HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOA i ProfessionalBusiness & Regulation _ BCIS Home I Lag In I User Registration I Hot Topics Submit Surcharge I Stats&Facts Publications Contact Us BCIS Site Map I Links Search F rich Product Approval USER:Public User Product Approval Menu>Product or Application Search>Application List>Application Detail FL# FL6596-R6 Application Type Revision Code Version 2020 Application Status Approved Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Carolina Carports,Inc. Address/Phone/Fniail 187 Cardinal Ridge Trail Dobson, NC 27017 (336) 367-6400 FLvalidation@yahoo.com Authorized Signature Tim Gammons tim,ga@carolinacarports.com Technical Representative Jason Cope Address/Phone/Email 187 Cardinal Ridge Trail Dobson, NC 27017 (800)670-4262 Ext2037 jason.c@ccihq.biz Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Structural Components Subcategory Roof Deck Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer Evaluation Report-Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Johnathan E. Green, RE. Evaluation Report Florida License PE-88223 Quality Assurance Entity Keystone Certifications, Inc. Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 04/05/2027 Validated By Brian Saks, P.E. Validation Checklist-Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence FL6596 R6 COI Letter of Certification-Carolina Carports 2020 sealed.pdf Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard Year ASTM E 1592 2005 FM 4471 1992 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D Date Submitted 09/14/2020 Date Validated 10/06/2020 Date Pending FBC Approval 10/19/2020 Date Approved 12/15/2020 Summary of Products FL # Model, Number or Name Description 6596. 1 AG Panel 26 Ga AG Roof Panel over open framing Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL6596 R6 II FL6596.1 26 Ga, AG Roof Panel sealed.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Johnathan E Green, P.E. 88223 Impact Resistant: N/A Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: +57.3 psf/-62.5 psf Evaluation Reports Other: See Evaluation Report for various design pressures. FL6596 R6 AE FL6596. 1 26 Ga. AG Roof Panel sealed .pdf Install per manufacturer's details. Not for use in HVHZ Zones. Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 6596.2 AG Panel 29 Ga. AG Roof Panel over open framing Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL6596 R6 II FL6596.2 29 Ga, AG Structural Roof Panel NON Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes HVHZ sealed,pd Impact Resistant: N/A Verified By: lohnathan E Green, P.E. 88223 Design Pressure: +41.6 psf/-57.3 psf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Other: See Evaluation Report for various design pressures. Evaluation Reports Install per manufacturer's details. Not for use in HVHZ Zones, FL6596 R6 AE FL6596.2 29 Ga, AG Structural Roof Panel NON HVHZ sealed.odf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Back Next Contact Us : : 2601 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone: 850-4874824 The State of Florida is an AA/EEO employer. CO art 2007-2013 State of Florida. : : Privacy Statement : : Accessibility Statement : : Refund Statement Under Florida law, email addresses are public records. If you do act want your e-mail address released In response to a public-records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact the office by phone or by traditional mail. If you have any questions, please contact 850.487.1395. *Pursuant to Section 455.275(l), Florida Statutes, effective October 1, 2012, licensees licensed under Chapter 455, F.S. must provide the Department with an email address If May have one. The emails provided may be used for official communication with the licensee. However email addresses are public record. If you do not wish to supply a personal address, please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public. To determine if you are a licensee under Chapter 455, F.S., please click here . Product Approval Accepts: ® ® ® RR ® Credit Card Safe Force 1C11gineering & Testing 19530 Ramblemood Drive Thimble, Texas 77338 Phone: (281 ) 5404603 FAX: (281) 540-9966 tvebsile: rn%'m.turceengi nee ringtesling.com Product Evaluation Report CAROLINA CARPORTS, INC. 26 Ga. AG Roof Panel over Open Framing Florida Product Approval # 6596. 1 R6 Florida Building Code 2020 Per Rule 61G20-3 Method: 1 —D Category: Structural Components Subcategory: Roof Deck Compliance Method : 61G20-3 .005( 1)(d) NON HVHZ Product Manufacturer: Carolina Carports, Inc. 187 Cardinal Ridge Trail Dobson, NC 27017 Engineer Evaluator : Johnathan Green, P.E. #88223 Florida Evaluation ANE ID: 12901 Validator: Brian Jaks P. E. #70159 Contents : Evaluation Report Pages 1- 4 THIS ITEM HAS BEEN \\®�,``$ ` 1JS®/ DIGITALLY SIGNED AND ®® /B SEALED BY JOHNATHAN •` yoG� 6Jr#e'• ®®e GREEN ON THE DATE • > ADJACENT TO THE SEAL. PRINTED COPIES OF THIS DOCUMENT ARE NOT ✓�JBT'EOF i per, CONSIDERED SIGNED AND �' ® SEALED AND THE SIGNATURE MUST BE a/ � t VERIFIED ON ANY SEP 11 2020 I #IA 111;` %\\\ ELECTRONIC COPIES. FL# 6596. 1 R6 Force Engineering & Testing U 19530 Rambleu-ood Drive Humble, Texas 77338 Phone: (281 ) 540.6603 FAX: (281) 540-9966 tyebsite: nraw.forceengineeringtesting.com Compliance Statement: The product as described in this report has demonstrated compliance with the Florida Building Code 2020, Sections 1504.3.2, 1504.7. Product Description: AG Roof Panel, 26 Ga. Steel, 36" Wide, through fastened structural roof panel. Structural Application, Panel Material/Standards: Material: 26 Ga . Steel, ASTM A792 or ASTM A653 G90 conforming to Florida Building Code 2020 Section 1507.4.3. Optional paint finish. Yield Strength: Min. 80.0 ksi Corrosion Resistance: Panel Material shall comply with Florida Building Cade 2020, Section 1507.4.3, Panel Dimension(s): Thickness: 0.0185" min. order thickness Width: 36" maximum coverage Rib Height: %" major rib at 9" O.C. Panel Rollformer: MRS Metal Rollforming Systems Panel Fastener: #12-14 x Y4" HWH SD43 with 5/8" (16mm) diameter sealing washing or approved equal. Corrosion Resistance: Per Florida Building Code 2020, Section 1507.4,41 Substrate Description : Minimum 14 Ga, (Grade 50) Steel tube framing or Minimum 18 Ga. (Grade 50) Steel hat channel purlins/girts. See Table A for steel gauge. Framing must be designed in accordance w/ Florida Building Code 2020. Allowable Design Pressures: Table "A" Maximum Design Pressure: -59.9 psf -62.5 psf -83.3 psf +46.9 psf +57.3 psf Panel Fastener Pattern: 2-1-2-1 2-1-2-1 2-1-2-1 2-1-2-1 2-1-2-1 Panel Span: 5'-V O.C. 4'-0" O.C. 4'-0" O.C. 5'-0" O.C. 4'-0" O.C. Substrate: Min. 14 Ga. Min, 18 Ga, Steel Min. 14 Ga. Steel Min. 18 Ga. Min. 18 Ga. Steel Framing Framing Framing Steel Framing Steel Framing *Design Pressure Includes a Safety Factor = 2.0. 11 THIS ITEM HAS BEEN t ` �//� DIGITALLY SIGNED AND o�� �� ,/® SEALED BY JOHNATHAN °e peoa Q • ° � GREEN ON THE DATE AV _ ® ADJACENT TO THE SEAL, aCoe r m PRINTED COPIES OF THIS DOCUMENT ARE NOT 1STATEOF / CONSIDERED SIGNED AND k f SQWSEALEDANDTHE � ON SIGNATURE MUST BE \\N VERIFIED ON ANY SEP 11 2020 Hof/��®kY'R" \\\\ ELECTRONIC COPIES. FL# 6596.1 R6 T:�� Force Engineering & Testing 19530 Ramblenvood Drive Humble, Texas 77338 Phone: (281) 540,6603 FAX: (281) 540.9966 Website: nww.rurceenginceringtesling.com Code Compliance: The product described herein has demonstrated compliance with The Florida Building Code 2020, Sections 1504.3.2, 1504.7. Evaluation Report Scope: The product evaluation is limited to compliance with the structural wind load requirements of the Florida Building Code 2020, as relates to Rule 61G20-3. Performance Standards: The product described herein has demonstrated compliance with : ASTM E 1592-05 (2012) Test method for structural performance of sheet metal roof and siding systems by uniform static air pressure difference FM 4471-92 - Foot Traffic Resistance Test Reference Data: 1, ASTM E 1592-05 Test Force Engineering & Testing, Inc. (FBC Organization # TST-5328) Report No, 183-0063T-16A-E 2. FM 4471-10, Section 4.4 Foot Traffic Resistance Test Force Engineering & Testing, Inc. (FBC Organization If TST-5328) Report No. 183-0109T-12, & 183-0142T-15 3. Certificate of Independence By Johnathan Green, P.E. (No. 88223) @ Force Engineering & Testing (FBC Organization # ANE ID: 12901) Test Standard Equivalency: The ASTM E 1592-05 test standard is equivalent to the ASTM E 1592-05 (2012) test standard. The FM 4471-10, Foot Traffic Resistance test standard is equivalent to FM 4471-92. Quality Assurance Entity: The manufacturer has established compliance of roof panel products in accordance with the Florida Building Code and Rule 61G20-3.005 (3) for manufacturing under a quality assurance program audited by an approved quality assurance entity. Minimum Slope Range: Minimum Slope shall comply with Florida Building Code 2020, including Section 1507,4,2 and in accordance with Manufacturers recommendations, For slopes less than 3:12, lap sealant must he used in the panel side laps. Installation : Install per manufacturer's recommended details. oIllII I I III//// THIS ITEM HAS BEEN DIG\®®�® m ®® SEALED BY IGNED AND OHNATHAN GBO GREEN ON THE DATE ADJACENT TO THE SEAL. / f3�23 ® n e PRINTED COPIES OF THIS o DOCUMENT ARE NOT '• MTE OF CONSIDERED SIGNED AND o ® SEALED AND THE ••°• ( 19{;.'�� \\`6 SIGNATURE MUST BE ®// A®' • ^^ ' �� \ VERIFIED ON ANY SEP 11 2020 �/�/, ONA1 �N ELECTRONIC COPIES. FL# 6596.1 R6 Force Engineering & Testing 19530 Ramblewood Drive Humble, Texas 77338 Phone: (281) 540-6603 FAR: (281) 540,9966 Website: nsn-.forceengineeringtesting.cam Insulation: Manufacturer's approved product (Optional) Roof Panel Fire Classification: Fire classification is not part of this acceptance. Shear Diaphragm: Shear diaphragm values are outside the scope of this report. Design Procedure: Based on the dimensions of the structure, appropriate wind loads are determined using Chapter 16 of the Florida Building Code 2020 for roof cladding wind loads. These component wind loads for roof cladding are compared to the allowable pressure listed above. The design professional shall select the appropriate erection details to reference in his drawings for proper fastener attachment to his structure and analyze the panel fasteners for pullout and pullover. Support framing must be in compliance with Florida Building Code 2020 Chapter 22 for steel, and Chapter 16 for structural loading. THIS ITEM HAS BEEN DIGITALLY SIGNED AND •�� " ^ . ;00 SEALED BY JOHNATHAN GREEN ON THE DATE �. ADJACENT TO THE SEAL. i * s PRINTED COPIES OF THIS DOCUMENT ARE NOT CONSIDERED SIGNED AND SEALED AND THE ®� °•;2 �y(�P L \\\ SIGNATURE MUST BE VERIFIED ON ANY SEP 11 2020 1iA 11 0���\\ ELECTRONIC COPIES, FL# 6596.1 R6 L ' Force Engineering & Testing 19530 Ramblewwd Drive Humble, Texas 77338 Pbune•. (281 ) 540-6603 FAX: (281) 540.9966 TVebsile: 1vwwlarcecnginceringlesting.cum PANEL FASTENER 2- 1 -2-1 PATTERN `164. 19 GA (GRADE 50) STEEL RAT CHANNEL FMlN7C ` 112-14 x 3/4' HNH SO13 W/ 5/V (i6mm) D'A4EnR SE LRR) WASHER GR LON, 14 CA (GRADE 50) STEEL TUBE FRAl9NG (SEE TABLE A FOR SPAC4IG) ®q'�4®9THIS ITEM HAS BEEN _� I A/f�s/� DIGITALLY SIGNED AND T'" . • " ' " ` SEALED BY JOHNATHAN ✓/®' GREEN ON THE DATE °• = ADJACENT TO THE SEAL. a600 8=3 e n soa PRINTED COPIES OF THIS qg 4 ; e DOCUMENT ARE NOT CONSIDERED SIGNED AND ° ` SEALED AND THE ®/ •;� pgToP;oA\.` SIGNATURE MUST BE � • VERIFIED ON ANY SEP 11 2020 ®�®�� AL , ELECTRONIC COPIES. FL# 6596.1 R6 Business & Professional Regulation rA IICIS Home I Log to I User Registration I Hot Topics I Submit Surcharge Stats & Facts I Publications contact Us I BCIS Site Map I Links I Search I � Product Approval rI �'O USER: Public User OU ProEpct Approval Menu > PrpEuctor AWJ!i; ion Search > Aplplicatiii Ua > Application Detail FL # FL16806-R5 Application Type Revision Code Version 2020 Application Status Approved Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Carolina Carports,Inc. Address/Phone/Email 187 Cardinal Ridge Trail Dobson, NC 27017 (336) 367-6400 FLvalidation@yahoo.com Authorized Signature Tim Gammons tim,ga@carolinacarports.com Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Structural Components Subcategory Structural Wall Compliance Method Test Report Testing Lab Force Engineering & Testing Quality Assurance Entity Keystone Certifications, Inc. Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 0 4/0 512 0 2 7 Validated By Brian Jaks, P.E. I•I Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence FL16806 R5 COI Letter of Certification- Carolina Carports 2020.pdf Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Standard Year ANSI/DASMA 108 2012 ASTM E 330 2002 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Product Approval Method Method 1 Option B Date Submitted 09/14/2020 Date Validated 11/03/2020 Date Pending FBC Approval 11/04/2020 Date Approved 12/16/2020 Summary of Products FL # Model, Number or Name Description 16806. 1 Steel Roll Up Sheet Door Exterior Steel Roll Up Sheet Door 12 ft x 8 it Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL16806 R5 II 26 Ga Steel Door 12 ft x 8 ft drawingpdf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: American Test Lab, Inc Impact Resistant: N/A Test Reports Design Pressure: +40 psf/-45 psf FL16806 R5 TR 26 Ga Steel Door 12 it x 8 ft.nddf Other: See Install specifications per manufacturer's attached details. Not for use in HVHZ Zones, 16806.2 Steel Roll Up Sheet Door Exterior Steel Roll Up Sheet Door 8 it x 8 it Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL16806 R5 II BET CCI Windlock Commercial Steel Door 8- Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes FTStamoed.pdf Impact Resistant: N/A Verified By: American Test Lab, Inc Design Pressure: +70 psf/-70 psf Test Reports Other: See Install specifications per manufacturer's attached FL16806 RS TR 26 Ga 8 it x 8 it Roll up Door Test [l details. Not for use in HVHZ Zones 16806.3 Steel Roll up Sheet Door Exterior Steel Roll Up Sheet Door 16 it x 8 ft Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL16806 R5 II FL36806.3 CCI Windlock Commercial Steel Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Door 16-FT 120318 stamped iti f Impact Resistant: N/A Verified By: American Test Lab, Inc Design Pressure: +30 psf/-35 psf Test Reports Other: See Install specifications per manufacturer's attached FL16806 R5 TR TR 26 ga 16ft x 8ft Steel Roll up door.pd details. Not for use in HVHZ Zones 16806.4 Steel Roll Up Sheet Door Exterior Steel Roll Up Sheet Door SO ft x 8 ft Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL16806 R5 11 26 Ga Steel Door 10 it x 8 it drawing,pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: American Test Lab, Inc Impact Resistant: N/A Test Reports Design Pressure: +50 psf/-55 psf FL16806 R5 TR 26 Ga Steel Door 10 it x 8 ft.Ddf Other: See Install specifications per manufacturer's attached details. Not for use in HVHZ Zones. Back Next Contact Us :: 2601 Blair Stone Road. Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone: 850-487-1824 The State of Florida is an AA/EEO employer. Co _ nght 2007-2013 State of Florida. :: Privacy Statement : : Accessibility statement : : RefuM Statement Under Florda law, email addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released In response to a public-records request, do not send electronic ,ail to this entity. Instead, contact the office by phone or by traditional mail. If you have any questions, please contact 850.487,1395. 'Pursuant to Section 455.275(1), Florida Statutes, effective October 1, 2012, licensees licensed under Chapter 455, F.S. must provide the Department with an email address if they have one. The emails provided may be used for official communication with the licensee. However email addresses are public record. If you do not wish to supply personal address, please provide the Department with an email address which can he made available to the public. To determine if you are a licensee under Chapter 455, F.S., please click here . Product Approval Accepts: rT ® ® 0 ® Credit Card Safe ) ! wr \ 00 ~ ( bb � §\\ / X ~ \ru A LU [ LU & k § / & _ S! : - N 4 ® s § 2R6 { . ® 2 a / \\ . ! - is § r Mob § [ � — \ / \ / \ [ $ § / , } 2z — § § kD Oro rMO £ ! ) f 9 & m \ mea : \ ! K ) \ - . § ( ( ° » co § ) ( 00 \ ( y ` .—] � � / \ \ \ : § [ f 2 \ ` N [ f ) O ( / § , ! ! § m2 N N - - r ! w , r , § § 0 ,6 - ( ( � > � � nw 0 � ` III E : q ) ; 2 : z j ; \ , § ! § « ! § ; [ ! : \ \ ) . / ( \ \ \ \ \ � � , § 00 LU k / \ \ j \ \ 0D � 2 � , , 4 Ld 2 . . . . . . BCIS Home Log In User Registration Hot Topics Submit Surcharge Stats&Facts Publications Contact Us BCIS Site Map ,.. Links Seam Jbor Product Approval Li., j\/.� USER: Public Uscr t-. Product Approval Menu> Product or Application Search>Application List Search Criteria Refine Sear Code Version 2020 FL# 17996 Application Type ALL Product Manufacturer ALL Category ALL Subcategory ALL Application Status ALL Compliance Method ALL Quality Assurance Entity ALL Quality Assurance Entity Contract Expired ALL Product Model, Number or Name ALL Product Description ALL Approved for use in HVHZ ALL Approved for use outside HVHZ ALL Impact Resistant ALL Design Pressure ALL Other ALL Search Results-A R IIIons FL# 7yge Manufacturer Validated By Status ___.-........_.........._._.-._______...............................__-.__.._.-_.... FL17996_ Revision Elixir Door and Metal Company American Architectural Manufacturers Approved Category: Exterior Doors Association History Subcategory: Swinging Exterior Door (847) 303-5859 Assemblies *Approved by DBPR.ADprovals by DBPR shall be reviewed and ratified by the POC and/ar the Commission If necessary. Contact Us::2601 Blair Stone Road,Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone:650-41 1820. The State of Florida is an AA/EEO employer.CopyHghC 2007-2013 State of Florida :: Privacy Statement::Accessibility.Statement:: Refund Statement Under Florida law,email addresses are public records.If you do not want your e-mail address released In response to a public-records request,do not send electronic mail to this entity.Instead,contact the office by phone or by traditional mall.If you have any questions,please contact 850.487.1395. *Pursuant to Section 455.275(1) Florida Statutes,effective October 1,2012,licensees licensed under Chapter ass,F.S.must provide the Department with an email address if they have one.The emails provided may be used for official communication with the licensee.However email addresses are public record.If you do not wish to supply a personal address,please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public.To determine if you are a licensee under Chapter 455,F.S.,please click here. Product Approval Accepts: m9,CAK,Y,, Credit Card Safe Summary.of_Products _ FL# Model Number or Name Description 17996.1 Series 202 20S Steel Door Series 202-20S Steel O.S. Door w/Vertical Slider Window ._ _ .... . ......... . ...._ _ __ .. .... ........ _ ..-... ............ .._....... . .........I............. .. .................. Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL17996 R2 C CAC 19359 Elixir- 202-20S OS Door Uhl Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes ASTM Jan. 2021.gdf Impact Resistant: No Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Design Pressure: +38.7/-32 07/11/2024 Other: Installation Instructions FL17996 R2 II ELIX0034 Rev B Model 202-20S ss pdf Verified By: Robert J. Amoruso, PE FL PE No. 49752 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FL17996 R2 AE PER 1642 Rev4 ss pdf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 17996.2 Series 230 W9 Steel Door Series 230 W9 Steel O.S. Door w/Cottage Window ..... ._.. ...._.... .... ._ .. .__. . .. .. ... .................. .._ .._... ................... ..... .............................. Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL17996 R2 C CAC 19346 Elixir- 230-W9 OS Door Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes ASTM Jan. 2021.pdf Impact Resistant: No Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Design Pressure: +25.3/-25.3 07/11/2024 Other: Installation Instructions FL17996 R2 II ELIX0033 Rev B Model 230 W9 ss pdf Verified By: Robert J. Amoruso, PE FL PE No. 49752 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FL17996 R2 AE PER 1642 Rev4 ss pdf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes .. ......_ .... ...___.. ... ....... -__ ... _ 9 ..... ........ _......._ ._ _ .�... 17996.3 Series 402 14 Vinyl Steel Out-SwingingRe Regular Door 14" x 14" Window ......._. .. .._----— ---- ........... _. Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL17996 R2 C CAC 19349 Elixir- 402-14 OS Door(10 Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes ASTM Jan. 2021.pdd Impact Resistant: No Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Design Pressure: +66/-56 08/26/2025 Other: Installation Instructions FL17996 R2 II ELIX0050 REV-B OS MODEL 402-14 ss pdf Verified By: Robert J. Amoroso, PE FL PE No. 49752 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FLIZ996 R2 AE PER 1951 Rev3 ss pdf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes .. .. .. .. _.. ... ._ .�.._.. . - ......... ..... ..... ..._._-- ......... ...... .__. . _ _.. .. ._...... T _.... _. ... ... .... .. 17996.4 Series 402 20S Vinyl Ste .------ el Out swinging Regular Door- 20'slider window Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL17296 R2 C CAC 19358 Elixir-402-20S OS Door Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes ASTM]an. 2021.pdf Impact Resistant: No Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Design Pressure: +66/-56 08/26/2025 Other: Installation Instructions FL17996 R2 II ELIX0051 REV-B OS MODEL 402-20S ss,pdf Verified By: Robert J. Amoruso, PE FL PE No. 49752 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FL17996 R2 AE PER 1951 Rev3 sspdf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 17996.5 Series 407 Vinyl Steel Out-Swing Regular Door- Blank (no window) . .... Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL17996 R2 C CAC 19345 Elixir-407 OS Door(1b) ASTM Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Jan 2021 pdf Impact Resistant: No Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Design Pressure: +50/-50 08/19/2025 Other: Installation Instructions FL17996 R2 II ELIX0052 REV-B 05 MODEL 407 s5 pdf Verified By: Robert J. Amoruso, PE FL PE No. 49752 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FL17996 R2 AE PER 1951 Rev3 sspdf ! Created by Independent Third Party: Yes _...... ....... ...._ _......... ..... ...... _ ... AAMA CERTIFICATION PROGRAM An FGIA Product Certification Program AUTHORIZATION FOR PRODUCT CERTIFICATION Elixir Door and Metals Co. 1215 Pope Dr. Douglas, GA 31533 Attn: Randall Yarberry This authorization is based on the successful completion of tests, and the reporting to the AAMA Validator of the results of the tests by an AAMA Accredited Laboratory.The product information below will be added to the next update of the AAMA Certified Products Directory. SPECIFICATION AAMA ALTERNATE DOOR RECORD OF PRODUCT TESTED CERTIFICATION PROGRAM ASTM E330-14 DP=+66,-56 psf STP=+99,-84 psf COMPANY AND CODE CPU NO. SERIES MODEL&PRODUCT MAXIMUM SIZE TESTED DESCRIPTION 402-14 VINYL LAMINATED LEAF Elixir Door and Metals Co. 19349 OUTSWING DOOR FRAME 3'0"x 6'8"x 1-112" Code: EXR (AL)(ST)(X) 3'2"x 6'10" FIXED INSERL- T (FIXED INSERT W/TEMP GL) 1'2"x 1'2" This Certification will expire August 26,2025 and requires validation until then by continued listing in the current AAMA Certified Products Directory. Product Tested and Reported by: Construction Consulting Laboratory Report No.: CCL-20465 Date of Report: September 28,2020 Evaluated for Certification: January 28,2021 'h' A( ted Laboratories, Inc. Authorized for Certification: January 28,2021 (Validator/Operations Administrator) ACP-04 (Rev. 2120) Fene doio a d Glazing Industry Alliance 2 �ryy O RTx TT-1ZK p0'f AG mpAQ9 PINOy�rOmONz W'�~[FNO_tUyyo�-II NmGyz2K0 OZti �OT Tmz AOmrz3T4 ZAOTAmF mm0T 'Sxy;�r>SoDrmzrmZA yDiA0 AymoO4i ZFimti mZlo pS N$-mpp ACC`Iol1l p0�Pmi0Ny3i DAm(�COD7iANDm<NmYOCrNm�myTFgTNm$zzN m�Dxy� NmpyP.,DF w�pO3'i zN(0zcnl0j'O�?2DzZm°T yTNCm><�r2AtA-zpOi qCOss�<O 0O M T ZD _ASANN °m p 2A 0 y OAx -°°N TO 2p i z yymyOozzOonoFmp �=OT PNO<gx O m i i m 00 Oizymzpy -pyNp"m0co Z Ai zy0D0 iiZmriAm yi202 m o m m OT � � % O r 102 SyZy2 m Oym� yy amp mmTzg° m�C wOpm°mm m mOzm OM TO p T5 A Z O 2OZ pN Z AT D 22 T0 % m O1NOV ysZ mp amTTy L mmO Z m 0 21 � mOy Z y N m �y m ZH F� `^ Z $ ZO Z my "p" m0 ° o O pp O mz N OXD 04] �§]OT a�yA2 s O 4T m na+A TON GGCC r0 °� A N O i o�c m ° mZ- yN << m �$-M- . c Z D nn y osxa o$y 03 Z9ym 20mo Z '-1 mAlllm m -I DrA ayy m F2f y2p; y p zz y cm ip ^� 6s_"' gmz "� o�m mmizx m� T y p2y2 pm pz TyaN N-y1 04.m r 0 ym� A Fm m m �m> p2�cE DO lbl ° y.. 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E^ . 4I9-0 903 . 1215 POPE DRIVE AN ;% DOUGLAS, GEORGIA 31533 D MODEL 4 NON-IMPACT OUTSWING u; z VINYL LAMINATED STEEL DOOR 0 o0p GENERAL AND lis Al 10 j 12 c —Pm .: TJH �T29 a AMO o UME ro CXREM uN.T.S. uE D00 1/2 s/P I RV rec 5§!f \M°! jn- , |§§ —----— }k)f; ))) . !� ) »); kk ] k * 0 2!! 07 ; § � !� 2 � � 4§ , �'� \/ §)E �; r -;EK! \\§i C`o Mzw \\�2§ - ` 1 0 jiz mwm;F ��, §§§§; /}bi bG§ AAM k�)0> ® \mm ) \ § 0 ) \ ) A � � qs# _«\ƒ ) § ° P; gal; §2 #!|k ) \ * kjW �(() ` C) T . - §) \) !R - ;! \ ) �0 \\ /\ o0z0 ELIXIR DOOR » METALS CO. ®�m 1215 _E ,_ 7 \ \ 7 »x 2 DOUGLAS, GEORGIA _, \ § \2 a \\w. m_� _ 112 &: Q% VINYL LAMINATED STEEL DOOR 0{ \\ } j\ \\ ) ) (\ \� [ 2 §2 Z) ` , -( |i 7 fb |A ®m ; §Q2 9 {-§\ \ `• §/ , 20 ; e§ [ ;; 04 ; G -w )� �� \ 2 \ )� » o § - ( r ) M�/f k ) | ;( (f - ( mz \\ 0\ M. n §/ �x ° i! )§ * m )§ )q ;e !M !b §& ®) \A §! | m ;m § )m`� �k 7m@ dj Q a., _ _ )] , !> m lox\D _H� ��\ z \\ Cl \ \ /; ®m : . , § 272 ELIXIR S00 & METALS Co. - § j \\ w � Rom_ \ \ f\ {[ ` MODELVINYL LAMINATED NON-IMPACT ° � / `�L / » . s = 0� \\ \ 0§ 7 - §( M (_| >2 ; a §E )§ § ( ` _ �) � - - /M 2 ; ; _ z ;; \ \ »§ of - \\ � |) I )& © c _M; `n \) - /) , M om k � (� z [ �Q m x ) ] 2 0 ) 22 \ }} � ` \} \\m � \) \\ 22 , ) )§ §! ; ( /« ) w§ § 5§ e 9 (7 E E§ »a ; \§ . �) ]2 \§ )/ § \§ �| 5 ! ELIXIR DOOR0 ,MET L CO.1215 - 7 RWE _ .�ORG, _, MODEL ? 2D�J�R° _ § Rf0 / . • \ , _ [��02/29/12 of ; !{- 2 .__ . . . � ' . m, . ^ ?- ', _ AAMA CERTIFICATION PROGRAM .ems An FGIA Product Certification Program AUTHORIZATION FOR PRODUCT CERTIFICATION Elixir Door and Metals Co. 1215 Pope Dr. Douglas, GA 31533 Attn: Randall Yarberry This authorization is based on the successful completion of tests, and the reporting to the AAMA Validator of the results of the tests by an AAMA Accredited Laboratory.The product information below will be added to the next update of the AAMA Certified Products Directory. SPECIFICATION AAMA ALTERNATE DOOR CERTIFICATION PROGRAM RECORD OF PRODUCT TESTED ASTM E330-14 DP=±50 psf STP=±75 psf COMPANY AND CODE CPD NO. SERIES MODEL&PRODUCT MAXIMUM SIZE TESTED DESCRIPTION Elixir Door and Metals Co. 407 VINYL LAMINATED FRAME LEAF Code: EXR (AL)(ST)(X) 19345 OUTSWING DOOR 3'2"x 6'10" 3'0"x 6'8"xx 1-1/2" This Certification will expire August 19,2025 and requires validation until then by continued listing in the current AAMA Certified Products Directory. Product Tested and Reported by: Construction Consulting Laboratory Report No.: CCL-20-167 Date of Report: September 28,2020 Evaluated for Certification: January 28,2021 'h' A( ted Laboratories, Inc. Authorized for Certification: January 28,2021 (Validator/Operations Administrator) T' ACP-04(Rev.2120) FenAtktion and Glazing Industry Alliance �v Haum S00%Il3 'S'1'N W' ' ix urro m awn a oxo W ue aaeraaee '..,� 9 O-1O .I IVJu O N O 8000 1331s 03lVNIWV1 UNIA z E q o ONIMS1no 107dW1-NON LO4 1300W 889TC VIDE08J 'Snof10a d tf n o HARIO 3dod 9I2I w Lon « o £060-61b , '00 S'IVLLLqNI 2I000 glXPI5[ o naervnx iaarou N W 3s °yo zyOmi pr y Do WO WOMOZE i�0 W Q 7T O.z mmz- ° z F .,� z � o jmw �1a-¢ ¢z y2F � Q Boa 1JUF2F om2 U® YZ SCI .r wzid m a3wW `-xi F o ro LL w JNW ¢m°+wFx OOO SU Zm OU $n$az y00w^¢2 m_Z 44QJJOW 2 € (g0� 4 <z. O> mUUF�F ¢ Z,0 0 Q > W K2 �Z. W a3Zza d' rc yta mWQ ZUZZZ_U ZWm6 2244 b_ WNO OZQNfm O ¢ m CZ•` ro 2ZO SoS'xx gWW S G J J zO f�j FUFO �m f WLL i3w iH NZ ?�o l99nOOr .: Ze r $z z ulY � w 2 O= ZW �z Il�tltl _ ~LL NN y U 29p QJ5J o3 5 Q OOg OOOZm J z <.W W v W O O V K G6 Q�ro Oagw m� S UOtQ1 mw `° U a, °'N y S a¢F? Ffam Om U Qdm mU' m mO mt7 mw U I/yi�y w wSU �J E_WJp �J m Wz ZNZO W2 N A C FZOJ aaCS Ox p Q � LL 6 � 6 � N F<O N �FIW WW _mW 41 6Q 44 0 ��,(j w Qy6m Z 2 ~ t m KmC xNEfO O 0 W m W U OWO ¢O¢E2xO FON yyyO Q x20 y�2mmF ¢ A O ZZH ¢U' UK] FJwW M z Z r Iwo ;g °mow 0. W �I [^T� z <� 5zo wmLLrci 05- as z z • O w W s'm' ° N F�m mQW�° NZ4' W W w 6 2$ LLLL C Zro OQ �<N NSNOO 6s /j. m w w I W O r-1 OW S f txw N N O W R ZOw Q GWm U 2 Z. 0 OO 2 Z LL L O O z O ° °2 S w U J F a u WK 2 2 F mm2 f" AZ ^ � WLL5o __ o �s W w, w Gw-r nS ¢ yQ w x H(fj f W m PU' Q lndWO -F 0 pJ J U W¢mW �y[' Wye z tiS1� Z Vi KZ W O LL K W , ymF� W Z Z$ OQLLN OSJ Z F w Z y Y>OO J W �mgS NI OWLLWm W a J W OOLL> N W.Fo fP b TU 4 W6WF6 2 F °N Z�N VWJ Z F2 Zm U' m Q2� K NJ y'YN O p ZW 0 3 zpi W ki Jwow z W W XWO y ww§ p�m LLo =�wa 4a z 3Ewz� WN w g w wLLFm w¢wz ° z A p� pa �° y N Ho m H. E O ¢W> K aO QJ S Wom Q¢ e 0 y D. 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(; . ®%))( /j ( �() � , STN2 _ � / % % ) 2 « e m„» __r _. ^ f# \{// Pr= _ em m "ITI» 1,4 , YWH a __(i ` f ] q _, _d am co s® _ as SVJ H ¥ Oc mXn3 /0 N 0 !! §( �* ;® _ k (\� 2w - )\ §m (( � 4!) j (( �§ (§ � kk !) !§ ®` G �) ] o §§ F! u ) §t 7{ \\ ! �7 \� } | \- �§ §\ )\y a }( §§ § |) §§ ) §| )\ )) /2 ( ■# �_ �� w w e !/ !& _ ¥& @* m \ no \� !0 : (k \� \ �w \� ]) - © m M�n � J )� „ Q 3 / ` ° SNO ` "0 ] f ma _s a*m _. )\ 9 \y I | . , < e ___�_ _. «» } \ « - 9 _, m __� a: =2 ] Q s® , ga S�]n ¥ �oO m@� ƒƒ k § g $a !) _ !) `z ® z k ! § § °2 §( ®° c 2 \ (\ /( \\ (§ / �\ 60 \( `` ( - §_ )( )§ )[ § � _ ; § /\8 ; - ]rr ] w ! ] jwl W 00 \27 z ° )2§ z §� (� ■§ � «| �\ /\ /7 \ 3: �| 0 §\ k \ - _ _ (; \/ ` |w _ m \ k: o j )2 §§ ` 77 }§ \ /\ \] ) \o ®0 ` , `# ! !a MIAMI-QADE MIAMI-DADE COUNTY rMs PRODUCT CONTROL SECTION 11805 SW 26 Street,Room 208 DEPARTMENT OF REGULATORY AND ECONOMIC RESOURCES(RER) Miami,Florida 33175-2474 BOARD AND CODE ADMINISTRATION DIVISION T(786)315-2590 F(786)315-2599 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE (NOA) www.miamidade.gov/economy PGT Industries,Inc. 1070 Technology Drive North Venice,FL 34275 SCOPE:This NOA is being issued under the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials. The documentation submitted has been reviewed and accepted by Miami-Dade County RER - Product Control Section to be used in Miami Dade County and other areas where allowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction(AHJ). This NOA shall not be valid after the expiration date stated below. The Miami-Dade County Product Control Section (In Miami-Dade County) and/or the AHJ(in areas other than Miami-Dade County)reserve the right to have this product or material tested for quality assurance purposes.If this product or material fails to perform in the accepted manner,the manufacturer will incur the expense of such testing and the AHJ may immediately revoke, modify, or suspend the use of such product or material within their jurisdiction. RER reserves the right to revoke this acceptance if it is determined by Miami—Dade County Product Control Section that this product or material fails to meet the requirements of the applicable building code. This product is approved as described herein and has been designed to comply with the Florida Building Code, including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone.- DESCRIPTION: Series"SH7700A" Aluminum Single Hung Window—L.M.I. APPROVAL DOCUMENT: Drawing No. 7700NOA-1, titled "Aluminum Single Hung Install (LM)", sheets 1 through 11 of 11, dated 04/01/18,with revision A dated 03/11/20,prepared by manufacturer, signed and sealed by Anthony Lynn Miller, P.E., bearing the Miami-Dade County Product Control Revision stamp with the Notice of Acceptance number and expiration date by the Miami-Dade County Product Control Section. MISSILE IMPACT RATING: Large and Small Missile Impact Resistant LABELING: Each unit shall bear a permanent label with the manufacturer's name or logo, city, state, model/series, and following statement: "Miami-Dade County Product Control Approved", unless otherwise noted herein. RENEWAL of this NOA shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed and there has been no change in the applicable building code negatively affecting the performance of this product. TERMINATION of this NOA will occur after the expiration date or if there has been a revision or change in the materials,use, and/or manufacture of the product or process. Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement of any product, for sales, advertising or any other purposes shall automatically terminate this NOA. Failure to comply with any section of this NOA shall be cause for termination and removal of NOA. ADVERTISEMENT: The NOA number preceded by the words Miami-Dade County,Florida,and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the NOA is displayed,then it shall be done in its entirety. INSPECTION:A copy of this entire NOA shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. This NOA revises NOA# 18-0430.06 and consists of this page 1 and evidence pages E-1,E-2,E-3 and E-4, as well as approval document mentioned above. The submitted documentation was reviewed by Carlos M.Utrera;P.E. 4� NOA No.20-0401.11 MlAMI•DADE COUNTY Expiration Date: August 23,2023 e ' Approval Date: July 30,2020 Page 1 PGT Industries.Inc. NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUBMITTED 1. Submitted under NOA# 18-0430.06 A. DRAWINGS 1. Manufacturer's die drawings and sections. 2. Drawing No. 7700NOA-1, titled "Aluminum Single Hung Install (LM), sheets 1 through I of 11, dated 04/01/18, prepared by manufacturer, signed and sealed by Anthony Lynn Miller,P.E. B. TESTS 1. Test reports on: 1) Air Infiltration Test, per FBC, TAS 202-94 2)Uniform Static Air Pressure Test, Loading per FBC, TAS 202-94 3) Water Resistance Test,per FBC, TAS 202-94 4) Large Missile Impact Test per FBC, TAS 201-94 5) Cyclic Wind Pressure Loading per FBC, TAS 203-94 6) Forced Entry Test, per FBC 2411.3.2.1, and TAS 202-94 along with marked-up drawings and installation diagram of an aluminum single hung window,prepared by Fenestration Testing Laboratory, Inc., Test Report No. FTL-18-7835.1, dated 04/03/18, signed and sealed by Idalmis Ortega, P.E. 2. Test reports on: 1)Air Infiltration Test, per FBC, TAS 202-94 2)Uniform Static Air Pressure Test, Loading per FBC, TAS 202-94 3)Water Resistance Test, per FBC, TAS 202-94 4)Large Missile Impact Test per FBC, TAS 201-94 5) Cyclic Wind Pressure Loading per FBC, TAS 203-94 6)Forced Entry Test,per FBC 2411.3.2.1, and TAS 202-94 window, prepared by Fenestration Testing Laboratory, Inc.,Test Reports No. FTL-18-7835.2, dated 05/04/18, signed and sealed by Idalmis Ortega, P.E. C. CALCULATIONS 1. Anchor verification calculations and structural analysis, complying with FBC 6tn Edition (2017), dated 04/23/18,prepared by manufacturer, signed and sealed by Anthony Lynn Miller, P.E. 2. Glazing complies with ASTM E1300-09 D. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. Miami-Dade Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources (RER). 46�� Carlos M.Utrera,P.E. Product Control Examiner NOA No.20-0401.11 Expiration Date: August 23,2023 Approval Date: July 30,2020 E-1 PGT Industries.Inc. NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUBMITTED E. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS 1. Notice of Acceptance No. 17-1114.14 issued to Kuraray America, Inc. for their "Trosifol® Ultraclear, Clear and Color PVB Glass Interlayers" dated 01/18/18, expiring on 07/08/19. 2. Notice of Acceptance No. 17-0808.02 issued to Kuraray America, Inc. for their "SentryGlas® (Clear and White) Glass Interlayers" dated 12/28/17, expiring on 07/04/23. F. STATEMENTS 1. Statement letter of conformance to FBC 6th Edition(2017),dated April 24,2018,issued by manufacturer, signed and sealed by Anthony Lynn Miller, P.E. 2. Statement letter of no financial interest, dated April 24, 2018, issued by manufacturer, signed and sealed by Anthony Lynn Miller, P.E. 3. Proposal No. 18-0005R issued by the Product Control Section, dated 01/16/18, signed by Manuel Perez, RE G. OTHERS 1. None. 44ka��4 Carlos M.Utrers,P.E. Product Control Examiner NOA No.20-0401.11 Expiration Date: August 23,2023 Approval Date: July 30,2020 E-2 PGT Industries. Inc. NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUBMITTED 2. New Evidence Submitted A. DRAWINGS 1. Manufacturer's die drawings and sections. 2. Drawing No. 7700NOA-1, titled "Aluminum Single Hung Install (LM)", sheets 1 through 11 of 11, dated 04/01/18, with revision A dated 03/11/20, prepared by manufacturer, signed and sealed by Anthony Lynn Miller,P.E. B. TESTS 1. Test reports on: 1) Air Infiltration Test, per FBC, TAS 202-94 2)Uniform Static Air Pressure Test, Loading per FBC, TAS 202-94 3) Water Resistance Test,per FBC, TAS 202-94 4) Large Missile Impact Test per FBC, TAS 201-94 5) Cyclic Wind Pressure Loading per FBC, TAS 203-94 6) Forced Entry Test, per ASTM F588 and TAS 202-94 along with marked-up drawings and installation diagram of all PGT Industries, Inc. representative units listed below and tested to qualify Dowsil 791 and Dowsil 983 silicones,prepared by Fenestration Testing Laboratory, Inc., Test Reports No.: FTL-7897, PGT PW5520 PVC Fixed Window (unit 6 in proposal), dated 09/03/14 FTL-20-2107.1, PGT SGD780 Aluminum Sliding Glass Door(unit 7 in proposal) FTL-20-2107.2, PGT CA740 Alum. Outswing Casement Window(unit 8 in proposal) FTL-20-2107.3,PGT PW7620A Aluminum Fixed Window(unit 9 in proposal) and FTL-20-2107.4, PGT PW7620A Aluminum Fixed Window(unit 10 in proposal) dated 07/13/20, all signed and sealed by Idalmis Ortega, P.E C. CALCULATIONS 1. Anchor verification calculations and structural analysis,complying with FBC 6"Edition (2017)and FBC 7"'Edition(2020), dated 03/13/20,prepared by manufacturer,signed and sealed by Anthony Lynn Miller,P.E. D. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. Miami-Dade Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources(RER). E. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS 1. None. 461�_ Carlos M.Utrera,P.E. Product Control Examiner NOA No.20-0401.11 Expiration Date: August 23,2023 Approval Date: July 30,2020 E-3 PGT Industries. Inc. NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUBMITTED F. STATEMENTS 1. Statement letter of conformance,complying with FBC 6t°Edition(2017) and FBC 711, Edition(2020),dated March 10,2020,issued by manufacturer,signed and sealed by Anthony Lynn Miller,P.E. 2. Statement letter of no financial interest, dated March 10,2020, issued by manufacturer, signed and sealed by Anthony Lynn Miller, P.E. 3. Proposal No. 19-1155 TP issued by the Product Control Section, dated January 10, 2020, signed by Ishaq Chanda, P.E. G. OTHERS 1. Notice of Acceptance No. 18-0430.06 issued to PGT Industries, Inc. for their"Series "SH7700A" Aluminum Single Hung Window—L.M.I." approved on 08/23/18 and expiring on 08/23/23. 46�� Carlos M.Utrera,P.E. Product Control Examiner NOA No.20-0401.11 Expiration Date: August 23,2023 Approval Date: July 30,2020 E-4 o M VIfl 6-VONOOLL o'A 66Jo VOOLLHS a O IJiSMOSOa SN3f $ N011VA3,3 V S310N,Va3N30� ``\���. .•"' W�o q M ELZ y ems.•' � ''••a7:a 96 pppp , O o 8MOMP0 g �Vn)'„V1SNI ONnH MONIS iNnNIWfi,V n _?: oN 3 i W W GeMUNOI1"ISIDU ==� U M 5 ti O�< W a e 0 p e g a 0094 OS c w o ��14G) o s3� y •.... . 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D 0. f• � � a d g a0 LL� a0 ,u T; -v j Lu <m UW w -(MNNW (k7�' uj Lu W U- I I o �yyy m W �} �� ' ° ZO i I � � J 0 _ JI U LL Q W uj m SJ a 0 09 a cg g �ZFgL)4 � w om � � N y� ZQaa_ z w �O=1 Z F�F= z w $ n V $ E-VONOOLL o LE:108 f VOOLLHS K INSMOSON SN3f,�P N011038-Y`73l-wma 12$ o = G Z STAO +0 g (W-1)'71V1SNI ONnH 31E)NIS r4nNimly N pp '� $ t` p 96S8Z#NOIlMl1Sl�J3a d �' O. _ W 2� c oc a 6 w r "a 008E-084(m) :��' gam; a C §£ �g E a BLZK 13'301N3A'N ,��y' q��•` mg `_L.-' I BAWD A901ONH0310L0E :uo�arnaa Ow W zz W g Za .i r EL Zy uj =t J W �� SmWY Irrr$$��2 2 W�uou1�m o 3 aZp O fs �Wy ~We �zc74� � $i Z_2Z D = {{{�.--�'�' �hyt� SW Zg� y zFB �L�Qw1�lF9�g �dm o Q OI LU 401t; ay�Wd�'z a to Z f r NODU_D J=Q M° ~ F z z m z o� � ° SF� Q u1WWSF fn Z LO)LL E" o o r S z D SZ Y p N C W o 0 aJ x GD 0 -r--- N ���333555 D� �� W� y Eye W� fA. •� + NN, 2 _ a d a a IL to F W D St WNN ow �08 uj LP El- bl ru y WBN y W \2 C9 I �-`� W mi to Wowv,tj O N .. m US ( I m O] W r I x I 0 UL J co W W 5y a 0 LU z ar° pSQ}�f&ryY ) r gLO in g0;0 LLLLaa511 o=pOCR J JF.WI- ai 2W Wy HF aO o ZZ_WW WW��u cM ((ZJ�z Z Z U Z m D6 W ZS W N a ' N V g L-VONOOLL o b l d0 6 d00LLHS w16 g INSMOSOa SN3f tm N01103S'X NIJ l"OBINI �` �cR, . �dy'., w h �ti� j: d $ o v w 96/60/b0 (M)'llbtSNl JNnH 3l'JNIS vynNlwnIV g N O �2: o Nas'M ffi y f•, z 96ZS2W NOUV2l1SIORIJ :w �' O o:.J-- 3 u pQ @ E O w o 009L-O8b(6b6) '�O`•, 1 '�\ < OTC„3o g 9 z= cr 91ZK-IA'30IN3A'NLU '.y<�iy'' ••....,.. !G�?: 6 am z u7 le'z a�osl a 3AIa(3 AE)OlONH0310LO1 W W ymC� m gam 01 m � � a ry lu- ° cj �w agya 0 N8 iLL°Td° �` $ iivobib °a'go ORtz<^ LL F {J� oo 02 .~- J° Jam lu_Y N �y mWa, r uL3� �Gµ�W mzz �u4I r NO O~ KCU �C Z, O N v=i ! Y z ui So €oSo % Sob b w �so uJ Oro 2. �s �s �= N Fz� Z w ¢EL (` E 0WK O zU' C C O C C . ul 1 I I I II c� � c� 6 '6 NSO '5 r Z H r v M aiaado in o MMN X r LL Ilj P X � o F Nw N Z N fV N W S wad o u LL Z a W $ O O 0N r W w w tl) z v U. w O m a 0. C6 m^ ar 0 r Jig �H. mU• z r s e _ V m L-HONOOLL o R LL A)OL VOOLLHS MIN, �1 I)ISMOSO?!SN3f 4; 'SNOISf1LI1X3 • �N�'., w (WI)'llVISNI EJNnH 31E NIS wnNIWf1lV ;�_',� `•2�y;u� W G 96Z6Z#NOUV8 S1'J3a �:u h � Q W a ° g _ ( O tri o 009L'08ti O$s z= 9LZKlJ'301N3A'N iy1 •... ...•••'�t�\`: 6�m z {'p'i ¢ clsuaa BANG A°JOlONH'J310LOL '�rrrr� PR����` W J � J n Cli � w o ow xg Y Q c � �h �LL Z ci LU 2. TI SO N y� o lV 1 ZQ J To T b Ci LL (p W 5 Ti ypB I m K ° N 'i ° l � O O U V 6 VONOOLL o f l l 30 L 6 8 VOOLLHS ` �0 //, WINSMOS021 SN3f t°: SlIV130 MON�100 T W08 W C M �M . o � e !2 F 9M0/40; (WTTVISNI ONnH 310NIS NW iv: rzr J=mo g Jca 2 O 96Z6Z#N01MIS1031d d ••�� �� � WWI- '- � O''. ` Cry� � 0096-09V W,6) %�liy�••.. \�,• <'i�: O `t a wWK l3'301N3A'N ¢=)a 3A180 A001ONHO310LM =E�z :uolcinay y p rr�� 1I yp LL co � pYp yyy .%AY JpL pp�Yyy Ypp NYN 1NIn .T. Il' Yy C .pX Y f Y{YO X H LLI y Q w oo Oww z Q J " co <� z o w w g5 2 �y � w o w w Q X o w 2w � 4Q � WI v J s _ V fl 0 S !� oo Z 3 O O 3g ml mI K F g oil Q 4 Q Q a¢ Q a g Q Q¢ $ ¢ ¢Q a 6 a a ¢ 0 0 0 ¢ 4 ¢ L"i m O p y G d$ V I lL frLLL LL C Q` O LL LL� LL E C . i X 'C rY�y ql > 7% X�X-, - E�� yam q •Y F � ` Z•C = u�. Fe - �mm mmmm� v 3 .� _ LL� addLNtL t $ 'Y$ � �v' HBO U. Lu U_ i«.W F �m N ¢$ 3 ,g'' E f�$m V c m c 0. caTi E C G n mw bo� J'9 N m v�" Ei R �X x E T� sgsmrny�yv� LL<"nihymiS2�2fi�c3 m5252mwrn �m333maxcroi3 CL �$c" �� }� Sn m�Fcm�n �Fn'��'nS�omFdF'oFo' �n'mm 0 CD r rr to A��j f7 M 8 m Y 7 Y v Q V 7 N �-A F! p n \\I11111Ir 7HERMAITRU. Benchmark® Doorset =M 'S`�� z o M WOOD EDGE III U N a oP z 'Z. N a is O m c W IRAMI OPAQUE FIBERGLASS SINGLE DOOR 3A"°1 N a "< m am FRAME WfDTH 4 . - o y INSWING/OUTSWING ti 8 CW C� "IMPACT" ja 7 GENERAL NOTES z �o 1. This product evaluation drawing has been developed in compliance with the 7th Edition(2020(Florida Building o J Code(FBC)including the"High Velocity Hurricane cane Zone"(HVHZ). o 0 2. Product anchors shag be as listed and spaced as shown on details.Anchor embedment to base material shall be Z 3 a Ln beyond wall dressing or stucco. dEn 5 LL OLC 3 3. When used in the"HVHZ"this product complies with Section 1626 of the FBC and does not require on impact o` resistant covering. w � c 2`!= = X �1 O EW 4. When used in areas outside of the"HVHP'requiring wind borne debris protection,this product complies with FBC < CL cc i Sections 1609.1.2&R301.2.1.2 and does not require an impact resistant covering.This product meets missile level Q a Y 'D"and includes Wind Zone 4 as defined in ASTM E 1996 and FBC Sections 1609.1.2.2&R301.2.121. LL J r �m S. For 2x stud framing construction,anchoring of these units shall be the same as that shown for 2x buck masonry construction. E 6. Site conditions that deviate from the details of this drawing require further engineering analysis by a licensed N 00 engineer or registered architect. � oo Z 7. Outsw ng configurations using Sill numbers 17&18 meet the water infiltration requirements for the"HVHZ".All other w w N 11 configurations do not meet the water infiltration requirements for the"HVHZ"and shall be installed only in :S:E > o w non-habitable areas or at habitable locations protected by an overhang or canopy such that the angle between the edge of canopy or overhang to A is less than 45 degrees. 2 ti q O O �j Z TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 SHEEr# DESCRIPTION 1 Typical Elevations,Design Pressures&General Notes ^ o m a 2 Door Panel Details 2 3 6evatons o° w Z 4 Horzontal&Vert cal Gloss Sections(2X Buck( a 5 Horzontal&Vertical Cross Sections TX Buck DESIGN PRESSURE(PSI) DESIGN PRESSURE(PSI) DATE: 4128115 zo i CONFIGURAAON LOCK INSWING OUTSWItJG gr�r. 6 Hor zontal&Vertical Cross Sections(Direct to Masonry( HARDWARE N.T.S. 7 Vertical Goss Sections(Thresholds( POSITIVE NEGATIVE POSMVE NEGATIVE G.er: JK m 8 Buck&Frame Anchoring cNx.sr: LFS 3 € 9 Hardware Details X latch&Deadbolt +67.0 -67.0 +67.0 -67.0 D7tAN1NC NO.: nBof Materials See Sheet 3 for Hardware Specifications FL-13459.1 a sNEEr 1 of i 1 0000000) 1�' EXTERIOR Q.I.. ```````,��11*la1i 00000000 r - — ��A< 0000000 n 00000000 _�a's o :q. _ci M 0000000 OOOOO OO 00000 1 - �tA. Z �,•'0zf2 omm ]j� 00000000 - ��jr•. �� =a� 0000000 :.:: =, >`•. Sys >r n 00000000 LOCK STILE �r �` y "' 0000000 STEEL REINFORCEMENT INTERIOR ��i ��� =a m 00000000 HINGE STILE (0.023'THK.) (ENGINEERED WOOD) 'er"fill O M o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (ENGINEERED WOOD) ,- 0 0 000 ��HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION s u o a•: O t Ern imZrc 0000 0 EXTERIOR N n E o o e 00000 O 2 (�—Q 02'----�I o f o � o a 0000000 1F05 I N a ma`am 0000000o O I 13 �- m o000000 ? a �Z 0000000o O {qa� $ ':.V1 DETAIL A-A STEEL REINFORCEMENT PANEL REINFORCEMENT 28.86%OPEN (0.023"TNckSteel) AREA MAX. uw s HINGE STILE STEEL REINFORCEMENT LOCK STILE (ENGINEERED WOOD) (0.02X THK.) INTERIOR (ENGINEERED WOOD) ao 0 * �t18 X 2.5'PFH WS PP.@EACH DOOR CORNER) o�2�HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION �� z m 36.0"MAX.DOOR 35.813'MAX.DOOR 35.813'MAX.DOOR r Ncr PANEL WIDTH PANEL WIDTH PANEL WIDTH F m a O O 3 3 TOP RAIL o o !* 2 * 2 *! �* 2 #!� (COMPOSITE) a a s a aim ? 2 ® ra� STEEL REINFORCEMENT 2 (0.023 THK.) �T mm € o d CD L � m i = z FOAM CORE - w w o z w h w N (POLYURETHANE- t t o a 1.9 PCF M1N.) ^ nw 00 ® e INTERIOR EXTERIOR a 00 O O INTERIOR EXTERIOR w w o O —f o X Oj X O fi ¢a �( X x a s o z ZaLL om FIBERGLASS SKIN mz o N d (0.073'THK.) m U DATE 4128 15 �: N.T.S. 0 I BOTTOM RAIL I 1.7" -I (COMP.) h 1.7" DWG.BY: JK in E i* I> *( !* p *! !* b *{ CHK.6Y: LFS 3 R PANEL DOOR PANEL DOOR PANEL VERTICAL CROSS SECTION 4 VERTICAL CROSS SECTION DRAk "O' m 41 Hybrid Door 42 U1Door 2 y FL-13459.1 0 V SHEef 2 OF 11 N cC 1 1 1 4 \\ 4 5 6 b �• � � M < =V * n No dn tE moJ cq E3 13 0 �rcp 'f, !II 1► U wyo mo N01* 045c; wm :a. cZ m 2 2 2 5 4 5 6 6 m 3 3 3 6 0 3`aW m X � s o SEE HARDWARE HARDWARE TABLE z CHART } o LL MANUFACTURER MODEL �S m KNOB: FS] m a 2 SCHLAGE DEADBOLT: B60 o < KNOB: SIGNATURE SERIES a ¢ > KWIKSEf DEADBOLT: SIGNATURE SERIES(980) a a i 2 3CO E 7 7 7 ELEVATION m p� E V J\ 0 0 N N � Z ow wp _O sr � n m c' � ww ja� n a 0� 0 p O N 6 N.- 2 LL Q n n O n W a 2 P P R1 I E--1 DATE: 4/N.TS5 0 DWG.BY: JK m' E Benchmark Door Pane)Options cW.ar: LFS 3 ow�wric M Panel options shown are for illustration and are representative only In (simdar opaque panel configurations are allowed) FL-13459.1 N d sr+ar 3 ov 11 � v 40 E - D. p , nz B z a: ���rrn.rn�..� z d r 0 xze o Ea a c `a N 'A j O g � LL mda� z E lv 40 41 42 cam s EXTERIORzo INTERIOR cc �x 1.WMIN. LL 1 VERTICAL CROSS SECTION EMB•(TYP•1 w zw E 4 Oyu wn w/s ww(Inrving smlar) E 8 B fswug B 0.1 o =o u C" � a U d L C. O.IS C-SINK 0.15'C-SINK 3 mP) (m') L o0 1 2 �m � on € D 00 D N N En 6 6 o0 z W W .. INTERIOR t t rn INTERIOR n a 00 as o » z 'Q v e 40 41 42 27 r N Z a a � � 40 41 42 o z 1-1/4"M1N. 29 1-1/4"MIN. c's� 4 28 15 3 �'�•) EXTERIOR EXTERIOR 1 2 EMB.(TYP.) sue: N.T.S. owc.BY. JK ro 2 HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION 3 HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION cim BY. L S W. € 4 Shown w/A Buck 4Shown w/21(Buck aavNnc No.: n Outsweg shown 11--ing*nlor) Outsv�g sown(Inswing sim�) FL-13459.1 c S/EET 4 or 11 a G __ `,`�tatnnur n ►fA: g �,;:02� oaseo � n I X Buck to be secured to C ''''�rrtrttt tttt •�,``` z00) d; masonry by others zS o Ea, zrc Ng 9 p OIL 4 m 0.LL G. v 6 1 2 � 83a EXTERIOR INTERIOR J� clm 1 VERTICAL CROSS SECTION < S Shown w/1 X sub-buck > �z g A Outswing shown(1rw.**g sxria) z� w o E C E o� 3: 1 2 C a U v> E 2 a n 40* L N 6 6 N N (n a Z G ® INiHtIOR INTBtIOR ' G 22 L L n m yz o0 a n >o W W G O O z o Ui N O! m d c< >v i It23 +W 41 42 27 A C, z o 1-1/4'MIN. 29 40 dt 42 t-1l4 MM. WB.(iyP.) DaMOR OQERIOR EMB.(Typ.) DAM 4128115 n a 2 sME N.T.S. m /21 HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION 3 HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION CM BY: FS 3 5 Ott w/�sauck S o NO.: n Shown w!1X >r (Inswing sirNlU<) Outswrng shown OnmirQ sirn ) FL-13459.1 o sir 5 OF j1 a �. • E MAX. MAIL tl!',y A• m n C 1 C 1 ��rrr*•It, coy 6 o m 0 xZ- N g E. z®�¢ 0 40 41 42 40 41 42 `l� `V 4 '�� mm a a d ` .�- 02 ° EXTERIOR WrEPJOR EXTERIOR INTERIOR 4 Y J �2 �o s 1 VMMCAL CROSS SECTION 4 VERMAL CROSS SECTION LIEShown Direct to MasorrZ 6 Shown Diect to Map o, Outswing only w!4-9l16 jamb OvWng only w/6.9/16 jamb 0, DIRECT TO MASONRY MAX.DESIGN PRESSURE: w/STANDARD STRIKE=±55PSF5 m w/SECURITY STRIKE_ ±65 PSF cr N c0 Oro F � y > a. e C 1 1 ri C 1 1 C r'' �m 5 C a� pUp�U iv PtIERIOR �Y ir1 fq Z 4 4 40 41 42 Ncn INTERIOR ne N 40 41 42 N N o 00 a M M � a v c EMB.(M.) n 9 E ' EX113ilOR E MWR Z E N'Z U z 1-1/4'MIN. 1-1/4"MIN. M I-IMIAN. VAM 4 28/15 i f EMB.W&.) EMB.M.) EMB.(TVP.) N.T.S. 2�/HORIIONTAL CROSS SECTION 3 HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION 5 HORIZONTAL CROSS SEC71ON r 6 HORIZONTAL CROSS SEC17ON o» JK m' E �6JShown Direct to Masor>� 6 shown t7irect to Mawrtt�r 6 OUt�swingg oonntly w 6-9/�16 jamb v O�n9 only w/699/1M6Xjamb �WM :LFS 3 bwirg only w/4-9/16 jamb t7utswing oMy w149116 jamb m FL-13459.1 0 s _L OF 11 n \\llllllf// Notes: `````\\ 1.SDI Item Cs 32,38&39 are attached to jambs w/(3)#8 X 2-1/T pth screws or(3)2-T staples at each end. .,... .. n 2.S@ ttem#s 16,17,18&19 are attached to jambs w/(2)#8 X 2-1 IT pth screws at each end. 3.Sill item#15 is attached to jambs uff[&V(2)#10 X T pph SMS screws at each end. ` � % ,^Z fan z° duo V.�•• c S n m >°°z INTERIOR EXTERIOR rll ltP'Fll \�%�` z --• E z ozrc 40 41 42 a L 0 a m g W 8 9 N A 4 m a im 32 38 39 ^. Z D y �? c D1 SEE NOTE � E N prp Oy e 1`O C L9 (Q� J 3 ~m �VEIMCAL CROSS SECTION Df o Irawing Sig ~ a a x 7t E EXTERIOR INTERIOR EXTERIOR INTERIOR N 40 41 42 16 17 18 19 40 41 42 0 0 z 7 10 W W g «t rn 15 ; SEE NOTE 2 E SEE NOTE 3 E o o N 2 n+ 4 28/15 = r2�VER11CA1 CROSS SECTION VERTICAL CROSS SECTION s N.T.S. 7 Outswin9 S8 7 Public access S8 on.or.. JK m' CWL er: LFS 3 z OPAWM NW rc n FL-13459.1 0 � sN� 7 ov 11 `````tttt►*utr ri�i so •• y At Mn V � Z �.•Q �y/tll O W Cl i tir• . �.�Q`W W (3)1/2'X2-1/T (3)#8x2-1/2' % Y-., `�� 'o m o JAMB TO HEAD DETAIL JAMB JAMB i0 HEAD DETAILPFH WS ii '/rrrr► ►t tt ` � O N m W ITYP l In P 1 0 $ Ern z o Z s° N g 0* O m W N a 'In j6ta _ man. F 4"(TYP) ti $ Li (� �-I �"'� r o � �O W D 2X BUCK Ito x m Q HEAD&JAMBS J 1 X BUCK �w N (TYP.) `o _m 8 BUCK M DIRECTTO ? 4 o f N MASONRY FRAME HEAD&JAMBS a I n (TYP.) J Y r E �m X Q U U :E m m i2 U l N< ^- 00 N N In U Z v oW O a ¢Q a a o o o W m N 4NZ z o f 2X BUCK ANCHORING FRAME ANCHORING -TE 4 28/15 i SME N.T.S. o w � 2 DWG.BY: JK m E DHK.BY: LFS 3 DRAWING ND.: FL-13459.1 o V SHEET_jL OF i t N �•�` ''•� d o �=a�3'••�• g =z'�'� V v * s"- a n o¢ o ��: z Fr0`�Z 0 orn 2X BUCK L SEE HINGE ''''rrll/1 1111 �`\` cal N m e DETAIL ITYP.) o IX BUCK G o v Z o DIRECTTO 26 p 8 og m c w MASONRY M N a ^It, 4 s°am 8 4p m a0.4 G T 3 oZ 3 2X BUCK 2$ ,w O c c y IX BUCK G ❑ p 0-0 '1a 27 m o 0 DIRECT TO m oR N m MASONRY LATCH&DEADBOLT DETAIL S �o Kwikset ® o 0 Qvsr w Lo SEE LATCH _� 3 2X BUCK L 8 DEADBaT �M DETAIL G a 2 3 1X BUCK G o 0 rPL-'AT DIRECT RY hAIKEaa MASONRYEE28 mm A STRIKEJAMB HINGEJAMS o 0 Latch and Deadhott Ln F 2X BUCK 25 w o 0 Ln A I x BUCK G ❑ 27 w DIRECT TO M L 2X BUCK o0 of MASONRY 0 29 G IX BUCK a o LATCH d DEADBOLrDETAIL 85 > a M DIRECT TO Schlage o rn m $ MASONRY `�'w z LATCH&DEADBOLT STRIKE DETAILS Q J LL DIRECT ro (Standard Deadbolt Strike Plate) M MASONRY 24 _ a O 0 N Z 0 F Z DATE: 4/28/i 5 z SGCE; N.T.S. DEADBOLT STRIKE DETAILS HINGE DETAIL DWG.ar: JK m {Security Deadbolt Strike Plate) DHx W; LFS 3 DMVANG ND.: N L F1-73459.1 a SHEET 9 ov 11 w V K o' 7 81" 4.56"---�{ n N 4 56' •Q',i n 10 opa i V". •: I <tyy�� I I �i ,•. i `�� J O a0 p Fes—2 C F--236• 'i��i '••.... - ``�� i ri= n larswur�7x1EsHoeo ►++��u+e �����w—roc a�ta °"f i*1111 0�o ��9 Compafite AcWable 7-W SE � �J o � E m z m z o 2 c Q: o �0 s aW N w dra ch o pZ d 4W 0 4.56' 5.63" 0 0 Cto z -,,.. N w o C.3 W�� 16 ou►SWING THItESHOI� o pTft. 1HRESHoID `� W }e Cort�os(te/Akmwwm Sam c' r � � U O �+ 4.56' o rc > 4.56" = a a 79 o. q d 5.75" y Y? m E �� E on �e1lNSYYIMG 1HRESNOLD �ZOUISWMG7HRfsHOID OUISWIMG 1HRESHOLD w w N < 9 Con�poaile Affable$M COm�sile Sii C�yo,�m,�p,,o,�ztppe��,/,A�yM�mdnUm$� 82 o Meld :5 S y n b W F- v' Cp 6Z d o H 1 N Ocir-flo Q j n n � g I "47' Y 15 PUB!lC ACCESS THRESNOID 0 8 SWffP o 9 SMffEP ohm 4128115 3 smc- N.T.S. a s � owe.BY: JK m € cw,By.. LFSDRAWM No.: 3 n FL-13459.1 0 -- 1oov11 ro c BILL OF MATERIALS BILL OF MATERIALS ``���� ............. ITEM# DESCRIPTION MATERIAL ITEM If DESCRIPTION MATERIAL �Q m A I BUCK(SG>=0.42) WOOD 25 #8 x 2-1/2"PFH WOOD SCREW STEEL =r'� o;.►=Z B 2X BUCK(SG>=0.42) WOOD 26 #8 x 5/8"PFH WOOD SCREW STEEL o * Z—- n C 1/4"MAX.SHIM SPACE 27 LATCH STRIKE PLATE STEEL Z r`'g�� °4 D 1/4"X 2-3/4"PFH ELCO OR ITW CONCRETE SCREW STEEL 28 DEADBOLT STRIKE PLATE(STANDARD} STEEL '.�� •., g`�� >>°i E MASONRY-3,000 PSI MIN.CONCRETE CONFORMING TO ACI CONCRETE 28A DEADBOLT SUB STRIKE PLATE STEEL ''''��►►tt1 II►L ���`` z C m 301 OR HOLLOW BLOCK CONFORMING TO ASTM C90 28B DEADBOLT STRIKE PLATE(SECURITY) STEEL a o G 3/16"X 3-1/4"ITW CONCRETE SCREW STEEL 29 4"X 4"HINGE STEEL E. o m o J 1/4"X 3 3/4"PFH ELCO OR ITW CONCRETE SCREW STEEL 32 INSWING THRESHOLD ALUM/COMP U)n d=m L #10 X 2 1/2"PFH WOOD SCREW(1.15'MIN.EMBEDMENT) STEEL 38 INSWING THRESHOLD ALUM/COMP \v_ _ ~ ~ �M 3/16'X 2-1/4"ITW CONCRETE SCREW STEEL 39 INSWING THRESHOLD ALUM/COMP ?'; =Z N 3/I6"X 2-3/4"ITW CONCRETE SCREW STEEL 40 DOOR PANEL(BOOK) - ti `W �a 1 JAMB(FINGER JOINT PINE) WOOD 41 DOOR PANEL(HYBRID) 2 JAMB(FINGER JOINT PINE) WOOD 42 DOOR PANEL(Ul) 6 WEATHERSTRIP(MEDIUM REACH) FOAM 7 WEATHERSTRIP(LONG REACH) FOAM �o 8 SWEEP VINYL i n m 9 SWEEP(USE W/MODERATE CLIMATE THRESHOLD) VINYL m 10 SWEEP(USE W/PUBLIC ACCESS THRESHOLD) VINYL :E W 3 15 PUBLIC ACCESS THRESHOLD ALUM m In 0 16 OUTSWING THRESHOLD ALUM/COMP a o 17 OUTSWING THRESHOLD ALUM/COMP 18 OUTSWING THRESHOLD ALUM/COMP 19 OUTSWING THRESHOLD ALUM/COMP m t 22 #8 x 3/4"PFH WOOD SCREW STEEL 23 #10 x 3/4"PFH WOOD SCREW STEEL m m 24 #10x 1"PFH WOOD SCREW STEEL o 0 N N � CONCRETE ANCHOR NOTES: w p m 1.Concrete anchor locations at the comers may be adjusted to maintain the min. edge distance to mortar joints. e 2. Concrete anchor locations noted as MAX.ON CENTER"must be adjusted to 0 0 o maintain the min.edge distance to mortarjoints,additional concrete anchors w w g may be required to ensure the"MAX.ON CENTER"dimension are not exceeded. a a 3. Concrete anchor table: G >> z MIN.C1E,4RANCE MIN.CLEARANCE 4-3- ELCO ANCHOR ANCHOR MIN.lYpESIZE EMBEDMENT TOMASONRY TO ADJACENT zEDGE ANCHOR mF TAPCON® 1/4ITW " 1.1/4" 2' 4" o a ULTRACONo 1/4' 1-1/4" 1' 4" DATEE 4 28/15 0 sue: N.T.S. ITW ® 3/16' 1.1/4" AS SHOWN 1-1/2" DWG.Br: JK m TAPCON cwc.BY: LFS 3 WOOD SCREW INSTALLATION NOTES: rc OPA"T"G"O'` 1.Maintain a minimum 5/8"edge distance,I"end distance,&1"o.c,spacing of wood screws to prevent the splitting of wood. FL-13459.1 sHM 1 1 Or 11 V_ R'