HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPECIFICATION SHEETT{avreN ,?remium Condensin; - tonkless Gqs Wqter Heqrcr NPE Series Tankless Water Heaters _ SpecificationSheet @ n'r tntake conn(tion size @ Exhaustcasvenr ;;, Q HorWateroutlet O Recirculationlnlet* O coldWaterlnlet @ Gaslnlet @ CondensateOutler '4"ndeltonly Connection Size 4314" o3t4" a 3/4" o 314' a112" Dimensions Item ==-- Hea.---_l.li- Specifications NPE-150s NPE-,80A NPF.18,000- 120,000 BTU/H 15,000- 1 50,00 15,000_1 50,00r wpe.zroa /rupEii rvpe-zeof-rIEE--Ioni (lnput) BTU/H ts,goo_tsn,soo etu/iEfficiency Ratings ) Bf U/H EF (Canar/e) 0.96 0.96 0.97 096 U/H 19,900_199,900 BTu/H Flow Rate (DHW) 0.97 0.95 0.97 0.96 0.97 35"F(19t) Temp Rise 6,8 GPM (26L/n) 0.99 0.97 0.998.4 GPM (32 L/m)10,'t GpM (38 L/m)11.2GPM(42L/m) 8.7 GPM (33 L/m) 45"F(25"C) Temp Rise 5.3 GPM (20 L/m)6.s cpM (2s L/m)7.8 cPM (30 L/m) 67'F(36"C) Terxp Rise 3.2 GPM (12L/m)4.J GPM (16L/m) 4.2 GPM {16 L/m) s.o GpM I tr s Lum) | 5.2 GPM (20 L/m)Dimensions Weight 5,6 GPM (21 L/m) 5.7 GPM (22L/m)1 7.3" (Wl x 27.4,' (N) x 1 3.2,,(D) 55 lbs (2skg) 75 lbs I(3aks) I 67 lbs I(30ko) | 82 lbs I rsz rst I 75 lbs I(3qkg) | 82 lbs (37 k9) 75 lbs (34kq)lndoor or Outdr Forced Draft Dir..- tlectronic loniti 1 5-1 50 PSI Ieltlns rype rgnttlon wrt.rilr- .....-....__- ect Vent on Natural Ga5 5upp1y pre;;; (from source)3.5 inWC-10.5 in WC - 8 in WC-'t3in WC -r-0,38 in WC | _0.04 in WC _ _o.Sa in WC I Propane Gas Srppty er*rt* (from source) Natural Gas Manifold pressurc (min-nrax)-0.05 in WC - -0 1.58 in WC.36 in Wc -0.05 in WC -Propane Gas Manifold pressure (min-max) -0.04 in WC - -0.42 in WC -0.05 in WC - -0.50 in WC -0.10 in WC - -0.66 in WC -0.10 in WC - -0.78 in WCMinimum Flow Rate Connection Sizes Cold Water lnlet 3/4 in NPT L/m) option for'4, models" Hot Water Outlet 3/4 in NPT th external pump connected Gas Inlet 3/4 in NPT Power Supply Main Supply 1 2OV AC, 60HZ Maximum Power Consumption 200W (max 2A),350W (max 4A) Crkf il1.,1 Crrb* St..l lMaterials Casing Heat Exchangers Primary Heat Exchanger: Stainless Steel Secondary Heat Exchanger: Stainless Steel Venting Exhaust z ur J rvL, LrvL, potypropylene 2" or 3" Special cas VentType BH (Class ll, A/B/C) lntake 2" or 3" PVC, CPVC, Polypropylene 2" or 3" Special Gas VentType BH (Class ll, A/B/C) Vent Clearances 0" to combustibles Safety Devices Flame Rod, APS, lgnition Operation Ou Power Surge Fuse x Avoilqblefor "A" models confrgured in an optionolcomfoftFlow rccirculation mode. Additionolenergy use will occur when usinn ,*6.,fif,- Exchanger and S-year Parts for commercial use) per Novien Limited woffdnty, unit6l snol be aesigned to burn natural gas and con be for use with propone when a FietdConversion Kit is instolled. Woter heater(s) shall have o nominal flow rote co[acity iJ' GpM/GpH ot _.p rise"with rotec] input ol. BTU/hr. Woterheater(s) shall be vented with 2" PVC/:PVC vent pipe at a distonce not to exceed 60''[or equivalenil with ,ih ,lio* ,quol to B, ofpipe length or 3,, pvc/cpvc vent pipe ot o gallon for the NPE'180A model (0.7 gallons for NPE-1805 model), 1.2 gallons for the NPE-210A/NpE-240A models [0.7 and 0.9 gallons for NpE-2105 and NpE-2405 modetsrespectively), dnd a condensate collector' The NPE-150s model weigh; 55 \bs, the NPE-180A model weighs 75 tbs (NpE-180s weighs 67 tbs), and the NpE-21uA/NpE-240A units using cable-only connections (Reody-Link). coscode systems can be common iented with up to g units when a con.mon;;;r-;r;ii;;';;;;;:;;i;i;r,r r,installed' The water heoter(s) exceeds the energy eiliciency requirements of ASHME g0.1-2013 and is iisted by s)AQMD rule 1146.2 (Type L) Jbr Low Nox that compties with14 ng/J or 20 ppm NOx requirements @ 3% OZ. *Navien reserves the right to change specifications at dny time without prior notice Navien, Inc' 20Goodyear, Irvine,cA925l.B Ph:(949)420-0420 Faxt(g4g)4zo-0430 wwwNavien.com - Rev. 11115 Propane Gas u.9/0.97