless steel series"400". y 8s_Op Z E5 Will J;j F' t S.All Self Mating Beam Sections an,to be stitched with either 914 screws 6•'from 'I 5'-8" 'r N W CLeC a ends and 24•'oanter to center or 412 screws 6"from ends and 121 center m center. B'_O" agr 6.Where concrete specifications are required,whether in the screen enclosure scope or not,by one or more regulatory agency,the following specifications an,applicable: s.Concrete shell conform to ASTM C94 for the following components: I:Portland Cement Type I,-ASTM C 150 g CONCEALED FASTEI4ERS OR ATTACHty EN• a III.A8Ai8entrai ing+P151-ASTMC260 ASTMC33 3"X48"X0.024" ARE THE RESPONSI9ILITY OF THE iv.Watareducing agent-ASTM C494 COMPOSITE PANEL v CONTRACTOR OF RECORD .Clean Potable water -vi-other admixtures not permitted - -- -- -- --- --- - - -- _ b.Metal aceessories shall conform to: i.Reinforcing Bars-AS A615,Smile 60 O' ii.Welded wire fabric-ASTMAISS '2X3K.B. - Q 77FF c.Concrete slump at discharge chute not less than 3"or mare Wen 6•.Water (TYP) W "d added after belching is not permitted. A-2 x Q V E . d.Prepare and place concrete per American Concrete Institute Manual of G Standard Practice,Parts 1,2,and 3 including hot weather recommendations. _ _ 3X3X0.093 - 3X3XO.093 _ _ _ - U,l- � e.Moist cum or polyethylene curing permitted. POST POST m r7(1 -0 _f_Priorto,placingconcrete eat the MUM 30311rfece area for termites in- _ _ _ _.-_.._.._._ ____- _ ., _ -__.. . . _ ST LULL?COI�TT9l_i([vt\C!11VIFjj11�_ ..compliance with We FBC.- -- -- --d-=rn- g.Concrete shall be placed over a polyethylene vapor homier. REVIEWED FOR CO 1.4.\ E h.All aluminum components embedded within concrete shall be coated with a REVIEWED BV _ DRAWN BY bituminous point or epoxy. DATE 7.All flashing and weatherpn,ofrig shall be provided by the contractor. rLANSAND PE wT.T` q, GD r nr 1,xPi�ON ac: I. Door location shall be determined by contractor in the field., DATE DRAWN 1.Us.ofthase plans acknowledges and accepts a limit ofliability not to exceed design A-2 ORNO INSPECTIO`WILL BE NUDE, 11/06/17 and engineering fee. - REVISION 16'-0" AA Flie Cop SKEET NO. A-1 ALUMINUM MEMBERS DIMENSIONS HOLLOW SECTIONS � v•'' ••••• •,�4J�i 2x2:T x2"x0.046' ; 2x3:2"x3"x0'050" 2 x4:2"x4"x 0.050' - ( ° 2x 5:2"x S"x0.050., =a' * Q= OPEN BACK SECTIONS - to Z (-yF��:Z� 1x2:I"x2"x 0.040 Q•••. ; I x3:I"XY' .045" - �LfjO, (5)•14 x 4 7/8°SMS WI �GJ SNAP SECTIONS L 11)2'DNA.NEOPRENE �j .......... T•P�O`�\` 2x3Snap:2"x3'XO.050^ • I I // T� // IIIIIIL7 2.4 S.P:2"x 4"x 0.045" ,*r 4 3'x3°x 0.093• -I t 1^2iN"}` S� `�3,ri~-.•`'�r'��h„y PROFE SIONAL SEAL SELF MATING ISMS) POST �:.�„F 1' 2x45M13:2"z4"x0.044x0.100" 2 x 5SMB:2^x 5"x0.050"x 0.100". 2x6SMB:2'x6"xO.050"x0.120" I I 3"COMPOSITE ❑ 2x7SME:2"x7"x 0.057"x 0.120" I ROOF PANEL CC u1 ul 0 2xS.SMB:.2"xS"x0.072"x 0.124 rx2"x 3'x 1/8"ALUM ANGLE 3'x 0.06r ALUM - '_U -a"- : 2X9SMB:2"x9"X0.072"x0.124^ I EACH SIDE OF UPRIGHT! RECEIVING CHANNEL W De i 2x 10 SMB:2"x 10"x0.092"x 0.398" I ( W/(1)318"DIA.x 3'CONCRETE WI0I0x3/4'TOPAND (4)318'13IA AN HORS INTO CONCRETE BOTTOM AS ENO CAP THRU BOLTS AND(2)316"x 4'THRU BOLTS •7 x rSMB MINIMUM FASTENER EDGE DISTANCE:112• O O y G MINIMUM FASTENER SPACING:314' r W c: a CONCRETE SCREW ANCHOR: a.l 3•x 3'[0.087 W SIMPSON iITEN RD OR EQUIVALENT 4' I POS7 ? SHEET METAL SCREWS(SMS): Z I ITW/BUILDEX OR EQUIVALENT .• .. W •! ¢D: ' I 1 B 3'x 3"POST TO DECK CONNECTION DETAILS S COMPOSITE ROOF TO POST CONNECTION L; ' A_xf SCALE:NTS A_Z SCALE:NTS /1 G a F Lu zc� n i 3"COMP ROOF PANEL BELFMATWG BEAM (A Lzu FLASHING 3 I I a COMPOSITE 17 _� ROOF PANEL — '-- - - - _I Z W @ . w'• w y .`Ny. I I I Q U l w•' 11R'DOA NEOPRENE EUISTING ' \ FACED WASHER PER PANEL BUIL DING/I W CY _ ____. ___.. - _. _....__._ 3' OOSP O _._ _ _ _ .. ......_... _._ _- --r� x -UPRIGHT (d)3/8°OUL - _- - - - ,KNEE BRACE I —I_ IL THRU BOLTS • I DRAWN BY rxa°SMe ' I V GD 1 VIx2 NELW11°x Tx 3-POST 0.08rx3•LONGALUM I DATE DRAWN RECEIVINGCHAN NEL I •12[314"9M3 E0.FACE S A 11/06/17 I I (3)/12x3/4"INTO POST I I REVISION 1 - S-1 COMP.ROOF TO POST A 4TH WALL DETAIL S-Z KNEE BRACE CONNECTION DETAIL ' A-2 SCALE MS SCALE.NT9 SMELT NO: A-z File Copy A-2