HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB CONTRACTORS APPSPERMIT # ISSUE DATE C66 Nsy m1 F i O R I D A PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division Bt_ iLDING PERM' T 5t- B-CONTRACTOR AC REEMENT -�.,CFf - — hake agreed to he Wompam \,wme Indiciilual Name) the EL.acz- Ti21 C y -- Suh-contractor fOr PO/gV s-,�L Poar's l I pe tit-Tradt.') iPriniart L-ontractor) - - For the project located at 7f& V PL/1" 7W 7-/d /2 4,44CS_ L'� A9_ _ (Project Street Addre;� or Propern Ta\ I D .. i It IS understood that. if there is an} chan4ae Of status rel;Fardin- Our participation" ith the aboxe mentioned project. the Building and Coat Regulation Division of'St. Lucie Count,, will he advised pursuant to the tilin+o of a C'hanize of Sub -contractor notice. C()�TR:\C [>R 51[:t rl RE l(pubtiricr) tit B-(' e IGH.►T1 RE 1Qualilierl �Ply" gi Gr- 612 A c i--eh K r c-1f PRI\ I' \ \1F. PRI1 r \AW. - — — - - Coe COI. NT4 CERTIFI( %I ION \1 NIBER State of Flnridn. ( ounti ofa,�%%n I he f0re+16114,instranten1 wax sinned before me thi. 1�r_ day of w hit is peruinalh knu" it 11 ,ir ha. Produced a its idenllflcalion. <=>,,, ".e/1 �it:naturc,wl'\utan Pubtic a re A/W Print Name of Nolan Public 67G DOO 2707 ( OIL \T1 ( ER1lFK V1"ION \t MHER - Slate of Florida. ( ounh of Aw"eT1/! I'he foregoing instrument was.si.ned before me Otis O daa of tv w hu is persunallr known �r'� rr has produced a -- --- - as idenlifieation. tif�►1P Si+l-malur orNotan Public' Print \amc of Nolan Public s: .f KOX n«I I I I _n 16 PERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division • BIL ILDINC PERMIT SUB-C •(TRACTOR A(AL EMENT IL'0111pilln \ame Indkidual \ame) the �L Urn,Gt�iQi t 1'\ Pe of f rade 9MI)l /61�2A�'J _ haN c aLtreed to bC Sub-cctnu\actOt- Cur i9PEx 64k1e5- 9(- (Primary Contractor) 1=01- the pnljetl located at _ Lf%e�S I Proiect Street kddress or Propem Fay I D I It iS understood that. if there is an} change OfStatus re�t;ardin- our participation m 1th the aho\e mentioned projr:ct. the BUIldingand Code Regulation Dix ision ofSt. l.ueic County v{ill be advised pursuant to the tiling of a Chanue of Sub -contractor notice. si(;\ o 1 R£ IQu81iRer) til 13-(•ol rtt-Wr tc'SA rl RE (Qualifier) Ft GIN R r'1 A `f M F1 G PRI\ T \ %lit. - PRINT \.ANIE clot ( Ot \ 1) ( ER I IFI( 1rION \t MRUR ( 01 \-1 % CLRI IF1( 'kMIN \t N{RER State of Florida, ( ouno of \tare of Florida.( ou"o of I he Blrrgoin*.; iinsirumrnl N%a, signrd �hr�ffore me this /dar of 9/� /d�f �w u ho i, lie rumolt\ Lon" it _ur has produced a A, identification. tiignature o otar} Public Lori 14--mod x� y Print \ante of Nolan Public i l he foreguing, iin`strrumeni aas si_ned before the this day of n ho is personal)% imonn —ar ha, produced a a. idculiEieutiun. �q� Si�'Fnxturc of otarr Public Ltyr,' d Print \acne of \olar% Public '•i •f � . .•I i �?y01S'S