HomeMy WebLinkAboutTANKLESS WATER HEATERPremium Condensing Gas Water Heater- =VdSta r accdrdIng'tqAMSI 41--M! i MA43-20is both iqi:iq,,OrO4t40or Jns4jjadons,(wjth: 'Optiolriat'Olitcloot V.e,nt,Kt 2 ,gas "pe ft* ('seb installation Manual is I ,iu ! to a,tengtbof24 Cbmpatiblev" 2�:PVICVeftt,vptb-66,ft##and 1510 A4 Using cGU InputRanges Ra. ft'gqs NPt.j '00, 0,to,*OQQBTUh NPE-W,- 150,000 tb45;.'QOD B,TUh :NP.9F210 ­186,00610 14,409pT04 i4l)9440, 199,960 to I%9O0.BTUh 1l4ot`W#erFlqW,Rate'Ca Ot(*S40n, 3 t. , 0. temper*UM rice) NPE404.A,'GPM �NPE-180- 0.4 GPM Nkoko - I" b, i2m NPA440 -11.2 GPM *`Dual Primao.and-Secondary $tainiess Steel Heat UchangersfOr pp:tlintim, eqiclehcjand4ufa_bilwy • Bull of temperature, settings and:dlsplays the error d opera ngstatus an . rrpr.,cq es d I' '' inchidedwith jpjj p,t,.pov ffiaxiinum,cbmfort. •ANTEtWENT Pr&Otf w Ott ng-rpcognizes', ot a ter 1�8 e to intejigefitiy OebyjAe ;- I . ag. ttdMs ptwatefw. en 40ded:(qpuoha f6rok m6dejj) WE` Serises ,Tan� I k .-e.s"s`,W,.a"ter-- H, 6'. •Temperature, Opti 6in -aVailabletemper-abire settings' fbr Rosider,ildilaopit6�oris i-aAie ii6in 9gbV�p�t�.�i4D%!F,v�ith high temperature Corqnierciol mode',capgble of up tb,182T' -Aeady-Llnk,C I as - C adebbinpatible-ficir up to 16AWIts for increased hotwaterpro .1common.VentComp.atlbl6.-allbw.slfcit,.'casd;ide,systentgt6use a singie,eA4qstiindj,of intike,pipe`fdr sip to 810iits- with the use.ofthL-Coici%on-.Ypntikckd;w"bam6et.'oil C arKit(#PPOUS� I 7A) *'qoyopafibI6 with, NAVIri kvfTl4i conto CWAS-001), • ffeeze-'Protection.- Mqintalh.s:notihal"dpe!rpildi-L during freezjnp, ambient ternpetatures 4oWn tb.-5*,F'(§tafidAM on all.todels) • Jjnlform'Ene)rWTactbr, Ratings i6i kGamdLP UnI& NP11-i6bi/ilOA/7*46A - 0.06 UA'F (bktf fqr Canada) UEV, (Q,O . 9-EF.fdrCangift) i, - Compatible with 'NAturarUi (NG) afid ftbpaiie Od�*4 C-OW I" Kit" ' pp .,,, for installations on MobfieINanufaIctured0opies Certified by d&NSO, 5, AHPJ,, A81959-CA Low Lead, SCAQMD 46,Z 61.54, karijeAt,.Exchang#rind5-YearP6itsWarranty (Regid6titial)**** lq-ypar Heat 9k6fianierand S;46ar Parts Warranty (Commercial)**** Specification �. y s%qkbtsl#n - ompidtibli with Job Ngme. Zoeation., Conteactai, SUbMiftod,w, Built-InOntrof Panel with Diagnot./cs indoor and "OutdOor Vendn' 6' N' 91 , p _Iq Oat Oqi,,�, Icap;� on bje Premium 'Condensing t64kksS­ Gas,. a water Heater Connection Size ijiRt Wat& Ougq,, (D,314, Recirculabon thiet. C91dwaterinlet V 31,V Gam 1/4' Ciindensate Outt (D 112" Heat .Cap �Aejfy Wt Series Tan(kless HeatersWater ;�! 'Speti- fiCation Sheet Specifications eoffg c, P 12 Gas, . nj� B4 -1 4,,n,, 11; LP) y1uu-1b QUOBTU/HCetty 15,.066-709,960.T( 1rvyaLal0. .096 0.97 6-930 ,", 0.96 Rise •MjRatingsEF1IC * , 0.99js,F(19'C)Te 5tum 270.99 59 8A GPM {321jnj) 16.1 1 G I PM (38 Uri)` - t GPM (42 1.2 QM) '(OHW)l 45T.(25'Q Templllis6, -5 ,3.GPK Urn) 6.5 GPM (15 GPM,(30'.Um)t 01) ON 7A OJGPM,(31VrTi)': 67*F(3eiZjTernp Rise 12:GP-M 43 k3rm 4.2 GPM 5:0 5.2 . GPM (1?;Vrn) iiZ L/Mi P (16uniL 11(19.2�i_mlll �.&GPM 1 diffiensions- ----------- 00 L/M) L/M) 173(W) x 27W(HJ.x I (21 Um) Weight 55 Ibi M lbs 0/ 10s8.2 lbs. 75jbg 'ZkO (14kg (30kj) Wg) S, F75 lbs b�' InstWlation:Typ'e (37 t3,06) (nd-, (_ 6� 1 (37 �6) 3541kg) n1tingType, Forced Draft DirectVent. Ignition Electronic Ignition: Water Pressure Noturaj'Gas-Supply Pre I ssuM (fr*.s6urce) J.5 in,W, C.A.0.5 in, WC Pro.page Gas Supply Pressure (from source) 6 in WC-13in WC. 'Natural Gas,ManIf6Id Pressure -0.0.41nWC- (rnlh-max) 0,3"bJn WC -0.04 in in W4484, wc -aO5fnWC--0.36inwC 46-in WC -6.5 -9,in'WC I Pro IdPressUre (rninirria4 404,InWC1- -O!Q In WC -0.05inWC1_030inWC . . -,61QinWC--0,6Wn'WC_ --- t -0 -ii WC - _,d.78'Ift,WC Minirnurn ;Rate; Fl 0-5 014�( L/rn),Optionforl 4/rn), < U1 GPM (Q-04 A" moc Corinkfidn Cold Water Ifilet. $/wIn NPT 5 1 izes Hotwat erbutiet 3141n NPT GasInlet 3/4 in NPT Power Main:$upply 120V AC, 6OHz Su, ply p Maxirild Power Con 20 OW-(rnax 2AL 356W (maxAA) With external.purn p.cohnected Casing Cold Rolled Carbon Steel' Materials Heat Exchangers PrimaryHea Exc ange0tainle , t h . ss Steel Secondary -Heat Exchanger. 5tiihl(!ss3teiel- Exhaust 2"6r3,PVC,£?VCiPolyotcipyidne* Z-or 3"Special Gas VeniTypeW(Cjass (l, A)BIC); Writing intake 2"or3"PVCCPVC,PoIypropjlerie I I �" Spedal G�� 2: Viint:Tyoe 9H (Class It, A/B/C) 'Vent Clearances Wtocombustibles Safety, `Devices Flame kod,-AP.S,'fgnftbnbpo�lion[5etict6rWat-efTemp6iatuieHigh .Limi.tS'Witch, I Exhaustjernperatufe High LfniitSens . 6r, Power sbrge Fuse • 'ilAvalla le(qr'Aliltodqs'ebhfljiii4d!rianapt!4n6fComfortfiowreciktifoffoi)iiidde; Additionaleiie'r9y use will o_ccur_wheh tjsm4�edrcufatlan. Gas-fliled, tankless, whdensing, wall-moqritedwafer heater(s):shall I bd,direetveniNPESertqs.moitolsasMiiniffLietuz'edbyNovieti,,lnq.,. and are :certified 'by"CSA Group to the, lateste'dition"pfA.ff$lsteindard,i2i°'10.3/CSA 4.3, Wdter he*i(sj-$hall:have a f§-y*eaelirrzltedHeat Exchanger warranty and.Swiiwdr limited Paris warranty(8: , yea!-.Hedt Exchan'gdr�drfj 5-�eor Parts far e-ornmercial use) per Movien Limited Warranty.,Ui . jit(s)Ahall Ye.designOdt6 burn natural gas and can befigruse with propdri6 When,aRield Conversion kkis installed, Wtrtdiwhedi&(s) shall have a no d1fl owrate capacit rise y OP10101far with raWWiputof-RTU1hr.Watei� Min heate� 5hallbe vented wlih,2" PkIOVd vent lilpa-at dd&tdr1ce not to exceed ��`(or equivalent) with each.elbow equal. to, Woftipe length or 3'-PklePVC vent pipe'dt-a ve . diitdnceof15'0'eor,64iilOdl�,ht):iWith.eachelbot !qua1to-5'qrpipe.- rigth.Oracieheat&fspss.rPea , p , res:sui'-eilidilbe'i.5--to'10:$',WCArnatura'tgds,etiid8.'0.-to'13.0'Wdfpr.propone. Oizit(s)shallhai,&asteelcase,.dtials t,ee I t4fidesss I heat exchahg&se6o OrdintKed buM negatiliep.res§ur�OgasVitive,dual 'vdnturi,31f.":inietyasconnecti6n,3144briisfiiiletlouOutwaier.conn'ec.tion�;,"wate�holding 6C?Pocity,ofO.6, gallons,kr thMkt4 5-'OS,-I.O gallon j�or.i)te,NPE;166A model (6.7ga)lonskdWfi I805Model), 1,2;,qa1lonsfQr thaWPE-216AINPE-240A models (0.7 and, d.0,gallons fdr'NPE­21 OS and MPE-240$ models respOctfvely d ),"an dcohdensdticollidar.,The Nflt,-I'5oS,modelWeighs55'ibsthe,NPE=180A-moderlwgiihs,75l5s,(NPE-'18OSweigh ;6Zths)and t.hgNP8f2lGAlNPE-2.40A models Weig�h kPE440SWeigh 7.5,lbs)., Unft(s),,s6.i;l1in . clude.feektiiees,'suchasaiiadjustrqqntfp,7instditati6n*s-drhigh'ele'vdtioh,,tempeidture.lockoqt,.'qod -tgroperatui-ddOtibngfrdhige-iloy-�in-i:*F.,fntqr Is -a . i2�440T'hi'574 skajt�idu�e addition -temperature.options ofl$O-f8dk�"P:in y; izd intervals. The,urift(s)l a/ drid-1827for high tempera reco m0cialop V tu m fificittidju, All JVPE. �A`modils shall. include an internal circulation p mp-p&d6.,��ationbaffertdhk.Tizewater;heater(s);OlI bacontrofied by anihiernld I l6licukboard, fhdt.r�ankom theiriletand 6 . Li I t . le . t.t&mperatures with installed. th I erm" .. fk stbitt's--ebsing and controllingflQw rate tdset polnt*te*&dtuee with order tomaintdinAtirmal combustion'efficrenc (s)shi7llihdlirdesdfi!t�,features,�uchas.flamesens6rsyst��m, high limitsenso overheat y. Unit prev;ntian devicejYeeze,)*atect(an mode,and fan m6tarroCat . id n detdet6r.MUlti Multi -system (cascade) applicatons-Adt.,r6qi"tr,-eZ'to.16unttsshoilbe,in-stdl-ledo� - , _ _.. . F c6nnectih§ the, units using cable -only, connecd6&.(ReodY:-Llnk). Cdkadi, systems.con be,carrimon vented With up to 8 units whena Comirtan Vent. Rackflow Domper.C611ar Kit is. installed The Water hdat&(s) exceeds the energy efficiency requirements bfASHRA E,'90.'l�.2013�andis.,Iisted.,,by" '§C4Qkh rule,11.46.2 (Type ,!J-forLow :iVi9xthaceomplie5,With . 14,ifg1f6r20-ppmWOxre uire ments'@3%O2.' 011idiilen ieserves-tlie rijhko charige sp&ciffcatl906dny time wlth.qu4 prjornotice NaOhen, Inc.. '20 Goodyoarjrvi I nO, CA 92619 ?h: (9491420'-0420 Fax- C9491420-043O imuiw- Nziwi