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Permit 2110 0446 Termite info and set Final inspections lot 743
Patrick Exterminating, Inc. 3226 SE Gram Park Way, Stuart M 34997 rax 772-223-2114 Stuart 772-286-6812 Jupiter 561-244-2681 Vera Beach 772-562-3700 Part St Lucie 772-335-7378 Certificate of Compliance for Termite Protection (as required by Florida Building Code (FBQ 1816.1.7) Treatment Address: 743 Nettles Blvd, Jensen Beach, FL Builder: Burns & Son Permit # ❑ Footing U Slab ❑ driveway © Pool Deck ❑ Addition ❑ Other ❑ Final Perimeter Treatment - Initial and Date for Final: Date. 1 17121 'Time: 9:00 Square Footage 800 Product Used: Bifen Gallons: 80 % Used: .06 Chemical Name: Bifenthrin Applicator: Gabby Fierro_ Method of Treatment: Soil Barrier The building has received a complete treatment for the prevention of Subterranean termites. Treatment is in accordance with rules and laws established by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. Notice to Builder It is the responsibility of the builder to notify Patrick Exterminating prior to the pouring of any lab that abuts the above structure so that treatment can be completed and the required paperworl )r closing be submitted. Such slabs might be, but are not limited to: patios, porches, entryways, 1C slabs, stoops, additions, bay windows, driveway additions, etc. Other areas that would require treatment would be: 1. Areas within the foundation that were -disturbed after the initial treatment. 2. The foundation perimeter after final grade has been established. Note: As per FBC 104.2.3 - If soil chemical barrier method for termite prevention is used, final exterior treatment shall be completed prior to final building approval. Note: WARRANTY WILL BE ISSUED UPON COMPLETION OF FINAL TREATMENT ONLY 3?26 SE Gran Park Way, Stuart FL 34991 Stuart (172) E n SUBTERRANEAN TERMITE PROTECTION PLAN DATE: 1 171 1 PURCHASER Burns & Son PHONE :yI2£bt EW)rY A DREss 743 Nettles Blvd CITY Jensen Beach 1,°rr; FL zip 8'I'RU4C'1'URE'VYPFJN0. O BIJI] ',.TDINGS BfLLl rA ADDRESS P.O. Box 2335 CI`I"V - Palm.City. _ _..._ STA,ri FL zill "IWA't":Iatls'NTSTA'IUs: 11 R&C"ilNS-TRUCTION OR 0ACTIVE\C;d?:N°]'ROL kitTectivtc 1217121 thru 1217/22 R)r the sum of -125—M....._.... -, Patrick Exteninnating w i3I provide the necessary service to protect the above property aonst subterranean termites (lt on-l'osmosara). YOUR LIMITED GUAK4NTEE THIS LT1d111.Ii GUARANTEE IS A itFTREA'Ci' ENT € NLY CUARA_WEE;. In consideration of'surttsreceived ray us For treatisrg the shove premise's fur Subtc;rram an termites, we g"rwr€oc, t© ixrsp"t amwally the above prernises and to apply any necessary liquid barrier treaanna;rst to said preanisses if iubtc z°razteaaas `Petite; itsfestation is Found during die period. that this Limitod Gamlitoe t'ertnains itt fo a'e- THE IPIi'I'LAL PERIOD OF THIS LIMITED GUARANTEE SHALL, IMF ONE YFAR, C0fvIMT.,NC UN'G ONTHE DATE OF THE kNITIAI. TREATMENT, Patrick xtc 3'n irtaiittg, fuv,. %411 extend protection ennuaf y to the owner of the idl-tufted propeixy subject to tlae general conditions of this a D-eerncm: for $ NIA per yoar payable on or b�,4'cwe the end of the previous pzrmCcetion period. After the fi.tlis year and each }scar° tltercaiier, ,Patrick inc. reservca the right to revise the annual rerirwuc claarr e. Patrick hxterminabng, Inc. shah not be liable for rotmaatnrmct to covered ed premises that have been added to or stmctu€ally altered unla ss .Paauick Exterminating, Inc. bass been FaotiNd prior to the beginning of my alteratiarar or addition, and any additional treatment or retreartr cni :Patrick Exterarairsxting, tne, finds neee ssey is performed. Such alta-mtatpons and additions most be sea•viced bv PalTick Extcrmivating, luc, as soon as practical - at the v;tpeir:,e of t77e arwmeE. Actrlitissrss axr alror°ations hicludo, tyre addition or ramurval of sod around du, tuurldatiazra. This aag Tree-ent exclaadeox � tar aa3easaan I°� x [raitcs. The presoce of water in treated, areas or through irkter'iorlroof leaks are conducive to Subtemnean Termite infestation, Purchaser is res risible for making tic€ eiy repairs ox modifications where ")Dducive x alternate waster soarces are found.. Upon completion o.frepairs by 'Purchaser, Patrick Extcrinintibyig will provide, ifisvr:essary, additional fxeatrna3Pt to colatrdl infestation at Purchaawr's expense, If purc:,haam�r a:lccts to not repair said defect.-, then Patrick Exta rmina2ing slaarli have no iirber obligation anadcr this aagreerraem. Patrick Exterrasinatitig, lm,% rt cpuires access to the covcced pmanises (A° ally additions for the purposr: of carrying out the terms and conditions of'this a.p;,rc;mieaa.t. { ustorntm ag ees to Mac Premises accessibly liar annual inap vction. This protection plara will be efTictivo only, upaou puyinont of the charges provided herein, THE AT,%E 1"tiptiSPE(','I ON Ntl'T'ICT LOCATION - NOTICE: YOU, THE PURCHASER, MAY C,A.NC:FI,. THIS TRANSACTION AT ANYTIME PRIOR TO MIDNIGHT OF THE THIRD BUSINESS DAY AF"i'F.R'. HE twm' t'DF 't'l.tlS'1 R Aiw S AC flip. PT Rf H S R DATE 74� rl:;X�a _ _ 1217121 ilaLtINATINt'> D A'lIs Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Bureau of Inspection and incident Division of Agricultural Environmental Services Response 3125 Conner Blvd, Suite N, Tallahassee, FL 32 399-1650 CONSUMER NOTICE FORM Wi rcoMR!a�2��lshfrorT)fiorida.com ADAM K PUTNAM Rule 5E-14.105, FAC, COMMISSIONER Tolophonei (860) 617-79W. Fax: (850) 6177968 A pest control company must give you a written contract prior to any treatment of each wood -destroying organism, It is very important that you read and understand the contract you are signing. The pest control company is only obligated to follow the terms of the contract you have signed, regardless of other statements by the company or salesperson. (Note: Contracts for treatment for new construction can be issued to the builder and provided to you at closing), BASIC REQUIREMENTS FOR CONTRACTS The contract must state the common name of the wood -destroying organism to be controlled by the company (e.g, subterranean termite, powder post beetle). If the contract is for termite control, the contract must clearly state whether Formosan termites are covered or not. ■ Some contracts do not include a treatment at the time the contract is issued, and that should be clearly stated. If a treatment is performed as part of the contract, the cost for the treatment must be stated. If the treatment is only for certain areas, the contract should clearly state that it is for 'spot treatment" only. ■ The contract must state if it is a retreatment only or a retreatment and repair contract. If it is a retreatment and repair contract, carefully read the sections of the contract that state when repairs will or will not be covered by the contract. REQUIREMENTS FOR STATI NG.YV-HEN.. TRRATM ENT OR REPAIR WILL NOT BE COVERED BY THE CONTRACT • Repair contracts will not cover repairs from termite damage under every condition. The contract must state when retreatment or repair will be done, and conditions tinder which the company can refuse to retreat or repair, • These conditions have to be stated and be under headings in the contract that are in bold print. Companies typically refuse repair or retreatment if the condition of the house is such that moisture or leaks result in termite infestation, or where siding makes it hard to see termite infestation Examples of this are: • Cracks in concrete slabs • Wood or wall siding in contact with ground • Plumbing Teaks • Leaks in the roof • Water accumulating against side of house The law does require that companies notify you if they see conditions which would void the repair promise and they have to give you a chance to correct the condition before voiding the contract or denying repair coverage, • Contracts may have a condition that does not cover Formosan termite damage until a specific time period has passed. This means that if damage occurs during this period the company will not pay for repair. • You have the right to compare contracts from other companies before signing a contract with a company. Choose the company that gives you the best contract options. If you have any questions about the terms of the contract, or concerns about the compliance history of the company with regard to pest control laws or regulations, contact the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services at phone number, 850-617-7996 or email: biircomplaints@freshfromflorida,cotii. I understand that I am entering into a contract with Patrick Exterminating, Inc, � (fill in company name) to provide wood -destroying organism(s) treatment, and I have read and understood the terms of the contract, Print Name of Consumer Signature Of Consumer Mike Edwards Print nt Name of Pest Gotitfol Representative W2� - C._:CX C, _r� Signature of Pest Control representative FDACS-1 3692 Rev. 1 G/ 15 Date: Title: Property 0 Nner or authorized agent Date: 12/7/21 Company-- Patrick Exterminating, Inc,