HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVAL - METAL ROOFINGProduct Ai)proval USER: Publii= User F'roduct Approval Menu > Product gr._4apllcallon Search > Araplica[ion List > Applicatiori Detail FL# Application Type Code Version Application Status Comments Archived Product: Manufacturer Address/Phone/Email Authorized Signature Technlcal Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Silbcategory Compliance Method Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Evaliiatlon Report Florida License Quality Assurance Entity Quality Assurance Contract Expirat'ion Date Validated By Certificate of Independence Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By FL33818-R2 Revision 2020 Approved Gulf Coast Supply & Manufacturing, LLC. 4020 S. W. 449th Street Horseshoe Beach, FL 32648 (352) 498-0778 Ext 0565 jared.pearce@gulfcoastsupply.com Jared Pearce jared.pearce@gulfcoastsiipply.com ROoflng Metal Roofing Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received Zachary R. Priest PE-74021 PRI Construction Materials Technologies, LLC 12/31/2024 Steven M. Urlch, PE Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received FL33818 R2 C flBakedi Standard ASTM 8117 ASTM G 155 FM 4471 TAS 100 TAS 110 TAS 125 UL 1897 UL 580 Lng NonHVHZ Sections frc)in the Code Product Approval Method Date Submitted Date Validated Date Pending FBC Approval Date Approved Method 1 Option D 10/18/2021 10/21/2021 10/27/2021 12/15/2021 Summary of Products I F:L#I Model, NLlmber or Name Description 33818.1 Metal Roofing Systems (HVHZ)I GulfLok, VersaLoc, 5V Crimp, GulfpBR and GulfRib Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for tJse in HVHZ: Yes FL33818 R2 11 GCS20002.2b 2020 FBC Eval Met:al Roofing Approved for use outs ide HVHZ= No HyJjz-QJIfImpact Resistant: N/A Verified By: Zachary R. Priest PE-74021 Design Pressure: +0/-164.25 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Other: See evaliiatlon report for limits of iise.Evaluation Re|]orts FL33818 R2 AE GCS20002.2b 2020 FBC Eval Metal Roofing •.- Created by Independent Third Party: Yes I 33818.2 ffiifr¥£Metal Ftoofing Systems (nonHVHZ) ;_I 8::#bk/'±::'gue,afwm:vtegaL°CtversaLOC,5Vcnmp,GulfpBR, Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL33818 R2 11 GCS20n02.2a 2020 FBC Eval Metal Rnnfina Approved for Llse outside Hvllz: Yes NonHVHZ final.ndf Impact F`esistant: N/A Verified By: Zachary R. Priest PE-74021 Design Pressul.e: +0/-164.25 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Other: See evaluation report for limits of use.Evalllatiol` Reports FL33818 R2 AE GCS20002,2a 2020 FBC Eval Metal Roofinq NonHVHzfinal.12di Created by Independent Third Party: Yes fib Contac\: us : : 26ol Blair Stone Road, lallahassBe FL 32399 Phone: 850487-1824 Ttie stdbe Of f]oTtde I an ^^/Ere enobver. eg?g±gti[ Z007-Zal] 5tlta ot Fhilda. : : Pd)qpr Statim.nt : : A£I=l==ltlllltw Scatrmtlt : : Rrfund SgtEE_eTE Under Florida law, emafl addresses are pLibnc records. If you dB not want your a-mail address released in response to a publil:-records request, do not sencl electrmle mall to this eritity. Instead, contact the once by phonE! or by traditional mail. If you have any questions, please contact 850.487.1395. *Pursuant to Section 455.275(1), Florida Statutes, effedive October 1, 2012, Ijcensees ficensed under Chapter 4S5. F.S. milst pro`/ide the Department with an emall address if they have oiie. The emaife provided rrray be used for offidal communication with the lieensee. llowever Email addresses are pliblt record. If you do not wish to supply a persorral address, please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the pubbc. To determine if you are a licensee under Chapter 455, FS„ please cllck bsE. ProdLlct Approval Accepts: ERE ERE EEE EE EE Credit Card Salfe CREEK TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC EVALUATloN REPORT Registry No. 29824 17520 Edinburgh Dr Tampa, FL 33647 (813) 480-3421 FLORIDA BiiiLDING CoDE, 7" EDn-ioN (202o) Manufacturer:GULF COAST SljppLY & MANUFACTURING, LLC 14429 SW 2nd Place, Suite G30 Newbeny, FL 32669 (352) 498-7852 wv\/w.ciulfcoastsuDplv.com Manufacturing Locations: Alachua, FL Sebring, FL Montgomery, AL Quality Assurance: ScOpE PRI Construction Materials Technologies, LLC (QUA9110) lsslJed October 21, 2021 Category: Subcategory: Code Sections: Properties: REFERENCES Roofing Metal Roofing 1504.3 Wind Resistance Enfty Force Engineering & Testing ITST5328) Force Engineering & Testing ITST5328) Force Engineering & Testing ITST5328) Force Engineering & Testing ITST5328) Force Engineering & Testing ITST5328) Force Engineering & Testing ITST5328) Force Engineering & Testing ITST5328) Force Engineering & Testing ITST5328) Force Engineering & Testing rrsT5328) Force Engineering & Testing (TST5328) Fcirce Engineering & Testing ITST5328) Force Engineering & Testing ITST5328) Force Engineering & Testing ITST5328) Force Engineering & Testing ITST5328) Force Engineering & Testing ITST5328) Force Engineering & Testing ITST5328) Force Engineering & Testing ITST5328) Force Engineering & Testing ITST5328) Force Engineering & Testing ITST5328) GCS20002.2a Report No. 72-0313T-06A-C 72-0198T-07A-C 1 17-0033T-05 117-0053T-05 1 17-0062T-07A-C 117-0062T-07D-F 117-0062T-07G-I 1 17-0062T-07J-K 1 17-0065T-07A-C 117-0076T-12A 117-0089T-05.1 117-0089T-05.2 117-0102T-05 117-0165T-118 1 17-0238T-09D 1 17-0238T-09E 117-0238T-11 A 117-0248T-07A,B 117-0284T-09A FL33818-R2 Standard UL 580 UL 1897 UL 580 UL 1897 UL 580 UL 1897 UL 580 UL 1897 UL 580 UL 1897 UL 580 UL 1897 UL 580 UL 1897 UL 580 UL 1897 UL 580 UL 1897 UL 580 UL 1897 uL 580 UL 1897 UL 580 UL 1897 UL 580 UL 1897 UL 580 UL 1897 FM 4471 FM 4471 FM 4471 UL 580 UL 1897 UL 580 UL 1897 Page 1 Of 6 This evaliiation report is provided for State of Florida prodiict approval under Rule 61 G20-3. Trie manufacturer Shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report js valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. HCF3EEKTECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC EDtity Force Engineering & Testing ITST5328) Force Engineering & Testing ITST5328) Force Engineering & Testing ITST5328) Force Engineering & Testing ITST5328) Force Engineering & Testing ITST5328) Force Engineering & Testing ITST5328) Force Engineering & Testing ITST5328) Force Engineering & Testing ITST5328) Force Engineering & Testing (TST5328) Force Engineering & Testing ITST5328) Force Engineering & Testing ITST5328) Force Engineering & Testing ITST5328) lntertek-West Palm Beach (an ATl company) (TST1527) lntertek-West Palm Beach (an ATl company) (TST1527) lntertek-West Palm Beach (an ATl company) (TST1527) lntertek-West Palm Beach (an All company) (TST1527) lnterfek-West Palm Beach (an ATl cc)mpany) (TST1527) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) PRI Construction Materials Technolc)gies (TST5878) GCS20002.2a GULF COAST SUPPLY & MANUFACTUF`ING, LLC Metal Roofing ReDort No. 117-0285T-09A 117-0301 T-10A-C 117-0330T-10A-B 117-0331 T-08A 117-0331 T-08B 117-0331 T-08D 117-0337T-10 1 17-0378T-11 A 1 17-0378T-118 1 17-0378T-1 1 C 117-0407T-09 117-0407T-09A 89000.01450-18 C0308.01450-18 DO818.01450-18 D1692.0145044 G7287.0145044 1272T0005 2292T0001 2292T0002 2292T0011 FL33818-R2 Standard UL 580 UL 1897 UL 580 uL 1897 UL 580 UL 1897 UL 580 uL 1897 UL 580 UL 1897 UL 580 UL 1897 UL 580 UL 1897 FM 4471 FM 4471 FM 4471 UL 580 UL 1897 UL 580 UL 1897 UL 580 UL 1897 UL 580 UL 1897 UL 580 UL 580 UL 1897 ASTM E 8 UL 580 ASTM G 155 UL 580 UL 1897 uL 580 UL 1897 UL 580 UL 1897 Page 2 Of 6 Triis evaluation report is provided for State of Flcirida product approval under Rule 61G20-3, The manufacturer sriall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report ls valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, reccimmended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. H CREEK TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC GULF COAST SUPPLY & MANUFACTURING, LLC Metal Roofing GCS20002.2a FL33818-R2 Page 5 of 6 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under F`ule 61 G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CF`EEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report ls valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. HCREEKTECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC LIMITATloNS GULF COAST SUPPLY & MANUFACTURING, LLC Metal Roofing 1. Fire classification is notwithin the scope of this evaluation. 2. This report is notforusein the HVHZ. 3. The roof deck and the roof deck attachment shall be designed by others to meet the minimum design loads established for components and cladding and in accordance with FBC requirements. 4. Roofslope shall be in accordancewith FBC section 1507.4.2. 5. Reroofing shall be in accordance with FBC Section 1511. Recovery versus replacement shall be evaluated in accordance with FBC Section 1511.3. 6, Installation of the evaluated products shall comply with this report, the FBC and the manufacturer's published application instructions. Where discrepancies exist between these sources, the more restrictive and FBC cc]mpliant installation detail shall prevail. 7. All products listed in this report shall be manufactured under a quality assurance program in compliance with Rule 61 G20-3. COIVIPLIANCE STATEIVIENT :t%e:r;guEctd:ti:Xa('2uoa£3iahse:eJjndebnyc:a:::hrye:e.fepr:::t;dpa:;uh:Veent8esT8#::egyct:::I:amn::#:t:utfhaect:i::.daBu"ding ```````;;;!!ji?i"`if *:.` NO .I=_1:1,,,???;;;:,,;:ii;E This item has been digitally signed and sealed by Zacliary R. Priest] PE, on 10/21/2021 Printed copies of this document are not considered signed and sealed and the signature must be verified on any electronic copies. CERTIFICATION OF INDEPENDENCE -.,,.:_i:i:-.,,_i--- 2021.10.21 10:40:51 -04'00' Zachary Ft. Priest, P.E. Florida F2egistration No. 74021 Organization No. ANE9641 CREEK Techn'ical Services, LLC does not have, nor will it acquire, a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products under this evaluation. CREEK Technjcal Services, LLC is not owned, operated, or controlled by any company manufacturing or distributing products under this evaluation. Zachary R. Priest. P.E. does not have, nc]r will acquire, a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products under this evaluation . Zachary R. Priest, P.E. does not have, nor will acquire, a financial interest in any other entity involved in the approval process Of the product. APPENDICES 1) APPENDIX A-Installation (5 pages) 2) APPENDIX B -Approved Roofsystems (7 pages) 3) APPENDIXC-Designwind Loads (4 pages) GCS20002.2a FL33818-F22 Page 6 Of 6 This evaluation report js provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20€. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes thrc}ughout the duratic>n for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifical ly addressed herein. HCREEKTECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC INSTALLATION GULF COAST SUPPLY & MANUFACTURING, LLC Metal Roofing APPENDIX A Note - Refer tc> the AppRovED RooF SvsTEivls section of this report fclr specific installation details of a selected system. unless otherwise specified in this report the following installation details shall be met for the named products: Component Product Installation Detail Fasteners ee-15 HWH wc>od screwwithsealingwasher Shall penetrate through the sheathing a minimum 3/8 in. Shall be corrosion ee-1 5 HWH woodzAcScrew #10-12 Pancake Type AScrew #10-14 HWH WoodTite Fastener with sealingwasher resistant in accordance with FBC section 1507.4.4. #12-11 Pancake Type AScrew #i 2-8 HWH woodgripXGscrewwithsealingwasher 1 /4-14 HWH ZAC lmpax Installed at panel side lap; Shall be corrosion resistant in accordance with FBC Lap screw section 1507.4.4. clips GUELok Clip 24 ga. in€eam clip ftF,,",i \Ct) i -,&® _,€,,4oJ Fixed Clip 18 ga. in€eam clip i``t```\` `, li,, ``?. ``` J\te?¥`--`--.I" 4' `oJ=Ss GCS20002.2a FL33818-R2 Page 1 of 5 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer 3nall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. H CREEK TEcliNICAL SERVICES, LLC GULF COAST SUPPLY a MANUFACTURING, LLC Iuletal R®ofing APPENDIX A Component Product Installation Detail Clips (Cont'd) NC€3003-3 Sliding Clip 1 0.78 I-- 4-1/4" - -I8Liliiliiliiiliiiliiliiliii- E] ff E-:__________+: /2"I 1500SC Sliding Clip 22 ga. top; 16 g a. base; in-seam clip;,?i;.` (,?cC\ L]-, (--(6GO; I , , ```i , ,+---.-::i !1' I Dff ERE fuofl \-`H<:' {3,s;62F---ife_J, ' Sealants TiteBond WeathermasterMetalRoofSealant Shall be applied in 1/4"-5/16u continuous beads on the male rib along the seam Fastening Details Nomenclature Attachment GuifLok Type 1 + (1)#io-i2xi.`rvpEAPANCAKE GulfLok Overlap itia. #43 sTAiNLEss a(%bFEk°LAKpP§TD% 3TCEEL Rn`ET @ erGULFIOKPANEL (uNOERur sicet PANCLIP §CftE`..' GCS20002.2a FL33818" Page 2 of 5 Thle evaluation report is provided for State of FloHda product approval under Rule 61G20€, The manufacttjrer 8haH notify CFtEEK Technical Services, LLC Of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duratlon for which this report is valid, Thle evaluatlon report does not express nor imply warranty, inBtallation, recommended u8B, or other product attributes that are not 8pecmcally eddrossed heraln. H CFtEEK TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC GULF COAST SUPPLY & MANUFACTURING, LLC Metal Roofing APPENDflx A Fastening Details Nomenclature Attachment 5V Type 3 . 12„ 1.1211 I L`,. I At Panel Lap (1 ) #9-15 x 1 -1 /2" HWH w/Sealing Washer GulfpBF? Type 1 At Pane lLap #1/4-14 x 7/8" Lap Screw @ 24u 0.C. Max. 12„ 1 12„(1)#9-15x1-1/2' 1`2„ GulfpBF¢ Type 2 #1/4-14 x 7/8" Lap §crow @ 24" O.C. Max. r5"T7"T5"T7"i(1)#9-15x1-1/2" 5"T7"5"I GulfRib Type 1 Tor 1 9cO 9",9„AtPan e' Lap Z:)#9-15xH/"stalerwacher Guneib Type 2 T6.5|2.5"T-6-5|2.5"T-6.5|2.5"T--6.5"---.---T.2.5" 4)#9-15xH"falerwaner GCS20002.2a FL33818-R2 Page 4 Of 5 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. Trie manufacturer Shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality a§§urance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other produc;t attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. ZJ'E%dIa5ZJ£0a'ataa=I:.IfIaI-e0i£B'U,I99aa< §e Lr,to lJ, lJ)I ®i i q' - =c5 =cj-r,aTc5X=djiN.E N.±3 * o. 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