HomeMy WebLinkAboutTrussC C It C CI C1 C C1 65'-0" R—MimE APPROVED TRUSS ANCHOR BY BUILDER TRUSS BEARING HEIGI IT SCHEDULE 2x4 MINIMUM TOP and BOTTOM CHORDS PLUM CUT OVERHANG 12 6 1/16" HEEL HEIGHTF=7A 55 POUND LOADING , HURRIGANE METAL STRAP17 -_ U --ANCHOR EACH T-RUSS 8„ BRIG. (OVERHANG) TYPICAL TRUSS END DETAIL HANGERS TO BE USED (Simpson) or (Usp) Q HUS26 (Z) HUS26 Q HGUS26-2 (D THD1126-2 0 Q RT16A (D HGUS5.5/10 Q THD1-1610 CONNECTION BY BUILDER Our office has r vlev;ed the truss p!ace.me!�f + and find that tt ure ill aderfucn I�d cc,,, y the load dse by the trt;sv sycte Date V—tzjl Specialty Engineering Consultants, Inc. j ,, % 4,10 -1 L*0.. 55*44 ;9(5,� C,FATE ( �v �-�fir;tll Trusses shm,)n on this layout are a cof iponeol part of the building and show truss location. - Proper erection, temporary and permonent bracing design are the responsibility of the building designer or his engineer Lateral bracing shown on the -individual iruss drawings must be planed during the erection procedure. LOT:32 UK: ADDRESSc13329 NW DU Place c► ir�nivicln�l, 1),,,,,,�4. �....1 NOTE: YOUR SIGNATURE WILL ACKNO4"'A.IDGE: 1) AUTIIORIZATION FOR FABRICATION. 2) VERIFICATION OF ALL DIMEITSIONS, CONDITIONS, AND TRUSSES. TRUSSES W11-1- BE MADE IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH THIS PLACEMENT PLAP 3) RECEIPT AND USE OF "HID-91 Sunlrnary Sheet COMMENTARY and RECOMMENDATIONS for HANDLING, INSTALLING & BRACING METAL PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES" (TPI). 4) NO BACK CHARGES OR CRANE CHARGES OF ANY KIND WILL BE ACCEPTED UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AUTHORIZED IN WRITING BY TRUSS PLANT MNGM f. TITLE DATE All spacing is 24" O.C., except as noted. All walls shown are bearing, except as noted. All valleys calculated with sheathing under. Number of girder plies to be deterrnined by engineering. DO NOT CUT' OR ALTER TRUSSES w/o ALHIIORIZATION FROM THIS OFTICE. Labeling trusses is a service, not a requirement. Engineered drawings supercede labeling of trusses. It is the responsibility of the builder to utilize engineered drawings when erecting trusses WARNING ERECTION BRACING IS NOT THE RESPONSIBILITY OF 1TtUSS DESIGNER, PLATE MANUFACIURER, NOR TRUSS FABRICATOR. PERSONS ERECTING TRUSSES ARE CAUTIONED TO SEEK PROFESSIONAL ADVICE REGARDING ERECTION BRACING W111CII IS ALWAYS REQUIRED TO PREVENT TOPPLING AND DOMIN0ING DURING ERECTION; AND PERMANENT BRACING WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED IN SPECIFIC APPLICATIONS. SEE '8CSI—BI Summary Sheet COMMENTARY and RECOMMENDATIONS for HANDLING, INSTALLING & BRACING METAL PLATE CONNECTEU WOOD TRUSSES" (1PI). TRUSSES ARE TO BE ERECTED AND FASTE14ED IN A STRAIGHT AND PLUMB POSITION WHERE NO SHEATHING IS APPLIED DIRECTLY TO 111E TOP CHORDS; THEY SHALL BE BRACED AS SPECIFIED ON THE TRUSS DLSIGIT. TRUSSES SHALL BE HANDLED WITH REASONABLE CARE DURING ERECTION TO PREVENT DAMAGE. V TRUSS COMPANY SUPPLIES ONLY TRUSS TO TRUSS CONNECTIONS. c 1RUSS COMPANY WILL SUPPLY AU_ TRUSS TO TRUSS HARDWARE CONNECTIONS FOR REACTIONS UNDCR 5000 POUNDS. FOR ALL REACTIONS GREATER THAN 5000 POUNDS, OR SKEWED, NO HANGER IS SUPPLIED. CONTRACTOR SHOULD CHECK ALL REACTIONS FOR PROPER CONNECIIONq. �y1EQS(la ris�icl_WIe SCE 7-10 Exposure Category : C Bldg Category : 2 Wind Design Velocity MpIl Imp. Factor : 1.00 Wind Load Duration Factor : 1.33 Mean Roof Height : 17--,ft, S.0 Ir-I'T 'JFRU (772) 464- 1160 COMIANIJES, INC. _ 2590 N. Kings Highwa Fort Pierce, FL 34951 _ CUSTOMER: — DESCRIPTION: GALE: DAZE: URAV11 CY: DRANIG NUMBER: 3 16"=1'-a" 17/12/2014 _ dhc 6510-d-ar 41 z v SOUTHERN TRUSS COMPANIES, INC. SOUTHERN RANDY@SOUTHERNTRUSS.COM TRUSS.. 2590 N. KINGS HIGHWAY / FORT PIERCE, FL. 34951 CC) M PAN ES (800) 232-0509 / (772) 464-4160 / (772) 318-0016 Fax: Project Name and Address:_ �L`%k�i3gJ { Occupancy: Single -Family Lot: `3 2 Block: County: Multi -Family Truss.Company: Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Commercial Truss Engineering Program: Simpson Component Solutions Plates By: Simpson Strong -Tie Contractor / Builder: 'r_jA:QhhV6, N-C.-1 E-I C Model: S &j_kF U 6 (0 Elevation: Options: STATEMENT: I certify that the engineering for the trusses listed on the attached index sheet have been designed and checked for compliance with Florida Building Code FBC2010. The truss system has been designed to provide adequate resitance to wind load and forces as required by the following provision:. ROOF FLOOR Design criteria: ASCE 7-10: [`(Q MPH Top chord live load: �20 P.S.F. Top chord live load: ..P-<F. Top chord dead load:�"� P.S.F. Top chord 'ad loa • P.S.F. PS.F. Engineer: Stephen YV. Warter Bottom chord live load:lb_p. Bottom chord 1' d: P.S.F. Address: 2590 N. Kings Highway Bottom chord dead load: .S.F. Bottom ch dead load: S.F. Fort Pierce, FL. 34951 Duration factor �L� Duration factor: Mean height: 7 t� Exposure: L * 10.0 P.S.F. bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This is an index sheet submitted in accordance with the Department of Professional Engineering. Tallahassee, FL. Engineering sheets are photocopies of the original design and approved by me. No. Truss ID. No. Truss ID. No. Truss ID. No. Truss ID. No. Truss ID. No. Truss ID. 1 21. 41 61 > 81 G' Z 101 2 22 42 C 62 82 102 3 23 7 43 63 -2_ 83 C-1 p 103 �( 4 24 44 % 64 U 7� 84 104 5 25 "3 '45 65 85 `;Z 105 6 26 46 &qA 66 86 106- 7 27 iQ 47 67 87 GZ 107 _ 8 - 28 j Z 48 _ 68 88 G 108 C4 9 29 t/ j 49 `� 69 89 c 109 10 30 2 50 70 — 90 C 110�' 11 Vq 31 2 e 51 71 91 0(,'A 111 12 32 P, 72-A 52 .72 92 112 13 33 Z 53 73 93 C 113 �a:' 14 34 A 54 74 =—= 94 114 15 35 ( 55 j i`'(` 95 115 16 � 36 z 56 1 96 �i� 116 17 37 ��' 57 P76 ` 1' 97 E' 9'1718 38 58 Z 9819 39 59 99 t.�� ,, ',20 40 60 100 ` As witness by my seal, I hearby certify that the above information�- is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. +o. 5 395 Name: Stephen W. Warter Lic. #54395 Date: 70 /// ' QNAU` ����� v SOUTHERN TRUSS COMPANIES, INC. + SO UTH E RN RANDY@SOUTHERNTRUSS.COM TRUSS 2590 N. KINGS HIGHWAY / FORT PIERCE, FL. 34951 (800) 232-0509 / (772) 464-4160 / (772) 318-0016 Fax: COMPANIES Project Name and Address: Rz_ r--tf( ULJ n Occupancy: L--"/ . Single -Family Lot: `3 �!_ Block: County: Multi -Family Truss Company: Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Commercial Truss Engineering Program:., Simpson Component Solutions Plates By: Simpson Strong'>ie Contractor / Builder: e:�5T&IJ bLu Model: ST IFU� �J ��o�ly� Elevation: �s Options: STATEMENT:. I certify that the engineering for the trusses listed on the attached index sheet have been designed.and checked for compliance with Florida Building Code FBC2010. The truss system has been designed to provide adequate resitance to wind load and forces as required by the following provision: ROOF FLOOR Top chord live load::?,Q P.S.F. Design criteria: ASCE 7-10: 1"7Q MPH ' Top chord live load:__,,--- P.S.F. Top chord dead load:_i_,.'—P.S.F. Top chor d P.S.F. Engineer: Stephen W. Warter Bottom chord live load:P.S.F. Bottom ch ive loa - P.S.F. Address: 2590 N. Kings Highway Bottom chord dead load:�P.S.F. Bottom'chord dead load: P.S.F. Fort Pierce, FL. 34951 Duration factor: C(�o .2� Duration factor: Mean height: li f Exposure: C , * 10.0 P.S.F: bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This is an index sheet submitted in accordance with the Department of Professional Engineering. Tallahassee, FL. Engineering sheets are photocopies of the original design and approved by me. No. Truss ID. No. Truss ID. No. Truss ID. No. Truss ID. No. Truss ID., No. Truss ID. 121 141 161 181 201 221 122� 142 162 182 202 222 123 143 163 183 203 223 124 144 1641184 204 224 125 145 165 185 205 225 126 146 166 186 206 226 127 147 167 1871 207 .227 128 148 168 188 208 228 129 149 169 189 209 229 130 150 170 190 210 230 131 151 171 191 211 231 _ 132 152 172 192 2121 232 133 153 173 193 213 233 134 1 154 174 194 214 234 135 155 175 195 215 235 136 156 176 196 216 236 137 157 177 197 217 138 158 1781 198 218 139 159 1791 199 219GQ • •' a' •:, r '� 140 160 1801 200 220 � � As witness by my seal, I Nearby certify that the above information o. 5 395 . = is true and correct to the best of my. knowledge and belief.. * :�_ Name: Stephen W. Warter Lic. #54395 �F w Date: �0 P. �\ %�i��S R 1 �`\� �'�i'0NA1-e0� TYPICAL DETAIL 0 CORNER- H A P NOTE: NDS=National Design Specifictions for Wood Construction., 132.5# per Nail (D.O.L.Factor=1.25) nds toe nails only have 0.83 of lateral Resistance Value. , c ,. r- 12 r-0 -�0 -10 HIP GIRDER 12 O OVER OVER i 0 9-9-5 CORNER JACK GIRDER ALLOWABLE REACTION PER JOINT 0 UP TO 265# = 2-16d NAILS REQ'D. © UP TO 394# = 3-16d NAILS REQ'D. K) r- r, --.) 1� 1 J1 A J3 A i - o J5 0 H7 (HIP GIRDER) A A) (A A 0@ i TYPICAL CORNER LAYOUT CHORD HANGERS FASTENER GIRDER JACK J1—J3 TO HIP JACK GIRDER TC — — — — — — — 2-16d nails — — — — — BC — — — — — — — 2-16d nails — — — — J5 TO HIP JACK GIRDER TC — — — — — — — 2-16d nails — — — — — BC — — — — — — — 2-16d nails — — — — — J7 TO HIP GIRDER TC — — — — — — — 3-16d nails — - — — — BC — — — — — — — 2-16d nails — — — — — HIP JACK GIRDER (CJ7) TO HIP GIRDER TC — — — — — — — 3-16d nails — — — — — BC — — — — — — — 3-16d nails i — — — — — SOUTHERN TRUSS .OMPANIES hitp-//www.southerntruss.com MINIMUM GRADE OF LUMBER LOADING (PSF) STIR. INCR.: 257. T.C. 2x4 SYP #2 L D FBC201 a B.C. 2x4 SYP #2 TOP 20 BOTTOM 00 1 0 WEBS 2x4 SYP No.3 SPACING 24" O.C. Fort Pierce Division 2590 N. Kings Highway, Fort Pierce, FL 34951 (800)232-0509 (772)464-4160 Fax:(772)318-0016 By: Stephen W. Worter, Stfucturol Eng. License # 54395 2590 N. Kings Highway, Fort Pierce, FL 34951 n n J w�-1:- ry NOTE: NDS=National Design Specifictions for Wood Construction. 132.5-7UT per Nail (D.O.L.Factor=1.25) nds toe nails only have 0.83 of lateral Resistance Value. 12 OVER O q 0 nG -,OA '-0 .n, A �A II 11 11 11 II A 0 0 (D 5-0-0 HIP GIRDER 121.5 O OVER & OVER �I O 7-0-14 CORNER JACK GIRDER ALLOWABLE REACTION PER JOINT AZ) UP TO 265# = 2-16d NAILS REC�'D. © UP TO 394# = 3-16d NAILS REO'D. n U') 0 I J1 J3 A 0 c"s 1-15 (HIP GIRDER) I O in I O ® 0 0 0 1 I I-tL 1 - - - - TYPICAL CORNER LAYOUT CHORD HANGERS FASTENER GIRDER JACK J1—J3 TO HIP JACK GIRDER TC — — — — — — — 2-16d nails — — — — — BC — — — — — — — 2-16d . nails — — — — — J5 TO HIP JACK GIRDER TC — — — — — — — 2-16d nails — — — — — BC — — — — — — — 2-16d nails — — — — TC — — — — — — — 3-16d nails — — — — — BC — " — — — — — 2-16d nails — — — — — HIP JACK GIRDER (CJ5) TO HIP GIRDER TC — - — — — — — 3-16d nails — — — — — BC — — — — — — — 2-16d nails — — — — SOUTHERN TRUSS ZOMPANIES http*//www.southern4uss.com NfINIMUM GRADE OF LUMBER LOADING (PSF) STR INCR.: 25T. T.C. 2x4 SYP #2 L 0 FBC2010 B.C. 2x4 SYP 11T2 TOP 20 I WEBS 2x4 SYP No.3 BOTTOM 00 1 SPACING 24" O.C. Fort Pierce Division 2590 N. Kings Highway, Fart Pierce, FL 34951 (800)232-0509 (772)464-4160 Fax:(772)318-0016 By: Stephen W. Warter, Structural Eng. License # 54395 2590 N. Kings Highway, Fort Pierce, FL 34951 SE 7-10 _l'0 —MPH WIND SP Gable Tn199 r > `IT. M DIAGONAL BRACE OPTIONS: m VERTICAL LENGTH MAY BE :5 DOuBIED WHEN DIAGONAL I° — BRACE 13 USED. CONNECT OIABONAL BRACE FOR 8400 E AT EACH ENO. MAX. WEB c TOTAL LENGTH IS 14'. 3 CONNECT DIAGONAL AT MIDPOINT OF VERTICAL WEB. 2X4 SPF LE OR DOUBLE CUT SHOWN) AT UPPER END. i.. . . . . . . 0M EAN HEIGHT, ENCLOSED, 1=1.25, EXPOSURE Bracing Group Species and $Grades. GROUP A SPRUCE —PINE —FIR HEM —FIR #1 �2_ STSTUDRD. � �r3 STANDARD DOUGLAS FIR —LARCH SOUTHERN PINE STUD STUD STUD STANDARD STANDARD REFER TO CHART ABOVE FOR MAX GABLE VERTICAL LENGTH TRUSS Fort Pierce Division 2590 N. Kings Highway. Fort Pierce, FL 34951 COMPANIES (800)232-0509 (772)464-4160 h11p://w.... ja 2he,vl..o, m Fax:(772)318-0016 c........ a w...l slrvet-.1 E..1. 1.1-7 a 1 5-315 2510 N. N '- — 1,arce. n. 31551 GROUP B HEM —MR 1 & Btr {j t GABLE TRUSS DETAIL NOTES: LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION CRITERIA IS L/240. PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTIONS FOR 136PLF OVER CONTINUOUS BEARING. (5 PSF TC DEAD LOAD). GABLE END SUPPORTS LOAD FROM 4'-0" OUTLOOKERS WITH 2'—O' OVERHANG.DX 12' PLYWOOD OVERHANG. ATTACH EACH "L" BRACE WITH 10d NAILS. (•) FOR (1) "L' BRACE. SPACE NAILS AT 2' OC. IN 18 END ZONES AND 4' OC. BETWEEN ZONES. (••) FOR (2) 'L' BRACES: SPACE NAILS AT 3' OC. IN 18 END ZONES AND 6' OC. BETWEEN ZONES. "L' BRACING MUST BE A MINIMUM OF 80% OF WEB IBER LENGTH. .. V-11cvnrel DIATV SI7PS VERTICAL LENGTH NO SPLICE LESS THAN 4'-0' 1x4 OR 2x3 GREATER THAN 4'—O% BUT LESS 71iNJ 11'-6' 2x4 GREATER THAN 11'-6' 2.5x4 PEAK SPLICE AND HEEL PLATES.Ll \/\/ CB r— t—" L Y r-1 Erection brocing is not the responsibility of truss designer, plate manufacturer nor truss fabricator, persons erecting trusses are cautioned to seek professional advice regarding erection bracing which is always required to prevent loppring and dominoing during erection; and permanent bracing which may be required in specific oppGcattorls. See 'SCSI-51 Summary sheet Commentary and recommen— dolions 11 handling, Installing k bracing metal plate connected wood trusses Trusses are to be erecled and fastened in fastened in a 31mighl and plumb position where no sheeting is opprred directly to the top chords, they shall be braced as specified on the truss design. Trusses shall be handle with reasonable care during erection to Ixerenl damoge. Maximun Total Load 60 PSF SPACING AT 24' O.C. SCAB -BRACE DETAIL I ST - SCAB -BRACE Note: Scab -Bracing to be used when continuous lateral bracing at midpoint (or T-Brace) is impractical. Scab must cover full length of web +/- 6". *** THIS DETAIL IS NOT APLICABLE WHEN BRACING IS *** REQUIRED AT 1/3 POINTS OR I -BRACE IS SPECIFIED. APPLY 2x_ SCAB TO ONE FACE OF WEB WITH 2 ROWS OF 10d (3" X 0.131") NAILS SPACED 6" O.C. SCAB MUST BE THE SAME GRADE, SIZE AND SPECIES (OR BETTER) AS THE WEB. W11 MAXIMUM WEB AXIAL FORCE = 2500 lbs MAXIMUM WEB LENGTH = 12'-0" SCAB BRACE 2x4 MINIMUM WEB SIZE MINIMUM WEB GRADE OF #3 Nails / Section Detail ® Cz Scab -Brace Web Scab -Brace must be same species grade (or better) as web member. T-BRACE / I -BRACE DETAIL Note: T-Bracing / I -Bracing to be used when continuous lateral bracing is impractical. T-Brace / I -Brace must cover 90% of web length. Note: This detail NOT to be used to convert T-Brace / I -Brace Webs to continuous lateral braced webs. Nailing Patterri T-Brace size Nail Size Nail Spacing 1 x4 or 1 x6 10d 8" o.c. 2x4 or 2x6 or 2x8 16d 8" o.c. Note: Nail along entire length of T-Brace / I -Brace (On Two-Ply's Nail to Both Plies) Nails WE Nails Brace Size for One -Ply Truss Specified Continuous' Rows of Lateral Bracing Web Size 1 2 2x3 or 2x4 1x4 (') T-Brace 1x4 (`) I -Brace 2x6 1 x6 (*) T-Brace 2x6 I -Brace 2x8 2x8 T-Brace . MI -Brace Brace Size for Two -Ply Truss Specified Continuous Rows of Lateral Bracing Web Size 1 2 2x3 or 2x4 2x4 T-Brace 2x4 I -Brace 2x6 2x6 T-Brace 2x6 I -Brace 2x8 2x8 T-Brace 2x81-Brace Nails T-Brace / I -Brace must be same species and grade (or better) as web member. (') NOTE: If SYP webs are used in the truss, 1 x4 or 1 x6 SYP braces must be stress Web I -Brace rated boards with design values that are equal to (or better) the truss web design values. For SYP truss lumber grades up to #2 with 1X_ bracing material, use IND 45 for T-Brace/1-B Nails For SYP truss lumber grades up to #1 with 1 X_ bracing material, use IND 55 for T-Brace/1 B L-BRACE DETAIL Nailing Pattern L-Brace size Nail Size Nail Spacing 1x4 or 6 10d 8" o.c. 2x4, 6, or 8 16d 8" o.c. Note: Nail along entire length of L-Brace (On Two-Ply's Nail to Both Plies) WE Web Nails L-Brace must be same species grade (or better) as web member. Note: L-Bracing to be used when continuous lateral bracing is impractical. L-brace must cover 90% of web length. L-Brace Size for One -Ply Truss Specified Continuous Rows of Lateral Bracing Web Size 1 2 2x3 or 2x4 1 x4 *** 2x6 1 x6 *** 2x8 2x8 *** *** DIRECT SUBSTITUTION NOT APLICABLE. L-Brace Size for Two -Ply Truss Specified Continuous Rows of Lateral Bracing Web Size 1 2 2x3 or 2x4 2x4 *** 2x6 2x6 *** 2x8 2x8 *** —DIRECT SUBSTITUTION NOT APLICABLE. MINIMUM GRADE OF'LUMBER Top Chord 20 SYP #2 SPF $1/#2 or batter Boll Chord 2x3(4) OR 20 SP #2N OR SPF #1/#2 or better Webs 2x4 SYP #3 or butter (+) 2x3 MAY BE RIPPED FROM A 20. (PITCHED OR SQUARE) (••) ATTACH EACH VALLEY To EVERY SUPPORTING TRUSS WITH: (2) 10d BOX (0.135' x 3.5') NAILS TOE -NAILED FOR FBC 200� ASCE 7-10 ktj,Q_MPH WIND. r �` (.— MEAN HEIGHT, ENCLOSED BUILDING. EXP. C. RESIDENCtAt, WIND TC DL-S PSF. CUT FROM Zx8 OR LARGER AS REQUIRED 4'-0" Max W29 W2x4 I8'-0" Max r 6'-0"Max Spacing 20'-0" Max (**) SUPPORTING TRUSSES AT 24° O.C. MAXIMUN SPACING, UNLESS SPECIFIED ON ENGINEER'S SEALED DESIGN, APPLY 1x4 "T'—BRACE, BOT. LENGTH OF WEB, !?LLEY WEB. SAME SPECIES AND GRADE OR BETTER, ATTACHED EQUALLY ALLY SPACDd BOX E,, FOR VE0.135 �CALILS AT VALLEYBWEDS GREATER THAN 7'-9-- BRACING, MAXIMUM VALLEY VERTICAL HEIGHT MAY NOT EXCEED 12'-0", TOP CHORD OF TRUSS BENEATH VALLEY SET MUST BE BRACED WITH: PROPERLY ATTACHED, RATED SHEATHING APPLIED PRIOR To VALLEY TRUSS INSTALLATION OR PURUNS AT 24" CC. OR AS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED ON ENGINEERS' SEALED DESIGN OR BY VALLEY TRUSSES USED IN LIEU OF PURLIN SPACING AS SPECIFIED ON ENGINEERS' SEALED DESIGN. (+++)NOTE BEN TH THE VALLEY IS MEASURED ALONG THE SLOTH THE PURLIN SPACING FOR BRACING PE E TOP CHORD FTHE Ru55 PE OF THE TOP CHORD. (*+) LARGER SPANS MAY BE BUILT AS LONG AS THE VERTICAL HEIGHT DOES NOT EXCEED 12'—D". BOTTOM CHORD MAY BE SQUARE OR PITCHED CUT AS SHOWN. 2) 12d SQUARE CUT SQUARE CUT (**)TOE NAI BOTTOM CHORD w2xA 1Yt"4 EY BOTTOM CORD (.) V�%— VALLEY // OPTIONAL STUB OPTIONAL HIP S>�a�k"•'1 END VERTICAL JOINT DETAIL SOUTHERN lFort TRUSS Pierce HD((ggiviysion 2590 H. Rings J4951, FortCOMPANIES (000)232-0509 (772)464-4160 hllPti�•..h,•vlh.mLm+z"m Fax:(772)318-0016 -- 69, St.P... N W-1., slv w,.1 C'. U..n.. / 3"393 I399 .Nina, Nla".... I-n P ... M 3+941 W cr r 1-n 1 r--1 <-=;I Erection bracing h not the responsiblTily of truss designer, plate manufacturer ndr truss fabricator, persons erecting trusses are cautioned to seek professional aduioe regarding erection bracing which is olaays required to prevent lappring and dominoing during erection; and permanent bracing which may be required In specific oppfcallons. Sue'BCSI-BI Summary shout Commentary and recommen- dollare for handfmg, hrstolfing k bracing metal plate connected wood trusses' (1PI). Trusses 010 to be eiecled and 101e0ed in 110*11ed in a Might and plumb pus tion where no shoaling is appfrad d'aecfiy to The top chords, they shall be braced as specified on the truss design. Trusses shop be handle with reasonable care during . / - FRAMING Loading TC LL 20 20 PSF TC DL 10' 15 PSF BC DL 10 10 PSF BC LL 00 00 PSF TOTAL LOAD 40 45 PSF DIpUeIlO ( 04011 1.25 1.25 24" O.C. R i 0 Q ��Efb This product is preferable to similar conneclors Because e, �v a) easier installation, b) higher loads, c) lower installed cost, or a combination of these features. All hangers in this series have double shear nailing -an innovation that distributes the load through two points on each joist nail for greater strength. This allows for fewer nails, faster installation, and the use of all common nails for the same 4onnection. Double shear hangers range from the light capacity LUS hangers to the highest capacity HGUS hangers. For medium load truss applications, the MUS offers a lower cost alternative and easier installation than the HUS or THA hangers, while providing greater load capacity and bearing than the LUS. MATERIAL: See tables below and on page 135. FIiJISHor ZIv1Galvanized.oang;see Corme rosion Information, pageucts available in s14-15. INSTALLATION - Use all specified fasteners. See General Notes. Nails must be driven at an angle through the joist or truss into the header to achieve the table loads. • Not designed for welded or nailer applications. OPTIONS: • LUS and MUS hangers cannot be modified. HUS hangers available with the header flanges turned in for 2-2x (3'/e') and 4x only, with no load reduction. See HUSC Concealed Flange illustration. Concealed fialiges are not available for HGUS and HHUS. See Hanger Options, page 216,101" sloped and/or skewed HHUS models. • Other sizes available; consult your Simpson Strong -Tie representative. CODES: See page 13 for Code Reference Key Chart. - MThese products are available with additional corrosion protection. Additional products on this page may also be available with this option, check with Simpson Strong -Tie for details. d t area proved for installation with the Strong -Drive SD 0 These pro V. s P Siructural-Conneclor screw. See page 27 for more information. Min. Dimensions Fasteners Model Heel Ga Carrying Carried No. Height W H 8 Member Member SINGLE 2x SIZES LUS24 25/e ; 1%, 311 1% 4-10d 2-10d LUS26 4% 18 1'/6 4'Ae 1'/e 4-10d 4-10d MUS26 411 % 18 1'/6 5'/16 2 6-10d 6-10d HUS26 41i6 16 1% 5% 3 14-16d 6-16d HGUS26 4'/,6 12 1'/e 5'/e 5 20-16d 8-i6d LUS28 4'A,6 18 1'/,6 T/e 1'/e 6-1Dd 4-10d MUS28 6%6 1B 1'/�6 6/,6 2 810d 8 iDd ® HUS28 6'k 16 1'Ae 7 3 22-16d 8-16d HGUS28 6'/6 12 1% 7'1 5 36-16d 12-16d LUS210 4y4 19 1'/,6 7" 6 13' 30 O6d -10 M HUS210 8% 16 I'/e d I. See table an page 135 for allowable loads. w1 [zs Wis for 4N �a C b H r d LUS28 I 1% P rP.t- MUS28 SIMPSON�: 5tsongTie= •r C p HUS210 (HUS26, HUS28, and HHUS similar)- F-2'-•I . a c a . � Q- � .w• � I r• a H � a m?• o �I • ����8/ o F 13 HGUS28-2 s.3% HHUS2I02 HUSC concbzled k iiel c '��`^a ��i��i�i Flanges (not available for HHUS, HGUSand 151 (Truss Designer to provide fastener quantity for connecting multiple members together) j Double fr • Shear OF Allowable Loads Model No. UPI Ill, Floor Sri w 0 Boat Wind (16) Uplift, (160) (16) (100) (115) (125) LUS24 490 670 765 825 1045 490 LUS26 1165 865 990 1o70 1355 1165 MUSZ6 1D90 1295 1480 1605 1825 1090 HUS26 1550 2720 3095 3335 3335 1550 HGUS26 1765 4360 4885 5230 5390 1765 )� LUS28 1165 1100 1255 1360 1725 1165 MUS28 1555 1730 1975 2140 2645 1555 HUS28 2000 3965 4120 4220 4335 2000 HGUS28 3015 6745 6970 7125 1 7275 3015 t LUS210 1165 1340 1525 .--- 2D90 1165 Nailing Top View SP Allowable Loads Root Floor Snow (100) (115) (125) SINGLE Zx SIZES 725 830 895, 940 1075 1165 1410 1610 1745 2950 3335 •3335 4725 5290 5390 1200 1365 1480 1880 2150 2330 3790 3960 4070 6460 6705 6870 1445 1660 1795 .-Imc I dRin 4450 Double Shear Nailing Side View Do not bend tab Typical HUS26 with Reduced Heel height Dome Double Shear Nailing Side View (available on some models) ! U.S. Patent 5,603,580 SPFIHFAllowable Loads Code Wind Uplift' Floor Snow Root Wind (150) Bet. (160) (160) (1o0) (115) (125) 1135 420 575 655* 705 895 1475 1005 740 845 915 1160 17 F6,L17 1825 940 111D 1265 1370 1570 3335 1335 2330 2650 2820 2865 5390 15ZO 3750 4200 45D0 4635 L17 1835 1005 940 1075 1165 1475 254S 1335 1475 169D 1930 2275 17,F5,L17 , 4335 1720 2905 3035 3125 3435 7275 2595 4960 5160 5290 5745 Liz 2270 1005 1145 1305 1415 1745 17. F6, L17 4930 2580 1 3150 1 3315 3425 I 3815 I ` " Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: B s err 2590 N. kings Highway ProjectName: 6510-dSOUTHERN 7RU5S Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: 014 113331 AM Component SotutionsT"t Truss Truss COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax 1 Of2 Page: 1 of2 Version: 5.01 (Budd 31 Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANT CANT PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 3-0-0 4 /12 39 14-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 13 Ibs 3-0-0 r•., 2j 2 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (loc) Allowed Load 0so odg Code: FBC 2B0/ TC: 0.250-2) Vat TL• 0.01 in L/999 (3.1) L/240 TCIL : 20 IN1-W 13C : 0.10 (3-1) Vet Liz m L / 999 (3-1) L / 360 TCDL: 15 BePMtrhtaease: Yes W6: 0.00(1) Herz TL- 0in 2 BCiL: 0 D.0.1-: 125% CmT Faaa, Ka-1.5 Reaction Summary ]T Two Iig Cm`uo ga Wdh Material Fgd Br¢Wdh Max&aa Max Gav Uplift Max Wnd Uplift Max Uplift Max Hai. 1 P(o (Wild ] 8 in Cmaete Mastery 3.00 in 249lbs - -83 lls $T IM Z34lb, 3 H Bdl (hnas) 1 1.5 in - 3.00 in 54Its - -311s -311s - 2 H Pdl (fnm) 1 1.5 in - 3.00 in 86Its - 4416s 'Alba - Material Summary Bracing Summary TC SP (ALSC6.2913) 42 2 x 4 TC Bacing sheathd a Pdlns at 6-5A Min mien by Men. BC SP (ALSC6-2013) 42 2 x 4 BC Bracing Sheathed a A.lins as 10-K Patin desigc by 03hee. Wds Loads Summary 1) This miss has been designed fa the dPe% dte t.10 psfboman clad live load plus dad loads. 2) This seas has beat dmignd fathe eded cfhindloadsinacmi mwith ASCE/-10withthefdlmWgssadefinedinp.: lMnVh Wtiimigr�gxstma C,0—A13debuts65 ' ft x'A P h - 17 ft. Na Fad Zate Teas, Nether and web crosid.r d DOL-1.33, CC Zme %M kh 65 fl. 3) Knimm stodge anic loafing in ac=danm with IBC Table 1f07.1 has na boat apoid Member Forces Summary Table indoates: Menber m,v- CSC max atdalfare,(nax omr. face ifdlr=l fmn maxatdal fore) TC 4-1 0.29J 30 )bs 1-2 n253-1181be l / / 4 BBC , 34 0.103 -931ts \\ \ ' IYAl �140. 54 95 � TATE F trJ /// /0 N AIL, Stephen W. Warier Stnxx. rmgN 54395 1%N. Kings High. FL PimaF1 34951 : � Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: B 1 `£ SOUTHERN 2590 N. kings Highway ProjectName: 6510-d TRUES Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: 7/12/2014 113331AM Component SohltionsTM COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464 4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: z o£z Trvss Version: 5.01 [Build 31 Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANT CANT PLYS Spacing WOT/PLY 3-0-0 4 /12 39 1-4-0 0-0-0. 0-0-0 0-M 1 24 in 131bs Truss -to -truss Connections Summary m Camel Teas Catrving Teas Carryinp Offsa And. ITS D 05 44-0 45deg ,:.a:ca:.ae T?n �1.:E� ,.§.,,,: GS f.......:;5..� .... >b::440..t,_t.-.ks.:. 315.�g:�7` IT6 13 cm 3412 2Adeg c c %L7T6 �, J3t'�y "jtt "C17Gii SA126„ a 2A deg 7T6 J3 C17G 7b12 2A deg nL°..7T6 .Kl,-+ .. J3srr. �.r-. t�_ _.i.�sCl'Ci«_�_ :�:. 1 ..,..: 14-5;475 � 2•A de8:: z, 7T6 J3 CI7G 1 54 2'D deg 3, ..._.:.i J3 r,..:;..:;:: ..1..�. .,...C77G ..t.� ; ....... t 1454„ t.., _tik .:�,"is y2A Sg:s(:i• TT6 J3 C17G 8-9-0 ''70 deg ff ,7T13. 1- a ssvi»t ]3 » a:�� {..1..;, �_CJ73r'3,1 :r...».{., wa: „4-011: A' ter.;....,, :,, 45 deghr.:, . 7713 13 C17r 44-0 315deg t�i..TT15,�cw., .. J3..�:.,,.�� ....�«.....,,.. ....,?:7¢l2? ... :..X �, 7T15 13 H2G 94I2 90 deg M 7775 v-.,,:ESi J;7,.: +I°,^'�}C ul., �.rs Ff2G .....t.rt..# 7.. >j1 12.u"1!.,. sr +SO ITIS 13 Im 16-34 90 deg gTT15 ; ....,:. �. J3 4.•. `, T;,w :H2G c,143-0J�t.u'W7� 90 deb. n» Tr15 33 H2G 1234 90 deg CT115 a .v: �t J3 .._ i..::z..:Jt3G j.....t:...,..:..3113 TT15 33 IM 5-I.13 _ 90 deg i.x�:TT15 ,..:.-�:, i 73,,.;; - - .. u.�,.w.:.FDG r -, . 2-3s Wit... A:. .90 TTI5 t 13 H3G 18-� 3 90 deg A:'.,ry7731W;3a.-..u..�'i.a �J3 ti: isi.G., ..+ L;.rCJ7 .v..�..+ i'+:.'. . 7I3f1 ]3 CJ7 440 45 deg vt +et. si J3 � 4i '-C763J TT63 J3 C16 44-0 315 deg 65...�.S:i�973..:...:_�v ...x._...'.DIGL-Z l"`, ,..ib812n .1....,.:n'� ZA deB-;: TT65 13 DIG &&12 TA deg s h1uJ3 t � ,D]G t• a t434 'Y Y(,,a-. a.s TT65 J3 DIG 12 3-0 2A deg ,3. 1.�. � J3�A;6. �... :.1„ 'D1G T"t......r..�.t,...i.3)-13.,.SY..s..,.v. _2A TT65 J3 DIG 5-1-13ZA deg wr:T765 �?�: U;:a, 7.0 7J.:;'.tt, i".J .d #4. :,s;;111G ...rt.y7 .. S]7-10-,3s.. ti 5'�.�g.'::.u;l TM J3 DIG 1510.3 2M deg +liTT69 .,, :t.t `:fit ., �I3.w.�;..;: ,. +.<.�_:. .DIG s. -'. t.k:10;6Q..ks.d'`.(r,:.:.a,.7.270„deg 7T68 13 InG -1412 90 8=ag is 7T68 . ,.�,k J3_.;:t:,u.,° t 1rr;:i,;yxi 4 a.,.. ",:: h >nr7-7 ✓ a i. i. TT68 J3 BIG 3-113 90 deg 90 hg ..N.. Notes: ])This design is based m ASCE 7.10 as ref--ed by the 2010 Flaida WI(Eng Code 2) Unlabeled plates ate 1.5,3 20ga. 3) What this toss bas been chosen fa quality ustrmtce inspection. the Plate Placamat Method pa IN l-MA3.2 shall be used Cq=1J. 4)Tnss�twuss omoetim isfa grddtiW lnteggaa6m only Ahangaa otheramcmal[mraam shall be pmvidedtoresist the nan motim anduplift shw in the Heaaim S--Y 5) Listed Wind 411 m o dons lased on MWFRs Only loading. *140.54 g5 U TATE F [u OR IV 0NiAIL`��``�� •wMICE•Acopyofthedespolalbe6voiibedsothenembn never. Tbede4sMtb'sodin ltn bamdmdeajymierbandmqu:eon mpp6dbytbe'h=Mamrewer. dmlesupoolMaccmaeyaadcmpkexaofWeuf—Iiaa Stephen W. Warta mtfmbbym BuitbgRspe.Amlmthsdrawkgbdrstesamep=eofpoRaanaleapueabsm>pmddsy®klyfatlztrvscomp®entdesendoenTbetmabiyaaduxonhswmpweatfaany{encuhrbul7vgdespstherzspansbHryof Somet. r 8 the BmlTasIksper,pW49/TP11-21M)1(2aPe2'wAltlsWTn�sregvrepopmbmd6g;emutbgtetmktaadtracbs ltefert otbe Mee ed®ofBC51(H+Hbgeampmem 5sfery lafoumtimymypraducedbjtn.vdSBCJpt poper int"lmmetb.d,"i.mmm sasynf tbambti*totbe®beco—bePWM Intbeabs ofg=ifeusaMtimamtempmarym btrsacuggedtratbobyolhea,tbeiombtbn(ixIA4iultimtokmaes)andtemp—,y 2W N. Kinp lbsb. Ft. Pi= F134951 rtmain/Eacagafthtrt>Sadvlbe baraoNencewdhBf�•HI a�H(51.82Tn>ssakimga:epemanemresmiaftracbgot[Eadsameedabxbmemlcs(c9emidr'atedl'N%dmau8mbidrstestkebutuafaktemlmara�. The methodo[bdi.�mltm4memttmmaYam/decbgdalle esg'eciWgtbe BuibglksperpaATb7/InI,Cmpe2;(tpectlstrt spamanem tracitg de�eom WeCedbyaffimtlusbagbeamm*itedbypamndi�.tdmrybicrA road degovaltrneggdeta�bacsmdavicevihBCSI-H3arBC9-HTaaaypfubk.•IhffORTANf•7tsde�essmeatletmaka aaufarnmdbaccadaviceoiktbisaadugemth quabyaierk giecYW bATIDIfA 1 MPa3. AlmmenmyttesEbel bemamd rnoMMSiopna9toag-TeComp vy.locbacada¢e MaHSF3763.Alwanectoipktesme 30gage,mtkasthq.,Impbteskekfobaedbya'-(g'ukiLid'eamsan lBBaBeN+m. ` Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: J1 M , ¢ : 1w9fibbt. SOUTHERN 2590 N. kings Highway ProjectName: 6510-d TRUSS Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: 7/12/2014 113328 AM Component SotutionsTM COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: I oft TNSS Version: 5.01 ufld 31 Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS Spacing WOT/PLY 1-0-0 4 /12 26 14-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 71bs 2-4-0 14-0 1-0-0 12 4(— 2 7Jd CJ7 CJS CJ6 CJ3 CJ7T CJ7 CJS.CJ6 CJ3H CJ3 0-0-0 0-0-0 1-0-0 1-0-0 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (Ioc) Allowed lad (psQ Hdg Code: FBC 201W TC: 0.26(I-2) Vat TL. Oin L1999 (3-1) L/M TC1L: 23 TPI 1-2707 BC: 0.08 (yl) V.I. IL: 0 in UP L1999 (3-1) L/ 360 TCDL: 15 Rep MkJnaeese: Yes Wt: 0.0D(1) Harz TL: 0in 2 BCIL: 0 D.O.L: W% Creep Fads, Y—L5 BCDL: 10 Plate Offsds(JnIXY.Ang) _ 111:2-9.3.20.) Reaction Summary JT Twe H2 Caplan &g Wdh Material 1W Brg Wdh M. React Max Oav Uplift Max Mind Will Max Uplift Max Hais ] Pin (foss) 1 1.5 in 3.00 in 201 lbs -105 gs -]0511s 13D Its 3 H Rdl (Tnss) 1 1.5 in - 3.00 in 59lbs -20lbs -30 Ile - 2 H Fall (Tms) I 1.5 in - 3.00 in 23 its -161hs -0 lh; -16 lb, - Material Summary Bracing Summary TC SP(A13C6.2013) 62 2x 4 TC Bra i g: Sheathed aPtslinsat 6.30, Pali. design ly(Mea. ' BC SP(ALSC6-2013)A22. 4 BC Ha®g ShenthadarPalins at 1OKPalindmigta,01hes. Vkh Loads Summary 1) This loss has beendmigned falhe effects den to 10 pf ho.orn cbad live load pim dead loads. 2) This toss bas been dasigrted fa the effects of wrind Inds in aaabnce.dlb ASCE7 -10 Ob the following tsar defined inpi: 170niph Oitim i4 EVm=C, Oveall Hdg Dens 65 . ft 0Afi,h-17 LNot Fztd Tone Tsars, NeitherendwebemsidertA DOL- 1.33, CC ZmeV6dh 6.5 ft. 3) Koham sledge attic loading in accordance with MC Table 1607.1 has not been applied Member Forces Summary Table indimm: Matta m,= CS6 max anal f ,(has mta. knee ifdiffetent Dan hex a)ialr )XA Ttuss-to-truss Connections Summary Notes- 1) This desiM is lased at ASCE 7.10 as sefermced by the 2010 Florida Holding Code 2) Unlabeled plates are 1.S620ga. 3) Man this less has been cbmea fir Qnlity ass once inspection, the Plate Placement Metbod le 7P11.2DOWA32 sball he aced C9-1.21. 4) Tr ss t"= coanectlen is for va;hical intaprazden enly Ahmgar a other stnxaaai connection sba)] be proMed to twist the n axteacsim eaduplill shave in the Jteadim Stamnry �� _ N Vlr �i C E N * 0.54 95 C) ' TATE F ;' to ,OC R 10 i��� / riNAL11```�� Stephen W. Warter Saud. Eog # 54395 2590 N. Icings fE&b. Ft. Piesce n 34951 `3 Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: J1 T`"; 2590 N. kings Highway ProjectName: 6510-d SOUTHERN TRUSS Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: 14 113328 AM Component SolutionsTbd COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Pace: 2 of2 2 of2 Truss Version: 5.01 [Build 311 Span Pitch Sty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 1-0-0 4 /12 26 14-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 7 Is st am t tPdmmS D3sedm y ® ng ' N. Kiq �140.54 95 c TATE F trJ 0NjAILi��\`�� •NOTICE•A.Mp fIDsdngnAa7Defi-ibal.Weesectioneon nm. TDedcipofffiih&41%M=ab3xEmhsimalnamdrtgdemem sgpMbytDe7h=hk ufenmerndmiesupmtDeaeemeeyemc..poems Meld rim Stephen W. Warta rtfmmbytbeStdtbgne>{net.AralmtD'sdnwugmiztesacrspmneeafpofessmateDybeerhgm:Pons mlytmteeto=pmemdctmdbeo.7Dewab&y&Dd=oftDscomponemfb!w7pmbuirtukibS&sb,ntbesespmsbkyof Su.:LEsa 5095 we Bvabgtzs�erperA145vTA b3(g7 Chapmi wanrat+C,•7n�sseg�vepopermmitg,memuo,,er,aemtoHcbg. Betmtoroe bteaedsnotBCEI(Bmagec pomm 5a2ry lnfm,utonp;ffbpoduceabiTAamset.Nt poem259DN. Kings }Lt!lf.fl Pioce F734951 �aEtbametDoasamapmmm mfetyufomat�re§ttotDeemiecrosmmenpoces IntbeaD�zoce ofgecfc uvamtboamfempmaryresraut/treccg �ecYutbnsDyoWer;tbeuvahtmfocidn8inea�t®tokmtras)endtempmary mmam/treengoftDe ttnsxsme7leoeccoNarceaibBC51-BI andBC5FB2 Tsusxanbsequiepemevemrtarreim/traciugofebmdsa�cenaoxDrvemisms(aLmeiodeatW}'IDsdnvuimb�testbebcatnafmbtualrzsnut. 7'De melDMnf�dNNeeeliM6memOCllemeOl/�CggdelDeae¢CCC dbylDe BldivgR�elpelATSVfA1.CDBpv-•t$ICCECC¢apmmelrrn tlae9gder�6lNq �eeTWbJOWR;IDS$e1DeeCemtpEDedbJ9mdeN�dmryDlQaDeOeYl aed - r d'ogmnllneughui;oeecotdancewiDBC51.83mBC51•B7eaappFaDh•PffORTANf•TD'sdes�rammesthetruasmanu4cnnedn--' '^^•atDtbs�savgadthegoaityaiere speefxdnATSIRA 1CWµer3.Alcmttelmp9tes�el l.I� a mam6etm dDySmpmn9rmg•7e Congatp•.Irc Daaord®ee aihESli-2763.A7acmeampDtesert figa6e.mffitDe tpee�ApDte>ps%folbuMb)a'-14'vDeh6d'eatesao l6BagepDta Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: 03 SOUTHERN 2590 N. kings Highway ProjectName:6510d TRUSS Fort Pierce, FI 34951 Date: 7/12/2014 11.33:06AM Component Solutions,,, COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: I of2 Tluss Version: 5.01 uild 31 Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANTL CANT PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 4-1-7 2.828 /12 8 1-10-10 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 12 in 17lbs 12 2.83 (- 4 3x4I 1 4-1-7 D-0-0 J1 4-1-7 4-1-7 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (Ioc) Allowed Carded loads (PO Bldg Code : FW 2010/ TC: 0.37 (1-2) Vat M. 0.02 in L 1999 (3-1) L / 240 TC11: 21 TPI I-2M7 BC: 0.29 (is) Vet LL• 0.01 in UP L / 999 (3-1) L / 360 TCDL: 15 nepMtrinaeese: No Wt: 0.00(1) Herz TL- 0.01 in 2 BC11: 0 D.O.L : 125 % Crap Factor, Ka- 1.5 BCDL: 10 Plate OBscta (JntXY-M&. ()•1- 2 C17G D1 G D1 G C1 2G,H2G 111 G 111 G Reaction Summary JT Tvoe ft Cmto Brg Wdh Material Pod Bg Wdh Max P®d Max Gavl7dift Max Wad Uplift Max Wfl Max Holz 3 H Pdl (foss) 1 1S in - 300 in 451h; -211s - -21ts - 2 H Poll (foss) 1 1.5 in - 3.00 in 63It s -M N-23Ihs 1 Pin (MI) 1 11.313in Cmacte Masmry Uolmmm 1631hs - -Muse -52 its 101 Ihs Material Summary Bracing Summary TC SP(AISC6-3713)®g P22x4 TCHa SheaihedaPwr.sat6.3APWind iipbyothas. BC SP(AISC6-AI3)t22x4 BC liaang Sheathador Putiat at WPuffindmitaty Others. WAs Loads Summary 1) This toss has bem dmipted CQ the e98xs ds to 10 paf bou m shad live load pts d.d lords. 2) Standard loads m Tasses Caniedby this Gitder. TC live= 27 pR TC Dead -15 p&- BC live= 0 pf. BC Dead a 10 psf 3) This toss has been designed ftr the effects of wind loads in acmdance with ASCE7 -10 with the fdlm•ing %a defined inpi: 17D mph altbmt4 F4—C, Overall 3dg Dir s 65 ft x A 0, h =171L Na Fad Zone Tnas, Neithc atd web crosideed DOL=1.33, CC Zme Width6.5 d. 4) Wmi net storage attic loading in accordance with IBC Table 1697.1 has net been applied Load Case Lr1: Std live Load 1J Point loads • --'— ^---- • -- ,.,.L \\ wo1 — N BZ1 cna 170 Up l41lhs Tap Chd t-&I UP IIts W Chd ldl Up 14IIs Load Case D 1: Std Dead Load Point Loads Meatba laatim Dirmim load Via Wdh T.p Chd Ib0 Down Ills &t Chd l-&0 Up 3 Bs Tap Chd ldl Down 1lts Bop Chd Idl Up 31ts Member Forces Summary Table indates: Meats ID, anx CSf nax axial tea, tmax cow. face ifdsea,t farm max apal fare) _ * :WO. 54 95 :� -) ^ Iq '.. * =-- C, ' TATE F tL 411 A L Stephen W. Warta SmcL Fng H 54395 259D N. Rings JBgh. FL Pierre S 34951 Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: 03 ` SOUTHERM 2590 N. kings Highway ProjectName: 6510-d Component SolutionsTef TRUSS Fort Pierce, F134951 page: 7/122 014 1133:06AM Truss COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Version: 5.01 [Build 31 Span Pitch Qry OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 4-1-7 2.828 /12 8 1-10-10 0-M 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 12 in 17lbs Truss -to -truss Connections Summary m Cardd Tttrss Catning Tnss C..btroBsd And. M 11 C13 1d0 315 deg 4s.,T18.e:.�.,Ne1_Jl.:..a:- CJ3 ,he.u7:'n.: t.;:..slet•,L,..ti.,,..:,E,.:�.<.�g...:;;: TT7 CJ3 C17G 30-0 315 hg P'1?7'17_...__CJ3z;i:-,�_.. ,,�s...::iC17G..t...i�....-..!146-0w��.<i:�...s°. TT16 C13 H2O 3.0-0 45 ft md::.,c�r: _.C13,: r..r; .,.,.. a...,-,7..,.::... .1115 degF".tl�j TT66 C13 DIG 340 315dcg inTT66,.y = .C73:,..0 r.,,r r D1G , ia. �aall&00_ .a ..ti .�2 725de8r t':, TT69 C33 DIG 300 45 deg nTA9 ,,.7:xW,..c13,.,, Notes: l) This design is based at ASCE 7-10 as milm red bet the 2010 Florida n uilding Code. 2) U.bbd.i plates are 1.5.3 2Dg - 3)%bm this tnashas been cans. fa quality ass—.inspegart, the Plate Plawnent Method per TPI 1-20VA3.2sha11 be used Cq=1.21. 4)Tmstotntsscmnm6misfwgntaia0inlapta6mmly Ahanger a ether swmral—xiim shall be provided to resist the ttax readim and tglifi sham in the Rmctim Smmaty 5) Listed wind uplift teadims based on M RS Only loading �N40. 54 95— = :r {� �TRTE F tu_ •narlce•Aeo�ornseea�melee6mmedtowe.aemo�eam.Trde�orwsm:mwv�emsdmae�mia;ammq�eoungp�dby>xTmssn+amummu.mmragmxamaecyemc�texssorme»roaem aaalaalreranmer StephennW.Warte thefMby Bt7ag�AxalmNsbaeagadFeapmlfprofetmlngbeaamgmsbkywbbfmtbea—campoaemdeepmo—TbeodeMary.m�oftb;;m>cif—Wptiwrbddbdk.stberevmsby or StruFgp 59395BoidJa;M5er,pnANS91.2007 C6e2Wmetbe,mblandbacggf Sefery omftitbpod..ftTflamSBCA)fape timmethoasdimlWeab—eofgmfti btmadtmpanynambi/neaggdrat®sbyosb„thchnl m(wid4avat®tokas)md 2M N. Kmgs}Gift. FL Piece F134951 re®mf acagofthev dalbeasawdro wibBG9-BI=dBCR-B27ms.se6omgaieyemaoemrtmeim/bnevgofrbmdsedeutaaxbmemben(aLmead®red}7LadnvagoaE'�'atestaebcetanfmhtemhenaiot The WdadodHifuAtrassmembammeaur-B3,l6e ng a,(ppk the Bmlfag T*MTerATSIITn I.Chth e—kmm tmsfermenmttne-b*s a wmgandWbjmlryme7an16eace ANSIf b/nadg 3. myhternlrt9 ngmI j dagomlfh...dbYgm S—g-Tic ,mBC9-Bda— khbl.M00RTAM•Thorpha.20gagetmk.1b,ger.4plack,deveetviay.-.1r ghdiadiunan1iga�plaft. ID?A1Chaprm3. Aleo=emmpbtumal hm=ofanmedbySopan9r,g-TeComyeoy,recheck�daseeiLE9t•276t.Alcamectaphtesare tOgage,mtksstbegedrAyblesYsafobwedbya'•14wtabadiatum 78gegepb,. : Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: DIG M � SOUTHERN 2590 N. kings Highway ProjectName:6510d TRUSS Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: 7/12/2014 1133:13 AM Coupon SolltionsT t COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: 1 of2 Truss Tt Version: 5.01 [Build 31 Span Pilch Sty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 21-0-0 4112 1 1-4-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 ' 1 12 in 1271bs 14-0 3-40 39-053-94 39-0 3-0-0 3-0-0100 14.3-0 1H-0.0 21-D-0 4A 1 J3 CJ3 J3 J3 93] J3 J3 J3] Ea3 FJ-1G-1 0-0-0 D43-0 3-0-D 3-9-0 3.94 39-0 3-0-0 3-0-D 6-9-0 10-6D 143-0 1&0-0 21-04) Loading General CSI Summary Deflection Ll (1oc) Allowed Imd (psi) Bldg Code: FBC 2DIN TC: 0.93(6.7) Vat TU 0.74 in L/326 11 L/2A0 T'CIL: 2D TPI I-207 BC,: 0.59(11-12) Vat LT- 0.25 in L/984 11 L/360 TCDL: 15 RepMtrinonase: No wb: 0.76(58) H—TI-: 0.13 in 7 13CLL: 0 1 DAL: 125% Creep Fads, Ka=1.5 Reaction Summary Tyne liu Cie —Beg Wdh Material Poi Hsc Wdth Max P®a Max Gav lldifl Max waslld'ft Max Ud'0 Max Hsu 17 1 Pm %—) 1 sin Concede Masonry 3.00 fa 1,179IN - -414 V. -414IM 351s 7 H &B (foss) 1 1.5 in - 3.00 in 1,15911s - .39411s .394lbs - Material Summary Bracing Summary TC SP (ALSC6A13) l2 2 x 4 excep: TC Bacng sheathed a Mins d 2-K Patin design by Othes. 2L SP (ALSC6-3113) SS 2. 4 DC SP (AISC63713) SS 2x 4 BC B c�g Sheathed aPudins at 2-90, Perlin chip by Others. Wks SP(AISC6-2012)#3 2. 4 Loads Summary 1) This toss has been designed for the eBeds dnc to 10 psf boa®daml the Imd plw dead Inds. 2) TLis toss has been dail7ned fir the elrects of wind load; in accordance with ASCE/ -10 with the follmdng ass defined inp1: 1'A mph dtimate Ug== C, Owaall Bdg Isms 65 ft x 70 R h - 17 ft. Not End Zme 7has, Neither and web considxed D01.=1.33, CC Zone Width 6.5 ft.3))&nisom storage attic loadingin accordance with IBC Table 16O7.1 has nor ben aMliai ' Load Cue Trl: Std Live Load Point Loads Manbe L-6m Dhetlion Load 7nb Wdth Top Chd IN 13— 251a Ben Chd 3-H Up aft Tcpchd 3.1.13 Dower 45 IN 24 in Ind Chd 3.1.13 Down 3 dh; 24 in Tap Clad 5.I.13 Down 45 N 24 in Bx Chd 5-1-13 Down 3Its 24 in Tap Chd 68-I2 Donn 45 N 24 in Bet Chd 6. 2 Dmm 3 N 24 in Tip 9-8.12 D D—Chd 451t 24 in B1 Chd 8-8-12 Dana 3 Bs 241. Tcp Chd 1W Dmv 45lbs 24 in Hal Chd 10" Dmm 3Its 24 in Tip Chd 12-3d 13— 45 Ps 24 in B1 Chd 12-34 Dowa 316s 24 in Tcp Chd 1434 Dowa 45 lbs 24 in Bat Chd 14-34 D— 3lb, 24 in - 7ap Chd 15-ID•3 D— 45N 24 in BjL Chd 15-103 Down 3ls 24 in Tcp Chd 17.103 Dmm 45 m; 24 in B1 Chd 17.103 Dmv 31s 24 in 7cp Chd 19-H Dowa 251h; B1 Chd Is-" UP 8Its 'AN ti ^ �140.54 95 TATE F tV i //GNAL— I` Stephen W. Warta stoat BngW 54,M 2550 N. Krog High. Fa Piece Fl 34M I aj, Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: DIG �^=�`�. SOUTHERN 2590 N. kings Highway ProjectNalne: 6510-d TRUSS Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: 7/12/2014 1133:13 AM Trusss Component o nid 311 COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: 2 of2 Version: 5.01 [Budd 31 Span Pilch ply OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 21-0-0 4 /12 1 14-0 0-0-0 0-M 0-0-0 1 12 in 127 lbs Load Case D 1: Std Dead Load Point Loads Member L-6. Dbwfiw Inad 7 b WAIL Toy Chd 3&0 Down 23 B5 Bot Chd 3 N Down 15Ihs Top Chd - }I.13 Doan 3811a 24 in Bcl Chd g.t-13 Doan 281h: 24 in T.pChd 5-t-13 Doom 38Its, 24 1. Bat Chd S1-13 Doan 28 its 24 in Tap Chd 64-t2 Doan 38lbs 241. lit Chd 68-12 Doan 28Iba 24 in Top Chd 8-9-12 Dasm 38 Hs 24 to But Chd 84L12 Dawn 281bs 24 in Taychd taco Dasm 3811s 24 in Ba Chd 10.60 Doan 28 ens 24 in Tap Chd 12-34 Doam 3811s 24 in &e Chd 12.34 Doan 29 lbs 241. lop Chd 14-34 Down 38Ita 24 in , Wt Chd 14-34 Dorm 28 R, 24 N 7c9 Chd IS10-3 Doam 3811s Ain Bat Chd 15.10-3 D.. 28 lbs 24 in Top Chd 17-10.3 Doan 3816s 24 in Ba Chd 17-10.3 lbws 29 lbs 24 in Tap Chd .18oan 23 Bs -04 D Bot Chd MOO Down 15lbs Member Forces Summary Table indeam:M=baID, ,tneCsl, atdalfbrac(rr--W faaeif(fif1=1ftmtnn axialf=) Truss -to -truss Connections Summary ID Carnal Tnss Canrvinp Tnss Canning Olfsd And. T766 C73 DIG 3N 315 deg �) .;::: �..513,ti ea2i 9� ..�.,,::<I)IG ..c.�tv�;� .1,31:13:�.!,`C".�..5;:.�eZA TT65 J3 DIG 5-1 13 2A deg r - ,.:;4�bIG r .�.X;,k, i 68-12- 't a _ . -:W 2A deg 2 ::. TAS J3 DIG &8-12 2A deg �..;.Tr65 E�' ... ._....... i.. 30d0' c h.0 ,,,_,c„270 deg ., .. TT65 13 DIG S 34 2A deg � 3'. 65 ..<., ..,-]3„.-,. ..a..: e: DIG •�. _.?... t TI'65 J3 DIG I5.10-3 2A deg t" •7769 x;...:s...4-.. J3s..�!<�� .� ��D1G.,� s.-,;.''?.�.Y 17.1Q3,�rrrs...i�:.:..r YA..y. TT66 C33 DIG Mu MS deg JIG Notes: a .._..., a.,: �•0•}3 , w'fi.�.:A"t^ 90 degSur,.i Notes: I) Tbis design is basal m ASCE 7-)0 as refesaeM"e 3310 Florida lidldmg Code 2) Unlabeled plate are 1.5020ev. 3) When this tnas has been chmen fa quality asstaance inspec6m, the Plate Placement Method per TPI 1-2WA3.2 shall be met Cq=1.21. 4)Tms4oumscmnec6misfagmj iralintapaatimmly Abmga a dha stricual cmnectim shall be ptwided to mist the rtuz maim a ad t#ift shave in thelimaim Sutmuy 5) Preside adcq.mle drainage m prevent pmd Ig 6) listed wind tplift mctims based at MWFFS Only I—Eng �1 "l C � i1f •'' - � o. 54 95 � _ _ � `4 �TATE F 'tv- � ORIDP.'G���: ///is/G N A L -NJrICEaAcopyoftb'idea shalbefnibMtomeemctbnm am Tkdesnofftbfiiwlt bbamdwdcsgoaierbmdnqudememsaWTadbntklI=Mmifo ramrclatgmWeammiacyandcvkteoemoftbee—lim Stephen W. Warter .fmhbytbeBaifognespnec Aealmebadmabgbdutem¢eplmceofpofe®aleorneabgregandiymkbfmtbet-seompoeenldedpjh aThe auebkyandmecfthiswmp—ifmaoylencvbrbditde�osWemgmtbityof sins Fnga54395 a. Bvtlbg nesgoegp.MSVTni-2007Cbaptm2.-WARN -T7 =tm*epmperheoAogemetb re btawbmcbg.BefutotbebtesedtboofBCSI(Ben Cmpoaem Safetylnf m tbayhtb'WMw.dbJTAamSBCA)fmpom kaaQ+tbmmethMsmdmptmam efetybfommtbnrchtkgtothe emieeoasmrtbnpoces lnt6eabsnceof�ecfio9e6rmaodtempaarymmaa/brarngtpeeY tumbyabestroesvebtm(be1tA'oBusaEtnntolxaxes)eadtempmq' 2W N. Kin(s Nib. Ft. Piece F734951 mmaW—i.goftM h�sdalbebaccmdaoreaihBCSI-Bl..dBC51•B2 Tr sabarequiepemesrmrer®btf�civgofebmdsendeenabaebmmbers(w2aebdeem�.7bsdmwbBoabbttiatatbebrari�fuhtemlmaaia.The ethodotbdiriimltmssmembermsaakrmckgdalbeeag.cFndbytbe Bsdbbg DsberperANWPII,Chep=,i,f cEcbuslermaamttraebldeapnbnottpc byothegthsV4a16eecco�imedbystmeerdbdamybteralsemanaeod dkgwiltracn8 deaikeecmdaweaibBCSb-B3mBC9-B7aappiabk.-D.40RTANf'Tbsdea'pas esnnbuasmavnGennMb••••^^•vihthsdraavgandtlrquaiyaiabtpecfrAbATH/fAlCbapu3. Al.o®ectorphtadml bemwxbctmMbgSo p=Smgg-TeCor�,IwhaaadaaevibESR-2762.AIramenaphtave20gagc,.*.thepec7edpbtesb<'sfabaedbye'.19"vbkhbdcataen lgygephle. 7'C 141 1.2 0.186 0.813 151ba •28321ba 2-3 34 0.3fi3 0.504 -2,T15 Tor -0,721 Its 45 5� 0.516 0.383 d73316s •269f lbs 67 0.933 -;A06 ih; BC 74S 0.484 26'91h (-2332 Ds) 9.11 0.582 5,3�Ihs (4,7D Its) ]z-13 0.5ffi 47181hs (4,1331hs) S9 0.545 T3D Its -0,21011s I1-12 0.585 5.368 Rs (4.7271hs 1}1 0.413 26521hs -230711s VAIa 2-13 n?69 7031ba (-5191ba) 41? 0.271 -717Iba 5.9 0.144 37316s (-2181ba) }13 0.739 -],10616s 411 0.071 175 Rs (-7b Its) 5-8 0.755 -2151 @s }12 0.142 36611s (-2311hs) 49 0.243 fi60Iba 64l 0.168 703 fts (-52211s) Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: D ' 2590 N. kings Highway ProjectName: 6510-d SOUTHERN TRUSS Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: 7/12/2014 1133:12AM ComponentSolutionsTMt COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: 1 of 1 Truss Tr Version: 5.01 [Build 31 Span Pitch Sty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 21-0-0 4 /12 2 1-4-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 85 lbs I f 1.4-0 5.3-0 S3-0 5-3-0 530 5.3-0 lobo 15-M 21-0.0 4x6 - 3 J1G D-O-0 0-0-0 7-0-0 7-0-0 7-" 7-0.0 14-0-0 21-0-0 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection U (loc) Allowed Imd (Ps0 Bldgcode: FBC"OIat TC: 0.69(l.2) Ved TL• 0.35 in L/6% (6.10 L/240 TCIL: W TP1 I-M07 BC: 0.67(8.1) VedLL 0.11 in L/999 (64) L/360 TCDL: 15 14M[rinaease: Yes Wb: 0.22(36) H—TL OA73n 5 DCLL: 0 I'D.O.L.: 125 % C,.PFacto<, Ka=1.5 Reaction Summary 3T Type Brg Cmstn gg Woth Material Pod Bg±wdh Max React Max Gw Ud'ft Max Wnd Uplift Max Ud3ft Max Haiz 1 Fin (MU) 1 81. Coned. Mazaey 3.00m 1,041 lb; - -375 Ihs-375lbs 63 Its 5 H Rdl (rues) 1 1.5 in - 3.00 in 9971ts - -3341te -334 lbs Material Summary T'c SP(A1SC6-2013) 82 2x 4 BC SP(AISC6.2013) tR 2x 4 116bs SP (A1SC6-2112) N3 2 x 4 Bracing Summary TC Boring Sheathed arPrslms a13-&0, Palm desi@t hymers. 13C Be®g Sh eatheda Aslins a15-K Pulin dsiyh hyt3thers. Loads Summary 1) This tress has been designed fa the edeLs din 10 psf bm—chord live load pls dead loads. 2) This Ms has been desipet fa the efrmU of wind leads in a —dance with ASCE7-10 with the follasvhg user defined inprs: IA IIph Win-14 Eg-we C. 0—A Oda [Ens 65 g x 70 0. b - 17 R Not rnd 75ma Tms, Neither end web cahaidaed DOL-1.33, CC 7me Vhhotb 65 6 3) k5nirnsa storage attic Imding in ac=dance with IBC Table 16011 has not bmh q ied Member Forces Summary Mbleindicates: Market ID, =Camaxaxial face,(naxcm¢.k=iftfilraentfimtnexaxialface) TC 19-1 0. 5 30 Rs 12-3 0.572-1,957Ila 14.5 0540 -x193 ns I Truss -to -truss Connections Summary ID Carved The, Csrrsang Tmss C.nymROffsd Ante . TT61 D 31G 3412 90 deg i�'Ten "«5 . u 3?G ei 2 3,11Gr a ti 4$12k. is 5 C 90deg, ? Notes 1) This design is based on ASCE 7.10 as refaneef "a 2010 Flarda Building Code 2))hben this tnss has b= chosen fa sgnlid —ceinspoedah, the PlatePlae t Mdhod pa 7Pr 1-20A/A3.2 shall be teed Cq a 1.21. 3) Tnss-toaoss annecdm is fa graphical 3ntapda6m mly Abanger a dher studhW rxnne3m shall be prvnded to resist the rrda readim and 411 shown in the Reactim Smmaty 4) listed wind uplift reactims Lazed m MVJW Only Iwdn& �' ••\CEN3 • �%� i co '61 !� *140.54 95 TATE E _ m v /,//S /ON'IAL;0\\`� Stephen W. Warta Smut Ehg 954395 2590 N. Kings High. FL Pierce FI 34M 11 Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: MV2 SOUTHERN 2590 N. kings Highway PmjectName: 6510-d TRUSS Fort Picrce, F134951 Date: 7/12/2014 113338AM Component Solutions**+ COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: 1 o£1 Truss Version: 5.01 Butld 311 Span Pilch Qty OHL OHR CANT CANT PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 2-0-0 4 /12 5 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 5 Ills 12 4F 2x 0-0-0 2.0-0 2-0-0 2 3 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (loc) Allowed Load (w0 Bldg Co&: FIC201Qt TC: 0.28(1.2) Vol TL• 0.02 in L/999 (1-1) L/240 TC1l: 20 INI-2007 BC: 0.39(3-1) Von U-- 0.01 in L/999 (1-1) L1360 TCDL: 15 Rep Mhrinarase: Yes Wh: 0.00(1) Hors TL• 0to BOLL: 0 DAL : 125 % Ciacp Fads, Kam 1.5 Reaction Summary 3T Tvce aR Co bo BT Wdh Material Max Read Ave R®rd Max Grav 1Wfi Max Wod Uplift Max Uplift Max Hodz 3 Cmtmtas 1 24 in Cmade Masatry ZM lb; 210 p1f-10511s -91 Its .10511s 114lb, Material Summary Bracing Summary TC SP (A1SC6.2D)2) R3 2 x 4 TC Racing Sheathed, Paiins at 6.3A Arlin amigo ty(thm. BC SP(ALC67012) q32 x 4 BC 9acng SheothdaPalias at 630, Puna desipt MOlbas. Wts Loads Summary 1) This Cuss has bcm dsiptd for the edicts of wind load, W award— with ASCE7 -10 with the followmgtsa dafind inppa: IA tryh Wli,.tS F.VM= C, O-,Ol Ddg Dint 65 A OD ft h =17IL Fad Zaae Toss, Neither and webomsidad. DOL= 1.33, CC Zme Widb 6.5 tt Member Forces Summary Dole indicates: Member lD, ntax CSI, nws axial fo=(ntax caW. fact Vdidamt Jam nsx anal face) . Notes- 1) This dsipt is lased on ASCE 7.10 as rer—Ad "a 2010 Florida Widiatg Cole. 2) Gable ral = cmtin—a bmtm shad bearing 3) Gable web; placed at 74 • aa, U.N.O. 4) Attach gaff a webs with 2x4 21ga plates, U.N.O. 5)1M®this toss has lcm chosen Jar gality assuaace inspw6m, the Plate Pl—t Method per IN 1-200YA3.2 shall be seat Cq=1.21. 6) Ustd wind uplift —rims based on MWM Only 1®ding C E = * 0, 54 95 TATE F w !lr111111W Stephen W. warter Stria Fag q 54395 2590 N. Km Qs lEgh. Ft Pierce FI 34951 10 Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: MV4 SEESOUTHERN 2590 N. kings Highway ProjectNanne: 6510d TRUSS Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: 7/ 12/2014 113339 AM Component Solutions**+ COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: 1 oEl Truss Version: 5.01 [Build 311 Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANT CANT PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 4-0-0 4 /12 6 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 11 OJs T.5x31 2 2x 0-0-0 0-0-0 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection Ij (Ioe) Allowed Lead (psf) Hdg Cede : FW 7f116r TC : 0.51(1.2) Vat M. 0.01 in L / 999 (1.1) L / 240 TOLL: 20 TPI1.2007 BC: 0.26(3-1) Vert, IL• Din L/999 (1-I) L/360 TCDL: 15 Rqr MbOnaease: Yes WJi: 0.35(2-3) H-TL: Din 3 BCIL: 0 D.O.L : 125 % C-p Facter, K.- 1.5 BCDL: 10 Plate OSsas OntX,Y.Anp): (1:1-41.3-M)_ (7:1.124490) (3:1-123$90) Reaction Summary JT TIM BR Cambo Hx Wdh Material Max Read Ave Read Max Gray Uplift Max Mind Uplift Max Uplift Max Hain 1 Continr 1 48 in Conaee Masonry 276IN 95 pit - •83 lbs -83 no 2441tx Material Summary Bracing Summary TC SP (AiSC6-Al2) f(3 2x 4 TC Bracing.Sheathe! orPur ins at 6-30, Min design try Gihas. BC SP (ALSC6-20 2) P3 2x 4 BC B deg sheathed ar furling at 6.3-%Peak. design by Others. WAS SP (A1X6.2DM 43 2 x 4 Loads Summary ))This truss has b®designed fmthe e9'exx ofwmd Inds in accodusce with ASCEJ. 10 with the raliMmil user define! inpi: 170ngh donate, F.Vm eC, Overall Hd4Dhus 65 ft x A R. h -17 0, Fad Zone Tnss, Neither wd web—.idered 1)OL-133 , CC Zone Widh 65 fL Member Forces Summary Tableindirates: Marta m, r CSL max ardalfbrM (maxcwV. faceifd ff t fmm r anal rate) Notes: 1) Tbis design is based on ASCE 7.10 w ref.wa d ty the 2O10 Florida Mcling Code 2) (iable requires —tin— loe- chord bearing 3) Gable webs placed at 24 • o.e., U.N.O. 4) Artach gablewda with 1.50 -10ga plates, U.N.O. 5) Men this mass bas beon chosonfer gmhly ustrance haspaxim, the Plate Placanml Method pa TPI 1.2.002/A3.2 shall he used Cq-1.21. 6) listed wind nplift reactions based. MWFRS Only leading �� F M g� • • �� /i *140.54 95 TATE F s• "o N A L.ti�G ///111111�� Stephen W. Warta Sean. rag R 54395 2590 N. Kings Nigh. R Pirxce F134951 Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: MV6 2590 N. kings Highway ProjectName: 6510-d SOUTHERN TRUSS Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: 7/12/2014 11:33:40AM Component SoLrtionsTa3 COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: 1 of 1 Truss Version: 5.01 ulld 31 Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANT CANT PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 6-0-0 4 /12 3 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 19 Is 2x 0-0-0 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (loc) Allowed Lead (p60 adg Code: FEC 2016r TC: 0.390.2) VW 7L• 0.01 in LIM (1-11 LIM TCIL: 2D TPI 1-= BC: 0.25(54) Vm LL• Oin LI999 (1 -I) L/3fD 7CDL: IS RepMbfiaose: Yet Wb: 0.17(34) Hota7L• Din 4 13CLL: 0 D.O.L: 125% Creep Fads, Ka=1.5 ECDL: 10 Plate Offsets DntXY.An2b (1:14-1.34118) G:1-12,4-4.90.) (4:14ZA90.) Reaction Summary rT Type Bg Camho Brg Wah Matdal Max Read MRod Max G=Uplift Max Wnd Uplift Max Uplift Max H— I Cootie— 1 72 in Cmade,Masonry 2Wits 94 pit - -%Ito A6 Ra 35911s Material Summary Bracing Summary TC SP(ALSC6M12) R32 x 4 TC Booing Sheathed aPtrlins at 6.3-0, Pulin daign by01hers. BC SP(ALSC6-7DI2)932x4 13C Racing SheathdaArtin6 at6-3-0.ihalindesign W01hss. Robs SP (ALSC6-2Dl2) 02 x 4 Loads Summary ])This tnss has 1» daignd fe the edraxs orwhad leads in acomda nce with ASCS) -10 with the following tser defined inpd: 170 uo Otimte, Fzq== C, Ossall ®dg Dim 65 ft x A ft. h =17 ft, End gene Tms, Neither end web censideed DOL=1.33, CC 2me Width 6.5 D. Member Forces Summary _ Table indeates: Meaha In. mate CSC ssax atded face•(=caw. three ifdisetat from rox axial fete) Notes: 1) This Beim is based on ASCE 7.10 as sef—ced bythe 2010 Flida Gilding Code. 2) Gable re dm =tin= bmm chord baring 3) Gable webs placed at 24 • aa, U.N.O. 4) Attach pblewebs with W 2Dtni plates, U.N.O. 5) Whm this taus has been chaeo for gaaliry asstrmta cope lien, the Plate Plaearset Method per TPl 1-2(02/A3.2 shall be zed Cq=1.21. 6) Listed wind tplift rodicns basil m MWFRS Only Iodmg t.Sx3 1 3 Col. tiG F h1s4S �140. 54 95 TATE F Uj OR /DIVA L ///1/111111W Stephen W. Warter Sv= Fag N 54395 2590 N. Kings Nngh. FL Piece F134951 1-2— Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: JIG .�' SOUTHERN 2590 N. kings Highway ProjectName: 6510-d TRUSS Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: 7/12/2014. 113329AM Component Solutionsqm Truss COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: 1 of2 Version: 5.01 Build 31 Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANT CANT PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 6-8-0 4 /12 1 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 12 in 32 Is i 6-e-o - 3-8-15 1 2-11-1_ 3.8-15 6-M 3 12 4F- 31-7 / 2 N US - } 1 { 5 4 2.5x7 l 8x81 D7G o o I BBG 0-0.0 3-8-15 2-11-1 3-8.15 6-84) Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (loc) Allowed 1.md 1 (1-0 Bldg Cede: R C 2T10' TC : 0.64 (1-2) Ven TL• 0.09 in L 1751 . (Sl) L / 240 TCIL: 20 TPI 1.3307 BC: 0.55(Sl) Ved IL• 0.03 in L/999 (5.1) L7360 TCDL: 15 Rep MtrTnoease: No Wb: 0.74(14) Hag IL.0.01 in 4 BCIL: 0 DAL: 125 % CmV Fama, K. 1.5 BCDL: )0 Plate OHses OWXXAn ft (1:4-11.2-Z0.) 21.12}? IBJ (4:10-25&n) (5AQ40.90.) Reaction Summary 3T Type Rg Combo Bg Wdh Material go&9 Wdh Max Ream Max G-uplift Max WndUolift Maxuaia Max Had. 1 Pin (NAIL) 1 8 in Conceit Masonry 3.001. LW Its - 621 Its -0 Ibs 1341ts 4 H Roll (foss) 1 1.s in - 3.00 in 1,5451hs - -521 N -0 Its - 3 H FAM.:) ] 1.5 in - 3.00 in 39Ibs - .28 Ih; -28 Hs - Material Summary Bracing Summary TC SP (AIX6.2713) 42 2x 4 TC B=bg Sheathed aPdina at 3-2A Perlin design by0ib=. BC SP(ALSC6-2D13)SS 2x 6 BCBmdng Sheathederr Ptrlina m-4",Pulindesignby Others. Wobs SP(ALW6.7IH2) P3 2x 4 Loads Summary 1) This latsa has been desigsd fie,the efll= do to 10 psrbmam,bond lbe leadphs dead leads. 2) This mss bas be® dmignd fa the effects dwind leads in amadance w4th ASCE7. 10 with the following user defined inpd: 1•l1 rtpb dtmime, Egbstrt C, OasA Bdg Dins 65 - 8 x A H, h =17 R Not Sid Zone Tess, Nether end web tmsidad DOL-1.33, CC Tone Wtdh 65 L 3)Hnimm stamp attic Imdng in accadvtce wilb IBC Tale 1607.1 has mat b® applied Load Case Irl: Sid live Load Point 4 M Loads Iaxatim D'usxion Imd Tnb Wdh ! /, �� RtCha 14>a Hawn 443IW ���\ Q%A Bx Chd 30-12 Drier 418Its 24 in /Q ax Cbd 4-&12 Down 418Its 24 in F ly Load Case D l: Std Dead Load _� F Point Loads 10.54 _ Membc Location Direaim load 7nb AIM� * �• 95 r ffi Cbd 1.0-12 Down 59811a Bat Chd 3412 Down 524Ihs 24 in Bx Chd 4.8-12 Dower 524 N 24 in �Tt Member Forces Summary Tatieind=m:M=balD,=CSL� atdalfeint,(tnexaaqr.fbrwifdaermtfr==Ldalf=) ; !U TATE r f •if TC 1-2 0.644-24321tr 2-3 1-141 -27hs •'•• t(/ BC 4.5 0.306 23221hs 4.58411s S-1 n549 2.3II I6s L.4. ♦ •, Nen 2.5 0.701 1,0 m; (-1,In HS) 2.4 0.739 -z636 m �� �, R I D P • 'G\��� /O N1A LlE;y����• •NWICE•Acoyyoffhsdc*sbdbefmoibedtotMermiku eaa.7xde o[hsueviloatvnsslmsdwdegaaieeemequiemeausryptedgwe9nMamLnmeramrtieagmth.cwnryedc®pYenesmIDeufametim Stephen W.Wartc t%B.1gtheam' .p.A WMI-2tonNSMwgg aleatesaccepmnce dpofe®eleogueerugm ®kbfatGevnsseempmemhsppmova The adabdryaodnxofNacampol-ii vytenevlbcb dbgdesiadSBC )f pW of S4tCL Big*54395 0e Bm7fogDes�a:r,perANSlRP11.2087 Cbaper2 Z¢Nnd142•'ion¢aregiaepoper6aod6g,erzcugseaaim metraeug. Befafothebmn ediunoCBC51(&Hry C®p®em ryINmmatuop'vtypodSckm1ok )andl)fmpoper iss,bunrtewoaamempxum®rrnuf tborzhtiggtome toner cmmmtuwproeeu mweatxrceorgecdcaaaEtimudtemy®rymsnutMaciog�eciratnasgoWer5f6eusalatca(heasabgnvBtimfolmrcegmdtempmery 2590 N. Kings }Lfh. FL Pierre F134951 m=klbmcupofthetm fttbenaci an"wl6BCSI-BI edBGS7-B2. Tmssaegsaequ:epe>maoem+•a+ +•eugofchmdsmdcatauxbmemisafabaeudened}at'seo namb rcslM butimslbfinualmanM 7ae lmdadofidieEu.ltnasmemlermmut/haebgaslleuapecldgt6ebuift DmipayaANZWI I,Cbper; tfwxefenespem- bracm deep knot geeiedga eratbidalte accompfinedby-dud bdmrybieralresmutad ' dbg alb®chgeetaa:b.umd-.ibBCSI-BamBcs-B7u.pp�bc.•nuPwcVNr-Thi:d�aa stbc=i:ma®fachmdioaccard mwutbaerewopamd r�ByadmittpectrmuArmrrxICmper3.Ale�et,aph-steal bemembamdbySiopm&mog•TeCmgez,lrcuaummc de wi6ESRdco®xl 762.A1mphtesue20gsae,mkmftgecfdphtem`-ckfobwWby&r%t i:b ud'ratesm I8gegepbte. Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: RG `� ` SOUTHERN 2590 N. kings Highway _ PmiectName: 6510-d �' s - TRUSS Fort Pierce F134951 Date: 7/12/2014 113329AM Truss Component Sol TrussCOMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 4644160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: 2 of2 Version: 5.01 [Build 31 Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 6-8-0 4112 1 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 12 in 32 Is Truss -to -truss Connections Summary m Cartiel Ttses Canning Tttss Carrying OBsa Mite 77C0 D1G 11G 1412 90 Mg 'ia:...t D.�..�i: �.,r.S.1�,.i: I1G Lx ..:.:s: .3. u'' �.. 3L�12.E.G [:W .: SQ deb: <. � T761 D 11G 4-g-12 90 d'B nc l ..,.- z,w f.:. -ESG w:digM: Notes: 1) This desiga is lased m ASCE 7-10 as refameed to.3110 florid. Bdldisg Code 2) Mm Ibis lass has been chi m far quality asswmce insperaim, the Plate Placer-tt Melted per TP11-2MIA3.2shall be used Cq-1.21. 3)Tnss4o4msmtneWmisfagrad.imlinte,paalmmly Ahanga a ether smrnral cmredim shall be pmided to mist the trs.z teaaim and uplift shmtt in the Ptaaim Snsmcy 4) listed wind uplift maims lased m MWM Only leading 140.54 95 �} TATE E [u s � 'G N A L `e G �1j�t1111��` RArICE•Aupy ofNede.p �albef®i0edtothe aectioc®tractte TLe des�ofID'sn7wmmttt�s0arzdwde�aiere aMagviememsmpp4e4 bi We7lussMamdamaamdrzfesopmtbeeccmerye tc�t,ettaathen[ormatim Stephen W. Warier s:tiwbbytbeBuiBugOes�a. Asealmthcareangi,d'eatesaccepenceotpofesmnelrngbeehgae�onsAiy®tbtorttrctmscomposemde��ovn7tea�dabiye>tivxe[N's<omymemfineoyfeniuhrbuNnghapeWeasyrmsbiyot Saw. Fngk 54395 we Boi>nglks�er,paArlslrlPll-20B7 CNPaI wnBww•7h>saa�(eptopateeaag.crzcmns+emttecbs. Bemtetbe aim w;merBes(tntmae®m�ms.rm mr�et®pmbf•��yTetamsBCn)r pop<r uga6rimmetbsG admparhm ateryufr�xbtiog,o,been[ieconmuctmpocea)atheebasce o[�ecTe�a6,®em,empmmyagmut/trneug �ecira,®sbyothas,tM neelmrim(ucld'egns+aLtimtotrmcec)a�temporuy 2590 N. Kings Mph. FL Piaee F134951 .—bVlaseitgefsbem,dabebaccudescewhBG9-BIsadBCM-BITm sasoregoiepe>m TmrakVbmhgofeffidvsde iowbm bus(vtMaeiod®.ed}tbsdnvugon bdi-zi tbebutbulmhtmbesaeiot The tbodofndMtlw.vusmemburesram/braeugebalte.aapeci"WMfbe BuitfugDsajme+PcATID/rA)�CbaNal�ilspeeificmaPvmaventlnagde�aoo, �eciWbyuIDUSthSduCbe eceompFbedMsendardiMavyh,mlreaantmd l d'egmellncig duals :.,.a —TT BC51-B3mBC51-B7uappbubt.•AffQUA1J1'7bBlee,gnes�eathetrosSmamsGetuednaumdmuwW,Ladrew:gendtbeq.,kY- hgreidnAmrrmlO pa3.Ale 'tarpbtesmal hmmufecnudby5:npmo9rong•TeC®pevy,lacy.cemd®cewihEBB4762.A1co®ec,wpamaere?Ogage,ontiatM �cidybm rk ifol—dby.Ilrwhibidi i..IBSM,pbl,. Component SolutionsTM Truss Southern Truss Companies, Inc. SOUTHEFIN 2590 N. kings Highway TRUSS Fort Pierce, F134951 COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 4644160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Truss: J6 ProjectNatne: 6510-0 Date: 7/12/2014 113334 AM Page: 1 of 1 II Span Parch Qty OHL OHR CANT CANT PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 6-8-0 4 /12 2 1-4-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 23 lbs 11 1 6a0 B8G l}.0-D l}4D 6-B•o 6-8-0 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (Ioc) Allowed Imd (ps0 Bdg code : FBC ING, TC: 0.99 (1-2) vat TL. 0.27 in . L / 264 (3-1) L/ 240 TCLL: 3) TPI 1.30 BC: 0.64(3-1) Vert 11-1 0.07 in L/999 (3-1) L/360 TCDL: 15 Rep Mlrhtaoase: Ys Vkb O.m(1) Huz TL. 0.03 in 2 BCLL: 0 D.O.L: 135% Creep Fads, Kc=1.5 BCDL: 10 Plate Offsds(3ntXY,Angb (1:38.3.20.)_ Reaction Summary 3T Type BM Cmtn BR Wdih Mated.] Pod Ba Wdth Max Read Max G=Uplift Max Wod Udifl Max Udill Max Hain 1 Pm (MU) 1 8 in Cmade Masonry Jun in 403 lb ; - •12611s -126 ft 298 lbs 3 H Rol (Toss) 1 1.5 in - 3.00 in 129 ft - -15 N-15lbs - 2 H Roll (foss:) 1 1.5 in 3.00 in 315lbs - -108 lbs •108 its - Material Summary TC SP (AISC6-2D13) A2 2 x 4 BC SP (AISC62DI3) 42 2 x 4 TAM Bracing Summary TC Bating sheathed BC Bating: Sheathed a Pdins at 10-K Patin design bylahaa. Loads Summary ]) This toss has been designed lathe effau de to 10 psf bmmi chard lice load plus dead loads. 2) Tbis toss has been dsignel fa the effects orwhadloads in aceadance with ASCE7-10 with the following ser defined input: r,Dno Wti mt4 Bgm are C, Ove Al Hdg Dins 69 fl x?U $ h -17 ft, Not fad 2me Tess, Neither end web crosidxed DOL-1.33, CC 7me Widh 65 ft. 3) hhnbnm st=ge attic loading in acmdtase with IBC Table 1607.1 has nct been applied Member Forces Summary ]able ndm ea,Maa� m, a®x cat mx aAd rare < axes. race Bdae a t 6m �x aAal raur Tlvss-to-truss Connections Summary M Camel Teas CaaytngTrtsa Caavinc ofisd Angle Tr57 36 B8G 68•]2 90 deg ?1,,-T_"_,,",.-r ;16..,-.. h. .d..a.. i`. :K•`.1�G�.z..kt�. h:.r _...I,S&13rrFwl.x�.wx ..�. k?:'�;ro Notes 1) This dmiga is lased an ASCE 7-10 as rderet,:ad bythe 2010 Flaids BOdng Code 2) Unlabeled Plats are 1.50 3)ga. 3) M. this bss has been chosen fa goality aaa-atee btsp®im, the Plate Placm,mt Wand pc TPI I.2(01JA3.2 shall be teed Cq-1.21. 4)Tms4o4msmmedmisfagzrhicalintaprdaUmmly Ahange a aha sutritcal—action shall bepWded to mist the traxteaaim and *ft shoat/ in then den S-saay 5) listed wind uplift reactions based an MWFRS Only leading. N * 0. 54 g5 GT TATE E :'Lij \ s10 N A L '�--1�6 \\\` //01111111W Stephen W. warts Stnxi rag p 54395 2590 N. King IB9t. Ft. Pierce F134951 Component SolutionsTM Truss Southern Truss Companies, Inc. SOUTHERN 2590 N. kings Highway TRUSS Fort Pierce, F134951 COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Truss: J5 Proj ectName: 6510-d Date: 7/12/2014 113333 AM Page: 1 of 1 II Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 5-0-0 4 /12 4 14-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-M 1 24 in 18 Ibs 11 1-4-0 5-0-0 CJ7 CJ6 0-" 0-0-0 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (loc) Allowed Lad (psf) BIdgCode: FEC 2010' TC: 0.55(1--') Vert TL• 0.08 in L/6T3 (3-0 L/240 TCLL: 30 TPI I.Mm BC:, 0.37(3-1) vet 11.: 0.02 in L/999 (3-1) L/360 TCDL: 15 BepMn1naase: Yes %1Eb: 0.00(1) li. TL• 0.01 in 2 ECLL: 0 DAL: 125 % Creep Faaor, Ka- 1.5 Reaction Summary 1T 7vae Bhg CmCo BT Wdh Material FWft Wdh Max Phsd Max Gov Uplift Max Wnd Uc'ft Wxuplift Max Hinz I Pin CMU) 1 8 in Cantrele Masonry 3.00 in .11. - -105Ins-1051bs 276lb. 3 H Pall (Toots) 1 1.5 in - 100 in 94lb, - -10 IH -10 lbs - 2 H Boll (roots) 1 1.5 in - 100 in 151 11s - -A l s -A Bs - Material Summary TC SP (A1SC6-Z713) r2 2 x 4 BC SP (ALSC67If13) 42 2. 4 W. Loads Summary Bracing Summary IC Bracing Shealhada Pndins at 6-3-0. PWin design by Olhea. 13C Racing Sheathed a P rlins at 10-K Arlin dssiP b! (hbm. 1) This mots has been designed fa the eTWLs den to 10 psf loan chard live loadpi s dead loads. 2) 'Ibis less bes barn designed rot the e�eas ornlnd loads in awadanee with ASCEI-10 with the following mer defined inpa: 170 mph uhhnate, Exgnstee C, Overell Hdg Dims 65 ftxAflh-171ENot FndZ eTeas, Neither endweb=n ideal DOL-1.33,CClame NSdh651L 3) Mmimm storage attic loading in aaanhncewith IBC Table 1607.1 has not been applied Member Forces Summary Tablendaea:M®ham,rexcsrraxa;lraee(ecan¢.raaeirdaeetfiannexaaalraee) 11russ-to-truss Connections Summary ID Carved Tess Caning Tnss Canvmgo3Ese Angle TT21 35 07 7.145 315 deg delta .a T1`64 35 06 7.1 15 45 deg (; TT1,27,23'Z is .'! ..�'�.[.tt_ Sc'�,-'rf�cl6ta?,,._a:.'.;.• Notes: 1) This design is based an ASCE 7.10 as ref-..d by the 2010 Fla)da Building Cade 2)Unlabeled plates are 1.507Ape. 3) Men this leas hubeen chosen fa goalityasurance inspecdan, the Plate Placmmt Melbodpa 7PI 1-7f107/A3.2 shall be used. Cq-1.21. 4)Tnes4otrrss oanneedanisfagaphialintapcatononly Ahanger a other stnavnav al cim shall be pwidedto rain the n— reacdshown in anduplift shin the ltmaim e Sumny 5) listed wind tplft merlons lased an MNFRS Only loading. �\ Al r �140. 54 95 TATE F t Stephen W.Warter SmrL Fag K 54395 25M N. Kings High. FL Piece F11l 34951 'I GI I Via` Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: 06 K•,r . SOUTHERN 2590 N. kings Highway ProjectName: 6510-d TRUSS Fort Pierce, F1 3495 1 Date: 7/12/2014 1133:09AM Component SohltionsT"t COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464 4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: i o£2 Truss VBsion: 5.01 Build 311 Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 9-3-10 2.828 /12 1 1-10-10 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 12 in 391bs 11.2-4 1-10.10 5-4-10 3.11-0 54-10 9310 3 Jt J3 JS BBG 04)-0 0-0.0 5.4-10 3-11-0 54-10 9.3.10 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (loc) Allowed Lmd (pa() HdgCode: FW 201(y TC: 0.870-2) Vat TL. 0.1 in L/993 (4-5) L/240 TCLL 27 TPI I-W BC : 0.69 (S1) Vert I.L.0.03 in L / 999 (4.5) L / 360 TCDL: 15 FePMtrinvease: Yes Vtb: O.SO(2-4) Hone TL• 0.02 in 4 BCIL: 0 D.O.L : 125 % Cisp Factnr, Ker 1.5 BCDL: 10 Plate Olfsds(Int:XY.Ang)., (12-3.316) (21.123113.) (4:7-53&21) (S:OQ3$90.) Reaction Summary 3T Type Hg Conin ag Wdh Material Rqd Hg Wdth Max P-cl Max G.'WiO Max Mind Uplift Max Uplift Max Hodz 4 H Fdl (rr ss) 1 1.5 in - 3.OU in 5181bs -IT lbs-17U ft - 3 H Roll Cross) 1 1.5 in - 3.00 in 161 lm -9011s -90 lbs 1 11 Pin (%Wl) 1 .313 in Cmame Masonry Unlmavn 69lbs --2961h;-2961hs 142lbs 9r H Rai (Va) 1 11.3.3 io Comae Masonry Unlaown 4,1 lbs 481 lbs -0(1lbs -181 Rs - NUterial Summary Bracing Summary TC SP (A1SC6-2113)12 2x 4 TC Bredng Sheathed or Pudins a15.2-0, Puiin drip by Others. 13C SP (ALSC6.213) #2 2. 4 BC B2®& SheaWad ar P.E s m 4-7A Palm chip b/ Others. 11hm SP (ALSC6.2T12) ID 2. 4 Loads Summary 1) Tbis buss bas been designed for the eff= due to 10psf boaaraduoad live lmd plus dad loads. 3) Tbis mss has bem designed for the efferas of wind lmds in am adance wilhASCE7. 10 with the fdlming mer defined inp1: 170 mph ultimate. EVz= C, Overall Hdg Dials 65 fl x 70 0, h =17 fl. Nd red 7me Tnas, Neither and weboasidaed DOL-1.33, CC 7me Widh 6.5 iL 3) Knimm stmge attic lmdng in alsadancewith IBC Table 1607.1 has na been applied Load Case Lrl: Std Live Load I Point Loads Member Lomdm Dimclion Load Trib Wdh \\\ {� N Tbp Chd Idl Up tits ♦. /!.4 ,..•••.•• q� /,/ 131 Cbd ]31 Up ]4 Its ♦C [= N Tip Chd l-6.1 UP l lbs C-) t-, `s�` • •', �� i Bot Chd 1-b1 Up 141hs ` Tap Chd 4-4-0 Dm n 451hs i Bat Chd 44-0 Doan albs lo. 54 95 Topchd 4-0-0 Doan 451ts }� B,Chd 4-0-0 Dmvn 3lbs e1 Ir f , ]ap Chd 7-1-15 Iban � Ih;— Bd Chd 7-3•15 Doan 11 Ibs Thp Chd 7-1.13 Doren 8216s � � •• 13a Chd 7-1-15 Doan H Ihs �. TATE F LU //// /0 NIAI01-�\`\\♦ Stephen W. Waiter Strum Fag 454395 29A N. Kings 113ph. Fl. Piave FI 34951 k� Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: 06 OR lnSOUTHERN 2590 N. kings Highway ProjectNae: 6510d TRUSS FortPierce, F134951 Date: 7/12/2014 1133:09AM Component Somtions76+ Truss COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: 2 of2 Version: 5.01 [Build 31 Span Pitch Sty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 9-3-10 2.828 /12 1 1-10-10 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 12 in 39 lbs Load Case D 1: Std Dead Load Point Loads Menge l.aatim Diseaim load Trib With Top Chd 1.6.1 Down Its BM Chd lbI Up 31Its Top Chd ldl Doan IIts But Chd lbl Up 311s Top Chd 4441 Daan 38 Ib Ba Chd 440 Down 28 lbs Tap Chd 440 Dawn 381Is Ba Chd 440 Doan 28Itr Top Chd 7-1.15 Doan 68 Its Bet Chd 7.1-IS Doan 51 lbs Top Chd 7.1.15 Down 68 Its Ba Chd IN, Doan 51 lbs Member Forces Summary Table indicates: Meatier ID. nsaxCSL=atdalfacC(mazcW.fxeeifdfr=tthan nnzaaalface) TC 6.1 0.3(16 i51ts 1-2 0.866 -1.2)2 Lb, 2.3 0.824 .64its - BC 45 0.594-1231ta SI 0.691 •I.PS Ih: Nhb; 2-5 0.120 296lb; (-3lbs) 124 0.501 1.3111hs (-1,22J lbs) Tivss-to-truss Connections Summary In Camel Teas Can_vinRTnas Camin¢OIfd Angle T762 11 C16 ]d] 45 deg 7.,,T7Q F:: IT63 13 06 44-0 45 deg usi7T(57,,.ra,-F7 TT64 15 CJ6 71 15 45 deg ` 'TT64 /t�[ n .15�s._i. y` _�...x:;:C16 <.,..5,r' TT59 C36 B8G 6&0 45 deg Notes: 1) Ibis design is based m ASCE 7.10 as refarecad by the 3D10 Florida Jinldng Cade 2) Man this toss has hem chosen fa upe0ty assurance bssp slim, the Plate Placmml Method pet TPI 1-20021A7.2 shall be used Cq-1.21. 3)Toss4oimsanoectimfap isafhialintalsetatimmly Ahangcaaberstsd"=nocdm shall bepmided to mist the nnxteatim andtpli0 shown in the l�eim Swmey 4) listed wind uplifttacbms base) m MV*W Only loading. ".. -CEtvs� �140.54 95 � TATE F cu RAriCE•AcopyohL'sde�mag6eLvn�rAtoWenecrooewumnm. The degno[Wi;udi+tlunttmsebax6wdeq'nctierhavdrtq•demcnsappiedbythe`ItuaMaaofactmeraadrolesugmNeaccmacymdampktemsoff6eufoumatim Stephen W. Waner an fonhgtheBaitiglLsper, Attalmtsdnwag ud'eateseeeeplsnceorfaofe®oaletgneeiogrc nlyfortbem c pwemdesgadwaTheednbitymd=oft'sc=Mp farmyle cutLrbuifugde*,BtbeueVmsbkyof stnG Fn R54395 tbeBuifugDeq,pcONMrMl.2m7Chapte2•WABM1Tf7toss:smgdrepoyehaodEg eacth0.t®n6t mdtracag.Befclotebten edi®o[BCSI(BtN66C®yonem Bvh+y Woman®y'vy poduredbyTAsodSBClgfepaper 8 uBab[®uaethodsaodmponan nferyufo+mat®ahtgtote emie eonasuct®Rotes lnsheebsixeof�ec(taanhtvasaet®poratysennut/i.acitggecihathashyotee,tlxhsa6tha(6ldbahwa�thntol:mrces)amtempaery 2590 N. Yinp lBiis. Ft. Pierce F134951 remain/tree'vgoftbet—esshaibeba—d—ibBC9-BI amB@-BL Trnsloregmepermaeentsem+utltraeueofcMdssodwtauxbsoemben(whoeideeted}Tbsdnv'vBmbudi+tesIDelwtoafarbuuahetrnuc The methodoCudi+tluelNmmemMremnin/hecu8malh asyecirlbysbe BtdTv¢D,sg p.AT9RA1,Cheper2ti'p ir.tmspmmeI� dwloalhne6g&UIL.=crd wihBM-B3wBC51-B7auppicabb.•B.UORTNir•77usdespe�estbewsscsmao&MI duaceedaacewththkdmwWndiM Wa➢yainhs=YcduA VTH I Chaper3. Alwmenmpbteso.1 ben�fietindtySmpaaSmog-Ti: Co�oyl>rbac=darcewibESR-2762.A1cmrcnajsa-20page.umisste q=rzdphte vesfobwedbya- Ilrulabiadi mesa 18 gaeephte. Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: B8G '" 1 ' SOUTHERN 2590 N. kings Highway ProjectName: 6510-d TRUSS Fort Pierce, F134951 /12014 1132:48AM Component So}utionsTM COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax page: 12 Truss Version: 5.01 ulld 31 Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 30-9-0 4 /12 1 1-4-0 0-0-0 0-M 0-0-0 1 12 in 1741bs 32-1-0 4-1.4 MY� 3-11-0 346 346 310-0 11-4-D 4-1-4 6&-0 � I � I 10.7.4 13-11110 17-4.0 21-21 261i-0 30.9-0 2-8-12 241-12 12 5x6 1 4F 7 12 �4 5x10-18/ 3x4- .1x4j 6x8-18- 12 3 4 5 6 1X4/ q1F 1x41 8 a, 2 1.5x3 16 { 15 14 13 12 11 10 4x4- 7X7- 07- USA 8- 5X6- 4x4- J6 CJ6 ® J1G 3.11-4 3-0-6 5-0-6 3$-0 7-9-0 10.7-4 13-11-10 19.4-0 23.40 30.9-0 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (loc) . Allowed Lead (1,50 Bldg Cale : FBC XIa Tc : 0.85 (34) Vm M. 1.1 in L / 327 (13-14) L / 240 TC1L: ID IN 1-7007 BC: 0.72(13.14) Vm 11-1 0.38 in L / 945 (13-4 L 1360 TCDL: 15 RepMbr btorase: No ' Wb: 0.97(6-I1) Hohm 0.18 in 9 BCLL: 0 1 D.O.L : 125 % 1 1 Creep Factor, Ka= 1.5 Reaction Summary ]7 7we HfCmbo ]§2 Wdh Material ltad Bx Wdh Max Rmct Max Gtavuri0 Max Wnd Ud10 Max Win M. Hai. 1 P . (M) 1 B m Cmaae Mazmry 3. m zw 116 -1,01511a-1.015Its 47 lbs 9 H Poll (loss) 1 1.5 in - 3.00 in 1,560Its -5531b 553 lbs Material Summary Bracing Summary Tc SP (AISC&M0 3) SS 2x 4 IC &a®g Sheathed BC SP (ALSC62A13) SS 2x 6 BC l3retatg Shmlbed aPirlins at 2-11.0, Perlin dmiga bHGibm. Ale SP (ALSC6-M)2) fB 2 x 4" except: 7.11 SP (ALSC6-20M A2 2 x 4 Slider SP(ALSC62013) 02 2x 4 Loads Summary 1) This toss baz bem designed la the effeas de to 10 psf bM=cbad five lmd plus dead loads. 2) 7bis toss em bas bdeigned for the e6axs cf wind Imds in amm4nw adth ASCEI. 10 wa defin ed inp l: 170 mph ultimate rapmure C, Overall Hdg Dins 65 a x A 4 h - 17 4 Na rvd Zme Tncs, Neither and web crosideed 1)0L-1.33, CC Zme W dtb 65 d. 3) Mmbam s=F atd. lmdag in aeradaoce with IBC Table 1697.1 haz na bust applied Load Case Lrl: Std Live Load �t Point Loads \\\ -N Marla Lmatim Di—d. Load Tdb Wdh \ Q A 7cp Chd 68-0 13— 9711s \\ \� .' • • • • • • ' • Box Chd Chd 13— 188la C ENS'. "-•, Top Chd 6&own 12 D112 He 24 in B1 Chd 68-12 Dawn 161hs 74 in Top Chd BRI2 lbws 11211s 24 in Ba Chd 9-8-12 Down 16Its 24 in o, 54 * �' 95 Top Chd 10-7.4 Down 22 V: s -- Ba<Chd 10.7.4 Dow 640lbs— Load Case D 1: Std Dead Load TATE I Of Point Loads `� F Menbe, Laadm DireWm Lmd Tnb Wdh i ^1•••'. Top Chd 6S-0 Dave 74 Rs ' �` O P•.•' . Ba Chd 6&0 D Wn 28211s �, S R 1 D ♦ \\ Tap Chd 68-12 Dawn 93 ft 24 in '� S • • • • G Ba Cbd 6&12 Down 70Its 24 in Tap Chd 8&12 Dawn 931bs 24 in /� NA \ Bx Chd 8&12 Down 701hs 24 in Top Cbd 10.1-4 D— 151e6 ex Chd 10-74 D— 821 lbs Stephen W. Warta SmuL rag#54395 2550 N. King 3Egh. FL Piers Fl 34951 Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: B8G ` SOUTHERN N. kings Highway PfojectName: 6510-d Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: 7/12/2014 1132:48 AM Component SOLIt]OnSTM TRUSS Tn3ss COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: 2 of2 Vefsion: 5.01 [Build 311 Span Pitch ply OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 30-9-0 4 /12 1 1-4-0 0-0-0 0-0.0 0-0-0 1 12 in 174 lbs Member Forces Summary Table mmcaes:Men,mID, =CStnta><tudallbrM(e—curT;x.fineifdaamtennte-alualf=) Tivss-to-truss Connections Summary ID Caned Tess Carving Tars Carving OBssd Ande TT59 CJ6 13tiG 6N 45deg �iTSi -, .. .;• �t .,J6.,: -:�.:. ,_w :,..._»+ .i : ..3�. .. :b&72 _. :?..a: 50deg e TT57 .I6 EBG g8-12 90 deg Notes: I) This daigo is lased m ASCE 7.10 as re0;mced "j 2O10 F7aida BUI& tg Cade. 2)Whm this truss has been dtmm fa quality assmanm inspeeim, the Plate Placement Mdbod M TPl 1.2D0>JA3.2 shall he used Cq-1.21. 3)Trms4oatasanneWmisfagmp'iiealintepdetimmly. Ahanger a other sm rA —Wart shall be pvA&dto resist the tmx rexdim and uplift shmm in the Readim Smstnsy 4) Amide ad>gate duainage to pmett pading 5) U ttd Wind drift reamms based m MWFRS Only lending N, _ * : 0. 54 95 TATE F /0 NAIL,ti�```\ 'NJf'ICE•AeoyiofNidea�shnl6enw�edsoNeertcmocomanoc Theh�oftaendiimaltrussba$dwdes�Wese mdsequiememss�p5eabytLeRust4aaoGetmeruwdseiesvpmtha.,"eyando..plel aoftleig—tim Stephen W. Warta act farbbyftBumagit�er. Asealmthsdrariogiai'atn.cceparceotpotessumtengoeei�grequoa�5ytoibfat6etmsscmporemdespa�wn 7heansbiyend—fm"scueg mtamypnneoareuYmgde�ct>rrogpam�igo[ Stnct. En 954395 theBodlug D:q—, rANSRN 1.2(W Chapin•WARNVr-BnsstegretmpvheDdkS oectm�*easim sodWcag. Befert othc6im edibaofBC57(BtilugCompo Safety Infomatmj;nr 1podwabyTPlaodSBCA)fmpopc B nubtnnmethudsand�pttnam afesyN timsehtiggtothemiec®arrc®pxen lathe.bsmce ofgp ircuuttmamtempwayseamaMacugquecr Iuostywhesgtk"btun( 1A'aguvebti.1olrexes)=dlempaay 2990 N. Khigs FED. FL Pierce Fl 349J1 st—bVilt—iogd,be evaes albe n.ccad.ne wibB=.BlaWBCSI•BI Tsar 1—ttLim pesmaneat setinnVNacng of toms.maemnxbmembess(abemisd'e.1a4Thadrv-g n)j W.1.1b. catim:fmataaLeanm. The metb.derxub %Wt-a emWmu%m/kaci19 sbdle as1pecfWbythe BtiftDsjyerparA MI 1,Chapa2, igeafetmsyom uatub cugdes{m'sms g-itieAMabesthetbalbeaccomplbNbysmoderdodassyhtemlmmantam - yo dnpm.Itaaungdeman... dagex MBCS1-B3mBW.W... ppfrabb-IMPORWIP Th'sdesoasameslbeta�smamf mmednamosa®cewihthisdmeagsedtbegmfiyacnspec%ditANSMS I Cbapa3. Alnxaectapla m*al /l/) be memdaetmedbySmpmSevp-Ti:-2762.Alcc®enrphtesue20getgtad;mtbe W=Frdplue ske c6bxabya'-lr wbEhneratesm 18MeAM TC Ibl 0.087 151hs 3-0 0.g45 •9,?i>@s 67 0.460 -5,154 hs 1-? 0.774 -7.R211x 45 0.674 •g,�>4lhs 7-8 0.384 •3,6.SS Itr 2.3 0.760 -7,6471hs S6 0.675 52241hs 69 0.582 -3.Si lhs BC 9.10 0.424 3,?921Is (•�303 Ra) ]1-13 0.562 7,00411s (-5,0741h;) 1415 0.(b3 7,2351I6 (-5,71411s) 10.II 0.357 3.i>411s -24571hs ]}14 O.TS 9.2?5lta (L90111s 15-1 O.E05 7.071 Ih; -5,59316s NM; 2-IS 0.102 24J Its (-lfb lh;) 414 0.183 4'A lls (•321 Ibs) 613 Q367 1,O7d Ihs (-],15711s) 7-10 0.069 •1761tr: }15 0.214 57b lls (-35B lls) 413 0.464 -1,23011s bll 0.966 -3,30511s &10 0.073 1791h; (�91to) }14 0.905 2,3>11ts (-1,3g511s) 5-13 0.031 -117 Rs 7.11 0.695 3,001 list (-?,>14Ih;) Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: B7 SOUTHERN 2590 N. kings Highway ProjectName: 6510d TRUSS Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: 7/12/2014 1132:47AM Calptpon SohltionsTMt COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: I of 1 ru Tss Version: 5.01 [Build 31 Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 30-9-0 4 /12 I 1-4-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 151 lhs 32-1-0 1.4-052-13 3-53 -11-10 4�-12 4-11-10 3-53 4-3-13 413.7-10 52-13 58-0 18-0-6 23-0.0 2653 30.9.0 4x10- 1x41 3x4- Sx9- 3 4 5 6 61-5 12 T 12 14 4r 1x4\ 1x4/ 2 7 N T 34(2) �N II 5x6 / 8 S 1 SI 14 { 13 12 11 10 9 3x4 - 3x7 - 4x4 - 3A - 3x4 - 0-0.0 0.0-0 841-0 12 4-11-10 7-M 8-8-0 13.7-10 +8-0-G 23-0-0 30.94 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (loc) Allowed I®d lPg9 Bldg Cade: FBC XIIN TC: 0.7-1(1-2) Vet TL• 0.67 in L/534 (10-11) L/240 TCI.L M TPI I•M07 BC: 0.93 (8-9) Von Il: O.Zf in L 1999 (11-I2) L/ 360 TCDL: 15 Rep ArInerease: Yes Wh: 0.34(6-10) Her TL. 0.18in 8 BCLL: 0 DAL: 125% Creep Fat4a, Rtr=1.5 ECDL: 10 Plate OBsets(3nMY,Ang): (1:W-8,9.) (20QMIA) (3.U0,3.11,0.) (4:00,34690.) (5:]•1?,31,.1.) (6:0.1,4-0,0.) (7:0Q3.11,26) (8:241,6A0.) (M. 38,0.) (101-1234I0) (I1:0-02Z) (12:0-0350) (13:0Q3$0.) Reaction Summary 17 7we HcCmho 1}a Wdh Mat 'at Roi 13n!Wdh Max React Max Gar Udifl Max Wnd lhdift Max Udift Max Hain 1 Pm (Will) ] 8 in C..ee Masonry 3.OD in 1,479Ibe - -531 lls -531 Its 63 lbs 8 H Roll (Toes) 1 L5 in - 3.00 in 1,4071bs - 492 lb, 49211s - Material Summary Bracing Summary TC SP(ALSC6-2013) 422 x 4 auµ: TCBa®g SbmtbedaBerlins2t2-50.Poliodesignb5Others. 6.8 SP (A1SC6-2013) SS 2 x 4 BC SP (ALSC6-2113) P2 2 x 4 BCBracing Shmthed a Purl ns at 4-0-0, Pwlin deign by Others. MIS SP (AISC6.2012) A3 2 x 4 Slid. SP(AISC6.2013) 622 x4 Loads Summary I) This hiss bas been designed fr lbe eirects due to 10 )sf bmmt []tad live load pits dead loads. ' 2) This tress has been designedfathe-fro orwind Imdsinacmdan=Mtb ASCE/.10withthefcilmingteadefinedinpa: 170no Wti=te,Expsae C,O%,eWIBldg Dins65 ft x 70 $ h - 77 $ Not End Tone Trtss, Neither end web [msidaai DOL-1.33 , CC Zme W1dh 6.511. 3) hfminam stooge attic Imding inauadmro whh IBC Tade 1607.1 has not berm a*ed t Member Forces Summary Tabieindcam:Memb.ID,,truest,ttnxaxialRaw, (mm axmp � .[eifdtm aeett6tmxa,dalfm) TC 14-1 0.324 30lbs 2.3 0.59 -3,039 Rs 4.5 0.560-1439It s 6-7 0.344 -Z.831 His N _ IN. Vt<q ���. 1-2 0.721 Its 31bs 4 0.604-3.4395-60.667 -1381 lb[ 7-8 0.555 -2751 ItE -3.290 ! • 10-12 0.771 3,3651bs (-L Alb[) 13.1 E909 3.064I s (a,6531bs) BC 8.9 0.934 Z5D911s (4,37411%) 9•)0 0.693 2.672 Res (-1.3521ts 12.13 0.812 855 lis-1,42611s •••�`Ca 1= S+n , Rbhs 2.13 0.106 -251 Ibs 4-12 0.099 -324 Res 6.10 0.339 834lb; (d501bs) ••• 3.13 0.131 321 Ibs (-101 Its) 5-12 0.119 293 Ihs (•19711s) 69 0.062 15216s (-9lb,) = f�- .i 3.12 0.283 697 this (-3711ts) SIO 0.106-3481ts 7.9 0.079 195lb; (-127N)- 140.54 95 Notes: 1) This design is based on ASCE 7.10 as ref.oared bythe 20)O Florida Bolding Code - .T•t �� •' 2) Unlabeled LW LSx32f1pd. v 1 plates are !-' •• 3) Men this rss has been chasm for tpelityasstrance mspeaim, themle Plaz®ent Methodp. TPI 1-2MA32 shall betsed Cq=L21. IJ Ahmcmremm shall be to resist thearea hx aiot and spli0 shown in the FmtLm Ststmnry C) AT E F ((j 4)Tmsaossnwdmufaga(himlint.po,Mmmly a ger other smchral provided mcm 5) Provide sdB*We drainage to pevmt pndng \ i •••, 6) listed wind tpltft reactions based on MWM Only lording ••' Tx7fICE•AcoyyafW'sde�d,aebetumffiedtotbeerznvnetwana. 7ledes®o[wsheuifuatensehezdmhs¢�aieteemtegidememrmpyfeAgme7hmMavuGetmeravdmie:t�mWeaumacyaadcacpkteeeaofthe io! rim Steppea W. WaRH' w"onbbytheBa4fng Desip-Aeal=ftd*9bdi=eucceptaouofpofnsomensbecng7M adab2ryud=offtcmpooenfmanypWhkhAftdeipSt6erz�:ryof StM�Bp �� "PiaceF34951 the tavit'vgDesper,yahbt50TP1 b20B7 Cbnp.2 wAttwt4fr'ws¢.rzgernPnmtembg etectuyteaeinemtxacog. Reretoweh¢a wmnoftsest(edfngc®poncm saran oaf®at®nmbPodrceey'TflemSBCrgtocpoper uaabtksmewodammpmam tarerycformatkatebt�tottr emieemsruetinPocea lntbeabxa<of�ecfcnfa6t®aoat®pavyremairvea[eggedratbnstnomost6ei anndmis>atoenanmtimtokmnces)tmatempaaty 2590N. l:htI"Lra. ameim/tra[isg Dube uvt>Ssmalheaaumdrceai6B(�•HI a�Bla-B2 Tms4samregdelxmasmremaimNe[nEofe6mdmdce+totnxbmembea(vAoendistedl'>bandawuembla0bitesthebutvafahtemheoram.7Le metbadd�edfiulht amemDerremeivamebgahelh aa�eci'edtN� Bnithg RzgrcrperATSV7A1,(3ePer2; ispecietmspermetrcmlxacigdes� Boat pactrAbyodes;m'edalbeauoawt6tedbyeumvd'ndmystealrtmaia and Atumenmpkta>ba1 d'egomttraeitgeemkuacrmdavicevihHC9-H3aBCs1-B7aanppFibh•AIICIRTANf•T6sde�aa�estbet¢6memfnneednaceadncevabWsdanvgmds6equaxy[dnbtpud doAbbVT9lCheper3. 6emamtLetvMbySv�pmSrmg-7e Campa�,lrc6eremease wibESR•1767.Nc®enaphteroe70gnge,tmkath gec%dykscmeBfobxdbya--IS' wbititd'eatefanl8gaeeybta EEM Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: B6 �. � � SOUTHERN 2590 N. kings Highway ProjectName: 6510-d SUSS Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: 7/12/2014 1132:47AM Component SolutionsTM COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: I of 1 Tnlss Version: 5.01 [Build 31 Span Pitch Sty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 30-9-0 4 /12 1 1-4-0 0-0-0 0-M 0-0-0 1 24 in 147 Ibs 32-1-0 1 4-0&11-8 4-E-6 S2-0 S2-0 5-0-5 ( 1 I &11-8 10-&0 15-10-0 21-0-0 25.9.8 30-9-0 Sx6 - 1x4 1 Sx6 - 3 4 5 12 12 4� fi 3x4 / 3L%; 2 N_ � 3SI(2) d 1.5x3 5x6 / 7 14 { 13 12 11 10 9 8 { - 101 3x4- 4x4 -3x7- 3x4- 1x4� 0-0-0 O.O-0 511-8 4-6A S2-0 5.2-0 ' S-11-E 1043-0 15-10-0 21-0-0 25-&B 30.9-0 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (loc) Allowed Iaad (P-0 B31dg Code: FBC M10' TC: 0.71(1.2) Vat M. 0.55 in L1656 (11•12) L/240 TCIL; 20 TPI 1-= BC: 0.89(13.1) Ven lL• 0.19in L1999 Il L1360 TCDL: l5 I(epMtxlnomse: Yes V&: 0.30(1-12) Hon TL; 0.15 in 7 WILL: 0 DAL: 175 % Cieep Fads, Ka=1.5 BCDL: 10 Plate Offsets (Jnt:XY,Ang): (1:6&1-&9.) (21-12,32,1&) (3:1-12,38A.) (4:K38,50.) (5:1-I?,3$OJ (6:l-lZ3- ,1&) (7:2$64,0.) (9.,K3$9OJ (900.3&0.) ()0:0-0,3&0.) (11:00.W.) (120AA0.) (13:0AA90) Reaction Summary JT Twe By Ctxnho He Wdih Maledal Rnj H¢With Maxl(ead Max G—Udia Max Wnd Udi& M. Uplift Max Haiz 1 Pi. (Vol) 1 gin Concrete Mmomy 100 in 1,4791hs - •531 I(s -531 lba 6311s 7 H Pdl (huts) 1 1.5 in 3.00 in 1,41911s - 4M lbs-492lbs - Material Summary Bracing Summary TC ' SP (AISC62D13)tT2 2. 4 exce¢ TC Bracing: Sbmthel aPatins at 2.3U, Palin design by0ibm. 5-7 SP(AISC6.20PSS 2x 4 BC SP (AISC6.2D )t2 2 x 4 e.g: - IC Brag: Shmtheda P.lins at 440, Patin deign by0thm. 7-11 SP (ALSC62013) SS 2 x 4 ' VA s SP (ALSC61012) 93 2 x 4 Slid. SP(ALSC62)13)62 2x 4 Loads Summary 1) Tbis mss has bee deigned f the effects dx: to 10 psf boom chord list imd plm dmd Imds. 2) This teas has been designer f the effects ofwind lords in ac=dance with ASCE7. 10 with the fdlowing mer defined inpa: 170 rrqh tdtinete. Evmme C, O WI Hdg Dims 65 8 x 0 ft 7h - 171L Not rend 7me Tnss, Neither and web eaisidoed DOL-1.33, CC 2me Width 65 13) bfmimasstmpearoc loading in aeaffinee with IBC Table 16D7.1 has na been applied Member Forces Summary Tale indicates: Member ID, max Ca max Past facq (maxcmgr. face ifd Be mt fen ®xax al face) �� TC 14-1 0.32A 30 Bs 2-3 0.600-2,835Ihs 4.5 0.639 -2,898 lbs 67 0.591 -Z,844 ]h; �� • , , , , • A �j/ l-- 0.7234 0.618 It. 5-6 0.283 -27n Rs -13361b; -2.891 FC 7-9 0.52g Z6131(s 0.367 R,) 9-10 0.299 2,5501ts (4,2561bs) 12.13 0.774 3,102Ihs (-1,622IM) \ ••'��rr��S • 9-9 0,349 Z 6131Is (-1 367 fps 10.12 0.67/ Z649Ih; (-1.3291bs 13-1 0.887 10211s (-1 fi221bs)\ • •, Was 2.13 0.064 M RS 3-10 0.182 448 He (•2141bs) S9 0.103 2A lls (-80Ile) 2-12 0.305-5111hs 4-10 0.124 -339 ft 69 0.074 132lie (•123 ft) 0, 54 _ }12 Q150 3801h; (-154Rs) S10 0.199 47111s (-248ihs) 6-8 Port aSlhs (-3711s) * 9,5 r Notes: 1) Ibis design is based at ASCE7.10n refemeal by the 2D10P7aidt BrildingCci-- • 2)%ben this mess has bast chasm lbsgL litymstaance inspection, the Plate Placmtml Mahod per 7731.2002/A3.2 shall be zed Cq=1.21. ••. TATE 3) Tms4omss catnwtim is for paphital intapae0m miy Abanger a other smsaral cmmdim shall be prwidedto resist they own reactim and Thil sbin the Rmcrim Summny i F 1C! , 4)Peideadeq,madamagetopmttpmd'.& .�'1 •. ` A listed wind noift tmaiuts based m MMS Only Imdng : F-`-��ss ' O R I D P . • ' 2 /Q NIAIL`������ -NDiICE•Acopyofthine*,sbalbefoeibediothemctin000naom Tb despofrokbdiilmly ibewdmdc*aimbaadrtgidement aWWbyrbeT=Mmaf,rn aWmimtpmtbeac cyame®pttmmoftbeufm tim Stephen W. Water aetfmtbbytbeBa1dhgDesg—. AealmtUd—ng bdrneseceepaoceofpm@tbmlmgbmiVmpmA tyobbfthe u =proem dew dower The suabiyeMtseofftwnpmemfunnypmbWuhAft&sgostberzsyonsb5yot Snit En d54395 8 the Reitgg DeAneipaANWMt•2W7Chapa21VARRd WTasxsrc*epoperbandfng,emct teaabsaMhacia&Refertothe MewediinmfBCS1(B, Cm.Te SarMIN�rti.**Fod—ftTn dSBCA)fmpoper bgabthwmelhodsandbtpmtrot afetybfomatimmhtgtoth emieeoamttetmpoceff lvibea62nceofspeefs baWtimmetempnaryteanmN.cvg pect trmtbyotberiwertm6tbn(¢ttdngb�tbatob®acm)amtempaary 2590N. Kings lEgh.fl Pierce F134951 M•ebgoftbetrosesdalbe becemdeneewihH(2d•Hl mdlsC9-B2 TmsaaMsegmepe®anemrtdmbVtracbgofahadcemcwbxbmemhaa(wffiebdi+tedl'nfsdra*ngmbbd� IafhbesliQfahtem6emaia. The metbodofbdvibWonssmembmmgmbVbmcbgsbalbeugwr,dbytk Btdl6g D.i;—p.ATID?ni,(2ap.2-,fg-36tttsspet Wb.chgdesgnsmtq¢erWbyolbmthid.lbeabystametdffimtybteral aainud d'ngocMb=bgdcreabaeemden weBC9-B3mB=-H7auppixbt.•n.00RTAM•Tbsdeipa nthet bmmGemedbaumde,ibthid,,6gamtbegoaFyaiahgeclfidiaAMnPl1Chapa3.NcomeetapstnMd �� be=mibc ,mdbySiapamlbmg-Tb C=VM,ImieremdeteewibESR-2762.Almmeo.pbtnem 20gsge,-ih.lbe q..E.dphteeeisfobxdlye--Ir W,&hmntnan Iggegcphte. Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: B5 SOUTHERN 2590 N. kings Highway ProjectName: 6510-d Fort Pierce, Fl 34951 Date: 7/1212014 1132:46 AM Component S0lutionsTM COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: 1 0f 1 Truss Version: 5.01 [Build 311 Span Pilch ply OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 30-9-0 4 /12 1 1.4-0 0-0-0 0-M 0-0-0 1 24 in 143 lbs 32-1-0 14-0� 6-0-1 6-7-15 6-4-0 I 6-7-13 57-3 I 6-0-1 12-M 19.0.0 25-7-13 TIT SxS18- 5X6-18- 3 4 12 41- 12 �4 3x4 / \ 3x4E> N 2 5 N 31c�t2) b } 1.5x3 -sXs / s } 12 { 11 10 9 8 7 1x41 3X7- 3X3- 3x4- 1x41 0-0-0 6-0-1 6-7-15 6-0-0 6-7-13 5-1-3' i 6-0-1 12-8-0 19.0.0 257-13 30.9-0 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (loc) Allowed load (MO Bag Code: F1aC 2DIN TC : 0.87 (34) Vet TL- 0.6 in L / 601 00.11) L I ND ]CIL: 20 INt-2D07 BC: 0.95(11-1) Ved Li-1 0.19in L/999 00-11) L/360 TCDL: 15 RepMhlnaease: Yes V2b: 0.82(2.10) 14'a TL• 0.15 in 6 13C1L: 0 DAL: 125 % Crap Faaa, Kc-1.5 BCDL: 10 Plate Offids(]nt:x,YA g2 (1:68,14L9.) (2:t1-1Z3-?,IB.) (3:M 9.0.) (4:14Z3All) (5:1.17,3-ZIS.) (624L6 .) (7:00$9 ,30.) (8:OA,34LDJ (9oglazo.) omaz34Loa (udw,3a9a) Reaction Summary IT TA- BM Cafio Bon Wdh Material WHa Wdh Max Recta Max Grav Uplift Max Wnd Ud'0 Max UdiO Max Haiz I Pin (MI) 1 8 in Cmerote Masonry 3.00 in 1,479Ibs - -nl lbs -531 lbs 64Ibs 6 H Roll (Truss) 1 1.5 in - 3.00 in 1,430 lbs - 492 t 492Its - Material Summary Bracing Summary Tc SP (ALSC63113) A2 2 x 4 except: IC B e g: Sheathe!. P.Us at 2-K Min design by 0dters. 4fi SP (ALSC&2113) SS 2 x 4 BC SP (AISCOOM 02 2x 4 mxgx: BC Bracing: Sheathed or AaBns at 434L Min design by0lbers. 6-9 SP (ALSC6.2013) SS 2 x 4 Aft SP (AISC&2DM (2 2 x 4 slider SP (ALSC6.2013) 92 2x 4 - Loads Summary 1) This toss has berm designed fQ the effbd doto10psfbctan Thadlive Imdplusdadlmds. 2)This toss has b® designed fir the efforts dwind lords in ao-dance with ASCE/- 10 aith the Owing tea defined input: IAn#WdrnalAEgnstae C,OvwA3dg Dlss65 8 x A 4 b . ]74 Net red 7me Tms, Nether and web crosidad DOL-1.33, CC 7me Width 65 t 3) h6nia forage astie lmdLng in ac-dance wbh IBC Take 1607.1 has nab® BWBed I Member Form Summary Table indicates: r m :M®be,ID,CSLtxaxialbee,(®� xm.faceifdBamt6®nnxaAWfinrce) �` a �[['/// Tc 12-1 0.324 Sots 2.3 0.868-Z647ls 4.5 0.467 -2,0an 3.4 0.873 t 5fi 0.639 t t% `' - `.9� 1-2 0.681 -1410 t -2.473 .2.933 R 6.7 0.567 Z703lb, (-1,372lbs) 8.10 0.734 Z402t (4L1631bs) Il-1 0.945 3,176t (4,611lbs) � � .'•��CEN 7-9 0.373 2.703 lbs -1.371 t 1110-11 0.973 3.176 The (-).611 16s •• � AN. 2.11 0.085 209 t }10 0.169 416 t (-167lb,) 4.8 0.143 352 t (-93 t) 57 0.059 144lbs � (fit) •• � i 2-10 0.818 •776 t 4.10 OM z7g t (49511a) 5.8 0.383 -38 t Notes: 10.54 >� :95 •' 1) Ibis dzipp is based on ASCE 7-10 as retaen:d bl the 2010 Flaida Holding Cade I{I{ 2)%enthismsshasbeearhmenfr gmbly assuaance inspection, the Plate Placateent Mand per 7P11.2007/A3.2 shall be sad Cq-1.21. •� ;• 1� 3) Tnss4omas aetnerdim isfor Va¢ial intalzetadm only Abanger a other stnennai cameaion shall bepaided w mien the traz reactim and iTift shown in the Reectim Smsnary 4) Pmide �dhtage J TATE Gi F adogate to petmt pmding 5) Listed wind spli8 reactions based on MWFM Only lading i ` ^'\ '', • \ [ •NAICB•AceplofdelbefmaitaWtodnerecrim-im Tbedapoftbi;Wituah=kbaedm&dpainnandrequiemeaamppEdtyibeM=MamfactmeradmicsopmtbeaccmacyaadcaMkteasoftMofamatim Stephan W. Warta s:tsalon' n. Tbemiabiyad�oft6%camponem fma�pankvbrhdfkgdesEnsdere�iy oC SmeL Tagq 54395 hI-T0lBM(BbCpmSaLnylefmti*deyTaSfmpocChaAa21VARTH.7lusuepopeh6g.m adbacug.Ae[mtoNehteaedsao* lntmab=cofpcirzivbibnadtmpmwymmiuAncig gedfatbsbyotbmiMimiatba(kiAing¢aa�tok¢s)adtempamy 290 N. Kings iBgh. FL Piate F3451mB6amRd5mAmeyk[tYmnhtkgtedme•-snetmpxez remakWacgg oftaetrnasdellekacemdaocewihHG4-BIaWBf31-e2 Tmsxuoxxi6epzn Ymmkn••ckgofebmdudc bk bmemhe(wbmbd'imtd}7badwwhgmbkd'ratab i..,b fmbt•mhenmm. The methdofkdi+ibWnnamemlenemakt/tracagd+alh asg-rixibydeB,dlkgMAISnPi 1,Chapm2i tgx:ciet apumavent b=bj deipina gnciidbym6m;tb'amag6eeuomp�edbyanndardkduaryatem!remain and d'egomltrecvgdetaikaccadan,UBC51•B3mBCSl-B7asappEabb.•1MPORt M•Thidesp.-lbh ssms®Bctmcdmacord c webth'sdmwkgaddegwkai gecfsdiaAWWM 1 Chapm3. Nemmeompbteedar '1 L S be memfactmedbySiop=9mW-TsCmpvy.me6aamdameathESb2761.A1r torphtesam20gage.mksth W.Fedphtemsk62aedble'-187.hrbia&Alesan l8gagepbte. Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: B4 SOUTHERN 2590N. kings Highway ProjectName: 6510d 1RU SS Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: 7/1 v2014 1132:45 AM Component SohltionsTht Tnrss COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464 4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: 1 Of ] Version: 5.01 u11d 31 Span Pitch Qry OHL OHR CANT CANT PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 31-0-0 4 /12 1 1-4-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 135 Ills 32.4.0 1-2-0 1-4-0 8.2-4 6•S12 1-2-0-6.5-12 7.6-0 8-2.4 14-8-0 S1 23-5-12 31.0.0 17-D-0 Sx6-18I 1.Sx6I 6x6-18 / 4 5 6 12 12 r 14 4 3x4 / 3x4 L 3x3! 3 7 2 W^ N U 3i3 c§(2) d Id} 1.5x33�/ 6 it 13 12 11 10 9 1x4I 3x7- 10I 6x6 - FG2 0-0.0 0-0-0 8.24 7-7-12 7-7-12 71i•4 .2-4 15-1D-0 23-512 31-0-0 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L✓ - (loc) Allowed I®d Oa0 Odg Cade: ' FBC 2110' TC: 0.89(34) Vat TL• 0.57 in L/631 (9.10) L1240 TOLL: 23 TPI1.3m BC: 0.88(12-1) Vat LL• 0.17 in L/999 (940) L/360 TCDL: 15 Rep Mtrina¢se: Yes U(b: 0.41(310) Hoz TL_ 0.16 in 8 BOLL: 0 D.O.L. 125% Creep Faaa,Kcr-l.5 BCDL: 10 Plate OfaW (IntX,Y,/mg): (1:6•1, -z9.) (2:49,1•]1,18.) (3:1.17,3-ZI8.) (4:00,3-10.9.) (5.-0-0,3A90.) (6:0-0.3-&9.) (7:,18.) (8:3-154.0.) (900,3S90.) (10(10350.) (11.-K3A0.) (12-0-034L90.) Reaction Summary 1T Type BM cent. By Wdih Mal iA Rod Bm Wdih Max Read Max Ga Udifi Max Wnd Upli0 Max UdiB Max Hain I Pm (%Wl) 1 8 in Conme Masalry 3.00 in 1,49211st --535lbs •5351t4 71 Ihs 8 H Rail (Tons) 1 1.5 m - 100 in 1,452 Rs - 496 ns 4%ft - Material Summary Bracing Summary Tc EP(AISC&2)13)i2 2x 4 eegt, TCRaimg Sbeathal, exce(t:4fi:20000 132 SP (AISC6-2113) SS 2 x 4 68 SP (ALSC63313) SS 2. 4 BC SP(ALSC&2113)*22 x 4 -WL• BCRacing SheathedmPalmsat4-WPmlindsigtby Odtas. 8-11. SP (AISC6.2113) SS 2 x 4 W$s ' SP(ALSC&2)12)0 2x 4 Slider SP (ALSC62313) t2 2 x 4 Loads Summary I) This tress has boat daigrd fm the eHSn da to 10 psf boaan chard live load plm dead loads. 2) This toss has beep designed fir the efrects ofwind loods in accordance with ASCE7. 10 with the f llwing ue defined inpit: t70n;:h dt t.t4 F p.= C, OsaaB HdgDitrs 65 8 x 70B. h -17 8, Nct Fad 7me Tnaa, Neither ald web imsidaed DOL-1.33, CC tare Width 6.51L 3) Kn(wn stantge attic loading in. accordance with IBC Tale IW7.1 has not been a(ptiod L, t Member Forces Summary 7aHeindimtes:Mcobam.,®xcsf, vox axial race, (maxcoma. roioeifd(faml fiCan axial face) �\ 1, ')y TC l31 0.152 3011s 34 0.888 -zW ills 5-6 0.78I -z 194 Rs 74f 0.687-3,0841ta \ 1.3 0.8?6-1i4I1s 45 0.752-2t9(Ils 6-7 0.531-z3910a \ /� 1 )3C 8-9 '0.494 2849lbs-1.3251hs 9•l0 0.437 2849Ita •I,32511s 10.12 0.881 3,0771hs •1.43916s 12-1 0.881 3.07711st •1 \ ••'�1Ci��f s'sn'. �.h Wbs 3-12 (LM 2951bs (fills) SIO 0.329 859list (•35311s) 7-9 0.100 247 Rs ` •,•`,/.� 310 0.415 •9941be 7.10 0.328 -7A ft Tivss-to-truss Connections Summary = * :' • 54 95 r ID Carved Tnsts CmtyiriRTnas CmnROBsa Angle T153 B4 FG2 1-1.10-0 ?A deag Notes: �� : . ATE F w 1) Tbis design it based in ASCE 7•l0 es rd aced by the 2DlO Florida Rilftg Cade. i 2) Men this alas bas baeo dimes fa gatiHassmmae mspactim• the Plate Placslmt Method 7M t•2DN/A3.2sha111. used Cq-1.21. ^� AS A 3)Tnasaomas®nection is for gr*id'mteepeatim ally Ahangcatther svwnra) cantecrim shall be pmtidedmresist the nnnr®mm and rplt0 shown in Readim Siavmy j �L ORIDr•�'••��1 4) Pmide adagaw damage to pevalt paldng V \ 5) ® Indcala smtinuas fated ranniat(Cl3t) mpiaed at the loatim(s)shotun. Rms afClRvsnt be adn}ntely daLmally traced see D•WEBCLRBRACE Forah-tivato ClRtanddagooZ amn D-WfF131tffi4FOliCiE \� \\ 6) Listed wind uplik re cdals based m MILERS Only loafing \� aNAIL\�� -NONCE- AcopyofnieeasFnshalbe0wibedwb,esectim roam. Tic degnofth'siod itultmsiMadoodegzmi it d gaiemeaaWI dbytbcM-MaaAamaamalesnpon0-cmarymacmpkteaesofthuf-den Stephen W. Warta .1 n"'byUbe lvglks®ez Aml= thsdnwisgvdhaesacceWme ofpoRsti-leggintaft-vandAky kb, forth. tense®proem&*n9 v. 71. i bstyaw astortbie®pmea f toy coisrW66g desgn inbc tesnsbity of Stnri Es R543% the auifogl7e*wr,p=MS1rM 1-2007 Chapa2 VARHI1i3-'V=sraq iapoperhaffiog,evetcgrmaia andb- g. RUatoft Men edivoofBC9(RAfngCmpweal Safety Inform mn,pusypoduccftTHWSBCey fmpoper 8 usablil-dsadmpmtam taferyu[ mombtieg loft elntbeabm�aftpec��y aettalandimpootwrzht/taacq spdeat®sbymbetctbeuse�tun( ldvgnv6®t tol-)andlempany 29JO N. Kings Ugh. FL Piaeefl 34951 m masaoNncngaftbet ¢amalbe naccasdanceaihBfS-BIeWBC51•atpermeaexmastamltrariogofeamdsad-i.-boaemb-(eLmeisdi-dWThsmaahgaydr'etasheLr batfimhtewlremial. The tlndorimriladsal®berrenaim/b2cilgtmat:aV,.rdby he Dallas RseacrpaAk5VTFJ l,Chaper2t fq-iB:vanpose-ormciigdatgaskna gecfrAbyaWagibithalbeacrmvpEbedbystandard iNamyhtcahemautad if tlhpmaltraeigdetaknacemdaocewihBC51•B3 mHC51-B7asappFabh•IA4DRTANf`7LiM1sgessaal-het akm=factimdvaccasdaacevibihkdmaxgadibequakyaierbge it dbAMfrFl ICbapa3.Alecameamphtesmhd -1 temeavLesvedbySm�aSumg•Ti(:ampaay,ivchacemdenee tvibESR-2762.Afro®eetmphta•m20gage,miksahespe Wphiesbsk6kmedbya 1r bit Ad msnlggegepbte. o� -( ,. = Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: B3 � �� � fs 15 ' SOUTHERN 2590 N. kings Highway ProjectName: 6510-d .pM TRUSS FortPierce, F134951 Date: 7/12/2014 1132:45AM ComponentSolutions COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: 1 of 1 Truss Tr Version: 5.01 1Butld 31 Span Pilch Qty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS Spacing W GT/PLY 31-0-0 4 /12 2 1-4-0 0-0-0 0-M 0-0-0 1 24 in 135 ms 14-0 8-2-47-7-12 7-7-12 7-0-4 I B-24 i, 15-10-0 i 235.12 31.0-0 5x5-18 - 3 1x41 3x7 - 1 x41 6x6 - 1(2) FG2 04}0 0-0-0 8-24 7-7-12 ( 7-7-12 i 7.64 &24 15.10-0 23.5.12 31.0-D Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (loc) Allowed Ind (IaQ Bldg Code: FBC 2D1N TC: 0.89(2.3) Vat TL• 0.58 in L16N (6-7) L/240 TC1L: 20 TFI 1.2007 BC: 0.87(9-1) Von IL: 0.18 in L1999 (6-7) L/360 TCDL: 15 BepMirinaease: Y's Wda: 0.43(24D HQa TL• 0.16 in 5 BCLL: 0 1 D.O.L: 12556 1 Creej Faoa. Kam 1.5 Reaction Summary Jr Tvm .Be Cmto ft Wdh Material WBe Wdih M.R cl Max Gav Udifl Max Wnd Uplift Max lldifl Max Hai. 1 Pm (M) 1 a in Conaae Masonry 3.00 in 1.4981tr - -25 Bs-5351(a 75 no 5 H Bill (buss) 1 1.5 in - 3.00 in 1,4591hs 4961ts 496lie Material Summary Bracing Summary TC SP (ALSC6-3113)t2 2x 4 awe}x: 7C Bracing SheethedaNalins at 2-9A Palm wig- b20lbm- 10-2 SP (AIKOD13) SS 2 x 4 4-5 SP (ALSC62013) SS 2 x 4 BC SP(ALSC6-2DI3)#22 x 4 except BC Bracing Sheatheda PaBnsal4-10-0. Mn design b20tbm. 58 SP(ALSC6.2013) SS 2x 4 Wbs SP (ALSCOD12) 40 2 x 4 Slid. SP (ALSC6:'1D13) 62 2 x 4 Loads Summary 1) Thu mss bar been designed fv the effb ss dte to 10 psf hmom h d live Icedphs dead 1mds. 2) Thu tnas, has hem desired Wit. effects f i d Imds in amxdance with ASCE!- ID with the fdlming ma defined inptt l'A ttph Wd=te, rnostne C, Overall Bdg Dins 65 fl 001l h v 17 4 Not lad Zone Teas, Neitherand web tmsidaed DOL=1.33, CC 2me With 6.5 A 3) Mmimm steraae attic loading in aemdance whh IBC T de 1607.1 has nd hem applied I ' Member Forces Summer Table indima-Maba W. rmxCSl, n—aAalface,(max W. facetfdB tfirt—atdal face 7C 10-1 0.152 30 Re Summary 2.3 0.895-1-35211s 4-5 0.675 -3,114 nx ) �♦ ♦! `! rl • , N. • tl �q Il //�i� 1-- 0.607 -33M Its 3-4 0.888 .1349 Im V Bc Sd 0.518 28801hs �'75ft 67 0.444 Z875Its •).2751hs 7-9 0..971 3.098ls (-]365N 9-1 0.873 3,1O51h r-1 1 ♦ ".1C(^!dS'�.• .x� i Was 2-9 0.119 292Ihs (-6lts) 3.7 0.349 9131ts (-373lbs) 46 0.099 242 hs 2-7 0.430 •1,�41hs 4-70.348 -827 Rs i Truss -to -truss Connections Summary _ * : 140.54 95 B) CBmed Tnss CatssCatrymg Angle ffi FG2 7740 FG2 310-44 7A deg — � '_•71{/— '" G 1 . . 3.-�...� %t �1.4�.a:Lu:.3.�...f•• {.'wvJ..u..<r 1�.�4� ��..,, � Notes: U TATE F (u 1) This desigt is based m ASCE7-10 as seiererwd"e 3010 Florida Raking Code .1 t� 2) Whoa this tress has h� chosen fa gmEW asstraace inspxdm, the Plate Placmtmt Methed M TPI I.2MA3.2 shall he reel Cq=1.21. �t• 0 P,.'• 3) T—anus connxdm is fa galtiml mtapaatim only Ahanger a other smEbral amtemm shall he pwidedm resist thee— maim and tplifl shown in the l+�dim Ssxtmary �, RID ♦\ 4) ®led=%=tintntelateral tesmint(CLit)tespimdat the lotatim(s)shown. Bows d=mst be adoWelydiagxtallytraced am D-WEBCLIRBRACE FaaheaativeatoCManddagaadl/Is 1s••1)-1tlliWtElp7FOleii 5) listed wind Willi tmaims.besed m M%WM Only lmdng. /// 7Q N A L `l ♦♦♦\ //��11111111��`\ Stephen W. Warier Stmt. Fng 9 54395 2550 N. King 9Bgh. Ft. Piam Fl 34951 '.ddjjjjkjkI► Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: MV8 SOUTHERN 2590 N. kings Highway ProjectName: 6510-d wuss Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: '7/12/2014 1133AOAM Coulponent S0LltionslM Page: 1 0f 1 Truss COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY II 8-0-0 4 /12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in261bs 2x 0.0-0 0-0 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection U (loe) Allowed Load (Mo Bldg Code: FBC 210' TC: 0.640-2) Vet TL• 0.02 in LIM P-1) L1211 TC IL: 21 TPI I-210'I BC: 0.24(5.1) Vat I.L. 0.OIm L, 999 (1.1) L, 360 TCDL: 15 Rep Mb lnamse: Yes Nhb: 0.80(3-4) Hari TL: 01n 4 BOLL: 0 D.O.L : 125 % Creep Fames, Ka-1.5 13CDL: 10 Plate Offsets OntX.YAng3: . (1:I4-0-8.18.) (3:1-124490) (4:1-I2.34190) Reaction Summary IT Tvoe Hx Cam Bm Wdh Matedal Max React Ave Ream Max Gm'Udig Max Wnd UPlia Max Uplift Max tlodz 1 Cmtinteas 1 96 to Cmaee Masauy 329Ib5 95p1f-1371bs 1371bs 418 lbs Material Summary Bracing Summary TC SP (ALSCOD12) 43 2 x 4 TC Haig Sheatheda Pmllas et 6.3Q Pudin dmigi by Others. BC SP (ALSC6.2112) 60 2 x 4 BC Baeing Sheathed a Fa0os at 6.3-0, Perlin desigt by Others. Was SP (ALSC6-2112) R3 2 x 4 . Loads Summary 1)Thistoss has been designed fa the eff=s ofwind load; in aeambnee withASCEI. l0with the followingtserdefined inpi: IAmph Wtinate.Fi Postse C,0v ll Hdg Dins65 Sx ofl.h=17g,rmd7meTms,Neithamdwcbansideed DOLm1.33,CC7me Widh6.51L Member Forces Summary TaHe n�eata: Ma ba ro, naxcsl max ax al ro ce (maxam¢. rase rd6e oat em aexarial rose) Notes: ])This deign is lased m ASCE 7-10 as refers ced bythe 2110 Florida BLO ing Code. 2) Geble,a#tes coatittoo s baron ehadbating 3) Gable well placed W 4il' ac, U.N.O. 4) Attach gable webs with IA 2)Q4 plates, U.N.O. 5) Men this mss has been chain for ¢ditymorance insp>zian, the PlatePlk rant Method pe TP11-2 OTA3.2 shall be tear Cq-1.21. 6) Listed wind agli8 teamims based on MWFRS Only loading. ���� •'�tiGFAlS�•..TC�` �: Z � o. 54 915L� * = I ATE F tL Z O N AIL, Stephen W. Warta states. E.S If 54395 2590 N. Kings High. FL Pierce Fi 34M 7—(0 C' Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: MV10 I " ' 0 4 -� SOUTHEFIN 2590 N. ldngs Highway ProjectName: 6510-d TRUSS Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: 7/12/2014 11:3336 AM Component SohltionsT"t COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 4644160 (772) 3.18-0016 Fax Page: I oft Truss Version: 5.01 ufld 311 Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 10-0-0 4 /12 2 0-0-00-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 33 lbs to-o-D 1 D-0-0 t 0.0.0 1.541 3 12 4F 1x4 1 2 2x4/ 1 6-0-0 D0-0 1D-0-0 10.0.0 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection Ll (loc) Allowed Load (w0 Rdg Code : FBC 2010Y TC : 0.84 (1.2) Ven TL• 0.03 in L / 999 (1.1) L/ 240 TCIL: 30 TPI 1-= BC: 0.57(S1) Vet Ll. 0.01 in UP L1999 (1-I) L/360 TCDL: 15 RepMbinemse: Yes Wit: 0.55(3-4) H—TL• Din 4 BCIL: 0 DAL: 125 % Q pFa=, Y- 1.5 13CDL: 10 Plate Offseu OntXXAng)' (1Ih13$18) (3]-12.4490) (4.1.123-&90) Reaction Summary Tr Type ft Cmft Brg Wdlt Material M. P.Ct Ale Rma Max Grey W R Max Wad lWift Max Uplift Max Haiz 1 Cmtmeos I 12M. Cmade Masmry 4371fs 91 pif - 43DN-13011s 4301bs Material Summary Bracing Summary TC SP V ISCOD12) R3 2 x 4 TC Hating Sheathed tr Ptrbns at 6-34 Patin design by Men; 13C SP (AISC6-2012) 03 2 x 4 BC Bracing Sheathed arPectins at 6.30. Pelin desip by Otbee. Wks SP (klW6- 312) p3 2 x 4 Loads Summary 1) This toss has been dmipned for the effects of wind leads in a —lance with ASCE7-1D eith the follmingwer defined inpe: I2D u;b tdtimte. Eqm— C, Ovaa11 Hdg Dims 65 0 x'A 8. h e 17 & Fad Zme Tms, Neither and web omsidcei DOL-1.33, CC 7me Width 6.5 8. Member Forces Summary Table indicates: MeoberID.=CSLntmsadalfortq(mrnxv.fnceifdffamtfrtmsmxmcial11c) TC 1-2 0.840 •3111hs 2-3 0.814 -751hs BC 45 0.371 -3111s SI 0.559 14711s (S9lb4 Whs 2.5 0.253 662lb, (-32811a) 3-0 0.551 259 lbs (-129its) Notes: 8,' 1)This dip is lased. ASCE 7-10 as refamcal by the 2010 Florida Bdidng Code. \\ �'y 2) Gable,egi= emtint� bonan sited b:aimg ...... 3) Gable webs placed at 48. ae, U.N.O. \\\\ �p'� , 4)A=b gable webs with U4 ilpe plates, U.N.O. • • •'' 5) Whet this tau has been rhmee fa gtality assurance inspection, the Plate Placmmt Method per IN I.MDYA3.2 shall be eyed Cq=1.3. \ • • `' • `^ i 6) Listed wind t#i8 maims lased on MWFRS Only lending !' * : o. 54 95 TAT E F Lu ORIDP•'G���� /D sNA L� tIII11 •N7nclt•Aeopyotm%deRymnebee�eefameesecmoca�aam. nedessoten%m7:italtmsssmedtm4e�eienc�mm4 smppredMlhe'uaaabnot men ndmiesupmtbeaccmacymdcavpt =Mortbei ro li" etfon6by16eHuilq¢Desi�er.As:al®Wsdnwvgh0iatesaccepsaaceofpofessoaalrngueevgm�onditysoiyfalhvascomp—adugn hh—Tbeaiab3ye>d=ofthkcomptmentfaraey)aniWarbedthgdesimstherespowbiyof Stephen W. Warta Swi Esg454395 the Biti7ia8r��enDmAt3S0TP11.2007 CmAc2•WARTaW'Ousxssegmepmperbaadk8emnaat�omandl.ecug. Aaf fothe ilea ediimofeC51(Bd1hgC®pooem 8afery tnro�masimp%sbpodoeedby7naoa8BCNforpope neaanbame16odtaadmponam tafcryN�tixlmhtbgietaeanieconmoctmlaoceas inthealsrceof�ecfen9a6l�evdtempmarym8mul/bratuyq�ecf Imsbyetaei,Ibe�eYtim(ucldugb4ahl®tohn¢ei)avd/empuary 2590 N. Kings lagh. Ft. Pi— F134931 men+m/Emcitgo[thetmssIDaBhbecemdaacewihBC9•HIamBC51•B2 TmesaEoregmeye®memms+nu06r�n8ofetedsandtxnanxhmemlzrsfotembdicited)7L%drewh8oabisdtafa-dbyst dudWsatbitral The m thodNmmmemherramaia/oraehe�at6e as9eciWbytaeBedtug DesgoerperAN51lfA1,Chaplerl: [geCfel>�pamanemtrec%ghsq %oot tpeefedbymter;tlada7h auampFLedq�s.adasdiduvyhlesalmsabtand dh8onalb. detal5baumdaaceevYhBC9-H3 mBC51•H7eaappFaDL•1b00RTAN1'•7a'sdes�a�esWetrnss%mnnaficMedbaccmdaaevihW%dnwggatdthequaEyaies%�tirAuATID?N1CaaPer3. Alcomectorpblermal bemavedaetmsdbySivpmaSno ;eCm�vyivcueremdays sihBSx-2761.Net®eamphtesue 10ga80.=botheipec(Wphtetfres6lbxdbya' )rW&h ,&Atcs=l8PSephm. E� Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: MV 12 �� t ry,- 80UTHERN 2590 N. kings Highway ProjectName: 6510-d u Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: 7/12/2014 113337 AM Component SolutionsTht COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: 1 0fl Truss Version: 5.01 [BuOd 311 Span Prtch Qty OHL OHR CANT CANT PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 12-0-0 4 /12 1 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 421bs 12.0-0 12-0-0 12.0-0 1.5X3 1 4 12 4r— tx4� 3 d 1X4 J 2 - ri 3x4 - 1 31 0-0.0 0-0-0 12-0-0 12-0-0 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (loc) Mowed Lmd 11s0 Bldg Cede: FBC 201W TC: 0.73(2-3) Vet TL: 0.02 in L/999 (1-1) L/240 TCLL: 2D TPI I.= BC: 0.31(6.7) Vella• 0.01 in L/999 (1-1) L/360 TCDL: IS R�Mtr loeease: Yes Wb: 058 (4� Hai TL• 0)e 5 BCIL: 0 DAL: 125% Cmep Faea,Ka-1.5 BCDL: 10 Plate Offsets (Int).Y,A.&.. (1:1-50.3$0.) (4-1414490.) (5:1-IZ3A.90.) Reaction Summary 3T Twe Btg Combo HR Wdth Material Max Reza Ayema Max Gw Uplift Max Wnd Uplift Mazt)dift Max Hain ' 1 Cmtm,as 1 144in Cmaeie Masmry 41916s 95 pif --1631bs 463 Its 51711a Material Summary Bracing Summary TC SP(ALSC6.2D12)932x 4 TCBa®g SbeathedaP.,Unsaz6.30•Peiiadesig�ty Olhas. ]1C SP(A1SC62D12)t(32 x 4 BCHaring SbmthedmPtrlinsal6.3-0.Arlindes(g3b101hm. M. SP(ALSC6-2012)93 2. 4 Loads Summary 1)Thistossbasbeendesigned6Xthe ffba fvindloads inacmdancewild ASCh7- 1Dwilh the followinguserdefined inpx: l70mpbu0timate E�q-=C,Overall14dg Di=65 Rx 0R,h-17ft End ZmeToss,Neitheratdwebcrosidaes DOL-1.33, CCZme Width 65R. Member Forces Summary TahleindmLes:MetberID,nexCSLsaxtudalfxte,(axen>¢.fa«ifdaerattgan,tnxaudalfaee) 7C 1.2 n5D7 .441 IM 2-3 0.732 -313 Rs T29 -97M 7-1 5160.8 -XItsBC 5b 0.309 .26 R213 .%Rs 4V%A2)GAI-s*isu WE 2.7 0.199 522lbs (-250 lbs) 3L 0.246 643 this (-327lbs) 14.5 0.577 291 0a (-1351bs) Notes: 1) This design is based m ASCE 7-10 as rdmeced bathe 2110 Flaida WIding Cade. nmtinaxs buo rbad bearing3) Gable webs placed al 45"mc.. U.N.O.,•'1C�AIS.��,. 4) Anadsh gadewels withIx4 31p plates, U.N.O, mspatim, Plate Plat TP)I-2gsJA3.2sball be C9-1.23. e V �''•• 5) Whm this toss has De® tbmeo fa quality essura ee the iMethod per used 6) Listed wind uplift teamms hued m MWFRS Only ]mdng .''• •�� — �140.54 95 C) TATE F= /L C)NALtE��\\\� R10rlCE•AmWoftbsdesga"befmitedlotheaecincmnanm Tbedespoffthdvibaloaatbmdmdespmiereammquiemo mppfedbyW'k=Mmfnnm ndminupmftacemaeyandwpt:le oftkifmmatim ,elfmthbythe Beiliogtlesp— A2almtadrawig hdmtesaceepance Taeakneaq•amaaeotm'is—ponemt ampu.k bD bd5*desgt:themspms6iyot StephenW Warier maeamgln,Baer,pe.MSVTPll-2007Chaperxwawarr•rm$ceq�eaapmaaelas,emrn��am,m�eagl:<rctomeateaedi®.rBcSl(aa*C®pm.msafylar tbn�b•padaftTelaedsBCE)fmlmpa i L6tbnmethodaaodiopeam sakVia tbemhtbglo0z=it canno® tpnXea btheab.� I'Veefe manmda osalhtimaMtempmaryaci*g &4tbmbyotbmtbe imabibo(ixbftislhtkmtotra slamtempaaty Snux Stgq 543% 2590 N. Kings Midi. FL Pieuee F734951 mmebl/traebgofine�st dbciaccod=cwihBCSI-BIaodBC51-B2. The m t Wo fb6&'.ltrarsmember—kft.ali.9daIM.9eciEdbytbc BudfogDesg=PNATSYM1,Cnape 2;ITM=ifcmtspe+meoembmciigdesi ni=q=rtdbiotbcmtbs0egbeeccompaedbysandmdbd myhtemim iand d'agooalhacbg&tLtiaumdancewibBCSI-B3aBC9-B7aseppicabb.nMPCRANPTL'sdes�n�met ¢amemubmredba=daocewibtb%dmwigaadmequaiymefiip=EdbVafMICWpa3.Alemmeetmphies0al bemaaoGnmedbySi*-.%tmg-TeComp.W,lxha¢ad—r ihESR-SI62.Alcamemmphtaue2lWle,mLatb,tpecfedphicemeafobxdbya'.Ir%tiEbUirlesaa Iggagepbte. .` Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: MV14 SOUTHERN 2590 N. kings Highway ProjectName: 6510d TRUSS Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: 7/12/2014 113338AM ComponentSo)utionsT67 COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: 1 O 1 Truss Tr Velsion:5.0L[Build 3l Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANTL CANT PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 14-0-0 4/12 1 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24m 501bs 14-0-0 14.60 14-0.0 1.5x3I 4 12 4F- 1x41 3 1A 2 3x4 - 1 4���xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx4s IX4 I 1X4xjI ao.0 0-0-0 14-0-0 14-0.0 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (loc) Allowed l-d (p50 Bdg Code: FBC 2310Y TC: 0.78(1•2) VW TL 0.03 in L/999 (1-1) 1./240 TCIL: 20 TPI 1.2007 BC: 0.58(7-1) Vm LL• 0.01 in UP 1./999 (1.1) L1360 TCDL: 15 Rep Mb, tnaease: Yet Wb: 0.50 (45) Herz M. 0in 5 RC.: 0 D.O.L : M % Creep Fads, K- l.5 BCDL: 10 Plate OEsels(JntY,Y.Angb (1:1-50.3- 0.) (4:1.124490.) (5.1-IZA90J Reaction Summary JT Tyne 9c Cmibn Hg Wdh Material Max Read Ass Reap Max (hmw Uplift Max Wed Uplift Max Uplift Max Hain I Coati nos 1 169 in Cmaee Mzsmry 417 ls 91 plf - -1341s 4341bs 507 its Material Summary Bracing Summary TC SP (AISC6.2012) q3 2 x 4 TC Bracing, Sheathed a Arlin, at 64A Palm design tH Olbers. BC SP(AISC6-2)12)#32x4 BC Hating Sheathed alirlins at 6.3-0. Min design by others. W:h; SP (ALSC62012) h3 2 x 4 Loads Summary 1) This true has hem designed for the ede is W wind loads in aaadtnce with ASCE/. 10 with the following user defined inpa: 170 mph Wthrate, Egowe C, Otsrall Hdg Dims 65 it x 701 It =17 fi, End Zen Tnss. Neither end web u nsideed DOE-1.33, CC Zme Wdh 651E Member Forces Summary Table indcales:MwbwM,saxCSLmaxaxial f=A(maxmaR.6xceifdiBetmt6maoaxaxial fmx) TC 1-2 0.776 •4331hs 2-3 0.665 •2'A 11s 3d 0.594 -MOa 71 BC 5-6 0.269 .19lbs 6.7 0.321 Its 7-! 0.591 133 Rs 489lbs 11bbs 2.7 0.196 515 its (-316 N) 3.6 0.ID7 543 Rs (-794 lbs) 4-5 0.499 251 lbt (-13Ibt) Notes: 1) This dasign is based m ASCE 7-10azref .edbfthe 2Dl0F1orida Hrildng Cab 2) Gab1etpcns mcard. xs Intern t ha 1 bearing ..... . 3) Gableets wplaced al 48 • ae, U.N.O. • • •. • / ��' �\ • �.A/ aj / 4) Atraeh gable wds with lA � plates, U.N.O. `•' •••� 5) When this tnas hasem bchasm for gmlity wstrance mspealan, the Plate Plac®mt Method(, TPI I-3M2/A3.2 shall be nsed Cq=1.21. Gf �:' / / 6)listel wind ttgift t®dims �asedm MWRS OnIYloadng. � • � i 140.54 9II5 TATE F W ; ORI O N A LI llll •NQfICE•AeopyotWsht�dalbefm�edtothe non®cootrana.7DehsirnWta'endvitualvass�adwdes�aiere rodtegormemsa@pEdlryshe4usMsmdaatocedmiesnpmtbeacemarysndc®pL•nercssofth cf tiw net faMbytheBec vMigDtdp Avlmtbisdaaiogndixtesareepaoceofpofe®mleogneahgm lnynpkyfatbeenscampmem dcS'pdona The sdabttcee ryandfthsemnlmem f aeYlmi:1A9h iagd:�m�sb3tyofslbe Stephen W. Wafter Strut FagH 54395 de BuimgDe>gOer perANSOTPI l•7007 Chap¢r2 tiVAR14f1•7tns�sagmepoper6aod6g,eamvgtemin apolvecug. Refers ot6e btea ediuopfBC51(Bd1hg C®pomw Safety Infmme thnpenbptedr<BlTPaMSBCA)fmproper �aEtimmedodsamapmmm®letyufo®atinreh[igtotmemieconmtetmpocex mtbealsttcofgscYs�nBtbnamtempaarymme tug ryeciutixubymhegt6euse@timfrcldiogrtaeffit®totrases)W tcmponry 2590N. KingsIBgn. FL Pierce Fl 34N te®mNecigoftbcn tdalMuaude m=,ibBC9•BI mdBCSi-B2 Tr�sabmquieyem.nemmea'vnitracugofclndsadcmauxbmemten(wffiehd'rated).7badmwagonyudcetestbebrat�forhterzlaan�.7he medodofud'wibetvnssaxmhrameinMaci�gda7h asgec7i-dbyWe Bes�er mk*nperAMnPI I,CbsAe2;ispeefeas spe+maneminciog,designk=g=�Abyotbmtbidalbeaecm*kbtdbysandudh&-yhtenite� utaM kmuuact=dhaeeadaneewshtbsdavcgandtlsq,aiycdahpec'fednAtAlfn IChaµa3.Aleonneetmpbtesdal deganel6achg&bi;bacemd-.ihBCSI-B3aBCSl•B7asapp4•abL-UR RTANI•Thi6m�n ecthe u ne bemamfendbySa;-&,.og-TeCanpvy,IxueceordarceoihESR-2762.Alc aphm=20gar, satbetp<cisdphtedesfobxdbya'.IrwLnbiba'atumlggagepbta. Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: B2C SOUTHERN 2590 N. kings Highway ProjectName: 6510-0 TRUSS Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: 7/12/2014 1132:44 AM Component SohltionsTM COMPANIES (800) 232-0509' (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: 1 of 1 Truss , Version: 5.01[Build 311 Span PBch Qty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 31-0-0 4 /12 1 1-4-0 0-0-0 0-M 0-0-0 1 24 in 165 Ibs 32-4-0 1-4-0 6-614 6.2-0 3-8-12 4�-5 6•fs14 12.9-2 1faS-14 21-2-3 263-11 31-0-0 5x5 - 3x4 - 3x4 - 1.5x3 l 5 6 7 8 12 3x4 / 4F- 4 3x5/ 1X4% 3 2 } 1.50 5x6/ 14 { 13 12 11 10 9 3X4- 3x3- 3x7- 3x4- 7x6- FG2 0-0-0 0-0 8-0-0 7-11-14 7.3-1 731 B•6.0 16-5-14 23-8-15 31-0-0 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (loc) Allowed Load (isf) HIdgCode: FBC.21101 TC: 0.77(24) Ved M. 0M in L/662 (12-M LING TC1L: 21 TPI 1.207 BC: 0.95p3-1) Vat IL• 0.16 in L/999 (12-13) L/360 7CDL: IS P.apMtrinaease: Yes Wb: 0.62 (6-70) Hmc TL• 0.13io 9 BCIL: 0 AO.L: 125% (:irep Faaa, Ka=1.5 BCOL: 10 Plate OBsess QntY(Y,Angy. (1:68,1-U) (20Q3-11,47.) (ID-90-11,18.) (4:00,311,18.) (5.,0,3-%n) (6A-0,38,0.) (7A0,38,0.) (8:1.12,38,90.) (93$3&0) (1000,38.0.) (11:14ZA0.) (12,M.1.12.0.) Reaction Summary 1T Tvne BM c_i:o fig Wdh Material Rod B,g Wdh Max Brad Max Gms•Unlift Max Wed Udifi Max Udia Max Hai. 1 Pin (41a11) 1 8 in Cmaae Masonry 3.00 in 1,494 fM - -564 lla-5241ta 4861h; 9 H Rell (Teas) 1 1.5 in - 100 in 1,40D lb --53211s -5M )bs - Material Summary Bracing Summary TC SP(AISC6-3313)#22x4 7C Brndng sheathed a Palms at 2.50, PWW design by Otb-. BC SP(AISC6-A13)922x4 BCH-tieing Shmthda'Palinsat42-%PWindmigob/Olh=. VIFX SP (AISC&2112) h3 2 x 4 Loads Summary 1) This Inns has been designed for the e0'ects de tell) laf bmtm chord live lead plus dead leads. 2) This bras bas b® desigtedfa the e6eas of wind Imds in accordance with ASCE7. 10 with the fW ming leer defined inpd: M rsph Wtimate. E@s,ae C, 0-all Hdg Dins 65 it x 70 ft, It =17 & Net End 2me Tess, Neither and web con sidaed DOL=1.33, CC Zoe Width 6.5 8. 3) Mminan storage attic loading in exadence with IBC Table 1607.1 has not been applied Member Forces Summary Table b,does:Ma,berID,emresl,=mdalfane,(maxconp,force ifdsamtfront eexa)dalf=) r �� �P Ntic F ivSq'Q�'��'�. ••`' �• ,� Truss -to -truss Connections Summary W C.medTeas Coating Tess Ca' mgOdsd And. _ 54 f1G Tes I32; FG2 7.104 2A deg Not 1)7bia design is lnsdmASCI:T-IO as rdasned bythe2llOflaida Holding Code. TATE _ 2) When this tnas bas been chosen fm gality aas wlnspeaice, the Plate Pheernml Method per TPI 1.210NA3.2 shall be used. Cq=1.21. , 3) Tnas4ouuss rxmerSm is CQ galhieal mtamdatim only Ahanger a other smchral -W ao shall be po+ided m mist the a ax nnetim and Uplift sboav in the Reawas Sum-,y 4) Provide adegmte drainage to pmtat gentling i /� 5) ® Indicates cmtintas lateral restaint (CU),a(imdat the location(s) shavn. Rows efCLRstxat be adagei lydagmallyborced see D-WIDCIRBIWCE Fa abana4as to ClRs and dem,a H. n g,e - - y7¢ QI> .• .�\�\\ 6) listed wind uplift reacdms based m MWFFS Only loadng /O N AIL,10 ``\\\ •AUf10E•Aeopy ofmsde�ma56efomibedtoWeaeeucocramaam.7hdes�oftheulmssssEa¢dwd:z�crlenam,cgmememsagfyEdb�uh'Ir��Mmu6nme+.>brties�mt6e.ccmary.ndconpEneoesofNeuf ,;w Stephen W. Warter tbIBdJn9Ik. s',p.essna.Jl-2W7tCh.P1.-WARes.«eparesmqA.�elmgo.aigm�rmntninnfonaewsc�oft hie �0nofBC (BMnR®npoona"s.amponem fmanyfapodweBoaaespsWert�Srof Sa�Eog654395 �Baitti>gg=.r,pcaNsttrnit-mmebamerxwAwma;••Bo$sr.q,d.pmper6.meg,aeacn,.m.mteacog.B.�uotxE,.g.maanrBcs(ambge®Poor.msafrntorom.,ony;m(,s.merea6rrBamsacrgr mops �aE,bomeWdsaedmp.mm efe,yiaf tim,el,ug toweemiec vuctmmocea le,hatsrceotgecYcrtaeEtimaa4t.mpomryrtmem/tracvg�eciutimsb/ode>;theuaNtim(ucLd'gguaaE,imtokmxes)aodtemyaary 2590 N. King FGgI. FL Pie,ee F134951 =:oci® ofNetmsntbash csoundettewibB(Sf-B1edBC5F13t 71u:cabrtgaiepem.oemmmac,Rncvgofcbmdsmdwnuxbm®lra(w4ereudc.tW}'Ibsdnam gmb te,thMa,uafmbnenbe¢nm. The mem.dof slmssmemis,mrummltraci.g tbelh.npec?"sdb/th&dfvg Deems p=ATMnPl I.C6emer;irgxcf tripe,mavembmcie&�i;M* erNlHou6eRtbsdalbeacenmpEmedbYn�+edmuary6sendn;mautmd degmsltrar,ndbyk4=9nocewtaO,gM.Iwia - d7 ,,,ibENtIA762.Al f•Thadesla®mestaem,aem.W.rdplace.i;f.t tly.s ] V,*Ibegwkymiemgelat.. TArt'H1C6amer3. Alcomeaay§tesa6et O 6...®enmwbrsmp:.nag-recomrony.w.s.�.m.c.abEse-n6z.Ai.�.n.pnt.:me mg,Be,m>�me �dpbm �e(6wwb,�.-ag-.,atai,mtates.n leg,g.pbt.. TC � \ 1at o.r_4 3o16a 2� 0.766 •2,999Ns ss o.4as a,88811s 741 0.406 o1b; 1.2 0.738 •12T7Ib 45 0.643 -203211s 6-7 0.485 -1.3301hs BC 0.640 9591hs (-5671ts 10.11 0.749 1.6321hs (•9Tllh; 11-13 0.844 23031(s (-1.425Ihs 1}1 0.95M1 111711s (-1,7 11b1s 2.13 0.138 -451 Ih; SII 0.155 38J Its (-1151hs) 7-]0 0.368 9061hs (-3931ta) \ 11,1D 413 Q259 6731ts (-235 Rs) 611 0.274 473Ihs (•7481hs) 7.9 0.565 •1,543Ita \\ 47] 0.566 -7111hs 610 0.618 -7I)Ih; g9 0.094 •13411s � Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: B2B SOUTHERN 2590 N. kings Highway ProjectName: 6510d TRUSS Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: 7/12/2014 1132:43AM Component s utild 3l]sTm COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: 1 ON Tfuss Version: 5.01 [Build 31] Span Pitch Sty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 31-0-0. 4 /12 1 1-4-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 162 ens 32-4-0 1-d-0 6.6-14 6-2-4 54:-124513 6-6.14 12-9-2 1 &5.14 2683 31-0-0 4X6 - 3X4 - 1.5X3 1 5 6 7 12 4F— 3x4/34 / 3 tx4 \ dLb 2 n } 6 / 1.5x3 5i 13 12 11 10 9 8 3x4- 4x4- 3x4- 3X4- 7X6- FG2 0-0-0 0-0-0 8-rr0 B-6-5 6-7-2 7-4-9 8-ri0 i 17-0.5 1 23.7-7 31-0-D Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (loc) Allowed Load (nBQ Hdg Co3c: FBC Zia, TC: 0.86(4-5) Vet Tl. 0.59 in L/616 (I1-M L/240 7'CLL: 31 IN1•�07 BC: I.W (12-I) VW ILL. 0.16 in L/999 (11-12) L/36D TCDL: 15 Iiep Mbr la—Ym Wb: 0.68(440) Hax TL• 0.13io 8 BOIL: 0 D.O.L : 125 % Creep Facto, Ka= 1.5 BCDL: 10 Plate Of cts(Jnt:x,Y,Angb (1:64LIA9.) (2.00,3-11,47.) (3.09,1.11.18.) (4.-K3-11,18.) (5:00,3.8,0.) (6:0-0,38,0.) (7:1-12,34:,90.) (8:3.8.3-8,0.) (9.-K3$0.) (IR0 3-U.) (11.0-02-0.0.) (12:0-0.3R0.) Reaction Summary 3T Type BR Cafln lag Wdih Maedal Rod f§g WAh Max Roact Max Gran Udift Max Wad Ud'fI Max Wift Max Haiz 1 Pin (Rhll) 1 8 in Concrete Masonry 3.00 in 1,484 )Is - -515 Has •A51hs 5911s 8 H Roll Cr—) 1 1.5 in 300 in 1,40D lbs --SG011s -540 Rs - Material Summary Bracing Summary TC 8P WW6-3113)92 2x 4 TC ldag SheathedmPWiasm 24-0,Pelin deign by Other. BC SP (ALSU-2D13) 92 2 x 4 BC 13 aci g: Sbeathel Wtls SP (AISC6-2012) 43 2 x 4 Loads Summary I) This teas has bxa deigned fa the effects dm to 10 psfbxtaa road live Imd plm dmd Imds. 2) This truss has been designed fir the effects of wind Ieade in aavdance with ASCE) -10 whb the foaowing tea defined rope: 170 aqb ultimate, EV.— C, Oeeall Hdg Dias 65 R x 70 f4 h - 17 ft Nor Fad Zane T-s , Neither and web=sid.ed DOL= 1.33. CC Zme VAdih &S ft. 3) Minimum storage attic loading in, aewdtnce with IBC ]hole 16N.1 has nor been applied Member Forces Summary 7aNe ndi ate : Meahe ID, mXCS1 ens mdal face (aax ra p. f ifdiffe at ban r ax anal tome) qN TC 13.1 0.324 30Its 2.4 0.752-3,033ib 5L 0.785 4,196ff>s 1 3c 3, 8-9 0.600 sq its am511 9-10 0.737 1,660lls (•9861bs 10-12 0.889 24021hs (A.41611,12.1 1.001 3.1541rx (4.71 \ e �1 _ N Wbs 2•l2 0.139 -4431M 410 0.693 .0 its S9 0.333 •7971ts 68 0.591-1,9J8Ihs 412 0257 t 6741hs (•2341ts) SIO 0.302 769 lm (-29711s) 6-9 0.364 843 Res (-35111s) 7$ 0.078 9611s (• ) ,r`V • , • C ' • ' r� �' Truss -to -truss Connections Summary ID Catriel7nas C—AnoTrss Caervhng0liset Angle _ TT42 Bea FG2 9.10.4 YAdeg _ 0.54 95 Notes: 1)This daigabmselm ASCE 7.10 as rdaeeed by the3010 Florida 8tildiagCode 2)Wbm this tnss basbeea chosen Its sgnfiryasstrdoee inspection, the Plate Plac®ent Method per TP11-20D2/A3.2 shallhuai Cq=1.21. 3)Tms4omsscmna7imisfagm¢timlintepeatimmly Ahanger a Ma stxt# cmmxim p shall bewidedtoresin the tmxr®aim and uplift sbawn in the Rmcim SmnwC y r• IATE (- LU -_ 4)Provide WWII drainage to paved priding V 5) ® Indicate cmfinuo s lateral restraint (CLIO reprised at the location(s) showy. Rows ofCLRtmst be adspntely diagonally braced see D.VMCIRERACE Fa ahema6tes w CM and laga4 t..emg s WMRENFO F ,' 4 \ 6) Listed wind TUB mctims based m MWFRS Only lording j �(� Qo P,••f• 0 NIAIL;�t1\\\\\\ n43TlCEaAWoftbfs&*dasbefwmibediothcmaimeontr m Thedeipeftheudidhmltsessebamdmde*crierh ndregor mmppfedbytbcT=Nk,, emmerandmiesopmt4mc cyandeam tenesoftheilr m tiw Stepben W. Warier .fonnlymeStmog4soe.Asalmwidmwhgmhstemcceplsnceofpsofesaaleogheetgmspoaalymsymrtxm�compmemde�amowa.7beeumarysed—fthimmpommfmam�pannnhrm►msde$ahthemspomiayaf StmzFnga54395 11, BuiZksBaer,peANWMl•21107 Cbapa2'NARNRQ5'Tu=gm*c;ovperbaodfog,emctiAr imandbmRcfatoWhteaediimdwm(BdliogCompovem Sefvybfomethnymtypoduced)yTPI dSBCA)falroper osaEf®mmhodsa>bivgm.m safetynfamatimmhtiplot6eemiecmmmtmpaces atbee6�ceofspecfcusaE»mamfe�rymvamlacre'vggecwvl®sbymhm,tbeusausim(isldng�a@tmtolaenea)adtempaary 2%2 N. Rings Rib. FL Pierre F134931 rearm/beciogoflhtmsstalbeoacmrdancevthB(SI•BI AMBCSI-B2 Tons¢sahoragoietXmetmngmbltnc'vgofehmMendcembxbmemben(VMmudiated).7hidmwhgm)/drat sthebcationifoshtaalmasam. The methoddalbe uspeefedbytbe Bml>og' nesyamperA]sMA LChapa2;irq-dctmepamavem Wchgdeilmsces Weerdbyotbmthsd6dbeaecompH dbycaadmdhd—yhtemimaiW-d 4� dhgaml>mchgdeuahmmas accardrcwB•B3mBcfa•B7appfvbt.nMPORTVMThi:deepa�atbc=i�me cdoacemda wtbtbim d—Wathe4�areya:aespear,eoA WRIChapa3.Alw®eampl,asdal be aamfeamMbySmp.®Stmg-TsCompany,locbeaud—waESR-2762.Aleonaectaphtnam208agc,umffithc specTiedphtesimsfobwedbya•4r sti:hndiestesan IS gagcDhle. Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: B2A SOUTHERN 2590 N. kings Highway ProjectName: 6510-d TRUSS Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: 7/12/2014 1132:42 AM Component SohltionsT^f COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: 1 of 1 Tus n Version: 5.01 Build 31 Span Pilch Qry OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 31-0-0 4 /12 1 1.4-0 0-0-0 0-M 0-0-0 1 24 in 1661bs 32.4-0 1.4-0i 6-6.14 i 6.2-4 i 7-8-12 i 6-0-5 ! 45-73 6-6.14 12-9.2 20.5-14 26.6.3 31.0-0 06- 3x4- 1.5X31 5 6 7 12 J SA / 4x4 / 4 3 e4 1x4\ r' 2 } 1.5x3 sxs! 13 12 11 10 9 8 3x4- 3X3- 3x4- 3X4- 7X6- FG2 0-0-0 0-0.0 8-0-0 1 BE-5 1 741-9 B{r0 17-0.5 24-8-15 31-0.0 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection I✓ (loc) Allowed Load (pso Hdg Code: FW 3DRY TC : 0.85 (56) VW M. 0.56 in L 1653 (Id,-n- L / 240 TCIL: 2D TPI I-W 13C : 0.98 (12-1) Vert LI-I 0.16 in 1.1999 (11-M L / 360 TCDL: 15 FePMhrinaease: Yes Wb: 0.77(410) Hoc TL• 0.13in 8 BCLL: 0 DAL: 125% Creep Fads, Ka-1.5 I1CDL: lO Plate Ofrms (lnt:x,Y,Angb (1:68,1A,9.) 2.-K3.11,47.) (3010,1-14,18.) (4:0.3,33,18.) (5.'K3- ,0.) (6.,K3A,O.) (7:1-1;3-8,90.) (8:35,3$0.) (H O.38,0.) (IN4138.0.) (11:041,142.0.) (12U4340.) Reaction Summary JT Type H¢CmLo Hm Wdh Matedal Rol Brn Wdh Max Road Max0-urift Max W dUAift Max Will Max Haiz I Pin (WIl) I Bin Cmade Masonry 3.00 in 1,4941hs - •5D6 lbs •5061bs 5721bs 8 H Poll (Ims) 1 1.5 in - 3.00 in 1,400Its .5491ts-549lbs - Material Summary Bracing Summary TC SP (ALSMD13) 62 2x 4 eaap: TC Bra®g Sheathed wPwhs at 2dQ Puiin deign by Oibm. 3.5 SP (ALSC6-2D13) SS 2 x 4 BC SP (ALSC63013)9R 2x 4 11CBra®g - SheathedaPL bns at 444 PWin deign by O:hm. - Wls SP (AIS062012) 43 2 x 4 Loads Summary 1) This mss has been dsigned f i the eSe= do to 10 psf boom clad live load plus dad loads. 2) Tbis boss has barn designed for the e9'eds of wind loads in aocadance with ASCE7. to with the fallowing mer definW inpa: 170 nVh ultissmte, EVmttm C, OvcWl Bldg DJ m 65 fix'A ft, h - 17 fL Nd rnd Zme Teas, Nether and webomsidaed. DOLaa 1.33, CC 7me W dh 65 fL 3) Wmimm storage attic loafing in accordance with IBC Table 1607.1 has not been apood Member Forces Summary Table mdeatea:Memrm,n-Csl.n-abelIbnm(=cwV.fineeifda tfnot=03dalr) Tc 13.1 0.324 30lbs 2-4 0.%5-3,0561b; M 0.848 -9680s i,' 1.2 0.786-3.316lbs 45 0.432 -1.971 Its 6.7 0.479 D lbs �N • : 1 y BC &9 0.564 7541ts (d46 lbs 9-10 0.786 1,3991bs (-M Rs 10-12 0.940 24681bs (-1.4151h; 12-1 0.978 3,170 lts -1.678 1 11Hs 2-12 0.129 -Q71hs -10 o.M .936 R. S9 0.364 -857 gas 68 0.618-1.43816; all D.249 6341ts (-213 fl s) Sl0 0.464 941 lls (.3W Ihs) 69 0.465 911 lls (-430 11s) 7A 0.130 1261h; (i \ •' • �` C+ S'4$� . Truss -to -truss Connections Summary / ED Caniedinas CarryinsrTms Cau9ing OBsd Angle 7T43 B]AFG2 11-10.4 TA deg _ * 10• 54 9f5 Notes: 1) This sign is based on ASCE 7-10 as sefaeced by the 2010 Florida licking Cade 2)Wnmthistnmsbmbemdtmmfagnlity., .imspatim,the Plate Plxcemont Melhodpa TPll.3D02/A3.2shnBbeused Cq-1.21. �� TATE F eL 3) Tmss4o4ms amnmdm is fa grzoioat intapdatim mly Abmge a ohm stsuaaal crosmim sbaB bepaided to misi the =maim and tplifi shown in the Rmctim Sumamy (y' 4) PmAd: ade late ® dzinar lopreymt pmdng / `�� /� v 5) Indicates emtinmts laical m raint (CLR) se *ei n the ltxadm(s) shown. Paws ofCLR=t be adequately dagnW�t olly braced, ace D-�CIRACE Fa alt=oti s to CLRs and tfi tmai�aCing son )pal��E • 6) Listed wind 411 teactions based noMWRS Only loadng // �1 '•. I'✓'•.•••G\ \1 'C)NAIL1ti ewrlcB•Acapyoft6adespnmal6efmoibedtoNeaenCnumnzefa. T6edc�nofNcudi�iTmltmsa�sWmdespvieshamte�ememampyYdlrytMAuaManaUetmerndseinepool6ewemsrytuNer�ltercssofthufmmation Stephen W. Wafter ,el f.,bbyt4Bud0o MsipecAmlaftdmw*bdratesaccepatte ofproks;omleagbai*=Vondky®eyfbrgetnuscompmeat desgnshowa TDe ndabiymd=ofthssamponenfmmypwi:.Wbdlug desipcthennp-biryof Stnv. En a54395 Ne BaHng@�erparANSINP11.2007 Chaptm2•WARNh*•nusessegaiepopchendhg,erembeseaahi mdbachg. Referlotheblea ediboofBc9(BdfngC®pooeta Safety IN tbophtypodmedbyTPlndSB"lot roper B salad-Wodsmdiay. msakrybI t®ablaglothe®ie ca-mampoces bWeabeneeefgecfcnas6timsaateoWmaryseasabtJhmcug wect t�ga>rJ ,Wei aautmf 6d;og�a>ot®totrerces)svdtempaary 2590 N. King: tB(ti. Ft. Pisroe R 34951 sesnantr-64oftbemns:snal1e ia.c-d.-wibB(SI•BI andHCSI•B2,Tsttmrabo=qu:epesmaaem re moo/hmcngofehmdsmdeensnxbe-ben(wbete udiated}lhednwhgoabcQLalesthebeatbafahlcnal••�a•. The medodo[itliv�elosssmembersesneim/Sac�dalhe anpec[xd6ytheBuilug i>«mpeiA7AITA 1,CWper2; ispecfcmmsyermaoesntncugdes�riom �ec� dhnotbesithi&elDeaewmpEhedbyneadardhdmsl'htrsalsesaamand degomlbreeag demisusccmdaocewthHCSFB3 mBCSl-B7aiappk bb.'U MZkNr•7hidesgaassmestb, axaakmraoficmedsaaeeadmee wtht6sdawitgandthe quafryaiesagecibdnATSMS 1 Cbapm3. Alcamenmpbesinal beaum�ctcmdbySiopm& rTeCoopWIxh,=,&aee wihESn-2762.A1 -mpbteue20gige,®balh,p,.&dphte inekfobcedga'-Ir bcbadbal.. l8gegep§m. Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: B2 'i� ��, SOUTHERN 2590 N. kings Highway ProjectName: 6510-d TRUSS Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: 7/12/2014 1132:42AM Component SolutionsTM COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 4644160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: 1 of 1 Truss Vision: 5.01 Build 31 Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 31-0-0 4 /12 1 1 4-0 0-0-0 0-M 0-0-0 1 24 in 169 Ibs 32-" 1-40 6F>14 62-0 6-10-8 2-10-4 4$-4 3.314 6514 12-9-2 19-7-10 22•S14 27-2-2 31-0-0 5x6 U 3x4 - 1.Sx3 1 6 7 8 3x4 / 5 12 4F- 3x4 / Us / 4 3 0 1x4U 2 } 1.5x3 s s / 14 13 12 11 10 9 3x4- 04- 3x4- 3x4- 7x6- FG2 B-6.D 6b5 7.3-4 6.6-7 g{ 0 17�5 2439 31-0-0 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L✓ (loc) Allowed Load (011) )Ndg Cade: FBC 31161 TIC: 0.78(2-q Vert TL• 0.59 in L1613 02-M LI240 TCIL: 20 IPI 1-3707 BC: 0.99(13.1) Vat IY 0.16 in L1999 02-13) L/36D TCDL: 15 P.epMklnaease: YesV& 0.76(4-11) Has TL• 0.12 is 9 BCIL; 0 D.O.L: 125% Crap Fatter, Ka=1.5 BCDL: 10 Plate Offlets(1nt:YY•Ane. (I:61L1$9.) Q 1-11.17J 0:49, 1-]1,18.) (4:a0,3]1,181 117-3 -1 018.) 0:0-0,39,80.) (7:0-0,3-8,0.) (8:1-IZ3$90.) (438.3$O) (]D0Q380) (1100.38,0.) (1?.00w41.0) (13:0-0.8.0.) Reaction Summary JT Twe BW coobo BM Wdh Material Rnd 9z Wdth Max Road Max Graywift Max Wnd Uplift Maxbpdift Max Haiz 1 Pm(V") 1 gin Cdtade Masonry 3.00 in 1,494Its - -496 ft 4%Its 614 It; 9 It lien (ims) 1 1.5 in - 3.00 in 1,4001ts --559)is -559Its - Material Summary Bracing Summary Tc SP (ALSC&2D13) 02 2 x 4 7C Bracing Sheathed a Palms at 2-K Arlin desip by Others. BC SP(AISCOD13) 422 x 4 13C B4®g sheathed Pbbs SP (AISCODII) 43 2. 4 Loads Summary 1) This teas ran has them designed fa the effects do to l0 4sf baron ehdd liw load pns dad n®its. 2) This tnss has bdsi@hed for the effads of wind loads in semdtnce with ASCE7-10 with the following asa defined inpe: 170 n0 WtimatG FaTxm C, 0v®II Hdg Dies 65 ft x M f4 h - )7 4 Nd Fad 2me Tess• Ndtha ead w&=sidaed DOL-1.33, CC 7me NSdh 65 ff. 3) Knirrm stardge attic lwdnng in acDmftca with IBC TSHe 16D7.t has na b= applied Member Forces Summary lhbleindcal=:MabaID,� csl.®xaxigk=(m compr.fnceifafr ®tfimhnnxandalfuce) TC 14.1 0.324 301hs 24 I M -3,174 Its S6 0.612 •1,0101 , 7-8 0.345 0Its 1 12 o.7n 33381Da 4s o.a3 a.9ntrs 67 0.472 •946Bes I � BC 9•10 0.519 MIts (-3Mits 10-11 0.765 1,534Its (•9141hs 11-13 0.903 2.489 Rs W.3631ts 131 0.968 3.�OIhs W. N •�1•U tUbk 2-13 0.133 -0141hs 411 0.759 -9� @s 5.10 0.434-1,0.'>7 Qa 7.1 0.609 •1,35411s • , . • • . , , 'l // 4-13 0.248 642 nls (-M Bs) 5.11 0.341 884N (-M51hs) 7-10 0.681 1,055 @s (-080,hs) &9 o.t5l -1n IUs �� ��• G �� i Truss -to -truss Connections Summary ID Carved Tess Canyhn¢Tms Camdn¢Offsd Ande •' f Tr44 In FG2 13-10-4 27o aeg = * 140.54 95 Notes: _ [� 1)mentist ASCE 7-10 refieraud btyustlryNe2DIO peFIai&Haling Cade 7-1 - I __ 2)Wd®this rasa has lxm dhsea fa giality azsvmceinspalton, the Platel`lat:ernent on-flo PI shall be pW&dto bested Cq=1.21. _ TAT 3)7sssNotriss cmnmim is to prddrloal iaterpeatim only Ahengaaothasbhehedlemmdim shall bepwidedto mist tpemax reaction andtggifl shwmw the Peamm Stnvery � /., •• E F ,' [,u � 4) Aovi� edsFBte drdusage to pevan pending V 5) ®ladoats emtintns lateral rstraint (CLPa sa)nled at the laoadm(s) shown. Aows of CLRmat be adegeldy dagma0ytraad, sa D-WF9CLR®tACE Fa ahanatives to CLRs eo��a�tf3l�rdch(g �dFO E . • �C/ ` 6) listed wind v#ift reactions based on M1li•RS Only loading %��s •. • R I D P • •'G�Z\: �ONAIL�� -NOTICE•Acap/o[1hades�haharhfom�edrofheertctmermenna.7'hhsgootW's�dualorn8stexdwdespaiexhsm��^^^•a>p,Sr4bysDe?hmbhoobaaermdaiesnpaolDeaccmagsndc�elea�otWeN uw Stephen W. Warter an nbnhbytbe8lJdiS esgaa.AralwNi;drawhgnd'eaha.ceepaaeorporestmalag saugrespmsblrymtyralhtmscompcmem de*moaa The mab3yrnehsorWeuenponrm fmmyyantvLrtxdtugMip6hhensp�3ryM Sv=Fng 054395 tDett:LD.p., NWITIl _^W'7 C3apa1•q'ARMW,-to 1wliepopahandfg.metiu+ itaadbmc4RefafotbehhcaedshmofBCSi(Bm Compmeot8arerylnfo®etiopmypomeetrbyTNevdSBCJgfwpopa 259J N. 1Cmgs FGgh. FL Piescefl 34951 rea@IinmelDadtsndmymmROfetycfamslbnRh,hSj. heMle etCLmuelmp-.lajha.b meenlpttirnv486timmdlempOnryRnrain/aaCL$aspect'vlz�bynt6ae,Ihein4a61un(uehdngi a161[mlotmae5)Ca"CmpRary te57abWacng ofthtmasdnlDe baumdaxewihBCS•B] eadBCS•1a2 Tm�s•hortW:Cpe®enCmmmain/traCuBofehmdsmdcertenseDa>®lxa(aloe'mdF�ted)'IDetraane®D'hathebur�fahlerabesmbt.7ls metbodorhdvBminaamembeneeeimlGecj g93t h 9BTe.r idbytheHuilbg tlesperyhaAManl,awplakXW=ifcwaR�ma bmc gdetpsMW iredbyaNeRthsdarbeauompUedbysmnd•rd�yhteal-eniAnd �- dagomlhaeing@Iekhaceadeaeewihshalt BCS•B3 mBCS1•B7aeppFabh.•Ia4tDRTAM•The des'pes tstk=imam&mmdeaumdawtmheidmwkSaadthegaahyeriahgecifcdn ADARH1Cbapia3.Aieonneaaphleg hone..&etmedbySap®Btoag•TeCampay,lrcueccmda,AhESLZ762.AlCmrcctmphtcsme20gage,mlssthgededphteszcifobxdbya--18"wbeDmkatesm Iggegephte. Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: B1A SOUTHERN 2590 N. kings Highway ProjectName: 6510d TIRUSS Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: 7/12/2014 1132:41 AM Component SolutionsT^' COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: 1 of 1 Truss II Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANT CANT PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY II 31-0-0 4 /12 1 1-4-0 0-0-0 0-M 0-0-0 1 24 in 172 lbs 1 1-4-0 M14 6.2.4 ( 6-10.8 4-:4 ( 6-r 2 6�-14 12-9-2 19-7-10 24-5-14 31-0-0 4x6 - 6 1.5X31 7 3x4- 4A- 30- 3x4- 7x6- 17-0-5 75-9 24-5-14 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L 1 (lot) Allowed I.d (w0 Bldg Cale: FBC 3D1(V TC: 0.76(1-2) Vat 77-* 0.59 in L1619 01.12) L/240 7C1L: 20 7PI 1-M07 BC : 0.99 (12-0 Von 12.: 0.16 in L/ 999 (I1-M L / 360 TC DL: 15 Rep Mb-lnnease: Yes V2b: 0.93(R Haz TL: 0.13 in 8 BC11: 0 DAL: 125 % Crap Fads, Ka -1.5 Reaction Summary 17 Inns Bg Cmho Bg Wdh Matedal Rod @e Wdh Max Read Max Gravtwift Max WndWfi Max Udift Max Haiz 1 Pin (Ntll) 1 8 in Catade Masmry 3.00 in 1,484 Rs - -496 Rs 4861bs 6571ts 8 H Roo (Toss) 1 1.5 in - 3.00 in 1,400I1s - -5A Its -SA Rs - Material Summary Bracing Summary TC SP (ALSC6.2013) A2 2 x 4 TC Ba®g: Sheathed or PmEns at 2-44, Perlin deign by Othes. Dc SP (ALSC6.2013) A2 2 x 4 BC Ba:g sheathed 1161E SP (AISC6.20M #3 2 x 4 6-6-2 31-0-0 FG2 0-0-0 Loads Summary 1) This true has b— desipted fo the effects de to 10 paf bxff—find lire Imdp)m dead lads. 2) Ibis inns bas bem designed fa the effects ofwind Inds in aawdmce with ASCP/-10 with the N wing %a defined iopa: 170 qh Wti t.te, Tapsttre C, Overall BdgDiva 65 0 x 70 R, It -17 & Not Tad Zme That, Nether and web catsidered DOL-1.33, CC lase Widh 65 It. 3) Mmimm storage snit losdioB ID aaxNanre milh IBC lade 1fAZ1 has nd berm applied Member Forces Summary Table inflates: Manba ID, tmx Csl, mazsodalime,(maxmrt¢. face ifdffermt firmvexatdal fare) TC 13.1 0.324 30Ihs 2A 0.716-1087Iin 5-6 0.685 -999 lta 1-2 0.762-3,3521te 4-5 0.648 -ZW7@s 6-7 0.(523 ORs aC g9 0.590 M Its; -531 )in 9.10 0.769 1.56816E 4t951ts 1D-12 0.503 29JS th; (-1.32611E)112-1 0.987 3. 241bs .1, N N Wths 2-12 0.133-419Ihs -10 0.744-90216s S9 0.474 -1,lir Its 6-8 O.T.b -1,48016E 4.12 0.251 64711E (.27416s) SI0 0.334 M Ile (-2891ts) 6.9 0.595 1,073 Es (-4131hs) 7.8 0.087 -19311E ��\ ���. •' • G F Aj • ��, , i Tivss-to-truss Connections Summary �'� `S4$ ID C.6odT as C—Atty Toss Cannon OSsd Ande TT45 B1A FG2 15104 ZA deg Notes: 140.54 95 1) 7bis daigo is based m ASCE 7-10 as rdaeeel bathe 2D10 Florida Balding Cole `� 2)Whas this truss has been chmmfa galiry asstrmce htspedim, the Plate Placmmt Method pa TPI 1.31101/A3.2 shell be scrod. Cq=1.21.} 3)Tnas4oatasemneWmisfmgraphialintapdzOmmly Ahanga a aha stnimral cmnemm shall be ponied to rain ther—motim andtt 6 shown in the Meim Smsoary �} '•• TATE F ; Uj 4) F-ide ahgate dainag mpevmt p adng 5) ®Indicates anti—)aleral restrain(CLA) teg6rtd at the loatim(s)aboron. Bows ofMotun be ad¢lmtelydagmallybaceQ see D.WESCLRBItACE Fa zhanalivm WCLRs an'��ap �(baeilsg yQ� R'Eslt@ff E• 6) Usted wind tgtid mcdats lased m MWFRS Onlylmdng O P • • • •' Stephen W. Watter SU.M Fog p 54395 2W N. Kings )Egh. FL Pisa n 34M ` Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: B1 ROBIN.tSOUTHERN 2590 N. kings Highway ProjectName: 6510d TRUSS Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: 7/12/2014 1132:40AM Component Solutions**+ COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: l 0£1 Truss Version: 5.01 [Build 31 ] Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 31-0-0 4 /12 1 14-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 174 ors 32-4-0 1-4-0 6-rr14 6-24 6-10.8 6-10-4 48.2 6.6.14 12-9.2 19-7-10 2&5-14 31.0.0 4x6 \ 1.Sx3 1 6 7 12 3x4 / 4F- 5 3x4 /3 4 / M4 3 1x4 \ 2 } 1.5x3 57ti / 13 12 11 10 9 8 3x4- 04- 3x4- 3x4- 7x6- FG2 0-0-0 0.0-0 B{r-0 17-D-5 244-0 31-0-0 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection Ll (loc) Allowed Imd (PI Bldg Cale : FBC 20101 TC : 0.81 (45) Von M. 0.59 in L / 619 (I l-1?) 1.1240 TC1L : 2D TPI 1-21)" BC: 0.99 (12-1) Vat LL• 017 in L / 999 (11-12) L / 360 TCDL: 15 Rep Mbbtcrose: Yes NFb: 0.84(6-9) Haz M. 0.12in 8 BCIL: 0 DAL: 125 % Creep Factor, xc=1.5 BCDL: 10 Plate Mats, InMYM& (1:6$1-V. l (2..K3-11,47.) (309.1-11,18.) (4:00,311,18.) (5:00,311,]&) (6.K34480.) (7:1.1Z38,90.) (8:34638,0.) (900.34I0.) (10,043-8.0) (11:00240) (12.KnO.) Reaction Summary 3T Type Be Conho By Wah Material Rad Bg Wdth Max React Max Gray Will M.W dUplift Max Wit Maz Horiz 1 Pm (MU) 1 8 to Canons. Masonry 3.00 in 11494lb;-4741h; 474 Rot AJ lba 8 H PA (Inns) 1 1.5 in - 3.00 in 1,426 Its - -sn l s-582lb, - Material Summary Bracing Summary 7C SP (ALSC6.2013) 92 2x 4 7C Ba®g Sbeathed uP ions at 2.50, PWin design by Olhm. BC SP(ALSC63713)Q 2x 4 BC Hating Sheathed Webs SP (AISC6-3012) P3 2 x 4 Loads Summary I) This tnssa has been designed for the efreca do to 10 psf beam Chad live load p1m dead lords. 2) This trms has been designed for the c86os ofwind load, in acaxdtnce with ASCE7-10 with the Wowing mer defined lops: 170rolls tdtinute, Evpm= C, Overall Hdg Dist¢ 65 ft x'A 7l h - 17 R Nor Fnd Zone Tms, Ndther and webccnsid=d. DOL-1.33, CC Zme Widda 6511. 3) Mmimm storage attic loading lo accordance ailh IBC •able 1607.1 bas nal been applied Member Forces Summary Talaeindcat-MemherID, -xC6r.maxa,dalrau.(=cocv.faceifmaamt6®tmxanoalraee) TC 13-1 0.324 301ts 24 0.W-3,0971hs 56 0.W -995 R. 1 1.2 0.749-3.3621ts 4-5 0.807-Z01711s 6.7 0.640 0Rs BC 8.9 0.534 fin Its -37s lts 9-10 0.769 1 60D lb. (-M Its 10.12 0.901 251s lls-1,2741bs 12-1 () 7 3,'43I,( (41 \ �7 , y ^ // Wis 2-12 0.136 4261hs 410 0.725 4rA Ib S9 0.519 -1,225 lbs 68 0.8•n-1,425Its \ ! C , . •� // 4-12 0.252 653 Rs (-232lhs) S10 0.317 8531hs (•276 Bs) 69 0.638 1,182 Rs (466its) 7-8 0.065 -1311lo \\ \V �•GE� Truss -to -truss Connections Summary SF• ' ;pia m CudeciTms CmvinQTrm. Carrying Oftsa Angie 1 / TT46 Bl F02 17.10-4 2A deg _ * 140.54 95 Notes: _ y4 1) This design is lased on ASCE 7.10 as rdomcai bythe 2D10 Florida Bdl ag Cade ry 2)14bm this tons has been chosen fa galityasstrance inspection. the Plate Pacentent Mtxhodpor lPl 1•20011A3.2 shall b: mad Cq=1.21. 3)Tms.tobmscmnm6maralTarhiallotapaatimmly Ahmger or other stmdwal cnmtim shall he presided to mist the max r®dm andtoift sbo inthe Readim Snesrnry O ATE E 4)ProvideadegM drainagstopmmtpmdng 5) ® Inflates coetintas lateral mrsint (CLR) m0rad at the loatio n(s) shown. Rays orClRmst be adgmlely dagmallybacad, see D-WEECCLRBRACE Fa ehanatives to CI3ts mtt'�a(no21'lsachlg WFF�4'ff0 E 6) listed wind uplift reactions based on MWFRS Only lmdng : ��,'•., ORIDP••'�•\�\ /////s iO NA -NMICB•Atop•ofmisdedgumalbefmi�Atotbeexectbneomac m Thede>peflUbdiitmltm bamdmdetp crierbemregaie pVpkdbythe7t=MinoG�aDdmlcsopmfheac cyandc=bte oftbei& m tim Stephen W. Warier .1[mdb/1Le BtdlbgI>es�er.AealmtLsdmwivg bdiatrreacceP�eo[profesbmleoBbeerbgmspm�iymkbfathevmcoarpoamtdesiP doaa 7M adab3yamtsxoff8'scompottntfinep•lmtiohrbaitigde�ethem iyoC bsaStimmetho�emmpmam mretYvf timmhtbgmlhemrie•^^^+•^`paces IDtheab�ceofged'eo4aEtimamtemp�ryrzstrsirtMcivggmfiut�byot6ust6eusnat®(ixltdng�ahtvatotramee)tmdmmpa�ery Smxi Stg a 54395 tMEurteA5vpoehEw%ahdibrBCSIaM CSftlfli jli*DTPI"SBCA)fa2550N.R'vgs iB6n. Ft. Pietcefl 34951 rzmam/uacbgordevns,:ssbaltebaccordaacewiaBG9•Bl andBCSI-H27 sam,eq�dapmm�rcmmmatmrtxacuBornlxadsameama.<bon®hrn(a�eb�aton).TheetawiBmb�testhrxatnafw6terahaanta. The methodofbdi.�altmssmemhermxrnia/6+ae'vgdalleasgeeiiAbythe BaMugDespnerperNSVi'AI,CapaY,[gecfcnmpermmeotlPeugdesmtnm ge<F+dMotharrtL'ss6e16eacco�lmmbY®mardndamYhtemlreatmutem disgwaltraevgdeaibarcordm�cewthBCSI-B3aBC9.67ssapp(rabk.•B.BlR7AH1`Th'sde�a�at6etr aemmofach dnacemdancewl6Wsdmwugamth gmbycriess gecPednATdllrA]CLePm3. AlcomenmDtueadnl hes®mdectmmbySlopvm9rmig-7eCmie,p•.lrcfiaccmdase adhE57td762.AlcoovenarDhtnam20P60.tmkaIDegecBdpam efrsslhlsvedga •-I8^v2rLisdiatesm IBBaeep§te. h Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: FG2 SOUTHERN 2590 N. kings Highway ProjeclName: 6510-d TRUSS Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: 7/12/2014 1133:17AM Component SoLbtionsTx' Truss COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: 1 o£2 Version: 5.01 ulld31] ' Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANTL CANT PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 18-5-0 0 /12 1 0-M 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 2 12 in 1501bs 18-5-0 ' 4-9-2 1 4-5-6 1 4-5-6 1 4-9.2 r 4-9-2 9-2-8 13-7.14 18.5.0 J1H 17G 16 IS OKI 13 12 11 3x3- 7x6- 1x4j 5x5- 4x4- 3x3- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 4x7 j 5x5 - 7x7- 4x4 - 1.5x3 l 12 10.0{1I 84,18G B3 ® B2C B2B ® 62 B1A B1 4-9-2 4-5-64543 4-9-2 ' 4-9-2 9-2-8 137-14 18-5-0 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (loc) Allowed Load (go Bldg Cade: FBC 20101 TC: 0.910-2) Vat TL 0.05 in L/907 (7-11n) L/240 TCIJ.: 2D TPI I-W BC: 0.86(1141-) Vat LL• 0.02 in L/999 (7.11n) L/360 TCDL: 15 RepMbrinaease: No Va: B41(1-11) Hoe TL 0in 7 BCIL: 0 D.O.L : 125 % Cra:p Factor, Ker = 1.5 BCDL: 10 Plate Offsea(JnU6Y,Ang1: (158,58,0.) M14Z4-0,0.) (3:00,54t,S0.) (4:OQ2.1?-0.) (5:1.1;5$0.) (6:5$54M) (7•?•12,5b,9J.) (9,-M,4-&0.) (100-0.2.120J (11:I.12,4$WJ (122-1254(90J Reaction Summary JT No Bx Cont. BT Wdh Matedal FAd Bre Wdh Max Fina Max Gray Unift Max Wnd Udid Max Udift Max Hai. 7 H ltdl (fuss) 1 1.5 in 3.00 in 2,17911s - 485lbs -8851ts - 8 HFall(%M) 1 173.5 in Concrete Masonry Unkmmm 3,257 He - •1,243Ibl •1,243l1s - 9 H Roll eml) 1 173.5 in Concrete Masonry Unlmmrm 4,554lba --1,757Ibs-1,757Its 10 H Rd] (Nell) 1 173.5 in Concrete Masonry Unlmown 701 Its - •2441ts-244115 - 11 HRd1(WE) I 173.5in Cmaete Masonry Unlmmm 5,164Rs --1,5061ba •1.9061h; - 12 Pin (MI) 1 173.5 in Concrete Masonry Unlmmm 1.5%lbs - -SA Rs- •SM lb, I In H F 11(ml) 1 173.5 in Concrete Masonry Unknown 1,893lb. - -74 Its 74816s - Material Summary Bracing Summary TC SP (ALSC6.2013) 92 2z 6 7C Bmdng Sheathdali .Pna at l&,K Pdin design try Oihas. IJC SP (AISC6.2013) A2 2 x 6 BC Bradng Sheathdor Pudins e18-20, Pulin dmiLmo,Olhers. t16is SP (AISC6.2012) 93 2. 4 eaep: 1-12 SP(ALSC6-2013)h2 2x 6 6.7 SP(ALK6.2013)0 2x 6 Loads Summary 1) This htsa has hem cl ipd for the effbcu dx: to 10 psfbm-,b d Eva load pl. dad Inds. 2) This hiss has been designed for effects or wind loads in accardmce with ASCE7 -10 with the following mer defined inpa: 170 mph dtimale, Expoame C, O,xrell Hdg Dim 65 B.M&h=171L Not End Zone Tnsa, Neither and wcbcrosidered DOL= 1.33, CC Zone Wkb 6.5 IL 3) W imm strrage attic leading in amdtnce with IBC Table 1607.1 has net beat applied \\\ V� N • .... • • • A /// Load Case Irl: Std Live Load 1 C F P! S �• i Point Loads ` •' . �jt i Meebu Location Direction Load Tdb Wdh f Tap Cbd 1.6.12 13- 323 kts 140.54 95 Bet Chd 1-1Od Dorm 6191b; 24 in Top Chd 3.511 Doxm 141 is 24 in Bet Chd 3.104 Din 690 lba 24 in .• lap Chd 4boom 12 D6901bs Bet Chd 5.10-4 D.. 619 us 24 in Bct Chd 7-104 Dawn 622lbs 24 in = TATE F TopcbW BBaaCChd 7-10-4 -4 DDmm �ma zin i '� '• �` � � Tap Chd 9.104 Dorm 253lbs 24 in O P..•' ? . TTBI v Cbd i'N04 .-4 Down m ibs z m RID BA Cbd 13-104 D3 622lba 24 in /� /Q • •�� \\ sacna 15-244 DD- 66ulbb. 24iin �iNAILj1``�\\ MpChd 15-104 Down MIts 24 in ea Chd 17-10-4 Dew 622 Rs 24 in Tap Chd I7.104 Down 253 lb, 24 in •rnr7eB•Acago[,heee�malsefooffirdtomeemYnmcmmaoc77ndeatzofmsuetvi4ulw¢sinsdmda�ciehadegviemenuarypWbyme7usMamanmeadrziesvpmfbeatt�eq.dcmgk,evesofWeNmmnion Stephen W. Warter ettonbbyn.B.11ag' Desi;-.A-lontbsd..bgn&..acce7heedabrtyad-.fQiscmp-aflman•Im,iuhrbultingdesimatbenvonsbb'ot SrnaFngg54395 tbeHnaSg>x�er.yenwsvr>rkl•2007Chap 2 wARNnC•n-fcgdcpmadc;,g. aperba ,-baraiiabaRer,owcbmaeeiaofWS1(nmhgCampogmsafmldannatanp5,bwadaccdtyTAadsBCA)forl•opn ion"limmetmaaadinpnmr:ofmrm hmadx,rchlW1omaemRm-- •--timpousin,x.beoeeor�e��a>tmain,ampmanrz mhmaaag�er,t osroymmcxhsaet�(�hdaa�.m�mk�er>+odtempaay 2590N.King Iligh.FLPierce F1349M rzmamlhochg or+behnr4amalhe i-cmaamewbhBCSI-B1ed BCSI•B2 Trma:aaboreyaiearroaae.-MPaehgorebomaadee,uhaebm®bm(wbaebdi=iM>Tbsdmwhgwb hditeswe l,catitarmh-Imaain. 7ue m tlndothai: attr vmemMrearam/bmchgseelbeasq- dbylbeBuilag D,*-p.AT61/fn 1.C'6aper2i Ygee[ easpermaaem b-badcop is- W.&dbyo,b atbid albesaompEb dbyaaadmd,d b,-I-ig.4 degmoltratughtsahaccadercewibBC9•B3 mBCSI-B7.app*.bk.-fW% W-Thedagoammetthetrmsemevufacnnedaaceordercewrhtbzdrawbgadtbe 4oaiymierh WccEedvATSM I Cheper3. Akoa camyhtecdt l be mmubctuedbySinpm&rang-TeCompMlaehecemdo wihESR-2762.AIconoectorybi.-20gage,m3cath apeefdphteme efbl-dbya--1 r t&badi-.,.. 188age pbte. Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: FG2 M. - F SOUTHERN 2590 N. kings Highway ProjectName: 6510-d TRUSS Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: 7/12/2014 1133:17AM Component SolutionsTM COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464 4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: 2 of2 Truss Version: 5.01 utld 31 Span Pitch Sty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 18-5-0 0 /12 1 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-M 0-0-0 2 12 in 150 lbs Load Case DI: Sid Dead Load Point Loads Member tocabcn Dixdim Inad Tnb Wdh Top Chd 16-12 Down 4291ts Bct Cbd 1-104 Ibwm 774lb, 24 in Tap Chd 35-I1 Doan 119lbs 24 in Bet Chd 3-10.4 Don. 774 lbs 24 in Top Cbd 46.12 Doan 7371ts Be Chd 5.104 Doom 77411s 24 in III Chd 7-10-4 Doam 779lbs 24 in Top Chd 7- 0-4 Down 3171ts 24 in Berl Chd 9-104 Doan 779Its 24 in Tap Chd 9-10-4 Doom 317lbs 24 in Bet Chd 11.104 Doan 7781ts 24 in Top Chd I1-104 Doom 317Its 241n ffi Chd 13-104 Doan 778lbs 24 in Top Chd 13104 Doam 31711s 24 in Ba Chd 15.104 Daam 779 he 24 in Tap Chd 1510-4 Down 317 hs Ain Berl Chd 17-104 Doom 7R lh; 24 in lap Chd 17.104 Doe. 317IIs 24 in Member Forces Summary Tblefndiates:M-berto, CSLtoasaoitlfane,tea.W.force ifliaermtft. —adalforce) TC 1.2 0.502 37Its •21 ft 2.3 0.414 240lbe f-o1516s 35 0.488 fa (-225lbs 56 0.455 -58 Its BC 7-8 0.643 0Ile 8-9 0.495 58 hs -351hs 9-ll 0.861 -37 BE 11.12, 0.862 0 it. Webs 1 1.12 0.055 365 Bs (-318 hi) 2.9 0.184 31115 (-3i711s) 5-8 0.33 6331ts 1.11 0.026 -5311s 39 0.2% -573lbs 6-8 0.032 83 ha (49Ihs) 2.11 0.409 1,071 16s (•886 h6) 5.9 0.154 - 95 ft 67 0.050-344lbs Truss -to -truss Connections Summary m Carnal Tnas Carrying T-s Caaymgoffid Anple Tr54 ISG FG2 1.612 50 deg - m{s. Q { $l s,�:W, �„ FG2 z } 7,103 „T' y 2A ' t• ....v:h�.a' 1..s..r„ z ..,w..s4u,_.. .tr_.:.r,.ec .h... ,sLsw_..... T1755 31H FG2 3-5.11 90 deg deg,�.:::.`i TT33 I7G FG2 4-6-12 90 oleg .ffi�:.i..-+..... .!.r�..:;M �.-a..:.�;: S104I '�i.,.z ....+. ZAdeg:„;'tr TT41 Ex FG2 7-10-4 270 deg Tr42 1128 FG2 9.104 270 deg r iT4s a.' .•._; B TT ,XFGo' -,'K,Mb 4. 1..310d L r 5 h }., , 50 deg 3..1 TT43 InA FG2 I] 10+1 2A deg I,:�;T749 • TT44 B2 FG2 13-104 TT45 B1A FG2 I5.104 �•^ -r :a Z?O deg Tr46 BI FG2 17104 2A deg 7I23 FG2 AAF,G 31-1�1-14 90 deg Notes: 1) Tbis olaip is lased on ASCE 7.10 as raf.—d by the 7DIO Florida Biking Cod-- 2) %. Wu toes bas been cbmea fa 9mlityzssrance inspection, the Plate PI —I Method pe TPI I.2WA3.2 shall be used C9-1.3. 3)Tmsiotnss cmneaim is fagaphicalinletpdadm mly Abangaa other sbscbral cmmdim shall bept idedto resist thettnx wactim anduptift shoam in the Reac9m Smmnty. 4) Pmvide adagnte dainage to pesent pending 5) The faces shown fa this meld -ply toss are per ply and the tenmms are for all plies. Two idmdcal teases shall be lilt and anachd as fellows: TC .2 suggHe1 tows of 10d Nails or Gun Nails [tan .1rx2 7/8•) @ 6.75 ° aa, BC - 2 staggaM rows of 10d Nails or Gen Nails [ran .lrx2 71n @ 5.25 ° ere , Vk s -1 mw Ind Nails a Gm Nails Gan .irxl 7B•1 @ 9 •ere.. 6) Fasten Ca ate sized for a 6111p ly S,ppcnd unilhaly I®dd t-s. If the roes is net singly su pdd a isclatd point loads vh t, LG point loads am net consistently spaced a getter than 24° ere, fasteners mat be sized by the toss engineer. 71 %c a m#Ted, s fficiernl hangers shall he pmsidad (by ahon) to resist teaaims shown. 8) Install the 6oawsrnafls on we side, do not flip Nbs. Saeasrn ails shall be installed in the sane tries ply that the ban pHs are amend In. 9) lateral tracing shall be atuchd I. ®cb ply. 10)All fasteners ndnhtaan 2-10 Img unless aherwise nod 11) Nails in is andhid ply shall be smpged liar successive plies by 12 the nail spicing 12) Iistd wind uplift teactims based on MWFRS Only Imdng 4?\A *140.54 95 TATE F LU N A L ��rrrrlilll���� •NNICE•ncoWottlit&* ftlbefmuibedtomcerzctim ® om 7Uaesgooftbsbd4�primedmoksiperierbadrzgecmeotsmppledbytbeM=Mam ct ammiestpmuseau cyemcaopLic ofwei, a6. Stephen W. Wartta mm�bbyweB gDes�er.Aaalmtbsanwisgkd®msackp�ceorlaor»almehembaxrooa:>>ir3•erkb�me,r�o®poxma<s�amow�7neove�yadaxonb;saompon<mra�yfonta>uadmgdasgnswex�mEtyor Strum Fng954395 We BvifbglisietpMSVIW 1.2m7 Chap 2.-WARMNO•'Basxarequie popabaod6g,exsix4n�i,t adbacilg.Refer osbeyusypmmse@ryTAadSBW fapoper u90 N. Kin 1B Pierce ren6t®memdsadrnpoamta eaferyc[otmamotthtbgtotbe emieemmunmpmex mOnabrnceo[specYcuvaEtuaadtempaaryxnmmrFeaciogq�edxatiwbyomexs,tMisaata®(ucldiogcvlal®tokraanladtempaary ga gb• flFt xmahtMei gotmetmsxamdh b.—Aam ABCSI-BI adB(SI•Bi 7ru¢wlnrzgoiepmmarcmxsanVxacvgofcboi&edcertabxbmemaeslwbcrai#iateQ).7Dedmwne mbiodi.leatlehulb fmbt—he"". The metbdad' +ibWttvamemMremnzVaaehg mdb1—p rsdbylbe Bulfgq Des#=pwAXWrN I,Caape+2; fVecfsmmpes zabaacng deafltasmt pecrcdbyothergthsmelbeaceoapfmdbynaadadbda gbxal main and degmebtmciag dnakiaaccmdarcewihBC9-B3mW.S.B7uappEabk.-JAMOR7fNf•7bedegnammesthvascmavofanmedeareademe aibtbsdra,*,4Wegmiy Qierh ipecdsd aAMDTH I Cheper3. Alconmstmpla-ftl be3 —ActmdbySinpvnStrmg-Tr � Cmmy,lacc®haorwd—,AhESR-2762.Alpb,.-20gege,mk ,bespecialphleseekfolaedbya'•Ill-vbbbmcatesan 16 pitephm Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: A6G Ulm - 2590 N. kings Highway ProjeciName: 6510d SOUTHERN TRUSS Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: 14 113239AM Component SolutionsT"t COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax I oft Page: 1 of2 Trus Velsion:5.01s ufld3l] Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 44-8-0 4 /12 1 1-4-0 0-0-0 0-M 0-0-0 2 12 in 320 lbs 46-0-0 1 7-1-0 5.11-5 7-0-4 7-0-4 5-475 5.415 6-8-12 7.1b 13�14 20.1-2 27-1-6 321i5 37-114 44-9-0 5x5- 3x7- 5X6- 12 7 6 9 --14 B\ D 04 - 5x5 - 4x4 - 4x7 - 5x5 - 2x61 04 - 7X8 111 4X121 FG2 FG1 D-0-0 0-0-0 10.3-0 7-1-7 941-9 5-0-15 5415 5,7.4 'J-1-✓l 17-0-13 27-1.6 I 32�i-5 37-11.4 43-0-844-8-0 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (loc) Allowed Ind (gal) Hdg code: FBC 20IN TC: 0.47(1-2) Von 7L• 0.5 to L1999 (1415) L/240 TOLL: 30 7PI I.2D07 BC: 0.Q(14-16) Vm I.L. 0.17in L1999 (14I5) L/360 7CDL: 15 Rep Mbrinerease: No Wb: 0.9400-12) Hai TL• 0.11 in 11 BCLL: 0 D.O.L: 125% Creep Faaa,Ka=1.5 Reaction Summary IT Type lbg caobo $g Wdh Material Pod Bry WA max)teaet Max C—Wit Max Wnd Uotift Max Udifi Max Hviz 1 Pin (Wd) 1 8 in Conaee Masonry 3.W in 1,862 ffa --70011a -7W lfs 2% to 11 H Fall (Val) 1 61n Cmaee Masonry 607 in 10,295 N - A046 lb; 4,046 Os - The following bearings trey mgke adEtimal considastians: BrgM ftA- Rgd%gArea Pod Teas Width Fabanammt 11 18.00 in-2 1&22W2 3.03 in li®mtgeahancer Material Summary Bracing Summary TC SP (ALSC63713) W2 2 x 4 TC aacing Sheathed a Pvhos al 5-JA Puffin design b70fhers. BC SP(ALSM013)h2 2x 6 e¢ept: BC axing Sheathada Pnrlins at 940 Puffin design b/Ofhers. 11-15 SPW.SC64013)SS 2x 6 , Vkbs SP (AISC6-2DM #3 2 x 4 ernep.: 10-12 SP (ALSC6.3713) 92 2 x 4 1011 SP (AISC6.2113) 92 2 x 6 Loads Summary I)his max bm been designed fa the effe due to 10 psfbonorn dead live land plus dead lands. 2) his max bas been signed for the effects dwdnd leads in aaadanre with ASCEI -10 with the following taa defined inpx: 170 trph uldrrnfe, FVXM C, Overall lidg Din 65 / &x70 ILh=170, Na End 7me7naa, Ndmerendwebmosideied DOL= 1.33. CC 2me Widb 6.5& \�\ —� 3) Mmimro stongeatdc loading in actaIBCdancewith Table 1607.1 has not beenapplied \ N Load Case LA: Std Live Load Point Loads co �. Member lastion Dhm ion Lend Trib Wdh _� BUChd 31-1-8 Down 9651bs 140.54 95 d8 W Chd 43Down 3,5241bsr f Load Case D 1: Std Dead Load Point Loads = T-3 /' �+ ` •' _ M-lxa laatim Di —den Load Trib Wdfh TATE But Cbd 31-1-9 Down 1,214lbs l� Bot Cbd 43d8 Down 4,366lbs % ^� ••'. /� Member Forces Summary Table iudeales:ManberM, xCS1, exist fwee,(mazcoopr.form ifdiBamthomeonnaxial faes) �i/��l ''•. ORID�•' \�\� TC I20-1 0.093 7112; I24 0.398 7,422Ihs 6.7 0.445-1,9251hs 8-9 0.379-1,215lia 1.2 0.469-ZM71b; 4-6 0.464 -2224 ft 7� 0.439 -I.a IIa 9-]0 0.'+91 -4ll lla / Q •�' 1_ �\ ii47 0487 119171�M {7 1�hs) Ulf 0617 ]7931fth (-) 1619 ous 274p6� (-i g ) 191 0.500 738911s (-1.3661ta) /���/rNAIL11\`�� Stephen W. Warter Sha4.F ga 54395 29)0 N. Kings Nigh. FL Pierce M 34951 M ` Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: A6G SOUTHERN 2590 N. kings Highway ProjectName: 6510-d TRUSS Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: 7/12/2014 113239 AM Component Sohltiousp*f COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 4644160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: 2 of2 Truss Version: 5.01 ulld 31 Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANTL CANT PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 44-8-0 4 /12 1 1-4-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 2 12 in 320 lbs 10.04 ]-1. IN 0.41 aN .44 07s 9-3 IS ➢s (6541h 4-17 0.108-2101hs 8-16 0.021 55 ]I (43Ihs942 0.629 250 IN 46-17 4 0.62 9i be (-551;)112 0.75 Y 9 02•01" -191 IN (25VN) Truss -to -truss Connections Summary ID Carried Tess Canym¢Tnss caning odad Antic TM FG2 A6133 311.8 90 deg }.*.a—T122 ::,ads mi. ..i-.; t ....c A6(3 '... �:'.c,. _ .-.a4368` �.a .::..�.�g . Notes: 1) This design is based on ASCE 7.10 as refemred b'the 2010 Florida Bolding Cade 2) llnlabdd plates are 1.50 Mg• 3) When this tnas has been chosen forglalityassuaom inspection, the Plate Placervrt Method per 7P11.2t1O1JA3.2 shall be used Cq=1.21. 4) Provide adagnle drainage to prc cat pending 5) ®Indicate centimes lateral restaiat(CIR) tegdredat the loratim(s)shown. Paws ofClRmst be adoxIntelydagna➢y6ace4 am D•WEBCIREACE FaahemaOmto CL.R mddagnaltrecingsee D-W®REOdFORCE 6)The faces sho liorthis mild-ItytMs erne pa liy and the rearams are faa➢p➢a. Twoidmdnl losses shall belodh andanadndas fdims: TC-1 rowoflOd Nails orGm Nails [tmn.ITz27B"]Q12•ac,BC-2suggdadrows of101 Nails orGm Nails [' .12"z2?/nQ1.25"ac.,Vkts-ImylOd NailsaGm Nails[din.129d7/8']Q9•ac. 7) Fastmas are sized for a s'unply ssppmd mif—sly loaded toss. Ifthe trms is not sinply st3potd a isdatd point lands edst, i.e. pant leads are net catsisle Oy spaced orgeatm than 24" ere, fasteners mat be si7A bythe toms mgi = 8) Where re* 4 sufficient hangers shall be pmided (by others) to resist reactions shown. 9) Install the serms/na➢s on me side do not Dip hens. Smewa/nails shall be installed in the same trans ply that the hangers are attached to 10) Ieteral bracing shall beanache m each ply. I I)A➢ faslenaa sainioun 2.10 ImB mlas dhm&—td 12)Nailsin Istandgodpfyshagbesta&wedfmast siaepUm ly]2thenail spacing 13) listed wind W_Uft --bens lased m MWFRS Only loading V *%A N \Iti G F AIS� •. ��yj^��' *140. 54 g5 f TATEF Lu MICE;xapyormhdc��rxraameatomeerect®emmnm Thedm�orwsin;mala msmRdmde Bert fereemm�d�ampp�bytxm�a�sdaaammtn poatxacc®ryadcmpkk ea«orwenromadoa Stephen W. Warta iMHai1vatIkaQ r.Aallontaadraovpm[atenceepanceof¢oaeouleagkeacg rupassbiy®kbfWthe trtts9e®pmnrnlde��aT7rc—bft and ¢ofthite®ponvin fmavypartbahrd�ua deep SthRrpmsbiy of Shta Fae454395 ibe Btddhg QspegperANSI?A1-3W7 Chapa2'wARI 4?Ts�sregdepoperheadtag.aect'v4rea+am andhecitg. RefatoNel+tea ed'maafBC.9(Raft Caopmem 5ahty IN tf jamylmduceftTnaadSBC/) forpoper iaosalbrionmethdsWiapoam efynf mmhtugtohmie^pe2590 N. Fmgs gh.Fl Pierce F13495 mmuciAnciagoftheaoSahalbe inccoducewlhBC9•131 adBCS1-B2. T—ak—Virepeananem retrain/postugofche atadcmahxbmemtealw9ee noteatd).'rhsdawngonE'iadiatatheMetz¢Imktmaesrakt The m thdwfudivitmltruamembertemaim/hmebe rhalbe asgecfisdbytheBdlugl]espaaperANa7lfP].C6apa3i l6➢ecEeasospermaaem hackg.aelpastnt geefdbyoUe-m hibalheace®pWcdbyaadudadumykteumgmiu no tlngamltraeiggdeuEkacrndaacewihHC9-B3mBC51•H7eaepp4abk.•H.BUtU1Nf•T6's0espezamesUx ansssmeaaractmrAnvcmdencevhmsdnwilladUe gim0yaiere ryee- ioATSVfn 1 Cl pta3. Alcameaorphtnmal -31 bemsmd emedbysmfmasrvng-TkCompany,lrchaao"•M•tHhess-n62.ere®eetmpbtaam20ealaaakatxpee�dpdm�earo»wedkye-ag-whwndennmlgl,gepku. Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: A5 ' kings Highway Projec(Name: 6510-d SOUTHERN Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: 7/12/2014 113238 AM ' Date: Component SolutionsTM TRUSS COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Pace: 1 of2 Truss Tf Version: 5.01 Build 311 Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 44-8-0 4 /12 1 0-M 0-0-0 0-M 0-0-0 1 24 in 293 lbs 44-M 1-7-0 1-7-0 1�-2 3-0-1 6.2.8 511-5 &5-14 3-&2 3S2 B-5-14 1-7-0 3-2-0 416 &2-3 14.4-11 20-40 28-9-14 32ii•0 3E*2-2 44-6-0 5x61 1x41 5x6- 12 9 10 11 14 12 4(- 3x4 / 4x4 \ g 12 3x4 / 3x51 6 7 Q 0 3x4 / 5 , 3x4 / Zx4 - 4 4x6/ 3 d 07/ 2 0-8-0 22 21 201 1 SI 3.5x8- W.11(� 8 27 26 25 4xq'I 30 28x16-18- 3x4- 6x6-16- 3x4- 6x8-18- 12 08- 1.541 13 2X8 I dao 0-0-0 0-6-0 0-0-0 1.4-0 a8 O 1-7-11 1715-0-3 62-8 511-5 3-8-0 &6-0 6b1 0-e515-0 2.6-0 , I ~7 23-0 -0 ~ &2-3 1 14-0-11 20-0-0 1 24.0-0 32-6-0 41-0.1 4 0 448-0 42-2-0 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection IJ (loc) Allowed Load 0s0 ]Ldg Code : FBC 20101 TC : 0.82 (8-9) Vm 71, 1.05 in L 1496 (25-26) L / 240 TCIL: 20 IN I-MO7 BC: 0.71(2F22) Vat L14 0.36 1.L / 999 (r.S26) L / 360 TCDL: IS IiepMtrinmease: Yes Wb: 0.92(29-29) Hai M. 0.38 in 13 ECIL : 0 D.O.L : 125 % Cry FaCa, Ker 1.5 BCDL: 10 Plate Offsets(JntX,Y,An&. (1:6.10,2-0,1&) (2-1-1Z3.Z18.) (3:141,4-0,0.) (4:00,3.11,1&) (5:14Z3.ZI&) (6:0.9,1-11,18.) (7:1•]Z32,18.) (90Q}9,80) (10.0-0,3-&90.) (11:P438,0.) 02.3-8,2.8,18.) (13:1-L;40,90.) (14:3-&I•iZ0) (15:1•IZ3-8,90.) (161.111O-0,90.) (17:00.1.1zOJ (1&1-IZ34OT) (19:1.1zIA91) (,DA0,3.&I) (21:00,1-IZO.) (220-0,3$oJ (23:0-0,3-&OJ (24:).1Z38.OJ fz411z3-&O) f26.00300] m'17z3S.o] (20-&3-110) (29Iaz3-&90) M.I-IZAO] Reaction Summary JT Type BT Catbo Jig Wdh Material Poi Bg W&h Max React Max C-udift Mate Wad Uplift Max Uplift Max Haiz 1 I'm (V,all) 1 8 in Cmmee Mazan 3.00 in ' 08311s --68211s 4i82lbs 393 ]Is 13 H Pal (Val 1 6 in Conmere Masonry 3.00 in IM4 Ron •797 lbs -797lb; - Material Summary Bracing Summary TC SP(AISC&2313)SS 2x4 IC Bating Sheathed BC SP (ALSC6.213) SS 2. 4 esrept. BC Racing Sheathed or Patin at 35K Patin design ty Others. 13.15 SP(AISC&2113) 92 2x 4 14-21 SP (AISC6.2D13)9-1 2x 4 17.19 SP(ALSC&2713) 92 2x 4 VMS SP (ALSC(12on P3 2.4 erupt: ' 2-29 SP (AISC&M]3)#2 2x 4 3 -28 SP (A1SC&2)13)#2 2x 4 3.29 SP (AISC6.2013)92 2x 4 Loads Summary 1) Ibis firs has been designed for the effects ale to 10)sfbman dead live Imd pits dead loads. 2) Ibis mas has lxm dsigned fa the effects tiwind Inds in aocamnm wilh ASCE7. 10 wilh the lbllmingtser &finerl mpa: M vqcb tilt®te Bxposae C. PcdD Zdg Dins 65 It x 70 d h v 170, Not Fad Zone T-s, Neither a ad web ®aided DOL-1.33, CC lone Width 65IL 3) ]minim storage aide Imdng in arm lance with IBC Table 1607.1 has not hsa applied Member Forces Summary Tableindmts: Maaber M. ®xCSI, max axial!ace, (maxcmV. frceifdffermt fan r nxaxial face) ��\A : N , eaa ��ii IC I-2 0.3?6 �,43811s 45 0.468 -4135 Rs 9-9 0.818 •3,612Its 11.12 0.sn -L0891m S7 0.568 d8g10a 9-10 0.499 -ZlA Its \ '''��C'��S'n ••,�� /% 2.3 0.576-7,8%1)s 428D Its 74) 0.460-3.86711s 10.11 0.570 •2.179IIs 3-4 0.633 BC 13-IS 0.060 0lts 19-2) 0.447 O ils 24- 5 0.461 4,6001ts (-Z2251ts) 304 0.442 4,156Its (`.Zn lbs) ••• i 1a16 0.092 ON 2t-22 O.0 1.7131hs (-9011h;) 2527 0.558 5.8371bs (-Z784Its) nt 17-IS 0.016 0lb, 22-23 0.499 zS 3 Bs (•L316 Bs) I7.28 0.63D 6,8161hs (-3,398ls) 140.54 95 •, 16-19 0.199 O lbs ZI.24 0.407 17391hs -1 S79lhs 29.30 0.163 6621h; •33011s Y;; _ I \4tr 2-3D 0.365-1.55711s 4-27 0.358-1,09JJ 1a 8-Zi 0.541 -5 9Its 13-2) 0.955 ],83911a � ,Fls i' 2.29 0.721 3,341116 (4,693 Rd) 5-V 0.2)5 Stills (-n Its) 9.23 0.60 1.649Its (-7241hs) 19-18 0.006 I,. = (S�Is) y`�J I � B(F) :30-28 0.W4 1700Its (-I.N SS 0.4.1,39h9-M 0.458 -9%ft 7 0.-62 10.22 0.105 Sas Felts) 6)5 • TATEF: o.0fi a71F3-M 0.503 5711s (•1O) 7-25 0.259 679lhs (•256]hs) v1• 3-29 0.919 89h(-35lbs) 7.24 0.429 4,2181ts, 11.22 0.959 I'le s (495h) 12.14 0.627201hs ••• 429 0.522 1,367Its (•8021hs) 1 &24 0.124 149 Ids (•1421bs) 11.21 0.949-3,5121bs 14.13 0.503 •z165Its \ Notes: %��S ' • C R V- • ])This design is bnsedm ASCE740azleSamredbyibe2710P7aida Balding Code �� �/••' •• \� 2) Unlabeled plats are I.W 2� �� O N A L 3)\Lbm this tress has bem chmm fo, gnlity rise =inspection. the Plate Pb-t Method per TPl l•2VJA3.2 shall be me& Cq=1.21. /Ni 4)Pmihadegau d bottgetopevmtgmt6ng ���� +Aan� 5) Al least me web ofthis mess has been designed with a pand}dnt in thew&All panel pints m such was shall be bracedlaterally perpeaditxdar to the plane ofthe mess.lalealbsaessballbeinstalledwithin 6 &w,el pint 6) ® bndmis m tinaxs lateral restraint (CM inci iWat the location(s) shown. Rows of ClRmat be adagmtely dagma0y braced son I-WEBCUU3RACE Fa ahematha to CLRs and diagmal treeing see D-WEVJM4 FORCE -NUnCE•Aeopy ofNi:dmigamalbefaa�edlotbeerecronaowanoc Tbedep ftb'sudwgmlw ibaxdmdmpericreandmq iemem aobdtytbe7t=Wmdmm aMrtins pmtheamm cyaW,c.9 tenenofibcufwmatim Stephen W Wafter a:ifmlbbyt4Bui D:::er.Aralmth%dawng mistesac[epsrceo[pofe�aleugumuga StAiyol:bfmWetranmaapmeatde�0wn7aesdebiyandnxofWscamporcm faavypmtta6rtutliogdesynaIDerz M Strud rag d 54395 th Bua'vg CesyaenpzATf67rfP11-2m7 Cbeper2'WAANI77D•7n�srzgorepapchaadbE.R[m4>�a�a�tr eqg. Psf lothe hre9:ed'sin o[BC9 (isd}hg C,apmem Stay lnf tnaputblmd-ft TAaud SBU�fmlrtrpm lathel�[e of�ecPriosaLt®mditmpmaryremabt/�c'vg gxc8atbmbyethers,thebga6tm(bcldoghraLtmtokarces)mdtempaary 2590N. Kings lEgn. Fi Pieeefl 34951 csafminmetbodsaMaymem serfery6famatbarzbttotMemie,.,.,...,,+:.,fey remee/traugofWets,s�sdvlhuaccmdeaewi6BC51-BI mdBC51.82 Tr,rrsxsagirtquiepe®avemtemam/bracugofchmdsameenauwe6memben(ataeo0rated)71u0<nwbgmbiod'eatestbebrat�fmhteaheane. The mahodof ihmltmamembareme�/tra[iog"be satpo 11y Bumcglks�erl+sAN9l1'A 1,Cheptm2;i�ecfsvusl �chg de�etwtffectedtyaherr th%�elbeac[ompT�Mgtuaderd'ndnmybteal mainam d'asmdb=dbctaivamo,dmawibBCSI-B3wBCSI-B7u ppkabk.•IMPORMWIPTh'adesim.-Isthems i.-&.,-dam o,&wewibtbidnwigndthegoakycriabq=irediAvUaF]1Cbapa3.Alco ctmpbtndaI �O bemamfammedbySvpamSomg-TiCow�ny,lrcueosmdase wihESR-1762.AIcomectorpbuesea 20gaee,missth q,ecPxdpbte s¢esfoUxdbin--l8-whrbad'eamsm Ill gsgeyhte. Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: A5 SOUTHERN 2590 N. kings Highway ProjectName: 6510d TRUSS Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: 7/12/2014 113238AM Component SolutionsrM Truss COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: 2 of2 Version: 5.01 [Build 31 Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 44-8-0 4 /12 1 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-M 0-0-0 1 24 in 293 E)s sled wind mclims Wsed m MWFRS Only lwg- %A N _*140.5495 *_ jr TATE E to i�//S /O N AIL,'E' Stephen W. Warta SmM Fng(154395 2M N. xmgs tEgh. FL Pi— Fd 34ZI Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: A4C .4 2590 N. kings Highway ProjectName: 6510d ' SOUTHERN TRUSS Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: 7/12/2014 113236AM Component Solutions Taf COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: 1 of2 Truss Version: 5.01 Build 31] Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 44-8-0 4112 1 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-M 0-0-0 1 24 in 292 lbs 44-B-0 1-7-0 1-7-0 1-B-2 3-0-1 6243 5-11-5 6.4-10 41-4 1-6-2 1-8.2 41.4 6-4-10 1-7-0 32-0 410.2 6-2.3 14-0-11 20-0.0 26510 30.9-14 3250 342-2 38-3-6 44-8-0 5x6.18-1.5x316x6-18% 11 12 13 12 3x5 / 3x4 % 14 10 14 12 4[- 3x4 / 4x4 \ 3x5! y 15 8 3x4 ! d 7 0 3%6 / 3x4! 6 S 5 '7 r 3x4 ! 2x4- 4 b 4x6/ 3 4x7/ 2 1 0-8-0 25 24 2 S 3x8 - 3x3 - 12f 1 30 29 28 32x16-18- 3x4- 6x8-18- 12 4x4x4.8 33 3x4- 6X-18. 1.54%k31 4%8- 1.Sx3j 16 2x81 D43-0 O-0-0 D-6-0 DSO 1.40 04-0 1 7-0� 6.2-8 5.11-s 343-0 1 e-0-0 1 961 a,5D,15 2.6.0� 1 ( 1-7-0 32-0 8-2-3 14-4-11 20.40 24-0-0 32{r-0 41-0-1 460 44-B-0 42-2-0 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (loc) Allowed Load (WO IDdg Cade: FHC M101 TC: 0.8901.12) Vet TL 1.09 in LIPA (29-29) L/24D TC1L: 20 TPI 1.2007 BC: 0.67 (2}25) Vert I2: 0.37 in L / 999 (2&29) L/ 3f0 TCDL: 15 Rep Mhr)naease: Yes Vb: 0.92(31.32) Htti M, 0.4 in 16 13CLL: 0 DAL: 125 % Creep Faaa, rt 1.5 BCDL: 1D Plate onsets(JntY.Y,Angb (1:6142-0,18J IRl-IZ}ZIB.) (3:1-0Z44,0.) (4:04}11,1&) (5:1.1Z3-Z18.) (6:0-9,1-11,18.) (7d-12,3-Z)&) (8119.1-11,1&) (400,}I1,18.) (10.K3-11,18.) (11;KIU) (12U4341,90.) (13:04}1D,9.) (14:64}11,18.) (1534I,24S,1&) (1(.1-1Z4-0,90.) (173&I.1ZO.) (18:1-IZA90.) (19:1-1ZO0,90.) (AkKI-IZO.) (21:1-)Z3A90J W-,1.1Z0-0,90.) (23:643-U.) (24:04),14ZO.) (500,}8,0J (260{(341,0.) ( (78:1-12,3$OJ M0430.0J (30:1-123$0.) (3138,341,0.) (3:14*11,90.) (33.1-1 3-&0) ' Reaction Summary JT Type Btg Cmbo 13•g Wmh Material Fa)Brg Wdh Maxlt®a Max Gm Wift Max Mind Uplift Max Up08 Max Hai. 1 Pin MI) 1 gin Cmaee M-y 3.00 in Z099 Rs - •69-1 lbs •6821Fa 39311s 16 H Rdl (\1611) I 61n Cmerde Masatry 3.00 in Z219 Ih. -79! lbs •7n lbs - Material Summary Bracing Summary TC SP (A1SC62013)42 2x 4 e.,Vt:. 7C Bt-aring: Sheathe 16 SP (AISC62013) SS 2 x 4 68 SP (ALSMD13) SS 2 x 4 BC SP (AISC62013) SS 2x 4 ewert BC Bracing ShembadwFdins al3.K PMin design by Olbm. 16-18 SP (A1SCb2013) 42 2. 4 17.24 SP (A1SC62713) 42 2 x 4 20-21 SP (AISC62113) 92 2 x 4 _ Was SP(A15C62012)is3 2x 4 except: 2-31 SP (AISC62D13)12 2 x 4 33-31 SP (AISCb3313)12 2 x 4 3-32 SP (AISC6•1)13) #2 2 x 4 Loads Summary 1) This teas has be® designed � the eEeas dx: m lO pafbm-chord live load Pits dyad lords. i 2) This htsa has bees designed fm the efaxs ofwind lords in aaxrdance with ASCE) -10 With the follm bagmen defined )npa: 170 mph ultimate, EVanme C, Ova Bldg I)i� 65 it 704 h-174 Na Fad Z..Tssas, Nether eld Web crosiderad DOL= 1.33, CC 7me Widib 6.50. \\*,,%AN3)1.Rnitrm stwrege atdc landing in acu.dmce with IBC 7iHe IfA7.1 barnor beatap{iied• .q ��/ • Member Forces Summary Table indicates: Malber ID, anxCSL• axalbme,(max-,V.f-A ifdiBamlfim-saxalface) 0.888 TC 1.2 0.326 4,4511ba 45 0.468 -4153 Iba 9-10 0.960 -3.632 Re 12.13 -1.99311s ^ 2-3 0.576-7,899lbs 5-7 0.510 A905lbs ID-11 0.651-Z132Rs 13.14 0.683-2,135Iba ` •, /" i 36 0.633-&204Its 7-9 0.657 - rnN 1142 0.888-2000lbs 14-15 0.783-1.107Iba 95 IOC 16-18 0.060 0lb, 22.23 1.446 ON Z71 0.462 4.614 its (-Z1521bs) 33.1 0.442 4,1681b,-(-ZI78Jta)' 140.54 J _ •. 17.19 0.092 0 )ba 23-25 0.666 1,463Iba (.73311s) 28-30 0.559 5,&fl lls (•Z712lbs) _� R- 2D-21 D.006 0lbs 25-36 0.506 Z8% (-1,429lbs) 30-31 0.631 6,8391hs (-Z35916s) _ �L '14 I � ' 19.22 0.198 D!ba 2627 0.407 741 Rs-1.773Its 32.73 0.163 664 lbs -317lbs •t,J I ! 4-30 0.361 9-Z6 0.5221 -539 R. 1123 0.855 1,99Jlbs \5tls 2-33 0.365-1,S621ba .1,0570s 2-31 0.T10 3,3511ba (-1,614 Rs) s3o 0Z16 53911a (-2381ts) IMS 0.8" 1,465 as (-5951tr) 22.21 0.006 15lb, � (j1h5) TATE � KJ 5.3 0.4-14 Rs )0.25 o.B'7 a.525 ➢s 19.20 0.M4 6211ss ��-1bB£ •. 33.31 0.794 Z7101ba (-1.940Iba) -1,333 Its) 12.25 0.663 797ls (-38t7 Rs) 2(F78 0.018 47N •, A, mac/ 3.31 a904 58Ibs 7-29 0.2% 675 Rs (•t1i .029) • • ., O R f D P 31.32 0.918 9911s (-35 Rs) 7.27 0.439 4'Zb5 Rs 14.25 0.660 861 Its (-340Its) I5.17 0.631-Z13611a j', •�\�\i 4-31 0.522 1.36716s (-AS Rs) 9-27 0.105 157 ls (42D R.) 14-M 0.616 -1,434 lb. 17-16 0.504 xI80 Ra , . •' s S/O • ` ANotes: �// \ \\ 1 \ \ 1) This design is based m ASCE 740 as rdaeced bythe ZRO Flaida Wading Code ` 2) Unlabeled plates me LW Z lL 3)Ub® this tilers has bm chesm fb q..btywstesacei specdm, the Plate Placeomt Mabdpc7P11-2DDJA32shall betsed Cga1.21. 4) Pmvide adegme draineee 10 p tvml ending 5) At least me Web Of this toss has hm designed wilh a g®el past in he Web. All rand points m such webs sball be bmad latcallyperpmdtdu to the plane ofthe=a. lateral • races shall be bastsDed Within 6 • of each webpmd point. -NOTICE•Arne•efthcdedgn,telbef=itedioibecrectkmwv Om Thdapoftb't;cdvdvaln isbaxdmdc*aiereadregmemenumppWbyq '0n414auffi radaresupmthcaecmagedc®phtemaoftMbfmmari® Stephen W. WaRQ m fwbby beBaiftD.gars. AralmthSdaoughdsatesaceep=e hSjXSba-The eabiyadtmoftht;cmpmemf=.Wpm.W bdAbgde$ai;lMse�oadiryof StnsY rag 054395 theHailmg �typenperAN5ir1'PI1.20D7 Cher¢er2TJARiL1Ti•i[ns[se.q�ve{eopv6andbg,eteclhgs�am edbaeig. Retort othhteIled®ofHCSI(adtiugCmporcm 8afetY Jam timphypomee�•TfladBBCN(mpmper 255 N. King Mgh. FL Pi=Fl 34951 baaDtttometbomadmpmum mferybf®atmrchtiogtoth emiee mocrinpoee¢7atheahmce otapecfsusaEt®mdtempmaryremain/mciog�ecTnattnsgmbmt',thuv>3ten(veLehg�a6tuntohra¢es)mdtempaary rceaebvtrecug oflMmas[mat6e hacemderce WthBC9-Bl ad BC9-H2 Trusulorequ:epemercamtaevVtraevgofchord[adeanhxbmetobm(Wamend'eatd}Th'e4,eWugmHatuthhratimtmhtenirtnram. The meWdofhG.•i5mltrossmembesemacl/braeitgshel4 a[gcci6M6y16eBollhgA-�erwA7SVIN I,Chap1er2;!.p lcl petman b.tr bgdedpi- ecifsdbidmSWabafheacc=VktcdgmnkWbdu=ybimisemaimad bATbT?B degonaltnchghwkuaccwd[acewihHC51•B3mBCS1-H7aupprrabk.•AOCIRTANf' 7hcderpammestheaasismamdactmedheuo[decree Whths0rawag.dtaegoaFy mierh �ecifiM 1 Cheger3. Alcoaoeetapb1-bat hmeaofncnadrry8iapamSvmg•TsCompaoy,loeuaumdaace tihESR-2762.Ale omphtm=20gage,mdsthegectsdpbtesieafolmdbya••IrWtkhcdiatesm18gagepbte. L+ 2- Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: A4C 41 *�a4 SOUTHERN 2590 N. kings Highway ProjectName: 6510-d TRUSS Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: 7/12/2014 113237AM Component SolutionsT"+ COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: 2 of2 Tfuss Version: 5.01 [Build 311 Span Pitch ply OHL OHR CANT CANT PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 44-8-0 4 /12 1 0-M 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 2921bs ® eta cmw,ns areal testaml ( al Ne araum s) s oaT. Fuaa o mat be adegst y agnally ce4 see D- CE Fm altematim so an dtagn tracing see E 7) Listed wind tdift seactims Lased an MWFRS Only loadn8. ' Q N.: N• EIVS�••!��� - � io. 54 95 TATE F ' �v ORI /is iO NAII.,���`� •rancE•Awvyorvsae�mareefinemeam,��en�cmm,ma 7xa�ortD�m: eaelv�amsdwa� �mte �emrzm�e� emvrg6DyuKv�n�emmrnm amrzlca eeec�ma�r.m�k,�esormeoro®, im Stephea W. Warta eetlm,DbytheStdikglk�m. AewlonIDsdnwng�r'slesecccy,enee ofpofesmmlea8ixevgrz�ovbiyckbfmthv�rmpwcmde ed,wv TDe auebiymdtsaftDicompimeotfmaayfancohrbuifnyde�athemrymsbirynf g=En6954395 tlr Boitng Iba�er,pe+AT75UTN 1.2W7 mapml•WARMtTi'7t¢¢srep,vepoperDenCBgnepugnmeutnmtracug. RefstoWe§,eaediun ofHCSI (B�i7vgC®pwem 5afa,y lnf t®jinty y,o�cePoyTA emSBG�fmpopv � N. Kings Hgb. FL Pierce F134951 �n�tooIDeNodseadmpmlenf m(etyiN ,mrzDtn8toweemiec aucmpoeesc lnWeeDsrceo[syecfeaae6tvnem tempmuyrtsmo<Nacvg peeiratvnsb�otDegthaaa6ma(aLGv8 rtseln®toknses)mEtempmary ¢�kUhacivgo[t8evusxsmelDeuaccadercevW BC9•BI endHCSt•Bi 7,arse§nequieyemnoemrzmnt/Paco¢ofc6o,dssmceneuxDm®Derslwhaeudra,M}7LssMvogonbia�test6e bcstca(mD,emis�am.7De mednAofvimvtloalwamemDmseaeiautescngdalDeuapecYeObytheBdlygDeaQmyerNdlliAl,CEepa;i'�eefcmmpmmenemhacug de�nsmi �eefWbymM stD's,l�beeceompfabedtr/m�,d�®yD,emlrzmelm evd l `�-S d'egomltrecvgdetekuecwNercsviDBG9-B3m HCS1•H7esaypFaDk.•IA90ItTATt1'• Thsdegyammesthermaiaanufimvrednecco,denceatDths�awugmd Ne WaYymtne,gecife6uAlSVfn 1 CDeAer3. Alcomemmph,eebDef (�`. 5 hmemfic,mcdDyBmpsn9nmgdkCcenfeoy,IocBeamdarceeihEBR-3763.AIconnemmyktnert308age,mkssan tpecTrApD,e wscfoUe db�•a--IB"dDchuE?+tesen l8gegeDDte. Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: A4B ' 2590 N. kings Highway ProjectName: 6510-d SOUTHERN TRUSS. Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: 7/12/2014 113235AM Component SohltionsTM COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: 1 o£2 Truss Version: 5.01 [Bm7d 311 Span Pitch Sty OHL OHR CANT CANT PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 44-8-0 4 /12 1 0-M 0-0-0 0-M 0-0-0 1 24 in 292 ors 4441-0 ' 1-7-0 1-7-0 3-0-1 6-21 5.11-5 6.4-70 41-14 7-7-0 1-7-8 41-14 6410 ( ] 132_'o r 1.1.. 32-011410.2� B-2-3 ! 14L-11 1 20-0.0 ! 26-8-10 30.70-8 3 1-81 363.6 44�0 Sx6-18 \ 1.5x5 5x6-18- 11 12 13 12 3x5 ! 3x41 14 12 10 14 4r- 3x4! 4x41 3x5! 9 15 8 3x4 ! A 7 0 3X5 ! 3x41 g q 5 7 3x4 / 2x4- 4 4X6 / 3 4X7/ 2 25 24 2 - 3x8 - 3x3 - 1pr� r 1 30 29 28 4xgz4 T8 ? 33 .xi6-18- 3x4- 6x6-18- 3x4- 6x8-18- 12 1.5*%k3 l 4X8 - 1.5x3l 16 2X8 OS-0 0.D.0 D-64 0-60 1-4-0 D-8-0 1-7-0 1-7-0 6.2-8 5-11-5 3-8-0 8-" 1 BF 1 0.4D15-0� ! 1 1-7132-0 8-2-3 14-4-11 20-0-0 24-0-0 32.60 41-0-1 4 0 44B•D 42-2-0 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection Ll (loc) Allowed Load (psQ IDdg Code: FBC 20101 TC: 0.87(11.12) Vert TL: 1.09m L/490 (211-A L/240 TOLL: 37 TPI 1-3707 BC: 0.67(23-25) Vest I.L. 0.37 in L1993 08-29) L1360 TCDL: 15 Rep Mb'btceme: Yes \1Fb: 0.92(31-32) Hora M. 0.4 in 16 BOIL: 0 D.O.L : 125 % Creey Factor, Ka= 1.5 BCDL: 10 Plate Offarts(JntXY.Angk (1:6.10.241,1&) (-114Z}Z]&) (3.,1.1Z4AO.) (4,K3.11,18.) (5:14Z}ZI8.) (6.iF9,1-11,1&) (7:1•IZ}Z18.) (&49,141,18.) (9:e 0-11. &) (ID.K3-11,18.) (1140,3&0.) (12,K3A90.) (13A-0,3&9.) (14:0-U11,18.) 05:38,2-8,19.) (16:1-IZ40,90.) (17:343,1-1Z0.) (18:1-1Z3-8,90.) (19:1-IZO-0,90.) M.Kl-1Z0.) (21:1.1Z3A90.) (221•)ZO-0,90.) (23:0A3-8,0.) (24..,K14_10.) ' 05:oosb,0.) (26:0a3E.0.) (27,14ZAa) (18:1.1-1AO.) (29;au3-0,0.) (30aaZ3-$0.) (31:A3-11,0.) (3z1.1z3$9u.) (33:I-123&0.) - Reaction Summary JT Tvpe Bg Cmtn Brg Wdh Material F4 Big Wait Max Fmcl MaxG-Uplift Max wed Uplift MaXwia Max Haix - - 1 Fin(MMI) I gin Ctneree Mastnry 3.00 to 1,089lb; - M2]is -a2lha 3831h; 16 H Fd1(MI) 1 6 M Catmae Masonry 3.00 in Z227 Ids - •79711a •79711s - Material Summary Bracing Summary TC SP(AISC62013) 422x 4 met: TC Bracing: Shea" Ifi SP(ALSC&MM SS 2x 4 - 68 SP (AUCOD13) SS 2. 4 BC SP (ALSC&2713) SS 2x 4 except: BC Bracing Sheathedm Pulins at 3-K Ptdin design by Otters. 16-I8 SP(ALSC6-2D13)02 2x 4 17-24 SP(AISC&2D13)#2 2. 4 20-21 SP(ALSCOOM 42 2x 4 Vbb, SP V SCOD12)#3 2. 4 mep: 2.31 SP (ALSC6.2D13) 92 2x 4 33-31 SP (AIM&2113) K2 2x 4 3.32 SP (ALSC6.7013) 42 2 x 4 Loads Summary ])Ibis vies has bwo destined for the effecu de to 101afbm® chard ]use lmdplts dmd lords. 2) This buss has b ct designed for the effects of wind loads in arcan4nce with ASCE7. 10 with the following war defined inpa: 17O nqh ultimate, Bposme C, Ov all l9dg Dins 65 6 x70&h=17&Not rad2meTms, Neither endweb-itlard DOL= 1.33, CC Zme)Mdh 6.5ft 3) Mmirmm storage attic lwdng in armdancewith IBC Table IW7.1 has not been applied Member Forces Summary 'otietndmtes:Maberm,=CSL-a,dallbne•ferceifda t6ern-atoalfereel \\ ��� '' �GE�ys'' � TC 1.2 0.326 A451 lbs 4s 0.468 4154 fs 940 0.854 •31M 116 2-13 0.971 •1,9971m n ` •' 2-3 0.576-7,9001hs s7 0.511 4,905 fs ID-11 0.636 •Z1321hs 1}14 a667-Z13a1b; 3-0 0.633 304 R. 7-9 0.6S5 -3.877 ft 11.12 0.87) •1 9981m 1415 0.778-1.108Its i DC 16.19 0.060 01is 22.23 0.446 Olds V-29 0.462 4.67A Im (•ZI5011s) 33-1 0.442 M68Its 177)hs) : 140.54 95 •; � 17-19 0.092 Olds 2}25 0.665 1,464 Ids (•732lbs) 28-33 0.559 5,851 l s (-Z710lbs) '}t 3}21 0.006 01h; 2526 0.�6 Z197lb, (-1,4�lbs) 30.31 0.631 CK lb; (-135811s) _ 19-22 0.198 Oft 2627 0.406 742Its -1 7n 1hs 32-33 0.163 664 Its -327)hs I��}/l- _ (_ \\Its 2.33 O-W -1,562 He a30 0.361 -1,057 I1a 9-26 0.21 -538 Ids 1523 0.W I'm 1m ) 1 �• 2.31 0.72D 3,351Its (-1,6131hs) 5-30 a7D6 99fs (-2i81ts) 10-26 ag43 1.465Its (-5971hs) 22-21 o(06 ]51hs (ilh;W TATE F t1,i 33-31 0.794 Z7101bs (-1,959f) 5-3 0.424 4131)Im ID-25 0.830 •1,531 Res 19-20 0.024 �Ihs �1WLd) 3-31 0.904 Salle 7.28 0.258 6751b, (---) 12-5 0.674 8D51hs (-38411a) 2008 0.018 471ts •• � l(/ � �J2 31-32 0.919 89lb; (.34 Ida) 7-77 0.439 •1,27611s 1425 0.652 856 the (-336ns) 15.17 0.63I •Z 1361hs P.•,•• ` /• •. OR I D 4-31 0.522. 1,367lbs (-AS lls) 9.27 0.105 157 ft(-17DIF4) 14-M 0.616 4,435 ft 17-16 O.V -Z181 Its G� \1 �, Notes: This deeds isbasedA�7.10as d-.edbythe2)10FTai& BikingCerle � /� �O NAIL`��\\ sect on 1)are 3)Nhm thiaboss bas been chosen forr}eSty autamce inspection, the Plate Placecrott Method per TPT 1-2002IA31 shall be seed Cq=1.21. 4) Fmide adc4sve damage to pre t pmdng 5)At least mewebofthis trues bas been dgigtai with a panel pint in the weh All pond pests on such wells shah be braced latallypap®dailar to the plane ofthe moss. Lateral bacea shall be installed within 6"of each web panel point. "fDTICE•Aeepydthsde >salbe Ho>�edtothe erembocomr men. The des�ofthtvdv�almrssbea:dwdeapaiert a>tirr4uremeetsmppldbJ16e7mssMam(actmuaeaRle6op®1beaCMacyaeacmrytleeessOft6ev70rmatim -e ICE -A pyo ith ioiecre Stephen W. Warier $Deck ep.Asralo toaccepnse UpivfessDeeteagoeevgm�onsGTeymtb�mt6e rmarmp®em de aboaa 7Demiah3ryamtts:onh6compwent fora�InncnNLetlngdesjpetherequ�iyot fo SIISG•Fag 954395 she B�RsiperpesMWIV11.20P7 Chapt.2.-WAWdlrfir�nquiepoperbamfag,aecmn,reaaut amlxacug. lief tothe hten ed®ofBG9(Bd*Campanea Safety IN timpmbpod-AbyTnatb�EGyfmfeoyer .. .1ka zoetbodsammpomm edrnbf rionrettngtotbeemieewmtstinpmce¢mtheabsnce or�eefcusa6t®amtempmaryamaim/tree'nggeciratinsbJamct6effiamt®(ucldog�aEtvatotramegmdmmpaary 2590 N. Kings Mph. FL Pierce F134951 sessak1bradogoftheevscsmalhe bacceU-JIBCS7-131andBCST-12 Trowsamreqoircmansnee remMftniVofchoudsemc bwbm bon(,hmbdeate471&dmwbgonDbdkaiathebmionfmhterahemix. The metbodafiodivBmltram baremavVtruug dslteuipecfdbytbe BdiingDespnerperATS0TH 1,Cbepm2;Xq-&tmepam braehgdeeges- Tectedbyotherttt&ftlb-mompfinedbisrsndadb&wyhteralremautaod dagsmalhacitgdetakinucordesee rihBMB3.WZ.B7uoppkabt.-DOMTAM"Mdesgoas estbeo vtmumbcn=dkLamcidaocewibftdmwiVmldft gmiy mimha;ec&dbA)WTPl I CNper3. AlcomenmphtecdW L h....h1tmedby�n8soag-TeCcmpaoy,loee eei.-n1avihESR-2762.Ale�-phteum20pgc,.* ftpec0edphlemstfolowdbya-.18-a6thMmieun 18gagephse. SOUTHERN Component SolutionSTM TRUSS - Truss COMPANIES Version: 5.01 ulld 31 Span Pitch Qty 44-8-0 4 /12 1 ® Ca16 —2"'era all "t-i-1( at a loravu U.. nind,#ift dims bmd m MIAM Only l®ding Southern Truss Companies, Inc. 2590 N. kings Highway Fort Pierce, FI 34951 (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax OHL OHR CANT L CANT R 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-M 0-0-0 Truss: A4B ProjectName: 6510d Date: 7/12/2014 113236 AM Page: 2 of2 PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 1 24 in 292 lbs �140.54 95 � TATE F to G� /,//S /QNAILIE���`� Stephen W. Warter Smn. Eng k 54395 ZM N. King FPgh. FL Piece F134931 4s : Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: MA �+ .", - N � 2590 N. kings Highway PmjectName: 6510-d 1� • SOUTHERN TRUSS Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: 7/12/2014 113234AM Components ution31 COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 4644160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: I oft Truss Version: 5.01 [Build 3 Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 44-8-0 4 /12 1 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 294 lbs 44-8-0 1-7-0 1-7-0 1S2 3-0-1 6.2$ 511-5 B."37-8 37-8 8E8 1-7-0 3-2-0 410.2 8-2-3 14-4-11 28-10.8 32.6.0 36.1-8 44-8-0 5x61 101 5x6- 12 9 10 11 14 12 4F- 3x4 / 4x4 g 12 301 m 3 e /7 a 30! 4 5 R r 3x4 / 101 4 4x6/ 3 4z7 / 2 1 O_8-0 22 21 20 1 3x34x4 3z8- - 8 27 26 25 { 30 28x16-16- 3x4- 6x6-18- 30- 6x8-18- 12 1x4Y5 1.51(s 1 4x8- 1.Sx31 14 L_3-8-D-68b 2x81 0S-0 0-0-0 0." D-6-0 1-" 041•0 1 7-0 1 7-0 511-5 3-&0 8.6-0 54)-2 3-11-14 2.6-D 16.21 1 1 1.7-0 32-0 8-2-3 14�-11 20-0-0 24-0-0 32.6-0 37-Cr2 41.6-0 4 -2A 448.0 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (loc) Allowed`This tniss has overlapping structural plates. Lod ((so Bldgcada: FBC20101TC: 0,84(8-9) VenM 1.06in 1.1493 (sAl L/240 TCIZ-: 30 TPI 1.200/ BC: 0.89(22-23) Vert I3-: 0.36 in L1999 (25-26) L/360 TCDL: 15 Rey Mh'Increase: Yes W.b: 092(28-29) HQzm 0.39 to 14 I1C1L : 0 D.O.L : 125 % Crap Factor, Ka = 1.5 BCDL: 10 Plate 06ses(JnMY,Angp (1.d14241&) (2:1-1;3Z,1&) (3:1.IMA90.) (400,141,18.) (5:14Z,3.2,)&) (6:09,141,18.) (?.I-IZ3-Z.l&) (S.-OAMMU (9:043.9,80.) (10.0434I,93J p1:OD,3$0.) 023$2-&M) (13:3.&14ZO.) (14:14Z4.0,9D.) (15:14-'A90.) (1&1-IZOA90.) (17041-I]O. p&I•]i,38,90) (19:1•]?,OO,S0.) (A.0-0,341,OJ (21:DQ1-1;0.) (I2U0,341,OJ p-KAOJ (21:1-12,341,0.) (25'1-12.38.0) RQUQ300) (CF1.1234(0) 128.3$ID ) (91-123$90) Reaction Summary 1T Type Bg Contbo Bgwdb Material Red BrR With Max Read MUG -Uplift Max Wnd Uplifi Max Uplift M. Haiz 1 Pin (MI) 1 8 in Cmtxae Masonry 3.00 in Z0931hs --6821hs a211s 383 lbs 14 H Roll (WI) 1 6 in Concrete Masonry 3.00 in ZM411a - -7n lbs -W71b, - Material Summary Bracing Summary TC SP (ALSC6.2013) 4S 2 x 4 1C Bracing: Sheathed BC SP(ALSC-3)f22x4 exu¢: BCl�ecing. SheathedaPmlinsat35-O.PWindesi@tbyothm. 23-24 SP (AISC&2013) SS 2 x 4 24-26 SP (ALSC6.2013) SS 2 x 4 26.28 SP W.SC6.3ol3) SS 2 %14 SP (AISC6-2013) SS 2 x 4 W.bs SP(ALSC&2112)fll3 2x 4 eucp: 2.29 SP (AISC&2DM rl 2 x 4 30-28 SP (AISC6-2013) ff2 2 x 4 3.29 SP (AISC62013) #2 2 x 4 Loads Summary I) Tbis moss has been designed for the e6ets de io 10 psfboa=cbcrd live Imd plus dead Imds. 2) This bhsc has ism designed fmthe e8'ias dwmd Imds is am>z&mce with ASCE! • 10 with the Cdlowmg tea de6nal impL• lM rrgh ultimate, Faq- C, os®Il BldgDims 65 it x 70 ft, h -17 fl Na Fad2meTrtac, Neither endweb®sidled DOL-1.33, CC Zone Widh 65 & 3)1•fmi nen storage attic Imdng In accordance with IBC Table 16D7.1 has not been applied VV Member Forces Summary Tabie indcam Menber ID, tmxcst>m::mdal fame, (roaxmn¢. force ifdiffMe ht emn ntaxaAal rase) ♦♦♦ Q N - N, . 11-12 0.756 -1,721lb; � � / TC 1.2 0.326 •4439ns 45 0.468 •4136ns 8-9 non •3,619its ♦♦ 2-3 0.576 a,8nlbs 5-7 0.568 4 9-10 0.503-zl6slbs ♦ •tiCFtVs•' .• % /i 3.4 0.633 A2811b; 7.8 0.463-3.8670s 10-11 0.576-z165lbs BC 1415 0.OfA Olh; 19.30 0.631 ORs 24-25 0.463 4.60016s (•2,2241ts) 3D-1 0.442 4,156lbs lbs) ; 13.16 a631 alb; 20-22 0.759 1,737lls (-905lbs) 2S.M 0.561 5,83'7lbs (-2,7831hs) 1 95 ' 17-18 n.006 o 1h z:-23 o.tsg zs111ba (a,3n 11s) n-2a o.6To 6s17 J s (-3.3981bs) O, 54 _ 16.19 0.637 Oft 2i24 o.471 3.741 1In WSW Rs 29-30 0.163 662 ga-3301bs r Was 2-30 0.365-1,557lbs 4-27 0.358 4,09) Ins &TJ 0.533 -551 Rn 12-20 0.785 2,01611s `(-1,WZslbs) 2-28 0.720 3,341 lbs (4,6331ts) SZ7 0.205 536 IIn (•2381h;) 9-23 0.639 1,674ls (427I1s) 19.19 0.006 15 Bs (lbsl 30-2R 0.794 1-00Rs (-1,9nIts) 3.25 0.427-1.329ma s22 0.465 931t 16,17 0.024 62b; `c-Ijgbs ` 3-28 0.903 s7ns (•11ba) 7-25 Q260 683IIs (•2s6Rs) tan 122 0.&sort (-&Ilbs) 17.15 0.018 4711s ( ) ` TATE (_ t� 28-29 0.919 891ts (-3511s) 7.24 0.430 -1,3B ft II-22 0.836 1,M Rs (-473lbs) 12.13 0.606-21029Its 11.20 0.497 Rc 13-14 OM3-2,165lbs '.• �(/ 4-28 0.522 1.368 is (4i02Ibs) 8-24 0.133 -12 Rs -1,085 ,• \ %, ��, ' C D ' Notes: . , R 1 P • ��♦: • • • • • I) This design is based onASCE 7-10 as idbnmod "e 2010 Flaida Balding Code: 1• 2) Unlabeled plans are 1.SzT20g� � ^• y� ♦\ Q 1) Men this teas has been chosen for gtnliry ass iasaw inspection, the Plate Placement Method per TP)1-2007/A3.2 shall be used Cq-1.21. 1L1 , 5)AAIleastdi m wteb�n=salic to hmmbe dmigneduithalmhd)mntinihew& All tmod prints m such was shall betraced hmenlypapende0ar to the plane tffthe inss. lateNbamshaUb installed Mtbin/64kLihIJ& eldpint 6) ® Indmta emtin= laseal reseaint (CUQ regked ai the lm®tim(s) shown. Rows of CLRmst be adaptdy dagmalylraca4 cos D-VMCLRERACE Fa alimatives io CM and dagmal bm ing sm ))-WF9RE 4FORCE •NOTICE•AMoftbk&dpmelbefmoffiedtot4emetimcomcnm. TbedegzofWsudv t,,brmslmedmdcipcderhmdmg'ememsmppEdlytheT=VwdanmerammiecepmtM.-,ymdconykteusofrauf tiw Stephen W. Walter n fmsa6ytbeBoit'vgne�m.Awmmimawvg mersmuceeparcedpo2emeleegbea�se atyatytmtxtmscomptmemde�dwwn the ahi a tyamexofmi<ompmemt e>dpancahrlmBingde�ittbemspoathagof Strum Fngq 54395 1h BAing0aLe1,pmAN9/IAI.20(Pt:bper2Sefaylnfo ijt vWp&-AyTflmdSBCA)F.pW b h -imtoknrcef)mdtempmary 259DN. Kings EBgt. FL Piece F734951 iwlhtbnmethodsmdmmmm pmfdyhf tkMWbtbgtD&E-iee eee mtClhup¢Intheebxrcedapeef.h.biimadtempMrymenatnNaeqqaper-tb.bywhamth,i.lbl®(rtld mmaidMehgdthe mtsremelhhsumdaneewdbBC91-B]eel BISl-B2. T1�cabtequiepnnuent mm buWchdua gofchmdw b mbm=bon(wbaehdieled).7hedmwhgo*b&atestbe huthmfmhlerdmsneiThe. T lboddhdi+malbusmemhrmmem/beuesgecirAb/IaeBmBbglka�erpmATSVrn l,Caspm2;[�ecfcmhsphmeoon tnehgdes�s'emi�eeredb/a6e,bth'smaM ecco�TmWbynen0ardhR myh1rn11emain aM l� degmddae'vgdet khaccmdaecewibBC9•B3meC;.9-B7aaappFsbk.•IMPC)RTAMr•Tbadesima eatbe r imeodectmedeacemdatrewsblbsdraw%ngmdmegmliy,di k ecfiMnATIDITnIChsper3.Alcum mpbusshal hmmwfeenvM YSapenSummg-TeCmq®ny,lrchaamdavu wibE9t-2762.Alumenorpameme20gege,mkntheparWphm seehfoboWye--IS'waka dr'atecan IgBeeephne. Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: MA 2590 N. kings Highway ProjectName: 6510-d SOUTHERN TRUSS Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: 7/12/2014 113235AM Component SolutionsTM' COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: 2 of2 Truss Version: 5.01 Bufld 31 Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 44-8-0 4 /12 1 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 294 lbs `CEPS'. *140.54. 95 _ TATE F U ORIOP. Stephen W. Warter Soul Fag A 54395 2M N. Kings tL&. FL Piece M 349M W7 Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: A4 SOUTHERN 2590 N. kings Highway ProjectName: 6510-d TRUSS Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: 7/12/2014 113233 AM Colr,pon r SDLltionsTat COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: 1 of2 Truss T , Version: 5.01 [Build 31 Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 44-8-0 4 /12 1 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 291 lbs 4441-D 1-7-0 1-7-0 1-9-2 33-1 6-2-8 6-11-5 &4-8 5-7-8 5.7-8 1 I { 1-7-0 3.2-0 411-2-2 8-23 14�-11 204.0 26.10-8 321i•0 3.1. 4448-0 5x6\ 1x41 5x6-18- 12 9 10 11 - 14 . 12 3x4 / 4x4 \ 4i- 8 12 3x4/ 3x5 / 7 6 m 3x4 / q 5 '7 3x5/' r 2x4 - 4 b 4x6/ 3 d 2 bx7! 22 21 20 1 3.5x8- 3x3- 5x4- 1{® 8 27 26 25 30 28x16-18- 3x4- 6x6-18- 3x4- 6x8-18- 12 1x475 1.55 4x8 - 1.5x3 j 13 2x8i �3-g0-d-8-b - D-8-0 0-0-0 0b-0 0-M 1-4-0 1-7-0 1-7-0 5-0-3 6.21 5.11.5 3.8.0 Bb0 S7-B 3-4-8 �-8-p I ( 1-7-0 3.2-0 8.2.3 14.4-11 20-4-It 24-0-0 32tr-0 38-1-8 41�-Cr0 4�2-044-8-D Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (loc) Allowed Imd IPA 8agcn&: FBC2)IU! TC: 0.9000-11) VetTL: 1.09in L/490 (25-26) L/240 TCIL: 20 TPI I-2007 BC: 0.93(22.23) Ven Ll, 0.37 in L/999 95-2 L1360 TCDL: ]5 )tepmto'h e: Y. Wb: 0.96(9-Z)) Httz TL• 0.39 in 13 BCIL : 0 D.O.L : 125 % creep Faaa. ICa o 1.5 BCDL: 10 Plate OBseu Qwy,Y,Ang): 0:6.10,2AIS.) (2:)-IZ3-Z1&) 0:I-]Z44,0.) (4;pq}ll,l&) (5:1.113-ZI8.) (669,1.11,M) (7:1•IZ,3-Z]&) (&-K3.11,18.) (260.3-9,80.) 00.DA3-&90.) Ol:l-1Z341,0.) (IIA24L18.) (13-1-11,40,91) 04:3.&I-IZO.) (15:14Z3A,90) ()6:1-]Z0490.) 07A0.]-11,0J (Ia:1-1Z34I,90.) 09:1-IZ0'0' :.nK3- ('t�-0.0,1-IZDJ (7L0-0,34{,OJ (D90.3-8,0.) R4:1-1Z38,0.) (241-1z3-&0) I.b.U430,0.) 1(2"1 123410.) (?b:3-&3-11,0.) (81.123$90.) f3D:l-IZ3SQ) Reaction Summary IT Type Iig Combo ]ig Wdh Maledal ]l7i B19 Wdh Max Beat Max Gayupifl Max Wnd Uplift Max UpTft Max Hinz 1 Pin (Wall) 1 8 1.Conade Muaary 3.OD I.Z077 ft --68211s -6821hs 3931tr 13 H Pall (MUI) 1 6 in concrete Mumry 3.00 in Z188 Its - -797I(s -W7Ile Material Summary Bracing Summary TC SP(ALSC6.2113) AZ 2x 4 except: TC Hoeing Shsthd 1S SP (AISC6.2013) SS 2 x 4 DC SP (AISC6.2113) p2 2 x 4 -pt: BC [lacing Sheathed a)ixlins et 3-5 % Pm)in dsig. ty Others. 324 SP (ALSCOD13) SS 2 x 4 24-26 SP (ACS062013) SS 2 x 4 26-28 SP (AISC6.2D13) SS 2414 SP (AIS06.2D13) SS 2 x 4 Wds SP (AISC6.3) Z #3 2 x 4 -e t: , 2-3 SP (ALSC6.12) #2 2 x 4 30.28 SP (ALSC&2013) 42 2 x 4 3.29 SP (ALSC&20M f2 2 x 4 Loads Summary 1) Th;s:nit hem dsig d ra me eseea d e m Io rarbeoom ehad I ve tmapl� �a Imd . 2)Thia less has boon dmigtd fa the efna dwindloads I. --to ASCEI.10withthefoll-is.ah5nedrope: IA>�Wti-1e.�omC,OsamuI➢dg1)i-65 ' fl x A f4 h = 77 fLNd Fad Zme T=s, Neitha end webtmsid=d DOL=1.33, CC Zme Widh 65 fL 3) Mmimm sta48e anic 1®deg in awu,iance with IBC TaHe 1f07.1 has nit bcaa a{plid a \\ 'N \ �e ` , .... Member Forces Summary Talie indicts: M®bm M. CSL face• (max emir. rots if d ffa l fmm xa)al face) r max atrial \♦ 11-12 0.822♦ •' G F Tc 1.2 0.326 44261hs 45 0.466 �112 N 8-9 0.974-3,5971ts -1,665Ibs . �� 2.3 0.576-7,852Ile S7 0.681 4.10 Bit 9.10 0.774 -Z354 Bit •• / 3-4 0.63'7-&2551ts 7-8 0.832 -18BrM 10.11 0.904 •Z354 ft ••' BC 13-I5 0.060 0Ih 19-2D 0.5% 0Its 24.25 - 0.40 4,586 Its (-Z2641h6) So-] 0.442 4,i4516s •.,276It.) • i 1 14-16 0.575 0Its �22 0.6a2 1.510Its (4D]BIts) 2527 0.558 U141ro (-Z8191hs) o. 54 g5 _ 17-Ill 0.006 011s 22.23 0.935 Z83D Ih; (-],481 Ifs) 27.78 O.6t5 6,762Its (-3,3861hs) 7� I6.19 0.375 Olds Zi-24 0.468 70411s 4L501 ]Is 29.30 0.163 660 lls -331 Ibs •� - Rbta 2.30 0.365 .I'm Its 427 0.341 •1,0221bs 8-M 0.503 .0 Its 12-2) 0.797 Z025l s -1. t61 (� _- 2-29 0.72D 1329 no (-1,6381bs) 5.27 0.206 541 Its (•2A21ts) 9-23 0.955 1,4831hs (-6S/Ibs) 19.18 O.OD6 1511s - rb, 30-29 0.794 3,69DHe (-1,9851hs) 5.25 0.424-1,318Rs 9.22 OAM -0>� ,6,7 D.D24 621ts ��5 i TATE i= •' W ; 3-28 0.903 56It4 (•2 N) 7.25 0.258 677 is (-254Its) III,= 0.4" -346 N 17-15 0.018 47lbs � . •, O.SA 1,430 Its 12.14 0.608 -Z020 Ihs '1� •. 1(/ 28-29 0.918 89IIs (-35 Rs) 7.24 0.440-1,Zi81h; 1]-Z2 (-M5It,) / /C 4-28 0.533 I'm Rs (-8Zi)ta) 8-24 0.112 )48 Its (-1281bs) 11-M 0.459 4,141 Its 14-13 DM3-Z1491ts e •, \ O P. ,•' •• Notes: �� S RID G� ♦. ()N HilftgCade2) I)Tbis csi(m istsdmASCE7-]Ourderedtytbe2)IDFlodda Unbloded AL O' •AIL, 3)\W.tthis�bss has been enfa g.1ity mumnce inspatim, the Plate Placement Methodpr TPI]-711DNA3.2 aha116e uad Cq=1.21. 4)P' ide adegete dainage topeaat)xodmg 5) At lmst me web dthis Ines bas been (Iesigaelwith a pod pint in thew& All pmd points an such wds shall be traced laterally prpmdmim to the plane ofthe Ines. Lateral Comm sba0 be innaBd within 6 • of mch web pond pint 6) 0 bows ®tbuo s lateral mt not (C1.R)rsli,edM the loratim(s) sbp . Fina ofClRmst be dagetdydagna0ylaaced see D-WEBUNRACE Fa shematiws to.ClRs mddagaal tradng see DIVFBRFJ1iFORCE RiDTICE•AaMorWSdeepftlbefmmied,otbeneR®etmn m Thedcs*poftbcu6i>nalf kbamdmdeiperie,haW qui®emragplcdbythe7h.Mamdanmaamroranpm,beacema,y d...pL,eoetsoftbeufolmatim .Stephen W. Witmer safmmbrweBuimafxs�a.Aa:et®t>$drso•'ve bdeataaceepnrcaafpmt®oda�a�anamgoastatymtbtort6emsnamw�m ees�mown 7be oaab:3'amns•onbi;emnpmadrm+roPa,cahrtaatvgee�swemq,oasb:y of Strut SsgR 54395 welaanbaIx-s�entx=A7+st/TPI1-mommapaa•aAarawe•7�rre�alawal>samaa,acn amaroambmare.Befatodxh,eaw:�nfaca(BkmgC-p��rnW-1bnvroalad-ftTglemsBcymrl"pa nsartbamemaa.dropammmrrn���Rhmg,oweem;aeonm l>oe�rotheat�aeorpecrc tbnad,comp®ym�ronae�g�afu,bntyo6extxavamrimf >�g ,m,otercea)em,empaay 259DN.R rogsE21o.FLPietmF134951 remam/Ixseing of Webuss�etbeueccmdencewibBCS1-Bl aaeBM-BLT,os .bit.gd.Pmnomtrzmaut/bmcbgofcbwdsmdc=iwbmembm(wbaebdraled)1Dednwbgo.y'W a,atbebutimfwhtc l gmioLTbe �enbodofboil.Lul,msstnembartmabWecvgebal6euVecfedtyUeBuUbgDcsperp=ANMFII,Cm%a7,fgecfrn permuemdaeugdc*kMVec&dbyaLbcMtbiWbeaccomplWblmndudbd vybtemlm WW4 degmal6rneiogdewkhaccmd-cwibBC9•B3aBCS1•B7aaeppirabt.•IWORTANP Tbsdesiye mh, wsssm..ehtmednarmda=whtbednwbgudibe qu*yaiab eecrediaAMMI 1 chapter Alcomeaalhles" bem.vdaamedbySrop®Smelt-TiCpmlanj.fi-ard ewhnESR-2762.A1-morph,aue 2Dpge,enkaWe Vecfidphte taesfobxGbya"]rwbebb6ca,eun 18pgephte. Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: A4 SOUTHERN 2590 N. kings Highway ProjectName: 6510-d TRUSS Fort Pierce, F134951 page: 7/12/2014 113233AM Component SohltionsTm COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Truss Version:5.01 [Build 31] Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANT CANTR PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 44-8-0 4 /12 1 0-M 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 291 ]bs l // ^�s4$ •. * 0. 54 95 U TATE F LU ry �IAN L 'wncE•xwrotttsaes�mnfbet�meatoweuecwnw®.nil. reeae�otwsoa�iwlmsemza®ae�aie semrtw aswprwnrfmn �efa�acfine.mroraopao xeccma.mc®pt�meeorwecro matsoa Steplien W. Warter etfo�lbbytbe8viiuBncspe+,Heal®tbime+vneoasnea■teems¢e lf+ot �6€ae�wsEiymtbrwNetmscompoxmaesptmown neananiy.muxorin'scoma�� ero� ei stxsm�sr of Sw E ea 54395 txBoiwBlxa,p�+arnl•xomraapltt:•wnxrmrrv,�arty�■p�rttbamr.B,ertcan�.;maml.,a�a.rssr t.fxcea.m�.rBcsltBawBc®po:msarmlar�af�b}.m.��Tnmasecwro.pmpQ uBa6tuomelbol andmpm■m®feryuf �unne�vgtotbema•�•,•,••+:••pmxslnibe■bxrceotepec�aaa6tenamtmp�ynm■mNae'vg geeirstcasMotEttcWeace�Ynnl¢1doe6vnt6otokraveea)matempuary 259D N. 1Ciag: FGgb. FL Piece t734951 nmaim/bmcugofWetru¢amal6eueumdancewtbBC51-BI amB6f-B2 7x¢esa6nrtquiepe�anentrtmauf/hacug oteboadsanEceunaebm®Eea(Moemcai W}tbsdeauBwbudutctbeuut�forSfer■besn-em. The mehoEornOiiiCmltrnamembttromauVtrneug ahar4 aasyeciiMbithe Boifugnes�erpttAtdllfNl,Cbey�c7,f�ecE'ebnapetmnnem haeugEe�smt pec�AbyoWerttbaAalbenccomp�eEbyatenOaNitduvry6tenlrtmeut ao4 d'epomlbmcagEentuacemdancevibBC51-B3ttBC9-B7aaepp4 bt.•IMB�ORTAM•Th'sdespam®eeNewaioavnfnnmed'oaeemdmceuibtbi0nvuga�Weq®iyaieu ryecfiduAlSllfAl ChaPtt3. Ale�ettorphtesabal bemam�Grnmdby5or�n9sons•TeCo�eoy,loeu■cemdmu aihE5R4761.A1ca®ec�mpbnsan 30■■ge.onffitbe tpecledpbte ai!esfobuNbye'-IB' cLsbuGunean IBpaBepbte. Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: Al Ea SOUTHERN 2590 N. kings Highway PmjectName: 6510-d _ TRUSS Fort Pierce, Fl 34951 Date: 7/12/2014 113227AM Component sLltionsTbf COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464AI60 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: 1 of 1 Truss Version: 5.01[Build 31 Span Phch Qty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 44-8-0 4 /12 1 1-4-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 281 lbs 46.0-0 r1-0-0 4�-6 3.7-14 7-" 6-3-8 1 7-7' 7-7-10 8-2-4 15-8-8 24.0 2 10-8 .11 14 40.1-8 4M8-0 5x6-1 a - 3x4 - Sx5-18 12 - 1 17 --14 8 9 6 12 4x4 10 4r 3z4 / US / 5 4 en 33 / den 1x41 2 1.5x34X9 / 1 1 20 19 18 1 29 - 3x4• 4x4- Sx7- 1 { 28 27 26 2Y5x3j 11413 3x4 - 4x5.18 - 7x8 - 1.5717f} - 1.5Ak3 j 12 ��2x8I 0.0-0 �I OA D 0-0.0 0-8.0 B•2.4 7-6-4 8-3-8 ¢8-p 7.4.11 7.10.13 1.4-8 2-6-0 8-2.4 15-8-8 W. 2 -8-0 32-2-11 40-1.8 41 44•B-0 42-2-0 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (loc) Allowed Lad (p 9 Bdg Code: FBC 20101 TC: 0.98 (7-8) Vet TL• 0.95 in L / 550 (25-20 L / 240 TCLL 2D TPI I-2007 13C : 0.80 (18-30) Von I.L. 0.29 in L / 999 (2&-n L/ 360 TCDL: 15 l2pMbmcrease: Yes W66: 0.91(7-24) tiara TL: 0.3 in 12 liClL: 0 DAL: 125% Cray Fadscr , x=1.5 BCDL: 10 Plate Olfsem(lnMY,Angh (1:5A2A9.) (2:043.11,n) (M-11-3ZIBJ (4d0.1-11.18.) (41.1Z3.ZI8.) (6.*l4Z3.1Z90J (7943AO.) (8:1-1ZA0.) (900,nn) (]0:3$24{,18.) (11:38,14ZO) (121-1Z4-0,90.) (13:1-IZ34t,90.) 04:14ZO450.) (15:H,1-IZOJ (16:1-1Z341,90.) (171-IZO-0,90J (18:1•]Z3$0.) (]9:042-0,0.) (20:1-1Z34S,0.) (21:1-1Z00,90J MI-1Z38,9).) (23A41-IZO.) 04346,3-)ZO.) asv123a9na a600.3so.)moo.2-0.oa naa-1z34t,o.) Reaction Summary IT Tye. ag Canto Rg Walt Material FW Rg Writ Max Read Max G-t7dift Max Wnd uplift Max uplift Max Haiz l Pin (MI) 1 8 in Concrete Masonry 3.00 in Z106Its - -737 Its-73711s 5ffi lls 12 H Roll (P6ll) 1 6 to Comae Masonry 3.00 in Z078 Res - -n61h;-71611s - Material Summary Bracing Summary TC SP (AISC6.3113)12 2x 4 c.V: TC 1}e®g Shathed .Z4 SP (ALSC6-20M SS 2 x 4 4-7 SP (AiSCbA13) SS 2 x 4 BC SP(A1SC&30M922 x 4 ecep: BC Racing Shalhed a Puffins at 41-0, Patin design by Others. 19-24 SP (ALSC6.2D13) SS 2 x 4 2527 SP (ALSCODP SS 2x 4 27.1 SP (ALSC6.2013) SS 2 x 4 Was SP(ALSC623a2) t0 2x 4 e.qt: 26-24 SP(ALSC62D13) P22x 4 ' Loads Summary 1) This teas has beon designed for the effaces daeto 10 pf baron chard Bve Imd plm dmd Imd. t 2)Thi tnsah b®detigaedforth. elfaxa dnvrdlmds to accordance with ASCE7. let with the fdlmingma defined inpt: 170rmbWtinnte,Evmue C,ov wl>3dg Dims65A,?%A ft x 70aft, h -17 & Nat rod Zone Tnas, Nether and web crosidaed DOL-1.33, CC Zone 119dh 65 ft. / 3) Hnimm staege atdc lmdng m accordance whb lBC Tatle l607.l has nd ban aXHl d 'A'Member ForcesSumm Tableindicaies:MeoberID,naxCSL�atdalforce,(mx�.ftxaeifdeem,6ornrmxaxialface)t,Y'9 rc 29l `\ \�' �lC Eh)S�%� o.sn s% o.626 a� �9 o.aos 1-2 so3�s - 1�9/ 2-3 0.413 4957It s 6.7 0.536 •1510 ft 9-10 0.783 •1,293 Res BC 12.13 0.011s 14-17 0.257 Oft 2}21 0.533 3,121 Rs (-1,6601h;) 25-26 0314 44lb; (-231hs) •• /' 11-14 0.>3060 7 Olbs 17-Ill 0.386 OIh; 22.23 0.006 Olts 26.28 0.618 4,7661h; �ZMb4) 140.54 fiC 15-16 0.006 Olbs 18-3) 0.'AS 25351h;11.32511s 21.29 0.314 3,191hs •].6t411s ffi] 0.569 478D 11a -.-(•2 i7v+ Wbs 2-28 0.050 131 Its (-32lb,) 6.24 0.450 485N (-366Its) 8-20 0,314 776Ra (-W71h;) 15.13 O.OIB 441hs 3.28 0.095 2341bs ffiM 0.332 1431ta 8-18 0.881 •1,854Ibs 10.11 0.618-Z007Ih; 3-26 0.370 •9151be Z -25 0.178 130 for 9-18 0.122 M ns (-1131bs) 11.12 0.505 -Z0A )h; ' 5.26 0.112 2921hs (a25lbs) 7.24 0.912 1,47Ims (457Its) late 0.7s1 1,921ft (-1026lbs) G� TATE LU 5.24 0.37/-7641h; 2]-i'� 0.005 13 Ds 17.16 0.005 13 Rts i 26-24 0.872 19M lbs (•Z025 nor) 1 7-20 0.507 -W N 14-15 0.023 5711E .{N '. : (V A- Notes: %F�, ' .. ORID?• ' \�\� 1) 7his design is basedof ASCE 7-10 as rdae cod bythe 2DIO Fonda 1Wding C.3& ' • • • ' 1.2007/A3.2 be Cge1.21.V�Q 2) Men this toss hasbem chosen for goolity asssrance inspection, the Plate Placmaart Method per TPI shall aced 3)Parvide adoe ate dainage to IY Ar /� / A L psevmt pmdng 4)At1m9 mewcb ofthis trans has bast designed with pond point in the web All pan el points m Etch webs shall be braced laterally pespeodmlar to th a plane ofthe arms. Lateral braces shall be install s(i✓itpie/b' fp, g$�gegpmnL _c))ea 5) ®lndrales fmt0tpa ldl®1resTeim(C1Pa respired el tllElOCdllm(S)ahOWn. RDWa OfCLR.aaal lle e'1P¢alely d8(lnallyllaCed,6m D-WFF�:IItBttiaCl: Fa allanadv6lO CLRS mdda�el trdGng seCll-1tR�8F.QiFaACE 6) Listed wind xgli8 reactions based on MWFRS Only Iced og. . -N ICE•A.M.1'Wddeip b fmaiLedlod eaetien-ale. Tbedelip flbkW Cualena%bv¢dmdes.crleri mdagiuem ..ppf dbytb.Mr= MIEI aDd.l.up . SWp11e6 W. W.Ul sl sdFafn.ccepuviceofpofesma.lmgneerigre ymhbfaaie tr¢se®pwemdes�.sbmn Tiepdabiyawd�o[Ibieampo¢mfm'EoypmisvhrdtHbgde�ilMrtepoa�ip of S=Rog 4, 34395 WeBBdt.SD.ssseringRs�a.Asalmthidaeiq es�,peANSOTPl 1.2m7 C6sPa2•9IARIdTCf7tnssrzgarePoper8md6g,ertea'vgsmaim.dineug. Refctothbtea edivnofBC.51 (IhtlhgCampomm gafery IN t®jinbPodx:.dDyTPI+ndSBCgOrPOPee iaca�twmdboda®dinpennmaarrn>af®athna.it�tot�emieErmmm�fe.oessmtbe.tzae.of�e.;&�t®emt®pmuyRamm/a.niagrpeEt;,tiffigoii�cmeuv�ton(uchdhgonamimtoaames)®�tempary390N. Kings lBQla.FtPieeeF13495] tettnID/hacvg ottbettuaseamalbe beceesdaocewibHC51•BI sod BC5l.gy 7msssas4aaqu5epe®emm remoot/hncugofrbadsandeennbxbtoem6en(aknendeatedl7iisdewh8mbiodc'atestbelxatnafahserabemam.76e '¢WerthtdrSpfA1.CbePer2;Tgre'fbmcdiaommthecivgdeapnimt htemphtaia i ,^ aEdt qaakycmidaf6eaccoEMfdedgamdia3.Al I d'agar.thecvgdetaausc.cedencewiiBGSI•B7arBC5i-B7aaepptrabk.•A90R7ANf•7bides�emmnthanssamamGnuedu.eemdsocewl6t6iMwbgeatlt6eq®Ryeaiaiapec(sdnATH?NICWPa3. A1co®enorpbtpmal diig= bmcbimallmaaceminesoabv CSi.B3WlCSl-B7 opplgth-DRMZ lsoaaoo®rnveAlrySinpvoSLmg-7eCrr�aoy,lari.ecmdmce xibE8B4761.A1a®eaapbtnue](lyge,mffiWe gecfsdpite�eifobnedbye •-Ill-swbsbodiatesao 18 Wgep6te. Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: AIA �`. • SOUTHERN 2590 N. kings Highway ProjectName: 6510-d Fort Pierce,F134951 Date: 7/12/2014 113228AM 12/ Componentr Sohltions Tm COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: TTRUSS us Trs Version: 5.01 [Build 311 Span Pitch Sty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 44-8-0 4 /12 1 - 1-4-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 278 lbs 46ao 1.4-0 4tr6 3.7-14 7.6-4 7-2-0 6-6-12 65-0 S3-0 2•b-B 4bb .2-4 154i-B 22-10� 29-5-4 35.10-4 42-1� 44-8-0 5x5-18- 3x4- US- 3x4- 6 7 8 9 10 1.5x3 11 12F 43x4 / 5 4x6/ 4 3x4 / 3. 1x4 % 2 1.5x3 / 1 21 20 19 1 1 32 g� 3x4- 4x5- 1{� { 31 30 29 26 g 5.3 4x4" . 3x4 - 4x5.18 - 7xB - 1x4 p.5bf 1.5F3k3.5%U 13 �2x81 0.0.0 0$0D-B-0 041.0 B-2-4 7-6-4 7.2-0 1-1.4 ( 4-9-4 6-5-0 5.7-12 4-e-P 2.6-0 , 15-8-8 22-10-8 29-5-4 35-10.4 41.6-0 4 •2-044-8-0 2) 441-0 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (loc) Allowed Iced (w9 Bldg Code: FBC 20101 TC: 0.81(A Ved TL• 0.89 in L/584 30 L/240 TCIL : 23 TPI 1-7B07 BC: nits (19-21) Vet IL• 0.29 in L / 999 (S30) L / 360 TCDL: 15 ItepMbr Inamse: Yes 11Eb: 0.89(10-19) Hai TL• 0.3 in 13 BCIL: O D.O.L : 125 % Creep Fad,,, Ka- 1.5 BCDL: 10 Plate OSsets(3at01'.YAngb (1:6.142-0,18.) (OAMI.22) (3:1-IZ3-2,18.) (4d}I0,1.14,18.j (5:1.12,3z1g) (6:00,3$0.J (7:1•I$3-B4OJ (8:0Q1-1zOJ (9:1-iZ3$O.) (10.1KAOJ (I1a-1Z3-Z90.) (12341,3440.) 03:1-1Z4-%90J (14:]-L,3$50.) (15:1-)Z0-0,93J (16'.K -1ZO.) QT.I.1Z3$90J (1 2, (19.I.1Z38,0.) (?il:6Q24),0.) (21:]-1Z34L0.) R2.1.1Z0490.) t27:1•IZ341,90.) (24:0-0,1•IZOJ (25:11204190) (2&1.1238.50) ('t7'1.1Z1110) (�1.1Z. (246034L0.) (3000.24).0.1 Ol:1-12380.) Reaction Summary 1T Type Rg conbo Bit Wdh Mateial Fgd Brit Wdlh Max React Max G-Wift Max Wnd Will M.UrAft Max Hai. 1 Pm (MI) I sin Cmdde Masonry 3.00 in ZI141bS - •732 Ra-732Its 5451hs 13 H Roll (V611) 1 6 in Cmmete Masonry 3.OD in Z087 tit - -710 Its-7101ts - Material Summary Bracing Summary. TC SP (AISC6.2113) SS 2 x 4 eegs: TC Isadvig: Shethd a liriins et 2.50. Perlin desi0r try Others. P.10 SP (ALSC6.2013) t2 2x 4 10-11 SP (ALSC6.2D13) 02 2x 4 BC SP (A1SC6.2D13)A2 2x 4 a¢tpt: BC ]iacmg SheathdaP,,H s at 4-1-0, Patin d ilp b30thas. 12.20 SP (AISC6.2013) SS 2. 4 26-30 SP (ALSC6.3113) SS 2 x 4 30-1 SP (AISC6-20M SS 2x 4 KHs SP WW6.3D 2)#3 2x 4 -4TL 29-27 SP (AISC6.2013) 62 2x 4 Loads Summary 1) This trussed been design i fa the edma de to 10 setbaamt road live led plus dead Inds. 2) Thisfins has berm dsigudfa the eBads dwind Inds in axarbn.,,ith ASCB�•10witbthefdlmingwedefinedipte: 170rrphtdib tq E�q--C,Otcdll Hdg Dian65 t 8xARhs 174 Not FmdZoneTnas, NeitherandwebmtsidereiDOL- 1.33, CC ZmeVA&b 6.58. / 3) Mmimm stodge atde Imding in aaadance with IBC Tbble 1601.1 has not been .{pried // Member Forces SummaryTbbleindem ro�xa tes: Ma,, xCS1, dauaee, (max-gs,. foeeitdaeml from �ra)d.l f=) \\ �p , .......•,r'9 �Q G F hI,gF' ��\ TC 324 0.152 30 3-5 0.659 A148 N 7-9 0.114 .3,154 the � �� • '. 0.510 9.10 0.. -Z239 R, -3,774 1-2 0.543 -5,013 its 5-6ih 2.3 0.416 4.94516s 6-7 0.465 -1524 J s 10-11 0.397 49Its (41 lbs)/^+ ••• i BC 13-14 0.060 0lbs 19-19 0.440 722Its (<09]hs) U-25 0.700 J. Rs (4,60811s) b-31 0.528 47561hs . 386Rs);•• 95 2678 o.a37 other 31a o.s67 47991ts 4761ba) 140.54 12-1s o.at7 7IItn (4o91n) 1921 o.ae3 zz39nn ca,1361ta) J J 16-17 0.0% Ochs 21.22 0.786 Z15416s (-I,608lis) 23-27 O.671 3,154Ihs (-1,60811s) 7�• _ 1518 0.440 7121h; -0;)916s 2124 0.0D6 0 Rs 2&g 0.27B 43Ih; (•721bs •, PHs 2-31 0.047 12311s (-19lbs) 627 0.577 7251bs (-167lbs) 7.21 0.734 -0 Rs 1116 0.023 571h _- 131 0.099 24S bs 27-29 0.387 374I1s 9-21 0.530 1.333P. (6731bs) 16.14 0.018 441ts T.gTE 561t (-0,1t7s) 3-3 0.394 -9391ts 7.77 0.546 619 Rs (-32i ns) 9-19 0.454 -1,384 Rs 11-12 0.032 i . :. 12-13 0.521L� •, Uj 5.29 0.137 310 Rs (.214 Rs) 25.24 0.045-18311s 1019 Q890 z19D Ibs (4,0491hs) -zo621h; a9616s 1&n moos tl lba i �. •. A, tC/ 129-" 5.27 0.255 -see m; 24.26 0.048 0.976 3,893lba (ao48 ns) 32.23 O.W5 13 not 10.12 0.717 -zon nn ; ` ' •. C R I0 P Notes: \ 1) This deign is based m ASCE 7.10 as Merv-d"e 2)10 Florid. 1i61ding Code. Plate Placanmt Mdhadpe 1711.200VA3.2 shall be tad Cq=L21./AL•� \\ 2)Wnm this tons basbeen clam fa quality asstrmce mm spmd, the r6 3) Provide adpnte dainage to prevoot pmdn& �\ �'jrb iv�pes d 4) At least me web orthisouis bas b� dtsioned With a pane punt in The web All prod points m sah ves shall be baredlaically papmdmiar to the plane ofthefine. UtQdIha, shallh05taned wimio pint. 5) ® indents continuos )meal restraint (CIR) regmdat the loeatim(s).haw. Rn o s of ClRmat be adegBtdY dagmaRY h=4 see bVJEBC RMLkCE Fm altema6m to CIRs and dagmal bmt5ng sae D-WEMEBeO1tCE 'DMICE•ACONofrffi&-ipftlbcfmrtmedtoNeeeetimcmtrsna.TmdepmofeiiAiimuatnncrsba¢dmeesipaieremareq,d®eonsmppte(nthe'BrmMawhctac.aartpssWmWesscmacysmcmtpetc>,esotweuf rim NtaftTHgy SBCA)fontibrnyof opth'aeomyof-ti forthgtMBuifngIDsj;oc.wulonmidrseugidr'staeceepuaceotpofe>smale mpam6iyaibfat6etmlfat. Step11e0W Warier - m hd-sMkb-. CSI (&**gComp p.*p tbeavHbgnesj;ttRpeW4S1/TPl]-2007 Cmpe2 •v1AR1dfG"erassm4riet lum6gaatiai,teuvnamtrdcvg. Aetatotbe hten edsiao[SCSI(Bd16gCmpoaem SefetY IanomutiayntbPodotba1.k a.)aed1gfmpopc Svul FagtY S4345 2S0 N. Kings FBgb. FL Pierre F734951 rtashtbamedodaardmponam afMbformrrimrebtbgtoth emaemsorctnogoces lnthaba:uaeofspecifema>3timmetempaaryaarartittracbgrpecTratimsbyabas,roeuea�t®(¢1d'vgusnEfimtotrmcez)m4tempasry mmiVtoci3sefthem dolWi3acowds wiEBcsl.BlumdB6].R2.Ton sa6oregmpmarcmmm-im/mgofebmdssmcwhxbm®leer(,taeidated}l-admwhgou b&AtmtMbcatimfmblmhe it.The meWadafud'ui4ulnusmemMremainl�cgg math aa�ecirAbytbeB3lgglk�eryerAlSIR'n1,Chapter?Y�eci&tmapermmmihae�des�ioa gze�dryotbaatbi;mefh sceamp7efiedbyAaadWitd�aap•bterelmmauted dhiNamixneua demkcaccmda�ewibBCSI•B3a1.C51•B7eseyyFabb.•B.BCRTANf• 7bedesgna®mesdeboasumaufictsvednacemdaacews6 Ni;erdwugauddn QaFy mice pec'frAUAMIIfA 1 Cheger3. Ne®enmybteemal EememNenmdbySmpvu9rmg•7eCompsy,lrcuexmderce aihESR-2762.Ncomenayhtesue20gege,os�talh gecirdpbte mebfoUaMbys `•IS ouch hdrateam Iggagepbte. w Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: AIA SOUTHERN 2590 N. kings Highway ProjectName: 6510-d TRUSS Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: 7/12/2014 113228AM T,uss Component 'o ,tionsTM+ COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 4644160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: 2 of2 Version: 5.01 mld 31 Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 44-8-0 4 /12 1 1-4-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 278 lbs fisted wind x0ift mmma basedm MUFRSOnly m E - N C F lo. 54 95 C, TATE F [u < ORIOP'. Stephen W. Warta Swxt Ens n• saws 2590N. Kings Mgb. fl. Piocefl 34951 Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: A1B "'='Ml 2590 N. kings Highway ProjectName: 6510d SOUTHERN Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: 7/12/2014 1132-.29AM Component SolutionsTM TRUSS COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464 4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: 1 of2 TIn55 Version: 5.01 [Build 31 Span Pitch . Qty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 44-8-0 4 /12 1 14-0 0-0-0 0-M 0-0-0 1 24 in 267 lbs 46-a0 74-0 4-0-6 37-14 69-13 S1 a7 7-11-12 7-t0-0 7-5< 3a(u 44-t-6 a 4�-6 8•z-4 15431 zato-9 28-1D� x31 6x618/ 3x4- 3x4- 4Xt0- 9 70 6 7 8 12 4r 35 / 5 3x5/ 3x4 / 4 ,mot 1X41 2 } 1.5x3� / 20 19 1 1 32 1 3x21 5- 3X3- 1x41 1t(g r 31 30 29 28.4 1 ,Sx31 1.SX$k31 3x4- 4xS18- 4x18- 1x41 1.5bf- 13 2X88 p1 0-g-0 -0 -0 0-0-0 1-4-0 043-0 8-2-4 69.13 5.70-7 34-8 Q-8-P 4-2-4 7-1a0 I 4-9-12 %." 2.6-0 , 15.0-t 1 20-1 D-8 .0 28.104 36-8-4 41�104441-0 ~ B-2.4 1 2�-8 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (loc) Allowed Ixed (00 Hdg Code: FBC 20)0' IC: 0.76(67) VW TL• 1in L/524 24 L/24D TCLL 20 TPI 1.2007 BC: 0.5B (31-1) Vert: a LI3 in L / 999 r.8-A L / 360 TCDL: 15 RepMbhuamse: Yes Wb: 0.99(329) Hai TL• 0.33 in 13 BOIL: 0 D.O.L : 1S % Cteep Factor, xm=1.5 BCDL: ]0 Plate Oasds (Jn1X,Y,Ang} (13g2A9.) (20Q311,22)-(J:I.123ZIL) (4x}9,1-11,18.) (5:1-]Z3Z16) (6:00,3 U) (7:1-IZ3-&0.) MKIAZ0:) (9AQ38,0.) (M..0434i3OJ (11:1-W-Z90.) (12.3-U8.0.) (13:1.1Z4490.) (14:14ZA90.) 05:1-1ZO-0,90.) 06.-KAZO.) (]7.]•]Z3$90J (18:1-1Z60,90J (194Q38,90.) (7D:0Q1-]Z0.) (21:1-IZ38,OJ (221-1ZOQ50J (013'. ZAW) (24:OQ1.1Z0.) rsll+aa9o) (2611+3a9o) m1-1+3oa) rJe1az34I9o) (�oQ341o) fJono�4lo) (J1:1423410.) Reaction Summary JT Type ag cenho Hy Wdb Material JW pig Wdb Max R®a Max Orav Uplift Max Wnd Uplift M.Uplifi Max Haiz I Pin (%Wl) 1 8 in Cmmde Masmry 3.W to Z1341hs •7d711s -7X poi 563 lb, 13 H Rdl (V90) ] 6 in Cmade Mmmry 100 in Z107 hs �991bs � lbs; - Material Summary Bracing Summary TC SP (A15C67013) SS 2. 4 exogc TC )}acing Sheathed mPtdns at 244, PW in design by abea. ID-11 SP(A1SC6+913) 42 2x 4 BC SP(ALSC6a713) SS 2. 4 cet, 13C9aoing Shmtheda•Ptdnsat4-WPalindmipty0thea. 13-14 SP (AISC62013) 92 2 x 4 16-17 SP (ALSC6 E)p fR 2 x 4 23-24 SP (AIS062013) fR 2. 4 Was SP (A1SC6E112) 43 2 x 4 exrep: 29.27 SP (AISC62D13) #2 2 x 4 9-12 SP (AISC63013) M- 2 x 4 Loads Summary I) This ass ba: ham designed fQ the earns daeto to pafm,ma mesa the load pits dmd Imds. 2) This two has been designed fa the effects ofwind lords in accordance with ASCE7. 10 with the following ma defined ropes: 170 aph ultimate, Expatae C, Overall Hdg Dias 65 / A x 70 R h - 17 R, Na Eod Zme Tnas, Nether and web crosidatd DOL-1.33 , CC Zme RSdh 65 fL /�i 3) Mimitnn storage attic loading in atxadmce with IBC Table 16n] has not hem applied \�� N •,� I/t/ rr'9�QT �i Member Forces Summa Tableindicates: Meba10,-CSL=a,(WR=(®xaaa.-irdaa,nf6an,�apalraee) �� �e •,. ry Res 7.9 0.565 -3,663 res ` S Tc 32-1 o.152 30lbo 3-5 0.554 A2S 1-2 0.552-5.0391hs 5.6 0.468 4,Zi91hs 9-10 0.513 17Ito (•316s) •, ••�' 2.3 0.419 4,98511s 67 0.764-3.9911oi 10-11 O.Mi 74It; 6911s \ i BC 13-14 0.060 0Its 18-19 0.4% Z371 Its (•1,1681ts) 22-25 U. 3,664 lb; (4,78511s) 29-31 0.5)D 4,7581b; Its) �' nC 12.15 0.487 Z371 lbs (-1,168 Rs) 19-21 0.479 Z371 N;. (-1,168 Rs) 2628 0. ORs 31-1 0.577 ;774 Bs -431 j1s). �, 54 .7J 1 NI1617 0.OD6 olls 21.22 0.519 3,fi64Its (•1,7851ts) 25.27 0.500 3,66.1N (•1,78511s) }Y �- •, ' S 0.496 2371 Ibs •1 1681M 2324 O.OD6 0 Rs 28.29 0.242 431ts •221ts 0.055 W IN (-31 Its) 627 0.638 871 Res (•+.D511s) 7.21 0.577 -791 lbs 16-14 0.018 441ts Who 2.31 0.095 2341ns 27.28 0.351 264 Ioi 9.21 0.655 1,6121bs (-770I1s) 11-12 0.175 •229 Rs } .1 3-29 0.991 _87811't 7.27 0.537 6MPS (•ZnN) 9-19 o.IS2 3751hs 12.13 0.526 -2oe2N TATE F L(/ '• -3 a246 416lbs 25-24 0.002 a lbs 9-12 0.969 -z957 ft /, . '•. �/ ON 6 ih.7527 2-281h; 74-26 0.O.13 or '• \ 12927 0.910 403D b(-ZO921hs) M-23 U05 131bI56 0.023 57 Rs ♦ '. O P, ,•• _ \ RID Notes: ,� S 1) Ibis dmiga is lased on ASCE 7-10 as nfm cad b/the 20)O Flaida Hihing Code be Cgo1.21. /�QNAL \\\ 2)1Vhen thig., has been chosnra Qality.,otanesinspctim,thePlate Placm,mt Mdhodp+a TPI 1.2DOLA7.2 shall used th/ /o,' 3) Provide ade4me damage topxeset Pmdmg �,��l\ has been designed in the weh All points m swh was shag be Laced lalwanypalumdiadar to the plane of the tress. latml traces shall lX install el point 4) At least mewcb ufthis toss with, pond point panel 5) ® b6tmes tmtimnas lateral msuamt(CM tetttimd at the loatim(s)show. Paws ofCLRn= be edepotely diagnallybaecd see D-VAMCLRBRACE For ahematim to Cuts and dagmal lndng see D-VERENFORCE •)DfICE•Acoyy ofW'ade'&a1b jw 44edtadeaccli h coovtc:. rdespoftUbd'&-ben mbbaodmdes�cimandnqu erne mppYedbytbelhmhtmfa t ndmimgmtbeece,aaeyndCORL4e oftbe OrO tim tettmmbyweBoa�nespet. Asalmttgdesugbdk+tnaccepanceofPMfr im abagiarz:ftmPmAkyotbfutbewseomp® &-s*pg-a Tbesaab8ry•nd=ofrnce®po fmamyeneubtb�dfbgdmpitbeeV..biyof Stephen W.Wafter Sass Engq 54395 theB�ingn:s�eL1>e l•3W7(aapes2'WAIWTLr7to.:srzgorepopethnd6gaeedgs®mmandbacug. RefalotMbted edsimotT1C51(adl6gCos�ooemS Rty l�omatua}mtbPadueedb,'THaadBBCNfmPoyer >o>Mabxneeottpx�bs atimam,t�meyrcmam/aacbg asrmstyottmcwe,nnC>tibdogba,tn®mlaancec)ndua.ytrary 2N. zings lBgt. FL Piero Fl 34951 590 aaalknio- udtamiwpmumsarrn� tbarcntbgsouemRcmmacs'm1 rcva�ro.ergo+rbe,to>Stm.nbebaumraaeswbBcs•BI amBcs,-Bi rat:zta�tw�aln:mawt.atiagormmdsnaawb.ebm®mt(a6ma+env,ee).'rni<m.weemb�+tesd><butbarmbtetabenaa. rbe me,bmafb�,ia,ala�m�b�rz�a�emebgs�n6e��eaDadbyt�B�dbgD�perpmAb�,f�I,(pat=:r�ea�ea�pe�meo<m�aa���;;m,�aa�dayaord.t�t�eeaam�edaytematdb�tybterc,rc�tam b ?AIChePm3. Alcomectmp§taflel �ccM�edbySialm9tmga6Comferydm Brsmd 'fobweEbys--Ig-nhi. ��3 sviLESR, +761�.A1conenaph u�mgage.®latEe p�ecitdpb�e6�e' e.�teun pb Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: A1B SOUTHERN2590 N. kings Highway ProjectName: 6510-d Component SolationsTM TRUSS Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: 7/12/2014 113229AMpage: 2of2 Truss COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 4644160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Version: 5.01 [BuOd 31 Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 44-8-0 4 /12 1 14-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 267 Q7s 6) lasted w•md t --Bons brisodon WWRSOlylardisig. \\\\\gyp \A N.. � `•\ G F N1 � i •� ; o. 5d 95 I= TATE F N A Ltti��\\\ •rloncB•AcayyoffDsdegma4alDefumffiedfoNeemct�commmm7Lede�oonDsmlvtlWmacbn¢dmde�aleeamaquiemmsappEEbltDe7�Mamdaonevedeiesopmtbeeccmaryadco�Ymoe�oMeummetim Stephen W.Warta mforth bythe aoi( gDhs—Amlonm'sdowDe odietnaccepuaeofyeofembmleoba*Te robyfathtMcoopm dedgrd—TDeatkabacy.mw¢ortDaeanymem tamyfwncwbfbw+toaa-*i;lbcmg..,bffyor Sma Fng454395 tleHoNDg 4s�erpmNiSV1A IdW7 mapm2 �VARiatii•'Bo�artgarzpoper6nod4g,ertcte4!�aia edLacvg. Ae2n othe6teaedYanofBCS1(adlggComDomm 5afeq• mtomatuoyntypodmedbyTAamSBC/afmpopv reamtwmed,oatam;mpmdmtahty� t®mDtiagtotMemiecmmucmopoeeamtbeeDsnceor�ecSeBsemtimeedtempo.uymamutmmcitg�e� tirosDyatDetcBsava�om(rcldcguva6tvotoimsegmdfempo*uy 259HN.Kings }Hgh.Ft. Pietefl34951 mm-aiff/tracogoftDetmmsd.el4naccadeeeewiDHISI•BI andB(Sf.82 7n�ca�fegaiepemammromaotNmeuBofchortseodcennnweDmemhea(ahrtnd'rated}TL'ednwc8mbitdlatestbebcerasfmDtmbemeia.7lr memodofudiiAelboamembertcmamlDocugdNlhe as�esirAbytDeBm1hgDeapaerperADIDY1'Al,mapc3;iWecfstrosspe>meneoclnrngde�eml �ecitdbyothmgW's0alheaectmW�edbyaa�aNDdasryBtemlrzmecla� ` dagamltracugdetnEuavnrdorceviDH(9-H3mBC51•B7aseppFabh•IABVRTRT7I�TDadesgao�esthetmasommfanmednamudaocewIDtDidmwvge�tDeq®By mfa*e gec'fednNID?A 1 CTapn3. Ncomenmy§tesmai 5 De mmmGmmedbygmpmn3magTsCompmylmuaccmdmeewihE9t-1761.Neomnmmphtesue20gage,tmlssth pecifedplsteecsW6wsdbya'-IB"wLeLndkatesan 18yagepDte. Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: A1C ' SOUTHERN 2590 N. kings Highway PmjectName: 6510-d TRUSS Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: 7/12/2014 113229AM' Component SolutionsTbt COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: 101 1 Truss VL'rsion: 5.01 (Build 31 Span Pilch Qty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 44-8-0 4 /12 1 14-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 257 lbs 46-0-0 1.4-0i 6-5-12 S•11-8 654 5.1a3 6a3.15 I 6.10.10 7a)-7 ( 6-512 12-54 18.10-8 =8 3D-6-15 37-7-9 444.0 6x6 - lx4 j 3x9 - 3x4 - 4x5 - 1.54 5 6 7 a 9 10 12 4F- 3x4 / 4 4x5 / N� W 3 r b 2 '1.5x3/ 1 20 19 18 1 1 29 1x4 1 6x8 - 3x4 - 11(g { 28 27 26 2,5x3 j lx4l,3 3x4 - 4x5-18 - 4x14 - 1.Sa13} - 1•e�4ev{e3 11 2x81 �-0 0-0-0 D-BBAB-0 91i-15 9.3-9 6.1a3 l}43-A 6�15 ! 6.10.10 3-T 9-6-15 18-10.8 244]-0 2 MIS 37--7-9 411i0 4 -2-044a3-0 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection V (loc) Allowed Load (psn Bldg Code: FBC 2010/ TC: 0.930.2) Vol 71: 1.08 in L/484 (7627) L/240 TOIL: 20 TPI I-X07 BC: 0.62 Wl) Von LL• 0.32 in L/999 C-16-n L/360 TCDL: 15 RePMtrhiaease: Yes va: 0.82(2624) Hex TL• 0.35 in 11 13CLL: 0 DAL : 125 % Crap Fads, xa=1.5 BCDL: 10 Plate OBsets(1nU4Y,AogY (]3gVA9.) (1100,141,33.) (36100-1418.) (4:00,111,1L) (5.I-IZ3$0.) (6:1.IZA50J (10A3-&0.) (8..KI-L,O.) (9142. A,0.) (10]-]Z3A9D.) (ll:]-1Z40,9)J (123A.3A,0) (13:1•L,38,9UJ (14:1.1ZK90.) 05:o0,]-IZOJ (161-1Z -01) (17:]O-0,SO.) (18:1.1Z3A,0.) (19:00,30,0.) (2D:00,34L91 (21:1.1Z.,90.) (Ml-lZ3A,93.) C23.041-12,0.) (24.1-1Z2-10.0.) R5:142.341) (261-I23S0.1 m:0-0.2-0,0.1 (ffi:D0."'0.) Reaction Summary Jr 7vpe 13g Catbd @e Wdih mleril Pad Bill Wdh Max Read Max Gray Uplift Max Wnd Uplift Max Udih Max Huiz 1 Pin (WI) 1 8 in Coo=. Masmry 3.00 in Z1E lbs - -7361b-7361ts 460 lbs ] I H Rdl (%Wl) 1 6 in Cmaae Maaenry 3.00 in Z14811s --8701ts AOO IM - Material Summary Bracing Summary TC SP(AUC63713)SS 2x 4 except: TC$acmg sheathed 8-10 SP(ALSC67D3) 92 2x 4 BC SP (ALK6,20:3) SS 2. 4 afegx: BC Hadng SheathedorPalms at 400, Patin design byM-, 11.13 SP (ALSC6.2DM 42 2 x 4 1516 SP (ALSC&MI3) h2 2. 4 22-23 SP (ALSC6M13) 42 2 x 4 1Wis SP(AISC67D1-1) 43 2x 4 except: - 26-24 SP(AISC63713)02 2x 4 9-12 SP(ALSC62013) 92 2x 4 Loads Summary 1) This toss has been dsiptel far the e8bds dxe to 10 psf bodes chord Ii. hndpim dead Inds. 2)Tvi bis sa bas teendeigned for the e0ads ofwind loads in aemdonce with ASCE/- 10 with the Mowing ma defined Input 170.rh Wth te,Expsme C,Ot.W]Hdg Ditts65 A x A 1L h e: 1714 Nd Fad Zme Loss, Ncithu and webcrosidxed DOL-1.33, CC 2me Widh 6.5IL / 3)Mmimmstaage aerie IoadnB m armdancewith IBC Tale 16071 bees nor beat a)ytiel \\\ �1, ` r N Member Form Summary Tableindrata:MembalD.=CSL=axialfare.(t cmvr.faceifdBerentflanraaxaxialface) \� `p...., V •' 5' Tc 29.1 0.152 3011s 24 0.540 AVA Ils 5-6 0.405 A,431 Iles 7-9 0.794 •Z401 1h; � � G F (y s •. � �• �- •. � 1-2 0.927 •5,165Rs 45 0.421-3.7441ts 67 0.553 4,44111s 9-10 0.844 Olta �. / BC 11.13 0.060 ON ]417 0.436 Z4011ts (-1,Z43 He 2D-21 0.- 3,836I1s (-1,94011s) 2526 0.289 42N �(-2211s) 12.14 0.436 Z401 Its (•1,2i0 Its) nab 0.431 Z401 Ibs (-1,2i0Ih;) 22.23 0.006 0Rs 26-28 0.560 4305I1s 28811s) i C 95 1516 0.006 0lls 18.3) 0.503 Z8361bs (-L94016s 21.24 0.367 3.8360s (4.940Rs 29-1 0.616 4860Ibs 4 Its �, 54 •, .7J vits 2-28 0.151-393lbs 25-24 0.916 3,58711s (-),SA Its) 21-22 0.005 14 Bs (4Ihs) 17.16 0.006 IS lb, - ( 428 0.211 5191ts (-163lbs) 6.24 0,353 4251ha 7-2D 0.119 294 ft 14-15 0.024 6211s (yf+bs) 4-26 0.387-9671bs 24_3 0199 59 RE (•I lbs) 7-18 0.795 4,795 Its 1513 0.018 47 Re 0�•1YIM1 5.26 0,296 -320lies 23-25 0.152 46N 9-)8 0.511 1,339ls (-5531hs) )0.12 0.131 -22 Bs = 5.24 0.744 1,3731bs (-7)21hs) 7.24 0.655 756Bs (435lbs) 9-12 0.777 -3,OMft 12-11 0.518 •Z)09]bs i . TATE F t� I) Thia design is basal m ASCE 7.10 as refaee erd bjthe D10 Flaida Hilding Cute % • • •. OR to F • •'G�=\� . 2)Aben this U= has been chosen for gmlity assurance inspeaim,the Plate Placenmt Mahal per TP11-7DW/A32 shall be used Cq-1.21. / (� •,, •,,• 3)Roideadxpntedrahtageto pnsmtpmdmg 4)Atlenat on ewtb ofthis toss has )xm mtipytel wish apmd point in lheweh Allimdpinu mssfi wds shall be)rarnilataaBypapmdailartothe plane ofihemss. )ateallxaces shill be ivskint,\ 5)list®wind tpli0 m Ia -tag iil6`+```\` med aint(CM Onlyi mthe loatim(s)shown. Rows o(CUmsl be adognate)y dagotallylraced, am D•WEBURIDWCE 'till X7f10E•Aeopyoftb'edecgnmalbefi�edtotaeoecmneomnnm. The hyaofth-su6iihulmsscbuedondes�nexie>eamregidemevtsa>ppEdbyfbe7fuaMan�rnmmdrtieavpmtbeaccwaeymdcmptserceofWe efmmetim Stephen W.Wafter fmhbylbeBuilblf7eapna.Aaalantbsdreovgoar'atesarcepanceolpeoSesimaleogeea6greg�onsbkyneyfmt6emmcamp®emh�dxwa The ansbiyad�oftLscampmemtemypnnsubrbuM6gde�SeNemrymsbiyof h^ti F�B g51395 tlr ButlhpRs�a.paAN51/iP11.2007 Cbapa2•WARTID7.f11vs•Qsrrquiepopaheodtng,neetvur�amandhacivB RefatoNebteaediimofBC9(BeNiagCmpooem 8efery IN timymypodoccdby7Amd5BCfQforpoper ngabtbnteethodtmdmpmam mfegefmmettmmbtbgtowe emieconauctmpace¢Int6eabxrceofpecfcuseEtimmdtemporaryrzamWtraeyg gecifratonsbymhnctbeuanttimCocldo8>a+s�tcntokmvicee)eadmsnpaary 2590 N. Kmfs lBg)t. FL Pierce F) 3095) renrabt/aacbg ofWetrnssamelbe eaceaNaneewihBLSI-BI andBf9-132. Ten samrMkpem,m m=immacusofcbci&amcenauxbm=bm(wMend' ie4ThedmwbymynOwtmtbebcnnafmbtmlmmm.The me txdofbd riixlvwv nembermsnemNachpdel4 mgrsPedbyth.B?dimD e�,erpexATmlPel l,Cheperkfgec Ec=pe®aoemb ciig& pboo gmfcdbyaeMrthsdWbeacc mpkbedbynandudnd mybtemlmmam.A yL dasomlb,i,ghaauaamei...nBC51•B3mBC51-B7ueppEnbb.•IMPORTAM•Thsdesp-sWe-bma..h tmdnaccad=ewsbtbbdmwbgudtheq=kye7ierbgeeiedbATAITBICbapa3.Aleomedaphtertlut S )rmaoufaetmedbySmp=SbM-Te Cmnpaoy,Imha=,dmeewahESR-2762.Alc wphtesme30geggwlatbegmfcdpbtemebfobndbya--IrwtbhbdritamIsg4epbte. l �+? Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: A1D ME- M. 2590 N. kings Highway m ProjeetNae: 6510d SOUTHERN muss Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: 7/12t2014 113230AM Component SolutionsT14 COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: I oft Truss Version: 5.01 [Build 31 Span Pitch Ply OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 44-8-0 4/12 1 1-4-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24in 2521bs 46-0-0 1 aa� 5 11 a 5 3 t3 5.7a 7.1� s 10-11 61a1t 1 6 to tt 1 i 5-11-4 1131 16-10.83,to-11 37-&5 44.8.0 , 5X8-18- 1x41 3.5x8- 3x4- 5X4- 1.541 5 6 7 8 9 10 1F- 3x4 / 4 4x6/ us° 1x43 3 b� 2 1.5x3 / 1 1 20 19 18 1 1 �} 29 - 1x41 3x5-18- 3x5- 1SA 28 27 26 2t5x3l 1x413 3x4- 4x5-18- 4x18- 1.5bf 1.5Ak3j 11 2X81 0-04 0.8288-0 8-1-4 8.9� 7-1-8 ¢8-A 6.2-11 6-10.11 1 3-8 1 MZ 1 4 -2-044-8-0 8-1.4 t6-10.8 24-0-0 2 30-1D-11 37-&5 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (loc) Allowed 1®d Osi Bldg Cade: FBC 3lI(v TIC: 0.93(7-9) Vat M. 1,12in L/468 (2)-21) L/240 TCLL: 3) TPI I -MN DC: 0.62(784) Vest U-- 0.37 in L1999 23 L/360 TCDL: IS BgsMb Jnaease: Yes Vbb: 0.98(9.12) Ha. TL' 0.4 in I] 9cu]: 0 D.O.L: M% Creep Fade, Ka=1.5 BCDL: 10 Plate Offsets(JntXY,Ang). (1:6.14,2-0,I11.) (200,341,41.) (3410.1.14.111.) (4AQ3-11,18.) (5:1-1z3$0.) (6:1.IZA90.) (7:0-0,340.) (Bi)O,l•12,0.) (2)-Iz3$0.) (10:1-Iz38,9o.) (11:1-R,4A90.) (1234L3$OJ (13.1-)ZA90.) (14.1.IZK90.) (15:0-0,1.1zO.) (161-12.3-8,90.) (17..1dz00.90.) Ogaaz3-�o.1 OQo0.lazo.> �:oo.A91 (21:14Z., o.) (nlaz3 9l.) (23:0o.lazo.) (z4a-Iz2aa0.) 'j (25:1-Iz3a50.) Iz6:)az3$0.) (77A0. Reaction Summary JT Type 9y Co bo Brg Wdih Matelot Rod erg Wddt Max Bead Max Gray Upift Max Wnd Uplift Max Uplift Max Hod. 1 Pi. (Will 1 8in Concrete Masonry 3.00 in z1061b-7471ts-7471ts 4941ts I I H Rd] (Wtl) 1 6 in Concede Masonry 3.00 in 3079 Ids-X)51bs -W5 its - Material Summary Bracing Summary TC sP (ALSC62013) SS 2. 4 -.W: ICBracing; Shalheda Arlins at 2-IA Puiin dmiM ty0d:as. g10 SP (ALSC&2013) 42 2 x 4 BC SP(AIX6.2)I3) SS 2 x 4 wcepu BCaacing ShathedaPalmsat4NPerlindesignty0thers. 11.13 SP (ALSC6.2013) @ 2 x 4 15.16 SP (ALSC62D13) I2 2 x 4 rr-M SP (ALSC6.2113) #2 2 x 4 Vkba; SP (ALSC6.2112) K3 2 x 4 -V: - 2624 SP (ALSC6-3t13) N2 2 x 4 942 SP (ALSC6,3113)12 2 x 4 Loads Summary ])This toss hasb-desigsclfatheefrG=deto10psfbmmdh dlivelwdpisdadloads. 2) this tress has been,dmig,ed fSr the effaces ofwind loads in aceedatce with ASCE7. 10 with the knowing ma defined inpa: 170mpiopiat4Expsae C,OvaOlHdgDiuon65 - ftx'A1Lh=17B.Nd1-ad2meTnas,Ndthamdweb-,idael DOL-133,CC2me Widh65fL 3) Kniram Storage attic londng in accordance with MC Table 1607.1 has not been applied N \\` �v Member Forces Summary Table Indicates: Mtroba M, CSL max fete, (max cm¢. face ifdiffereni fr®nen axial face) �� • ~ max axial \\ , � • � � % (•,r � TC 29-1 0.152 30lb a 24 0.510 A810 Ibs 5.6 0.658 4999 lbs 7.9 0.930-2,663lb. � \ � � S+ • • 0 it. `- / 1.2 0.773 -5,042 ns a5 0.409 -3,978 es 6-7 0.697 -5.019 es 9-10 0.921 �.` • • (� BC 11.13 O.o60 Ors 14-17 0.449 z6631is (-I,337 es) M-21 0.488 4,309 Ids (-;142Bs) 25-26 0.320 6611a �(-3511s) 12-14 0.448 2,6Q1 es (-1,3308s) ]7.18 0.442 6630s (-1,33016s) 22.23 0.(06 Olds 76?8 0.595 4,288Ihs -3A Its) • i I5-16 0.006 Dec ]g21 0.527 4,303es (-2,1421hs 21.24 0.408 4.3391hs-2,1421hs 2&1 0.616 4.7USIls 1- 53 Its 10. 54 95 •. Wks 2-28 0.111-304IIs 2624 0.8211 3,6691hs (-1,941 lts) 21-22 0oU5 13 �s 17-]6 0.00.5 13Its 4.28 0.191 4461bs (-96 es) 6.24 0.519-507Ihs 7-20 0.121 299 Its 14-15 0,023 A Its _ -v 4'3 0.847 4Lr6 es 24-23 0.494 1101tr: 7-19 0.829 •1.967 fs 15.13 0.018 441. e�J1�\J S36 0.146 2171bs (-MO l s) Z-25 0.250 97 Rs 9-18 0.3J5 1,243 lot (431 11s) 10.12 0.102 -198 es TRTC r S24 0.660 l,(>J lhs (-7861ts) 7-24 0.711 843Ihs (•43_Its) 9-12 0.978-3,A3lts 1=11 0.518-2,053Its r� 1 1 C F Notes: I)This design is basalen ASCE7.]0asrefereraibythe2)10Acids DilingCade- % ��,•••. DRIDF''••'G��\� / •., 2)W)talthis cuss bas been chosen fa(tOBty assurance inspeaon, the Plate Placement Mesbod pa TPI 1.370LA3.2 shall be used Cg=1.21. ,. 3) Provide adMot drainage to pm�ent pending\ At lost one we tnas has beesnaint red with a trod the ss. Lateral trace Shancsag i d eiiiq.; ih V t�\\ ins m the wrh Allows,ofpoints m su�h wade able be Fncai latemlled, oFw RBRAplane 5) sea -WEBto Indicates t ah l bh 6)list®wind tpb(ft saaions based on MWM Onnljy lloacing. tthe loontim(s)shmv. Power dC3Rmat be adeq�eteJy dagxtaBylydca4 see D-WEOCLRBBACE Fa ahenatfves to ClAs enddiafmal laa�/�/riJl�l/[�Ii�'6'`NO •r+orlcE•xoparmaee�amaemrmffieemmeemnimaommda.T6eees�nar6m:;emlm�msdwde�o:ea.mm�emem.a sbyroevwrmnarmaQ.mmfea�xeccmayame�L,eae�nrmehr ,;® Stephen W. Warter etfonhbJtM Bogit�0ergm. Aselomt65dawbg bdeateseceepamce tdprofe®s]engheahgserpanstiiyIDkyfeth anweompamem de�thmva The adabgaavd¢¢ofWiseompommfmmypenivbrlxutlbgde$oisWeretyof S �gd 95 1MRAt'.&De4 erp=-NMrrPI1.2007 maper2•A'ARTa1X>•7hs�ssryorepoperhe>dfog,na,vn,s�am mdtraeip. Ref tothe htenedim o[BCSI(BdingCanp®em seRNlof tnnpmyl•oduee�TPlmdSaC/alorpoper latm(inchdgi latimtobrarcs)andtempaasy 2.590N. Kings lBgl1. FL PiaceA 34951 h.b,i.-U.semmponamefetyiffo=tbombtugmtbe Wiecoamoctmp mlntMetxoceofqecfeidaknime>dtempmtymmbubmcWq=rutbmbyoweMdmi mmabWecbgoftMtr�smalMnaccmdancewi6n(S-BI mdBCSI•H2 Tmss<seYnmga:epermaoemsewa 2;irV gofetmdsmdeaubweiog&6pa(winemr'oleothemtbawbgon.ccmpWodby mbalmb,embeteral M rd mnbVbn Md to utmd MTANperbidefp. I,esft ;rmaDubussdh.mord cwhftdmwgecrxdlyotMsaiei geff,4kAI IChap 3. Al mphi degmeltaebgdemikbsuordeocewihBCSI-B3m13CSl-B7aseppkabt.•IA00RTANf• TLsdes@usmmesdxtsusssmannfedmed6sccmdeocewih,bs@ewagaudlM gmiyesiesh �ecrsdbATSVTA 1 Chepes3. Ne®oedmpbtesmal dhg-l..igd..na.c.. I-B3.BMasglesapplybk.-Di Mmanuhdmedby5;mpmSrmg-Ts CosWa�.lrciacem4eoeewihESR•2762.Ncomectmpbteaem 20gnge,ml�lhe �ecRdphlesheisfobwedga •-IB-wlahbdeamsm 18 gagepbu. Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: V4 �:rt`< .>: 2590N.kingsHighway ProjectNaine:6510-d SOUTHERN Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: 7/12/2014 1133:42AM Componcat Solutions- TRUSS COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 4644160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: 1 ofl Truss Version: 5.01 [Build 31 Span Pilch Qty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 4-0-0 4 /12 1 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 9 lbs 4-0-0 24)-0 2-0-0 2-M 4-0-0 12 12 4� �4 4x4 - 2 d 2x4 % 2x4 / 3 <Xxxxxxxxxxx,& XX> �•0 0-0-0 4-0-0 443-0 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (loc) Allowed I®d (pso Bldg Code: FBCAIW TC: 0.23(l•2) Vert TL• 0.01 in L1999 (3.3) L/240 A TPI1•2(07 BC: 0.14(3-1) VatIL• 0. L/999 (3-3) L/360 3CLL: TCDL: 15 Rep Mbrina®se: Yes Abb: 0.00(1) Ha. TL 0in 3 BCLL : 0 DAL: 125 % Crap Faaa, K— 1.5 BCDL: 10 Plate Odsds (1ntX.KAno. (1 13 ] 381>i) 280 3 1 0) (3:14-13U ll) - Reaction Summary JT Ttw ftcoob3 BTWdh Material Max Read Ac React Max Gw Uplift Max Wnd Uplift Max Uplift Max Hai. lbs 41 lbs 71ta I Cmtinmus 1 4s in Cmcde Masmry , AI Ih; 101 pit - -41 Material Summary Bradng Summary TC SP (AISC6-Al2) R3 2 x 4 3C Ba®g Sh.d edmPahns at IO-K 'mlin desiBo by Others. BC SP (ALSC6-2012) A3 2x 4 BC ®-acing Sheathed a Purfins ai (,30, Pulin deggd by OUhm. Wbs Loads Summary 1) This toss has beat desigted for the eBeos awb,d Inds to accordance withASCE7. 10 aids the fdm"ingtser defined iopd: IA vqh ultimate, F�gname C, O�ell Hdg Ditts 65 . ft x A R. h =17 f4 Nor Srd Zme Tms, Neilha end web crosidaed DOL-1.33, CC Zate P14dh 63 ft. Member Forces Summary Table indicates: Mernbor ID, nix CSL toss, axialfmx:(n—cmV.to= irditrersat fmn roaxaadal facer) - 7C II.2 0.231 734Ihs (•1051ts)12.3 0.231 13416s (-I05 ➢s)I BC 31 0140 181 Ibs (141 Ni — *,N Aft Notes: 1)'hia dign is lnsalm ASCE 7-l0aztdcared bythe3310flaida Boldig Code ♦♦�\...,��///// ?) Gable requires omtintus bit®cbad bearing Y ^I 3) Gable wels faced at 24- o.e, U.N.O. ♦ \GE�S / 4) Ix420p U.N.O. n ," •'':�� Atacb pbie webs with plates, 5)Wh®this toss has berm charn faquelityasstretce insp lion, the Plate Placaren MetbodM TP11-�A3.2shall bmed. Cq=1.21. ` ` Wjste,! w,dtgliftm dms lesdm MNFR.S Onlylmdn& o. 54 95 _ TATE F :' tU ; ORIDP. /'� spa N � ��♦�`♦� A RAfICE•Aeopyofsb'sder�lSalh[omihedlotbeerecmneovmclor. The der,�ofW%udv�Itrus66axdondespoaterh andrequiemrntawppFAbylh7tuaManufieemeratdaiewpmNeaumryan=d enesofWehlbrmeti® Stephen W. Warter e:l fonhbythHviliugRsimer.AYalmthisdawbg odbatesaccepameofpmfe�valevgbmbgap�y®lb fmthetmse®pmemde dxwn The pfcabiyead114 ofWiseamponem fwarypancabrbtdlbl des�bNeregim�7ty of SowL rmgd'34395 mfarthsbeisabgRs�er,psA149/TP11.20W ChePer2•P'ARNiWTluscreq�ePope+luffibg.erectu0.r�nm am7trac .ReferlotM htw edmnofBCS1(BritvgCmpwem sefm �®atwphtyPodecedeYTPamSBCA)fal� 2A)N.Kiri kB FLPierce Fl34951 k�• rbnmetmasaadmpmtamefmbfamatimahtbgtotheemieaoaaunIDlNcealnWeabxrcenrgec8ia9aBtuoamtempmerytemam/a+c'vgq�ecT 1rmsMolDaR,ha9a®luot�lt=tbe —bsW)a¢ea)mdte.Tbe retmbl/6mcbgoftbenusre>batbe bacmedema a3hBC51•BI mdBCSI•Hi Trosseioregiuepe�mremaaa/tracbgofcbmdsandwubaebt�Dera(atoebd'eatM}71uMaaBonO'iodeates Welxatbafablcalrelnaim. The mnhod ofbdh,ihal amembmre®abt/Yacbgthalteu*ecredbythe Bu116gDetmrperATSI/ffl1,=:; it�ec6etntssp?lm bmchgdec�emrgecfidbyahers,tbiababeaccompMedbyeandatdbd=ybtendfesnutand ` d'egmelhacbl detakbaceoNeocea'ihlsc9-B3mWSI•B7aeapp4 bt.•IMDORWff•Tbi:dmipa� sthe Wsimanef chmdnacmado Mh Wi&aan8mdl cgmlyaieregecirWaAMnHl Cbopa3.Alcomeetaphtea&ai S be-..fa...dbyS.M.Smog-TeCompuy,mebaamda aihES0.-2762.Alc aphtecaa20gage,utkatbcVufzdpbteseesfobaNbya'IB-mbbbbdiatecm18pgcphte. 7 Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: A2 t PgT w SOUTHERN 2590 N. kings Highway ProjectName: 6510d Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: 7/12/2014 113231 AM Component SolutionsTM COMPANIES 11ES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: l of2 Truss Version: 5.01[Build 311 Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANTL CANTR PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 44-8-0 4112 1 14-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-M 1 24 in 255 ribs 46ao 2 5- 14 4- : 44)-6 6-10.11 1 �7 *11 6-10-11 5.7-0 9.9.10 14-70.8 19.38 24-0-0 30.10-11 37-9.5 444l-0 5x8.18- 4x5- 1X41 4x6- 3x4- 402- 1.Sx31 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 4F 3x4/ 331 4 3 u� m 1X41 0- 2 } 1.5x3 1 1 21 20 is 7 1 it 31 Eft*18- 4x6- 4X4- 1X41 11gIN 1-0 30 29 28 27 2$5X31 UA 14 3x4- 4XS-18- 3x4- Sd20- 1.5s2E}- 1.5g.%k31 13 2X61 ¢p 7-5 4 7-5-0 4S0 4-8� 6.2-11 6-10.11 3-8-11 21 7-SA 14-1 D43 19-3-B 24-0-0 2 410 30.1D-71 37-9.5 41-GO 4-2-044-6-0 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (loci) Allowed Load (p10 Hdg Coda: FBC 2010.• TC : 0.93 (7-9) Vert n_- 1.34 in 1 / 389 (21.22) L / 240 7CLL 20 TPI I-2097 BC : 0.61 (30-1) Vat 13< 0.45 in L / 999 24 L 1360 TCDL: 15 Rep Mtrincrase: Yes Wb: 0.99(27-25) Hoe TL 0.43 in 13 BCLL: 0 D.O.L. : 125 % CreePFadar, Kcr= 1.5 BCDL: 10 Plate Offsets pnt"JC,Y,Ange (1:54,2A9.) (2:0,0,3.11,34.) 0.0-9.1-11.18.) (4.K3-111g) (5:1.12,38,0.) (6:1-1ZA0.) (71-12.3A90.) (8.-K2A0.) (9:1-12.3S,0.) (10.00.W.) (11:14U-MO.) (12.A3$O.) (13.1-11,40.90.) (14:1-IZ3$90.) (15:1.1$00,90.) (160AI-12,O.) (n1s7::z142 Ml-lZK10.) (3IZ34L ) (24.OAl-L0.) Da33-a&90.agd)o3ao.) r2:7.1L3%1.31 ao.) so0z2s0.) 1.-218.9 ar3oaa3aa.] Reaction Summary 3T Type Brit Cmtu dig Wdo Material Rod Hg Wdh Max React Max Gran Uplift Max Wad Will Max uplia Max Hain ' 1 Pus MI) 1 8 in Concrete Masonry 3.00 in Z106 Rs --7451ta -745 Its 3901h; 13 H Roll CMI) 1 6 in Concrete Masonry 100 in Z139 Its - -791 ]its -791 Its - Material Summary Bracing Summary TC SP (A1SC6.3D13) SS 2 x 4 except: TC Bracing Sheathed a Athos at 24A Pullin design b20ehers. 3.5 SP(AISC6.2013) 02 2x 4 BC SP (AISC6-ID13) SS 2 x 4 euxp: TIC Bracing Sheathed.ftiins at 400, Pullin design uy0ihas. 13.14 SP (AISC6-2013) d2 2. 4 16.17 SP (ALSC&2DI3) 92 2 x 4 23-24 SP (AISC62013)12 2 x 4 W9s SP (AISC6.1112) p3 2 x 4 excgx: 27-25 SP (ALSU-N) P2 2 x 4 10.12 SP (ALSC6.20M 02 2 x 4 ' Loads Summary 1) This toes has beat designed fir the effects the, to 101af bonun chard live lead phat dead leads. 2)This toss hash desigtdfath-frees ofwind leads in accadmce with ASCE7-. 10 with the follmingwer defined inpn: 170 nph altbrate, F.rpoame C, Overall Hdg Dim 65 l fix•Af1,h=17O.Na Iad7meTrsss,Ndthamdwebamsid.ad DOL=1.33,CC7mewi(th65fL 3) bat hnimstorage attic Imin accordance with IBC Table 1607.1 has net been app)ied �� l ♦\ r N �v N Member Forces Summary Table indicates: Marcher to. vex CSI, max axial face, (t axampr. face Wdiffamt f� wax axial face) • • • • • . Tc 31-1 0.152 30mt 4-5 0.715 4,22)Has 7-9 0.9z7-5.937Ras ♦ •' �CF11f % i 1-2 0.793-A)4211a 5-6 0.369 A337 Rs 9.10 0.616 •5,1MlbsS4S`•', i 24 0.780-4.977Its 67 0.512-591116s 10.1] 0.373 ORs ',• /� BC 1}14 0.060 0Its 18-19 0.473 3,159 fb 0,600 Rs) 22.25 0.471 5,1031k (-Z,5411h;) 30.I 0.606 4.MN 12-5 0.4so 3,1581hs 19.21 0.447 3.1S31hs 2&2.1 0.096 7311s (-37Rs) -V Rs) 1o. 54 (-1.w0m;) (-1.60011a) (-2439)bs) 15-18 0.490 oleo z1.24 0.W6 51Q0lbs (-zs41nS) 27-2s 0.508 _ * 95 4,5391bs 1118 0.480 1581hs l-1.600 Rs �24 0.006 O lts 28-30 0.508 4 53911s-243911s WAS 2.30 0.0676-25 0.134 Z 0581hs 22.23 0.005 14 h 15-16 0.024 62 Rs - -2181bs (.1,0151hs) (417s) 430 0.132 3241ts (41716s) 27-ZS 0.989 4,4431hs (-2,27)Ih;) 9.21 0.349 -933 Rs 16.14 0.018 471ts w 4-23 0.585 -6WIts 7.25 0.519 42111s 10-21 0.500 zmIts (4,089lix) 1112 0.092 1991hTATE 1 F �U , t- 5-28is, 0.223 5931ts (-249 Its) 25-24 0.522 93 Its (-31ts) 10-19 0.136 334 Rs (•211h;) 12.13 0.518-Z,10D11a SZ7 0.296 74 ]its (-299 lbs) 24-26 0.2% 79l s (-1 lies) 10.12 0.788 •3,634 Ihs •'. 4 �z, 0.935 -1,593 Its 9.25 0.691 919 Rs (-0Its)19-77 0.0� IS N (4 ft) / /� •' Notes: ///�/O ,�� 1) This deign is Wed on ASCE 7.10 as refamrd bythe 2010 Merida Broldng Cade. 2)14bm this has been fa inspevm,the Plate Plac®mt Method 7M 1.2WA32 be Cq=1.21. \\\♦ // Nat1�t\ etas chosen gAty asatrance per sball tad 4)vide \ lease arved-a'uhasttopsesmtpmdsp del point in theweh All)®d points m strh wets shall be traced laterallylgpeadmlarto the plane ofthe ones. lateral braces shall hemstalldwithm/61 JILLIwib)nhdpdnt- 4) At least me web of this ones has ham desi d with a Ai 5) ® iodates anoint xis latca] restraint (CM ret*.d ai the location(s) show. Rows otCLRtast be edog ately dagenally hacd am D-WEBCLRBRACE. Far altanativa to C1Rs and dagmal tracing sm D-FORCE RATICE•AeopyafdsdeegnaDalbefandbcdtotheaecrineootnnm 7bedcsimofth'smdrituM sshtedmdes�nalerhaWP44em wppkdbytbeM=Mawfaetme w4miesapmtbeaccmeeyadcmo* essofMeuf tim Stephen W. Warter ..forth b;theliddiag4sPner.Asalmthsdawngndnetesaccegaoce dpoferaooalmgiheangrerpondiyohbfort6eeoscompmem de�dwan 7be suiabiyadttxoftbbWmpmea foravypanLvtvbdlbg de�adere dry of Stna Fng p 54395 tit BwXw DaspxpcxANstnTll-W07 ChpF2.7ARND'-IY-,,egiepoperhsodiog,aedig-itadtnebg.Hefatarthela,adiimofBC9(BAfngC®ponem Safaylnt tnmpbtbpodueedbjTHedSBCA)f.p per ioaaEt®metbodsedmpmum safegbformamarebibgtothe emieeanmoctimpoeesmtheehsrceotgec(eogattwedcemprnaryreanbVl acnggeci'utbnsbywheryth�a>atbo<aWbgi"'dirotohraxes)adtempmary 2590N. Kings 3Ggh. Ft. Piam Fl 34951 bortgiuNWHImremanWacitirtehadsmdeenabxbmembermveblend rahtml srmam/tracbgdtheme..b BBCSi-BIadBC9-B2lhg mnbdofmn�,mltramemherremaa/tracngWel6e esgecidlHlbeBsdtitgiL�mperAT81/IHI,C6ager2s i[�esfstr�permaoem bracug dergoiam@ecfWbymbagthedelhaccomp�edrywndard�uaryhtmlrmaiaad- ....lb ,oft Dc eMthawalbea =pfdzdbyoanudbdu i degomllnciogdbyShq a cmdhiedmi;fob }bdsdrawwhibbdzat ynlerngecifednNSl?B1Cheger3. Alc000ectaphtesmal f'7bapht h oamSdm dbySnryonStrarg-7bCo�eoy,IrcbarcardasewibESR•2762.AIco®ecrmybtesare20page,®tatbe �ecifrAphteseebfoEaedbya'-IB-wood ndnatesm lBgagephte. S=q- i:O=p WI. iC9-B7uappibESR-t762.Al =20lthmssitbeW Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: A2 V E SOUTHERN 2590 N. kings Highway ProjectName: 6510d TRUSS Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: 7/12/2014 113231 AM Component so ufl n31)! COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: 2 of2 Tfuss Version: 5.01 wild 31 Span Pitch Sty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 44-8-0 4 /12 1 1-4-0 0-0-0 0-M 0-0-0 1 24 in 255 ms Lslai umd t#ifis®uteu tased m Only 1m ng. �\ p P �GFA/S'• �140.54 CI TATE F w -taDncE•AcoyyofWade*o6halbefmibWtotbee bocom =TbedestmdtMbdiitultsu kbmdm&-ipmieshentnq im mppfedbyaci7 M=uf cl mdmicsvpmtheacc cywAcampLn msoftbecfmmetim Stepben W. Warter tetfmhbysbe BuiftDes�m.AealmtbsdrewbgliateseccepuocedRofcszwky dcDgbcmses➢DUAkmkbtsos fmthecompm dcfgn"7bemubiyaodmofibhcompm ib!.tdpencahrblbadesgohtb,mwnsb&yof SmxL Ene M 54395 the Bviing Iis�er,R+�SVIPl1•mB)CbaRer21PARFAiG•IIv¢negoiepoperbaodfa8meem4seaam a�tracisy Refcf otbe ktee ediinofHCSI(BlitiigCmpoomt 5elety lw! t®pinbpodumdby7Naod5BCN fOrpmpm uvb»mmethodseminpmtam tafmhf thmektn8cotbeemieconmonunRocess Nlheba:me of�ecEcuaaStannaltempmmyteanmMcu86pccr IrmsbroWa[the hsnEtimCvelN'vguv6simtolnmes)andtempmmY 2590 N. Kings FLdt. FL Piece F73995] restreimNacieBdth ts�amalbe haccmdamewthB(9-BI endBC51-H27m¢sakoscgideymmcmmsemam/hsncugofcbmGsa�catauwebmembmlwffiemcatcd}7Ladmwn¢aetyodietesWelxatoafmhteNmmaut.The mcmodd�ltsosmembcmmamf�chgtholhe ecspeciW bytbe Boi1oE DesgwP>ATSIIfA I.CLepeRi T�ecSctr�pvmaoemtracuBdes�osom sped•Mbymbe;tk'e�elhacco�lffiedbyaendatdodnsryktenitemem and d'egmalhechgdemLneceedamewihBCS!-H7 mBC9-H7asepplubk.•IM4CIRTAM'7Lsdespass®esthetsushmevufictmedcaccmdmce aibtbsetewhgamWeq®liy csimh�ee'fxdnNID/1'P11 CheRer3. Nc�emmphtestkal bemenoficmrzdbY8�vn5time-TsCmoy vy.lmnarsmdenee wW ESR-T763.Ncsamemmpbtesem �gaBe,mkstbe�eciW pktemssfobasdbya'-16'w9kh�r'ateseo 18gege P6te. Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: V8 SOUTHERN 2590 N. kings Highway ProjectName: 6510d TIROS$ Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: 7/12/2014 1133:43AM Component Solations7T3 COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: 1 of 1 Truss Version: 5.01 (Build 31 Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 8-0-0 4 /12 1 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 22lbs e-o-0 4-D-0 44)-0 4-0-0 8-M 4x4 - 2 12 12 41 14 2x4 / 2x41 3 1 0-0-0 0." 13-0-0 B-E-o Loading General CSI Summary Deflection IJ (loc) Allowed Load (1-0 BldgCode: FBC 201G, TC: 0.28(12) Vet TL• 0.011. Ll999 (3-3) L/240 TILL 20 IN 1-200'7 BC : 0.12 (4-1) Vert L1, O in L 1999 (3.3) L 1360 TCDL: 15 Rep Mbr Increase: Yes Vkb: O.O7Rd) Has TL• 0in 3 KILL: 0 D.O.L: W Crap Faaa,Ra=1.5 BCDL: 10 Plate 06sets(3ntXYAng)' (TL41314,1&) (2:003-110) (39-0.13818) Reaction Summary JT Type BIR Catbo ]he Wdh Mztedal Max)tact A V-Cl Maxov GUPHR Max Wnd Udift Max Udift Max Horiz 1 Contintnw 1 96 in Contact. Masonry 2521ts 91 pit 63 lbs 63 Rs 1516s Material Summary Bracing Summary TC SP (AISC6-1) K3 2. 4 ICBracing 5h®Na7aPoUns at 6.3A Patin tsigo by Ubm. 13C SP (ALSC6.2012) 43 2 x 4 BC facing Sheathaf aPadins al 6-K Patin gigs by Olbas. Vtds SP (AISC6.2D12) 43 2 x 4 Loads Summary 1) Ibis ones has b— designed fa the deco of wind loads in acmdance with ASCE7 -10 with the following wer defined rope: 170 rtph dtimale• Egxsme C, 0—U Bldg Dins 65 ft x A ft h = 17 ft. Na Fad Zme Tms, Ndtherond web considaed DOL=1.33, CC Zme Wd b 6.511. Member Forces Summary Table indicates: Mmba ID, —CSI. nsx ax al face face if dff=t fmn rrex ax al face) TC 1.2 Q20 117 Es (-83 fts 2.3 0.283 117Ibl (4t311s BC34 0.118 901bs (A91hs 41 O.US 9J the 41911s V6bs 24 DA73 1901he (-186Ihs) A?\A Notes: I1) Ibis desigt is basal on ASCE 7-10 as mlimm 1 bythe 2D70 Saida Hdlding Code 2)Gable requiresc atintemhxtanchordhaving ��// 3) Gable web; placed at 24•o.e, UN.O. �\• • •ti G F hJ S+ • ��' 4) Anach wets with a4 Mpr pates, U.N.O. •'. gaff a n / 5) Men this laws bas boa chosen fa quality asst winstxiion, the Plate Placesnett Method pe, TPI 1.2007/A3.2 shall be wed Cq=1.M. \ �.. ` 6) listed wind uplift reactions based on MVPRS Only loading •�� 140. 54 = — TATE 0 E to . NA'LIE�\\\� TxtfICE•Acopyofthbdeipftlbeft=ibedtotbcn it cormmaa. 7Mdespoftbkbd'iitA akWmdondcstptt3ereemrequiemeaumpptedbytbe As¢T4wfactmermdmiesttpmtheccma yWcoapkieoesofthc Natnetiw attonhbytbeBuitlkgDes�e. AsealonWhdrewiugirdratttecceparceotpofest�eleogueaiogtespats�rytokbfatbelauawmloutaldes�dmuu'Ne adabdty-des..fah'¢comporcmfaauypanLvhrbttlbgdestmathemq�oomiryot Stephenw Warta Strict. �gR � the BuHhglks¢ec,p=PNWMI.2OD7Cbaper2.• ARNDreTons;song,*e;nwrhaffioy,aeevn Tmainawbneitg.Hefetothebmsediboofxs (nJfugC®poaemsafetyl.r tbajrmypo&cedbyTAmdSBCNforpp. n9aLtimmetMdttmdmparam eterycfosmatborebti>Broth..mie •^^a+•v^place¢lntbeebselaceofspecinbveobimamtemprnrymsmht/usacvgspecfratbnsgothegth �a6t®(uettdnguva�tintokrauees)mdtemyauy 2590N.Rmts IEFla. S. Piece Fl 34951 m mTbhtaeeis mcedb'.'rrighhos[ttlaltrriaihrama¢eewmesbDdeaarlorbeceemsmhuoiBlhbCBeSC9a-r9Bsp-7BeecIsCaasdpdpEbB/a61bbk1e-.BH•LIuMibyI suCaNts�dfaarefdec3irh.drt9auvld tNTkAas1se.7me•srryTphe�ir;AdeeTI�Ssr�VfeAsaem1a,Cem6sleshpoeaetvrsu2Us;trYcapmteemcgfooeffictcrhnue�vWdl�sauuedcwcorrod�auoxcceb6ogsia�hemW�bcedahra�(wwah�rgmmcc�ddtM'eabtg1e'wdo}�BbTyehncer,tidLemissh.bhsapl6cbcoeiof 4Tin0svgR:dabrie>noduAkryaTtS�aI/etfhdAebAtnelmrcayola®hstetmrnziolmrre.p wbaienhcteH/amCadSceI•boBcg3.e � Otr ate' Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: A3 - 2 0 N. kings Highway ProjectName: 6510d SOUTHERN2590 TRUSS Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: 7/12/2014 113232AM Cotitponent utid COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: 1 of2 s Tfuss 311 Version: 5.01 utld 31 Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANTL CANT PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 44-8-0 4 /12 1 1-4-0 0-0-0 0-M 0-0-0 1 24 in 248 1bs 46-0-0 1.4-0 511-11 51-13 S2-0 S2-0 S2-0 S2-D 14 2-8 18-10.3 24-0.0 29.2-0 3440 39-6-0 44�--0 6�64)-14 169-110.D 6x6.18/ 4x10- 1x41 US- US- 1x4j 4x6- 3.5x8- 1.5x31 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 4F- 3x4 / 2 1 �11.5x37/ 1 21 20 11 1 31 18- 1x4j 5x8- 04- 1><� } 2t5x3l 1x414 { 30 29 28 27sn 1x4j 3x7- 5x9- 1.5R3}- 1•k3I 4xS18 - 13 2x8 j D-0-0 59.10 511-11 51-13 tFe- 4.6.0 S2-0 7-2-0 4-B•P 2.6-0 P t M6.0.14 14 12-10-8 18-10.3 1 24-0.0 2 29-2-0 34•-0-0 4180 4-2-044-8-0 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (loc) Allowed Load W Bldg Cade: F-BC M10' TC: 0.84(8-10) Vet 72.; 1.61 in L/324 (21.22) L/240 TCLL 3D IN 1.3( y7 BC: 0.90 (3)-21) Vat I.L.0.55 in L / 946 24 L / 360 TCDL: 15 RepMhrloeesse: Yet Wb: 0.93(10-M Haz IL• 0.52 in 13 BC37.: 0 D.O.L : 125 % Creep Factor, Ka=1.5 BCDL: 10 Plate Offsets pntXY.Angy (1:614,2-0,1&) (2:1-123-ZIS.) (3:00,3.1a9.) (4.K3-,0.) (5:1.12,38,90.) (6-.K3g0.) (7.,00.3-&0.) (8:00.3$90J (M. 2-%O.) (I():K3-,0.) (11:1-)Z34i,9J.) (11AA0.) 03:]-IZ4-0.90.) (14:1-17,A9D.) (15:1-1Z00,90.) (16D0,1-IZO.) (17:ta23-0,9D.) (&1-tz,oD,90.) 09:o-0,z-0,06) c5r0o,3-ao.) (2 ,K341,9Da cn14),0o.9a) (z1:1az3a,90.) (240AI-1ZU (2s 1.123-0 0) tz61.I23a9o) m 1a23so) (2a•I-1� 3ao) (z9o�2ao) f3o-o-0.3� 90.) Reaction Summary 1T Type dig C•mho 1F6 Wdh Matedal Fgd BIB Wdh Max Feat Max Gmv UM Max Wndtlplifl Max Uplift Max Haiz I Pm (t O) 1 8 in Canner Masonry 3.00 in Z1061b; .7571ts •75711a 4081hs 13 H Rd] (Willi 1 6 in cmcae Masonry 3.00 in Z078 !des-6961h;-6961ts - Material Summary Bracing Summary TC SP (AiSC6-2)13) SS 2x 4 except: IC 1ia®g Sbeethed aPuffins at 2-K Puffin design by Oihes. 9-11 SP (AISC6-2713) 92 2 x 4 ' 9C SP (ALSC6-2113) SS 2 x 4 except: BC amdng Sh®thed a Pmlins at 3.K Pmlio tisign ty Othm. M14 SP (AISC6.M 3) 42 2 x 4 16-17 SP (AISC6.2113) I2 2 x 4 2324 SP (ALSC6.2DI3) A2 2 x 4 N6hs SP(A XOD12)0 2x 4 ee-t: 4.25 SP (AISC6.2013) #2 2 x 4 77-25 SP (ALSC6.3713) SS 2. 4 10-30 SP (AISC6.2113) A2 2 x 4 Loads Summary I) Ibis bone bus hen deigned fa the effeas cim to 10 pef bou®dtad lire lmdplm dead loads. ' 2) Ibis Ina: bat been designed fa the effeas of wind loads in aaadance with ASCE7. 10 with the following -defined inps: 170 uo tdtimate PVm= C. OmWl Hdg Diva 654V%A flI?D$h=178.Nu Fad Zme Tess,Ndthaendwebtmsidaei I)OL-1.33,CCZme115fbh6.5L 3))dinin m ettrege attic loading in acmd ncewith IBC Table 160'7.1 has not teen applied �/ aq Member Forces Summary Table indicates: Menbe, ID, rmxCSI, max axialfcrm (maxim. faceifdiffetent fmo maxa)6el f noc) \�� • • . �� zc 31a 0.152 3o1b; 3� 0.494 -01T-tits 78 0.471 50961a . ��G1=hlS�•, 1.2 0.656 -51038 Hs 4.5 0.644 a.0371a 8-10 0.937 -5,096 ft 2a 0.680 445911s 5-7 0.662 -10 4 the 10-11 0.436 0 ft BC 13.14 0.060 011s I8.2) 0.697 1 35lb; (-1,483 Ides) 22-25 0.594 6,4351hs (.3,1461bs 30-I 0.667 4,708 lbs - 755lbs) ;' i ]za5 0.626 Z&15ns (a,4s3ma) 25-21 0.&W Z435me (•3,146Its) 26-27 0.112 89H5 (a4tb;) 0, 54 95 16.17 0.006 0Its 21.22 0.639 6.4351� (•3.14611s) 27-29 0.529 4.8%lbt (-Z455lbs) - >� , 15-18 0.672 Z9151ts (4.483Ibe 23-24 0.006 0lba 29-30 0.547 4-MIts •Z575]bs - {fit Wds 2.30 0.070 173 Rs 77-25 0.893 4,977 Its (•Z49511s) 7.21 0.054 1331ts 15-16 0.023 57 Nor 2.29 0.771 M)n. 5.25 0.632-342Ills 7.20 0.482 a,sl2Hs 16-14 0.018 44lbs - T - 3-2s 0.360 995 N (-288 Hs) 25-24 0.640 95 the �21 am7 345 rm 11d2 0.055 -151 th; ATE U ' F' �► 4.29 o.3s3 a,o4g 1hs 24.. 0.327 n na lam a717 z653 Ra (aaW Its) t243 0.51s •2,os31ts i �, •'•. �(/ 4-2'7 0.550 aa7gIts 7.25 0.319 744ns (408lb,) 10.12 0.950-13531hs •' 4.25 0.733 ZSM Hs (•1,29 Ides) 22-M 0oD5 131he 18.17 0.005 1311s ♦ •. •• ORID P. ••• _ \ s .. Notes:S� •�` O 1) Ibis design it lased on ASCE 7.10 as retaeced b y the 20)O Florida Holding Cade \\\ Plate Placmxat Method 1Pl l-2TD/A3.2 N A L In toed Cq=1.21. - //, 2) When Ibis truss ban been chmen fa gality asstaance inspection, the per shall 3) Provide drainage to ding. adq.ate prevent pan 6 4) Al least this tons bas been designed with a in the weh AO an etch webs shall be braced laterally papendialarto Iheplene ofthe bms. LAI traces shill be insta0ed within 6 � �� d trim we web of }and point pod points 5) ED Indicates maintna lateral testamt(CLIP regiredm the laatim(s)shown. Rows fCLR-t be adeFntely daionaHy(rsog a. IYWEBCLYJEACE FaahmathmtoCM=ddagmallratingsm D-VAMF 4FORCE Rz7f10E•Ace]yofW6des�dialhefmibedtotheen:etnncmeana. Tbedesynaftb%b&,itwltltm'abaxAondes'enaicrbend¢goiememsmppEdbytbeMmManufactw mWmlesvpmtheammagmdoa.pL•n=sof•beet tin Stephen W. Waiter sctfethbytWBn1*D,,Fg-.Atealnth%dawgBhdOtes-ptenreofpmfeiSDWeagkC%bgretpasbkymbb'fatbe l ceIDlmeen defigad n The piabkyudmofth%a®ptD7CCmfat=YPMklguhlHnadc*o %ttmVamb,10 of Stnq Eng i,54395 tbe&v1>og Rf�er,peaWS]?PI1-2007 CbaPa2'WAR1dK•Tlu�emgiveF��YRc�4teaeim mdbmci�g. Aefatoth b•n edi®ofHC9 (BtHitgempan &L5 ylnf tiwjA*pod<redbyTHamSBC/)forpoper 2590N. Kings iHgb. FL Piece F134bI usahthomethodsaminpetamc 4ty trmmbtvgtolhemiecwau�poces.latheF eof�ecfie�emshoamtempeaaymmaia/hocDg geciuti�b/abar,taeuv6tcn(¢1d'ngiavB•mtolvanees)amtempaary mmainfaaciog e(Ibeva¢sdiebbe baumdaocevibBCSI-BI wdHCSI-B7. Tro$ra%Dmgmepe�memmeam/blecogofehmdsmdeenehaebm®Ix�e:(n'LaeudCatW}ThiSdaw'b6a�'udce1ee14brat�fmLtenlme'aahl.7he mettDdormi�ahmamemtammam/trchBd>nl6eufpertedtnlheBaithenespaerPxAlmrrHt.cmPe:fir�ai'eu�pemanemmchBdes�%mt�pecEetnDux+sth%stalbeaeampidie6byaeneembdanHta,lrema;a:m d'agoee b. adenEbaamdeocewinB(�i-B3aeC.9-B7asal�pF'+'n•4Oft'W'It'7h%ee�e.�esthemmsoumt6envedioeamdsnee wthth%dmuiogamine queiyrrtelh �ecdedhAMt?H1Cbapa3. Aieooneaapalesdat bememLcLdby=,.M.4.TeCoamary,locuaaadaveewibESR-2762.Alw mphmsam20989c.uatsthq=&dphtefaetfobaWys'irwbtbiftnesnlSpgephle. Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: A3 MOM," SOUTHERN 2590 N. kings Highway ProjectName: 6510d TRUSS Fort Pierce, Fl 34951 Date: 7/ 1212014 113232 AM Component SoLltionsT"t Truss COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: 2 of2 Version: 5.01 [Build 31 Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 44-8-0 4 /12 1 1-4-0 0-0-0 •0-M 0-0-0 1 24 in 248 Ibs �� g� • ��G F Als�.•.!� �: _ * : lo. 54 95 TATE E to %��3, ' • 0RI0P•'G���� NIAIL,�``�� •wnce•Acoyyof h%6e5��3befim�eA omee ec [mc®tree oc 7oc6e jmofWcudvivalvassbu¢Eoadesptxiereen6Rquiementemyy66bYtbe7 naNamUc me end eiecupm beeccmegemcmpbteoea ofineuf tcea Stephen W. Warier ati rowbywetnawgno.n�loa�ma�gm�mu�eperceorPor m�,lengoeerogm�oaye>tbrmwem�rompmem ae�moaa Tx a�ebryem�ormsoamyooemr eny�nbaern�uos crest awemey or ttrHo;lhgQ�e;perAN$1RP11•XI07 Cheper2 WAlUdr%P it�sregmeleop¢bandbg,emctim r,srnm tmdlnchg Refmtotbe htea etinDomC51(BdfvgCompoeem Safety lNomutimjohtbTcodredbyTAeodSBC/�fmpmper SM57395 nvbt®melbadsenemponam mf tyi fmmatwmhti gtothemtie•,•,•••.»:•,pores mteea�aceo[speeEc�aMmeaAtempmuymaniaMcuPgadratmsMomcathuvtt�m(ccidveusnLtaofotrcvicec)ao6rooryua.Y 390 N. Kings gs FLgh.U. FL Pimz F134951 m�aeN.aeegofWeut�cmal8eueumdatteaihBC9-BI a>dB61-H2 Tmszeel;or quiepemaoemmmem/trecugofcbmd etdc bwbm=bm(9 bdi:atM}Tbsdnovgmtb&ainthbwb forhten(ma i2. The metboddhfi,ikaltmamembecrem&btAnc4g dalbe nspeerWbytbeBWdingT)epmpmANZW11,CeapnkirWefswap—n bocegdeiaeam q=rcdbyttmth'edalbeacem>plibedbyv.dardb&-ybiemlm kl nd dsgonalb—bgdemibeccmde wibBCSl-B3 mHCSI-B7neppl bk--l)aMMW— Tbadetynasa ffi, tmssma .&d..dneccmdmce tclbtb'ed winndde goerrymimh yecfednATIDITA l Cheplm3. Aleot arpbmdnl '•i bemmafeetmedbySiapam Stmeg-Tecm C-gaay.bei da a�ihESR-2762.Alromemaphtes=20gege,tmkaeartb tbe Vpbte® s smbxdbys' lr%labadiatnm 18gegepbm. /— Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: V12 SOUTHERN 2590 N. kings Highway ProjectName: 6510d TRUSS Fort Pierce,F1 3495 1 Date: 7/12/2014 1133:41 AM Component SolutionsTM COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: 1 of i Truss Version: 5.01 [Build 31 Span PBch Qty OHL OHR CANT CANTR PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 12-0-0 4 /12 1 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 341bs 1243-0 6-0-0 6-ao 6-0-0 12-0-0 4x51 2 12 4F— 12 14 0 3x4 3x4 - - 3 1 0-0-0 0-0-0 12-0-0 12-0-0 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection 1✓ (loc) Allowed I.ad (Ps Bldg Code: FBC 20101 TC: 0.74(1.2) vat TL• 0.02 in L/999 (34) TCLL: 2D TPI 1-2007 DC: 0.41(4.1) Yet LL• 0 m UP L / 999 (3-3) Lr240 L / 360 TCDL: 35 Reds Mbrbaease: Yes va: 0.I0(2<) Herz TL; 0. 3 ' BCLL : 0 D.O.L : 125 % Crap Fader, Ka =1.5 BCDL: 10 Plate Offsets OWY.Y An ft' (1.1.50 3$.0) f1 K341 90) 0:1.5438.0 ) Reaction Summary IT Tyre RM ceaho Brg Wdh Herded.) Max Read Ave Rid Max (iav Uplift Max Wed Uplift MaxWn Max Haiz I Centimes 1 144 in Cmaae Masmry 3921bs 90 plf - -89 l s 49 Ides 22 lhs Material Summary Bracing Summary TC SP(ALSC6.2012)*32. 4 TCBacmg ShothedaPmWsat6.30,PWindmignby Other. BC SP vims.2012) 93 2 x 4 BC Bmdnp Sheathed err Parkes at 6-3A Pali. desip try Others. RCtr SP (ALSCOD12) *3 2. 4 Loads Summary I) This toss has been desipled fa the eBeas of wind leads in aceadance withASCE/- ID with the fdlavinglaer defined inpd: 170 npb uldnute, Expxae C, Wera11 Bldg Dhna 65 0 x 7O ft, b = 1714 NotCad Zme Tess, Neither and webem sided DOL=1.33, CC Zme WSdh 6.5 8. ., Member Forces Summary Tableindates:Meet=ID, .nxCRtsu,udalface,(®xcaa¢.faceifdiBamtfien=azalf=) TC 1-2 0.738 158 Ides (-156 N 2.3 0.738 158 Ra Q1611s BC 3� 0.413 102lbs dt9lhs 4-1 0.413 HU Its (4d91h; Wks 2-4 0.093 •Z781hs Notes: ))This design is basal m ASCE 7-IO as refcaudb�Ihe XIIO FIaida Bildirag Cale. 2) Gable m#m cantinuxs bmmn shad bating \\\ {A • • • • 3) Gable webs placed at 48"o.e, U.N.O. 4) Ameh webs with 3x4 20pi U.N.O. C gable plates, , the Plate Pladt Method I.2=A3.2 shall be wed Cq=1.21. 5) When this tress has be. ehes®fir q Ally us—. impedimaalen 6) Listed wind upUR sacdms basal an WATS Only leading F•�'.•^ i \ i _ * :140.54 95 J 4 it TATE F � ; •.ORIDP•''����� •IAfICE•AcogofWish�sDalDefim>ibedloNeertctimcovoaem 7LedesgoofW'su4i+�altrus%Mxdonde nmieahmdregoiemenumppfedbylMTnmMamlGameredrziesvpmWescemgemlcmpbteaeoflheN tiom stfoMbyWe Bni16g0es�er.Aaal®thsdrawi;gadr'ateuuepaneedl ��g�w6mspo deiymbb� IDeramscompmeatdespub—The oaalkya d—afth'scompooem faoryynnial batlbs deaPnsd,,.gomb ryof Stepben W. Warter StrIz7. Fn6#54i95 theauit 1k*.ypaAN507P11-2W7Chapel•A'AP1M-*•'hnasse*eprryerWndfgg,mectb�r=aW wdb cam. ReRrlothehtea ediimofBM(BIBh9Cnmpm mSefery lafm bjai*pod..dbyTAaadSBCA)fmpoper 2gA N. King F6gb. FL Pieee F134951 iasaEt®methadsaodmpranut mfeN.�amatbambinBtoft emiec mnetinpeees IDroeala-rce ofWecfereaEtwamtempomyaamia/tracuB�ecgrat bymDm;lbeiamhtim(hehd'nBaaalnbntoksarces)md lempaaw msmimMebaotwetatsxama3eebaecmdeaeewihBC9-BI andBCS1-lit Ts esabsegidepe®mem te�bt/trachgoCclmdcamcenauxbmembenlwbeaadr'aced}7LedewbBoob •IestMbcatiaCmhtemDeamm. The maDodofbdividimlwsmemixasema�/kacig shalhe uspuiWDYfheBdfug BergerpaATSVfH1,CDaplck!'gecfetaasspemenemaacggdes�ncmt �eeFsdbyotDmASD%sheBbeaccompFtWbystulludbdu9rybieralrt4migaod ! ^� d'ag®allaacbgdelakbaccmdmrewihBCh7•B3mBC51-B7asappEaDk.•A40RTANI•Thsde�as®eaWetausssmamJ cnvMvaceoadavice aihlhsdrawbgaadlDe arysiymime gtecifW uATSUfn 1 CLpm3.Areomeelmpblesshal DemanafammedDySapmStaong•7sCom{avy,lrcaarcmdavicewiDESR-2752.Are®retapbtesaae 20g.M desdzap,cfMpbII aimi;fob-edby.'-Ir whUb ialesan 18941Pbte. t/O 5 Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: V13 SOUTHERN 2590N. kings Highway ProjectName: 6510-d TIRU S5 Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: 7/12/2014 1133:42 AM Component SolutionsTM COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464 4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: 1 of 1 Tfuss Version: 5.01 BuBd 31 Span Pitch Sty OHL OHR CANT CANT PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 134-0 4 /12 1 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0.0 1 24 in 38 lbs 13-4-0 6-8-0 6-8-0 B-B-D 134-D 0-0-0 4xe1 2 12 �12 4� 4 N 3x4 - 3x4 - 3 1 4 x D-O-0 13.4-0 13-4-0 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (loc) Allowed lad ()60 Bldg Code : FBC 2)101 TC : 0.95 (1-2) Vat TL 0.04 in L 1999 (34) L / 240 ' TCLL 20 TPI 1.2007 BC: 0.57 (3-Q Vet IL 0.01 in UP L / 999 (3-3) L / 360 TCDL: 15 Rep Mbrlamrase: Yes REti: 0.09(2-4) Herz TL• 0. 3 BCLL 0 D.0.1-: 125 % Cra*Foda, Y— 1.5 _ BCDL: 10 Plate Offsds Ont•X.YAng) (1.1-5-0380) (1-K3.1190) (3'1-M"Wo) Reaction Summary TT Toe Bg Cmin Bg Wdh Mat W Max Read Ate Itmcl Max Gav Ud'ft Max Wnd Uplift Max Urtift Max Hod. 1 Centro— 1 160in Cmdae Masenry 4351hs 90 dr - -9911s -931ts 2511as Material Summary Bracing Summary Tc SP (A1SC6-2112) 63 2x 4 ICBracing; Shenlhat.Plrlias ffi 6-3-0, P-Un design by Others. BC SP (AISC6-20)2)(0 2. 4 BC Bacing Shmthed.Ptrlins al6.30, Puffin deiign b/ Olbm. W:bs SP(AISC62)12) P3 2x 4 Loads Summary )) This bras has been designed f. Ne efreas tiwhnd bads in aaadanca with ASCk7. 10 with the followinglaer defiant i apt: 170 m h dtirmte, F:q=m C, Overall Hdg Diva 65 8 x A fL h -17 0, Nd Evd Zane Tnas, Natha end w b crosid.dDOL- 1.33, CC 2ae RSdh 6.5 f L Member Forces Summary Tableindates:MmnbaIn, raxcSLaaxmdalfisee,(rrsxcerr¢.fdceirdSaantfi.naaxa)dalfb—) 7C 1.2 0.946-2191hs 2.3 0.946-2191hs HC 3 4 0.567 156lbs •89 Tt. 4-1 0.567 155 its (-89lbs REM ad 0.095 lbs Notes: 1) This cksign is based m ASCE 7-10 as rermewed "a 2010 Fldida Building Code. \� 1�1 2)GabfemgLimcmtin=bW=cb dbaring \. a a .. \\\ �'? •, 3) Gable wbs placed st 48' ere, U.N.O. E % 4) Anaeh gable wets with 3.4 Mpa plat., U.N.O. N f�\ � (-i s+ 5)Rheathis= b.baabosm f. galiry asctrmce mspexim,the Plate Placentent Mdhod pm TPl i•?n01JA3.2 shall lz tsai Cq-1.21. C2 - �. F`-'..�� i 6) distal wind uplift readims based an MMRS Only ltadng i 140.54 95 _ TATE F w , 1.1�c`�\� /NIA -NOTICE' AeMofthkdapsnatbehanibedtoue exceenceNramm The desp oftbsadvshalueakbated ande6ignerbaf andnKai emsarppt:dbythe1"Maa&cnamamrzlesapmThe aeemacyani NnpklWeffiottbe h( tian el forthbytbe BwldkDsper. AWAIN tbkdmwag adr'ataacrepance nfpofe�eslengboahgMT=*ffr•aakbt the besen pmed&sgnb a. IN ne.bik•am�offt mpcmemfmasypani:aBmitbg desp.tberzr�:tyor Stephen W.Waiter Svuc EF g454395 NeBudikgIkspe4paN45UR11-'�D1(2spm2'WABTaNG'Tmssreq�et+opmnemlfn8,aectir4rrammamtracgg.Refmtothehuaemimo[BCSI(Nk1'vgCmpooemS ktY IN tuop'vtblaaeucemyTHaveBBClgfmpopa caa6nwmetm dsavdmpoaam®tegvf tuorzhtugtotbeaniecwa.uetm/>Doss IDtbe,b!evice ot�ecfeiosat;tbnaMtemp�rymarantMeuggeciratuabyotbaameinv�tuo(rc7diognannr®sokraoeea)®dfempaary 290 N. kings }Bgh. FL Finite F134951 reanim/traciigottbetmsasaoalbe kaeemdeau wbbBlS•BI amBC51-ID. TsussaMmgo:epa®aaamrearanVtraecgofcbwdsam cenauwebmemhn(wbmeiodPsted).7'akduwugonyud'eata Wekutinetorbtenlrzamm. T4 melbodofiodiribulu�membermma�/traebg shelh es�ecwradlrythBrdlggDesperpmAT8llfH I,Cbepml; f�ecfetmspemanrnl lxacngde�krot �ecfibb/otMrs,lhktbalbeacwoWFLedlryaeoaardirduaryhtemlremavl am / dngomllncngdeuivaccmdeneew}iBCSI•B3orHCS1-H7uappEabk.'A4[AIWTI'•Tbkayspas®eat6et ¢kmannfncnaeduacwdarce wib WkdawogeMtbequalryenerh �eciWuATSIRnICTapa3. Aleo®eawybtesshel Oe®nidaenvW hy8mp>m9rwg-7sCto�eny,Irckace.dencemhESR•2762.A1w®edmpbtaare20gage,mtssthe spec%dphte®e stobwedb2a'-Ig-w6thirdsetesm Iggeeepkte. i Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: A7 2590N. kings Highway . ProjectName: 6510-d SOUTHERN TRUSS Fort P1CtCC, F134951 Date: 7/12/2014 1132:40 AM Component SolutionsT^f COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 4644160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: 1 of 1 Truss Version: 5.01 Build 311 Span Pitch ply OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 44-8-0 4 /12 1 1-4-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 232 47s 46.0-0 1�-0 Sb15 53-9 5-512 S7-0 S7-0 S7-0 S7-0 MI2 51i•15 10.10.8 157-4 22-2-0 27-9-4 33�-4 36-11.4 4450 4x5 - 5x8-18- 3x4- 3x4- 1x4i 3x4- 3x5- 44- Sx5- 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 TTT 3x4/ 2 N� Z non 1.5) 357 / e �� zz-z 22,1 } { 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 1x4i 3x4- 3x6-18- 3x4- 3x4- 3x6-18- 4x6- 5x5- 12 3x9 - ZX8 i 0-0-0 04Y0 51r15 S39 5-B-12 S7-0 S -o S7-0 S7-0 5.8-12 5-6-15 10-10-8 157-4 22-2•d 27-9.4 -33�-4 3&11-0 4450 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (loc) Allowed Imd (00 Bldg Cade : FBC 2D10' TC: 0.97 (4-5) Vat Tl.: 1.5 in L / 347 06-n L 1240 TCLL 20 TPI 1•2007 BC: 0.65(21-1) Vat IL: 0.52in L1999 17 L1360 TCDL: l5 BepMtrinc®se: Yes Wb: 0.98(10-14) H-TL• 0.29 in 12 BCIL: 0 D.O.L: 125% Crtip Fads. Pam 1.5 BCDL: 10 Plate Off ets (3nMY,Aag)r. (1:614,2-0,I8.) (2.1-123;18.) (3:NZ3$0.) (4:1.12,3$0.) (5:1•lj3$0.) (6:0-0,2A0.) (7:K3$90.) (8:1-lZA0.) I"1.%2 (10:1-1Z3$0.) (11:38,34t,0.) (121-124-0.90.) (13:1.1234 (14.1-12341,0.) (15:00,1-1Z0.) (160Q341,0.) )l (171-123-8.0) (189-1Z3�.0) 040A1-IZO) 21:0-0.3$90.) Reaction Summary 3T Type H7t Carlo gR Wtth Material 1tnd ag Wdh Max Bead Max Gsav Uplift Max Wad Uplift Max Uplift Max Haiz 1 Pm (N611) 1 8 in Concrete Masoay 3.00 in Z09811s --743-7431b; 319 He Its 12 H M (Hill) 1 6 in Concrete Masonry 3.00 in ZOls Bs - -Tn bs-7121ba - Material Summary Bracing Summary TC SP (ALSC6-I013)42 2x 4 except: TC Badng Sheathe ' 22.3 SP (ALSC6.2013) SS 2 x 4 BC SP(AL4C62D13) SS 2 x 4 13C&aong ShtathedarPulins at 3A-0Min design by0thers. Wis SP (ALSC62012) 43 2. 4 e upt: 11-13 SP(ALSC620M#2 2x 4 Loads Summary I)Thisones has been designedfvthee8'eet de to 10 pfbm= dtad lie load plus dead loads. 1) This enss bas been designed for the efiais ofwindltadsinacudt ce with ASCE)- 10 with the following Ise, defind)npa: P70tt0Wt®at4EvWtse C.0vnal113dg Di=fi5 8 x 70 ft. b -17 4 Net End 7me Tess, Neither end won considered DOL-1.33, CC 7me V4db 6.5 0. 3) ldmin=storage attic lmdne in aocad-with IBC Table 16M1 bas nor txm agbed Member Forces Summary Table indcates:Mmbam.®xCs1•tnaaatdalfaaa,(e--W.�eeifdaaan6mttr�atdalf=) %. Tc 22-1 0.152 301bs 34 0.9ft4 -5X71bs 7-8 0.899-5,493ft \\ p*%A- �q 0.780 � 1-2 0.660-5,0311b, 4.5 0.975 -xft3) lbs 9.10 44091� \ , . 2-3 0.469 .4648lbs S7 0.972 .5.4931hs 10•11 am_ -Z616 Ba '\ \ .•�Ci F�S+n.••�� 20-21 0.S6 4,=Ibs ( 71 BC 12-13 0.139 0lbs 14-16 0.435 4,409lbe (-Z151 Rs) 17-I8 0327 5,4671hs (-Z742Ion) ` ,•• 13-14 0.309 261611s 0.3041hs) 16-17 0.556 5.850Its -28841hs 18-37 0.464 4.389 Its (-Z291 Ihs) 21-1 0.652 4,71211s f-S53711a i Aft 2-21 0.044 1091hs (•23 Ds) 4.18 0.264 -Ts lhs 7.16 0.146 .392 Its 1a13 0.625-1,6741� 2-20 0.337-474lbs 4-17 0.224 SL Its (.172lbs) 8-I6 0.613 1,315 Bs (-6571b;) 11.13 0.717 11751h;-(.1,5831hs) 0, 54 95 320 0.142 393Its (4211ts) 3.17 0.074-197Ihs 8.14 0.420-1,123ls 11.12 0.734-1.%51h; 7i I 318 0.592 1,443 Its (d35lbs) 5-16 0.414 -WIt. 10.14 0.978 Zl%Bs (4,0491ts) -0 Notes: - IE TATE F1d&]irild'me Cade � • � U 1 rnIa crest gtb�sdm ASCE 7-l0 as refaeonad b�lhe7010 i 2)%ben this teas has been chosen fa assuana inspaxim, the Plate Platxatont Metbd par TPI 7.200YA3.2 shall be used Cq-1.21. ,.`+� •, µnlity �\ 3) Ao+ide adapnte dainage to prevent pmdng 4) ®IndrAes txotinuaa laical ttstmiot (C33{1 mgtued at the I®tim(s) shoay. Isms of CLR=i be adogniely dagma8y lrac 4 sce D.WEBCLFMACE Fa ahanativs m CIlbs and ta>,eaLmg g • , •�\� 1 5) Usld windepl7ft reactions Wed M RS Only loaft �Cjj,, ••. \ ..... �ONAILIt�'���\\ TAf10E•Acapyo[thsde��rbefiwffiedtoWeaect®omtrectm. Thedmooftbsbdidanlu=i;audmdeipaiethaad¢gidm mppEdbytbe7iM=ufa aaammiesopmtbeae cyadcmWOitheifo tim Stephen W. Walter setfredbytbeBv,1ft ts�al c. Aemtb't;dnavghdcatesaccepenee apofevimele�ueaitgrerymdiyeokbfarthmmcompmemdeagadtn-The auahiooem yadmofthi=pfatmypancababuilhe desiptsthetestembky of Stn=6tg 954395 the BmLiog Qsi{nenperAN91THl.2007 toapa2 wAwIIKi•7lassrzgaiepoper ,eseetins,rmam ad�cog. BetutoWeatea ediimofBC9 (BttlngCmpwem SlM lam timDmbpmdtceadl TA ad BBCN fapoya 259D N. Kings lilgh.R Pisa Fl 34951 �LtimmeNodsadmlvrtam s3fetyntassaeriomhtitgtothemieeaamuaimpoce>S lntbeaberceaftpstn�a6thnmdtempmasytcaum/aacinespeci"xatixssbytnhes;thhaamtva(ield'ggiafaLtmtoksarcea)admmpauy rztaa�acbgotthettuseseDelbe barcmdeneewieBC9•B] adB(S7•B2 Ttsasexabsego:el�resaam/trecisgofcbmdsedce+uhvebmembers(wbmendeatM}Thedewugauyndretat6ebcatioafmbtembemam. 7lx meWodofndviLtalts amembartmautNacfrg shape arspeci'xdlNt6eStd7iogtksgnerpcAT9?I'1 LC6eperi,{tpecGc mxrspesmanemfaaau8des�%nsa gecindbymbesrt6'sstalteauompimeeMnandasdixasmf'htemhe®brad d.pealb-bgdetaEhacwdaocetibBC51•B3a[B(9-87aaeppfrabh•If.LR7ItT/Nf•76sdapetameathn�smamtGcnodnxccmdavicewih thkd<awvgaddegmEy a'te*h peersdnA1AfrA 1 CLapet3. Alco®eclmphtesmel �� bens®Gctmcdby5mym&mng-TsCompmW,IwbacemdmevibESR-2762.Arw®ecimpbtm=20gaMuatwtbespecredphtetbeafobedlrya- 18'wbch Akztnao Igpgepbte. Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: El SOUTHERN N. kings Highway ProjectName: 6510-d TRUSS Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: 7/12/2014 1133:14AM Components ution31) COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: loft Tfuss Version: 5.01 [Bulled 3 Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANTL CANT PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 21-1-0 4 /12 1 14-0 0-0-0 0-M 0-0-0 1 24 in 100 lbs 22-5-0 1.4-0 5-7-83-0.8 8.0.8 6-" 5-7.8 9-0-0 1543-8 21-1-0 05 - 3x4 - 3x4 - 5 3 4 12 4r 1x4 \ 2 d� 4x6 / 1.5x3 - 1 10 { 9 8 7 8 3x7- 3x3- 3x4- 1.5�1 0-0-0 0.0-0 9.0-0 6-0-8 6-0-8 6.0.0 15-0.8 21-1-0 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection LJ (loc) Allowed load (1aQ Hdg Cade: RIC 211d TC: 0.70 (34) Vm iL: 0-29 in L/8V (94) L/W L: TCI2D TPI 1-M" BC: 0.75(9-1) Veit ILL0.07 in L/999 (8.9) L/360 TCDL: IS g�b Mbac-se: Yes va: 0.81(S7) Hva TL• 0.05 in 6 BCIL: 0 DAL: 125% Crap Factor. K.-1.5 BCDL: 10 Plate OdseLs (1nt:X.Y,Ang1: (1:7-21.15,M) (Lfi0,3-11.27.) 0:0-0.3$0.) (4:1-IZ38,O.) (1'3$3$0J (6:1.12,A9D.) (73-IZ340.) (kKl-lZ0.) (914 340 ) Reaction Summary 3T Type Bc Canbo Be wdth Material gad Bt?wish MazRead Max Crm 1Jdifl Max was l)difl Max Udifl Max Hain 1 Pin (MU) 1 81.Cmaee Masmry 3.00 in1.038 Its - -392 Its .382lbs 325 fhs 6 H Rd1(Tnas) 1 1.5 in - 3.00 in 95211s - .354lbs .354Ibs Material Summary Bracing Summary TC SP(A1SC62D13)622x 4 TC iltra®g SheathedorPtrlins at 3S0. Perlin design by0thers. BC SP (AISC6-2B13)62 2. 4 BC Ba®g ShatbedaPorlins aIS-K tdin d¢iLm by Other. vas SP(AISC6.2112) 93 2x 4 Loads Summary 1) This snots has been designed for the effects clue to 10 psfbDum chord live ladplus dad bonds. 2) 71d =a has barn designed fa the eifexs of wind Inds in accarhnce with ASCE) -10 with the follming,aa defined inpm 170 nTh Wtirmte Fapeame C, Ovaall Hdg Diva 65 g x 70 f . It =17 fl Na End Zone Toss, Neither and web-aidaed. DOL=1.33, CC Zone \14(kh 6.51 3) Mmimm storage attic Imd stg in ancadance with IBC Table 1607.1 bas not b® applied Member Forces Summary Table indesta: Meatier m, vex CSL mms meal face• Omx carg. Race ifdfr=t 6ern is dal f ) 2-3 0.479 .1,67)1bs 4-5 0.674 4,3331hs / TC 10-1 0.324 30Ibs 1.2 0.563 •2.0011b, 34 0.703 4.560 I1a 1 N BC 6.7 0.301 Olds 7.9 0.673 1,33311a (-778lbs 9.1 0.75D 1.8A lbs (•1,248 RE 1 �tl \, ! Rhls 2-9 0.161 -3981M 49 0.154 32! Ra (-168 Ibs) S7 0.814 1.5181ts (•886I1s) \ V� , . • • • • • • 0.782 Ihs \ • %•� �: 3-9 0.114 2A Ibs (-S lbs) 47 0.190 {fG Rs Sfi -893 ` �\ • , �` C EN-9 n • • Notes: 1) Thisdesign is based be ASCE7.10 enfrcrdavned ceispe Florid a BikingCode ' 2)Wnm this tnas has been chosen for gmliry ass,rmceiosyectim,the Plate PlacanmtMandper lPl]-20D7/A3.2 shall be used. Cq=1.21. 140. 54 95 _ 3)Tms4omscmnadimisfagmrhialiniapesatimmly Ahanger or other stnuoral tmmctim shall beprmided to mist thermx maim and upli8 shown in the Rapiers Smamry. %: 4)Pmvideamgatedrainagetoptevantpmdng '0 ;• : -- 5) listed wind toot mmms based m MMn Only lading. - TATE F ; :,��s,' -. GRID? • 'G��\� •+oncE•Aeamafe m�mne�t wxee,oDemenuaoomamm.Teede:saanb �aBaelnw m<dwe aabereemrzq�e�memppr<dMwxThaxaaarrn.eremrzfenpmtxer{aae3•mdeonvneaesorneor tiw setfonhbyA.Waadxofth's-pooeotfmaoypast-hrhdlbgde oatDerz yof Steph®W.Warta Sb.LEg p 5095 tDe Bwilbg ems¢er,ICANS07P11.1007 CWpe2 •WA1ttIIM•'Imsesn el �8.ee�4a�ans'°dt''ecny Referto,DehseaedmnofBC51(B�gC.®pomm SafM lofaam.tnvymp•pod¢w THed).W!,aapoper vy rtwebtimmeWdsam�mmtam®fey t®rzhtngtoue ems emvax:tmpoce¢IDtDeeDzoce of�ecfs'vm6,waod,empaarysesramMcvg gadratbasblmMa;,Deum�,ba(Qadvgianautimtotaterahe 259D N. King fBgh. FL Piave F134951 ans. Th rzmam/traclwg ofthe noasdalheoaecmdavice wihBlS1-BI ad&SI-82 Tr�salan�aiepemmem¢mortis/kae'vBofsbmdseedcwowebm®Des(w�ae vdFJtd}Taada>vBonbodbatest6e W,�fahfmheanm. The meWodo[udvAWtauaoxmDerrzmaiaJtreevg moth asgecFedDYtheBaifugneq perATSV7'PI,C6aperS!'�ecfs tmapeamnnemhseingde�soot s➢eci AlyotDa,s,,D•sSDeBDeaccompinedq•aevnand nmyh,mlresmssbal pterI dnBawsllracug OewkhaccaNaesv}hBf31.03aBC51•B7esappF.eDk.•IMR7RTANI'77ri;desanassanusDetmssmevafaetmdheceordmcewiaWsdrecvgads4queiy crieah �ecfednATA?n 1 C6eper3. AlemveetorpDteazba6 hrmmdae,mW bybmpsao�oa6.7e Cr�em•,Ivcbeamdase wiDEBR-1761.AIcomeeaphtesarz106ege,,mbs,De�eeYx:dyDtemecfobxdbya'-Ill• whbDiadiatum 18gegeyh,e. fir_ M>w'eb Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: E2G SOUTHERN 2590 N. kings Highway ProjectName: 6510d TRUSS Fort Pierce, F134951 page: 7/1212014 1133:15AM Component SolutionsTm COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Truss Version: 5.01 Build 31 Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANTL CANT PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 21-1-0 4 /12 1 1-4-0 0-0-0 0-M 0-0-0 1 12 in 106 lbs 1-4-0 37-11 I 3-0-5 4�15 1 4-7-2 1 441-15 3-7-11 7-0-0 11-8-15 1641 21-1-0 Sx6-18 - 3 3x9 - 4 5x6- 5 v, +n+- 4x5-18- J7 97 J7 0 J7 J7 J7 1.5x3 1 6 D-0-0 0-0-0 7-0.0 i 4-8.15 4-7-2 1 4$15 ' 7-" 11-8-15 164-1 21-1-0 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (loc) Allowed I®d 0.0 Bldg code: FBC 20101 TC : 083 (1.3) Val Ti-- 0.53 in L 1461 (10-11) L/ 240 TCIL: 30 TPI 1.2037 EC: 0.87(0) Van LL. O.IB in L/999 (10-11) L/360 TCDL: 15 Itep Mlsrlasnase: No K6b: 0.93(441) N—TL• 0.14 in 7 BC1L: 0 D.O.L: 125% Ciap Fa=, K.=1.5 BCDL: 10 Reaction Summary J7 Tvm He Cevihi Bx Wdh Material lbd Bg Wda Max React Max Gray Uplift Max Wad Uplift Max Uplift Max Hai. 1 Pm (Wdq 1 8 in Cmnne Masonry 3.OD m 1,812 its - 4981bs 4i981bs 1261bs 7 H Fall (rnas) 1 1.5 in - 100 in Z450 ft - -950 ]hs-9501bs - Material Summary Bracing Summary TC SP (AISC6.20 3) SS 2 x 4 TC D acing Sh®thad or Perrier: at 2.60, Psalm design b90thm, BC SP VJsC6.2T13) SS 2. 4 BC]iaang: Shenhedor Psrlins a12.7-0,Min design b/Othas. R6bs SP (AISC6.2)12) K3 2 x 4 except: 5.7 SP (ALSC6.2D13) 02 2 x 4 Loads Summary 1) This toss has been d designfar the e0'eds do to 10 psfbmaa chord live load plus dwd 1®ds. 2) This teas has been de:ig{td for the eBeas of wind Inds in a —dance with ASCEI -10 with the following saer defied inpa: 170 nqh u1tbnate, EV-se C. Overdl 3dg Dina 65 ft x 70 ft, h = 17 & Not Fvd7me Teas, Netherend web considered DOL= 1.33, CC Zone Widh QS I3) Msnimm storage attic I®ding in ac o lance with ]BC Table 1607.1 bu not boos applied Load Case Lrl: Sid Live Load 1 Point Loads 4\\N Mm6c Laadm Direction load Tdb Wehh TapChd T" Dov 63 IbsTrap Chd i u � 3551'hn- 24 inC:) Bed Chd 71F12 Donn 100lm 24 in : i1 Top Chd 94-12 Down 35 as 24 in Ba Chd 9-0.12 Down 100lbs 24 in 10• 54 Top Chd 114-2 Dmn 350a 24 in * �' 95 Bop Chd 13.0-12 Dmn lOD lbs 24 in r - Tap Chd 13-0.12 Down 351bs I4 is Bol Chd 130-12 Down 1001bs 24 in Tap Chd 150-12 Doan 35Ih; 24 in ! TATE F L,U Bot Chd 150.I2 Ikon 1001b: 24 in l Bat Chd 17�12 D n 10000 lobs is True Tap Chd l9(1-12 Down 351bs 24 in : �` O P•. •' • TTcp But Chd '23)-0.12 D'�ow9a '0D lbs 355lbs 24 m RID Bx Chd 200F12 Dann 100 lbs 24 in N A L 'rC� 1111111111��\\ Stephen W. Wafter Suum Fog 4 54395 2M N. kings FSgb. Ft. Piase Fl 349M �7 Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: E2G 2590 N. kings Highway ProjectName: 6510-d SOUTHERN S g y Date: 7/12/2014 1133:15AM TRUSS Fort Pierce, F134951 M__ COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: 2 of2 pan itch Sty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 21-1-0 4 /12 1 14-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 12 in 1061bs Load Case D 1: Std Dead Load Point Loads Mootber Location Di Wim load Tdb WrDh . Tap Chd 7-H Doan Alb; Bat Chd 7-H Dmsn 294 lbs Tap Chd 7412 Doan 16 lbs 24 in Bat Chd 7412 D.,157 Rs 24 in Tap Chd 90-12 Jb n 16 Its 24 in W Chd 9-012 Doan 157 )is 24 in Top Chd 11412 Doan 16Iht 24 in Bot Chd 11412 Down 157lbs 24 in Tap Chd 13412 Daunt 16Ibs 24 in Bot Chd 13PI2 Doan 157lbs 24 in Top Chd 154F12 Dm 16 lbs 24 in BA Chd 150-12 Doan 157lbs 24 in Tap Chd 17412 Douro 16 lbs 24 in Bat Chd I7412 Wan 15716s 24 m Tap Chd 194.2 Doan 16 Ihs 24 in Bet Chd 19412 Wwn 15716s 24 in Top Chd 2D412 Doan 16 lbs 24 in But Chd 21412 Doun 157lb; 24 in Member Forces Summary Tableindra,es:MarnbaID, toot CS toss aAalfare, cOW.fameifm(remt6Rntons atuallb") TC 2-1 0.087 15112-3 650 4,777 N 4.5 0.452 .3,474 s 26 4.55 b5.6 0.191 0 lbs1-2 0.830 '-0.Si86032 -] 4�41s 9801h; BC 7.8 0.782 3.474 Bs g-9 0.9m 4.W IhWi IN 9-11 U. b0 Was 2-11 0.168 41311s (•3681(s) 4.11 R. --'U 11s 4-8 0.9i 4 608 lbs 5 0.795-3,97111s Nl 00.L 1,105lbs (-931ls) 4.9 0.281 7371m (-61011s) 5-8 0.632 1,6551hs (4,490 Ibs) 6-7 0.063 164Its 051 Ibs) Truss -to -truss Connections Summary ID Carded Tnss Casyng Teas Canyin¢003d Angle T717 C17 F_.('i _ 7-09 315 deg 9{I.12 2A deg 13412 �) dCg _ �i?TT18' t .:.,w:> .., .",17;,;,;,,a:.�!s ::. t',Ll�E2G- '.✓:.n4�. 156L"-t z,.. 270 degF ii TTIB J7 F1G 17412 2A tkg TT18 J7 Ea(i X}0.12 2A deg Notes: 1) Tbis design is lased. ASCE 7.10 as tefaecad M the 2010 Florida Hilding Code 2) Unlabdel plates are 1.5z3 29g, 3) When this tnss has bem chosen fa quality assoonce %tspeiion, the Plate Placaomt Method per TPl 1-200?JA3.2 shall be ssed Cq= I.J. 4)Tnas4obssscoonetimisfagmptitalintapdatimmly Ahmger a other suuelwl=nwon shall beprMdedto resist the ttateteactiat and Tlifl sbo in the ReactionStmtsry 5)Pim9dC edsgale dra'utage top jponding 5) ®ms Iessmlr-10 lateral testmint(ClJ)tegited at the laatim(s)shown. Row•a of Cilitmattradagatdy dagstaBy traced see D•WIDC1itBttACE Fa ahenativa to ClRs anddieiSstal hacing amp-WEBREPIFOIiCE 7J listed wind s0i8 readims based of MWM Only lading r r�� `��\Fi �tiGElys� '•��. *140.54 ` TATE F ` 11 Z. %UA, ORIOP••'���: S/0 N A L '��\``� ��rrrrrlll����� n=ICE•AaWofdkdedpshalhefmniaed101heeRctimwmanm ThedeiTpoftasudviYmlv�%lea4mdes�cdm%sndmgmem®smpptdMthc•11usMawvmreredRfea�mthevimaeyudcmpLherraoftbeNormation Stephen W. Warta mfonhbytbeStdt6grc*=.A=Imth%drawhgia4%etesscceptarceofpofet�leugneerigRgoasLSymkbfathtmsc®paoemde�efiowa7Le miahLysvdmeofth%eomp®emforaml�tt aa«+%,b<R ar Sbua. Enga 54395 the Bmlf D:sgwr,WAWSIrM 1-2007 Chaper2'0.'ARMtKfimsaRgraetsoper6aedbg,eremvgreaain a odlaachg.R-1-tome hsn edmoofBC9(BJ1h9Cm�ponem Safety IN snnpbtbpadaeeftTAudSBCAafapoper vsatsthnmetmdsmamponsm sfetyNammtimRhtkg tothe emiee mummpoces intro a6srceot�ecifeaaaEsimamtemporaryRmnotJerscvggiec%athvstyotbe+csxuaa6trmC hdhs�+�®totrances)andtempuery 290 N. Kings lBgh. Ft. Piarefl 34951 reamiaVtraciogoftltetr¢ss<ashslbe heccatdeacewth8(SI•BI tmdH(St•B2 Tmsxse%orequiepemenmsRsaauVteochgofehmdsavdeemiaxbmemWs(vbeRiad'eatW}Thsdmwugwyhdbatesthehrst%a<fmhtna6essnut. The mmb0domcbdcuki3membm=ewkh CSI-B6wB -B7a apple die-DtU g17egye Thbdc•!5 a l,Ca9per2:k %nlmrcdkaccar lIIevgibft %w gudth gaxbymie%dallbeeeeamp3lled bA IIEapta3.ar)•hlemmpbtcs A degwelhncirg detaEheccmdsncevihBC51-B3a BCSt-B7ssnppFabk.•R.0'OttTANI'• 7b%des�ess�esthetn>ssmennfaetmNueccmdencevW th%dmwugmdtbequdty erta%gec�dnA1S1/fA 1 Chaper3. Alcomeemphtes9tel '/7•^' a mennGctmW irySmpnn9rmg•Tk Com4any,lmheccmdance wihESR-2762.A1eo®ectaphtesw20gsee,tmkssthe specisdp$Ie s'vs%fo11mW bys `•IB'wbbhrdratesao lsgagephte. Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: 07 � SOUTHERN 2590 N. Icings Highway ProjeaName: 6510d TRUSS Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: 014 1133:10AM Component SolutionsTM COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax f2 Page: I off Truss Version: 5.01 Build 31 Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 9-94 2.829 /12 1 1-10-10 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 12 in 41 Is 1-10.10 5-ID-12 3-10.8 5-I D-12 9-9-4 3 0 J1 J3 JS F2G 0.0-0 0-0-0 510-12 3-Im 5.10.12 9-94 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L✓ (loe) Allowed Load (70 IDdg Code: FBC 3DI(V TC: 0.930.2) Vet TL 0.09m L/999 (4:5) L/24D TCI]-; 3D TPI 1-3D07 13C : 0.62 (S1) Vet IL• 0.03 in L / 999 (45) L / 360 TCDL: IS RepMbb—e: Yes FFb: 0.51(2-4) Herz TL• 0.02 in 4 BCLL: 0 DAL: 125% Cmy Faaa, Ka=1.5 BCDL: 10 Plate OEsea VWX.YJwah 02-3.3-1,6) 29.10.2-11,13.) (4:64ZA21) (5'K3- .90 ) Reaction Summary 3 H R11(Tess) 1 1.5 in 3.00 in - 116Its - •66 Its 1 Pm (Nhll) 1 11.313 in Cmd ae Masmsy Un)mown 631 Its - -1191 lls 9. H Rail (UAII) I 11.313 in Cma de Masenry Unlmow- 3951ts .12211s - Material Summary Bracing Summary TC SP(ALSC6.2D13)622x 4 TC Oa®g Sheathed aPahns at 4-1R, Pedro design by Olhm. BC SP (AISC6-2D 3)42 2x 4 BC Brecing ShenhaiaPalins at4-9-0, Pali- d-i9- bJO W- vas R (ALSC&N1 #3 2x 4 Loads Summary I) Tbis teas bes b= dai®td fa the,Bads dx; to )0 p;flutan shad liw Iwdplus d®d ]osds. 2) This toss has bem dmigtd fa the efreas d wind It-ds in acca bna with ASCE) -10 M1b the followbsgmer defined inpx: 170 mpb dtinol4 EVame C, Os-al1 Hdg Diva 65 0 x A 1L b = 1714 Not rmd ZmeTnas, Neither and webcroside d DOL- 1.33. CC Tate)Mdh 6.51L 3) Knite ni storage attic Imdng in aamhnce wilh IBC TSNe 1607.1 bas na been applied Load Case Lrl: Sid Live Load Point Loads UP 11 '' W and 14] UP Its Ba Chd 141 Up 1411a Top Chd 440 Dawn 451bs ffi Cbd 4-" Down 3Its Tap Chd 44-0 Dow- 451hs Bat Chd 44-0 Down 31hs Top Chd 7-1-15 Down 92Its Ba Chd 7.1.15 Down H Ibs Tap Cbd 7-145 Daum 92It; Ba Chd 7.1.15 Down 11 Ibs its -9111s 1451h; -122 bh W'14 co = �140.54 95 � TATE F w— /// / I ONQLI� `\\� Stephen W. Warta Sm.. lag d 54395 2590 N. Kb High. Ft. Piet/ F1r34951 ( Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: 07 12 tryf SOUTHERN 2590 N. kings Highway ProjectName: 6510-d TRUSS Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: 7/12/2014 1133:10AM Component SolutionsThd Truss COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: 2 of2 Version: 5.01 [Build 31 Span Pitch Sty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 9-9-4 2.829112 1 1-10-10 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 12 in 41 lbs Load Case D 1: Std Dead Load Point Loads Mares location Dbmion Load Trib Wdh Tap Chd Doan llh; BelChd 1•Gl Up 31bs Tap Chd 14] D.. Ilbs Ba Chd 1-bl Up 31bs Tap Chd 44-0 Doan 381hs Bol Chd 440 Doan 281bs Tap Chd 44-0oan D38 lbs Ba Chd 44-0 Doon 28lbs Top Chd 7-1-15 Down 6811E Hot Chd 7.1.15 Donn 51 lbs Tp Cbd 7-1-IS Dba 68 ft Ba Chd 7-1-15 Doan 51 lbs Member Forces Summary Table indicates: Member m, stax CSI, max axial free, (max can¢. face if different fan tartaxial face) TC 6.1 0.306 15lbs 1-2 0.9-15 -1,230 lbs 2-3 0.576 -741ts IiC 45 0.&1-1.1411ts 5-1 0.625 -1.24311E WNS 2.5 Olen 3171bs (-151bs) 2-4 0.514 1,34611E (4,262lbs) 1Yuss-to-truss Connections Summary ID Carded Teas Canying Tms Carryno OOid And. TT19 Jl C17 lbl 315 deg CJ7 4-0-0 .l.,r.-W 2. Ce .1.lbl;s x..... w.. 315 dell t�z,.au TT20 73 3l5 deg , .a.. _xT3,,.r t .E.,.artrCJ7,.,"_1.�zW .� ucw4-0-0. is.4..c..;t45deg -ti 7T-1 JS C17 7.115 315 deg p(':-T721, a.. _,r;:+ "+..155-...,a .. CJ7 i . ,...c n7-1.15 f , TT17 C37 - E>G 7-0-0 315 ft Notes: 1) This design is based at ASCE 7-10 as referaced by the IDIO Florida 9alrling Cade 2)%enthis teas haste® chosen for gmlity asstoance inspecrim, the Plate Plaeanent Method Per TPI 1.2VJA3.2 shall be wed. Cq-1.21. 3) Tms4omas connection is for graphical intepdatim mly. Ahanger or other sbucbrrel connection shall beprW&d to mist the vex readim and plifl shwa in the Peatim Summary 4) listed wind spli0 rations based on MWFRS Only lading A\�,... .. �e9,4 NCEN * :WO. 54 95 TATE F ' &j NA Lt��`� 1111 TATr10E•AWWoftlisdespyshalbefmmbediothecreesbaembaztm Tbedeskmofthendi*Wisassbaadmdes�mcrierhandsrgtden saWkdbylk7mzhiw,facimeraodmlcsupcmttma c q=dcmptteoesoftheu[ rim Stephen W. Warter ctfoMbyNeaudligDes�er.Aralmthedmwbg aleateca.cq•�earpro[es>oral.aBtemtgr. yotbfmtDevaacompoaem e.s�moan. ncsuiabiyamazoftn'swmponemrma�parteatrnoaug ees{yi:w.resymsbayor Saul ra $154395 me Builvg mWenymAN5V1P11-2007 Cha;-2.-WARNM-7r smquiepoperbm)ft.e fit s inamtrecug.BefatotMbtemedimofBC9(BdtiBCmpnoem Safety lnfmmatbuj.i*podueedbyTNemSBCA)f }aoper 8 �aBdo.metlndseadin mmfetybfomatbnrebtbgtotbeeotiecomuctisalaoce¢latleabx wispifcinbtmamtemp=Mmmsaialbmcbgsp=fctimbyotbma,tmcmabtim(i ldiogumBtimtotrmces)em«rayaay 2550N. King57Egb. FL Pi=Fl 34951 restndatsacitg ofinee—esdalbebaccmdan ewbhBCSI-BI amdBCSI-132 7russabregidepemeoemmemblMcisgofcbadsanacumbaebm®bus(aLembdsited)Tbedmwbgoobbduteatbetatimfmhteralremmm. The ethodofitdiimm1ttsosme0-reembUbmcbg rhagte asgecrd by ft Bdtiglksgnarp.VaIrl ]1,Cbapa2{ifV,.iGe msspe+maoem braebg&ipis ,pecEed by olb.;thsdmlbeaceompW dby mamdazdbdi nyhnnal rairrud degonalhacbgdemkbacwbaecew}bBCSFB3aBCSI-B7asapp4abt.-IMMTANI'The6esFps m sibew tmavnhm .di, c dmcewihtbsdmwigandtbegoaboieriLgxciEodbANWRI Maper3.Alc®ectaphtead.1 `(, J} hmeafecnoedbySmp�Srong-Tee Camay',lrcbaceadaocewihESR-2762.Alc ampbtes=20gegc,mkofMpeiiidpbteseeifobaedbya-•Ig"whcbbdiainulgpgephte. Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: J7 1= 2590 N. kings Highway ProjectNarne: 6510-d SOUTHERN TRUSS Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: ota 113335AM Component SolutionsT7A COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax I off Page: f of l Truss Version: 5.01 Build 311 Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 7-0-0 4 /12 9 1-4-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 28 lbs T 1-4-0 4-6-6 2-1-10 4{1i 7-0-0 1 -1-6 7-0-0 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection U (loc) Allowed Load OsQ Bdgcade: FBC 2D10/ 7'C: 0.34(1-2) Ve1 M. 0.13 in L/567 (4]) L/240 TCIL: 20 INI.2007 BC: 0.44(41) Vat 13.: 0.01 in L/999 (4]) L/360 TCDL: IS Rep WrInorense: Yes Win: 0.18(2A) Nv. TL: 0.01 in 3 BCIL: 0 D.O.L: M Creep Fade, Ka-1.5 I3CDL: 10 Plate Offsets(3nlXYAng): (12-9,3-20.) 2'0-0,3-11.i)_ (43-03$32) Reaction Summary JT Type ft Cmho Br¢Wdih Material Rod BT Wdh Max Rmcr Max Grav Uplift Max Wed Uplift Max Uplift Max Had. 1 Pin (Rhll) 1 g in Concrete Masonry 3.W fu 4161ts - 42911s •129 the 30211s 4 H Roll (foss) 1 1.5 in 3.00 in 29911s - .93 Its •99lhs - 3 H Bdl (foss) 1 1.5 in - 3.00 in 5911s - .31 Ibe -31 lb, - Material Summary TC SP (ALSC62013) d2 2 x 4 BC SP (ALSC6.2013) k2 2 x 4 Wks SP (A1SC6.2)12) 93 2 x 4 Bracing Summary TC Bracing Shoathdor Pubns at 6-3-0, Min dsign b20thers. BC Bracing: Sheathelor Pulins at 940, Puffin design bYOlhas. Loads Summary 1) This toss has been designed fa the effects due to 101sf honour chard live load plus dent loads. 2)this toss has beo designed for the effects dwind loads in accordance with ASCEI. 10 with the finiming user defined inpt: IAuphuhhnale,Fgnsue C,Ov all Hdg Dins65 It x Aft, h = 1714 Na Pad 2me Tnas, Neitheren d web considord DOL-1.33. CC 7me Wdih 6.5 IL 3) hLnimm storage attic loading in accordance pith IBC Tale 1607.1 has net been alood Member Forces Summary Table indcaue: Member 10, ®xCS4 tmx atdalforcc, (nuxmmp. face ifde t finuo umxsAat r) Truss -to -truss Connections Summary ID Carved Tnas Canyon Teas Can)tng Offset Angle Tni 37 C13G 18-4-12 90 deg TTIS 37 ESG 9-0.12 2'A deg s?Tl7@,r t,'.. 17 [ °P.. ..1 ii: B2G 1U0-72'T'St`E't 3, i7A deg Trig 37 E20 130-12 27D deg t T178 si S r1 S t t tc -IIG� t^+ s a. sr 154F12=- ')r-s1 a 27D deg1 r; Trig 37 E20 17-0-12 2',0 deg - �' TT18ru:;..c,. Trig 37 T 280-12 2A deg Notes: 1) Ibis design is based art ASCE 7.10 as retested by the 2010 Florida Buldng Code 2) Unlabeled plats are LW Xlpe. 3) Wom this toss has hem chosen in, gaBiy assumce imspecr)on, the Plate Placement Method per TPI 1•27021A3.2 shall be teed C9=1.21. 4)Ttws4omss connedimisibrV iicalmterpetxtlmonly Abangercrotherstructur.1cound. sha116epwidedtotesislther—reardo, and,#iftshwm in the Reaaion Summary. 5) listedwind uplift reactions based on MWFRS Only loafing C13G F2G 0-0-0 � fo. 54 95 TATE F to NA L,�\�� I11I Stephen W. Warier Smut. Fng 9 54395 2590 N. Kings TBgb. FL Pierce F/T a4951 Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: H1 lesp F ': �' ` SOUTHERN 2590 N. kings Highway ProjectName: 6510-0 TRUSS Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: 7/12/2014 1133:18 AM ComponentSolutionsTM COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: 1 of 1 Tr Truss Version: 5.01 iBuild 311 Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 234-0 4 /12 3 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-M 1 24 in 921hs 23-" 6-5-5 5-2-11 5.2.10 6.5-6 6S5 11-8-0 1s•10-10 23-4.0 4x6 - 3 12 12 4r �4 1x4 \ 1x41 2 4 N_ 3.5x8 / 3.5x8 \ 1 5 8 7 6 3z4- 3X3- 3x4- 0-0-0 G" B-5.11 6-4-9 8-5.11 8-5-11 14-1M 23. Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (Ioc) Allowed Lad (00 Bldg Code: FBC 20101 TC: 0.62(4-5) Vect TL: 0.31 in L/M (5-6)L/240 TC1L: 20 TPI 1-3D07 DC: 0.74 (56) Vert IL• 0.1 in L / 999 7 L / 360 TCDL: 15 RePMbrhsarase: .Ya Vkb: 0.24" Herz 7L 0.09 in 5 BCIL: 0 D.O.L : 13 % Creep Factor, Ka=1.5 13CDL: 10 Plate Offsets OntXY.AnR} (1310.2.3,9) (2-*0011145) (3A0.3-110.) (4-0A3-1145.) (5110.2-3,9.) (li..H.3- 0.) (7:00.1420.) (8:OA3$0.) Reaction Summary JT Tyre BR Combo Bn Wdh Material Rod Bill Wdh Max React Max Gtav Uplift Max W nd l 1pRO Max Wit Max Bait I Pin (NAP) 1 775 in Cm ode Masonry 3.OD in 1,IW 1hs - -375 Rc-3751hs 4611s; 5 H Ron (NAP) 1 7.25 in Catade Masonry 300 in 1,100 Rs - -375 Rs-3751ba - Material Summary Bracing Summary TC SP (ALSC6•M13)112 2 x 4 X Bating sheathed a Pw ins at 3.30, Pectin dsign by Oihes. BC SP (ALSC6.20 3) 0 2 z 4 BC Racing sheathedafths at 544). Puffin dsip b9 Others. Nbb; SP (AtSC62012)13 2 x 4 Loads Summary 1) This toss bas been dsigte) fathe effects do to 10 psfbW=cbad lire lead plm dead Inds. 2) This toss has b® designed for the effects. Nind Inds in aavdmce with ASCE7 • l0 with the following teer defined inpt: IM mph ultb ate. Esgnatae C, OseaR 3dg Dins 65 ft z A 0. b = ]7 4 Na 5sd 7me Tess, Ndtbd and web tmsidcai DOL=1.33. CC Tone N1dh 65 ft. 3) Mmimm storage attic Imdng io aosxdence With IEC Table 1607.1 has net been applied Member Fortis Summary TAbic intfirats: Mtmba M, nex CSi, maz anal face, (r cmp. face if dfmat fmn max ax al face) 7C 1.2 0.677-+47911s 2-3 0.611-21361ft 3-0 0.611-2137Ihs 4-5 0.617 -2, 4181� BC Sb O.7i8 222711s 4.1181hs 6-3 0.644 1.575 Its -W Ib 8-1 0.7J8 27-z7 Rs-1.1121hs t Nall 2-8 0.153 4331b; M 0.237 SPA Re (•2641bs) 3-6 0.237 SM N (•264It.) 146 0.153 43311 s Notes: • • �� 1) This dsign is based m ASCE 7-10 as refadned"e 2D10 Flaida Bdldng Cade ��� ' • • • G F hl % 2)Whm this Inns hub= cboseo for Walityustsance inspection, the Plate Placanmt Method pa 7PI I.20D7/A3.2 shall be zed. Cq-1.21. �1 Sn�'. •(�� 3) IJaed wind tglifl reactions used m MNtRS Only ]®ring, � � io. 54 95 U� c TATE F Ljj ��rtliill��` RA'fICE•AeoPy ofinede�mal6etm edtOWetaecdmeamranoc the ees�ofWsiod'viLmlws%be¢damde�crieshandsequiememsatppEdbytbe7lussAsaaafactmvmrdrtiesvpmroeaccmerymdcmybtmeaofttehf tioo s<t rowbyweetaws the aRA tyandasarms;feylfmtmtwylaspmdweftT i2. isaARNDaeparcedgt*epM l Stepben W. Warter S�rmgk �95 ndkigomctbm>d inad chg.M tolkhte�nmwz anetha�o�dtyor thBuHagRipyer ycANSV7A 1.2W7 Chaper±•4VARTIDZ'fYrussregtveympermneng,esecthasmacsamtrac'vg. Refatothe area ediimofeC51(BitlugC®paxmSefets•Ivf t®putyRodoceabl'TAamSBCJDf yso➢er MSVTAsealwtn%apt rtaabtimmethodsmdmpauotafe., timrebBCSI-1.WBcI-B2.T poe—q—plarceofspecfs:umut®andtempmaryrtarainMevggednatunstyothr4t6eissa6tim(¢inea ft aLtimtohances)a�tetnpaary 2590 N. King lBgh. FL Pierce FT 34M rtamNMcvgofWesusss�albe ceceadaacewihHC51•Bt mdBC57-B2 Tr�seartequiepe®eaem reaaia/trac'vg�chwdsmdceruuxbm®L¢s(waemme+sed}ThSMwbe®b'iadbatade TEe metlssdor+imralus>amembersemaiMeacirgmetbe essye�is�gthBoii'vgDesgnerpesArBlffAI.C'hapert ispeefetsuapesmammtaac'vg,de�%om qec%dgoshenth%ma¢beausmpfd,e6gsumambdnzyhtenlseammd �? detiaaaluacbg deuizseewdaaewihBC51•B3mBC5(•B7asappFaba.nMMT4?M 7Ladesjpemmesd ct—%mmafactmMnecemdeecewh W%drawvgandthe quaYyeriere weciW aATHIfA I Chaper3. Alcomxmmpatesdal be mamdactmedbySmpanSotq-TitCompanylwhaccmdanceuihES(L2762.Newaecurpbtesme20gsge,smkathe quciedpate shesfobxdbys•-Ir tLi:hbdiausen lggege pate. l Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: H2G Lam` -.� SOUTHERN 2590 N. kings Highway PmjectName: 6510-a TM -muss Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: 7/12/2014 1133:18 AM Component Solutions COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 4644160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: 1 of2 Truss Version: 5.01 [Build 311 Span Pitch Qry OHL OHR CANTL CANT PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 234-0 4 /12 1 1.4-0 1-4-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 12 in 151 ]bs 26-0-0 3-510 3-5-1D ] 3-5-10 i 3.5.10 3.5-10 1 3-M ] 1�, 3-0.0 6-5.10 9'V" 13-0.13 16-10-6 20.4-0 23-4-0 4X4 m _ 12 4x5 - .5x8 - 3 4 - 6x6-18 3x - 3.5x - 4x6 / 12 d Ti4i- 2 .3 7 8 5 6 --14 d 5x6/ 54 1 8 17 18 { 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 3.5x8 - 3x4 - 1x4 1 6x8-18 - 101 3x4 - 3.5x8 - J3 CJ3 J3 J3 J3 Q 93 J3 Q J3 J3 CJ3 0-0-0 0-0-0 3�0 3-5-10 3.5-10 35in 3.5.10 3510 �� ' 3-0.0 6-5-10 9-11-3 13-0-13 111. 20-4-0 23-4-0 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (loc) Allowed Imd (1-0 Bldg Code: FBC 7f110' TC: 0.92(8-9) Ven TL 1.06in L/251 13 L/240 TCLL: 31 TPI I-= BC: 0.67(12-14) Vat I.L. 0.35in L/759 02-13) L/360 TCDL: 15 FtepMb baeease: No Wb: 0.81p-10). Hoer TL• 0.17in 9 BCLL: 0 D.O.L: 125% CixpFaca, Ka=1.5 BCDL: 10 Plate 018ets(JnMY,Angb 0:6-M40.) (2:00,3$OJ (3:1•]Z3$0.) (4:1•IZ3$0J (5:0-0,14.1 (6:1.1Z3-U.J (7:1-]2,3-8,0.) (91.W-&9.) (10:V.09) (11:1-IZ3$0.) (12003850.) 3-0,0.) (14:0-0.3$90.) (I5:]•]Z3$0.) (16:341380J Reaction Summary JT Twe Bx Carlo fiY Wdh Material Rnd ling Wdh Max Rena Max G-Urift Max Wnd Udift Max Udift Max Huiz 1 Pin,cm0 1 7?5in Cmaee Masonry 3.00 in 1,261 lhs - -40ls 4671bs 211ts 9 H Ran (11811) 1 7.25 in Comae Masenry 3.00 in 1,261 Re - -467 Rs 467 Rs - Material Summary Bracing Summary TC SP (ALSC6-Z113)12 2 x 4 ex apL TC Racing Shmthed a Arhus m 2-3-0, Patin dmitm by Others. 2-5 SP (ALSC6-2013) SS 2 x 4 5$ SP (AISC6.2D13) SS 2 x 4 BC SP(AISC6-Al3)SS 2x4 BCBa®g Shmlheda)'emsal23QPufindeti®s.byolbm. W3a SP 0ALSC6.20M 93 2 x 4 Loads Summary ]) Tbis toss has been designed for the effete Ate to 10 psf botta a road live Imdplas dead loads. 2) Tbis t.' has been desi8ned fa the eBeaa of wind loads in armdance with ASCE7-10 with the following taw defined inpi: 170 trph dtirmie, E�qm a C, Ov=H Bdg Dims 65 8 x 70 fl, h -17 R Na raid 7me Teas, Neither end web=aid=& DOL-1.33 , CC'7me NSdh 6.5IL 3) Mbabnxn starer. attic Imadng inac rdmtce with IBC Table IW7.1 bas net been a}Tlied e N r �v C. �`c NSF 0. 54 g5 C, TATE E tI •r oncE•xoprorw a �m.eeerm.menmmea ,c.eeneama. Tbea�or hbm arau ws m eee.de �me�.m e�:emem.a pad ry neTn wMan.uamR.mRlea x.amaty,me�p teaesonbeor tin® Stephen W. Warta ¢tfodbbytheStdTvgDe>;ma.Ae.IwWidawgg hd'eensaccep.oce ofpofe®mlenBaavgrespo>uixSyabyfortbetso$tomponemhsgarbwa7hesdadiym6uzofWs�omp®mtfaavypastivhrbdtugdespnsthert�onsb�iyof Swa ra 654395 the BoiligIkaper,perAN6tlIPI I-StxY7 Cheperi'NAitlaliY7tnaneq�vel.opabeMfoe.aectugsmamtmdheco6. Refatothehtea edi®ofBC57 (lldtugCavp®em&LnybfS tix**podnceftTAasdSBCA)fwprom 8 rtvEt®mmbodsemmponam eletynt timsehtvgtotbeemie<ovmtc®pore¢lntheebxrceofrpec8�etas�.odtempmaryseavaim/tracgg tpeecci tin¢l6yades;shert9aStim(rc1tivBrtvtsmtotseses)mdumpaary 15M N. Kip tEJb. Ft. Piene F130951 tetmkAaa6*.ftben asde.1be u.ecmdasce.ibBCSI-Bl mdBCS1-B2. The methodofudi+tlmltroatoem6atemacsMcitgtbalbe especYedby0. Bsdf'vg0esperper.OS Pf1,Chapa;ggecTstnnapannecea bmc6gdeskmi at gecrsdblaba;"Zb� amempiEedb/sandasdnmmryhtend--iaand degooalbraciigdeakhaccosdaaswihBCSI-B3aBCSI-M-pptbb.•A4CAtTANf•Thadamp-abet.... bunednauadaacewihftdawugand itgahyaiesh tpeerWiaAWTH I Cbapa3.Alc arphtes'b.1 bem-,bc..dbySmp-&-g-TsC..p y,luuareoda- khESR-3762.AIcameeorphtesan 20gage,..k sbegecEedpbtemsiflb cdbya•-Ig'w4ebodinuesan 19gga htc. 5 srr c9nnnnnnn9nnnnnnn9r9nnn2n a ao'�.a o'. o�. o'. anao.aaaao.ao'. o�. o.0 j py� ��9�4°PP4 P'�^•��P4PPNrWY•y. c C bLwuwKk•K`CY k'-, �:�+�,i iiwuGw E� E� EM & —1�6S k66d kd 9S kd 6d Nd 6d k.'6d kd 6d }rd 6%kd 6d kd H3 }S �, g 7�ad���7aaa�aa���s7sra�a? AN a a9 k abi aaoaxaaapaag>yeaS'»:. 6 5' S' 6' 0 6' 5' 6' 5' 6' 6' 5' 6' 5' F. nnpncgnn�n66rgnnng6rgnnnrg5n0. g � as a aoa daa aaa rn C7 r,Y• bay' "'y� a a a M �bL�'.wwLK�C �S•�•a ����:+ wwGG�� 9 �+ 3 � N S 0 •o C -� a�aa�aaas��aaa-aaa'�r�a�as�a'a �ose, p ti sa��>sb�ae o 5' S' 0 5' 5' S' 5' 5' 5' 5' 5' 5' 5' 5' S' 6' m br y y 6 ;V ay bH r b 6-1 w 00 O O 00 CD O_ ryITJ X ON A�� Add -i p �. _ Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: JET � 2590 N. kings Highway ProjectNanle: 6510d 1 .F� i01- ' SOUTHERN Date: 7/12/2014 113336AM TRUSS Fort Pierce, F134951 Component Solutions'm COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: 1 of 1 Truss Version: 5.01 [Build 31 Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 7-0-0 4 /12 6 14-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 30lbs B-4-0 1-5-0 3-2.0 4-2-0 5-7-0 7-" 5 1. \ 4 fi 12 4 4r- 1x4 III 3 d 1x4 1 2 `d lV i 3x5 - .5x6 - 2x101 qq } 1 4 8 j x4 - 1.641 *I 11 10 1.541 D-" 0-6.0 0G-0 1.0-0 3-2-01-0-0 2-10-0 3-2-0 42-0 7-0-0 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection LI (loc) Allowed Imd (Jef) Sdg Cale: F3C 20I01 TC: 0.79(2-3) Vat TL- 0.26 in L1291 ID L/240 7C1L: 21 - TPI I.Mv BC: 0.23(10-1) Vet ll• 0.09 in Lf US 9 L/360 TCDL: 15 FepMbr Jn-rse: Yet Wb: 0.84(3-'7) Har M. 0.08 in 6 BCIL : 0. DAL: 125 % Creep Faanr, Kam 1.5 BCDL: 10 Plate Olisets(Jn0• Y, ma (1:3&3-2,0.) (2]-12.4g90J (3:1.12,44,90.) p01-r 3-&90 ) Reaction Summary IT 7we Bn C.A. f�Wdh Material goB¢Wdth Max Prad Max Gta -mill Max Wnd Udift Max Udifi Max Hain 1 Pm (NAZI) 1 8 in Cer ee Maswq 3.00 to 41511s - 129 lb; 129Ibe 3)21bs 6 H Pdl (Taws) 1 1.5 in - 3.00 in 443 lbe - •1691h;-16511s 5 H ]b0 (rows) 1 1.5 in - 300 in 109lbs -9811s-1131ht-11311a Material Summary Bracing Summary TC SP WsC&3113) 92 2x 4 1C Ba®& Shea&darPabns al &K Patin dwijer ty0thers. BC SP (AISC6.2)13) k2 2x 4 BC Be,®g Sheatheda Patina at 7-2A Patin deei¢n by0lhas. Nhbe SP(ALSC&2),2) 93 2x 4 Loads Summary 0 This taws bay b= dmi&td fa the effe= dre to l0 psrhm®dtad live Imd plm dead lords. hinsbasNdedirtheeowind wtA with following madefined input: 1ArtybNtmateFvmmC,OVWA®dgrnnw6s a Rat�etNean d�miCC2meh 3) bBnimm storage, attic Imdag in accadmce, with IBC Table 16071 bas net been applied Member Forces Summary Table;ndcmm:Mmmain,naxcsL=ax fbrM(n CMV-raeeif(EBeen,tD®ranxatdalfatt) I �� TC Da 0.324 301ts 2-3 0.794 .30111s 45 0.614 - -65lbs \ -2 0.710-293Ibs 34 D.711 5371hs �e N , • , . , • • , 9 BC 6-7 0.193 fi551h; &9 0..9-34216s 10.1 0.253 -2SS Its Webs 2.9 0.494 93lbt (431b;) 3-7 0.841 79lb; 4.6 0.3M 91 Its (-r31ba> ` G F N 9l0 0.494 7316s (43N 7-s Tro.s4D T1(s Truss -to -truss Connections Summary _ ID Carried Tires Cam+ngTnas Catmne0ffse Ande 0. 54 95 TT10 3717 C 13G 7-0-12 F_ ItibCod 9.0-1 Sit' 4 st r90 deg II +.L Tf10 J7r CI3G I141.12 90 deg �o, 1��;� ,r�, �;� �F �� mow: - *ATE "' 7'1'IOx,.:.a:.:��....,:J7!'1.,4_.:•'.1it..e_C13Gr�;�,:x:.__v(«f7?!{:12.. ,;..fr?99degavva' C�'• F 7Q Notes: ' ORIDP.• \=`V\;. I) Ibis desiter, it tased m ASCE 7.10 as rderecal bylhe 200 Fai& B ding Cade • . • , 2) Unlabeled plates ran LW 21yt. \ 3) N4etoss n this s has been dtmea fa quality ity msparom, the Plate Platxsnent Method per TPI 1.200YA3.2 sball be wed Cq-1.21. //��ON 4)Tmstoamstmna�misfagredaimlintepmdmmly AhangcaahersWmralmertimsballbepm+idedlo rusial the rmzrenam andr¢Bfl Shaw in lhelJenmim Stxmnrg / tV 5) At Jew me web dthis bras has been dmignd with a pond pent in the weh All panel prints m such webs shall be braced laterally pmpmdadu to the plane ofthe toss. lateraltrees shagtrinnaBd �t��� IwlahlsptFJ�rt{ 6) Listed wind nplift readens based m MNFRS Only lmdn& 1 1 •)unCE•AcMefrh6dc*rdalWfmibedtnticmctim eQre m Tbedesnn(Ibeadx7b 81m w baSdm4L gaCRL amd EQaLmemiYWPfdMIhL7hE561am (eC wt td tretapa¢ beau m ynLdL LaL60[1heOfe matJm Stephen W. Waiter tetraWbytbe B.V.Bea.A.Unni'sdnaueiaiateseuepercea[Oea4�oatengacuBRpoofliYnsD'fmNe--penemdergnmwz The ndabdryedweota-parent Lrowwxe,trbnAtoedcspeth..rp..sit;ryor Stna Fag415095 IbeB31'vglks�er,pmA145tlfPl l•?OW Cbapa2 wAB)ate•'In�srryniepopecAeaafos,naruarensiv adhac'vg. Befatotm htea eetimo[BCSI (edmgCaopooent Ss[m>et tbaj.>ntbpodumabi TAadSSCA)[orpopm 250 N. Kings lath. Ft. Pierce F 34951 �e6rwmeWoa odmpmnm saferybf®atbnxhtiegtotbe rmie eamrctialxoces mibentsrceol�ecf usaBtimmdtrmDoraryasmiathacnggeeirsti�goihettbtnsa@tw(ueld'o&�Letmtok+arcesladtempasry reaauVivacbgo[detm¢s�alhe uaccmdarcewthBC51-BI adBCSi.By 7tos¢so6ortgo<epemanemretr+�M+ti�g oCe6mdsadte+tacxbm®bae(wMemi-attd}7hedery gmb'�'�tcstMhtat�fahtendmanim. The methodafibitbar� ltmembaremaimrtnchg tdalte uTecPsdbyWLBdtu9 Des)mLrDmAT6VfA1,ChapaZirgrci[etntsspe+mmem lneingdeagntmt gecisdbjm6tr;thssBalAeaccompifiedblanndndod arYhteralrtamm eel bematiffi1 cimeAMSm{�S+®gd ComP�'3� Bamdase whE8BlMP0.AleMThide§�teserz Abe-krtrgia �temtafob^MDYa'-Ill-wbthbd'ee 68LFepgeL�dioA1A?AI CLDIa3. Alc®ectmDhtesmal Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: J5T r„; ? 2590 N. kings Highway PmjeciNatne: 6510-d t SOUTHERN TRUSS Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: 7/12/2014 113334AM Component SolutlonsT"t Page: 1 of I Truss COMPAMES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Version: 5.01 Build 31 Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 5-0-0 4 /12 2 1-4-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 21 Ibs 64.0 1.4-0 3-2-0 1-0-0 0.10.D 3-2-0 42-0 5-0.0 .4 1x41 { 12 3 4F- 1x41 2I N -a- N 5 b tx4 - US - p 1• d � 7 10. SI f 9 1.5x3 1 �_p_p CJ- 0-00 0-&0 DG•0 1-M 32-0 110 0.10.D 3-2-0 4-21 5�D Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L (loc) Allowed Ilad (Is0 Udg Code: FEC 20101 rC: 0.76 (I.2) Von TL: 0.18in L/AS 8 L/240 TCLL: 2D TPI 1-2007 DC: 0.2g (9-1) Vest IL: 0.06 in L / 848 8 L / 360 TCDL: 15 PepMtr)na®se: Yes Wb: 0.04(Z� Herz Tl• 0.04 in 5 DCI1: 0 D.O.L: 125% C.ep Foea,l:a=1.5 BCDL: 10 Plate Offsets(Jn1:X.YAngl• (1.2-9.320) (2:1-12,4-090) (3'1.1Z 90) (604-I.120) (71.12 -M.) (8:00,14Z,0J (9:1-W-8,90.) Reaction Summary JT Type Fg Corm li'g Wdh Material Pod AR Wdh Max Pura Max Ga Ubl'fl Ma<wnd UdiB Max Uplift Max Haiz I Pin (Va) 1 8 oncr in Cete mammy 100 in 331 lbs - 405 lbs -105 lbs Z761bs 5 H Pdl (Teas) 1 1.5 in - 300 in 2011s 4 H Pdl (Taos) 1 1.5 in - 3.00 in 221 lbs - -91 Its -91 Its - Material Summary Bracing Summary TC SP (ALSC63113)91 2 x 4 W �a®g SbwthedaPmhns at 6.30, PMin deign by0ibm. EC SP WSC6.2A13) M 2 x 4 BC B cing Shealhed a Pmlms at 10fi0, P.Bn design try Others. %%bbs SP(AISC&2012)K3 2x 4 Loads Summary 1) TW ones bas b� designed fa the eBads doto l0 psf bim Chad l he load pits dead Toads. 2) This toss bas hem designed fa the efreYs ofwind loads in accanbnce with ASCE7 -10 with the following user defined inpi: 1•A mph ultiaete, Equstce C, Oa,.11 Hdg Dim 65 fl x 70 f4 h . 17 4 Na Fd 2me Tess, Neither ond web crosid.r I DOL-1.33 , CC Zone W.dh 6.5 fl. 3) Msnimm storage attic loafing m amadancewith IEC Table IM7.1 has not loon applied Member Forces Summary Thbleied--:Member.In. -CSL f ifdir-1fmnoexaieWface) 7C 10-1 0.250 3D lbs 1.2 0.%2 •�71hs 2.3 0.646 -94 Ihs 34 0.441 -88 it, i 1iC 5fi 0.012 Olhs 7-8 0.012 olds 9.) 0.29 -2M lFs 1,� VCb; 2-8 0.039 931ts (-51 ids) 8-9 0.030 7511s (-51 lts) 3-6 0.019 461h; 6.7 0.011 261h; \ \ N N Truss -to -truss Connections Summary \\ \�'e C F / ID C ed7fma Canymg Tess CanyingoHad Angle r/ n TT14 JST G7f 7115 45 J ' S` ••'• �� ,.?n.,.x:,:..i 315 dos. .j'1 = ' Noces: = *140.54 95 1) This design is lased on A.SCE 7-10 as reftrerad by the 2010 Florida Hiking Code. 1)Whea this tons has loon ehoaes for ginlity sssscance hapel)on, the Plate Placonan Mdhod{e TPI I.71D7/A3.2 shall be med Cq-l.21. n/ 3)7nas4otrtss rmnstim is fa graphical inlepdation only. Abanger a orha mrschral ansodim shall be pwidedtoresist thenexreaaim andsplifl shown.' the Przcdon Suvrrnry .�y-!� 4)Atlmt -ebofthitmss has lees designed with a pand point in the weh All prod pints on such webs shall be traced laterally papmdux8mmthe pLweoflhe tnsa. dated trams elr9ll go•rgstalled Tj cl pint. 5) Listed wind uplift reamons lased on MWM only loading. < CR ID P' a ) N A L.4� R•¢N9aa.oCutbt/eEn•mcebthgoodf.tahfmDtr'mudspxasuIDm�.iabIeDeufaccmibdmd1ce1hwihBCfSdWl-BCIOmondaaBCaSI•TBD2CTdC.6��oafatMhsRuqduiide Wpel>tlmlmtEsem6art¢sdaOeuds/Cbs�e.caugloefleeDawYddRsoa4eldnceamruemv88�pp6dD6yetRaae(c•!bReaeMedanFnaftaecds)mTheraavddraRwlbeg6�asmb'n11dYblaCtaanWOceybaumYvc®sfpHCmsaoflheufapfa0aatryien StepbenW,.Warter set Tbrnamtymsnr6cwpormlnrnhrLudiawR3or Sb„d, Fga 54M the lailagnesipx;pwwslrM l-mm chapmi-WARNrhr?Ih=.Rqdel�hameg„Rd�a�aig&WWe4 Pnmwans Rss, (emhc®paeis-Y pv '9NKings FEgh. FL PieceF134951 rryufaasti..hthgtothe emie-imp- mlbeasfspecciasatlb-AtepaaryRial _Dmmm htealRmaffi. TDe medodofud'etifi .bb...dRmAbBC l.B3.BCSI-B7 .ppT,.h-DOMes�n hkdmSm7A1,Chaper2:d>aeca sueddiam order ggdeb�drBw gndtbe aakyerhi gw rdiiARd PSICba i=3.Al yLteml moiaem F d'eamnl�cigdeuaurumdmcewiDIiCSI•H)aBG9-H7r.appFaDk.•H.40RLWf•Th%da�a®noeat6ee aamewGo.mednrrcoNese wthtluMwiogmdtlx gmiy aidh geeEeduA75VfA1Caapd3. AlunmedaphR.m.1 fYJ_ hemenufiamMby8mpm9tmareCwgmtryloeuarcadavice aihE9t-2767.AIcamenaphhesueX18a64�th Wec7rdD91e�est Iwedbyr'•1g' wLrtndeasdan 16gagepane. Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: CJ7T -Addhhh., SOUTHERN 2590 N. kings Highway ProjectName: 6510d TRUSS Fort Pierce, F1 3495 1 Date: 7/12/2014 1133:11 AM Component SohltionsTM COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: I oft Truss Version: 5.01 [BuOd 31 Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 9-9-4 2.829 /12 1 1-10-10 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 12 in 461bs 7-1410 4-0-0 1 1�-15 1-B-10 z-3 1 -7 4-4-4 6.93 TZ14 5 J1 FT31 ����pp J5T C13G 0-0-0 D-6-0 O H 1-D-0 4-44 1 L4-15 1 4-0-1 4-0-4 5.9.3 9-94 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (loc) Allowed lad (MO - Bdg Code: FBC MID/ TC: 0.59(1-2) Vet TL• 0.26in L/401 9 L/240 TCLL X TPI I-MD7 BBC: 0.78(10.1) Vet U., 0.09 in L/999 9 L/360 TCDL: IS RepMtrincn=e: No V.hb: 0.66(4-b) Hax TL: 0.07 in 6 BCIL: 0 D.O.L: 125% Crap Facia, Ka=1.5 BCDL: 10 Plate Odsels (1ntYC Y,Ana (1:2.3,3-L6.) 0:2-124d90J 0:2-12,4-S,OJ (412,4-5,13.) (6:7.5�3-&M.) (7:00,30.) (8:3-10114X) (9:00,1•I;OJ oa.2a23a901 Reaction Summary 6 H Rail (foss) . I 1.s in - 300 in 5731b, - -211 lin .211 Its 5 H Rdl (foss) 1 1.5 in 100 in .46 Rs -23Its -2311. 1 Pin(MI) I 11.313in Conaee Masonry Unknown 123 Its -351ts-1661bs-16611s 14n H Roll (WI) 1 11.313 in Conaae Masonry Unknown 668 N -171 Ibs -17) Ibs Material Summary Bracing Summary TC SP (AISC6-Z)13) SS 2 x 4 TC Ha®g Sheathed a Atkins at 38K Pu1in design by Oibm. LS BC SP (AC6.2DI3)02 2 x 4 13C Bracing Sheathed aPal(na at 4-K P.H. design by Olhm. Was SP (AISC6-2012) 93 2 x 4 except 2-10 SP (ALSC6-M13) 42 2 x 6 3.8 SP (ALSC6.2D13) DSS 2 x 8 Loads Summary I) Tms tnss busem bdsignod fa the efats de to 10 psfbonan chad live lmd plus dad loads. 2) This toss has been designed fcr the eBsts of wind loads in eocadaace with ASCE) -10 nfib the following use defined input I70 n0 Wthmte, Fipc =C, Ooaa11 Hdg Di- 65 fl x'A S h =17 & Na Fnd Zone Toss, Ndtha and wdamtsidxed DOL= I.33, CC 7me Widh 65 fl. 3)Minisssm ataage epic Imdngin acmdanca with IBC TaNe 1607.1 has na ism applie3 Load Case Irl: Std live Load Point Loads Menhe lamtim DI—dat Imd Tdb Wdb But Chd Ibl Up 14 Its Tap Chd 1.61 UP I Ite ffi Chd 1 &I Up 14 NTT Chd 44-0 Doom 45 Its Ba Chd 44-0 Doom 3Hs Tap Cbd 4410 Dowa 45 lls Bat Chd 44-0 Do 311s Tap Chd 7.1.15 Dmn 93 Rs Tap Chd 7-1.15 13 m 93 ft 13D N N * :140.54 95 �, !TATE F to ,�fff1111111\1\` Stephen W. Warta Stnri Fag p 54395 M N. Kings Hatt. FL Piece FI 34951 `1'7 Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: CJ7T SOUTHERN 2590 N. kings Highway Date: ectNalne: 651 /2 THUGS Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: 2 of2 014 1133:I1 AM [rve_rs omponent SolutionsT"t Page: 2 of 2 Truss COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464 4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax ion: 5.01 [Bul7d 31 Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANTL CANT PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 9-9-4 2.829 /12 1 1-10-10 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 12 m 46lbs Load Case D 1: Std Dead Load Point Loads Matbf Location Di —ion load Trib Wtth Tap Chd 1.6.1 Doan 1 lb.Be(Chd 1bl Up 3I'm Tap Chd lb•1 Down Ills Iles Chd IZ UP albs Top Chd 44.0 Doun 381n Bat Chd 4410 Donn 29 On Top Chd 44-0 Down 38 Has Ea Chd 440 Down 29 l s Tbp Cbd 7-1-15 Dann 1121ts But cad 7-1.15 Donn 101bs Top Chd 7-1-1an 5 Do11211s Bet Chd 7.1.15 Doan ]ON Member Forces Summary Tabieinaeates:ManbaID, csLHaase,valf=e,(n—ow;r.kmiraaaaltfi= a)dalr=) TC 11.1 0.165 ]Sib. 2.3 0.533 1.485 ft (4,456lbs) 4.5 0.040 •19 N 1-2 0.5% .911 lb. 34 0.3M 3,0681hs (- 95711s HC G7 0.478 -1,629 lbs 8-9 0.351-I.M516s 10-1 0.T18 -868 its Nbta 2-9 0.St4 821tr 3-7 0._ 713 Be (fi551ts) 47 0.605 1,583Ite (-1,563Ih;) 9-10 0.52g 7111s (-501bs) 7.8 0.237 30 N (•51bs) 46 0.662 1,7341bs (-I-W lb;) Truss -to -truss Connections Summary m Carried 7hss Cavying Tnss Caarving06sa Anee TTI2 ]I C17( Idl 45&g t..,. r -'- T C37T. ,6.:.�s:.i.,�+...�¢1..... 5deg TT12 - J) - yy-0 45 deg dti 7773 _ n, ]3„ .�� ...Id'?, '.C77!swv.,. sa;7_4d41 315 degY.:?:`( TT14 3517 0717 71-15 45 deg s•5s 4 i 'k T - t < i"C17f a. ,{:a ,.. .,. t.7 )'15 r .,: 315deg S.3Y; .. 779 C77C C13G 74)4) 43 deg . Notes: 1) This design it based on ASCE 7.10 as refaced by the 2010 Florida Wiling Cade 2) When this tress has been chmeo fa gnlity assurance inspfdim, the Plate Placearnt Method per TPI 1.70ONA3.2 shall be tend Cq-1.21. 3)Tnasto4=s connerim is for gaphical integrelatim only Ahaoger at8ha str=ond cmarnim shall bepoidedto resist the tmx scum and uplift shorn in the ReactionSuo y 4) Ns] m leae web orthis inas has been designed with a panel p®t in the welt NI panel pints on sack welts shall be traced later411y papendimlar to the plane ofthe the s. lateral bares ,ball he installed within 6 • of each aebpenel pmrtL 5) listed wind tylift Rations based on MWF'RS Only I®dng. * 10.54 95 _ � TATE F W 441 ..GRID �C)1VA1L4���`� •A7C(rfICE•AeogottDi;des��BDefm�edlotbe ertctianmatraclm nzdesynoflD-abd',tml=i amdmdeapdereadregoiem"-gD*dbltk7r aMamfactmet,ndmlesupmtbeom=Umdcaopkteoesoflhenf aim Stephan W. Warter y fonhbyt6eamEngtba�er.Ao7mtDaaRrme vOc.tes,cceptauceofpMe�uata�wbBRs)aask3yml:brmNenfficm proem desp bows The wiebikyendusofthi;eompmerafaenypancutaDu11c8 de>�;:tDeReponsl3ryef Stnet Enga 54393 ft B.k Ikji;.rpaAWSrMI-7W7 maper2•WAaD:NG•iroSsrryaepoperDaad6y eRcMm,a�am amknciog. Hefat oche roes edmnofHC9(Hd7ngCmpmem Sa(etY a� «mjtmb•podvr. dDYTflandSBGUfmt> * 2M N. Kings Mph. FL Pierce Fl 34951 m�gamid,Ientr.Dghtakum,pe"cm"d,ouaOewyihiHfC51•Hb3emmBhCti5*1•tBa7ftaawpDFieicDk.•PB'ObaRp7rAnNc tII emaioNacbgofDvu¢sNbaRC�BcIisBCSI-H2 Tzab•elqnulilerpeelosnnancemotfRgamecefisnut9aa7eutguonf,emtrvldempMryRII+aiLN+CiiggeCisatimsbyoNerg'lhen46nIDmn (bmcldluteghiHIlnrIDatti®utfOmkrLmtemcrneDf)eamndalieamTpDme yklerelRmb ry and ietbodofbdj,Wtmsmsdbybl,Chpaa3s fg.,ifmp9nonam b..b9&gaom spec6-eAbyaheraftsba7Deewpinhdbystadaelind Th'sdespeasmesthetas,ism=Acteednaccmde wibth-sdnwig,ndtbc m*yuiere grefndbAMan I C'hapta3. Nmtmestorpktessbal DemamfapmedgSiafmnSvoog-TeCmpsoy.ImhawrAarce.fhESR-2763.Nc�eeaphRsaR aA6•Be,mitslh t➢ecfrApineays i;f b-dbja'-Ig'ehbhbdiataan18BngeDblc. Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Tniss: C13G SOUTHERN 2590 N. kings Highway ProjectNalne: 6510d TRUSS Fort Pierce, F1 34951 Date: 7/12/2014 113252AM CoTlponent 3ohltionsT"r Truss COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464A160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: 1 of2 Version: 5.01 Bulld 31 Span Pitch Sty OHL OHR CANTL CANT PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 20-1-0 4 /12 I 1-4-0 0-0-0 0-" 0-0-0 2 12 in 112 lbs 21-5-0 1-4-0 3.2-0 1-0-0 2.1s0 4-4-15 4 2 4-4A5 3-2-0 4.2-0 7-0-0 11.4-15 158-1 20.1-0 7x9-18 - 3x4 - 1 x4 1 4x6 - 4 5 6 7 12 4i- 7x12Pp - 3x5 / 3 2 2.5x61 II _ 1 18 17 16 15 1 S 12oX3 26 1.Sx5� 3x4- Sz9- 11 1 1X4. I 18/ 1.Sx3 11x4in 9 12.09 1.5x31 1.SXJ- 1.5x3i2 J7T CJ7T J7T Q J7T Q J7T J7 OSO D-M 0." 1.0-0 0-6.0 3.2-0 1-0-0 2-10-0 4-0-15 432 1-1-15 1-0-0 21 3.2-0 42-0 7-0-0 71-4-15 15.8-1 16.10-0 17-1D-0 20.1-0 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L! 0oc) Allowed load (Al) IDdg Co&: FW 27ID' TC: 0.95(4-5) Ved 7L• 1.64 in L/362 (I6-17) L/240 MILL 21 TPI 1-2(D7 BC: 0.92(19.1) Ven 12.: 0.22 in L/999 (1&r) L/360 TCDL: 15 Rea Mtrinarase: No Wb: 0.71(2-18) Ho. 7L: 0.29 in 9 BCIL: 0 DAL : 125 % Crmp Factor, Yc 1.5 BCDL: ]0 Plate Offsets (JntXY.Angb (I34,3-1.14.) (2-0-0,3.11,18.) (390.7AOJ (4.1-14,4-6,0.) (5:1.IZAOJ (6:OQ38,90.) (73-VAOJ (8:38,14Z.OJ (438,1-12.0.) (]tr.I-12,38.90.) (I1:1.12,00,90.) (12D-0,1-12,0.) (11l4),38,90.) (14.2-10.04,90.) (15:0438,0.) (171-123-0901 (18:0038.0J (140019?61 Reaction Summary IT Type He Canto Ilm Wdth Mat 'al Pqd f1rR Wdh Max Rost Max Grav Uplift Max W red Udift Max Udif Max Hui. I Pin (BAIT) 1 8 in Concrete Masonry 3D0 in 1.71811E - l61 lbs -6611h; 133 Ibl 9 H Fa rrnss) 1 1.5 in - 300 in 2.57311E --9901ts -M lls - Material Summary Bracing Summary TC SP (AISC63713)12 2x 4 mqv TC R=ing Sheathed aPuAns at 34A Perlin dmigo by 0ihas. 204 SP (ALSCOD13) SS 2. 4 BC SP (AISC(,2013) 62 2 x 4 except: BC Basing Sheathed or Ptrlim m 49A Pali. design by Others. 9.18 SP (AISC6•M13) SS 2 x 4 I8-19 SP (A15C6-2013) SS 2 x 4 Wds SP (A1SCOD12) 63 2.4 e.V 7.15 SP (AISC&2013) 62 2 x 4 Loads Summary 1) This fins has been deigned furthe drams due to IOlsftouan chard bw loadphs dead loads. 2)This tress has been designed f the e8hcu orwind lmds in atxwdance with ASCE7-10 with the following mer dsfined inp : IM no dlhmtr, Epoame C, GT A Odg Din 69 0 x 70 R h - 17 0, Na End Zoo Tress, Ndiba end web crosidaad DOL- 1.33. CC Zone Widh 6.5 L 3)Kniamustorageauie,mdingin aomdinmwith IBC Table 1607.1 has not been e(glied Load Case Lrl: Sid Live LoadPoint T cad Mctbx Loeadm Dittstim Load 7nbWdh \(�\ `.`C' SF••,e�� 7bp Chd 741-0 Down 25IIa Ba Chd 7-0-0 Dow 225 Rs •� Tap Cbd 74-12 Up 32 fts 24 in Bot Chd 7.0-12 Down 1681h; 24 in - * ;• ��• 54 SS lap Cbd 90-12 Do 32 lb 24 in Boo Chd 90.12 Doan ]681h; 24 in '� ►r3v, I{ - Top Cbd 11.0-12 Up 321hs 24 in /1- lh Chd 1141-12 Dawn 169lbs 24 is �� TATE (,() lap Chd 13D12 Up 32 Rs 24 in Bat Chd 130-12 Down 1681fi 24 in i ^+� ••• (v Tap Cbd .2 UP 32 ft 24 in &t Cbd 150-12 Down 168 IM 24 in R I D Tcp Chd 164-12 UP 32lbs 24 in :� \•-`t� ' • O P \ Be(Chd 164-12 Dow 168 He 24 in //V-S• '•''• `'' \\\ Tap Chd I8-0-12 Doan 351hs 24 in �Q •�� \ A Ba Cbd 184.12 Down 100IDs 24 in 1L1,``�\\ n=ICE•Acopyofthedespdnllefmwbedtotkmctbacoa mTDedespnoftbsbdiidmly=bbaxdmdeynaicrhmdmquiementaappEAbythllk=Mnsfctm RWMIesapmdeec=acyandcmpLia ortbeN tim Stephen W.Warta rn rmwgComp S;fnylnf timj) rreom-db4ae[jy SBCA)fastm S�Enga5M IhB4ObZD:sgror,perAN9?A1-2007 CbePm2•R'AWdH'i•7sn�s.egivepope+hnm4g,emefnyr�sio aodtaacgq. RefertoWe eteaeaicaafBC51(BtNhg CamDmem Safety IN timpiayPodncedyTAeMSBCglfmpopa haltimmetmdsaMmpmtam®kty)otoona=mhtisgtothcemiee ==bnpocnc laWeabxrceotpec'fsrea�timaodtempaarymsantMcbgspecTwbnMashets ther>mmYnnfrclxliog baaln®totrasegamtempaary ?570 N. KhuB lBgh. Fa Piece F134951 RmaiotMe'vgoftbemmxsbalbe bacmdaeeewlhBf3'1•BI ad BCSI-B2 T-abrzgoiepemaomtamar0/trac�0[thadsmdcmubxbmemhoala'beatdGtM}TLsdnwhgmbidr' alenhe brathafmhlrnlrt5taim. Th meWodr6cdbtlualtm¢mcmlx:rsemm�Utrachg s6slheasspecisdbybkj7ug nes�erphj=aN]-0"tbe kTpcsBcvusyermnoemtr wiher�smtg&ndtb byokycricrk TecfdbAYEI/TFII mdtd3.A] tmmpitegtand d'egomltnehg detaiha¢mdaocewihBC'9•B3aBC51-B7aaappEabk.•BAORTANI'7hsdes�asamnthetmssstmmfemmdnaceardancevlAthsdawgga�Ne gmiyair+h �acfxdnATSOTH 1 CWPn3. Alcomenmphteadar •�1f tememda=bYt4:&1.9-YsCeu�ary•Imha¢mdercevihESR•2762.Ncomectmphteane 20page,m>>�tbe pecisdpbte mehfobxdb�a'•Ig'whi:tbdhateaan IBgageDbta Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: I11G 2590 N. kHighway " ,�i ' . Icings Hi ProjectName: 6510-d SOUTHERN g g Y Component SolutiongT TRUSS Fort Pierce, F134951 page: 7/12/2014 113321 AM Truss COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464 4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY II 12-8-0 4 /12 1 1-4-0 1-4-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 12 in 49Is 1.4-0 340-0 ) 3-3-0 3.5-0 I 3-M I 1-� 3-0-D 63-0 9-B-0 12-B-0 4x5 - 3x4 - 4x51 12 2 3 4 12 J3 CJ3 Q J3 I J3 CJ8 0 0-0 0-0-0 3-0-0 3-3-0 3-5-0 34)-0 S3O 9.6-0 I 12-8-0 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (loc) Allowed load (gsQ Hldg Code: FBC 20101 TC: 0.93(4-5) Val 7L• 0.35in L/387 (7-9) L/240 TCIL : m 7PI 1.3007 BC: 0.97 (6-7) Vat IL• 0.12 in L / 999 (7.8) L / 360 7CDL: 15 Rep Mbinarase: No Mtn: 0.09(2.8) Hors 7L• 0.04 in 5 BCIL: 0 1 D.O.L: W% Craa Rau, K.=1.5 Reaction Summary IT Tvae ft Contaa Brg Wdb Matedal Rgd Bm Wdh Max Rma Max Gav UdiO Max Wnd Udift M.1did Max Hair t Pin (.,) 1 8 in Conaee Masonry 3.00 io 695lbs - -241 Ihs -241 Ba 20 In, 5 H Rol (R411) 1 8 in Casaae Masonry 3.00 in 627Its - -216 Bs-2161hs - Material Summary Bracing Summary TC SP (AISC62013) f2 2 x 4 7C Bracing Sheathed a Pwiins o 3.7A Pulin daim W Olh. BC SP (AISC6.2013) q2 2. 4 BC Bening Sheath d a Patina at 3-84. heio design W 00ters. VIRS SP(AISC62712)Q 2, 4 Loads Summary I) Ibis hiss bas bee dmigoed fa the eBeas do to 10 psf boon dtad live lmdplm dad loads. 2)lbismessbasbondesigtedfathe eBans dwind Inds in acas&nce with ASCEI. 10 with the following mer defined inpa: 170mphu1t®te EVx eC,Overall Bldg D'nm65 h x 70 & h -17 f4 Not Fad True Tnss, Neither end web—sidaed. DOL-1.33, CC 2me 11Mb 65 S 3) Mmimm storage attic lmdng inaccas&nm witb IBC lade 160Z1 has not hem apphd Load Case Lrl: Std Live Load Point Loads Mertes L-6. Direction Load Tdb Wdh P But Chd 30-0 UP 8Its Tap Chd 3-1.1Doan 45 D45 Its 24 in Bat Chd 3-1.13 Dave 311s 24 in Tap Chd 5412 Down 451b 24 in B t Chd 5412 Down 31ts 24 in Tap Chd 64-0 Dmm 45lbs 24 in Bat Chd 6" Down i lls 24 in Tap Chd 7.7.4 Down 45 hs 24 in Ha Chd 7.7-4 Doan 3Its 24 in Tap Chd 9$0 Doom 25 Bs Hat Chd 9-M Up . 81ts hies CEN * O. 54 95 `.) TATE W "0/11it Wuymcalm—mand Alcomeaapbladal Stephen W. Warter St>sxt. Fng p 54395 2590 N. Kings Ill h. FL Pierce F) 34951 20pge�®bwbe gecredpbte s¢ecfolowdbya-.Ill-wbhhxdr' atescn Is gagepbte. L� Southern Truss Companies, Inc. SOUTHERN 2590 N. kings Highway Component SolutionsTM TRUSS Fort Pierce, F134951 Truss COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Truss: I11G ProjectName: 6510-d Date: 7/12/2014 113321 AM Page: 2 of2 II Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY II 12-8-0 4 /12 1 1-4-0 1-4-0 0-0-0 in 1 12 491bs Load Case D 1: Std Dead Load Point Loads Montia Location Direction Load Trib Wdrh Tap Chd 3-M Doan 231hs Bat Chd 3-H Douro 15 lbs Tap Chd 3-1-13 Don. 38 Bs 24 in Bat Chd 3-1.13 Douro 29 Ibs 24 in Tap Chd 50.12 Dawn 381bs 24 in Bi Chd 50-12 Doan 28 it. 24 in TTChd &" Don. 38 Ba 24 in Bat Chd 6-4-0 Don, 28 N 24 in Tap Chd 7-74 Dora. 39 Its 24 in Bat Chd 7-74 Don. 28 Ibs 241n Tap Chd 9-8-0 Dora. 23 Bs Iles Chd 98-0 Don. IS 11s Member Forces Summary Tableindrrates:MenbcID,nnzCSLmuaruallbreAgerm¢.to=Wdifferattf en exec ialfaee) TC 19-1 0.144 15Its 12-3 axn -1,5331h; 14-5 0.933 -1,749 Bs 'truss -to -truss Connections Summary ID Camel Tnss Canwin R Tress Carving O&s Ande TT69 03 DIG 300 45 deg ft;rf68 e::1 L13;r• ,. I11G __: xsr.<n 13..1. j 90 de8T l.., TT68 13 111G ,: 5412 90 deg t Troll, �TT68 J3 DIG 77-4 90 ft C73 .fit-.:` :-.ks .;.J„711G .�....:..t.; .v....: 98:0_u .�..,: iA 135 de8...,).'. Notes: I) This deaipi is b" d on ASCE 7-10 as .11-need "e 2010 Florida 6nldde ing Ca 2) Men this tnss has baen choson fa gmlityasstcance inspection, the Plate Pl—t Methodpr TPI 1-2002IA3.2 shall be teal Cq - 1.21. 3) Provide adsgate drainage to pe-a pending 4) lined wind g1i9 reactions based on MWFRS Only lending N -S co OCEIUS4$. .� * 140.54 95 TATE E to ORID�' Stepben W. Warta SneL rag 9 54395 259D N. Kings IBgh. FL Piece F134951 Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: C13G 4E guts' 2590 N. kings Highway ProjectName: 6510d SOUTHERN TRUSS Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: 2 of2 014 1132S2AM ComponentTr s ution311 COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: 2 of2 Tfuss Version: 5.01 uild 31] Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 20-1-0 4112 1 1-4-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 2 12 in 112Is Load Case D 1: Std Dead Load Point I-oads Ments I.aatim D'umim Ind Tn'b Wdh Tapchd 7-0-0 Daaa 31 Rs Ba Cbd 7-H Down 307lhs Top Chd 7412 Up 61N 24 in Bot Chd 7.0-12 Down 23411s 24 in Tap Chd 94-12 Up 61 Has 24 in Ba Chd 90-12 Down 2341hs 24 in Tap Chd 11412 Up 61 IM 24 in Bot Chd 11412 Down Z4lls 24 in Tap Chd 13412 Up 61 Rs 24 in .Chd 13412 Down 234 Its 24 in Tap Chd 150-12 Up 61 Ihs 24 in Bot Chd 154-12 D— 2341hs 24 in Tap Chd 164- 2 Up 61 Hs 24 in Bat Chd 16412 Doam 2M lb. 24 in Tap Chd I8-412 Down 16 its 24 in Bat Chd 184-12 Doan 1571ta 24 in . Member Forces Summary Tableindates:MemborID, rexCSLnaxelda1b0a,Itaxaa,u•fixceifdff—tfrbnanxa"Wf") Truss -to -truss Connections Summary In Camel Tms C,,3i gTnas Canyin¢06se Ande .,T�T•9 _ C17T C13G 71M 45 deg �J;'TTID ...:w )%r.u4.- if ...: CIJG...m. _ .ttln...+.74H2}ffi •.v .:w... ?o.�g "•;:c 1. Trio )7r cup 9a12 90 aeg i... l�� Sct3c Trio )7r CI3G 130-12 90 deg W�g,-M : TTID 77f C13G 16-0-12 90 deg Notes: 1) This daigl is lased on ASCE 7.10 u referenced by the 2010 Flaida Hildmg code. 7)When this teas hastrm chosen for quality assamnee inspection, me Plate Plaremrt Method per 7P11-2WA3.2 shall he wed. Cq-1.21. 3) Tms4oinsss connection is for graphical intapdation only Ahanga anther sincual cmnadim shall bepowided to mist the rrnxreactiot mdttplifi shown in the Rearxim Smamty 4) Pmide ahgete dainagato lseeent ponding 5)At lean mewebofthis buts has ham dmignM %ith a panelpint in themet. All panel points on strh wels shall betray lata;Wypapondmlmtothepime ofthetms. Lateral paces shall he installed within 6' ofeach web panel pint. 6) 7be faces shown far this md5-plymss ae perply and the reactima are far all plim. Two id atial tne,ses shall be)aill and attacbedas follows: TC -) mw of lOd Nails a Gm Nails I� .12"x2 7B•) @ 12' aa, BC -1 tow of l0d Nails a Gm Nails Inn .12'x2 7/8'] ®7.25 • as , V.& -1 taw IDd Nags MC— Nails Irsun .12^x2 718" J Q 9 " ac.. 7) Faslmeo are sired for a sinyiy sgpxW mifunty ladad toes. If the coos is not sitrply supposed a isolated pint loads cost. Le. point lodds a e net consistently, spaced a greater than 24" ere, fasteners mast he sized by the tnss eng}'n eer. 8)Where regimd st�dml hangers shall he to idfd(ry abets) to taut torsions show. 9) Install the wens/nails m me side; do not flip toss. Screws/nags shall bo installed in the same cuss ply that the hangar are attached to 10) lateral bracing shall be attached to web ply. 11)AB futon= nininam 2-VP Img mless otherwise noted. 12) Nails in 1st and 2nd lay shall he mCprel fin satessiwe plies b! l/2 the nail spring 13) listed wind tplift -Ctims based al MWFR9 Oniy ladng N. ! rr � 140.54 95 F Lij 10NAL0\0\\ rrrilltll���� •rurlCH•AcnpyOfthideb,malbefimibtdtoftmcmweOatlaclocThe dS�OSN6id:dualbu4 b6Comde�[del6lwdRQRCOGma®ppEdMthe7h4AmaaflaaeadRtCa pmlheaCCmaeyeOde�LeCSOfhhfmmalim Stephen... Wafter mfmhMmeBiii*M=.Amimttadmwbgmcaleseccep.rceofpofas mienghee&gmT.a k&ymtbt WC4LL pOo &si dwm Thennabirind=oftbic=p® faanypmzuhrb011$deg06theRQO�yof Sawa. Fag#54395 n. B»ili Res* ,R+ANSV7'Pl1.2007 Cbeper2•NAIi1dTU•Ttosatq keproprWwdigg.en:ethgr udandb-4.RCfer101h[htefediimp[BC51(adliogCompmem Safety InfometnopmbpoducedbyTA aidSBGafapopc i'a Jbnmehodseneapmam aafMhla®albnmbliiglotmconic earenctmpoces mthe.lsra ofpci'stmahtonaadtempaarymmaiaNacug�ecPralrmrq•mmathuaamtimf hdhsisamlmtoteames)mdtempamy 25➢D N. Kings )B�.RPiece F134951 remaim/traeggofihe bv�edralbe heccmdawce wihBc5I-BI .ABCSI•B2.Trnsseiomgwiepetmenem Rnramlbmevg ofe6otdsewdcertahwebmembrn(w4emhdrased}71asaawvgowyhdrarat6ebrxrosfmhteRlRaam. Tte metaodof�.•Ewle-ne-berRaahlMchgat-It— eer-dbytbe Badlhgiks>pcperATSVfPI I.Chaper2;i�ecfceumpmmaoembmchgdesyni=Vmitdbyoftmthc®albeaccomp* by=mdmdb&4bYblmlte>aute� dhgmalmachganaah.ccmaaacewihBCa-B3aBc9-B7uapptbt.'IW�tTANf•ThiOngo—.tbenussitm®Gamcdin 5..==wiblUdailgaDdIbegwftyamaqecfedeAMUR]Cbapm3.Alco®eclaphteatial "�(f bemamdec-.db,Sa�aSrmg-Te Campey,Iocheumdencew,kbFgt.7762.A1comeetapbtcs=2Dgagc,u*mtbe reci p§tetiresfobweebye•-Ig- tbbbdFatesmlggageyhle. TC 7D•1 1-2 0.044 0.4ffi 711s •3.78D Ih; ±•3 33 0.705 O.A3 -5,04711s -5.0?21h; 45 5.6 0.953 0.764 -3,7.i"� Its -27d91hs 67 O.A7 -27891ta 13C 9.10 0.092 Olds 1]•14 O.J37 OIh; 16-17 0.51 3,646Its (-3,4581h;) 19-1 0.920 3,081 Ihs (-28901)s) g-u o.337 011a i41s o.na o 1� nas3,Sg1 m; (-3,3971h;) 12-13 0.032 Olhs 1i16 0.596 3.732Ih; d5101h; IB-19 0.647 1971hs (•259711s Wbs 2-19 0.334 4i691hs 417 0.312 816 ens (•7A Its) 615 0.0� 7111s (4i51hs) 12.10 0.0_'t9 75 its (4i21hs) 2-18 0.711 ],851 Its (-],759 R5) 416 0.046 112Ihs (-55Ihs) T-15 0.630 2,9670s (•27g5Ihs) 7-8 0.412 -I,OSI Ih; 3-18 0.068 1691hs (-ISI Ihs) S16 0.165 4331Fs (-0121h;) 1413 O.OtA 5411s (-081h;) 6-9 0.476 -1,2401h; 418 0.5?2 1,36711s (-1,?621hs) S15 0.433 -1,003 its ]I-12 0.045 119 Res (-99 Res) Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: C12 ` 2590N. kings Highway ProlectName: 6510-d 30UTHEFIN Fort Pierce, FI 34951 Date: 7/12/2014 1132:51 AM Component Solutions*"' �V 95 COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: I of t *fuss Version: 5.01 [ uld 31 Span Pitch Sty OHL OHR CANTL CANT PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 20-1-0 4 /12 1 1.4-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 1121bs 21.5-0 1-0-0 3-2-0 1.0.0 4-10-0 S6-B 5-6-8 3.2-0 4-2-0 9-0-0 14b8 20.1-0 . 7X8 - 1x4 1 2.5xB - 6 4 5 12 4i- 2x4 - 3X4 / 3 d 0 3/ 16 15 14 t t 4 } 1.5x3- t 66x12- 1X41 3x12- t12 11 18 712 1.ax3 � 1x4 / s 20y 1.5x3 � 7 1.5x� 1.5x3- 0" 0$0 0-0-0 0.6.0 1-D-0 3-2-0 1-0-0 4-10-0 5-6-82.3-8 1-0-0 2-3-0 14.6-6 16-10-0 17-10-0 20-1-0 32-0 4-2-0 9-0-0 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L1 (loc) Allowed Lead flat Bldg Cade: FBC 3B0' 7C: 0.58 (56) Vat li.: 0.67 to L/337 (IS16) L1240 TPI 1•2007 BC: 0.78(17.1) Vat II.: 0.23 to L/939 OS16) L/360 TCIL: 3D TCDL: IS RepWrInaee: Yes Nhb: 0.90(416) Hari M. DAL: 125% Creep FKav O'25 in 7 BCL-: 0 BCDL: )0 Plate Offscis ()nMY,Ang): (1:1410.0-3,14.) (200,3-11,18.) (3:1-1Z3-I40.) (4:1.1443,0.) (58Q3$90.) (6-AA18.0.) (7,W-1ZO.) (83-&l-lZ0.) (9:1-1Z3$50.) 00J-1Z0Q9D.) (11:00,1. ZD.) (IZ:I-M90.) (13:2-I0,0-0,90.) (14*.M,3-&0.) (15:)-1Z3$90.) (16.0-0,2-IZ2.) (174134LX) Reaction Summary 3T Twe dig Combo Ern Wdh Material Rod ft Wdh Max React Max Gnaw Uplift Max Wnd Udifi Max Uplift Max Hai. 348 lbs 3481ts 301 Its I Pin (%1l) 1 St. Conoae mammy 3A0 in 99911s - 7 H Fall (NAB) 1 6 do Cenerae Masonry 3.00 in 1,024 R. --3851ts .3U lb, - Material Summary Bracing Summary TC SP(ALSC6-2D13) g22x 4 except: TCBmdng SheathedaPatin 42-7-0,Min desipa by0thes. I8-4 SP (A[SC6.2113) SS 2 or 4 BC SP VaSC&M13) N2 2 x 4 e>revt: 13C Bracing SheathedaPutins at 42-0, Pulin hsigabl Olhes. 8-16 SP (AISC&2D13) SS 2 x 4 16-17 SP (ALSC6.2013) SS 2. 4 Who SP (A]SC6.2012) 63 2 or 4 Loads Summary 1) lbis tress has been desiped fa the effects dmto ]O psf boa=dead Ihs load pits dmd Imds. 2)This toss has been designed lathe elms ofwdnd loads in a -dance with ASCE7. 10 with the following user ddmedinpt, lMnooh Wthmte,11gsstoe C,oVeWl Bldg Dias65 11 x 7011, b - 17 ft, Not Fad 2-Tress, Neither and web ansidaed DOL-1.33, CC Zme Whdh 65 B. 3) Mmimsa storage attic loading in accordance with IBC 1Abie 1607.1 has not bent applied , I tV'q Member Forces Summary Table indates:Menbe,M,tmxCSLran, vial f7ce,(non,=W.fomeifdfr=lfenueaa)dalface) N 0.117 301hs 2.3 0.339 4,646Ih; 45 0.572 -1,773 @s �� / p .....tl,Fr•� TC I9.1 • , 1.2 0.227 - 19711s 34 0.506 -0.6t91ts S6 0.580 -1 773 ft `rj C�I • f • IS �./ 3- e Y ��� BC 9-10 0.216 01ts 10.I3 0.216 O lies 1516 0.513 Z229 (-1,337Its) .' �, S� 16.17 0.580 3,136Its (-1,931 ft) lds•, 7.9 0.048 O13_14 0.196 Oft ` � 11-12 0.013 O Its 14.15 0.326 2.242 ens W.341 ltr 17-1 0.792 30S its 0.02i N21s 2-17 0.182 .784)ts Ft5 0.114 20 ft (-albs) 13•]2 0.008 22Itr (tilts) g7 ..2. •94311s 2a6 0.600 1,577ls (.1,02D lies) 4.14 0.377 •532 Rs 1D•u 0.024 6411s (-1611s) 1O. 54 95 _ 3-16 0.060 1571hs (-Holies) 5-14 Ong .422Ihs 11-9 0.016 42 Rs (-D l(s) 4.16 0.501 Z359lbs (-].S%N) 6-14 0.779 1,9161hs (.1,10711s) 68 0.238 4172-Its -O ` I •. ii• Notes: ': TATE F 1) ibis design is based at ASCE 7.10 as tefemud by1he 70l0 Florida Hilding Cade 2)Whm this mss has been chosen fa gmby usecoom inspm)m, the Plate Pladmeat Method per IPl l-MA3.2 shall he head Cq-1.21. 3) PmAde adWnte drainapx to prevent pendng 4) At least mewebofthis toss has been designed with a panel point in the wrh All pine) points ens b wets shall be traced laterally prpendeixr to the plane of the toss. Lateraltracessb.*in wrtl' 1 pinl\�\ ®dodmtes lateral restraint(CLIgrapieadat the location(s) aha . Roews ofClRmst be adalatelydalsona➢ytraea4 see D•WF9CI1tHWCE For ahanalita to CLRs aaddap10l� Set D;tVl ...... V 5) mile- 6) listed wind Whit tmaiats hued no MUM Only loadng Ra3TICE•Acapy o<t6%dea�66aghfmniaediothecrecti-clm Thedcfpoftb%bd ilu lvua%ba¢doodedperiemamrzquiem -n&dbytbeD=NbvufacM "mieeupmtheae cyandcm@keeoesoftbei fmmstioa igodi-seccepmee ofpofe®elmgberhgngonsbdrynkbtorsheenseomponemdetS Me- The ofN%comparcm fa aoylnnioBrbuHggdesty'ssheseNo�dtYot Stepben W.Waster street. Fagg 54395 ¢t fonhbythe Bding fkspen Aselmtb'sdra NeHuili�0es)yer.peWd8VIPlldfxp Chaper2 tVAttMtr•'Q�ssegidepopaheodiog,eactin.ame'�adhaft Wert one himmio-fBCSI(BdlbgCampo>wat S*fey Wamatimpntbl gyy7nmdSBCNfaproW ofspecfia9e�himamtemyamymasa'm/aaebggxsisatmsbyotlur;theusaLtholandbecvEamtotrmca)mdtempaary 20 N. Kings Midi. Ft. Pierce Ft 34M iuvnht®met6odsaedmpmom mfeyhf himtebtbgtotbeemieemmuttmpoce¢Intheabsnce tesoaimMevgotthetmsxah6a16eusuosdencewihH®-Hl aedHCSI-H2 Tmasehorequie pemerhmhmmamtran'neofebmdsendcermvwebmemisrc(dLaend'cahedl.'lL%dnwv gmymeatatla bea(vaforhhrnkesraia. 77r 37es�alslATPffN l,Ctupa= i'@¢�elruavamaneminacitgaes�%mi ����edgothRth%flal6esceomple4edlnsv�ehdnettmyhV^L,w..:n and methodofLdi,•Amltmssmemterremam/h+c�Aalbe asspecfrAMihe Bedmg degmaltranightakbauadmcevihBCS1-B3or1iC9-H7esaypiabk.'IA4'OgW4g• 77>odes)Passmesfhetma%mtwfirnvMunccmd®cewibW%dawugsmthegmhycnesu apeeifidnA1Sl/fA 1 Chapa3. Ale®enavhtes0al hmamdaehmcdbySmpmaBrmg-7kCompany,loc%accmde <wihESR-2761.AIcamectorvhtesme 2Deage.mlafbe spedidpkte ens%fobaed(Nor•-IB'w�6itliitnol8gagephte. Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: C11 r 2590 N. kings Highway ProjectName: 6510-d SOUTHERN Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: 113zst�t 1 A Component SDlutionsTM TRUSS COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464 4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax 1 of I Page: 1 of Truss Version: 5.01 (Build 31 Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANT CANT PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 20-10-0 4 /12 1 I-4-0 0-M 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 m 124 Q1s 22-2-0 1-4-0 3.2-0 1-0-0 4-4-9 2-5-7 4-11-0 4-11-0 3.2-0 4-2-0 8-6.9 11-0-0 15-11-0 20-10-0 4X6- IX41 3x4- 5 6 7 12 7x81 4F- 4 2A - 9N 3X41 3 a 2 3X70% 1 19 18 17 16 15 1 S 1 1x41 3A- 3x3- 3.5x8- 1 1 .�s6X12/ 21 12 13 1 181 1.5X31 1X4 10 2.09 1.5x3 8 1.5x 1s 1.5x6 I . 06-0 0-0-0 0.64) 1-0-0 0£0 32-0 1-0-0 4-4.9 21 7 4-11-0 0.11A 1-0-0 3-0-0 0 32 42-0 B-6-9 11-0-0 15.11-0 16-11}-0 17-10.0 20.10-0 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (loc) Allowed 1®d (1s1) Bldg Cade: FEC 33DI01 TC : 0.51(34) Ven TL• 0.63 in L / 374 (18-19) L / 240 29 TP71.2007 EC: 0.82( ]) Ven 1L 0.21 in L/999 L/360 TCLL: TCDL: IS Rep Mlrloaease: Yes Wet: B87(419) Haz TL 0.24 in 8 FC1L: 0 D.O.L: 125% Creep Facra, Ka=1.5 BCDL: to Plate Offsets (3nt:XY,An&h (I:1410.0-3.14.) (N)4341,18.) 014Z,3 4.0.) (490,3.11.1&) (41-12.38,0.) (600,34t,90) (7:3$34i3OJ (8:1.1ZA90.) (9AI-.AI()0.1-iZA90.) (Il:l-1Z00,9Z) 02M.1-IZO.) (13:0-14,38,90.) (14:2-10,0-0,90.) (15:00-t-&0.) (16,K)-1Z0.) (110-03-&0) (18:00.38.90) (19-.002.109) (9 xo -9x) Reaction Summary 1T Type lag Comho fWdh Matedal Wrig Wdh Max lsacl Max Gmv Uplift Max Mind Uplift Max Uplift Max Hdz I Pm (P6ll) 1 8 in Concrete Masonry 3.00 in1,034Its --359lbe-3581hs 337lbs 417 ft -417lbs - 8 H FA MI) 1 6 in Concrete Masonry 3.00 in 1.094 lbs - Material Summary Bracing Summary IC SP (ALSC&2113)#2 2x 4 arrxpt: TC lira®g SheathdaArhns at 2LQ Min design by Otbas. 21.5 SP (AISC6-20M SS 2 x 4. " BC SP (AiSC6-2013)02 2 x 4 excgr: BC lia®g Sbmthd mPteEns at 41-0• PuBq design le0thm- 9-16 SP (AISC6-MI3) SS 2. 4 16-19 SP (ALSC6-M13) SS 2x 4 Mon SP (AISC6.2713) SS 2. 4 YRS SP (AISC62112) #3 2 x 4 Loads Summary 1) 7bis truss has item designed for the eEeds de to 10 psf ban= chord live load plus dead Inds. 2) This toss bas been dsis d for the of is of wind loads, in acmudance with ASCE/-10 with the following user defined input: 17D tnph olumsme ate, SpC, Oveall Hdg Dims 65 ft x 10 ft. It-17 It, Not Fad Zone Ihss. Neither end web consid-1 DOL-1.33, CC Zone Mrdh S5 IL 3) Mmimm storage noic loading in ametdance with IBC T He 16071 has not been applied 1 Member Forces Summary Table indicates: MabsID, tmxcsl,maxatoalfnce,(smxcm¢.facaifdi6nmtfrom maxa)alface) 2-3 0.35s 4.9021bs 45 0.233 •1.88 ft 6-7 0.440 -1,3P1 Has JQ / 7C 21.1 0.152 3011s • 12 oZ38-3. 3� 0.508 881 Its 56 0.440 4.372 ft �` �/ •• •. 1� � '' BC 8-10 0.092 oils 11-14 0.166 0 net 17-19 0.347 Z577It, (•1,59616s) x-1 0.9m 3,191 Its (4. • • �, C+ $ . ,tut j BC • ' 9•]1 0.166 00lls 14.15 0.155 Oft 18.19 0.552 2.56611s (4,592Ihs) ` •'. 12-13 0.013 O f 1517 0.768 1,781 l s (-1.07416s 19-20 0.607 3.30/ ]its-L9551hs • !' V416 2.20 0.191 -M Iffi 418 0.104 2551os (-891hs) b15 0.114 -391 Ibs 12-10 0.M, 59 ns Z (•1511s) . i 0 54 7.9 0.297 -951 lb 95 �_ •• 2-19 0.630 1,6121he (•1,03811s) 417 0.311 •1,0311hs 7•I5 0.615 1,6031� (•947Ihs) r 3.19 0.035 87 net (-41 ft) 5.17 0.248 648 as (-3661hs) 1413 0.008 222 The (.6lhs) 9.8 0.244 4.04511a � � �' 1 4-19 0.869 Z27511s (-1.344 ft) 5-15 0.339 478 as 1142 0.031 80lb, Rl Its) ' T7 Notes: , ATE F •'•. 1) Ibis desig+ is based on ASCE 7-10 as sdeumced bythe M10 Florida tiildng Cede 2) Men this onus bas beep chosen fage8tyassurmcemspedion.Ihe1'latePlacenmt Methdpa 7PI I-MVA3.2ahall beusd Cq-1.21. i ^1 •'•� 3) Provide adegste&aione to pmml ending J'] A \ 4)Nlran eneweb of this buss) pas bem designed with a panel point in the weh. All panel points on such webs shall be ISeei latemlly perp9tdWlar to the plane of the ones. iateadhaeessbalrIiehl�4wilb �]]•m�,1anL\�' •'yp}• 5) U.d wind uplift reactions Wedno MRFRS Only loading �/ • • •.. • • `� AIL1�`\` n=ICE•Ammefth%despm lbefamibedtothee nimcowaam. ITrc�ofibsbbihwl ibas dmdeipaier% ediequi-sappW1oy-ft-M..faamasndtefuapmt6eacemry aand napbteae8ofth biwanatioe kwia-leagbeebgrtVrmddryakbt a-coaapaem desenshoa The odab5yadtceofthbwmpmeatfmavypensNvba"d.0 b1he spandly of stephW W. Wall, a:tfonbtytbeBsiitbg0es�aa. A"anthsdrawagbdb.1ea.reap-1ofP CNpa24'MTL1•G•7tussrzgoiepWaa d6g,uectn4*amain.dhac(g.Refst.tMblerdsbnofBCSI(BAdbeCmpwem Ssfay 1nf-tmyi6uypmdrcedbjTA.dSBCA)f pmpe Stnta Fag#54395 FL Pi-Fl 34951 tMBidlbgDesgoenpaAN5VfA1.2W7 nysbfvamemods.dmpmum®fetyufam.timattiogtoWeemie.^^^^^pocea lvtheebsace o[gaf iava6t%madtempomrymmamMcug gecFrauvmbymbaxttereaLtba(a.1d'vginna0t®tot es)adt<mperuy 2590 N. Kin I Kings �• rzamisMcggMthmimans➢6eu.ccaideneew}hBC9•But.dBCS1-B2Tiosseebrequiepe®ammremavtlhsevtofcDpads.dwuvxDtaembas(u6aeitliatd17860mwvgoabid'eatatbehutvaforhun.i�M The ayamsrcmiwchgdesi,�%eon geefedgmDrr;tD'su6alDe.ccompFLadMeeda+dbdm*Ybueralre�mmd �y� meWdafmiNmlbasmemtvieesot//h.cbgahelDees�eci>eibyt6eBmTingnegnerpaATSV1'AI,CLepa2:{gac(cm d'agoaelbnciigdeukbe¢ardancewihBC9-E7a11C51-B7 ueppFaDl9s40RTAM•7'h'sde�ea�athevass%mewfacnvednecemd®cewihuh'sdi.wngedsDegm4y aia%�ecfsdnATH?A1CDape:3. NcoeoeamphlesIDal Ll �" (/ hmamGamdbySo,psn6trmg-TeCao$any,its%aceadenee>ihE967762.N �apDlesue20pge,umLuathe�eciidpBteras%folowedbye'-18"aLbb odFatesen l8g.¢ep4¢. �� Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: C10 II= _'' -r - SOUTHERN 2590 N. kings Highway ProjectName: 6510-d -muss Fort Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: 7/12/2014 113250AM Component SolutionsT"' COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 4644160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: 1 o£1 Truss V3Bion: 5.01 1Buld 311 Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 20-10-0 4 /12 1 14-0 0-M 0-0-0 0-M 1 24 in 121 Ills 22-2-0 14-0 3-2-D 1-0-0 4-4-9 4-5.7 � 7.10-0 d ( � ) 3-2-D 42-0 BE-9 13-D-0 20-IM - 46-18 \ 3x4 - 5 6 12 4(- 8x6 / 4 �d 2x4 - `} 3x4 / .3 2 3r 13 1.5X3- 1 ,J66X12/ 1x41 4x4- 3.58- 11 1 19 12 12 11 •r 18/ 1.541 1X49 ((2.09 1.5x31 7 1.5x9iF 1.5xs i 0-6-0 D-0-0 0-" 1.0-0 0-6-0 3.2-0 1-o-D 4-4-9 4-5-7 i 3-10-0 i 1 3-0-0 i { 1 12-0 42-0 6-0.9 - 13-0-0 '1'10, 17-10-0 20.10-0 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (loc) Allowed Imd (rbo 131dgcode: FBC30101 TC: 0.62(56) VestTL 0.65in L/363 06-n L/240 TC1L: 20 TPI I.3(07 BC: 0.82(184) Vm LL 0.72 in L/999 (16-D) L/360 7CDL: 15 Rep Mtrh,aease: Yes Vkb: 0.91(4-17) Has TL• 0.24 in 7 BOIL: 0 DAL: 125 % Crap Faaa, Ke =1.5 BCDL: 10 Plate OffsaS 0ntY Y,Angb (1:14-10,0-3,14.) (2.,00311,1&) (3:1-1Z4,0.) (4.0.3,43,18.) (5,0A3-&80.) (&3$3$0.) (11-1Z38.90) (8:38,1.1ZO.) ' (9:]-1Z,3-&90.) (10.1-1ZOA90.) 01:00,1-1?,Q) (12.1A3-&9D.) (13.2-10,OA90.) 04.14Z3.&O.) (IM. 240.) (160-0,A9D.) (17:0 ).2.8,13.) (18,.0-0,3-9.26) Reaction Summary Tr TIM av coat. &g WA Mat«id UBrg Wdth Max Rena Max Gtav Uolifl Max Wnd Uplift Max Udiii Max Huix 1 Pm (w)) 1 ginconaae Masonry 3.00 in 1,034 lbs - --3521hs •352lbs 372 Ben 7 HBoll CMI) 1 6in Cutarae Matatry 3.00 in I,101 lbs - 4N Bs 424Its - Material Summary Bracing Summary TC SP (ALSO -MU) SS 2x 4 TC Braebtg Sheathed a Paiins at 2.50, Puffin design ty Others. BC SP (AISC6.2113) 92 2x 4 except BC l3zdng Sheathed aArlins at 42-0, Puffin dmigo by Other. &15 SP (ALSCODU) SS 2 x 4 1517 SP (ALSC6.2113) SS 2 x 4 17-18 SP (ALSC67D13) SS 2 x 4 Wks SP (A1SC6-30L'� #3 2 x 4 - Loads Summary 1) This toss has Derr designed for the effeas due to lO paf hatan chord lire load phn dead lads. 2) This buts has been designed fa the effeas of wind lads in amordanee with ASCh7 -10 with the following osa defined inp6. IA mph tdthales Expmme C, Ov=U Hdg Dins 65 8 x M R h - ]7 (L Nct rad 2me Tms, Nelba end web aosidmd DOL=1.33, CC 2me)MM 65 L 3) Minimsn storage attic loading in accmhnce with IBC Table 1607.1 has na 1xm applied Member Form Summary Tableindeales:Merber ID, sawtCSl,faeeifdiffeaant6anttnxmdalfaee) (Att TC 19-1 0.117 30lba 2.3 0.358 -4,9 Iin 45 0.376 -L59D Bs 1 IY 1-2 0.2383-4 n529 9� 1bs 56 0.618-1.48411s q �,, -3.387]s .4 `p • ...... Bc 7.9 0.092 0lbs 10- 3 0.379 0 N 16-17 0.98 Z,541 lb. (-L%l N) &10 0.379 0lbs I3•]4 0.346 0lbs 17-18 0.596 3,332 tta (4L902I1s) • • Ci • . �, Sn • • j 11-12 0.013 0lbs 14-16 0.463 25VN (4563 Rs) 18-1 0.922 3.211 tls-1.943lb, ••• lads -8491hs 416 080 97N (-0511s) 3-12 0 22B(•6Bs) &7 0.246-1,0521hsI7 a i 0.627 .009 Qh0•11 0..031 80Its (-21 bs2-s11 O. 54 3-17 0379lb, (-n N s14 0.065 16Dlbs (•98 th; 11-9 0022 59ft (a51b)a.140.54 95 ••. - 4-17 0.907 2�hs9@ Notes: - _- r` 1)71d design abased at ASCE7-10 as refaarad bythe 2D10 Flai& Bolding Cale TATE f- '•� Cgm1.21. �l ••. 2) When this toss has been chosen fa ga8ty assurance iospn-dm, the Plate Placmtmt Meabodper TPI I-�A3.2 shall be used 3) PmAde adeqete d ainage m pn®t pmdng �s 4)Atleastmewrbofihutnsahasbeeo dedgtelwith a pand point in theweh AB paid points on sab webs shall be braced literallypependaiarto the plane ofthe truss. Werallraees,b; edtyit� • oaeh web dpxdC 5) ® lodoaus asetintus etam 1.1.0 rt(CLF4n%Firedat the loation(s)shown. Rows ofURsast bnad.Wdy aiagmaByhwal, sin M/EECIRHtACE Faalleasdvesto ClAsand�pgmaFa&ip'{ug •sin. •• ��\1 6) listed wind WUfi reactions bused on MWFRS Only loading C7' ' • ...... ' )NA `)MICE•Ae,"ofNts6esgdalhef-iha1tos6e Stephen W. Waiter actfamtnuDejo n D*Dmme�tedSBCA)fm W.,r Sma,raga54395 nbi* we BaaDglzsr,pxrarlsvlA l.pp7 cDap«7.•wAwanc•'B,nxareq,vepapermmtog,emeia4avaam atdmc:�s. Bct IotMDtea e6tipofBCSI(8d1ugC®7caem 8afery lnfomatwpntylaomsc�yTAstdSBCglf laoper r,p:vA.�ecae2%v7C;mewiigiWARM 71heseeapo2�alrnnilogmespondi inaDdbrmetmar®pwmtee4moxaa7DeuRtMgCmezotrD'afoyinr uraEtDa metDodLndtmponam taferybf t®abtbg tomeemiectmmoctmpaea IDtDeaDwce otttxc6e csnntimm6tempoaryrea:ahUbmc'vgWec�ntonstyowegtbebsalst®(¢Wgghsemtnntotmm s)mdumpaary 2590 N. Kings lBgb. Fl. Piaee F139951 m/trW edraavganb'udr t«Ne Dramaf 7De rtma>n/traci,goflDetr�iLalbenecemdarcea'tDBC9•Bl atdliC51-1327nt�saktagaiepemane,Cb pl ci5.chmdtm6 b..bmemben( q=rzd yotb bffrnyhtcrdb A1,Clap«7immotmredbowetnt=wihftdmm�eeisdb.dhy.,b%melbacdhANFirrPJIMplernAlcoaaeatmlamd.1 diagmltu6i+�altntssmeaita=wbBCSl.B3mhasspectMDyt)---DA TANr-Tidefp uierhepbt,. oAT61?A1Caapr«3. Alcome«apbtndiel �••7 ^� Demamlaer ADY6io{mn9rmg-TeCampvy,Ircnauonamce viaESR-376].Ascotme«aphtaaro7Dgage.smkasNerpeeFsdpbte ruse(otouedlrya'-18"aLcbodr'atesaa lB gpge pbte. bc=Enf.amrdbySinpemleacei:Comp.93mBCSo7&sawibES-2762.TANf•TDmphtasa Dpg,tmastbeVc&dphteGmdmcewlhya'.Ig"wbibbdimi Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: C3 2590 N. kings Highway ProjectName: 6510-d SOUTHERN TRUSS Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: 7/12/2014 113259 AM Component SolutionsTMt COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: 1 of I Trus s Version: 5.01 u0d 31 Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANTL CANT PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 20-10-0 4 /12 1 14-0 0-M 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 m 103 lbs 22-2-0 14-0 6-0-1 7-1a6 t-1a stag 6-0.1 13.10-9 ts-o-o 2(1-10-0 4x61 1.5x3 1 5x4/ 5 6 4 12 4F- 4x4 I 3 3x4/ � 2 rh d 4x6/ } 1 11 { 10 9 6 1x4� 3x3- 3.4- 7 6x6 - a0-0 0-0-0 6-0-1 6-11-11 7-10-4 6.0.1 12-11-12 20.10-0 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (loc) Allowed led (>s0 BldgCode: F13C 2010, TC: 0.93(2A VdTL• 0.25 in L/945 (9-10) L/240 TC1L: 20 TP31.2w BC: 0.91(8.30) Vet tl: 0.081n L/999 (9•10) L/360 TCDL: 15 Rep Mkhnermse: Yes Wln: 0.52(4-7) Herz TL• 0.07 in 7 BCIL: 0 D.O.L: 125% C1rxPFaaa.)Ca=15 BCDL: 10 Plate Offstts(JnMYAn& (1:}?,1d5,1&) W-I?,3-Zl&) (3410,144,M) (4:1.1Z19,18.) (5-.K3-&80.) (6:1.12.3$90.) (738,3$(l.) (&1-13,3$0.) (9001.170) (1000AM) Reaction Summary IT TYX BM Cmto B¢WM Material Pad Bm Wdh Maxlteset Max Gn Will Max Wnd Uric Max Ulm Max Hai. 1 Pm (1th11) 1 8 in Cmudmae Masonry 1hs3.00 in - .3361ts-3361t4 3T- lb, 7 H Roll (R60) 1 6 in Cefe Masortly 3.00 in 9591(s - •363-363Ihs - Material Summary Bracing Summary TC SP(AX6.2D13) 422 x 4 TCWig SheaihedaPalunsat3.KPWindesit by Other. BC SP(ALSC6.2013) d2"2x4 BCaacmg SheathedaPmUnsat5-4APulindaignby OLhes. RPbs SP(ALSC62012)#3 2i 4 Loads Summary 1) Ibis mas has bee designed for the effects d e to 10 psf bott=dead liw bad pis dmd lwd;. 2) This teas has be® desig/te1 fa the effmis of wind loads in acmdance with ASCEI. 10 wish the following roar dz6ned mpi: 170 n;in dtbmtq Fegrama C, Oscall Bldg Dina 65 it x 70 R h -1711, Not Fnd lane Teas, Neither end web omsidaed DOL-1.33 , CC Zone Widh 6.5IL 3) hLnimm slaageatdc Ioadngin amadencewhh IBC Table 1607.1 bas not baso app0erl Member Forces Summary Tablebldwte:Merbarm.-CST.uvtadslfbe (-canpr.f-ifdffeerntemarmxalddfm) 1 TC 1.1 o.M 30lbs 24 0.%3-I.X9lbs 56 0.661 0lbs // 1.2 0.633 .2,IZ)lbs 4.5 0.M -94 Its BC 6391t ibs> 6-710 156 1AU w21 h \\��e ere a559 N (s1 21_zo 0.7 3 o�vi� ont 2-8 0.336-93611s 47 0.517 4,PS lis `\••.' CF�S�•,•�� Notes: /a 1) This design is 63sai m ASCE }10 as teteacai by the 2010 Flai& Hdldng Code 2) Unlabeh d plates are l.5x3 2117v. _ 10.54 95 3) Men this loss has bem cbmert fa tiAtyassoomm inspx6m, the Plate Place>sat Mahal per TP11-1DONA3.2 shall be tam Cq-1.21. 4) Ptwide ade(pnle da'nnkm to prevent pmdng 5) ® indicates lateral resmial (C1IQ ragired at the location(s) shown• Res of ClRmst be adegoaldy dagma0y bcni see 1}WFgC1REtACE Fa ahana6= to CIRs aad der d 3,_ tmtine'ss 6) listed wind upua ructions based on MWFRS Only loafing , E f= W //s ,Q NIAILI�\`\\\ •BOTICE•Peogoftbedtipgolbefaa lothemedimo om.TLedeipofthand ilminessbe:edmiaciperierbudnquiememsagpTedbytaeTl¢ Mm,,f,c andminWmtaeaccm 5ymdcanpbtweeoft ciaf tim ibrtbbytx BmmgDesigner twmama.na neimotes.cupmceorpofe�nalmehmiagrz>pms�yotbfmtmt swmpmmt desgumwa The aaaHIr3•eon-onb'ace®pmea farevylnncaarbol ig despnstxm>pmra&yaf Stephen W. Waiter Strai Fng1154395 e tbaaviT gtbsjner,peANSV Pll•2007 Cmpta2.-WARMW3-n­wL*eprwwmm*4mocomranam.mlmahg Bar t oft bteaedibaorncsl(lod* tmp000a safe Inr�timymbpramc TPlamsBWfmpropa imaktbomnbmseminyon.m timrebtngtotbeeatieemmrctmpocex lntheabx ofvec'ircimaktimatilt=XmyrennbbUacngWmrutbwbyMbwsthetmiatba(bcWhgnubliniokra-)mdtempavy 2M N.f�tS ugh. FL Pierce F134951 safep• nwaia/Qaciagoftbevr>ss�el6e baw.adercewihB(5-B7 aadla6l-H7. Tr,asseMnquiepematersre>train/haciogofebadsmdcena'vwebmemlaa(w1�wend[a1W}7b'sdnvngmab�twihbrrinafwbtenlm57a�. Tm darigasaot �eciadMotber;thimelbeaecampimedysandardbmasrYbt^.a-"°'"end mewodafmiidn1naamemtwreswnVtracngmsrhes�eciCeebyt6e8�1vgl7espnerperAM1/fB1,maPw2;fgiecl'xtr�permaaemtrac d'eg®aldacggdeakneuedan ihBCS1-B3aBCS1•Blarepptcbt.•IDOMUNr-Tbkdnbam tbe�amamaamednacemdmcews6th'sdawngmdtm WaftyaiweprednANVfH1Cbp.3.Alco®ewwphtesmsl C�✓! hmemLRmedbySiop®Swag-TiCo�my,ircuacmdercewiaESR•D6t.Alc®eaaphtware 20gage,mtsthe�ecFxdp4te raeisfobxdga'-ISabidmeatnm tgpgepbte. Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: C2B ' SOUTHERN 2590 N. kings Highway ProjectName: 6510d TRUSS Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: 7/12/2014 1132:59 AM Component SolutionsT m COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: 1 ofl Truss Version:5.01 [Bulld3l] Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 20-10-0 4112 1 14-0 0-M 0-0-0 0-M 1 24 in 104 Is 22-2-0 1-4-0 6431 7-10.3 { 3-1-7 3.10-0 1 6-0-1 13-10-9 17-0-0 20-10.0 5x61 1.5x3 ) 5 6 3x4! 12 4 41 Us ! 3 3x4 / 2 4x6/ 1 1.5x3 - 11 { 10 9 6 1x41 3x3- 3x4- 7 6x6 - 0-0-0 0-M 6-0.1 6-11-11 7-1 DA 6-0-1 12-11-12 2D-10-0 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection 11 (loc) Allowed Ixed 11:60 Hdg Code: FBC 20101 TC : 0.88 (24) Vet TL• 0.25 in L / 945 (9-10) L/ 240 TCLL : 30 TPI 1.2007 BC: 0.91 (8-10) Von LL• 0.08 in L / 999 (9.10) 1.1360 TCDL: 15 RepMlrhneease: Yes Wth: 0.52(47) 11-T4 0.07 in 7 BCLL: 0 D.O.L: 125% Cmep Fallon Ka=IS BCDL: 10 Plate 06sets(Jnt:XY.Angt (1:7-2,1•ISIL) (2:1.123ZIL) (10-9,1-I1,18.) (4:1-15,31,18.) (5:K3.9,80.) (6:14Z.34.90.) (73$3-K) (8:1-13.A0.) .(900,1-1Z0.) (10:0-138.50.) Reaction Summary IT Type ft Cerro Brg Wdb Matelot Rod BTWdh M.Read M. C_lhta Max Wnd Ud'8 Max Will Max H.. 1 Pm (Vol) 1 8 in Conaele Masonry 3.00 in I'm lbs --32711bs-31711s 42'7Its 7 H Roll (WI) 1 6 in ConWe Masonry 3.00 in 969 ths --372Its -3T- Ibs - Material Summary Bracing Summary TC SP (AtSC6.3113) R? 2 x 4 TC Hacng Sheathed w Pudi s m 3-K Min shsign by Otbas. BC SP(ALSC6-2013)422x4 BC$acing Sheathed orPmlins at 5-7A Pulin design b5,Olh=. W#s - SP(AM6-2012) R32 x4 Loads Summary 1) Ibis tnes has been designed kr the e6e15 due to l0 psrbonan Thad ]ire load pl s dead loads. 2) This inns has been designed kr the e0bds orwdnd loads in accoihnee with ASCE7- 10 with the rdlowmg weer defined inpu: iMur iAffinalSFq==C.O,,rWHdg Di=65 x 7l) f4h = 17IL Nat Bnd Zme Tnss, Neithe and webcrosidaed DOL=1.33, CC Zme WIM 65 L 3) Mammon storageattc loading in aecadsom with IBC Table 1607.1 has not been applied Member Forces Summary Table indicates: Merhe ID. n-CSlL n-a)CW k oe, (max im. bee ifcbff=t fimh max axial fece) 4IN- TC I 11.1 0.250 301hs 2-4 0.979 4L229 Rs 54 0.557 0 ibs 1 BC 7-8 0.7V I,W6 As bl7lbs 8-110 0.912 Z003 Ihs •1.0441hs 10.1 0.556 Z0031bs •1,044Ih Was 2.10 0.087 214lbs 48 0.2Z7 559 Its (-1521hs)6.7 0.139 -I89 Es 2-8 0.332-933Its 4.7 0.522 •1,2371hsNotes:\GlVS�•• Z)]0 fladda 9dldinB Cade 1) Ibis dcitn is basal on ASCE 7•]0 es tefaered bythe 2)When this moss has been chosen ragm1hyassnosoce mspation, the Plate Plzcaren MehodperTP11-2f10:+/A3.2 shall be teen Cq=1.23. to, 54 95 �• 3) Pho[R lnegn . -tige m pet.-O -U ing _ r - �vJI •� 4) ®Indicates cmtmtas lateral rzstmvnt (Cllq tel6md at the locatim(s) ahaw. Rows oCClRtnst he adepntely 3agnellyhaced, ace D•IVEBCLRBRACE Fa ahanatits to CI.Rs and dial*hal7rTATE 5)listed wind opli07eacdions basedon MMYS Onlylooding - U . F w /O / / NA L ���/1l1111ti\\\ RACICE•AmWafthtde*sbalbcfmn&ediothe m timc aos. Tbeango ofmsiM:itlivltruss%bosdondetpatah mdmgtvemewmDpidbjWe7tussxtavu5amvedmiestWmWcacemacyaMemDbteaesMNeet clan etfdnbbythcHaitvgt>:. A=)=thidmwigcd'ee1es• P,-e 0tpofesme1e18heao9m akbt 9Wt acomporcm dektugh- 7beavabiryamuzoft6's-aponem fe yp i kbu11bgde§pnsmeMV-sbeyof Stephen W. Waiter Stnri Fngp 50395 W B.11h&ceq_ P�sv'7A1.2007Cbappr2.- Udll'IIusste�e7mpahendfog.emcaogtaxniamdlncing.Aefatothe lase9 ediim0[BC9(Bdl'vgC®1>��m'� fn0pinyp0dicedbjTAandSBG1)fwp0pa hv>jtimmetmdsmdiaDmtemaafery hiohmarimrzhingtot6e eeh;esamue[mpmrass.Intmsbxrce0f�ecif>:hsaLt®smtempmuyrzmninAnehg tpaicstoasbyoder;weusa>3rim(aWhgusaEthOtoknnces)amtempaary 25ION.Kings IEph. PL Piece F134951 rzs0anutracvgafNev¢sxedaibe hsecad+neenibBCSI•BI smHCSFBl Tmsa:ssEmequiepe®memrtnn6Uhnchgofchedsendeennhxbmanben(aLae�led)76adnwhgoQr�r'atesth tratosfminterWrtamiot 77n metmdtdidm&Wi membertemkVbmcugthalbeasgecrdbJde Btdfhgt xrPvATm/fA1,CmAaY, Y�ecEetmsyamarcm trachgdesgnsmx specfedModterxWe;d>alheareo��edbyaandand�vsoyktemlm>QantaM digmlbmcbg&uishaeco,drcwibBC9-H3mBC.9-B7ssaypt'abk.-H&MMUMTbide*a nthet smvmbcmrtdnactm,l ewshWsdnrvigandIDeq,akyaiuigcdsdnANWPJ1Chepta3.Alco mmpbtnmal bemmGetmmbySiay Suing-7hCo�,lnciaaadmee vibESR•T762.A1w®ecimpbsesme 20gaee,mkaOetPrerWDgee Kira sfabxdbya'-ISwbcbitdiatttsn lggagepbn. Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: C2A 111.00M.SOUTHERN 2590 N. kings Highway ProjectName: 6510-d Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: 7/12/2.014 11:32MAM Component So)utionsTMt SUSS COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: I of I Tr uss T Version: 5.01 ufld 31 Span Pitch Sty OHL OHR CANTL CANTR PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 20-10-0 4 /12 1 1-4-0 0-M 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 105 lbs 22.2.0 1-4.0 6-0-1 7-10-8 5.1-7 1-10-0 13-10.9 19-0.0 20.10.0 6.0.1 5x5-18- 1.541 _ 5 6 12 3x4 / 4� 4 3X4 / 3 a� a N b 3X4/ 2 d 4X61 1.5x3 - 1 11 Li C 10 9 8 IX41 3x3- 3X4- 7 0-0-0 6-0-1 6-11.11 7-10-0 b,p-1 12-11-12 20.10.0 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (Ioc) Allowed lad (Is9 Bdgcode: FBC 2DRY TC: 0.83(2A Vat TL 0.25 in 1./945 (9-10) L1240 TC(y : 20 TPI I.2007 Bc : 0.91(8-10) Vat I.L. 0.08 is L / 999 (9.10) L 1360 TCDL: l5 RepMlrhu.ease: Yes Va: 0.53(¢7) Hoc TU 0.07 in 7 BCU- 0 D.O.L : 125 % Creep Feaa, K. 1.5 BCDL: 10 Plate Offsets QnrXY,An7y. (1:7-2,1.151&) (3:49,1.11,18.) (4:1.1531,18.) (5;K3$0.) (6:1423b,90.) (73$3$0.) (8:1-13,3$0.) (90-01•1zo) (10-.0-an90) - Reaction Summary fT Type $remfn BY WAh Marais] Rqd B¢Wdh Max Peas Max Orav uplift Max Wad Uplift Maxuplift Max Hai. 3171hs 462 AS 1 Pin (NAIL) 1 8 in Cmaae Win 1 m 1,0' 7lbs --3171ts 7 H Roll (MI) 1 6 in Cma9e Masmry 3.m in 9A It. - 3n 11a, -3V Its - . Material Summary Bracing Summary TC SP (ALSCOD13)42 2x 4 TC Bating Sheathed erupt: 56: 11000 - BC SP(AISC6-A13)#22x4 BCBracing Sheathed arPalins u 5.9-% Puffin drip Iy Others. %ba SP (AISC62112) 93 2 x 4 Loads Summary 1) This mss has beat stsigtad fa the effects dae to 10 ts('hott®rLmt live Imd phut dyad I®ds. 2) Ibis tosshas hem cfwindloads in accadancewith ASCE).]0with the f.Btxsingtsadefi elinpu: M.FbdtitmtSFV.—Coverall Hdg Di-65 ftX70ft,h-17ft, Nat Btd ZmeToss,NortherandwebcroshJ vd D0L-1.33,CCZmeVA&h 6.5fL 3) Mm®xa storage &nic loading)n aam&nceadth 10C Mbla 1607.1 has nor teen applied Member Forces Summary TaHe ndeaes:MaffiID, oaxC51 nnxaxalface (nexomg•faceifdEamtf®rt xedalface) 2A 0.126-7,2321ts 56 0.515 0 N l TC I11-1 0.250 30 fs 1.2 0.539-11771ls 45 0.782 BC 7-8 0.762 1,012 Rs (-4)91W 8.10 0.912 20061bs •980lbs 10-1 0.5% 2006 Its (-98D lbs �.+• /�j Wks 2•10 0.087 2141ts 46 0.2_-•7 599 I6s (•1551hs) 6-7 O.IA-18711a \\ (�` • • • . , • J4 249 0.331 A3116s 47 0.525 -1,244 Rea ` '��•,•••�NCEN&n••,��\ ` Notes: /a l) This ffiiga u hosed be ASCBas refeasxd bycee 2310 aim, liildeg Cade 2)What Wtn it as has been chasmm f fa gtnliN asats.nce iospestimWe Plate Placenmt Method Per TPI1.200YA3.2 shall be zed Cq=1.21. 1%10.54 95 _ 3) Provide zdegnte dai-V top —1 pending 4) ® lgdcates cmthatx s Watd restraint (CIR) reonsi al We locatim(s) ahavn. Rays ofClRmsl be adagnlely dagmaBy traced see D-WIDCLRERAACE Fa ahana6m to CLRs aaddur of jn W� 5) listed wind tpli0 r cd- trued m MWFR.S Only loading U w ` TATE E C) N A L1� ��\\ m01'ICE•AcopyortDsdespsbelbefmvibedtotbec'..doocmvsctm. Tbedespoftb6odvmulasmamxdmdefgouferbemregofememsmwEdMth7tmMawtaaaeremmresvpmt6esrnweysmcmpttese.Bors6euf tiw Stephen W. Wartcr atfenbbyftBoitogAWmthbd—bgudi.—ceepmee fp fe>smutxh-i*-4—ditymkyfatbe—eampmesnhyydama Tbermmbitysaad—ftbile m fmssytenimbrbillvyhs�bdxR yor S�Egq �95 Ne Boiibg RsperaperANsvTPll.20g7Chapsa2--g B NO.T nsQs.*,popubeobg,..tiA,Mig..db..ke. Bererlotbe BtesediimofBC9(BrH'vg Cmp+ Seretytnf=t)myb*prodrcedbyTnem SBCA)f per 2590 N. Kings }GQh. Ft. Pierre F13C951 av�tbamethaM1 avdinponem ®fery� timrchtbgtoth emiee mssctsnRmea int6eeDzaeof>secfcuv6t®endtaopmaryRssnutNacgg�ecTratbmsbyotber4thinsa6timCorhdb8 ioaslnimtotreaes)mdampwy •Ibe Rmamlb—bgorthet—esraellx:ueecoNeocevih13C9•BI amBC51•B2 Tsosse6orespiepermercmRmemNeeiigo[cbmdssatcenenxbmembexs(w6aecdssted}7b'sdawu embirOcetesahbsa6oafmltasbeareht Budlhg D.p—aANSLITPII,Cbp,.2;tVer Ec—p�b..gd.ipk mspecrdbyWbMftdelhaceatpfi1.dby..daW .,Yhtemlre i:a d / /�^L/. mel6odorndi+;»mlassssmembaseradmR.cbg&aW.g..rdbyft degmdbacbgdetak0semrdaocevibBCSI-B3mBCSl•B7uappfub!.•INgMT4NPThid.:fp esthetmssamamlaemRdart.ardeoceaihWidrawvgevdtbegrmLyeResb geciWuA7AlfA1 mepa3. Alcameaaphtesshal (v.. be ... LcrmWby S6p®Srmog•TECmpm•.Ircbaauderceeater€SR•2762.AIcamectapbtessRMgege,mlufbe pl+te sysBfobsedbye•-)g"a9tLodi•+tesan IBBagepbta V Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: C2 SOUTHEIRM 2590 N. kings Highway ProjectName: 6510-d TRUSS Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: 7/12/2014 113257AM Component SolutionsTm COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: 1 of 1 Truss Version: 5.01 uild 31 Span Pitch Sty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 20-10-0 4 /12 8 1-4-0 0-M 0-0-0 0-M 1 24 in 105 lbs 22-2-0 1-4-D 6-0-1 7-10.8 6-11-7 1 1 1 6-0.1 13.10-9 20.10-0 1.54 5 12 4F 3x4 / 4 3x4 / 3 d� n' 3X4 / 2 4X6! 1 1.50 - 10 9 e 7 1x4 3X3 - 3X4 - 0-0-0 0 6.0-1 6-11-11 7-10.4 i 6-0-1 12-11-12 20-10-0 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (toe) Allowed Load (psf) Hldg Code: FBC 20101 TC: 0.81(2-4) Von n'. 0.25 in L 1945 (g9) L/ 240 TCIL: 30 IN 1-3D07 BC: 0.91(7.9) Vat I.L. 0.08 in L / 999 (9-9) L/ 360 TCDL: 15 RgtMtrinaesse:' Yes Wb: 0.53(4-6) Harz TL• 0.07 in 6 ECIL: 0 DAL: I25 % Creep Fads, Ka = 1.5 BCDL: 10 Plate Off ess pnt:74Y,Angb (1:•1-ZI.15,18.) (Z114Z3-Z18.) (3:0-9,1.11,18.) (4:1.153-1,18.) (5:1.1Z44,90.) (6-*AA0.) (7.1.113-BA.) (S.W-IZO.) (9:00.38.50 ) Reaction Summary JT Tvpe lion Cmtbo Rp Wdih Material Rod Bp Wdth Max Read Max6sas•Uplift Max Wnd Usf'd Max Uplift Max Hods, I Pin (WWI) 1 8 in Cmcrme Masonry 3.00 in 1.027 )hs-307lbs 30) lba 493 ]]s 6 H Rdl (NAll) 1 6 in Concrete Masonry 3.00 in 990lbs - -392l s -392 Rs - Material Summary Bracing Summary TC SP(AISC6-2Dl3) 62 2x 4 TC Bating Sheathed orPtdins at 3-9-% Pudin sign by Others. 33C SP(ALSC6-2)13)@ 2x 4 BC Ba®g sheathed orPufns at 54% Pufin design by Others. WWs SP(AIWOD12)f/3 2x 4 Loads Summary 1) This truss hes bece designed for the effects dte to 10 psfboum cLud lim Imdpim dead lords. 2) Ibis teas hasbean designed fathe cffw dwind lords in acecr&ncewith ASCB7. lOwith the followingusedefinedinput: 170mph Wthsatq Extra=C,O.ea11Bdg Di-65 Itx'D ?Oft, is-17 B, Net End Zone Tnss, Netherand weba� nsidaD0L-1.33 , CC 7me Ptdh 6.5 ft. 3) Minirum storage attic loading in accordanm with IBC Table 160171 bas net been applied Member Forces Summary Table indorses: Mesons ID, ®x CSL max axial fare, (maxcm¢. face if dBesmt sort tmx aerial face) TC 10-1 0.25D 3011ss 1-2 0.538-Z125lbs 24 0.808 -1.230 its 4.5 0.793 -102 P.A- BC 67. 0.762 ] 01411s (•533 Rs 7.9 0.912 Z007 He •9711h; 9:1 0.555 2.00'7 Rs -971 ins 13Ha 2-9 0.087 214Its 4-7 0.227 559Its (.1561ts) 56 0.203 199 Oa (4921h;) 20.331 •93011s 4ti 0.526 •1,246Ihs -7! CF Notes: C2`,• F••••.•/a ])This dsiga ist.Salm ASCE7-]Omnfaemedbythe3D10E7aida BildingCdle ,• 2) When this toss has bean choicefm gmlfry assorance inspection, the Plate Placetent Method per TPI 1-WJA3.2 shall be used Cq-1.21. � 3) ® hsdmtes continuous lateral restraint (CM serdred at the lomtim(s) shown. Rows of ClRsnm be adMionely dagenallybaced, see D-WEBCLRBRACE Fa ahenasas to CdRs e_dtsagmal testing ace 4) listed wind uplift sections based m MW'FRS Only loafing jr t ATE F Z C R I O P• 'G���� N All.lti�\\\ 1 •NUI'ICE•Acopy ofthhdc',pdallx:fumibeetot6e ercetnoemnadm. 7Tedes�oft6hudvifwltraaiDnRdondes�p aierh aadreQuememsmppEdbytae Fusa4mGdroeramretuopmtMeeemaryaMe®pktewssofWe vfaumatiw relfonbbyllx:BoifioBlk�er.Aeelmthcdaoerg)adr'atesaccelta�eofpoR®oelegrieevgrerprmdiymLbfml6eb acmopwemde�stw.a The auabirymdaxofthhr®pooemlmaoypmeobrbdtugdeS�iNemtp�iyof Steph®W Warter the lNtaeemgrvravtam eogruca"o.p ANSU PIl-2007 CMperl SVABMKf'fr�sregaettmperb ndfog inmg Refertotlehim edih ORM(BrHugCompouent Saftrylof timputbpomeedby7Aaad58CJafmpoper hsahtfmmetbodsmli. aafery bfmmltimmhthgfothe ems eoamoctmprocesa Inthea�ccofg-ific Etonmdtempomrysemautltracuggedrarons6ymxrstae�atm6o(ocWhgua.fmimtokraocea)®dmmpaary shoos. �gp � 2AO N.Kin gs tfilb.RPierce F134951 re auaVb,aeugafthebusafla8be uaccmdencewihliCSi-BI aodBL51-132. TrassaMsegive pe®aoe nmmb/inwWofcbont meertsuwbmembm(wb iodset 47h'sdaoiogo*iadPateatheboatbouforbternhessaid.The melbdofmdwdugmmmcn#= earainNaeitgmalbeasgmredbytk BuimgD.ip, rpaATIDRH1,Chaper; Ygecfsts�ye+�vembracitgdegmimtapenTWbymh�th'sdalh areompf�WbyatandaN�SpsyatenlseseaWand dit=m,f.,..dbmik eoeewiaBC51-B.lwi 5. -Bdu • as gpbtMnATSI?H1Chaper3.Ncomemmphtnrbel �ft 20gagemasesm W=rmed ieskekobeed yes lg V,B EbWi.tesnlgp OemamfietmedbySi»nSm�g•TeCrsopany,trchaamdmrswihE9t-2761.Nemrcnorphteaam2Dgaee,mtathe�ecC dphte �eefob.Mbye'-ISMF2odeatesan 188agephte. p-S wiabh.tU92.Alc mpht `-' Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: C1 T - `�'� SOUTHERN 2590 N. kings Highway ProjectName: 6510-d TRUSS Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: 7/12/2014 1132:49AM Component SolutionsTM Truss COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: 1 of 1 Version: 5.01 [Build 31 Span Pilch Qty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS Spaciag WGT/PLY 21-4-0 4 /12 3 14-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-M 1 24 in 106 Ills 22-8.0 1-4-0 1 7-1D-12 6.7-9 6-9-11 7-10-12 - 14•6.5 21-" 1.5X3 1 5 12 4F- 3x4 / 4 341 Q 3 c R 3x4 / a6 2 .b d 3XB/ } 1.5x3 - 1 10 { 9 8 7 6 1x4j 3X3- 3x4- Us. 0-0-0 D-0-0 7-10-12 5-8-0 7-2am FG1 7-10-12 13-6-12 21.4-0 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection 11 (loc) Allowed Load (1150 B clg Cade : FBC 20101 TC : 0.81(2-4) Vert TL: 0.29 in L / 848 (9-1) L / 240 TCLL: 20 TPI1.2m7 BC: 0.78(7.9) Vat 11-1 0.08 in L/999 (9-1) L1360 TCDL: 15 F pMbrlaamse: Yes Wit: 0.75(2-1) Herz TL• 0.06 in 6 BCLL: 0 D.O.L: 125% Crmp Factor, Ka=1.5 BCDL: 10 Plate Offsets(Jnt:XY,Ang): (139.2-3.9.) (2:1-IZ3-1-1&) (3:0.9,1.11.18.) (4:1-ls3l1&) (5:14Z4-0,90j (6:3-8.3$OJ (7:1-13-1AG.) (8.'KI Z0.) (40-0 3-8.90 ) Reaction Summary JT Twe 13p Cornbo Brp Wdh Maleial Red BY Wdh Max Rtoct Max Gm Ud'0 M.WradUplifi Max Upi'd Max Hai. 1 Pin (%fill) I gin CenaEe Masatry 10D in 1,05D Ihs - .323 Rs •323lbs 5991ts 6 H loll (Tres) 1 IS do 3.00 in 1,029 Re - -41-1 lbe 4 lhs - Material Summary Bracing Summary TC SP (A1SC6-IDl3) N2 2 x 4 7C Ha®g SheathedaIhd'ms at 3-1-0 Puffin dmig3by Others. BC SP (A1SC6.2D 3)12 2 x 4 BC Ba®g SheathedmPd ins at 5.&O Ndin dmigoby Others. VIRS SP (ALSM-212) 43 2 x 4 Loads Summary ])Ibis tress has boon designed fa the effed5 do to 10 psf bman chord Dw loadplus dead loads. 2) 7his ones hes boat designed fa the effect of wind toads in accadance Hdth ASCE7. 10 with the fdlming osa defined inpn: 171 nph altisrete EVas oe C, O,aall ft Dias 65 fi x'M0. h a. )7IL Na Fad 7me Trtas, Neither and webcrosidaed DOL=1.33 , CC Zme Width 65 0. 3) hfinimm storage attic loading in acatdancewith IBC Table 1607.1 has not been alpoed Member Forces Summary TableIndicates: Mmma m, = CSL crox atdalfaee, (wax-F. Jbiraeifdiffamt from ®axial fen e) 7C 10-1 0.R4 30165 1.2 0.738 -1.950111 2A 0.807 -I.161 L, 4-1 0.724 414It s t BC 6-7 0.643 9811hs -532. 7.9 0,783 19111bs .9281bs 9.1 0.651 1.911 Rs f-9ffi 11s /// 'Aft 2-9 0.101 24911. 4-7 0.244 (mite (-l2Albs) 56 0234 2P its (-21216s) N / 2-7 0.754-91311s 46 0.523-1,2361ts ��`'! Q �. • • • • • . i // V / Truss -to -truss Connections Summary c�' 1.1C E�SF' .�� i to Cukd7nss Cazi-,WTnes Ca yinp Offae Angle ,• /.t TI3o CI FGl 13-10-0 90 deg Nntl30c-r ; t<.�:..., Ctx_l..a:`�; ...�i:+.'tyFGl .z�:;s a:.tS10+) <_H.y.�:a s...9D.de6f...:� t )O. 54 95 TT30 CI FG) 17-1Od 9D deg 7� Notes: I)Tbisdsigi isbssdm ASCE7-lDwTefmnmdbyihe2310F1aida BLOdingCode ' �• J TATE C 2)%ea this ones has been chosen fa gxdity assrrance Inspection, the Plate Placmrmt Method per TPI 1.2002/A3.2 shell be wed Cq-1.21. r 3)Tnssaa=sminecdmisfagaphisalintapaetimmly AhaogerorMssnearalcco ce shall bepnAdedto resist thermx toadim andupli9 shtmn in WeFadim Stsmnty 0 • /W� 4) ® Indicates co tintns lateral restraint (CAR) raclkel at the lomtim(s) shown. Paws of ClRtn st be adepntely dagmallylraced, see D-Y&BURBRACE Fa ahenatiws b CLIk an�jegx{5�1�(trac5pg {�` WE79�A`FO F 5)Listed wind t#M rmclioos lased on MWFRS Only loading % ``(�'••. ORID�••'• 0NAL1E [�I1 •tuneH•Acopyoftbsdesenmaehfun�edtotaeaectvncomnavcllode6mofNsuOvdwlmssaazd®ha�crieumdegd®emss�ppidbyrhelnaMavoGemvsndroinopmrheeeemarymdca�eeoea rmeoro�r;m Stephen W. Warter Ilac nbbyDsl; ,p=AN3rM1-2 mNcdaail udiaseser TrwacmquirepWcrha&,,erccriat% ryoaDdbmaetnmcoiotMk, cdki ofBCS(ebit Compsohsfoyo�tfor ji.%,pd.rb Nugde.SBCA)poasb eyef SuaY Fng 954395 sere tndBggQ�rnpaANHVJPII.20P7CNPa2•PAHTDIfi•Hocegaepapala�ag,ertaagrmna�adlmmgReRtodobmeditmolHC9(BdlbgCompooemSafetyIvfa®+mpmbP �y7Hsod5HCA)forpropa imalat®memodsmdmpamta mferyiafwmntbarehtv&toWe crash- ueriaepoeesc lntaeaborceor�eci"sueaBtinsndtempocary'rennm/ancuB wecrcetembyMbenlbe �a�tuoC lcduguaa�c®,oErarces)amsempora„' 2990 N. Kings fLgh. FL Pierce F734951 >e>znm/treci3gonbeweaesmelbcuacmdeacc aibI;M-BJ adBm-BL The tlndorcdi+bialtrmmemb-ear m/buing shalbe asq..f dbyticBWVhgDerATS1f1'n I,Caaper2, rWecrs wea arenvew Isacu8de*mhmt get&dbyetbacrbadmlbeaccompiLedbymdudbdamybimhemamad dhgmaltncvgdema6accuNseaibBCSt•H3mBC9•H7asappF+b1:.•IDBOrtWtf•7'Lidcs�aemntM-ecanwfaconede dancewihtbsdnwiagadtbe goalryaiah Wecfm edAMTH 1 Omper3. Alta carpbtnahal bemmofactmedby5mpam9amg-TcCwgavy.lrc6eamdanre wibEBR•2763.AIc®enayhteure 30ga8e,wtsstae Wx%dphte syseIDb+Nga--IB-wbeb�r'arosan IB gagephte. Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: C5 2590 N. kings Highway Ptojedm Nae: 6510 d SOUTHERN Date: 7/12/2014 1133:OO AM TRUSS Fort Pierce, F134951 Component SolutionsT"t COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: 1 of l Truss Version: 5.01[Build 31 Span Phch Qty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 214-0 4 /12 I 1.4-0 0-0-0 0-M 0-0-0 1 24 in 106 lbs 22-8-0 140 l 7 10.12 6-7-9 571.9 _ ,ato-z 7-10-12 14-6,5 211-5-14 21-4-0 4x51 1.5x3 1 5 6 12 4F- 3x4 / 4 3x3 / 3 .9 3x4 / o5r 2 ri d 3x8 / }, 1.5x3- 1 11 An III { 10 9 6 7 1x4l 3x3- 3z4- 64- 0-0-0 0-0-0 FG1 7-10.12 5-8-0 7-94 7-1D-12 13•6-12 21-4-0 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection Ll (loc) Allowed Lmd (1,10 Hdg Code: F13C 2DI01 TC: 0.82(214) Vm 7L• 0.29 in L/848 00-1) L/240 TCIL: 20 TP11.20D7 BC: 0.78(8-10) Vm IL.- 0.08 in L/999 (10-1) L/360 TCDL: 15 P.;,Mbrincnue: Yes Nbb: 0.75(24S) Has TI, 0.06 in 7 DCLL: 0 D.O.L: 125% Ciap Factor, Ka=1.5 BCDL: 10 Plate Mats(JntY,Y,Ang): (139,2.3,9.) R1-1;3318.) (349,]-l],IB.) (4:1-1�31,18.) (5:0-0,3$80.) (6:1-12,3$90.) (7:3t3-8,0.) (90Q11z0) (100Q3-&90) - Reaction Summary JT TA, Brz Cmgn $a Wdh Material Wlag Wdh M-Rmci Max Gmvtldift Max Wnd Uplift Max uplift Max Hain 1 Pin (RAU) 1 8 in Cmuae Masmry 3.OD in 1,M Ibs 329 Its 329Its 572lb: 7 H Fall Arias) 1 1.5 in - 3.00 in 1,01611s - •4161bs -416Its - Material Summary Bracing Summary TC - SP (AIW6.2013)42 2x 4 TC buieg Sheathed, -,ql: 5& 1002 BC SP(ALSC6.2013) A22 x 4 BC Racing sbenhedaftiis at-6K Pulin design by Others. VAIs SP (A1SC6.2012) 63 2 x 4 Loads Summary ])This Ines has been designed fa the eHexs dx:to 10)Ef bott(an chord li- Imd pia dead Imds. 2) This bliss has been designed for the &ws dwind lads in amadance pith ASCE7 -10 with the follming mar defined inPA: IA hrsii dtirmte, Egns,ne C, Ovca1119dg Dins 65 ft x 70 & h = 77 f. Na Fad Zme Tnsa, Neitherand web omsidaed. DOL-1.33, CC Zme Width 6.5 ft. 3)hrmitnmstaageanic Imdinginamcniancewith IBC Table 10.1 has not been applied Member Forces Summary Table indcates:MemheM.-xCSLmaxadalfaea;OnaxooW.6.neifdtfi tftms- uialf-e) TC 11-1 0.324 Vila 24 0.920 -1,)69 its 5-6 0.316 flits i r-2 0.7A-1.993bs 4-5 0.- •88Ibs / /// BC 7-8 0.643 9821ts 053Ins aI0 0.783 1.910 nor 936itslest 0.661 to 1,910 nor-93611s ICI. `\ \�Q �� V. 2.10 0.101 24Y Has .5 9.244 cro its (a231b;) 6.7 0.2T7 225Its (-1991bs) 2-9 0.754 .9131ts 4.7 0.522 4.nS Its / .% C (_ N Truss -to -truss Connections Summary �, S'F ID CeniediM6 Gaming Tnss Camin¢06as Ande _� Trs C5 FG1 11-10.4 9D&g _ O, 54 95 Notes: 1)This design is used m ASCE 7-10 as nf-ce7 by the 7D10 Florida Wl&ng Cade. trm cbasm fa US-W ins ,the Plate PIB-1 Mabadper TP11-2002/A3.2shall bems d Cq-1.21. 3) T-s- Chia b ores has a�,a Pm,>m T/1 E F LU 3) Tnss4o-mas tmnmim is fa gralhiral intega9atim mly Ahange a cilia atrrcocal rmnxbm stall be piwided to resist Wenax reaaim andtgh8 shown m the P®txim S,aamty i i rtiT Z 4) P%ide a&gat. damage to peas pending 5) ® Iodates rxntmiaaa lateral rrsbainl (CI re#reda the lomtlm(s) shown. Lbws of ClAmsi be adegmtdydagmallybceeei. see JYWEBCI3(H(ACE F 1(/ 6) fisted wind i0fi teaaims based cat MWFVTS Only lording �• OR 10P••'G /0 N A L •aoricE•A�aPrerwde�dne�rmnhee,odeaentnrmnaaocTmdea�aor�be l�medmde�aiereeeawdememaaoP�bywemsrta�caerammtuwm,x.cuaary.mamPt��fweorommim Stephen W. Waiter et[anhbytMBuilioglkstpm. Ateeimta'sdawughainesececpaocea[pmreaiomleagixahga rymebta,bevnscompStnm Engx 54395 ,he11lfiv,peMSb7'P11-2IWChepa2•NABMNG•Trmsaregaispoper6mdfog.awtnwmknndbmc4Refutotbehtcae&bmofBCS1(BdJkgC®P-fctyld®timjiMbp-Ww,.OYTPlaDdSBCA)fwpvM 2590N.Kmgs lBgb.FLPi=Fl34951 v416i®me,bodsemmpa,am®rm� ,imrzbthg,o,bemtie• °TY""laeeeu IDtheebsacea[geefcuaaethaeMtempoaryrzarahVlaaciog gedratixabyotherctheacs6,nnlioNhdng �aLtimtokrsaces)e�temporary reaau,/Necup oftlrtmsamalmuucardavicecihBC57-B1emBC51-B2T amremucpnmaaemmvau,fhacbgofe>and em ceubaebmembers(aLae�trA}ThsMwngonbodiatesthebutbafahtealrearaht.lLe meWodofmn•Bwivosmemberreaaam/a.cvgmalteugeet dMthe Btdmgl7e�erperAtdl?NI.Chaper2;daPecfett�pomanem aacugdesi�sma geciWgotter;,aiahN6e.uomp�rdbjeanmrd�a+yhtemlrabametd d'npmvitranggdrokueecmdmcewihaC9-B3mBC51-B7wpp&abL'IA40R1'Attl'TE%despa�eslhe ntasemanoBnmedo.ccordaamvih Wadavh8am,aegmLyerierh hpecrsdnATSVfA 1 Cheper3. Aiw®eao+PhtesAal hemam4cmMgSinp=9mug-TeCm,pM,Iwiaaada,itbESR-Z762.AIcomteaapb,nem20gage.,mla,begecTdpb,e,kesfob,.dba•e•-Ir V.i:bmcatesan IgfMg phte. Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: C6 1 SOUTHERN 2590 N. kings Highway ProjectName: 6510-d Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: 7/12/2014 1133:01AM Component SolationSTM -MUSS Truss COFAPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464 4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: 1 of II Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY II 21-4-0 4 /12 1 1-4-0 0-0-0 0-M 0-0-0 1 24 in 106 !bs 7-10.12 14-•5 18-5-14 21•4-0 5x6.181 1.5x3 1 5 6 txai axs- sxn- oxc- 0-M 7-10-12 1 6-" 1 7-9.4 7-10-12 13-6-12 21-4-0 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (loc) Allowed Load t,>;n Bit Cde: FEC 3)1W TC: tiesa4) Yen TL 0.29in L/W (10-1) L/240 TCI1: 20 TPI 1.2007 EC: 0.78 (9-10) Yet tl 0.08 in L / 999 (ID-1) L / 360 TCDL: 15 RepMtrS-.: Yes WW: 0.76(2-8) H-TL 0.06 in 7 13CLL: 0 1 D.O.L : 125 % 1 1 Creep Facer, Ka- IS Reaction Summary _3r_ 'Rye Hx cooko E¢Wdh Macau! Pad Er¢Wdh Max Read Max Gray Will Max Wnd Uplift Max Uplift Max Haiz 1 Pin (VBII) 1 8 in Cmmee Masonry 3.00 in 1,050 Ih; --3421(s -342 Rs 591ta 7 H Full (buss) 1 1.5 in - 3.00 in 98711s - -Q31bs -Q3 its - Material Summary I'C SP(ALSC6.2013) H2 2. 4 BC SP(AIX6.2(113) 02 2x 4 V&S SP (ALSC6.2012) d3 2 x 4 Bracing Summary 7C Bratmg &eithed a F.1in: at 3.1-0, Pell. coign by Others. BC Eating: ShealhedurPolin a15-6APdiodesig by Others. Loads Summary ])This tress has been designed rtrtbe e8'ecis de to 10 psf lament cberd live load pls dead Inds. 2) This rues bas been designed for the effects of wind loads in amodtnce wi0 ASCE7-10 with the follmdng hser defined rope: lM nph ulti=lr EVm= C, Osaall Hdg Dins 65 B I T 0, h e ]711. Nd Ehd 2me Tess, Ndther and web cmaidced DOL-1.33 , CC 2me Wtdh 65 B: 3)Mminean stoage attic loadingin acoordancewith MC Table 1607.1 has not been applied Member Forces Summary Table recce s: Mevba ro, cruxes! mazy dal race (maxmmp. face ifdffeent Gm mar dal teen) TC 1 1-1 0.324 30 Ra 24 0.855-1,1:111bs 5-6 0.628 016; 1-2 0.731-1,996lb, 4-5 0.608 4181ea I I BC 7-8 0.643 971 It.-5941ts S-10 0.783 1,504 the (-989lb:) 10.1 0.6% 1,904ls-9891ts N Vkbs 2.10 0.101 249 its 4-8 0.244 HID ]bs (.121 lbs) 6.7 0.169 1991ts (49611s) ` Y 248 0.757 -9n1b; a7 0 .517-1,2?211h;•�C �' F_ MS+'' Truss -to -truss Connections Summary C� F '•, �` ID Canted Tnes Gaming 7nss CanyinR OHse TI2R C6 FGI -9.104 140.54 95 Notes: 1)This design ubased m ASCE 7.10azre(eaeel bythe 2310fld&Hiking Cole - � '• � _ 1Y7fv\ {/�` � R 2)%anthis tress hasbeen chosen fa gmhty assonance inspection, the Pate Placement Methd per 1711-2MA3.2 shall be teed Cq-1.21. T' ', TATE :• ((f 3)Tttss4"nn connection isfor graphical'mtepeatim only Ahanger or aher strunund connection shall bepovlded to resist the®x rreeaiim and tpBBave shin the Rnctim Smnmy i 4) Provide adegete drainage to paint pmdng 5) ®Indays s tint latch! muamt (CIR) rergired at the laatim(s) shavo. Rtm,s of CIR twat he adcsW. ly dagmallybacat as D.WEBCLRERACE Fm ahenadm io CLRs odt agut811t cr g, �• WEBREPIFO F 6) Listed wind tplid>raeims based at MWFRS Only loadng O A RID ♦ �� /// /CNALl� •rurnx•neopymmaaeegotaasxt�meatomeexeamemnanm rmaes�mwsnmhsmhnnsstweawaer�m.rn emr�me�msmpyscagtxvuansamuectmaammsesopmtxaccmacy.memWnenes;of"'W rem set rmthlyOx:Bmm' � gEt,r.Araloethsdra.�hgiaFeteseccep=eofy fmixd ngb=iagmpmsr3 wkbt mein compmem desodcn oThe sdebacyamueofth'scompmem fineayfancanrdmagdesi. kuaMv=datyor. Step ten a mLilo;mgn .peANs lre20wt;;Z2. ARww•�amqurepopernambg,emcmy>B,ao<metraehg.B.retotxhuaeeimorecsteawgcr�o�tsareymr t®�htbpomxeabyrnamsBCA7rWpoper Smn.Fog954395 ree6timmetho6sadmpamm mfetyn<liIDRbtiagl0lheemiecmIDeniYpme8lnWealaxe Offpeefcu4elhl®e➢dtemtaaarymm•btMechg tpecfealrmsbyetheethe64aIDihn(pCldvgR9a@IhalDbmaeef)edtempemy ?590 N. King }Eth.RPieeefl 34951 temem/eaciagarthevoseamelbebaumdaacewdbBCSI-BlaadBCS1.B2T-aborepvcpemanmtrtmah fbtwbgofcbordsandc iowbmemhn(wbemhdtsted}7hsdrawhgmbadbatmthcbalbnfmhtemhesmnt.The meWa�dofhdiritoaltmssmemboreaambmchg meteeaagedseb7t]nB»itug0e>igoerluatSvfA l,Caaper7;(q�ecT tmapcmaoem hacneeespsmh�ecrsd6ymangmadalxacevmp�eabysama+dbmrms'btenlnmaim and � O bcmamlbowt byihaumdaacew:Compa B3wiamB7a=wibEM-2762.Al I�Tasdesiamanesthetrmsi:mam=ireddnecwdance dby%dmwggmdthgi,snlg rhgpbtc Tfl/TH 1Chapm3. AlLomemmpbtecmal hemeaffimmWbySayamSrmg•Th Cam)svy,imhaewQance.dbESR-776t.Alca twphtesne �-0gage,mLathWecfs4Phtc eeafoboedbJe•-ISvAeLhdiatca+a l6gagephta Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: C6A m.SOUTHERN 2590 N. kings Highway. ProjectName: 6510d i1ElUSS Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: 7/12/2014 113301 AM Component SohltionsT^ COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: 1 of I Thus Version: 5.01 Build 31 Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANTL CANT PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 21-4-0 4 /12 1 14-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 104 Ins 22-M 14-0 7-10-12 6-7-9 .1-11-9 4162 7-10-12 14.6.5 16.5.14 21.4-0 05 \ 1.5x3 1 S 6 3x4/ 4 12 4F 3x3 / 3 3x4 2 3x8/ 1.5x3 - 1 11 { 10 9 8 7 1x41 3x3- 3x4- 6X6- FG1 044 O-0-0 7-10-12 5.8.0 7-9.4 7-10-12 13-6-12 21-4-0 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection U (loc) Allowed Lead (1160 Bldg Cade : FBC 3710! TC : 0.88 RA vet T]L 0.29 in L / 848 00.1) L/ 240 TC L; A 1P11.3107 DC: 0.78 (8-10) ved 12l 0.07 in 1.1999 00.1) L 1360 TCDL: 15 Rcp MM grease: Yes tthb: 0.76(2-8) H-M 0.06 in 7 13CIL: 0 DAL: 125% Creep Fads, Ka=1.5 BCDL: 10 Plate Offsets OntYY,An&.. (1:59,2.3.9.) (2:l-1Z3-Zl8.) (10.9,1.11,18.) (4:1-15,3-1,18.) (5:00.3-8,80.) (6:1-1Z3$90.) (7.38.3-8A.) (8:1.113$0.) (9.00,112.0) (100-0348.90) Reaction Summary 3T T. &gC-1s. Bte Wdtb Mated.l Rof Bm With Max Pend Max Grav Uddft Max Wnd Uplift Max Udift Max Hai. 1 Pin (VM) 1 gin Cmaee Masany Ito inI'llm Its - 35416s 354Its 486 lbs 7 H Roll (foss) 1 1.5 in - 3.00 in 964 Rs - •391 lhs -391 Ihs Material Summary Bracing Summary TC SP(A]SC6-A13)#22x4 iCHadng StmthedmPalinsat314XPWindmigaby0ibm. BC SP (AISC6.2813) *2 2 x 4 W Bracing Sheatheda Pwlins al 5SA Pulin design by Oibm. - Wits SP(A]SC6.20M93 2x 4 Loads Summary 1) This muss has beat designed for the effects din to 10 psfbanan chard live lead plus dead leads. 2) This h ss has lxm designed for the effe:a of wind Inds in aamlance with ASCEI. 10 with the following user defined inpm 170s.gb Wtimate6 ET ame C, Ovall Edg Dints 65 it x 70 R h = ]7 $ Nd red 7me Tess, Neither and web rmsidaed DOL-1.33, CC Zme 1Ndth 6.5 ft. 3) Wmiatin slaage aide leading in ac=dmw with IBC Table 1607.1 has net brm applied Member Forces Summary Tableindleates: Maefaer M. =CSL-daJkrv, (-Vr.6,eeifsa iftea >;alfaee) TC 11.1 0.324 30 N 24 0.885 -1,10 Rs 5d 0.630 01is 1.2 0.719 -1,991 Ibl 45 0.789 -881bs IY Af BC: 7.8 D. 951 Its (.bMus 8.10 0.783 LM Its-1,0541b, ]0.1 O.Ii53 1,860 Its (4.0541hs) I! tllc^ Wits 2.10 0.101 249 He 4$ 0.34 600 Bs olg Ihs) 6.7 0.139 .199 0s \\ V� , . • • • • • . , •� �± ��j/ 2-e o.763 924th a7 o.so6 aa961� �\ ,•' �%CE " TYuss-to-truss Connections Summary m C.med Toss Canting Tnas CanvinRoSsd Angle rrz7 Cw _ FG) 7-ID-4 90deg _ * 140.54 95 Notes: - -0 �% 1)7bis dgi�is bsedm ASCE}IOaz retaeced bythe7010 Florida HnldingCale. .�1 �•Jj•- 2)Hben this mars has bemeheam fa gnbry azsuancei0sPexim, the Plate Plaeemmt Melbodps7P11.202/A3.2sball be seed Cq-1.21. � � !.• TATE F LU � 3) Tnss4otttns cannedim is fa ga(itical intepdaum only Ahanga a athastncnealcmmtim shall be pmided ID Min the Bax-Wea and ft sbmm in the Reamm Semmy - Cl 4)PWde a&q le drainage to p-at pm&.g '�• WFHitF1NF0 E `V ` 5) ® ie&alei cmtinttas imeal -u i.l (CLIO teµnd al the loratim(s) sboam. Rows of Cllta.st be adeganely da(mallY traced see D-WMI-RHRACE Fa aheetnises to CLRs m llbgatl'a�l( �& 6) listed wind uplift dims lased m MVM Only loafing, % \•N O R ID \ i�IVA1L1���\\ •HorlcE•icoPreftnsd.g.maeera.�edtowene�coon.na7>tide�a<hsmmaln�sx:d®dn�atnom6.q�e�..mp�aMmen�l4aaa�nme..eRfa:�uraea�+ry.memmtnreornehrmmate. Stephen W. Warter ¢ifon.fnueauifvgIkSQnrr.arsimtb'sdmozgo6tates.ccepea:eofpofeamvalmgoeaahg.eprm>b5Y®bbtal6ev.sscompo.emde�fiowa 7M mm6iytmdateonn'sn®pwmfm.�tanconrbuttioghs�st6easpmsbinyof Sind Fng Of 54395 thcBullbg Oe' pe AN501P11-2007 C.apn2'0.'AAMr3-ltsssmq,*epope.a.dbg,eacibgsmautendb-4 Refntotbcbl.edevuofBCSI(Bd1b1C®p.cemS.f.,y bfomen®pmbpo&-ftTPl dSBCA)fapoper 2M N. Kings 133gli. Ft Piece Fl 34951 b9ab[®methsndinpmtam sdeyvfem.ibmm�lbgtotM emieemsnrcib.poses lnih.b <or>pec�ussis®endsempaevysemzia/tradgB W�nir+tvusbyoWocsneaa.ntw(u7dngbRa6ibntotases)mdtempwy m=klbmcugofWetmsxstaalbebawmda wlbBfS•BIadBCSI.B2Tm psaBirzqu:epemerml.=Wb+chgofebml.denmu.ebm=bm(ebmbddi'AIW}7nisdmwbpmybdmtesWcbutimfmbnaabemahn.The mnhdofndiid.slimam®temmsm/aacvg obeli esepecBedl7ih B.i1egA•f�npn/+751IfA1.CTeptc?;t�ecfem spe+mmenilne degm imt wec�dbymnea thsfielbeaecampT�edb/nendaNUMsryntenlmsnoiad r dogamlbacngd�eiSbacgadercewih8C51•B3aBC51-B7asapplcabE9e90RW71"7L'ede.j�asmmecNemmemsmLnmW bercmdaoee w.nt6i;dmwn8.dilKgmiyc+io6 �ecifednATSI/fA 1 C.epn3. Ala�enorPntes>sal !1 hma®fnen.edby6�5amg-7e Cmgrmy,InchanaNrceaihESR-7762.Alcomenmphlcl-20s.ggmkatbe g-fddpnte eesfobo dby.,ir ebibbd'netecm Iggagepbta. Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: C6B 2590 N. kings Highway ProjectName: 6510-0 SOUTHERN Date: 7/12/2014 1133:02AM TRU SS Fort Pierce, F134951 Component SohltionsT*t COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: i of 1 Truss Version: 5.01 [Build 311 Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 21-4-0 4 /12 1 1-4-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 M-0 1 24 in 103 lbs 22-8-0 1.4.0 7-10-12 6.7-2 6-10.2 7-10-12 14-5-14 21.4-0 4x6 \ 1.5x31 4 5 12 4� 3x3 / 3 3x4 / 2 d 3xBf 10 I 9 B 7 6 1x41 3x3 - 3x4 - 6x6 - FG7 0-0-0 0-0-0 7-1 D-12 5-&0 7-9A 7-10-12 13.612 21." Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (1oe) Allowed Imd (ps0 BldgCede: FBC 20101 TC: 0.91 (2A Vert 1L. 0.29 in L/846 (9-1) L/240 TCIL: 20 TP11-�Q7 BC: 0.78 (7.9) Van LL: 0.08 in L / 999 (9-I) L / 360 TCDL: IS Rep Mbrb-se: Yes VEb: 0.76(2-7) H=TL• 0.06 in 6 BCI2.: 0 D.O.L : 125 % CTMP Factor, Ka=1.5 BCDL: 10 Plate Ofisds(JnMY,Ang} (1:5.9,2.3,9.) (2:1-1;3?,18J (349,1.11,18J (4:00,3$80J (5:1-123.1490-) (6:341,38,0.) (7:1-13,3-U.) (8:00,1-]ZOJ Reaction Summary JT Type Bp C-to BIT Wdh Matddh Ma al Pod Brg Wx Bean Max Gray Uplift Max Wnd Uplift Max Uplift Max Horiz 1 Pin (N411) 1 8 in Concede Masonry 3.W inI'M Rs -36411E 36411E 443 Ibs 6HFA(Toss) 1 1.5 in - 3.00 in %4fbs - -380f -Wlbs - Material Summary Bracing Summary TC SP(A1SC6-3013)#22x4 TC Bracing ShathdmPrtlws at 3-14 Min drip by Others. BC SP (AISC6.2013) 4P- 2 x 4 BC having Sheathd a Fauns at 53-0, Min desip by Others. NEh; SP (ALSC&2DI2) G 2 x 4 Loads Summary ])This tnss has been designed for the air= dx:to10psfbatonboldliveloadphsdadlads. 2) This msshas been designedfx the edexs ofwind loads in accordance with ASCE/- 10 n4th the fdlmdng mer defined inpa: 170nTbWti1mle,ERmure C,Wea111idg Dirrs65 - ft x 70 ft. h -17 R Not B d Zme 7nsa, Neither end wbcrosidatd DOL-1.33, CC Zmoe Width 6.5 L 3) Minniman storage attic loafing in actmknce evhh IBC Table =.I has not been aW[ied Member Forces Summary Tate nda ea: Maba m, eat max a 6x rau (max m a. r�ee+rsnenaa ran r®x a dal r�ee) TC 110.1 0.324 30 Its 1.2 0.763 -119A N 1 2.4 0.911-1.1541ts 4.5 0.799 01ts BC 6-7 0.644 932 )be 47811E 7-9 0.782 1,W Its (-I.I181hs 9-1 0.65D 1.8(b ]be -1 11811s 11Efa 2-9 0.101 24911E 4-7 0243 598 Ibs (-141 Bs) 54 0.116 -297 ft \ \! N IY V {r �1 2.7 0.763 •924ls 44 0.511 .1.168 I6sV� • • • • • • • , •l /4 Truss -to -truss Connections Summary \ �C FPS m Cemd Tnsa CmvinR 7nac Cam(nROlisd Ande TM C6B FGl 5.I04 90 deg = J * :140.54 95 Notes: 1)7his design is based an ASCE 7.10 as refetaeed bythe 3110 Florida BldmgCoda. �- ... 2) tlnlab ldplata ere 1.5x3 ZpL �� . y1 1 ` 3) Wbm this tnss has been boa fagmtilyassuanee inapeaim, the Platei'l-i Methdper 7PI 1-2002/A3.2 shall be tad Cq=1.2). '`' "ATE F te,� 4)Tess-tobosexonmUmisfagaphicelintepdatimmly Ahmewartxhasma:hrdl=nmimahailbepm+idedtomisttberr mcdmmd ftsha inthe Rmedm Swmay Cj , 5) Provide adegale dainw to peaat pmdng l� - 6) ®Indicates=tin=latendreshaml(CLR)re#mdattheloatim(s)sh-RowsofCLRmmbeedgntelydagmallyIsacedseeD-WEBCUUMACE FarahasnWM10CMan&*WdSl'adpg Wi�O E 7) Listed wind Wlift ractims based m MVM Only loading % �� •' . • Q -NWItE•Thederig.oft i.6ifielt ecbaed®d,,*psuuiuuamreq�emcmaaeyPEdMthe'�s8fa^dacnauadrtiuupmtbeaccmnryemeo�!¢resofslmnf siou Stephen W. Warter mt rmrbbytheBd1h81xsi;=. Asalmtbkdmwbgbdrassaec p- eorpofesbwngrcciSrM=.dAymbbfmtbetmscamp-adespdwwa The sdab*y dnxofrhSwmpcaem� evyfenio6r6oav8des�ssheregonsbil'or StnCL F�gC 54395 the Boifeg D*Z-l ,paAN5VI?11•2(07Chepa•WARNRC-M-1-raje poperh.miagr,mcti,aez4bmbg. Wen othe ktea ed®ofBCSI(BA14 cmp-n safety t..A* l��+' THand SBC-W-poper inpaEbnmethdsammp4M ofm�tiamkmglothe emie•ansuna •,ptoces lnNe,Dzmcearspecfsiaaaktimadteminagremsimltrnc48�eciatrms6Yoe6ncthusshtm(¢1dn8upent®torsarcer)and W Peep' 2MN. Kings Mgb. Ft. Piave F134951 re®bUtr c'vgnfrhe trnsathalle beccadnneewlhB(S-Bl avdBC9-B2 TruaseMre4,deyermercmresraia/treciogoferordsaodcen+bxbmmbers(abnebdfuted}Th'sdmvbBrabitdratathebut�forktem6esnin.The thodofndiimulvussm®MraemabrlErecvg>ballcea�ec%dbythBtdthgDes�ap.AT&VfA1,Cbapa7,f�ecifcrmspermanevttr+c det�saat epeeTrAt7oWaithsdxBbeaumpEMdbyaundodiod�Yktenhemnbiad dngomlhacugdemibaeeudaocewihBCSI•B3aHC9-B7aaapp>ubt.•B.BORTANt•Tha�ammeathewaarvawllnwMbeeemdanceas6lL'sdarvbgudth4�uiyaiab gecfraitNA?A I Chapa3.Ncamettmpktu�e7 bemamdattmed6y5mpwsstrwg•Te Cmpavy,IvekareadancevbbESg•2762.Ne®utaykteeoc208aBe,mffithgroci.'edpkte sQei:fobwed6ja-•Iff oii:hid'raleaan 188+Sepble. Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: C6C SOUTHERN 2590 N. kings Highway PmjectName: 6510d TRUSS Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: 7/12/2014 1133�3AM Component SotutionsT"t TrussCOMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: 1 of 1 Version: 5.01 Budd 31 Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 21-4-0 4 /12 1 14-0 0-0-0 0-M 0-0-0 1 24 in 101 ins 22-8-0 14.0 7-10-12 4-7-2 2-0-7 69-11 7.10-12 12-5-14 14 ss 214-0 4x6-18 / 3x4 - 1.5X3 1 3 4 5 12 4i- 3X4 / 2 rs do ws 3X7- 1.5x3 - 1 10 9 8 7 6 1x4j 3x3- 3X4- 6x6- FG1 0-0-0 0-0-0 7-10-12 5-" 7-9 4 7-10-12 13-0.12 21-4-0 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (loc) Allowed Load (1s0 Bldg Code : FBC 30101 TC : 0.98 (1-2) Vet TL: 0.35 in L / 7ll (9-1) L / 240 TC1L 3D •IPI 1.2D07 IC: 0.74" Vm LL• 0.09 in L/999 (9-I) 1/360 TCDL: 15 RepMtrloaease: Yes Wb: 0.65(2.7) Harz TL• 0.06 in 6 BCIL: 0 D.O.L: 125% Creep Factor, Ka-1.5 BCDL: 10 Plate Ofads Qnl:XY.Ang) (1342A().) (21-1?3-Z18.) (3:00,24,11.) (4:1.13,3$0.) (6:38,38,0.) (7:1-13,34t,0.) (8:00,1-12,0.) (96Q3$90) Reaction Summary t 3T Twe Bre Ctaabo &g WAh Matedal Rd Hm Wdih Man Reaa Max G—WiB Max Wad Ud'B Max upill Max Heiz 1 Pm (MI) I 8 in Cmaee Masmry 3.00 in 1,050 )bs --3741hs-3741h; 40D Ite 6 H Rd) (Tnss) 1 1.5 in - 3.00 in %4lbs - -n Ibs .371 Its - Material Summary Bracing Summary TC SP(ALSC6-2013)R1 2x 4 7C Bracing Sheathed 11C SP (ALSC6-2D13) 92 2 x 4 IC Brddng , Shaibed w vlins at 5-M, Min design by ers., Wda SP (AISC67012) 63 2 x 4 Loads Summary 1) This toss has been designed fa the efeas dsto 10 psf bitten chard llw load phis dead Inds. 2) This toes has been designed for the efwu of wind loads in aora&oce with ASCE/. 10 with the follming sac de5nd inp l: 17o nTh d ibmt4 Grpm=C, OwrA Bldg DID 65 fix 70 B, It a 170, Na red 7me Tnss, Nether and web crosidmad DOL-1.33, CC 7me Width 65 & 3) hBnimrm storage attic Icedug in aaradmcewith IBC Table 1607.1 has not bmn app0ef Member Forces Summary Table;ndeates: Mnmer M. =CSI,>n dal fomA (—xapr. faeeifda t 6m nsax ax al f=) Tc 10-1 0.311 30 Rs • 2-3 0.717 a,m7 Rs 4-5 0.*4 0l s J la 0.979 -19Mtlbs 34 0.635 4.116na t � BC 6.7 0.673 1.010 Rs d59lls 7.9 0.736 1,7% N (-1.1301hs 9.1 0.697 I.-M lbs (-1.13016s N - N Vkbs 2-9 0.107 262lbe 4.7 0.221 544 N (-M lbs) 5� z� Ra e q za 0.646 7821h 4fi 0.488 a,n0na C�� E�S�`��f`` truss -to -truss Connections Summary In Carded Toss Camera Tms Carving Ofset Ample M-5 C6C Fcl 3-104 90deg 140.54 95 Notes: ]) This dasilp is besd m ASCE 7-l0 as nef.—ed ythe 0l0 F1ddn Fldldag Cade �s-1 rVJ11r 2) Wbm this toss has been china fagialiryas—=msymim, the PhieftenmTt Melbddper 1Pl l--W./A3.2shall betsed Cq-1.21. /-• 3)'rms4oinssemnectimisfagapbicalintapWtimmly Ahanger a dha smruzltxiawlim shall be pwided to resist the nnx—fiat and TUB shown in the Waaim St®ery � TATE F 4) Pnnidaadegsle damage w pasty lxnd.& 5) ® Indcats txnti— lateral tebamt (CM tegdred at the lomtim(s) sbmm. Rows of ClRnmat be adWalely dagnelly brare4 see DAVEECLRBltACE E. 4 6) listed wind tpliB tmaims lard m MV&M Only loa ft \ //S /()Na1L1�1J`\\� •No17CE•AcMofth'sdesipshalbelw)se4totheeactvac mas,Tbedezgnoftb%hdvBoalrtos'eM¢dcmdesi3naimha dreq iememsappEdbydelhwmamf amermdrzre wmtbeacemaryandeonPiteaesoftleuf d® Stephen W. Warter nrmmer�Bmhglx�a.Aaa1®6amawnem�ut.cup.aeeerparn�at�gheer�mlY,ohbrmhm�compogme«mownenue6anaaea�orthacomlmearaamtnneahrtaameaesgaawemettyor SmurngK54395. meauahgixsFnet,paAT1S1lfell•7007Cmper2'NAitTDNG•Tru�sregoiepoper6eaaiog,ereedonraromedinevg.RefertotaeauaediboofBC9(Ad1ugC®pooem5efetyl� tunjtosyproducemryTAaadSBCNfapoper �90N.Ki Ifl .FhPieceF134951 haeEtimmethodsaadmpanam afetyhr®atinrehingtothe emieemsmtetialXocess Iat6eabxneeoftpedshra6timadtempomrymavJDmdag tpeeiFutimsbyahvr:we reaAtba(hchdngnsaEtimtobraaces)amtemprary reaaiNhacvgo[ihetraQsmalbe haccmdsncewiaBC51-BI udBCsl•B2'Aussa�regorepe®memrearain/tracvg ofebmdsedcenauxbmemhas(wMehd�tedp7T�adnomgwyudeatasaebmt�fohdt glaamim.Th metaodaCmi�ulonamem6vteamhtleechgshelhesspecifdbyfheBrvlL'ogl]espyespeATSlfrAl.Caeperl•,iquiebowpe?mercn�evgde�imt �ecfWgodnta,lh'adalbeacumgr�edbystnndar 1AIYhteto maenad dngmltracivgdetathaccadaocewibBC51•B3aBC9-B7atappF D!•AWBTAT41"1'a'sdegae�uthetr�smmnGenaednaceadencewtathadmwugadthequelrymieth �eecifNUANiVfA lChaper3. Nco®ectorphtesdal /_.f` bemmoLrnaMby6a�a3ring•7iCampm)}Iao6asmdenceoiaE50.-Zr61.Ncomenmp6tetue30gaggtminlM �aciW D6te yes/obweA6ya--Ig' o4baird'camsev )ggyepate. Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: C7 SOUTHERN 2590 N. kings Highway ProjectNalne: 6510-d NIMS TRUSS Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: 7/12/2014 113304AM Colrlpon SolutionsTbe COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: 1 of 1 Truss T Version: 5.01 Bu]7d 311 Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANTL CANT PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 214-0 4 /12 1 14-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 91 Ibs 22-8-0 1�-0 5-7-11 5-4-5 5-4-5 4-11-11 5-7-11 11.0-0 16-45 21-4.0 4x6 - 3 12 4(- 12 -1q 1x4 \ 1x41 2 4 �N 3YU(2) a 4x6/ 5 } } 1.5x3 - 1 9 S g 7 6 I 3x4- 3x3- 3x4- FG1 0-0-0 0.0-0 7s11 6-1a10 s-10.11 7.6-11 14-5-5 21.4-0 Loading' General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (loc) Allowed load (w9 Bldg Code : FBC 2D10/ TC : 0.61(2.3) Vet TL• 0.32 in L / 768 (67) 1.1240 TCLL: 20 TPI I.3m BC: 0.69(8-1) Vet LL. 0.1 in L/999 (6•'/) L/360 TCDL: 15 Rep MbA crose: Yes Wb: 0.23(38) H-IL' 0.07 in 5 BCIL: 0 DAL: 125% Crap Facia, Ka-1.5 BCDL: 10 Plate 06ses (1ntXY,Ang} (P7-21-I5,18) (1 .3-11 43) (30-03.110) (4.603.1143) (533,540.) (6:00.3-&0.) (7:00.1-IZO.) (8.0A3-&0.) Reaction Summary )T Type Etg Cmlo &BWdih Matedal Rod 9¢Wdll, Max Feaa Max Gmv Uphill Max Wnd Uplift Max Uplift Max Hain 1 Pin (MU) 1 Sin Cmoete Masmry 3.00 in 1,056 Ba - -380IW-3801ts 631hs 5 H Roll (fnss) 1 1.5 in - 3.00 in LOD3 lb. -3401hs-34011s ' Material Summary Bracing Summary TC SP (AISC62)13) C 2 x 4 7C Iia®g Sheathed a Palms at 3.K Penn dsiso by Others. 13C SP (ALSC6-M]3) A2 2 x q BC Bmcmg Shrethai a Purlins et 574, Pulin dsi� by Others. V7is SP(AISC6-2D12)N3 2x 4 Slid. SP(AIX67D13)N2 2x 4 Loads Summary I) This t-s bas beee signed fa the effeas due to lO psf bmmt clad Bye lord plus dead lords. 2) This tnss has been designed fa Ibe,,Beers f wind i.ds in ac d.. with ASCE7 - ]O with the foll-ing use defined inpa: 170 mplt ultivnte, E¢osme C, Oveall Hdg Dins 65 fix M fl, h -17 fl. Not Fad ZmaTms, Neither end web crosid-d. DDL-1.33, CC Zme)M tb 65 a 3) Hainan storage attic lading in amadaam with IBC Table 1607.1 has not bow applied Member Forces Summary 7bletndates:Men6.M,-CS!,ntasexist r a,R-ifdaamtfi--ia]m«1 7C 9-] 0.324 30lbs 2.3 0.613-1954 ,11s 4-5 0.492 -1,9D N ]-2 0.476-zlsulb; 34 D.6o9 -].. Bc t�l 5-6 0.680 ],SI m 9 ,l s 6 g 0.599 1402 (6w Ib &1 0.693 zoo nor (-I oza Its Wds 2 8 0.u6 37s m 34r m; ors so Ira (zn Ih) 3-6 arow 316g 421 (-ra lbw) 4� o9s o.z7a 1� i Truss -to -truss Connections Summary ID Camel Tess CaM gTrass Canyineofad Angle TT24 C7 FGl WD4 90degg Notes: o. 54 9 I5 1) This design is based at ASCE 7-10 as rdixetned bythe 2DIO Florida linldingCode. 2) Men this tnas has been sdtam fa ginliry azssranm inspexim,the Plate Plao.mal Method per Tel l-2=M.2sballbetsed Cq-1.21. •-rt t 3)Tnss4otmsemneadm isfa�d;tbalinte¢eadmmly Manger aah. struaral=Dnxim shell be pmsided to mist the naxt®aim end uptifl ahem in the Reaction StmmBry / TATE :• j(/ \ 4) listed wind uplift r®aan based MV.FFS Onlyloadng i Cl . 101V A L eo -wr]c1•xopyorm%ar�haaxrmametorn�manbaeoonanmTxda�onb%m:Rminos%mid®de�omim%emegdcmmamBp�eln��*+� �mlaropmueauaary.moo aaasortrora®atioa StepheaW.Warter .1fanhbyft BdTIi4Msier.Aeal®tbadeavgb&e lu ace,,¢eeceofpmre�elertsioemiogrzyo sbkYwbNfmlbet compmemdes�,sb aTEemebiy&Dd=Dfdmem acompfwenypattcobrWkOogdeso%tkm ponsbf•of Stnxx. Eugg 34395 We BuifbgR�er,1 SU7P1].2007 C6aper2'WA1tTdMfTsnsxsregivepoperbead6gesmu0.rmebtmdbocis&RefalotbchtcaedworBCSI(BdingCompmem Safmymfo ftj'3m*lmdncedbyTAmdSBCA)far¢opar 259D N. Kin i.,era,mmbadammpmm®rrnbrdda,aambt�towe®:aaanmo.mrraesmweeb�raorspea�b�tbnamtmapddyRmaain.me�er tbnsMotbmsWeusa>at®(rcldvgbsn�tbotolzasses)tmdtempaary gs FB Eh.A.PieceF134951 ,emaist/trncagoftbetsusxs®elbebecuadarce wihBfSl•HI andBC51-B2 Tmssaborzquie pemaoedremaat/6sacugofebmd aodcesaaxbmemhrs(wb.eidiated)7b%dmaiaBoab�teath bcatbafmhteabemabt. TM metmdotud'rmulrsussmemD.mmeutMcagabarteuspede4rytheB3fvg [>•sjmvperATEIIfAI,(ere¢dxipecfctmsp�neminebpdee;.v%ootspeci&Abyor>s�tb%rbae6e srsdnptdeEMsmvdemiaamybtemtswmiaend � ` e. d'ng®err®eiepdeuibacwndancewihBC9•B3arBC51•B7naappFabb.•B.0gi7R7I' 7'b%despe®esWe mm%omm�LenaW aeecadance vrbtb%daaugaMWeq®lrydimb �ccifedaATSifrA 1(2a¢er3. Arcommmapatesdal (fir. h,tumAaemeAbySiopan 9mng-Ts Ca�vy,lrc%awrdance wW ESR•1762.Ncoomesapbtesam 20gage,mslssthe WeeirAphte deefoLxd bye `-r4 wTbaadutesen 16 gaBe phte. Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: FG1 ' _ SOUTHERN 2590 N. kings Highway ProjectName: 6510-d TRUSS Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: 7/12/2014 1133:16AM Component sohltionsT"' Truss COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: 1 of2 Version: 5.01 [Build 311 Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 18-5-0 0 /12 1 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-" 0-0-0 2 12 in 154 lbs 18-s-0 4-9-2 4-5-64-5E 4-9-2 4-9-2 9-2-8 13-7-14 18.5-0 18G J1H 17G US- 7x6- 1x41 Sx5- 4x4- 6x6- 1 2 3 4 5 6 12 11 10 9 8 7 3x121 6x81 5x5- 7x7- 6x81 3x121 D-D-0 C7 C6C I ChB C6A I6 C6,15 C5,14 C1,13 C7 12 C7 I 4-9-2 4-S-6 4b6 4.9-2 4-9-2 9-2-8 13.7-14 18-5-0 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection IJ (loc) Allowed Lead Oaf) EMCOde: FBC 20101 TC: 0.84(1.2) Vol TL: 0.23 in L/949 10 Ll240 TCIL: 3D TPI 1-2M7 BC: 0.47 (8-9) Vat iL 0.08 in L! 999 10 L! 360 TCDL: 15 RapWrInamse: No Wit: 0.98(1-I1) n—TL• 0.03 in 7 BCLL: 0 D.O.L : 125 % Creep Factor, 1(a= 1.5 BCDL: 10 Plate Offsets (1ntX YAng): 0:58,58,o.) (2:1-„44,0.) (3:00,5-&90.) (4:04),2-IZO.) (5:1.IZ58A) (6:58 AA) (7.2.12,".90.) (9,.I-I ,4-IZ90.) (9044y0) (10.042-120.) (11:1-1241290.) (12.2-)2,60.90.) Reaction Summary 3T Type Bp Can& BT Wdh Matmial Rod Bra WAh Max React Max0—Uplift Max Wnd Uplift Max Uplift Max Haiz 12 Pin (roes) 1 1.5 in - 4.39 in %446 Rs --2,8991ts -'' 3W Ite - 7 H Rdl (rnns) 1 1.5 in - 4.68 in 7,M 1bs --3,112Its-111211,6 - Material Summary Bracing Summary TC SP (AISC6-2D13) 42 2x 6 7C Ba®g Sh.th d aAalms al4.100. P din dtsien by0th-. BC SP (AISC6-2113) SS 2x 6 BC livadng Sh®thedaPaiins at 8.2A Pwlin dmip tyO bm. Vkh SP (AISC62012) P3 2 x 4 except: 1-12 SP (ALSC6.20 3) IC 2 x 6 1-11 SP (AISC6-2013) Nl 2 x 4 68 SP W.8CG2113) 9-1 26-A SP (AISC67013)12 2. 6 Loads Summary 1) Tbis vas hase® bdmigned far the edexa dm io 10 psf bong chord liw Imd pits dead Imds. 2) This toss has been dmigted fa the effeas of wind Inds in accordance withASCE7. 10 with the fdlming tsar defined inp/: 170 nph dtimat, E)M= C, O%mW] ®dg Di= 65 ftxTO, h-170. Na End ZmeTess, Netherandwebcmaid d. DOL- 1.33, CC ZntevAdh 6.5ft. 3) Mmin ataage attic Ioadng in accodance with 19C Table 1601.1 has not been applied Load Case Lrl: Std Live Load 1 4 Point Loads A,%A , � Menhar Inmdm Ditctim lead Tdb Wdh TvpChd 1412 Down 32316s \• TMnpcne isii Down 11411ibs 24n CO L�GFNSF T�\� Ba Chd 3.104 13— 428 Rs 24 1. Tap Chd 4412 Dew 690 Iba Ba Chd 5-104 13— 429 He 24 in 140.54 95 Bat Chd 7-104 Down 4281ts 24 (o Tap Chd 7-104 Dis 24 in -mil( 4� ' •• .L Ba Chd 9.104 — 429 Ibl 24 in — Top Chd 9-ID-ID-4Dcwn Doav 253 2fl lbl 24 in 111111 Chd „-1B4 Dnwa 4281ts 24in ' �' TATE Top Chd iM-4 Doom 29 bs 24 in I F LU Bd Chd ]3.104 Dt 428 tin 24 in i ^'� •••. ••' (v Tap Chd 15-104 Down 429 Its 24 in RID Al Bn Chd ]510-0 Down 4ZB Its 24 m 1bp Cbd 15-10-4 13— 253Is 24 in �, F` O P,.•r.� • Bat Chd 17-10-4 Daum 428 Its 24 in �s • • ' • • • • • • • G v \\\ Tarp Chd 17-104 D3 2s3lra 24 in //i�"ANAL -+GTICE•Aeopyoftbsdedpmatxfmamedtotbeem®WmanWThe ftntaf Stephen W. Warter ,n rmtbbytxBabmgtz ar.Ae•21WIb6dRw9$�dC2leSarLeflatte[Of1EnSG®a9lea�bCmbgR>pOSSL�yOCe'fR1MVRSCW]pWmldeS$n$0�'RT5Cn0ab39'led1Bn12DECempOeem rWa%(0nhebrbaBajde"SlheR j'er Sma Ting WM txB, cc�er,pew4SVTF11-2007CmplFr2.wARMWe7hcw9m*el•owbambseRetb>4rsRaandb— RefartofmhmswmaorBcsl(ndfEaC®pmemsafaylnrmmafixtoopod�TPlamsB baCNroptapar arti.2cZbodsmA i et,m atfm br�a,barchtbstothe emic OWmWtmpWez mtbeab—otpea;�25M N. Kings Mph. FL Pi— FI 34951 tesaam/ ftof,b1—"1hbarcmdaacecibBCS1-BI andBCS1-B2. Tt abDmW epnmamm bVbmcbgofcbmdsaadcertabxbmemb=(VL bdutWd 7bsdRvb6Wb�RstMEu,rmfmhtemlreaRin. The method ofbdvi4mlomnmembermsmdn/bacbgsha7h asspecfedbytbeBmLggDmtt_xrArSnpjI,c2.;4.2;irg.,rsvns:per®aem4nebgdca.smt �p rdbjo,bombbdmelbeacmmpWAbymndaaduda Ubt-hes i,em dbgmalbracig7 mukbsccwden wkhBCSI-B3wBM-B7uapp:.bb.•BAORTAM• Thede4..—.,b a—¢namtficnvedba¢mdaace wihtbsd—ingandtbcgmYyeierb WafedbANaVfA 1 CWper3. AIWWectwpbtesftl beaaWf�man�DySbq»SWvg-TeCoagmy,incbaccmdavcc aibB9t-2762.Asca®emmpbtesaR20gasc,tmffi,LeraecfrAphte sbsbfofiwMbye'-7g-wti:bbdnwsn IBssge pbte. Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: FG1 ' 2590 N. kings Highway ProjectName: 6510-d SOUTHERN Fort Pierce,F134951 Date: 7/12/2014 1133:16AM ComponentSolutionsTad TRUSS Page: 2of2 Truss COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Version: 5.01 [Build 31 Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANT L ' CANT R PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 18-5-0 0 /12 1 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 2 12 in 154 Is Load Case D 1: Std Dead Load Point Loads MmEa Location Direaim toad Tdb Wdb Tap Chd ]-6.12 It— 429)be ' )� Chd 1404 Dome S21bs 24 in Tap Cbd 3-5-11 Doan 1191bs 24 in Be( Chd 3.10-4 Doan 96Its 24 N Try Chd 4612 lbws 720lbs Hat Chd 5.1D4 Down 536Its 24 in Bes Cbd 7-104 Donn 5361ts 24 in Tap Chd 7-10d Doan 3171ts 24 in Bat Chd 9.10-4 Doan 536 Bs 24 in Top Cbd 9.104 ]ban 317lbs 24 in Bel Chd 11404 Doan 5361bs 24 in Tap Cbd 11404 Doom 31711s 24 in Bct Chd 13-1D4 Doan 5361bs 24 in Top Chd 13.1D4 13— 317 He Ain Bat Chd 15.104 Dawn 536It, 24 in Tap Chd 15-104 Down 3171bs 24 in Bat Chd 17.104 Down 5361hs 24 in Top Chd 17.10-4 Down 317 Has 24 in Member Forces Summary Talendicalm:Menhr11),ttxCSl rcrisl(wee,(rnaxc.V,faceifdf—tfrent—reds] face) 117 1-2 0.945-3.066lb; 2-3 -0.633 .am,, Ile 3-5 0.616 d72 ihs 56 0.523-29101bs BC 7-8 0.279 Olhs &9 0.472 94D lhs (-1833 Its SLIT 0.461 N. . (-2.1611bs) Il•12 0.259 Ulm Rbls 1.12 00.415 -3401 I0.41,112 I(-5101s .1,69I 1-1 .(-30591;) 6A8 0970 4,1� Iha; 25951ts)980 "111s 3-9 0.256-572lbs 2.11 0.825 -1,843 its 5.9 0.483 ,190 0(473bs6-7 OAM -1339 Its Truss -to -truss Connections Summary ID Carved Tress CaminRTnas Ceu,*gOfisd Angle TM 18G FG1 1-6-122A deg 0 TD24_=.,.:.:£zii. -3 ' i;., FGI tl.,:_.e::.- �c....a;I lU4 v...-...a<`ti.• 90 de8n:..._, TT38 31H FGI }5-11 2A deg _ C� 2 Gs_,i_.: ..FGIx..•1....:.}.iva m�8 :v ,m,T136 ®M:-U71.._ r u, 7T27 C64 FGI 7104 90 deg L.,. , I TT28 C6 FGI 9.104 90 deg ITS CS FGI 11.104 90 deg TT30 C1 FGl 1}104 90deg ., - 7T30 Cl FG] 15.10-0 90 deg . 2 ;ZY'73S :FG] t- a_s4"TZ' TM cl FGl 171D4 r-. f 90 deg s n TTi2 TM 68 TO dee.,i:°pi FGI A6G 4390 deg Notes: 1) This design is based an ASCE 7.10 as rdenmed b?the 2010 Florida Wh ing Cale 2) When this bass has beet chosen fm gmbty usteance inspection, the Plate Placeaat Method pa TPI 1•2D02/A3.2 shall be esed Cqo 1.21. 3) Tnss4uboss connection is for galfrial intaprdatien only Ahangervaher suuNal connection shall bep-aAded to resist the con,metiae and eylift shown in the Reaction Saenay 4) Pmide adWte damage w pa+ml pending 5) The faces shoaa fa this tadti-lfy tnss are per ply and The reaa&ms are fa all plies. Two identical lasses shall be bull and attached as fdlms: IC - 2 staggerdmws of 10d Nails a Gon Nails I� .lrx2 7/8"] ©7 •era, BC - 2 saggead mas of lOdNails a Gar Nails [oin •i2wx2 74i] 87.75 •ore. , Weds -1 toy 10d Nails or G- Nails [rain .129' 71r] @ 9 • c.c.. 6) Past.ers are sized (a a shyly s pp rtd emifatdy leaded tress. If the ones is nod simplyseypatd a isolated point loads east, Lee pant leads snet consistently spacda greater than 24- a.c., lammers mat be sized by the ones mghrea. 7) Where required sedBcmt hangers shall be pmided ftathen) to resist maxims shown - Install the sorewsinails an we side: do not flip Ms. Sa mails shall be installed in the same bass ply that the hangers are attached to 9) lateral hating shall be attached to each ply. 10)All fasteners tut®-2-1/r ling -less otherwise nerd 11) Nails in 1st and 2nd ply shall be stagged ft n saroassise plies by 12 the nag spacing 12) Wind wild eylift reactions lased m MWFRS Only leading CO = �140.54 95 TATE F W : 0�'� A, i�N AIL1 •N7fICE'Acogofthsde ndilbefaonffiedlefteeceinecmoanW. T6edevpnof"bdiitW ib od®deaiyaiueeo6mgoiememampplbdbytbeDussslators m asdmie Wmtbeac cyemd<appLI Soflbci f miam Stephen W. Warta xtfmhbJthe BoiongDea m<r.Amelontt'sdrawug udestesecuptmceofpafe®oaleogueaiogmspm�iymbyfine6ebuscompwemd<>�thoea •1Le®ebIIryeoda ofWs<ompmemfaeglnnso§r8idtiydes�eeEem [Yaf S=Engle 5095 troeHud7igQsgoer,p,!ANSlfTPI Iv'�OW C6apax'9VAttMM•irusssregoiepopa6eadlae,emcii)N ainmWbmc4RefulotbeblegcdamofBCSI(Baftc—pooats-fayi-f ibnpusbpsadmedDYrNmdEBCNfo+l*aPa 2590 N. Kin }B FL Pierce F134951 nrnhtinmetbodsedmportnm oaf ifametmrel—SwOr ceriecrosnxeinporss lathe nceoryec[emaBtmnede®paaymmain/de<ng avair+thnsbroWaseM �entba(xld'oguvmtimmbraaees)meumµruy Kings �• retamrtncigafweonce., lh heccordnrcasihBC9-BI eadBCSI-132 rns�:e4rm9me pemarcmremahVbecvgorchaS emwauxromembers(w6ereiodiatrA}76sdnavbeoobbdeetesthhut�rmntealamaim.The meehodafhdvilmlunamembaemnutM<i>g&elbe essye<rm6yWe Bidlhgt7es�etpaAl•ID/fP11,C6epa3; rspee'fetmspe!maoent hacv8desp6ma yeCftdbjoWastffidiairoe.«e dyt°°dardnduerybtenlre9rautmd /f d'egtmllncioghaEheccor* ewibBCSI-B3o BG51•B7uepptabt.•nAORTN7t•Tbsdapa�mtb,n iomnvhent<dmecccr& eoibNidmwhgeodthegmiyaierhyec'fe4inAMV1P 1 Chapa3. Ate®enorpheaebal liti bemeasd—dbySioymSoaag-Tk CeraPEvy,Inc fiaxadeace VAMR.2762.Alcemectapbeeserc20gege,ankmtbe geefedphleskehfolo-dbya•-16'whilrMimic— l8 p9eDbre. CEM Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: C8 • MI- SOUTHEFIN 2590 N. kings Highway ProjectName: 6510d TRUSS Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: 7/12/2014 1133:04AM Component SolutionsTm COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: 1 of 1 Truss Version: 5.01 [Build 31 Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 21-I-0 4 /12 2 1-4-0 0-M 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 90 ors 22-5-0 1-0-0 57-11 5-0-5 54-5 48-11 5-7-11 11-0-0 164-5 21-1-0 4X6 - 3 12 12 --14 4F 1x41 1x4/ 2 4 nN N �a 31ffi(2) a1 4X6/ 5 1 1 1.5x3 - B { 8 7 6 3X4- 3X3- 3X4- O-D-0 0-0-0 7-&11 6-ID-10 6-7-11 7•6-11 14-5.5 21-1-0 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (loc) Allowed Lad (1-0 B1dg code : FBC 2010' 7C : 0.79 (4-5) Vet TL• 0.33 in L 1744 (6.7) L / 240 7CLL 3D TPI 1.2W BC: 0.71 (56) Vbt I.L. 0.1 in 1.1999 (6-7) L/ 360 TCDL: IS Kep Mbh,raase: Yes VAb: 0.23(3-8) Hoer 7L, 0.07 in 5 BCIL: 0 DAL: 125% CrevFaaa, Kcr 1.5 BCDL: 10 Plate OBses VrnXY.Angh (1:7-11-I5.18.) (1M,34143) 0:003-I1.0) (4.0-0.3-11.43) (5:2-&&4.0.) (6:OA34t.0.) (7:00.1-12.0.) (8:00.34.0.) Reaction Summary JT T4, Br¢Cmmbo Brg Wdh Werial Pod Bg Wdh Max F-cl Mr-Uflif, Max Wad Uplift Max Uplift Max Haix I Pill(Hhll) 1 8in Concrete Masa,ry 3.00 in ),045 lb,--376lb;-3761bs 631bs 5 H Boll (foes) 1 1.5 in - 3.00 in 991 Its --33616s-336Ibs - Material Summary Bracing Summary 7C SP (AISCb?013) d? 2 x 4 7C Bracing Sh®thd a Ptrlins at 240, Prrlin design byOthers. BC SP (AISC6.3013) (2 2 x 4 BC Bracing Sheand a Polins at SSQ Pullin design by Mors. Vkh; SP (AISC6.3D12) q3 2 x 4 Slid. SP (AISC6D13) f2 2 x 4 Loads Summary 1) This now has been designed forth effects do to 10 psfbottm chord live load doa dad Inds. 2)This boss bas been designed forth: effects dwind lords in aeratenor with ASCEI. 10 with the fdlaving user defined inW: 170mphdtm2le•Fiyoame C,G-�Il Edg Dina65 It x A 8, la- 17 (I, Na Fad Zone Toss. Ndther end webm osideod DOL-1.33, CC Zme )Mdb 6.5 ft. 3) h5nirarrl storage attic loading in accashnce with IBC Table 107.1 has net been applied Member Forces Summary Table inflates: Mamba to, rmx CSl, mat axial f.ce,(oatcmv. fare ifda.iml than nnx axial race) . A TC 9-1 0.324 30 Ira 2-3 0.626-1,9111h; 4.5 0.787 -1,87d ths 0.618 //// 1.2 0.471-ZI57ls 3-4 •1.752Its BC 5-6 0.710 1.72D Has (S66 Ibs 6-3 0.602 1.370 I s (-6161bs gl 0.696 1.997 lb,(-1.0101bs W9s 2-8 0.115 .37411s 3-8 0.226 593 lb; (•Z21hs) 3-6 0.147 363Its (-IMIbs) 4b 0.086 -2Mna, Notes: • • • •.• ` 1) This deign is bead m ASCE 740 as tefaenced e 2010 Florida Balding Code. 2) Men this etas has berm chosen fagonlity asstrance halpeaia,, the Plate Placema,t Method m 7P11-2/A3.2 shall be teed C9-1.21. 3) Tms4obms cmnec im is fa p*icsl intapastim mly Abaoger a other sbtsitral anneaim shall be ptwided to mist the nnx,eaaim and tplift sboaa in the Praaim Smanry _ �,54 95 4) I3std wind uplift roaaims bud on MUFFS Onlyloadng �. jt• 054 �Cl TATE F 'w� 0 N A LI'e `% RIDDCE'Acspyoflb'sdes�dnlbefumffid,othe.enbacmnana. the desgaahbsu6filueleusshtsdmdes�uiere aadaequieme nev,gEdtyl6eTmaMaaufietutereadrztavpoDlaeeccumcyaadcaopllercsoftaeufomatim set ronhtytheBulftl),ipaer.AesIm168drawgBi,6iateseccepeseofPorei ImghecvB,epmstitynl:bt 16e wscomponem des�dmuu The naabvryd amonhka pmemfau pP i:a hmwdmpi;dcmv=sbky of Stephen W.Warter S1naY Faoper 8 g54395 the2hinalkawwa- nANSV7P11.2007 CboPer7.-WARNWO 71>�Etequie]xopa*LeaOi+B�erzctim reaam adbacug. Beferlone bled edmuofBCS1(edSbgCmpooem safety b[o ti ji.tVlmdsedbJTAadSBCA)fmp rtdahtinmetl,odaadmpollam saferyiafamatborzffiiglolhe rntee<mdmampocess m,heelsace ofrpecife u9a�tbaadtempuaryrzame/Eac'ng�ecrntcnsbya6ers,t6eio9a�tim(acid'og$daEtim,oti.vees)ad,cmpaty 2590N.KID(a JBgo.FLPieee FI34N ,esoain/baeiggofdeimsEdtal6euaccaNtXsaihHC51•Bt edBC51-H2. TrurQEabore@riepamaaem tedxaia/treevgofeamdsadcmabxbmembaa(efiaendFated).TnsamavBmb tataebutusforla-1ed7am. The n,ethdofidi+tlimlwamembu-naia/bmcbgmeelse:apecr, byftB3lngfks�-MAtZVfAI.Cbaperi,fq-icbusp!!-baciagduigoioagectndbyogM lbkdntbeacmmpffiedbyaadasditdmrybtaabemautand degamnnebghmEoacr-amewihBC51-B3mBC51-B7asapytcebt•VAMTAW-Tbidapammeathc akmmoLctumdsacemdmeewihthsdmwbgadtkgakyaierigeefsdnANWTFI]Chapa3.Alw owpbtesdhd �L' 7 DeanmrfanmdbySm{®Swag-Ts Co>opo�,mciacemdaacevibM.2762.Alcomectaplal-20Bage,mksfie spa.%dpb¢ae sfolmdbya'•IB^ aichediatuaa 18Bagepbte. Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: C9 �� 2590 N. kings Highway ProjeaName: 6510d SOUTHERN TRUSS Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: 7/12/2014 1133 05 AM Component SolutionsTm COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464 4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: 10171 Truss Version: 5.01 [Build 31 Span Pitch ply OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 21-1-0 4 /12 1 1.4-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 901bs 22-5.0 1-4-0 5.7-11 5-0-5 5-4-5 S-7-11 11.0-0 164-5 4x6 - 3 12 12 �4 4F- 1x41 1x4 r 4 2 �a N UAW) Cb d 6 4x6/ 5 1.5x3 - 1 s 7 6 { g 3x4- 3x4- 3x3- 0-0-0 7-6-11 6-10-10 6.7-11 7.611 14-6.5 _ 21-" Loading General CS1 Summary Deflection L/ (roc) Allowed I.ad (ran Bldg Cade : FBC �10' TC : 0.79 (45) Val M.0.33 in L / 744 (6-7) L / 240 TCIL: 23 IN1.= BC: 0.7)(56) Vm I.L. in L/999 (67) L/350 TCDL: 15 RepMtrmaease: Yes Wb: 0.23(3-8) Haz TL' 0.07 in 5 BC1L: 0 D.O.L : t25 % Creep Fads, Ka=1.5 BCDL: 10 Plate Odaas(1ntXYAnp} (1.7.2115,18.) (10-0,3-1143) (3'043.110) (4.,003-1143) (5'2$640) (6'003S0.) (7:001.120.) (8:00.3$0.) Reaction Summary ]T Type BM Cmtbo BgWth Matedal Rgd BsR Wdtls Max Pead Max Ocav UplMa ift x Wnd Uplift Max lJd)fl Max Haiz _ . 3761hs 631hs I Pm (MR) 1 Sin Cmaete Masmty 300 m I'm Bs --3761ts 5 H M Crnss) 1 1.5 in - 3.00 in 991 Its --33511s -336 ibs - Material Summary Bracing Summary TC SP (A=W013)ff2 2x 4 7C Bracing Sheathed aPtalins at 2.90. Perlin dsign by others. Bc SP (ALSC67013) 92 2x 4 BC luting Sheathed ¢Palms at 584 Perlin design ty0daets. Wda SP(ALSC6.2)12) 43 2x 4 Slider SP(ALSC6.2a13) q2 2x 4 Loads Summary 1) This tress has bean designed for the effects due to 10 psf b%w clad live lmd phs dead lads. 2) This tees has Dam designed fa the effects of hind loads in acmdance with ASCE7. 10 uith the fo0awing wa define! inlxt: 170 n# ultimate, EWme C. 0- l Hdg D'uss 65 it a A f4 h = 17 f4Nd rod Zme Tess, Netha end webcmaidetai DOL=1.33, CC Zme NMdb 6.51L 3) Nnhaaan storage attic Iadng in accordance with IEC Table 1607.1 bas not Dam applied Member Forces Sum mary Table indlmtes:Mmbato, ntaxCSt. a-a;dWbq(soaccmpr.raceifdiffamt0annexa)Ulirez) t TC 9-1 0.324 3011s 2.3 0.626 -1,9m Its 4-5 0.787 -I'M to �� 1•'_ 0.471-215711s 3� 0.618 -1.M ft \ ///// BC. 5-6 0.710 1.720N 4186Ih; 6-8 0.602 1,370 Its (•616 ohs 9-1 O.fA6 1,99716s (-I.010Its N Wbs j 2-9 0.115-3741hs 3-8 0.M6 593lb, (-Z72 fm) 36 0.147 3631hs (4841hs) 46 0.086-2321hs • , ... • ^I • �\ `•\�i C E NS+n Notes: •' 4 ` � i • 1) Ibis design is lased m ASCE 7.10 as rdermced by .2010 F)aida Hdldmg Cade -1 •• � 2)Wh®this tress has lxxm sham to gnliN asstltmainspadim, Ne Plate Placmtmt Mebad ya TPl l-20RI/A22 shall hewed Cq=1.21. i 3) Tnss4otnas dnnetim is fa ptgbiml intapetatim cffly Abanga a txha svwtLrdl cmnedim shall be prodded to mist they saaim and Oft shmm in the Pmct;m Smnnty � l0 54 95 4) listed tvind t ill Ie .6. based m MMS Only lading71 ^ ' f AZT F - IQ NALI���\\ aamMdnOnamoteIsDm%edammiftemeslegnmtttM .If �edmkID®oiwoendCaa(anayccpamnairyobernaAecttl®opebdtee�oesoIfDtehmeuspfomrimyo Mt2osepy ba>tdllxateMbigl Stephen W. Warier er Smd-Fag 954395 R%eefodmto®tDdme httdeevmsBMTCht4eDBdTmatHDsiislgyt Comp-.Sfylf-,ij*pzfta.Pl-M tRhAe 6f0I5C1E'v•g eorf,WIxaAdNesSpIAPI I-20W C'haper2•WAR7dK®•lhtasseq�epepaDaaudhgu.emcno4raAxS+am kvNimmetbodsandmpmem IDferyN timmbl%g tothe eatiee 91OCImpaOees lnlbeaDSnee of�ec'feu48fatimer¢dse�mHq'sealieulNecugtpGtt2lrmsDYatDea4t�i14161im(iY1d%gnsatn®tokmKes)rvdlempaeiy 2WN.Kingsl1igh.Fa Pi-F134951 mmam/tnOugoftheow%lm.IDe baccmdasewihatp•BI ardBC5FB2. Tmss:sa�segtve7semaoVl+anyOlcDmdsmdtesauaeDIDemDert(wDaeudsaled)7L%dnumg mNodi'atRlDebmlvafW bten6esnim. TDe usyeeredbltDe Baer%8t7espx+RTATN(IA I,Cbaper7, rgecifit ¢leemaoemtrae%8h�%vot geciWMotDORta%dalh.cromV�dMnnndasdndu9sYftemhemam and metDodefadi>idtalls�memhrremam/traeb8dlelDe dhgomlheevg deukbacooldaneewihBM-B3mBCSI-B7"lp kf Dk.MVMTANf•T6%de.p-ahelr�%mawLdmednacemdase wiDtD%dmavgaadtDegaiy aieno gec4d'toATSI?A1Caapa3. Alcsmeaap6tumal DemanofaamWDySiapffi3mng-T%Com)euy.1-%acemdmewihESR•2762.Alcom wphlnase2Bgage.mistbeapecredphtesie%fob-db/a'•I8'o4Ehudb+tecm18pppbte. Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: C14 2590 N. kings Highway ProjectName: 6510-0 SOUTHERNhh.` Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: 7/12/2014 113253 AM Component SDlutionsTM TRUSS COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: I of 1 fuss Tilts Version: 5.01 [Build 31 Span Pitch Sty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 21-1-0 4 /12 1 1-4-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 88 lbs 22-5-0 14-0 5.2-13 3.5-3 4-8-0 3-5-3 4-313 8-8-0 13-0.0 16-93 21-1-0 - 5-2-13 4x5 - 4x8 / 3 4 12 12 14 4r 1x4 % 1x4! 2 5 N gg�yj3 06 / 1.5x3 - 1 10 7 { 9 8 3x4- 3x4- 3x3- 0 . 0-M 7-94 . 8-8-0 13-4-D 21-" . Loading General CSI Summary Deflection LJ (Ioc) Allowed Iced (psf) Bldg Code: FBC Will, TC: 0.620-2) Vet TL• 0.35 in L/699 (9.1) L/240 TPI 1.2(D7 BC : 0.71(6.7) Vet LL 0.1 in L / 999 9 L / 360 TCLL p TCDL: 15 ItepMtrloaease: Ys Wit: 0.19(2.9) Haz TI. 0.07 in 6 BCLL: 0 D.O.L: 125% Creep Faaa, Kam 1.5 BCDL: 10 Plate Odsm(JnMY,Angb p:}l,l•IS,ISJ R'00,r11,25.) (300.3-M) (4:0-0,3$g0.) (7:00,3$0.) (8:00,1-]Z,OJ MAIM) Reaction Summary 77 Tyne Bm Conlin ore Wdh Material Rod Bon Wdd M.R-t Max Csa 1yal Max Will Ma40Upbfl Max its 1 pin (MI) 1 8 m conaae Masonry 3.W m 1,045 Bs -0OO lta-40016s 63Ihs 6 H Pdl (Tnas) 1 1.5 in - 3.00 in 958lbs-337lbs .3371Its Material Summary Bracing Summary TC SP WSc&2D13) 92 2. 4 TC Bacmg sheathed aRrhns at 3.5A Pmlin design by Odtrs. BC SP (AISC6.2013) 42 2 x 4 BC Haring SheathedaPaims at S3A A+On design b,/Oihes. HCbs SP (AISC&2D12) 63 2. 4 slider SP (A .SC6.2013) N_ 2 x 4 Loads Summary I) Ibis etas bas been designed fr the effects dte to 10 psf boom dtad live load plus did lends. 2) ibis vss has ban dlsigted for the wise of ind loads in adxdrdance adth ASCEI. 10 with the fdlavingtea defined inpr: IA mph tiltimatSr sme C, Oucdl adg Dims 65 A 7DRh=17fl.Na Tnd7meT-s,Neithemdwebcrosidaed DOL=1.33,CCTone Width6.5fl. 3) IvOninaan storage anic Imdng ht ecaadtn¢ with IBC Tale IfA71 has nor been applied Member Forces Summary Table indcats: Menba A 000t Sl, ma WalftlrA (=cmlr. face itdBe't B®®zazal r ) 1 TC 104 1324 30lbs 2-3 0.469 4,691]b 4.5 0.584-1,67111s A' 1.2 0.623-2069lb, 3-4 0.583 -1,594 Is Sri 0.574 476)lts -IY 0.695 1.90311s-I,13616s BC 6-7 0.712 1 5931b -942 fls }9 0.604 ISM 0s (�DSlls 9.1 . , .... Wds 2-9 0.19-1 -472lbs 3.9 0.137 3371bs (-7Dlts) 4.7 0.087 J3IM (-151bs) S7 0.079 2061h; (-15?lts) �` CF}yS�. Notes: I) This design is lase] on ASCE 7-10 as sefaeced b5 the 2010 Florida aa7dng Coda 2)14hm this toss has been cbmm fa gelityasstrmtceinspesm, the Plate Placettenl Metbod pe, TPl 1-20D21A3.2s1tall be teed Cq-1.21. 140. $4 9JC r the tmxmcdct andtVU Awn in P®aion Sttor-y 3)7nasiotnas emnssdm¢fQ gtapbiml inteipaalim only Ahanga a sthe, Owtrel cmtteifon shall be piWdded to desist 4)PrWde adegate dainage to pevett ponting _ {1/111 5) listed wind uplift reactions based on MVM Only Imdng. � _- �) _- TATE F L41, A, � .ORIDP• 'O NIA Lti��``\�� `KIIICE'Acay/ofd'edeayndetbefuffiDedlotlxertetvncomsan¢ThdesgnoCWiiod'vimtalvus%hasdamdespaiern mdrzgasenenlsetppEedA'f6e'basManuLeme+atdR.Jes�¢1Macavedymdc®pktercsoflbeN lion stfonhbytheatsdl'vg Dev�ee AWaath'ednwW bdbnesecceltaoce ofpofcs;amleagb=ftmq=saY,•atb fawctsysecmpwem desimd-1be ndnbkyaM-111 iseanponem faany}-MPsbdryof Stephen W. Warier StncL Frig 957395 tbeB-bbgDesiee,pesAN51tf..2007 Caepa2S.'M?alai•1tt�cmquiepopaDaodfog,aeethat�ent+mkaci!g.]tefatothe etas edsmofBCgllBdlneC®pooeot Safety lofmmatun.bi*pdw ftTNmdSBCA)rp,.es impo-s intDeeD�ceot�eefi69ardtwendleapaaiymnsamNaeiggecieatbmbydMDess,tDert4s6timC hdnBnratdt®tobnmet)mdte�aary 29p N. Kin 1B FLPieee F134ZI Kings gh• rt4Wtbumethodsmdkw'Lsnsahtynfe' mmhlhgtode miccoLtn semeiu/trarngaftDetsasxsthilDeareemdanceoahBC9-BlandBCSI•B2T saMsegmepemammmmaiaorubgefcbmds+�cenacveDso®b�(cTeeioObaled}7D'ednrhganyaaV'+teslheMat�fmhtesWemam.7De ftwifnttspaomoem bmektidesignenel g=frdbydnhesrtbi:&aIDesec.V&Wbymdudbdumyht®.J anta>d /P medodofidwdWtmamembasemamNachgdWDeosryec%rib/the BtdfogDeOMMANSVfHI,C1iW=2;, degomltae�deaEcecemd-iltBC9-B3mBC9-B7esappfrabh.•DAPCRTANt•T6adeprt®esmemlasmamfacnoMnaecadavee svtDth'sdnongavdthegmiyaiem q�ecYzdnATID/fAI Cl pa3.Aleoo>Woribtesshal redpbtesbscWlmdbya'-1Schchcd-alma Igpgephte. Lp` bemammedbySimamStmng-T:Cda�my,locbaaanta=rFbESit-2762.AIcmmenmpDta=201age,tmkmftg dan `t ` Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: C14A M� 'Aftht..- 2590 N. kings Highway ProjectName: 6510-d SOUTHERN TRUSS Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: 7/12/2014 1132S4AM Component S0lutionsTDf COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464 4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: 1 0£1 Truss Version: 5.01 [Build 311 Span Pitch Sty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 22-M 4 /12 1 14-0 14-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 12 in 100 ms 24l-0 1-0-0 49-11 311-5 2-1-0 4-" 6-8-0 14-0 4-9.11 8-9-0 10.10-D 15-4-0 22'0'0 241-12 2-8-12 4x6 - 12 �4 3 j� 12 4x6 / 4 - (- 4 5 42 5 12 1x41 14 <o'L 3x71 3x7 1.5x3 - 1 e:::2 6 1.5x3 - 12 11 { 10 9 a 7 3x4- 3x3- 3x7- 1x41 5-11-12 4.10.4 5.11-12 10.10-0 15-4-0 22-0.0 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection IJ (loc) Allowed I®d (P-0 Hdg Cade: FBC 29101 TC: 0.38 (45) Vat 71: 0.15in L/999 (9.10) L/240 TCIL: 2) TPI 1-207 BC: 0.3200-1) Vm LL 0.05 in L / 999 9 L 136D TCDL: 15 RrpMbrinaase: No Vkb: 0.20 CA Hca TL 0.04 in _ 6 BCIL: 0 DAL: 125 % Creep Fads, Km- 1.5 BCDL: 10 Plate Offsds (JntX,Y,Ang} (1:6-1,2-2,9.) f-100-i-MV-) (3:D0.3•II,OJ (4:00,3$80) (59U,3-8,0.) (6:6.1,2-19.) (7:1.W-8,90.) (8:1.12,3$0.) (9U4)1a2o) noou3�,o) Reaction Summary 1T Type Br CanDo Brp Wdth Mztedal PJPm Wdth Max Read Max G.V Uplift Max Wnd Uplift MaxWfi Max Haiz 1 Pin (MU) 1 gin Cmaae M.',y 3.00 to 542Its - -194 lbs-1941hs IO Ibs 6 H Roll (Ball) 1 a in Cmaele Masmry 3.00 in 542bs - 494lbs-1941(s - Material Summary Bracing Summary TC SP (AIS062013)f2 2x 4 TC Bacmg ShatbdaPahns at S-30, Puffin design by Others. EC SP (ALSC6-3Dl3) *2 2 x 4 BC &acing Shathd a Piahat at 7*0, Pulin deaipl tV Otb=. vku SP(ALXWD12)63 2x 4 Loads Summary I) This c ss has been desitpld f the e0'eas doeto 10}sfbastaocho dlivelmdda dad lads. 2) Ibis =a bas been dmiprd f the effms ofaind lads in aanrdance with ASCE7. 10 with the following weer &find npa: l70rr9'b Wtiate. Expcsm"1.0.63 6 x 2) ft h -17 & Nat Fnd Zme Teas, Ncitha ad webcrosidaod DOL-1.33, CC Zme Width 65 0. 3) h(inimm storage attic lading it accordancearith IBC Table 1607.1 bas not b® applid , Member Forces Summary Table indentat:Mm6cID,t CSLznaxa"fce.(naxc-ga.faceifdiff=tlii® TC 11-1 0.196 15Its 2-3 0.164 -7,072E .5 0.376-1,1561be i 1.2 0.290-1.14011s 34 0.253 -L193 Rs Sb 0.367 •1,091Its BC 6.7 0.309 1.0171bs 6578f 74i 0.296 1,012Re (-5271hs &)0 O.Z] g66Re (-427its b; \ 0.043 3$ 0.�0 507 Rs (•313 Rs) 5-g 0.070 ]65 Rs (•1161ts)\ ! Q -N �v3.10 2-10 •1251Is 0.078 22lb; (-IIO Ins) 4$ O.LI-4441hs S7 0.044 107 Rs (� Ih;)` \ /\V . C.7 ...... S . • " 1 •a `C EIV Notes: 4$/•' 1) This deign is ffisd m ASCE 7-10 as rdaered byNe 2110 Florida HdldtngCada. 2)Men this mss has been dram fa galiry assurance inspetim, the Plate Placenat Method Per 1P11--WJA3.2 shall be used. Cq-1.21. 140. 54 95 _ 3)Praide aAgale daimge to ptermtpmdng _� 4) listed adnd uplift radims based anMWEn Only lowing,-0 CI c TATE F ' ty \ •DOfICE•AcogoftDsder$oeDalhetumibWtotbe erznbuw�aaoc The degnoRD'siM'vmminaasbaa�ondesgoerioeadrzgtdemeoxae�piWbytDe7mssMmufinmeradreieal�atDe.ecmacyandcoapktmeaoftDeu! tiw etfanDbytbeBv15gg0es�ez AralmtGee,awiyedFsleseecepavice ofpofeadtalengoeemgrt�iyDkyfatbetmswmpovaade�dawn The adab3rymd-ftbiuomm-f agp cbrbuilq desleift. yot steph.W W ntcr Stna Fag K 54395 tbefailaglksgoa,PerAN9/IPIt•2W7 Cheper2'WARNDCMm=srtgaiepv;ct1e ag.aatba.rmaeandbmevg Refatotheblmed'moofBC51(BI*Compo Sefeylm'omentiajmypW..dbyTPIWSBCJgforperyn itae6timmethds.dmponem afrnbformetvnrebtugmf6e em:e•^�-^•pocea latDe.hzxeot@ee'fsuseEtanadtempmarypRnutAaacugffec�toasbyothartDeuvLtvntoehdbg;inn®rhntokraom:)amtero➢aary �N. Kin Fl. Pifl 34951 PS iE€h• au remabtrtxacbgo[tDetrnsasmalhe uaccmdaveewthBC51-Bt adBLSl-B7-7rossaW requiepemaaemre�vlbmccgofchudssndcenau.eDr�Den(whrza0i+td}Thsa,ewngmyitdcetesttrlratiafmbtenheenio[.The mamdo[idkBaltruamemhrremain/tr ciarbal6eaaginmTsdbytDeB�OgRa;oerperAtS01'A I,CEapa_ igecfc tr�pamarcm...iderFnsr sehenxaecomgtFbrdbyanndadrffiayhtealrema�ed q•� *sedsdb/ot ycri d'agomltaac deuauaccadexeatiDBC51-B3mHC81-B7aaeppfiDk.•A90RTAT71•TD'solar�ar®esthemtasmew4enmdnesizeiobe dbyadarwhkb Degtesnlgrhtpkt dnADID?A1CDsAa3. AlecmeamPbtesmal bemaa�emMbyScrp®Snmg-7e Com{aay,6xcercadence aiDEBR•2762.A7c®eemPhtesare20gnge.mkade gedxdpbterassfoUwedb/a ••16-Nabitdratesaa 18 gageyhte. I O U 0 T Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: C15G SOUTHERN 2590 N. kings Highway ProjectName: 6510d TRUSS Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: 7/12/2014 113255AM Component SolutionsTM+ Tfuss COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 4644160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: 1 oi2 Version: 5.01 ulld 311 Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 22-0-0 4 /12 1 1-4-0 1-4-0 0-M 0-0-0 1 12 in 107 ens 24-8-0 14-0 49-11 3-11-5 41-0 4.5.15 2-d-0 2-0-0 1-4-0 49-11 12-10-0 173.15 19-6.0 22-0.0 2-0-12 2-0.12 4x6i 12 12 3 14 4[- tx41 6x8 - 4x6-181 2 4 5 12 1x4/ 14 vU 6 446 / 4x61 1.5x�-' 7 1.5x3 - } 13 14 { 12 11 10 9 - 8 ' 3x4- 3x3- 3x5- 1x41 6x7- J4G 04Y0 0-0-0 5.11-12 SA-9 13.12 4-6.15 111-12 11.6-4 12-10-0 173-15 22-0-0 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (loc) Allowed I.md (1s0 ®rig coda: FBC MID' IC: 0.73 (45) Vied TL• 0.43 in L / SR (8-9) L / 240 TCLL 20 TPI I-2f107 BC: 0.91" VertU-- 0.15 io L/999 (8-9) L/360 TCDL: 15 xep Mlrina®se: No Wb: 0.61(3-10) Han 7T.: 0.1110 7 BCIL: 0 D.O.L: 125% Cray Factor, xa=1.5 BCDL: 10 Plate Offses(Jnt9(,Y,Ang)r. (1:7.1,145,18.) (7-043-11,4) (3:00,311,SOJ (4:]•12,341,OJ (5:016}8,M) (rr.K3-)1,18.) (7:7.1,1•l5,lg) (8d-13,3A0.) (941.1°3.8.90) (100A38.0) (Il.-00.]•P 0.) (120035,0.) Reaction Summary -IT Type Hx Cmgu Bm Wdh Material Bod Bg AIM Max head Max Gmv l)difl M.Wnd Uplift Max ildifl Max Had. 1 M(Pbll) 1 8in Concrete Mastery 3.00 in IIMN -2991m-2891bs 101hs 7 H MI (W) 1 8 in Cmcrde Mastery 3.00 in 1.578lbs - •5561ts •5%Ba Material Summary Bracing Summary TC SP(ALSC6.3713)d22x4 extend: 7C Bracing Sheathed orPmhns at 2-K Purim deign by Oihms. 5.14 SP (ALSC62713) SS 2 x 4 BC SP(A1SC6.3113) 022 x 4 BC Bracing: SheathedorPvlins at 3.5-0, Ptrlin design by0ihm. NEbs SP(AIX01?)g3 2ac4 - Loads Summary 1) This toss has been designed far the effe= de to 101wf ben®cbmd the lend plus dead leads. 2) This inns has been designed f r the efro of wind Imds iu accordance Milt ASCE/. 10 61h the Moving user defined inpa: 170 Rh Wtirnate, r ymtme C, ov-WI nt Dims 65 fl x 70 R h o 17 @, Nat Bnd 2'me Tm., Neither end web crosidmed DOL= 1.33 , CC 7me WidOt 651L 3) Mmimm stasge attic Imdng her acevdnce with IBC Table 1607.1 has not been applied Load Case Lrl: Sid Live Load ! Point Loads Mestder Int-etim 1)imaim lend Trib Wdh \\♦ N � Mp Chd 17612 13- 9611rs \, �e • • ....... • A R ,, Bct Chd 17612 ])Date 438Its / ♦ \ G F ly S' Load Case D 1: Std Dead Load CO \. F' Point Loads _ o, 54 95 Member I-dte Direaim load Trib Wdh ,� Top Chd � 17612 Dwm `� •• Bet Chd I76own 12 D618 Bts 16 •- 1{ _ Member Forces Summary 7ible indm m: Member ID, tt>az CSL avx awl face, (t cm4r. face if dffermt ban vex wdal face) 71 qTATE F U ORIDP.''��� �j ♦♦ s' ' •.....• .. \\ Truss -to -truss Connections Summary �NAIL1\��♦ m Carded T- Carsin¢T- Carvingoaet Anfle TT67 J4G cm 17612 270 deg �r37t1cE•neop, ormaee�,aaabermnffieatot>rese�aa�nm. rnee�noftbi;odiibA wwinr.doade�ml.lil dl qiemanumppcabrtbe7mawm,umarramwtesgmtbeae cyamcmVl!i e,seftbeafo tim Stephen W. Warier n lanebyweeua sgfna�e..Awlmmcmawvgi,acatuacee)sanceofpmu®mlengheebaa�ow:iBsymtbfortbetmgcomI des�mown'fbendabiyamwxonl ci-pmetnfm•%pa,tbnhrbaahgdes8aitbe.gvmbkyof yr,L Engq �95 'l,1WtbpMfg.,,perANSVTP11.2m7ceapmz•Wnxxrr,•r�smmt<epopabanero&menbarmaae dk.cbg.8er totbebtma diimofBes(BIftC=woeensafeylnro®eoapmbl irAamsecUralawe 2590N.KingiBgb.RPemF134951 iasabtbnmedodsammponam ®!eb'b� t®aht�toun emie•^^^-�%-porsas lns8es3�r<otgircYeam�t'sumdtempmmyrzmnmlIncrg e➢ecfrarvosbyot8mctbebaatotun(ucsae6gnaatatbntobvnres)emtemnamy to bvb.cbgetbetmssesda3bebecco,&=wibBC9-Bl ndB(SI-BZ 7'minahorzgidel�ercmteteam/tramgofebmdsameenacwebmembers(w'LmemcatW116isdawbBmb�'+tesIDebutimforhtmabenm�. The mes8aaofndw�mlonamemtertemavWaeggs8asbe astpecCW Dyth thdtvgne�erpmATID/fA ],mape2l fgeci&nnspermanemincug desi�iml ryeciW bymEmathi:degbeacta®ptdW bynandatd iadumyhtemlrenm�ad O I d'ngomltrach-g&&W ,k:teed•nceribBC9.B3 S-B7asaW bb.'AOViTR77.11sdetpns�ealbet asmawfaenrednacemdncewibibsanwigavddegml'ry oiem�ecfedbATFI/TA 1 ChapQ3.NcamectmPh-bd bemnubctvmdbySmpmm9ams-Te Compatd,lacuaceada whESa-2762.Ale mphtcmte20gagwtmhstbegatdpCte6bcefobwedbya--IS"V&Ibdiatnnllgsgepbte. TC 13.1 0.166 lsl� za o.4rL a,aulba as o.TsB •3,733hs 6.7 o.4s9 -3,5851m 1-2 o.s36 a691n,a 3-0 o.os •za53ma s6 o.als on lea 7aa o.og7 lslh; Bc 7-8 0.804 3,292nB (•z36gt�) 9•l0 o.eo7 3,50311s (•z4631bs) dal o.sss L7�lls (-1146ns) � &9 0.910 9l216p - a611� lo-u o.46e 163616s -1.o6anr; W3a 2.12 0.0'S -]O111s 310 0.(A9 1,5951hs (-1,166 @s) 49 O.W6 ap lh; 58 0.344 9001ts (-51 1M) 3-12 0.066 1m 11s t-sl n>s> 410 anon a.3n m; a.g o.lss •zgl ma 6s o.zm s6a �; (-03sB� E r ' '� Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: C15G ME2590 N. kin Highway ProjectName: 6510-d -?t SOUTHERN kings g wa Y TRUSS Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: 7/12/2014 113255 AM Component SolutionsTM COLVANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: 2 of2 Truss Version: 5.01 [Build 311 Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANTL CANT PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 22-0-0 4 /12 1 14-0 1-4-0 0-M 0-0-0 1 12 in 1071bs Notes: ]) This dsign is Lased m ASCF 7-10 as ref.—d bythe MIO Florida Holding Cade - 3) Whm this ores has b� dram fa gobtyasssoance insps]sm, the Plate Placemml Method M TPI 1-20NIA3.2 shall be sled Cq=1.1I. 3) Psaide a .W. damage to pesmt pending 4) listed wind tpli0 mcde is based m MWM Only leading .�N.. E "..BAR���'% OGT , * : 140.54 95 /C^�: STATE F •wnCe•AMMofth%a-apmaebefmamedmme�®�mTaedes�orh%mwaamffi%m:wooae�aiee.m>eta:ememrmvDs�dDytxTmaw®unma.mrzcaa�tnca�mary,mcmDrmesarmeor�.auw Stephen W,.Wafter setfmthbytbe BuiTngDesipm.Amimtb%Mau8ud'utaaaep,=eofpofesimlegb.ftmWonidq'®Dbfmibet aumpmemde,pa—The miabiymd»ofdaecmpwemfmavypnbWbAim9despstbesespoasbk r Su=rag a 54395 tDe BuilogIks�er,DerANSVIP114007 CmpaZ•a'AtOdNG•'fmgsrzqu:eDmWbmd3^g,eseesbusa+aot endtrecvg.RefatousehmaedaaoofBC57<BiltbcCompmmt 5etrn lofmmat®y'vtbpodumdbyTHRDdSB fmpape+ 2M N. King Ulb. FL Pierce F1 34951 bnnbt®metboMaadmDonam os2ryiff tmrzhtbgtoth emie•^^^�pocess lotbeaDsoceotgec£caaaLtimaodtemymnyrzsrn'vs/heevggecTratbost+yotDa;tDebvaEtoof�sdbgn9aLe®tobnraslmdmmyaery rzmam/traciagofNe tns[tbaBDe baceadavicewihB(9•HI evd H(Sf•H2 Tsossalosey.depamaoemrtsvabUtrse�ofclmdsmdeamuaeDmemDere(wDesebdcatedlTD¢dnwbBmb�tath hnsbafmMembesuabt. TDe metDodofbdi+ilwltsuamemDmsesuebVEmeggsta7besagecrWbytbeBmlfn'gDe�eryerATEI?AI,CDapmS d�ecbebosspe�maaem teacisgdesen%nor spci}AbyomegtDsehNhecmmy�edgmndasdimsaryBtmin�ainaod �O� de8mnldecvghmabsecmdaocewiDBC9•H3mHC51-H7aoW�DD.•P40R7ANf`TD%des�eas®atbernm%smvof mvedneeeoMancea36thsdmeig®dtDe godtyaiae �ecYsdbATSIRAI(1eDta3. AleameampDsashel h menufeetmedby5mpam5amg-TbCaaynsry,bx%auos"•.,,.•wihH9t-3763.AIcom tmDblaue lDgsee,misWe gec'iedDbte ms%fobxdbya•-IS'a4666dk+taan lBgageybte. E Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: C16 ' SOUTHERN 2590 N. kings Highway ProjectName: 6510-d Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: 7/12/2014 1132:56AM Component So]utionsTM TRUSS COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: l 0£1 Truss Version: 5.01 u0d 31 Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 17-6-0 4 /12 1 1-4-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 69lbs 18-10.0 1-4-0 1 5-1-15 1 3-7-1i 5-1-15 5-1-15 B-B-0 12.4-1 17-&0 04 - 3 12 12 4F- 1x4\ 1x4/ �4 2 4 4; AA 3x7 f 3x5 - I 1 5 S e 7 6 3x7- 3x3- J4G 0-0-0 0-0-0 M-0 _ &9-0 ' 8-9-0 17-6-D Loading General CSI Summary Deflection I✓ (Ioc) Allowed Lead (PI) Bldg Code: F13C 20101 TC: 0.57(4-5) VdTL 021 in L/916 (5.6) L/240 TCiL: 20 TPI I.207 IC: 0.84CM) Vet IL: 0.05 in L/999 (7-1) L1360 TCDL: 15 Rep Mtrinaease: Y. Va: 0.22040 Herz TL• 0.05 in 5 BCtL : 0 DAL: 125 % Crete Fads, Ka=1.5 BCDL: 10 Plate Offsas GnlY.Y.Anek (1•G1.2-2.9) (IM,3-11,25.) 0110.3.11,0J (4:M,3-R25.) (5:243-20.) (&KI-12,0.) (7.,K3-& Reaction Summary 3T Type Bg Cm6o Iirg Wdh Material FAd Bp Wdh Max Read Max GravLWft Max Wodthdift 7&xt7dift Max Haiz 1 Pin (MI) 1 8 in Cmade Masonry 3.00 in 8841hs - .3431hs -343 RB 631hs 5 H Rai (Taos) 1 1.5 in - 3.00 to 8M 111 - -279 Its •ZA lls Material Summary Bracing Summary TC SP (AISC6.7D13) n 2 x 4 TC 11rad g. 5heathad v Palms at 4-1-0, Perlin design by Others. BC SP (AISC6.2113)02 2x 4 BC Brag Sh®thedaP".s at 6-IA Portia dsign by Others. VIA. SP (AISC6.20M A3 2 x 4 Loads Summary 1) Tbis toss has been design=) fa the effects doe to 10 psf hmorn cbcrd lie Imd plm dead loads. 2) This toss has been dsigsed fir the effects of wind loads to ercndance with ASCE/- l0 with the Mining user defined inpe: 170 mph ultimate, Eqm= C. Overall HdgDios 65 A x 70 fl, h e 17 R Nd Htd 2me Toss, Nether and web rmsidasd DOL-1.33 , CC 22me Widh 6.51L - 3) hRnin mstorage attic loading in ac-dance with IBC Table 1607.1 has net been applied Member Forces Summary Table mdam: Marffi ID, =CR tmx aaal fare, (rmx .q. face if dffamt fient a)dal f rce) TC 9-1 0.324 30I1s 2-3 0.1% -1,331 16a 4-5 0.568 4.717 the I-2. 0.482-117011hs 34 0.359 -1.3311hs 4 BC 5.7 0.839 1.566Its �7311s 7.1 0.840 1,S�Ibs (-8601hs \ r�� t ////// Vkts 2.7. 0.163 411 lb, 3.7 0.215 537lbs (.243lbs) 4.7 0.168 419 lbs (416)t4) `\ N 1`t Truss -to -truss Connections Summary ID Canied 7nss carrying Toss ry Carr Offsa Aade C7\�'•`-1G nJ s• f; ••.��� i Tr3 C16 ]4G 30-12 90 deg Notes: 0. 54 95 1) This design is lased m ASCE 7.10 as re(amred by the 2)10 Florida Butting Cale * •• e-� .1� 2) Who ibis toss has been chasm for quality assuraoce inspection, the Plate Pla-neat Method pa TPL 1.2W2/A3.2 shall be used Cq=1.21. ,_ '1'j 11�7f� � � •• rXV 3)Tma-totnaso mdan is for gaphialmtepetatim only Ahanger a other stnxwal emte•Am shall be pmnd:d to mist One oax mcdm and tgiifl shmm in the R®aimsu asny 4) Listed wind uplift rmetims used on MWFRS Only loading _ � • TATE F tv ' A% �RIDP. •G���: monCE•A.Mefthsde�paharbe6wite4totUmctuocaoseam.Tbedmipoftbkbdvihmhn ibmAwdedpedcrkmdtegoiememsmppkdbytbe4=Mwofec andminupmtkau cymdcmpl ett aftheiaformnim Stephen W. Warta stfonbby the BuNbglksp-A.M.1"daeug udi'atencerytarc<dpofe>mostmgveabgse,pm3�lyatkbforihettl�compmemha�moaaThe adntdrymdmofthicomp-a fwanyp=i:ubrbdJhg&*,i;tbenwoatbity of Stm0. Fagk 54395 ft&Jtfng I7ei�er.p-4NSVIPI I.2DD7 Cbepa2.4/M1Bi'i'71�sre��tepppe+haadrog,aect�s�antmdlnchg.Ratan othe hica ediineMSI(BdlbgCampmem Safety lofo®etimjinQ1;x cedbyTAaWSBCA)fmlropa itaabt®meWodaedminnam rafery tknmbtitgtoth mtieem�uetmprmes In thcabsnceafgecfzi=kLt®ndtempmarysaabt/bmuggeci.'ratimsb/otherthbsa�tva(¢Idog�atauimtoksancea)md tempuary �50 N. Icings tBgln. FL Pierce F134951 mmabubecbgofthet tubalheuacwsdeaewibBCSI-DI xedBCSi-112 TTuesalaregaiepemnrcmtamb/WcbgofebmdsmdcauussbmemRa(ahaebd'eatW}7h'sa<eabgmbms'atesth hutrmfer A-In,aram. Tbe metbodofbd ihsal-emberres-har W EhdbcasgeefedbytbeBdlugWAl25nrl I,Chap.2; jrlmfct-spetnanenb-iogluipimt ryecfMbyumthiibelbe-p1mmbynmdatdffimryhueaI-xaaa0 O-3 dngomleachgdetaiii-ccadmcewl6BCS1-B3erBCSI-B7asappEabk.9MP0tTAM-Th-ad:tnemmatheesskmet &-duacemd.- ibthisdmaia-cIftgwFy rituigrefeAUA7mrtR 1 Chapi.3. Alcomectorpbtesdal beme &=.dbySi.;-Svwl-Ter Carnpawjnciuemdese AhESR-2762.A1c®eamphtaam 20gagFmk¢the gscfndphte d-sfob-dg.-18- ti,b hdtatesm IS page pine. EMM Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Tniss: C17G EG-SOUTHERN 2590 N. kings Highway PmjectName: 6510-d o Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: 7/12/2014 1132S6AM Component sLltionsl*t TRUSS COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: l of 2 Truss Vetsion:5.01 ulld 31 Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 17-6-0 4 /12 1 14-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 92 lbs 1.4-0 3-0-0 3-10 0 3-10.0 3-10-0 �-o 341-0 6-10-0 10�-0 LIM" 17.6-0 44 1 J3 CJ3 J3 J3 J3 J3 J3 J3 CJ3 J4G 0-" 0-0-0 3{}0 310-0 3.10-0 3-10.0 3-0-0 3-0-0 S1D-0 10a3-0 1450 17-6.0 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection I./ (loc) Allowed 1md (1-0 Bldg Code: FBC X10/ TC : 0.80 (5.6) Vat M. 0.72 in L / 278 (310) L / 240 OL TL: 20 TPI 1-2M7 BC: 0.59(8-10) Ven LL• 0.24 in L1837 (9.10) L/360 TCDL: 15 RepMlrfitxease: Yes Wa: 0.71(3-11) Hax TL• 0.13in 6 BCLL: 0 1 D.O.L: 125% 1 C.*Faaa, Ka=1.5 Reaction Summary 3T Tve Becmbo Bg Wdh Material 11,1?cWdh MaxR ci Max Gov uplift Max Wnd Uplift Ids uplift Max Hai._ 1 Pi. (MI) 1 8 in Cmaeie Masts y 3.00 m 1,34111. - -S.D Its 5231ts W lb 6 H PAI (Inns) 1 1S in - 300 in I.NO lhs - 459 Is 45911s Material Summary Bracing Summary TC SP (ALSC6.2013)12 2 x 4 except: 7C Bracing SheathedaPuhns at 2.5-0. Patin design by Others. 2-5 SP (ALX6.2013) SS 2 x 4 BC SP (AISC6.2013) SS 2 x 4 EC Wdag Sheathdallalins at 2-IN, Polio design Iry Othac. Wks SP (AISC6.2012) #0 2 x 4 Loads Summary 1) 7bis uses has beat designed "e effects dt. to 10 psf lutan shad live hndp1m dead 1®ds. 2) This buss been bdesigned fa the effects ofwmd Iaeds in accordance with ASCEI -10 with the following userd26ned ioW: 1 W nTb u1timate, Fiq== C, Ouaall 309 Dims 65 Itx W ft, b v 17 9. Nor End rase Tuns. Neither end webs nsidaed DOL-1.33, CC 7me Widh 65 8. 3) MLninm storage attic Imdng in amxMmx with IBC Ibbte 16011 has nor been aPoed Load Case Lrl: Std Live LoadPoint Loads I , Mmberr Location Direaim L d Tdb Wdh \\\\\�`i C s • • ' r.q A ///// 30-0 s S mChd w 3-H Up C'` • '�.�GFfVs�•I.1+!� /i TapCbd 30.12 Dow 45 Os 24 in Mt Cbd 30-12 Doav 3 its 24 in •• Tap Chd 50-12 Doan 4511s 24 in Bot Chd 50-12 Down 3 nn; 24 in 140.54 95 lap Cha Down 45 D45 Rs 24 in }� r Bat Chd 8.9-0 lbws 3 Rs 24 in lop Chd uoo� asne lain &90 Dowo 45IM 24 in Bot Chd &90 Down 311s 24 in Tnpcha rasa Bat Chd 10.54 own D31ts 24 in O •ATE L(/ Tap Chd 72-54 Doom 45 Its in But Chd 12-54 own D3 8s 24 w TbP Chd 14-54 Down Top 24 in i/�s•••. ORIOr••'•��\1 ffi Cbd 14-54 Down 31hs 24 in / V _ ' • . • • G \ Ba Cbd 1"0 UP 81ts / \ �QNAILI�\\ StepLen W. Warter Sena Fug W 34395 25M N. Kings IBgit. FL Pierce FI 34951 L Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: C17G 1 2590 N. kings Highway ProjectName: 6510-d SOUTHERN Date: 7/12/2014 113257AM TRUSS Fort Pierce,F134951 Component SohltionsTMt Truss COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: 2 of2 Version: 5.01 ue7d 31 Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 17-6-0 4 /12 1 1-4-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 92 lbs Load Case D 1: Std Dead Load Point Loads Mafia Location Medm load T41a Wdlh Tap Chd 3" Down 231bs Bat Chd 30-0 Down 15 as 7ap Chd 3-0.12 Doan 381bs 24 in Ba Chd 3412 Down 28 lbs A in Tap Chd 50-12 Dean 38 lbs 24 in Bot Chd 50.12 Dawn 28 lbs 24 in Tap Chd -.12 ]ban 38 lbs 24 in Ba Chd 70-12 Dawn 28 Its 24 in Tap Chd g-9-0 Doan 381hs 24 in Bat Chd W Doan 28 lbs 24 in Tap Chd 10.54 Doan 38 Bs 24 in Bat Chd !0-S Dm. 28 Has 24 in Top Chd 12-5-0 Dawn 38 Oa 24 in net Chd 12-54 Doan 29 lbs 24 in Top Chd 14-54 Dann 38lbs 24 in Ba Chd 14-5-4 Doan 29 0A 24 in Ttp Chd 14-60 13ma 23 lbs Bat Chd 14d0 Daum 15 Has Member Forces Summary Table indicates: MmberAnsaxCsl,tone,aAalr=(�—W-wairdaemtflu. nsatan'alfaae) Truss -to -truss Connections Summary ID Carried Teas Caning Tnss CanlinROBse Aude T17 CJ3 C170 3-0-0 315 deg TT6 33 CB7G 5012 ''7D deg, . 776 )3 C17G 8-9-0 2A deg - TT6 ]3 C17G 1254 2A deg 777 CJ3 C17G 14L0 ZK deg Notes: 1) This dmige is based m ASCE 7-10 as ideencad bathe 2010 Flaida Building Code 2) Unlabeled plates are LW fir. 3) Men this toss has bcm cLtson fm quality assaance inspection, the Plate Placmant Melted per TP11.2WA3.2 shag be used. Cq-1.2). 4) Tms4oauss mnnedion is fsrgralhital inlerpteatim only Ahanger a aher awmral cnsmtim shall bepruided to resist the uax—tim and uplift sbmm in the Reactien Seaway 5) Pte ide sdegele drainage to pment pmding 6) listed wind uplift madam lased m MWFRS Only leading 4%C F N _ * : 10. 54 95 0 F L4r ; �'//s i()N A L rrli�Il1� •NOrIC'E•Acopyof,b'edema®aleefumisedtoWenec,mcwtrana. Thedely orID6udLCmlvasE6asdwha�crierhmdrtginememcaWpbdbythe-hoaMavofactwvaad,ereslxpmihaet�egmdcanpk,eaesor,benf t;® Stephen W. Warttz stfanhby,he BitilogDes�er. Aseat®wi;4revi�uece,esecceN+aceorvofes5®alenaveernBrospmd Try®tbtatbeeuswmvovmtdespmoaa 7aevuabiymdmorthicompo fwavypmk.3rbaitoB4�itmrzgmt&a'ar snua Png a 54395 WeB3fiteRsgne;perNJ9f1P11-2007 Chap-WARNW,, hr [aquaepope+DmdinB.emctugrmamaodlaacog. AerertoWe Etea edi6votBG9(BdtiogC®p®con Serm lof—tujmtypoducemy7n7sndSeGyr popes 2M N. King; Mph. FL Pierce Fl 34%1 mah[mmew.asadhrpmum afmN timre6th8,elheatie caamoctmpaces lntM.l�ceor�ecf uva6thmmdtempom7teania/traciiggeet ibmbyotbcmtheixahiim(hcbd Bnaattbntotrancee)edtempmry semshtRning o[wevdss�elbebaccadasevihBC9-Bl sadniC81-B2.T—s.la2quhpe®arcm�^'•' r•ofeMxdsmdca,ahaeDmembenla2ertudiaced)7badmvhBoub atesWebu,vafahterelrtambt. tls mabddud.At 8— -berae ask(bmegsbarhe aagec%d=Bath61><s�vperATsSVfn l.Cmper4 Bspeef,i—sp bucingdessai m specfWbtrotLarth'siballbeecco pledbyaa.dudbdumyhtenil-tain.d Owe. d'ege.altraehg hudBb.ecmde.cewibBC .B3 orKS-B7—pptcable.•n00RTAM"Thsdes�aaa®esthebnsaina-uincn.edb." '"'•aih,bs&..ieg dthe quaft3'eaiesh specf�hAMirrH l Chapa3. Alw®emaphtn�el `/7 be s®nufactacdby8m-aRrD -TeCompany,7rch.cemd—%thESR-2762.Arcormenmplamem 20gag naac the speeredphte sizeefobmdby&'4rwLr3hdcetesn 18Sage phae. rc lza azso 3011A 2.3 0.367 •3,457Ifs as o.att -3Anms' 1-2 0.719 •3.5691hs 3-0 0.558 •544216s Sfi 0.799 -3,5890A BC 67 a319 3,3781hs (-2.843Ihs) 8-]0 0.595 S427Ib; (-0.527 lbs) 11-1 0.304 3,3571hs (-2,71516s) 7-8 0.574 5,4_7'711s -0.571 fi; 10-I] 0.555 5.42711s ( 52'1IM Wins 2-]1 0.31 7�11A (�A lls)r10 0.103 754Ih; 47 0.743 •2.67011s }ll 0.7T3 -Z1171lts 4.8 0.102 25111s S7 0.751 7I111A (-0.59 as) 'Wddbb _ Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: J4G -{Etc SOUTHERN 2590 N. kings Highway ProjectName:6510-d TRUSS Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: 7/12/2014 113332AM Component SolutionsTM COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: 1 of2 Truss Version: 5.01 [Budd 31 Span Pitch Sty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 4-8-0 4 /12 1 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 12 in 23 lbs 4-" t 2.8.2 2.8-2 4�-0 3 12 4F 3x4 / 2 m� 3x4- 1 { 5 4 2x81 7x8 C17G C 66 CJ 15G 0.0-0 0-0-0 2-8.2 1-11-14 2.8-2 4-8-0 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection IJ (loc) Allowed Lend (PsQ Bldg Code: FBC 20101 TC : 0.52 (1.2) Val TL• 0.05 in L / 999 (5-1) L/ 240 TCLL ; 20 TPI 1-2007 BC: 0.95 (SI) Vat LL• 0.02 in L / 999 (Sl) L/ 360 TCDL: 15 Rep Mlrincrase: No Wh: 0.48024 Harz TL• 0.01 in 4 BCLL: 0 DAL: 125% Crap Finar, Ka 1.5 BCDL: 10 Plate Offsets (1ntY-YAnR} (1:411 2-ZO) (2-1.123.218) (4:" A24) (5:".4-1Z90 ) Reaction Summary IT Tvoe H¢Co.& Hx Wdb Mat 'al Rn1 Bcg Wdb Max Reaa Max Genudift Max MW Ud'8 M"Ulm Max Hain 1 Pm (Vol) 1 8 i. Cona9e Masauy 3.00 in1,3241bs - 4%6 bs -4561is 9411s 4 H Roll (roes) 1 1.5. - 3.00 in1.144 Bs - -366 ]bs-3661ts - 3 H Ro11(runs) 1 IS in 3.00 in 1891bs - -90Is -9J Rs - Material Summary Bracing Summary TC SP(ALSC6.2013)#2 2 x 4 TCBdg: SheathedaPnslms at 44A Puiin design by Othas. BC SP(AISC6.2013) 022 x 6 13C&d®g SheathedaArlins at S84 Podin design by0thm. Wds SP WSC6.2012)43 2x 4 ' Loads Summary I) This toss has been designed for the effects "to 10 psfbxtnn chad lice lord pbs deed lands. 2) This toss has been designed for the effects dadnd lm& in accaftce with ASCW-10 with the following mer defined inpd: 1M rqh tdd=M Eg osttm C, overall Hdg Ditra 65 8 xA & h =170, Na Fad 2meTms. Neither ondwehcrooe sidd D0L=1.33, CC Zone Widh 6.51L 3) Mmitaan stage attic lend.g m ewdanm with IBC Tale ]607.1 bu .ot b® .{plied . Load Case Lrl: Sid Live Load point I=& 4 Merger Laadon Direaim Load Mile Wdh \ r 1, l 1 I , �// Ba Chd 1.0.12 Down 5341bs \\ A � IY Ba Chd 3-042 Dow. 34811s 24 in �\ • .. • • • .. , Tap Chd nw 44$ Dn 1031hs BY Chd 44.9 Down 8lb; \ [�� .•�1�'��SL�•• �\ Load Case D 1: Std Dead Load Point Loads _ 140.54 95 Matta Location Di -lion Lad Tdb WAh e� Bd Chd 1�12 Down 706lbs -A I * Bd Chd 30-12 Dew 436Its 24 in ffi Chd 4" Down 66669-1 16s - TATE F W Member Forces Summary IhIcle indeates: Meoi= 11). omoc= =tccialftm Onaxccay.fattifdiffamtfmnrmxaaalf=) TC 1-2 O.AA-1.50Its 2-3 0.173 -87 Rs • • • • • O R I D P • • �� Bc 4-5 0.343 1.3%Jbs (-1.066 lls) 15.1 0.948 1.3%IEs 41041bs W G bs 2-5 0.412 IAA its (-740 Qs) 595 24 0.479 •1,ft 4 V `+ • • \\\ ONAIL,�`\\\\ -NOTICE•Atopyofnh'adedpde4befumit0tottxnectinrmtraaw.TMdmynefsh'b&LwlwabawdwdespoieneudmquhemamppfedbytbclhmManufictaermdminwmsheawmaeysndcmpktax:aofWeufo tiw Stephen W.Warta the Bwlbyt ciB , cLANSV.Aeeal 7 iAacvgiMAR?Mueptaaeofpofe®mlengrcabgm�rm+bay®kbfmthetmsc�pmem desgndwu 7te uda6Lysnd�oftk'scmpooem fm+vyrani:abrWit d«ctheteryon�3yof SmxL Bngq 54395 th Buiing Iks�er,paANN1N 1.2007 Clupa2 �t'Alir.�r'i•Lt-etegaiepoperhaodisgaectkgraffiain sndbee4g. Refvt o We bteaediimofHC9(BtHoyCa�mem SeferyIofo�mstimjumypoduccdbyTN.MSBGyforpopa u4ahtimmeih.Qtammpmtam mfetyiaf®atimmtingtothe emiecmmrctinpacea lutMeltence.fapecEcimamtimudtempmarymn+ainfbocvg�eca'ithusgam;ihe�antin(rc1d'vyuaaBlwntotxaseQaodtnmyaary 2590 N. Ki. gs }B�1. FL Pieta F734951 mmiatftraebgorthe e-essharbenaccordancewdbBlSI-BI noB=-B2. Ttusaaalaregvepece-nv iWbcaeuglecetisfmbl-be in. The meth.0b..i.g&ukismemhrreimMc�dalh3.B7a i4pkabl. uiVMTANr-Tbkdet9lfAlibe" rWK�tmveametevttrcewihha ftw4anditgaleasriab WrbercroagF�edbI Cla al Alcyktenbehlidld �O d renallncvg deuauacwdancevihBtS-H3mB5•B7asappitabk.•Aff00.7ANI`7h'sdegnas�esthuussi;mamtGctmein.^^^^•^^•wihW'sdaevgmdthquaiyaierh aped`NuATH?nlm.pna3. AleomectapbtndW hmamtBetmNby5�pm5mmg-TsCoogary.]aharead�vicesibE5R3762.AlcamedapMessrt7D8a8qunksstte gec7edphle ®e efolo.Mga--0>•wbzhadFataan Iggagepbte. Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: J4G { SOUTHERN Hi Highway s 2590 N. IdnS g Y m ProjectNae: 6510-d TRUSS Fort Pierce, F134951 page: 7/12/2014 113332AM Component Solutions COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Truss Version: 5.01 [Budd 31 Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANT CANT PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 4-5-0 4 /12 1 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-M 1 12 in 23 lbs Truss -to -truss Connections Summary m Camd Teas Camino Tnss Carving OMd Ana1e TP C170 34G 1412 90 deg t..v:.36i27...,...Lu'!_u,riL..N.deB - TTI 1 05.E 34G Y y 7 44-8 "'de6 des l; Notes: ])This design is basedan ASCE 7.)0 m refaacd blthe 3310 flaid3 9dldng Code 2)Whm this buss has �bem chmmfagAlYssstranw insps]im, the Plate Plaoanml Mand pa TP11-2=A3.2 shall be tad Cq-1.21. 3)Trmsq"ws mtnectim is for gnghial intapaadm mly Ahangcaotha svtrnralcmnmim shall be pswided to resist lhetrez r®r9m.eodtplifl shown in the P®ctim Ssmrrnry 4) Listed wind uliift reactions based an MWFRS Only Imdng. �\ C.? * :140.54 95 _ TATE F Lu 0� A, 4 %p N A[L, ��\�\ Stephen W. Warta Stna. Eng 9 54395 2M N. Kings High. FL Piave N 34951 to VT r Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: 05 .' � 2590 N. kings Highway ProjectNaine: 6510-0 • SOUTHERN -Russ Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: 7/12/2014 1133:08 AM Component SomtionsTMt COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 4644160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: 1 of2 Truss Version: 5.01 ulld 31 Span Pitch Qty 0I-1L OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 6-0-12 2.828 /12 1 1-10-10 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 12 in 22lbs 701.E 1-10-10 6.0.12 6.0-12 4 12 2.83 F 3 J1 O J4G 0-0-0 6•D•12 6-0.12 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (loc) Allowed Camel lads Us9 BldgCade: FBC WHY TC: 0.55(1.2) Vat TL• 0.14 in L/429 (3-1) L/240 TCLL: 20 TPI I.MN 13C: 0.54(31) Vat LL 0.02 in L/999 (31) L/360 TCDL: 15 RepMhrinaease: No Wt: 0.0D(1) Hax M..0.02 in 2 BOIL: 0 D.O.L: 123% Cap Faaa, Ka-1.5 Reaction Summary 2 H 91(Tnas) 1 1.5 7' 3.00 in 7D811s - •97 its .97Its' 1 Pm (Va) I 11.313 in Cmade MaSmry Unnmm 2691ts - -9311s 40 Im Material Summary Bracing Summary TC SP(AISC62113) SS 2 x 4 IC ing Sbeathed a Fuiins at 63% P.E. design b70ihess. Bi BC SP(ALSC6-2013) 222 x 4 BC Hazing Sheathedar Mins a1101K Patin design by Mm. Wts Loads Summary 1) This tons bas bees designed fa the effect de to 10 ps(bott®cbad live load pha dead 1®ds. 2) Slandud Imds m Tmsa Caaied bylbis Giedm TC Um- 2D paf: TC Dead=15 V 4 BC live - 0 p f,, Bc Dead-10 p;0 3) This mss has bent designed fa the efral of wind lords in aemdma withASCE7 -10 nith the fdlaving uses defined inpt: 170 tqt Wti -te, EV Mae C, Overall Hdg Di= 65 a. M dL h m 17 R Nor Fad 2me Tnas, Neither and webemsidaei DOL-1.33, CC 2me Rldh 6.5 fL 4) Mmimm storage and, loading in anmdanm with Mc Dtic 1607.1 has not been ap ied Load Case Irl: Std Live Load Point Loads Masts 1.am6m M.W. lad Tdb Wdh Topchd 1.6.1 UP 11bs Ba Chd Idl Up 14 as Chd 1-&1 Up BBa 141� 7apchd 440 Dawn 45Is But Chd 440 Down 31ts Top Chd 440 Down 451hs Ba Chd 440 Down 31bs Load Case D 1: Std Dead Load Point Loads Mmtba Lonadm DkW. load Ub WdOs Top Chd 141 Dan I ft Ba Chd 141 Up 311s Topchd 1•bl Dawn IIts Ba Chd I44I UP 3Its Tap Chd 440 13— 38 its Ba Chd 440 Down 28 hs Tap Cbd 4-0-0 Down 38 Bs Ba Chd 440 Down 29 Its 114 Is 0.5495 1-W �'• .ATE F Aso Stephen W. Warta S=L Fng g 54395 22 0N. Kings High. Ft. Pierce F1349A M - � Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: 05 g`� 2590 N. kings Highway ProjectName: 6510-d 1..�Q SOUTHERN TRUSS Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: 7/1212014 1133 08 AM Component solutionsT"' Truss COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: 2 of2 Version: 5.01 [Build 31 Span Pilch Qty OHL OHR CANT CANTR PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 6-0-12 2.828 /12 1 1-10-10 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 12 in 221bs Member Forces Summary T.W. bidates: Mmber W. re CSl, rwa asial fi-P, mrt¢. faceifdBennt fit- eid-1 fm) 7C 14-1 0.165 IS Its (-71hs)11.2 0.554 -259 Rs BC 3-1 0.538 317lb, (138 Rs) - Truss -to -truss Connections Summary ID CamedT-s Caring Tess Canyin902sd Anda Tr4 11 C15 !dl 45 deg ty;.;174 ;.��-,.:5 J). :,.�.:a a.s.x.h..);C15 '..-.-,..r....: .,, .,,�,:. i.�•1-., :.,r::.,Y." �x315 dcg„t. 7TS J3 05 45 deg %ir".TIS Fi•�.;?, )3.......�.....:s�.:..;.C75 7t:315de8r`�s Tn CIS 14G 44-8 315 deg Notes: 1) 7bis design is hued m ASCE 7.10 as rermixed"e 20 0 Rcridt Billing Cade. 2) Uolabded plates ate LW 70er. 3)Whm this teas hasbmr chosen faqu0tyassxrance inspmlim, the Plate Placmtdtt Mdhodpa TPll.3V-/A3.2aha11 bewet Cq-121. 4)Toss4o4mscmnefimisfmgmphiWintapreatimmly. Ahangaadhu stern it mnrexim shall beptaided to mist the rmtreadim aadglift sha in the Reatimsnmwy 5) Listed wind i0ift readims based m MWf-76 Only lmdng �� • �}cENSF•.',�� �� = �140.54 95 Gl TATE F to S0 N A L1' \N lt[II •wMICE•Aeopyonhae.�daaeermmeemuraeemacmo-.aarxee�armam:mah�sm:emde�cie�.m<w:�=mar<dbrtafmsstn.msn.z,rent..apmx.um.cy.m.mpt�aorroehrmadm Stephen W. Warter ct forth bylhe Bulti4l)esipies. almihsdmovg ideneseccelwnceNpote®mleegueehgre 3ymbbfmtxtmseompamm difPsla an,s iablryeMoxoftLseam� fie-Wbamsd—is"' )rW ryef stna Eng R 54395 the Buitiogl]:s�egperAN51MIP11-2007Chapax•WARMttf7m .,.** pxT.r -ed%g,eactigreaammdLseny Ref tothehmned>imofBCA(aiNiogCmpm SfoylnfmmtinjmW1�f1717andSeCl cmpamfy ICin 1E Ii Pierce F734951 ¢�timsillal dimputnm mfMofmumorthingtothe emieemsnsetmpacea lnlbeab®c<ofgecie�aEtesatdtemrmry��•Mn•+en8spectr+tinsgomes,themahieu(ocldngits.Etimtotsmces)mdtempaary gs �• mmain/tncigofthlrussasWlhh.ccmdavicewihBC51-BI.ndBC4-Bi Tres.bregniepe®memmswmJtrac l ftchwdse> b,m cb dcs vpi dboeredbyotb Mt mwugma icoiatatheyaud db teralbimb The methodofi>dirthulttnssmembesresaamNachgIDelte anrecTedgiheavimgiles�rrl><*ATmIfN t�Chaper2llpecfet»l m—.ib bid wbpecixdbya yerieri Wet dkANSIrMIC apa3.Amy6tamphi Toad dbgtmelhacbgdemEnauudasevihHC9-B3orI1C51-H7aaaapfuh!•A00RTAN1'7'hsdesi�s®mesWetmaimavafacnnednacco.dance.ihilsidravigetdtEeginiyvion gecfsdnATHRif I(Zaper3. Areamectayhtesdal j O temam6etmedbyS�vSsmg-7eCmpe>q,lmi.rrodence rihESR•7162.AIcomectaphlesue 20g.ge,mdatthe qudedpbte meefobaedbya'-IB'dhbhis�amm 18g.pepbte. l Southern Truss Companies; Inc. Tlvss: I1 �s 2590 N. Icings Highway ProjectName: 6510-d x,�,a ,R SOUTHERN Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: 7/12/2014 1133:19AM Component SohltionsTm TRUSS Page: 1 of 1 Truss COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Version: 5.01 ulld 31 Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 12-8-0 4 /12 1 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 721bs 12-M 51-14 7.6.2 5-1-14 1241-0 4x6-181 3x3 - 2 3 (— 12 4 2x5 ! 1 9 L4 IF N 4 6 1.5x6 I 3x7 - 1.5x6 l 0-0-0 D•40 5-1-14 5.1-14 12-M Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (loc) Allowed Lod (peso sdg Code: FBC 2DI0' TC: 0.48(2•3) Vee TL 0.15in L/599 (4-5) Ll740 TCL.: 20 TPI 1-3[07 BC : 0.49 (56) Va111.: 0.01 in L 1999 (4-5) L / 360 TC DL: 15 RepMtrhtaease: Yes Wb: 0.79(35) Haz7L• oin 4 BCIL : 0 D.O.L : 125 %. Creep Fads, Ka 1.5 BCDL: 10 Plate Offsess(1n,XYAnP} (15$11418.) f20Q3-&8)) (33$3-U) (41413.00.) (5:1.12350.) (6:2.1ZAW) Reaction Summary ]T 7vpe HC Canbo Brit Wdh Material WBrP WAh Max Read Maz Gmv l7difl Max Wnd th¢ifl Max lldifl M. Hai. 6 Pin (fntss) 1 IS is - 1W io 570 ibs --1761ts 1761ht 17211s 4 H Poll (Tans) 1 1.5 in 3.00 to 571 Ibs - -2i Ils-2321ts Material Summary Bracing Summary TC SP (ALSC6-2013) SS 2x 4 7C B dng: SheathedaPulins az 6-30, Pr din design bl Olh-. BC SP (ALSC6.2013) 92 2 x 4 BC Baring Sheathed aPalins at lDa4 Pulin dmi(p by Otters. 116bs SP (ALSC62012) 63 2. 4 oralt: 1.6 SP(A18C62D13)62 2x 6 34 SP(AISC62013) 92 2x 6 Loads Summary 1) This mss has barn designed for the effeds d e 1010Isf bon® shod Bess load plus deed lords. 2)This,Hesshasbe®dmiptalfo,theeffauofwind Imdsinamadanee with ASCE7- 10 wilb the follming user defined inpu: NO mph ultimata Espmme C. Overall Bldg Dins 65 B 00 fl. h -17 ft, Na rmd Zme Tess, Neitheread web oonsiddcd DOL-1.33, CC Zone W)dh 65 a 3) Afmimm stmge anie imdng in a —donee with IBC Table 1607.1 has not been applied Member Forces Summary Table indenes:Merbar ID, maxCSly—ncialface(w=cmR.Rmirciffermtfrom =jndalface) TC 1.2 0.474 -574 Rs 2-3 0.479 -502 Rs BC as D.dgs 0its 5-6 Q48s-]7+lhs ¢,� Wks 1.6 a062-5331ts 2-s 0.189 495 He (•371,hs) 3-0 0.W9 •5D7Its ! N Iy 1-5 a23i 567Ibe (•330 Rs) b5 0.704 577Ihs (-52A Ibs) �� V� , .. • • • . , , f Si, - Tk-uss-to-truss Connections Summary Gj�. ' �-1C E�SF''• �`�% ID Cetded Toe, Camino Tsas CaTapoffse Ande 7T39 Il FG1 17-104 2A deg iT T7$6.0 F' 3L. !TiW t FGz 4:,IT f u `ten f71.a4 -'_ - t.. w.90 deS ??140. 54 95 Notes: `) >� ])This design isbsedon ASCE7-10unfamcedbylbe211Dflaida Balding Code 01- J _ 2) %en this oust has been fbmen for quality assrmce btspediaa, the Pale PlBc 10(ol Mdbud fe IN 1.2a1LA32 sball be usei C4' 1.21• CTATE F 1(/ ` 3)7nss-Ionisers cmnaam is for gadtimli0,egxaadm only Ahsngaaaher stnM cncmrodim shall be pwided to mist the roa,,maim and uplift shw in the ReactionSamnsy .• 4)Prwideadwtedainagempnmtpmdn9- i ,1'1 ••. • i(/ \ 5) 13stedo led uplift reasons based MW'FFS only bndng. ' •11C7fICE•Acapyofuhidegymaahtaa�edtdde eanbmemvamor. The �oonmoDtital,mset�eoaee�a:ese amRaairmonvarw Mt6e'aassfaaascnaaam><eaupmux,rcma.mcm terceawebrmm.um Stephen W. WartaSrax pmga 5095 sae Boitng Rs�ape+A145Vfn]-2007 C6aPa2 �s'ARTVKY7tustsegoiePOgaDn"a68.emneq.m+m sadbmcug. Refatoth Boca edaboofBC51(BdtbgCmpomm BafaY lof fmi bPa JTfl+"eStiCAlfaD 2590 N. Kings fligh. Ft. Piave Fl 34951 me,m®me,ofim�anaajbehs amat®obBCS1-B aedBCanmudmPabore beebnae2waminnrabs®edtempdeeabt,b =b(,b=bdsb/mhgd,,hscim(rcbOntbcbwimfmblmlm=i The temaiaMengof,h tn>stmal6ebaccamacewibB(Sr-B7 andBC51-B27rusaeealmagrdepemuaem amant/bmengofcbadsmecwnswbm®beer(suhae�ted).Tacdaan¢onb�lettlxbw�fabtaebeaaot. The metbodofndi+dm7 mm,batemailfbmcWthrbeasgmfcdbyftBdtbgDestwpaAKJITNI,CbaPak BvniEc mpermarcat6racugdes�stw �ecfrdlyotbegdathlaetccmvpTheebiaaadudia6myincromaantand :.Vw.1fb.nC euEnace rdaneewtLBCS1•H3a BC57•H7uaypiabe.•lA4URDNf'Thsdes�t4®esihetn sNMnj'% mdiottcadmcea'ihtbadawq¢a�dequaFymah �ecTeevAtAlfA1C6ePa3. Ncomeetorpblet�er110 DemeaaGnmedby5mp®9rtmg•YeComp3tiry,Iznauadase.ihE9t-2'/63.A¢comnctorp§Iesue 20gaBe,..k tbeW r dp1at si:eBfobwWgt'•]g"wachnd'uuntn Ig¢a¢epnte. Southern Truss Companies, Inc. This s: I2 SOUTHERN 2590 N. kings Highway ProjectName: 6510d TRUSS FortPierce, FI34951 Date: 7/1212014 113322AM Component SolutionssTMt COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: 1 of l Trus Tr Version: 5.01 ufld 31 Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANT CANT PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 12-8-0 4 /12 1 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 72 lbs 12-8.0 3-1-14 4-9.1 4-9.1 31-14 7-I D-15 12-M 12 qr 4x5 - 3x4- 1.541 4 2 3 2x5 / 1 0 n lV 7 5 5 1.5x81 3x7 - 5xe 0-0-0 0 0.O 31-14 FG1 FG2 9.0.2 31-14 12.8-0 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection U (loc) Allowed Lad (Ps Bldg Code: FBC 3710' TC: 0.4D(34) Vied TL• 0.36 in 1./413 (56) L/240 TCLL: 27 TPI I.t-p07 1C: 0.84(K Vat IL 0.01 in L1999 (5-6) L/360 TCDL: 15 Bep Mlrinr ease: Ya Wb: 0.39 (15) H-TL• 0.01 in 5 BC1L : 0 D.O.L : 125 % Creep Fads, Ka 1.5 ICDL: ID Plate O&ets(MY-Y,Ang) (1.511.1-141ft) (1100380) (3U0,380) 7:2-123$59.) Reaction Summary TT TO Hg Combo 13¢Wdfh Material And &¢Wdth Max Fend Max Gm Uplift Max Wnd Uplift Max will Max Hai. 7 Pin (rays) I 1.5 in 100 in 57611E - -190 )m •190 lb, 931h: 5 H Roll (rrms) 1 1.5 in 10) in SA Ira --2151hs-215lbs - Material Summary Bracing Summary TC SP(ALSC6-2113)422.x4 7CHad.9 ShmfbalaPfxlms at 630, Palm desiiy b�Qmea. 13C SP (ALSC6.20 3) *2 2 x 4 BCBrachtg ShathefaPalins nl9-AFWindesignb70th-. W4s SP (ALSMD12) 03 2. 4 except: 1.7 SP (AISC6.2313) R2 2. 6 4-5 SP (A1SC6.2013) 62 2. 6 Loads Summary 1) This mess has been designed fa the e&ea ds to 10 psflapaacha i live load ph. dad Imds. 2) This mess bas been design el fm the effw of wind Imds in ammlancenilh ASCE7 -10 with the fdlming mw Mined ippt M npb Wti ate. 6ya+¢e C. Ovendl Hdg Dias 65 ft x •A 0. h -17 ft, Not Fnd Zme T=s, Netherend web tmsidered DOL- 1.33, CC Zme \Mchb 6.5 ft. 3) Mmimsn s=p attic Imdmg in acm&na with ®C Table 1607.1 has naL been applied Member Forces Summary TaHeindmta:Mmi=ID,ttax CSLnaxmdalk=(tmxmtgr.faceifdff mtfrmftmxaadalface) 7C 1.2 0.305 •51 1 2.3 0.368 461 Im 3-0 0.398 0lts BC 56 0.644 470 tls •394 Rs 6.7 0.7d5 -93 Res gA, tt Y.W. 1.7 0.061 -599 Res 2-6 0.07(1 164 RE (-1391ba) 35 0.394 -58611E N l Y Ifi 0.230 5861hc (•341 Ifs) 3-60.046 112 Res ({61bs) as 0.021 •Ica lla E Fuss -to -truss Connections Summary` G, �% `-, 3�'•,T�1� % ID Cavied Tmss Cninag T-. Caasin¢08Sa Moe \ o FG1 15104 zo deg v Io. 54 s:�TTs d Lam.-j...• ✓.RS`c''r S� i�vnFG23 r •t.�i' O4 E r ..r.� so �g Y+-s� 95 _ Notes I)Thisdesiga isbaseden ASCE7.)Oasre(amcedbythe2DlOF7mda Hnlfing Cade 2)Nhenthisttash:u been chmm fa gmtityastsa¢ce mspstim•the Plate Placated Mehad pa 7P11.20DA3.2 shall be aei C9`1•J• i f TAT t1f 3)Tmss4oimss connecdm is fr graphical mtepretatim mly Abanger a ashes sm aral cenneetim shall be pm+ided totaist lhevnz smaim endsplifl shown in iheKmdim Saaatnry 4, E F' ,. • \ 5) )listede ai d oit mctiem aced an mdng .�1[ ,� �(/ \ 5) Latai wend tpltfl teacuma based en MWF125 Only Imt6ng % \•`�(1 '' •. O R I D F • •' •wncH•Au�nrsa<�maa6erm¢bedtoweaenmwmanm7xdaambm:b��mstasdadeaimaere,mt�e�mr¢pprdbr+6eimaaummna�amrofn¢pm„re¢eonry,mrm➢tteneaptbcor vas StephenW.Warta t¢bte(Bmaiblg'vg tR6eaB�oiefn'vtgs0rAeN4�SVaf.AArI.a2llg¢o7NCsaeeAmvmn2gi•tw0?AaRtTedsaNcGc•e7pttmoszceatde�poteep®opnalebgagnhdebapry.eerne�uaamei�dqa•mneeabdftrwathe vpm. Recfe®rtpot�M htdee¢seeGrflmroofB7CL5e1¢(Badtvegya�ftbempnewmaanvbrDiug fftdeeuo�drof Stml Fag 954395 Cnap-S9Mlf-,iyi*;mdwTN 2590N. King FRgh. FL Piece Fl 34951 caabtimmemodtatdmpmam a@+yiff timrehtigt¢tM emie�^^^-•r^poree mWe.brrceotgeci'e�aLtvaamtnnp®yarrramMcigwecfenrmsbla6ntt6e uaa6+®C ld've�+wtoknaces)aadtnnpasry temaia/LrachgoftM utssssthnl6e uacemdeixewihBCSI-Bl andBC5FH7-7 a6tregniepe®arcmre>�nVtrse68ofrhmdsaencertauxbnembe+s(e6oendiafed}tbamawh8mb�'+testhhu[�Iwhtealrt¢nm.76e ma6mol�imelu sm®tern•e•.;nn.,ehsabel6euweoi-rAbrweHd>oef><'�erxrAfA?A Lemperk ifspeeEet>usnemattm trac�de�saama�eMalhncttsmalls.a�pSLedM¢mmtai�r+nr,tmlrtmniaem / � I d'egmiltraevghuineccmdaoeewiaBCSi-H3orBC51•H7ueppiobt.•A00RTN71 TD'sdaimea>mest6etmacmawGcnm:AhecemdaveeMataem.augeadt6epmtryaiae gsefW uATID/tBICIvpa3.Nw®ee+my6anmsl '` IsmmufinuN6y5timpxm9mvg•7eCmo�vy,ivcuer�dea aibE9t-2763.Neansnwp6taue 30gege.+miss+LetpeaTsdpLfesrsistob.ed6ye--18-aL'ebiadtatn.a l8 gegeyhte. T ` 'Adhhh� Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: I3 w( 2590 N. kings Highway ProjectName: 6510-d SOUTHERN SSFort Pierce,FI34951 Date: 7/12/2014 113322AM Component SohltionsTM COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Pace: 1 of 1 Truss Version: 5.01 Build 31 Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANT CANT PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 12-8-0 4 /12 1 0.0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 651bs 12-8-0 1-1-14 3.0-13 4.2-11 4-2-11 1-1-14 4.2-11 B-5.5 12.8-0 41212 4x4- 3x4- 3� - 1.5x3) 2 3 5 1.5x3 1 1 N' B B 7 B 34- 1x4 1 1x41 3x3 - 0-04 FG1,FG2 0.0-0 4-2-11 42-11 4.2-11 4-2-11 8.5.5 1241-0 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection Ll (loc) Allowed Load (Pal) Bldg Code: FBC 2010' TC : 0.35 (34) Yet 71-1 0.04 fo L / 999 CA L / 240 WILL : M IN 1-= BC: 0.25 (6-1) VW IL. 0.01 in L / 999 (7-8) L 1360 TCOL: 15 liep Mbfit2ase: Yes Wb: 0.35(46) Hax TL: 0.02 in 6 BCIL: 0 DAL: 125% Cmcp Faaa, Kc=1.5 BCDL: )0 Plate Offsds(InU6,YAng): (Ia-12.2-12,9D) (2.fi0,3-U. (3:1.1?,341OJ (4:1.123$OJ (574--8,9a) (&58,A0.) (7.,KA90.) (13003$9a) (95$34C0 ) Reaction Summary Hiz lT Tvoe BR Cmbo Hx Wdh Mmdid lbd Bx Wdh Max Ptaa Max Gav l)p0fl Max Wnd Udifl Max Udifl Max5Ibn 9 Pin (Ims) I L5 in 3.m in SA it, - 199lbs 19g lls 3511s 6 H Bdl (Bess) 1 1.5 in . - lm in SA He - -M6 Its .M' 6Its Material Summary Bracing Summary TC SP (AISC6.2013)02 2 x 4 TC Ba®g ShmihedaPurhns et 6-30, Pain chit- by Otitis. BC SP (ALSC6.2013)42 2x 4 BC Ha®g Sheathed mPudina at 8.11-0, Patin desigoby0thes. NFX SP (AIW6.MI2) 93 2 x 4 excels: 1-9 SP(ALS00013)B2 2x 6 5.6 SP(AISC&MM KI 2x 6 Loads Summary 1) Tbis buss has bem designed fbr the effeus de to 10 fsf bmttm dtad live lord pits dead Iads. 2) Ibis urea has been designed for the effa= dwind lads in acadana nith ASCE7. 10 with the fdlm�ingtiter defined inpb: 170 tsptt Wtimatq Hrym=G O"Oft fl x A 1I h v 17 A Not Pad 7me Tms, Neither end web smsidered DOL= 1.33 , CC Tate NSdh 65 IL 3) Mminm stage attic loafing in acardance with IBC Table MUM has not been applied Member Forces Summary Tableindates: Manua ID, tmxCSi. �xaxial facG(tax a>nR. face ifdffenat Sun TC 1.2 0.181 5D Its •361Fs 2-3 0.2P- 35 fba •311a 3-0 0.392 .593 Its bs JA'6-5941tr -0(I41� 7-8 0.245 59i fls (-0OS Ib; 8-9 0.245 591 Its �341ts'Y1.9 a021 136 Re (.129Bs)3-8 Ron 179Its (-16Ihs) 46 0.351 -718 Ihs�• • .3.9 0.351 -nitnB a-7 0.073 17)Rs (•2s11a) sb amo aa>�;♦ .••��GFlyS Truss -to -truss Connections Summary F '' ID Cnnid Tess Canvina Tnss Caminr OHsd Anrle TI34 D FGI 13-IDA 2Adeg _ .54 95 ,.90.des ::sit.; Notes 1) This desilp u bid an ASCE 7.10 ass T-w d bythe MID Flaida B B&g Code TATE F w 2)Nltm this bras has been chmmfagmliry asatrmce mapemim,the Plate Plar4mml Mtshdper IN l-WJA32 shall teemed Cq=1.21. 3)Tms4,,ims cmndxim is fir gaFtial inimpdatim mix Ahmgeraahasvtcaralcmria%shall be pWded to resist the vxtamiut and wlift shown in the Reatim Swxmry �'.•' � \ 4) Provide adarnte daina8e to pe+mt pending n 5)lwe wmdtyhfltamms ffisdmlfNhRS Onlyladng �s ORIOP•G /0 •runcE•a<o»mDsd<�marD<rm�<dtotxm<n:meamammTuede�anD od:+mal ms<ema�ca<;,mm4��<m,mppreaMb<aasatm�em�memf<sapanmea<cmoeyam<m4tme:ortrbr�atim StephmW.Warter anfonh byt],eBuiftDe�ev AOlmte'adavit¢tfcateaaecetxaocc OWevix ales¢vco¢mks'mtbfW1hcbesc®pmmtdnga0owu7n<adabiyandtmortb'acompooem raanyp&ni;W rbditdergnstbemsymLityof SU Eng 95095 the BuXi3gRtPeypcL4NSIrM 1-2JD7 Chapta2.9/AFIZM•Thu smgLiepoperlmndiog,cr tigr is amtracug. kderloQebinediwofHC4(Bdlig Co pP SafMlnf timpinbPoduee�'TAaWMCA)f.FW. N. Kin }E FL PieaeFl 349o1 imbtba ebodsadmpwmmfoykkfo®nwrtbtbgtotbc miecmtaueompocesslnWmaDxrceof�ecdc�abtma>titempmarym+aiaNac6ggeciratrmsDyotDustDeivsaitim(ucldvg t®tolxauca)aadtempmry Ps �. remain/traeuga[tbetrossmel6euaccmdarcesibHCS1•BI adBCSI-B2.ho$sa4trtgaiel�mremai4/trxtgofrhuh ulcen.iaweDmemlx+s(aboeudtnedl'sD'sissy¢®D' taWe)xat�fmbter.Desra�.Tit metadoC�vtlualmmmeminmsmuVtracngmalh a,-rrdbyft Btbng Rs�perAT8VrP11,Cbeper%,TVp cfi:UnsPe:marem7n*demr9ed'rdMmDosthimaMaccompidtedbisrndatdnDosryDtenlremaim d'egmall<acugheibauademeoitBC51-B3 orBC51.87uappfuDt.•IA40ATANf•7lades�ammestDetrussamamLmcednaccudeQewDtD'cdawhgadWegvaGyerierb�ecfWnADID?nlChaper3. Altt e<tmPDtesdul hmmidnmtuedbySinpsa&-e.Ti Campaay,ImbaaudemewibESR-2762.Al ® mpbtes=20ga¢c,u*zlbew"rc4phie im:'sfobmdbya'-Irlbcbidbausaa IllgMepbte. `` Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: I4 r!- 2590 N. kings Highway PlojectName: 6510d SOUTHERN TRUSS Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: 7/12/2014 113323AM Component SolutlonsTM' COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: 10171 TNS TrS Version: 5.01 [Build 31 Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANTL CANTR PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 12-8-0 0 /12 1 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 59 Ibs 12.8-0 4-1-14 4-4-5 4-1-14 4-1-14 8.6-2 12-8.0 1.5x51 3x4 - 3x4 - 1.5x51 4 1 2 3 0 B 7 6 5 3Xd - 1x41 1x41 3x3 - - FG7 FG2 0-0-0 D-D43 4-1-14 4-4-5 4-1-14 4-1-14 B-r7-2 - 12-6-0 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection Ll (loc) Allowed Lend (.0 Ndg Cade : FBC Weal TC : 0.32 (b3) Vert TL• 0.06 in L 1/999 (6.7) L 11240 TCLL : 20 TP1 I -MN BC: 0.31(6-7) VertLL• 0.02 in L / 999 (6-1) L / 360 TCDL: IS Rep Mklnaeae: Yes Vhb: 0.35(3-5) Herz TL: 0.02 in 5 BCLL: 0 DAL : 13% Ctcy Faaa, 1- 15 BCDL: ]0 Plate Offsea(InMY.An} (1:2-1738.50) Q•1123$0) (3.1.1338.0) (42.12341,90) (5:58.3-g,0) (@00.38.90.) U.-H.3.00.) (8:583-8.0.) Reaction Summary IT Ten Bx Cmdo Bm Wdh Mat 'al Ran fix Wdh Max P®a Max GtavtMift Max Mind Uolfft MaxWift Max Hi. 2Its 8 Pi. (rnas) 1 1.5 In 300 in 5A Its --3l2lts •2 5 H Roll (r—) 1 15 in - 300 in 570lts - -M2Ins-37211s Material Summary Bracing Summary TC SP(ALSC63T13) 022 x 4 IC Basing: Sheathed err Palms a16-3% Puin design by Others. ]A SP (ALSC&2013) 62 2 x 4 BC Bea g: sheathed a KdWs at 8.30, PA. design by others. W#s SP (AISC&20I2) Ili 2 x 4 exgs: - - lA SP (ALSC6.2)13) s2 2. 6 45 SP (AISC6-2013) t2 2 x 6 Loads Summary 1)This toss has been tisigtedfatheeffeas data 10psflemanchailim1mdplus deadleadt. ' 2) Tbis teas has hem designed fa the effeu tf wind Imds in amadanca with ASCE) -10 with the [blaming mer defined mp l: 170 mph Wthnate, Fgva ae C, 0t 113dg Diva 65 ftx 1)fLh-170, Not F dZmeToss, Neither end webcrosidenad DOL- 1.33, CC Zme Widh 65 ft. 3) Mmimm storage ante hadng in accmbnce with EBC Talie 16W.] has nor be® '(plied Member Form Summary TAICindealea:Metmam,—CSLmaxatoalfaae,(mxs.W.mmeirdff—tf4se mx-ICWR e) i AV- TC 1-2 0.257 .53 P.. 2-3 0.319 .772Ih; 34 0.257 -9 ft BC 5i 0.308 7P_Its 47)Ils G7 0.3W 7P-Ina 47316s 7-8 0.309 72 Rs f479IB 1-8 0.140 .174 f 2.7 0.073 19) Its (-191hs)3-5 0.352 -M Rea q 2-9Weis 0.352 -M lbs 3-6 0.073 ]mIlea (a9 ]bl) 4.5 0.140 -174 )la �.• • Truss -to -truss Connections Summary Gj� .' �jC F NSA: •,��� %' ID Canted Teas Cantina Tnes Catying Offer Angle \ • TT33 14 FG) 11 104 ZA deg • i r 2Td9 oS J4 , 'w if�2 3 :; 111 �Rg w'S° sB eeea'u Ui140.54 95 Notes 1) Tbns design is late) an ASCE 7-10 as sefeimmt by the M10 Florida Balding Cade, 2)%banthistmsbob®ebmenraQxditysestauceinspernm,thePlalePlacstenLMehalperTP1]•2J07A3.2shallhesedC9=]•y J TATE • shall bepraidedtonesist the tmxteadim and4ft shown in the Reatdim Staurnty F '• ((� ••'. 3)Tnss4omascmnoaimts fagralhienlmletpeadm mly Ahangeraaherstmdealenanx6m 4) Pm ide adepnte dainage to percent pond g. i �i ' •�� \ . 5) Listed wind giift seacdens hoed m MNfitS Only lmdn€ % �� '. 0 f� .' .' "ON A L 0\\�\ /��rtIII11��` •NAICE'AwN fNidesgnAalbe fiavffiedtoaeerzxtinemnactm Thede*noftbkb5,bWmeaibamdmdedpcciereavdtegoiemeNsaq&dbytbeMr=s kuufa v ,c Mmfesvpm tbeaccmagamc.ltwesoftbe cfotmatinm ea Web/daeBadfhgnes�e.Aralmthadnaig udrsteaatteRaoseo[potersme]eoBneerhgteprmsidtYekb fotlbe wseomPwemdaA;ed.TMavablt-ndna:oftbisompmml(atuYDencoNbatmBde�iNertspm�iYof Stephen W. WaIter stray Engf 54395 theBuifgg Ri�rr,peaANS7/TA1.2007 CTtaptu2 wARTIINCi•Ilessestequiepopebandlvg,etecuAe:n,avl aodfncio& Refect other btenedtmofaCSlfntilegeavponev 5arstY lei®amny'vtypodoceabytfl mdSBCA)fapoper naalt®ammaaammponamarmnfamacaRh,hatatxem�a�nnmQoussm,rab�aeeor�ee�aaa>pia.inter�Pa,yerne, aebg�ecrvumsbrmxxwe�af®C b is i owau,:mammPaay ?590 N. KingsFB flPiate F134951 mmaian*ofdetm54sdtalbeiaccmda=,,ibBC9•BIRWBCSI-B2Ta sobotegoiepamaaeareamknaeggofchodandceaahxbtaembas(Vi bdeared)Tbidmvhgmyide'atesdehutbmfahtenheamm.Tbe metbodafh�itmlo¢cmembutema�/Eac�Aalbeeas➢eciWtHt>r BuiOigltesgveel�ATIDRA].CLpv27r �tmspetmeaeml+aeugdeigasmtspecFedbyotbMtbitbalbea �TEWbYaaadudbd=yhlcma m"' ` amlmeltxachgdet bb...,d.—"bBCSI-B3aBCS-S7uappFabi-DOMTANT-Tbidaip. mestbew .manafadm.dhaccmd wihtbidmaagandtbequayaaepmred'ATS?A]Cmpu3.AleomeaaPhludaI bemaa�decmedt7Smf—a—g-TeCmgevy,heiaartdaoaaahESR-2762.Aleomestorpbtnart2Pyge,.k.depec&dphteteeifoly edbys' lg-mhihb&atnanl8eagepbte. 1 �� Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: I5 •: SOUTHERN 2590 N. kings Highway ProjectName: 6510-d TRUSS Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: 7/12/2014 113324 AM Component SolutionsT"d COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 4644160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: 1 oft Truss Version:5.01 ufld3] Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANTL CANT PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 12-8-0 0 /12 1 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 541bs 12-" 4-2-11 4-2-11 4-2-11 4-2-11 Bb5 12.8-0 2x4 I 3x4 - 3x4 - 2rc4 1 4 1 2 3 �I i 8 7 6 5 3.- 1x41 1x41 FG1 FG2 4-2-11 4-2-11 4-2-11 4-2-11 a ss 12-8-0 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection Ll (Ioc) Allowed lad tpg0 Bldgcode: FBC 2D)m TC: 0.33(2-3) Venn: 0.11 in L/999 (6a) L/240 TCLL: 30 TPI 1.2007 BC: 0.34 (6.7) Vet LL 0.04 in L / 999 (6.7) L 1360 TCDL: 15 Rep Mtrinaease: Yes Wh: 0.45(3.5) Ha. TL• 0.03 in 5 BCL: 0 D.O.L : 135 % Creep Fads, Ka-1.5 BCDL: 10 Plate Offsds(Jn1Y.Y.A FY. (12-12.38,90) (11.123-U) (3.1.1238.0) (42-12A90) (5:541,3A0.) MK38.90.) (7A0.3-8.90.) (8:58.3440.) Reaction Summary JT Type i3g Condo fig Wdh Material ltgd Brg Wdh Maxpraot Max Cosy Uol'ft Max Wort Uplift Max Wilt Max Hui. - 8 Pin (roes) 1 1.5 in - 3.00 in SA Ihs - •M21hs-372lb, - 5 H Jul (Toss) 1 1.5 in - 3.00 in 570 ]bs - _M'' Its .n Ibs - Material Summary Bracing Summary TC SP (AISC67D)3)42 2x 4 IC tracing Sheathed a P,,r.: at SI•A Palm design by Others. Bc SP(AISC6.7D13) 922 x 4 13C Bracing Shmthedal'vlina169APvlindodgnby0h=. RFhs SP (ALSCOD12) 93 2x 4 excels: lA SP(ALSC6.2013)N2 2x 6 4.5 SP,(AISC6-IDI3)12 2x 6 Loads Summary 1) Tbis nuts has been designed for the effects dim to 10 psf bonan chord liw loadplts dad loads. 2) Ibis toss has been designed for the effeeLs of wind Inds in accordance with ASCE) -10 with the following user defined inpi: 170 no tdtimalq Fjpmtoe C, OvaOi Sdg Dins 65 ft x 70 fl h -17 $ Not End lanm e Truss, Neitha end web osidernd DOL-1.33, CC lane Wi(kh 65 R 3) Hinman storage attic lmdmg in accordance with IBC Table 1607.1 has not baen applied Member Forces Summary Table i.6cam: Member ID, rrax CSI, vaz medal face, (mx cm¢. face if dffemt fmn rmxax al face) TC 1-2 0.303 -93 lbs 2.3 0.333 4,134 fen 34 0�03 -gJ Its BC 5-6 0.341 1134ls .6%lbs 67 0.341 1,1341ha-6951h; 7-8 NMI 1.1341ts (.6%Bs Weds 1-8 0.164 .184lbt 2.7 0.0P- 1760s (-171 s) 3-5 0.449 .1,n5lbc 2-8 0.449 .1,11511s 3-60.072 1761h; (47ft) 4-5 0.164 -184 fts , �C E Truss -to -truss Connections Summary Co \ ID Carried Tess Carving Tnas Carrying Offser Andre �g - G i 7T3i �, 15, FG1 ar y µ9.104 a [ 7A �, T 54 r.sTr4a2.,.:F � .ss.'',_� �x.:.{, . ic.��L.� sx ::t_ side >., a_,�.���.:50�g �u � O. 95 * Notes — ' _��1 a�1y'l�J 1)76e �i�isbased m A5CE1-IO as rdaercd bathe XlO FloridaBldng Code •-' 2)Wn11 this mots hash®chosen fa Qelityasctrrnce inspection, theplate Placen:mt Method per TPl 1-2yA3l shall betset Cq-I.21. ' �.• '• ift in the Beastion Smvrary TA�C 3)Tms•tobtss cmnecdon is for Mp Mica] inleabtim only Abanga a other stnwrdl connection shall be provided to resist theaax reaaim and shown •• C F (L 4) Povide edegate drainage to pt.vt Food-€ 11 • 5) Listed wind u0ifi reactions Wed on MINERS Onlyloading / . /01VALti0\'S' i -NOrICe•Acoyy o[th%des�smfbefv�emosaeaecubawewvv. ixaes�otue%a1�s%mxdood->snoiehb a>bregniemevsgipptedMmeTmswmnanvrr.>dot[eaupmsbescamghvdcmptuttssorroeur®stim xt[onbbymeBoHngnedeaaearanu%evwngirdratesaceepun«otpok�anaaheeopre,pmdiyntbtonheeusc®p®em des¢nhm>n 7heauaDiiyamoxotth%comlmmttaa�[wni:uhrtrutliusees4z%tmrepmsbiy of Stephen W. Walter Smsi rng R S4395 tbeBaawgn.:poor.tx,ANSJrnI-2rolmapaiwAwar+c�aregwi•e1.oRammec,e�ctiah.,aramemtn<og.geratowehregwiimotBca(B,Iwgc®paaemsarrnlnr toopmbpomhce�y77aanesscNraphopa mtanthamcxdsammpaumwfeyofom.tinvhtagtohecmieeongwcmpoceamsheauxa�orpuacasant®.oatempomyvma +eogmeo atwsgowacm aamoe(ocneogaga>toatomancH)mdtempvay 2MN.Kings 0b.FLPierce F134951 vmamrtrachgoriben dabeu.trod. wihBCS-BIwABcsl-BZ.Tw smregtzirp > =Mftac:gtofceo,dsmd vawetty®tars(wh=bdbated)n%dvwngmyode.testmhrmbafahteabe»ned lbe anetboda!`W lowom®harama�mcogmam,.�ecieanrwcBamgDersnexArmrell.ceaperr, �ecrcwapema�>nc:rea�%mw-rmMa�xa%ma/ee•T_ dt,nam.b%msnbt®Rma:eew Ie dngamelbraeggdemku.ccvd.ncewiaB(Sl•B3vBC9•B7u.pplcbl:.•AOORTA771�Tasde>�uamul6etrua%muofienaednaccoadaxewibibid..0 dibegmky i,,hVecirdbATA?A1Chapa3.Alw®envphteamal 1 (� Il h 20gage,mL the Vecrrdphtehusrabw dbya--lr hchiadi.-lggagepbte. Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: I6 _' NO SOUTHERN� 2590 N. kings Highway ProjectName: 6510-0 Fort Pierce, F134951 TIRU SSCOMPANIES Date: 7/12/2014 113324AM ComponentSohltionsTM (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: 1 ofl Tru3 Tr3 Version: 5.01 [Build 31 Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 12-8-0 0 /12 1 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-M 1 24 in 49 Is 1241-0 4-2-11 4-2-11 1 4-2-11 i ` 4-2-11 6.5.5 1243-0 2x5 04 - 4x4 - 2x5 1 2 3 4 q 4I i 6 7 6 5 4x4 - 1x4 1 1 x4 1 4x4 - FG1 FG2 044 D-D 0 4-2-11 4.2-11 4-2-11 4-2-11 8-1-512-6-0 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L (loc) Allowed Load Oa0 IDdilcale: F33C2Dl0' TC: 0.50W) vest TLI 0.35in L/422 (6.7) L/24D 7CLL: 20 TPI 1.2007 BC: 0.63 (6--0 ven U-- 0.12 is L / 999 (6-7) L / 360 TCDL: 15 RcpMtrinaease: Ycs W:b: 0.70(3-5) H-TLI 0.05 in 5 BCLL: 0 D.O.L: 125% Ctmp Fads, Kam 1.5 BCDL: 10 Plate Offsds OnULY.Ang)' (12-1238.90.) 2.1.123$OJ (3:1-12.3&0.) (4:2.123&90.) (5:5-U&0.) (6:00 -M.) (7:00.3-8•90.) (8:5-&3-&0.) Reaction Summary JT Type B¢C-bo Bg Wdh Wade] Pad Bg Wdh Mart P®4 Max Gm Uplift Max Wnd Uplift Max Ulcil Max Hdiz g Pin (rnas) 1 1.5 is - 3.00 in SA lbs - •202lbs •202lbs - 5 H Ron (Teas) 1 1.5 in - 3.00 in SA Its - -M2lts -M2 I(s - Material Summary Bracing Summary TC SP(AIW6.20)3) 622 x 4 TCBzcing. SherthdaPaF sal3-SO,Puiindesigoby0ibm. 13C SP(ALSC6-3313)#22x4 BCBacng ShmthedaPwlinsat4-IDAPwlindesigaby0thm. R6bs SP (A)SC6.2DL) N3 2 x 4 ocept: 1$ SP (AlX&2013) #2 2x 6 4-5 $P(AIW6-2013)02 2x 6 Loads Summary 1) This tnas has b® designed fer the effects ds to 10 psf bcamcbod the Imd plus dead loads. 2) Tbis vas bas boat designedfa the effects of wind loads in accadsnce withASCEI. 10 with the following tad defied hupd: 170 tapb ultb=a EVcsure C, oveall Hdg D;va 65 ft x 70 ft, b -17 0, Not End Zme Teas, Netherand web crosidrai DOL-1.33 , CC Zme %Mdb 6.5 ft. 3) Mmimm storage lade loading in adudance with r9C TSbte 1607.1 has not been applied ' Member Forces Summary 7ableiodieates:Me ka W,=CSLr-todalfroe,(asaxeow.rdRirdisamtr�n nxaoalydee) 7C 1.2 0.422-247Ihs 2.3 0.4% -2079 ]ts - 0.422 •247 Rs W Sfi 0.573 20391ts -1.S1 Its 6.7 0.629 203911s •1.251 ]bs 7$ 0.573 2039I1s (-1.251 IB) Wets 1$ 0223 .�g>� 2-7 0.068 165N (.9as) 3-5 H.69g .,,g291h; QN 2$ 0.698 a.8M lb; 36 a068 166 oat (.9lbs) 4-5 o.223 -M9la \. i Truss -to -truss Connections Summary ••'••• m Ceaial Twos Cwyinp Tess Ca-inyo6sd Angle ` /,•t i 7731 16 FG] 7.10-0 Z7D deg U, Tier leg 0. 54 95 •� Notes: _ I) This dsiga is based onASCE 7.10 as tefeimeed"a 2)10 Florida Building Cade '• �� 2)%.this tnss hasbem chosen for quality assurance inspection, the Plate Flacemmt Method per 7P11.2WA3.2 shall be used Cq-1.21. 3)Tnssiuwuas amnuxtim is for praphioal interperadm only Abangera other atncatal cmrmim shall be prided to mist therrer reaction and uplift shown in the P®ctim Strrvnry rti V TATE F (L 4) Provide adequate dainege to )revenl pmdng based MMEM Only loading 3)listd wind uplift reactions m ORI SON AIL, aurlCE-AcMortbbdeitmarbermdtetbe edim�om Tbeestnoftbsb6iliW=cbaadmdd aiete.mmgd®era&Wkdbrtbe•mabs f. , admre,epmft.c cyadc-*t artmhf�-nim afcrthbyu6rao11;rsLssipa.As-a(mowaanwhgoar'eta.ccepameorpor�eletsgoechgmpa�is®tbrmun vesranymem deaFnmosu7ne adatriy.d�otthsrompmem rot.nyrancrbrdtuhade�smemsDaasbSs•of Stepben W. Warta Strap. Fngg54395 towBridWM'Waer,P=AWSnP11.2007Cbapa2VARN -rnu ircguietropabudIng,acaiu, iaendbmci xeralotm(mad�rorec�(adlbgC=pm crowWr tbn),:ryl>�TAamSBCA)f POPa i-lathomethods.admpatam efetynt ibmehthgtoWeemieemm tinpatxta lntbeabsenee ofgec'fcuaaBtimadurmpanrymmeisMdgtpecT tvmgtn6erttlxhsnLmn(Q1dhg�a6tintokrsrcea)mdtempamy 2590N.Kit@s Ugb.Fl Pierce F)34%l tem.hLtraehgo[Wewsxsflalbe haccadencewibBC9-HI.dBC51-B7-Tn�sa�regmel�emmremain/trTeciFen6adsa baegdeiEmi;msp fcdby hmtbiwhgmyudr'aswbymt;dwbk Nbi=b.The meNdofhdi.�stmatuembermmaimMcbgmal6eassyecieEbytMH31'vg lksgerpaAlHlIA1,(2apa1,[@eefcumpe®em tracing.dwnimttpecYWlsjna6axWameg6erm®pT®edbyaadmdndt myhteratrzstra'vtmd ATSlrrn1laapea3. Altxmxdapbtnshal •7'mpbl.avmnWewaotbe deg®f.ct..bySbp `/ WendpbtcscwdanceisdbyadlgigmdtbegtiUlereepble. OememLa:taedbyShtw51tmg7iComp�•,IoebatxmdavreoibFSR•2762.A1ct>mectmpbtes.a 70PBa.mffithe tpeciWpbte deafolxedlryr-•lam aLc6hdiata.n ]Bgageybta &..g.T.C-9•B3mBCSl-B7-s ihESR-272.A3 Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: I7G 02070 SOUTHERN 2590 N. kings Highway Projec(Name: 6510-d TRUSS Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: 7/12/2014 113325AM Component SolutionsT, COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 4644160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: 1 of2 s Trus Version: 5.01 jBulld 31 Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 12-8-0 0 /12 1 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 12 in 71 lbs 12-M 4-2-11 4-2-11 4-2-11 4.2.11 8.5-s 12.6-D CJ3H J1 FJ3H J3H J3H 1 J3H J3H J1 CJ3H 4x101 7x9 - 7x10 - 0101 1 2 3 4 N Ll 1 B 7 6 US - tx41 1x41 5 7x9 - FG1 FG2 0-0-0 4-2-11 4-2-11 0.0-0 4-2-11 4-2-11 S-5.5 1241-0 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (loc) Allowed Load (ps0 Hldg Code: FBC DI(Y TC: 0.88(2.3) Vat Tt. 0.15is L/%8 (6.7) L/240 TCLL: D TPI 1-= BC: 0.56(6.7) Vat LL• 0.06 in L/999 (6-1) L/360 TCDL: 15 Bcp Mtrinsmse: No Wb: 0.92(3.5) Haz TL• 0.05 in 5 BC? 1 0 D.O.L : 125 % Crap Fads, Kam 1.5 BCDL: 10 Plate Odsos OntXYlmg) (1•2-125-&90.) (21-124-120) (3:1-124-130) (42-125890.) (564.3$0.) (6.'00.3890) (7.-U.3-&90J (8:583-11.0J Reaction Summary TT Type &g Canba Bg Wdh Material Bni Bm Wdh Max Pond Max Gray Udifi Max WodUliO Max UdiB Max Haiz 8 Pin (Truss) 1 1.5 in - 3m in I.41011a --6521bs 5 H Fill (rims) 1 1.5 in - 3.00 in 1,41016s - -M 11a -652 lbs - fir' Its - Material Summary Bracing Summary TC SP (AISC6-DU)12 2 x 6 TC Tracing; Shenhed or tehns a14-K P.R dsigo b,• Otbo s. BC SP (ALSC6-DI3) R2 2x 4 BC &adng: Sheatbef aPulins al 3-K Pu1in design by Oihas. W!hs SP(ALSC6-D12)#3 2x 4 crept: 1-8 SP (ALSC&D13)12 2 x 6 4-5 SP (AISC6-2013) 92 2 x 6 Loads Summary I) Tbis rams bas been designed fa the ededs do to 10 pestbonan dtad live lord rite dsd Inds. 2) This toms hasbemdmignedfathe edads d•windlonds in acmdance adlb ASCb7. 10wilb the follmingtmadefined inpd: 170nph0famie,E m=C,Om011idg Dinm65 8 x 70 & h -17 B, Not r.d Zone Ts ms, Neitha ond web rmsidaed DOL-1.33, CC Zone 1Vidb 6.51L ' 4 3) Knin—tQagc attic lading in eaasdancewith IBC T5bie 1607.1 has not boars applied Load Case Lrl: Std Live Load Point Loads Menba Location Meal. Lend Tdb WdUt 1 A ,��� -Tip Chd - 040 Down 141 lbs ` -•...IY ea Tap Chd 1.43 D— 10911m 24 in Tip Chd 3�12 Du 12511a 24 in \ ��, ... '•. �� /� \ `, C \ , s n wn ]?S lla 4 in Ilp Chd 50-1Dow \ �\• �'•.•�\ Top Chd &4-0 Doom 125I6s 24 in ,• /� Tap Chd 744 Dan. 125N 24 in 1bpCbd 9-74 Derv. 12511m 24 in Tap Chd 1143 Don. 10911m 24 in _ o, 54 95 yt r un o Chd D. ]albs /) a••� _,a �r J = Load Case D 1: Std Dead Load L Paint Loads • ATE F LU T` Member UM6m Dhadon lord Tdb Wdth ^.�•••.• Don. 156116 Tbp Cbd -3 un Tap Cbd 1.11D. 921hs Min •;• : \`` '••• O P.••" RI \ Top Chd -1412 13 . 1261hs 24 to lip Chd 5" Down 17b Ilm 24 to �, s • • ....... • G / \ �Q •�' \ Mp Chd 6.4-0 Dowo 1261bs 24 in 7.7.4 Down 126bs 24 in �� • ��)JVAIL0 Tapcbd Top Chd 9.7d Don. 1261in 24 in 'Gp Chd 1143 Doer. 921hs 24 to Tbp Chd 12-80 Down 156lbs •tXIr10E•Acop/ofthidea�dalhf Wtotlrceanuocaotncta. 7lrcdes�o[ta'simndaltmsit.ardwdeepaiere andtegiuemewoppiedblt�TmssManoGawveMrtinnpmtbeaccmagandcmpttmesoftbeNametim Stephen W. Waiter t itWdA'eaRtMn1a>cfce7pta=aearoefgp lCCS51 aNaefca®topmdeebl ediin(BMb e1-2OD7 Saul- ring #M395 cpoMenngrcha emcbmaVd�ida>bdbUaasehiegtrss heB.1ghtOheeBgdslsu,ygaANSV.PA Chap.1 mwoafBngCanmdtpeofmthS6efeVIdomm timj aYjpuibutloYgTeAludSBCA)fw PLipta ¢9alat®methodsmdapatea tafeyur®mbemnluglolheWireeoamvetmyocea]nthebrnee ofgecifen9161bv>tadtempRaryR4Ria)�[bejz(w=bdimllcdE , ktiIDldjendnRffialamafc!bt,.ba tempaeq' 390 N. Kings tB�a. FL Piece F134951 n�anaMciag oftbetm�esdal6e uecemdaaewlbBC51•BIeodbylbeBu limsmtwp ova Wece Laaif Twi3 t d aemam/a*ec&w thkgagWb�kb .I the bmcm dc*ms dbYmb dbyg d, -Yhi metbodo[ud'si4ults�memban:mainMceB sharp esrpecCedMtneBuitog RsgnapaAT47H I,C6agc3:irpecfsa�pumnnWlLacng,de�ctw 4eded6Yothocth'edulheecWmpT�Mb�'sama+ditdeaYntWmmaa Wd WPII, p d'mp.0b—ugde in..otdatteeiLBC9-B3orBC51-BlasappF De.'@4CRW+P'2ad�em®estbenmso.�aGcnoWoaeWNencews6WsdawngemtMgoaiy criere greiednAN51?BIChaPa3. Aleomeaapntn0al Ix:mWidactaedbyS�Somg-7sCaop,•,Itrhereadaoce.ibESR-3763.A1coarcetorpbtnue70gage,tmisWe syeciredyntes've6folmdya•-18-whchidiatesW IRgagepnte. Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: I7G 242 ', SOUTHERN 2590 N. kings Highway ProjectName: 6510-d TRUSS Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: 7/12/2014 113326AM Component SolutionsTMt COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: z oe2 Truss Version: 5.01 Build 31 Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 12-8-0 0 /12 1 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-M 0-M 1 12 in 71 Ibs Member Forces Summary Table ;ndeatmMoro.�CSL, a)dalf�A(—oogr.k=if&(r. tsl.n Walf=) TC 1.2 0.411 1991M (-145 Its 2-3 O.BA 24*fis (-2.010lbs)3-0 0.384 1g3-?.4r11s -1451m iL 56 Q535-14221hs 6 N 7 O..-2.42211s 7$ 0.535 Os \Nbs 1$ 0.544 1. Its (625 @s) 2.7 0.035 95 lhs 3.5 0.T3 241716s (-;0131hsI '+$ 0.917 2,400Its (-2013 lb, 36 0.G35 951hs 4.5 0.507 1,00_+Ins (.LIS b;) 1Yuss-to-truss Connections Summary In Curried Tnas Catnin R Tnss CaminRGffot Ande 1T53 17G FG2 46-12 90 deg :aT1t," »k_j-t,.., .�,� 04U <u-1t�i .t.:�>,135 d°g. T rn 1] r ;%TrA .., im 1.,1.13 , g e3H;.:. tx. 90ti1. 7G 42u�.d TTA 33H 17G 50-12 90 ft _ 33ff,:. Tr,O 1311 17G 774 90 tkg TM W it t r rr 170 r 7 y.-]1-&3 TT71 cm 17G 1243-0 45 deg Notes: 1) This design is baiod on ASCE 7.10 as refmmred by the MIO Florida WIcEng Coi . 2)Mtnibis =,has b— chosen for ga0ry asstaattce mspeak., the Plate 1`1.m lMethod per 7P11-2DOWfi3.2 shall be tsei Cq=1.21. 3)Tnss4scmtn.11. Is for galbital intC,61.1im only Ahangor or other strscmcal cmteaim shall be proided to resist thettax-ctim and to' ft sham in the Pwacsimn Su Froy 4) I'myide adoWe ttainage to p vmt pmding 5) Listed wind g1ift maims based on MNPBS Only Imtfing \��•��.Q N - N Vlrq �ii,. '. �GFfys'• * :14 o. 54 95 TATE F LU '��ss•• ORIDP••'G���: 'NOTICE•Acoy/ofth'edes��IbehmiaedtoWe erecthnecmtractor.7'bodes£nofttsud:�altrvacba¢dwde�cri<rbadregoiememempptedMt6eTmsWnofarnmaadrt3eeopmtbesrcuaryendca�ktercsoftheNa®+Lim Stephan W. Warier etfta0lrytheB,dfhglkssnm. Asealoawem+wug adr'auee¢eperceo[pore®oalmgce¢ngre�aa3�3rnkb fmteetrusc®ymm4esi�mwa'mendemiyema2 ohn'scaaapwem fa.�3� > ades�stLetespon�Tp'af SmcL rag fl 54395 ue Bv31'vgRspneypcANSI/IP11.20P/ Cmpet2.-W IUUe>^i-T—.,.gd,poyerEsndlog,emctn4avreus nodlaeeug. AefatotEehteaedicnot73C9(adtig C®pooem Sefetylafo lbn,pmypod.e jTnamSBGaforprope n.saamNaewodsemmpmam ,et®ymryanrain/tracngge'creas�sgothesweasahmmtbcltd'os�+btimtokmses)aM«mpseary�N. Kings 15 �• FL PiiT 34951 us.lk!' afmati—blitgtolbeemiec_,7ioP=mIntMamofgec'feutimdt eigorthetruneade7bebaskbBSt-BI..d6sibo®—le -b—lnt—biaed)Tbedmvngonlb&ta6etrThe metlndtfum Innamember2asain/tracug8elhasVectAbytbeli i l7es. Per . PI l,Cheper2;f ifevostpermsum b designcigm ist WecirdbYotbmthis"IeaeeompTsbdbinaadardbd—yhtemlmvama� j dhgooatlnehgdetakbaew,dencewihBCS1-B3orBCS1-H7usypEebk.•H.4'Ott7iVdi•Tbades�e®eslhetmasmaoofietmtdb=mdmceadbtbsdmongmdthgaiynsemg cfedhAN>VIA1Chapor3.Alee wpbtesftI 1\ bematmfa...dby mpmnS.mg•TsCamp.vy,lvcnemmdeze aihESR-2762.AIw®eetuyktesne70gng4tmkatLe ped+dWte srei;foUxdbys'-ISwbe2dr'stnm Ill gsgepbte. Southern Truss Companies, Inc• Truss: J3H SOUTHERN 2590 N. kings Highway ProjectName: 6510-d TRUSS Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: 7/12/2014 113331 AM Component SoLrtionsTM11 TrusCOMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: 1 of 1 s Version: 5.01 [Build 31 Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 3-0-0 4112 5 1-4-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 161bs 4-4.0 1-0-0 3.6.0 12 3 4F- 1X41 3X 2 } 1,.5x3 - zI 1x4 NIj 1 5 4 1.Sx31 17G IBG 2-M 243-0 D-0.0 1-0-0 2-0-0 1-0-0 3-0-0 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection Ll (loc) Allowed Lod (ps0 Odg Code: FBC 2DIN TC: 0.25(1.2) Val M. 0.02 in 1./999 5 L/240 TOLL; 20 TPl 1-Mv BC: 0.05(6-1) Vet IL: 0.01 is L/999 5 L/360 7CDL: Is Rep Mtrinaease: Yes Wb: 0.03(2-6) Hai TL• 0.04 in 4 BCIJ.: 0 D.O.L : 125 % Creep Fads, Ker- 1.5 BCDL: 10 Plate Ot'sas(1ntXXAng) (1•1- (2:1-123.290.) (5)42389D) (6UQ1.120) Reaction Summary lT Type fig Cards Rm Wdh Mateial Roi fig Wdh Maxlimd Max Gov Wift Max WndUplift Max Waft Max Haiz I Pin (!has) 1 1.5 in - 3.00 in 251 lbs --I061ts 406l s 219lbs 4 H Roll (Toss) 1 1.S is - 3.0) in 37 Rs - 3 H MI (rnsa) ] 1.5 in - 3.00 in 119 N - -59lbs -5911s - Material Summary Bracing Summary TC SP(AISC6.2)13)#22 x 4 TC&a®g: ShmthedaPndmsal6.30,PalindesiLmby Otbm. BC SP(AISC6-3D13)922x4 BCliauhg SheathedaPahnsal 10K Axon design by Oihes. Wt4 SP(A1SC63112)#32 x4 Loads Summary 1) Thia mas has hem designed fa the eBeas die to 10 psfbonm cbad the loadphs dead lmds. 2) This toss has ham daighel fa the effects arwind loads in acmdenee with ASCF/ -10 with the fdlaaingtserde6nel inpd: 170 mph Wtinele raTxm C, Ovadll Hdg Di m 65 R x 70>4 h - 17 & Na Hhd?me Tnas, Neither end web muidaed DOL-1.33, CC 7me Width 6511. 3))&imm stodge attic lording m amordem a with IBC Zbie )607.1 has net berm axiied Member Forces Summary 1hbleindi=-Mansur M, rrax CST, trax atdal fhLrA(max-pr. race lydffamt rs® naxa)dal race) 7C 1.1 0.29J 30 this 1.2 0.254 -121 lb; 2-3 0.147 4 Hs I BC as o.o4z 0lb6-1 0.054 -106ft H2ls 12.6 0.027 66lb, (-21ht) 6-5 0.018 43 Ra \ \ N 1 Y Truss -to -truss Connections Summary \� �'e• ID Carded 7nas Cmyingina6 Cmryingofiid Amde (�\ �tiG �rtl SG�'• �� /i T•1-A 33H 17G 30-12 90 deg TM 33H 17G 9.7-4 90deg ._ 0. 54 95 KIT170 MN J3H i r•h -;x• ai �` J-`%i.' �,`s.�` t s 90 d<.g -N }� �'\�'j�� .,L t:.: ii73�,.n•�' t.•, -n 33Hytr .1' rr '".IBGf�7f'. .. u E �t� tF4 �-4« 27P deg r'"': TM 13H IBG 50-12 2A dap, 1 TATE F W TM 33H l8G 7.7.4 ZAdeB � �7 'a._�;...'.h:�`ZA Notes /, F�, ' .. O R I O P" • ''.�\; I) This design is based m ASCE 7•10 as rereard "a 20l0 Flmda liildng Code / 2)M. this tne, has berm chmea for 9mlilyaseacnceinspedim, the PlatePlacx%mt Method per TP11-2WA3.2 shall be t¢eL Cq-1.21. 3) Tnssiomss annetoxes is fa p-4ical integeetim mly Abanger a she shnmoal mnnadim shall be provided to resist the sex rmdim and OR shown in the R®dim Swrnary // 4) At lean mewebofthiasshas b-designel with a prod print in theweh All pmel pochets nta m such wshall be trteas. aced laterally P.Wdicelar to the plane ofthe as. latecdltrace;shallbeast.11ed4{dtln 6•ooffearLw d�pC 5) listed wind uplift reactims base! m MVJW Only leading, •NOfICE•Aaopyafroadies�marbef�e6lothaeetnnemtracta.7ae@egnofta%ihditlwlwsibaeA®dea�aiere mdtequiemem.apylNbyt6e7ruaMmoSctmvandreies�mWe.cemaryao6c®pkteves;olthehf tan Stephen W. Warta mfonhbythBhd7ngDesgnc. Awalmtb%ditiad tesaceeptnre 0llaora5mo1egghceugreq-sbry®kblmthe--poaem dehgnh6a+adesp%0-g-Dityor Strad. ra g54395 the swling' usgoeapeANsllIA1-200'1 CDeper2 wABww•'Hh>�xreq�eVo➢e»9.eeciiq* i4amdbmc4Rtfc otbeblMtdiimorBc9(BditComP v SafttYl f> t®yin pWacodbyTRndSBCA)fmlropQ B nvnDtimmeWodsedepmtmt®try%1'avmet®rekthgtotbe�iecmmuctinpoee¢IoWeaDs:neeoltpeeficagaEtima>dlrmpmarytegmhUtracvg hpedrat®sgower;WeneaLtimlocld'vgaysEhuatokmnces).mtempaary -"O N. Kings FLgh. FL Piece Fl 34951 temavt/bmcisgofwethusaes>bathe uarcmdaacewihBCSI•B1 aodHfSl-B2 TrhssxaaaotegaiepWPI I, bapa2;trVec&mzpamee bmc4 emlxas(wLue&dbyobidolbayhdeaeslbebgAndud htemhetml The eWoddnd'vimulwamemlaar>ma/aacitr darbee6gecirmlytbe BoHngDesp erperATA?A 1,eaaPek r�ee�+rasp®aaaoatn*aka,�%sbtq�eorwryodercm%metr6e.ewmr�edMtmaeasa;au$rhtnwegaaam ding®alaacighuibecemdancevibBC5FH3aHCS1•B7asappiabk.•D.9CJRTANI•T%%desgnamaneathemns%maoafacsmMuareadenrswbthsdewngaodtbegmiymem sec[ed'oANaVfA]CaeAc3.Arcomectaphtesdal 11. `b hma.&.,.MbySmp-S-,q-T:C-pM,lve%aeemdaoce.ibESR-3762.Alc mpbim=20pmmffithevufcdphtehY.e%fobaedbys'•lrubbh'edr'atesm I8pagcphte. �,� Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: CJ3H - �:� SOUTHERN 2590 N. kings Highway ProieatName: 6510-d Component SolutionsTM TRUSS Fort Pierce, F134951 page: 7/0 /2014 1133.07AM Truss COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-0160 (772) 318-0016 Fax II Span Pilch Qty OHL OHR CANT CANT PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY II 4-1-6 2.828 /12 2 1-10-10 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in20lbs 1-10-10 1-4-15 2--1-68.7_ s? 5 1.541 17G J1H IBG 2-D-0 24-0 0-0-D 1-4-15 2-8-1 _ r 1-4-15 i 41.6 Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (loc) Allowed Caned lords (pst) 10dgcode: FBC 201a, TC: 0.80(2-3) Ven TU 0.O81n UP L/Sr 5 L11240 TCLL: m 7PI 1-M07 BC: 0.16(&1) Vat it Din' L/999 5 L136D TCDL: 15 Rep Mbrinasse: No Wb: 0.04Q� Ha. TL 0.11. 4 13CI1': 0 D.O.L : 125 % Crcp Factor, Ka= 1.5 BCDL: 10 Plate OBses(1ntXY.AnO. (1?-331,6) (21-123-3,9Q.)_ (5:1.IZA91) (6:00.1-120) Reaction Summary J7 7ype Hp Cabo $r 5 in Wdth Matelot RgiHin dth Max Read Max Ora Uplift Max Wnd Uplift Max Ulm Max Hai. 1 Pin (Toss) 1 1.- 200 298I1s - -M5 Its -20511s 2151ha 4 H Rau (Truss) 1 1.5 in - 100 in 52I1s - 3 H Rdl (Truss) 1 1.5 in - 100 in 142 Rs - -95It. -9511s - Material Summary TC SP (ALSC63)13)02 2 x 4 BC SP (ALSC62DM 42 2 x 4 vits SP (ALSC&2DI2) W3 2. 4 Loads Summary Bracing Summary TC Bra®g Sheathed a Puffins at 6-M. Nalin design by Others. BC )racing Sbealhad arPalins at )M Patin design 1N Othes. 1) This tnss has b= designed fQ the effcu dim ID ]0 paf bong chord m lend plus dmd lords. 2) Standard lends on Tresses Cane]"is Ghder. TC live = 20 wE TC Dead =15 psf, BC live= 0 psf, BC Dead =10 psC 3) Tbis truss h. been d sipre5 to the eBeds d'nbd loads in accmbnu: vftb ASCE7-10 aith The follming sac defined inpi: 170nh ultintole, FgxureC, 0 c 11 Hdg Dins 65 ft x A 0, h - 17 B, Na Fad 7me Tms, Neitherend web considered DOL=1.33, CC 7me Rtdb 65 L 4) Mmimon storage attic loading in acmdance with I13C Table 1607.1 has not been applied Load Case Lr1: Std Live Load Point Loads Mantic L=6. 131redion Load Trib Wdds Tcp Cbd 14 -15 Up 48 lb; 24 in Tap Chd lb] Up Ills 24 in Load Case D 1: Std Dead Load Point Loads Month. location Direction Load Tdb Wdh Tcpcbd 1-0-15 Up 361b, 24M Bor Cbd ]4415 Dk 7 ft 24 in Top Cbd Ibl Down ] lb. 24 in Forces Summary - Table indicates: Mmber ID, nax CSl, max aual face,(max ampr. fax ifdidean fmn nsx anal form) \ i *140.54 95 TATE I� �� f i 4u _54"A�oCRIOP, I/1111111ttt Stepben W. Warter Sena Eng454395 29J0 N. Kitip High. Ft Pierce F) 34951 t I I .`� Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: CJ3H f` SOUTHERN 2590 N. kings Highway ProjedName.6510d TRUSS Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: 7/12/2014 113307AM Component SolutionsThf Truss COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: 2 of2 . Version: 5.01 [Build 31 Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANTL CANTR PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 4-1-6 2.828 /12 2 1-10-10 0-" 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 201bs Truss -to -truss Connections Summary to Canial Trss CaningTms CarryinR o6sd Angle �.+TiJI r C13H 1..Jj•'C'K,F G3N .. .. a TT76 11H C13H IA-15 45 deg TT74 0314 i8G 380 315 deg gTT74......,.. pis. C131fTI,-,.ram_ t .. .;s.�78G . r.t; .,_. ,. ft>. W-0 �;+3r �, :.: 225 deed.._; Notes: 1)This dsilp is based on ASCE7-10 as mramced ' the 3010 Florida Holding Cade 2) When this buss has Mora chasm fa Qehzy assnance inspafim, the Plate Placeanart Method per TPJ 1-2D02/A3.2 shall be wed Cq=1.21. 3) Tms4dnss emnectim is for graphical interpaotim mly Ahanger m aher shumral ca naiat shall be pmaided to gist the nex teadim and tplift shown in the Rmtim Suaenory 4) At lout me web of this buss has hem desigaedwith a panel point in the web. All panel points at s zh webs shall be traced laterally papmdicolaf to the plane of the teas. lateral bates shall be instated within 6 • of each web panel point 5) listed wind xplift maims based on MWFRS Only lading N 10.54 95 :q { �= �T �TT E E �\ O R I O P• 'G��`� /0NAIL1�\``�� •rurlcH•Aaopyorb de�matxrmbhceobeencmaemaanmTbedesLaaftbkbdiilala kbmdmde�,:erkandregoiem mppkdbrtbc'masMaaw&a, zdRfeaa�mtxeuwaeyemempf ms:ofinecfa,n,tim StephenW.Wwer a afonbbytbeBnitggnet.pa.AW®thidmMq sdeaautprance ofpofe»alengbeaggm*ousHs ry®bbforthe oneamorcm pderguabdt tdrowa. The symdn¢ oflhecompoaeat fmanypankulbadv8dest. stherzpawbegof stint. Engg54395 We Bmlibgnesper,p.%NSVTPI 1.2007 CbaAer2anebnchg. Reratothelatest MEMO=(BIW19Cmnpmem Saray fmpoper 2590 N. Mop 1E9h. FL Please F13M nstnbt®melbod—dmpon.msarmyaramatoontathgtotbeemk —-•imptea-httheabxmeamteaprag-tabaftrac gec7 trmsbiamaRthehv�t®(aL%og�atitimtobeances)®dtempaary reshah/Isarngofinemtsxa balbe naccwdarcewlhBCgtAI andBCSI.92. T,wasnbreoeratwl.'tb;sdowngo*Wiz-txaaon fathtenhea>am. The —bodofod:,ionalmtamembare�nt/tr.ciugmalhe aaq�ecn:aMtheao3>ogRs�apaANsvrn l.ChapakiQecEetr�pamsrcmhachgdesp inn q..rdbyoil r.- ibarbeaccampimedMmmvd hdwoy1n.W carrot aed 1-2-0 ^ dialomltraci4de accadavicewihBC9•B7aBC9-B7aseppixbt.•B.WATATtI'•TLsdes,a them imevufetweanaccor& a ihmsdmmn ndwe gmiy triers WecfiWnATT MI l Chapa3. Aleomenapbtecthal ^l7 /� J1 bermmdaclmWbySmpamSrvng-Te C-p y,la naamdance withESR-2762.Asco arphtaart Mpge,mdiSthe WectdphW k, sfob-dbya•-lr hLbiadeatecm l8gaeerole. Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: J1H • SOUTHERN 2590 N. kings Highway ProjectName: 6510-d TRUSS Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: ola 113330AM SohttionsTM ComponentI COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax off Page: ofl Truss Version: 5.01 [Build 31 Span Pilch Sty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 1-0-0 4 /12 2 14-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 12Is 2-4-0 1-0-0 12 4F 2 2x6 1 5 4 3 1.541 FG1 FG2 CJ3H Loading General CSI Summary Deflection Ll (doe) Allowed Ind 0s0 Bldg code: FBC,2DIOt TC: 0.44(SI) Vm ILDin L/999 (L4) L/240 TOLL 27 TPI 1-3m BC: 0.01(34) Vet LL• 0in L/999 3 LI3S TCDL: 15 P.ep Mbbuamse: Yes Wb: 0.320-41 Horn M. 0.04 in 2 BCLL: 0 D.O.L: 125% a, K=1.5 Cry Pact.; 1JCDL: 10 Plate OHsels(JnMY,AnRY. (1l7-12,2-1290.) (4:2-123$SO) Reaction Summary ]r 7we [ig Cmdbr 9e Wdh Material Fad Hrg Wilts Max Fenn Max Gray Uplift Max Wnd lJdift Max Udift Max Horiz 4 Pin (Doss) 1 1.5 in - 300 in 260 BE - -001bs 4u Its 19711s 3 H Fill (foss) 1 1.5 in 300 in ]411s - 2 H Itdl (Toss) 1 1.5 in 3.00 in 0lbs -95 N •70 lla -95lbs - Material Summary TC SP (ALSC6.2DI3) A2 2 x 4 Bc SP (ALSC6.2I13) 42 2 x 4 N6ffi SP (ALSMD13) #2 2 x 6 Bracing Summary TC Boa®g Sheathed a Pushers at 630. Tulin design by Others. BC Bmci r Sbeathdor Pinion at 10-K Pinto design by0thas. Loads Summary I) Ibis tons has hem designed for the eBets ds to 10 psfbzm cLml live ]oadplra dead Inds. 2) Ibis truss bas been d_siphel fa the effects dwind loads in accordance with ASCE/- 10 with the fdlowing user defined laps: l70 aph Wthnate, F gsmue C, Oucdl Bldg Dina 65 ft x A ft, h - 17 fL Nu End Zme Tnas, Ncitha and web caosidaed 1)OL-1.33, CC Zme whdtb 65 & 3) Mmimm simage attic loading in accordance with IBC Mbie )607.1 has not bem applied Member Forces Summary Ubieindrates:Mmlam,=CS,aaxehdalfornq(acmlpr.kweifmaormtftmttm uAalface) Truss -to -truss Connections Summary ID Craziest Toss CarryingTruss CarhvangoSsd Angle TM JIH FG) 3.5-11 2Adeg is t;TTiS iit::v_ IIH:�_.'5.:.G1. W2.-M, era/ w ...',ef-a3;S l ,h.,,,:., TUN TI76 J1H 03H 1-4-15 45 deg Notes: 1) This dedl. is based m ASCE 7.10 as referaral by the 7010 Florida Wldng Cade 2) U.I bdm plates are Mlb,3 Mgt. 3)Wnonthi.vm,bnab—,hmmfagnlityms—minspatim,the Plate Placmhmt Mdhodpa TP11.7D02yA3.2shdlbessm Cq-1.21. 4) Tnas4oc ss connedm Is for graphical intetpeatrm only Abrmger a otherstnebral emnxtim shall be provided to min the rrex searrim and agliftsboan in the Itnactm Sumary 5) Listed wind uplift reactions based on MWFRS Only loading co *140.54 95 TATE E [u Stephen W. Warter Smn. E ng it 54M 2550 N. Kings LEgb. FL Piece F134951 [Z( l Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: I8G ``a •' I SOUTHERN 2590 N. kings Highway ProjectName: 6510d TRUSS Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: 7/12/2014 1133:26AM Component SolationsTM COMPANIES Page: 1 of2 T7us6 (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Version: 5.01 uild 31 Span Pitch Sty OHL OHR CANT CANT PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 12-8-0 4 /12 1 1.4-0 14-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 12 in 791bs 15-4.0 14-0 34)-0 6-8-0 3-0-0 14-0 3-0-0 9.84 12.8-0 J3H,CJ3H J3H J3H 1 J3H J3H,CJ3H 5X6-18 - 6X6.18 - 12 2 3 12 4(— �4 2x6 / 3X4 i 1 4 r g 10 41 1 6 7 6 5 2X8 1 3x7 - 3x4 - 2x8 1 FG1 F(32 0-0-0 0-0-0 3-0-0 6_6.0 3-0-0 0 943-0 12.8-D Loading General CSI Summary Deflection Ll (loc) Allowed Load O60 Bldg Code: FBC 20101 TC: 0.57(2-3) Vat TL• 0.1 in L/999 (&'0 L/240 TCLL 2D TPI 1.3)07 BC: 0.46(6+0 Vcd LL 0.01 in L/999 (6-b L/360 TCDL: 15 RryMbrinamse: No Vkb: 0.37(4-6) Hon, TL• 0.01 in 5 BCIL: 0 D.O.L : 125 % Cray Factor, Ka = 1.5 BCDL: 10 Plate O(fsas O.MY.A.0', (1.3&2-&1&) (2-0W-H) (3•142,3410) (4.3&2�8.18) (59-1244U90.) (6843&0.) (7:1.W-U.) (8:1.12.4&90J Reaction Summary 3T Type &B Cann Bra Wdih Matelot )lsd Bm With Max Pma Max Gavlh9ifi Max Mind thiifl Max Udifl Max Hoiz 8 Pin (ihss) 1 1.5 in - 3m in 818 )Is - -3231b, . -323 Ibs 20l s 5 H PA (toss) 1 1.5 ip - 3.00 in 81S Bs --3231hs •323 Its - Material Summary Bracing Summary TC SP (ALSC&2013) SS 2 x 4 TC Ha®g Shmihed a Pmlins ai 6.30, Alin chip bl OIbm. BC SP (AMCWD 3) #2 2 x 4 BC Bracing Shealhed a Pudins al 6-7A Palin design b101hen. V4ds SP (ALSC6.20203 2x 4 Loads Summary 1) Tbis Ins, has boat de:ip ed fa the eirmu dte to 10 psf bon®chad live Imd phs dmd loads. 2) This Ines has been dmipted for the e6ects dwind loads in aaon4nm with ASCEI. 10 with the following userdefined inptt: 1'A nipb Utbmtq EVm= C, Ose ll Bldg Dins 65 fl x ;0 K h - l7 fl, Not Fad 7me Tnss, Nethera d.eb txnsidaed DOL=1.33, CC Zme VAdh 6.51E 3) Hnimm storage anie loading in acmdmee with 1BC Table 1607.1 bas not been applied Load Case Lrl: Std Live Load Point Loads Mmba Location Direction load Tnb Wdb A! Top Chd 1" flown 48 Bs N \\ Tap Chd 3�12 Down 4e Bs Zi in Top Chd 50.12 Dave 48 fls 24 in \.\ V� , . • • • • • , R / Top Chd 64-0 Dawn 48 RE 24 in ENa, Tap Chd 7.7-4 Dwa 48 Bs 24 in \ •su �,., n Tap Chd 9-7-4 23s 481hs 24 in \ ` ••• ��/.� 7tp Chd 9410 Down 481bl _ * : to, 54 95 _ As 0 ��IVgIL.t..��\\\. i monce•Acopyofm%ee�mlbe6=medtowernnbneonaaaeibeau�ofW%bdeiimlaa%Wedoodes�aiereamagdememsapp6edylheinaMmGcnevavdrefaopm6eacc®gmdcmpLhenessofthenfametim Stephen W. Warier rzl faMbytheBviingiksg�er.AealwW%dn.bg ud'rdtassCepaneeefjeofessimCleAfman$Rrym��yob)'I nrlltmLOIDpooeIDdes$nmWv.7LentiaidryandoL011h%colirylaeIDfor6oyfeflEvhibdlvBdesyasWCR>pmsbiyof Silva. Fagg 54395 the Ba kftD sper,p.MSl/7P11-2007 meAa2•wAitldNG•7tmzsagoiepopab,ndfvg,erteuiaLreaain oodtrncug. Refertodx ham ediimofBCS1(BdshBCampon Way Info®slijh*pomeedbjTPaMSBCA)fmpopa imauuuametmdsemapaum efegnfamat®sebleglolheemiecoamrctinpoms 1.1&.bsn.rV-cfc-lht-..dlempmnyauninlbmd*pedeatbwbymb fti mLsim( ,Ahgisainimtotanees)aodtemp-,y 2590 N. King: 1Bgh. FL Pierce Fl 34951 a..ebg ofdntsysxsdathe hsccaedan,ZhBC51-Blom=-B2.homsalsotequie permammsemaia/ean4ofcbo d&=dcenauxbmembm(vaoeod'nuM}7L%daoaBoaD'ibeatathebutimfabtrnlaaam. The tnethodef'od•ibelvnss baasmimMecirgIDe7te.sspecid6rllcB.Ift synerWANW11 l,mapakirspecia:vuspnmsmm b-4@aptsmI q.=btipdegth'sftn--v:b db/ nandasdbatmyhtenl;vsoaufam degomlb—ingdeaaba.cwdeuce.ihBCSI-B3osBMB7u.ppkubk.•UOVOy-Th%hs�p—weevers%=en1&-.dn.ccordmeawIDlh%dsaabgsadWegoaiycdae V-irdkANWfl l 0Npc3. Afcomacuapbta. al I �� be..ff..o,edbysmy—&vv*-Tk C=;% yb h.—ds—wibESR-2762.A6c ommn rpb--w.th.4=redpbl..i ilfabxdby.-lr- bkhbdka—l86eg.pma Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: I8G 2590 N. kings Highway ProjectNafne: 6510-d 0 ,, 1 211211 A SOUTHERN TRUSS Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: 7/12/2014 113327AM Component SolutansTat Truss COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: 2 of2 Version: 5.01 Build 31 Span Pitch Sty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 12-8-0 4 /12 1 1-4-0 1-4-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 12 in 791bs Load Case D 1: Std Dead Load Point loads Matter Location DireWm load Tdb Wdh Tcp Chd 3-H Doan 55 Ibs Bs Chd 300 Donn 26 Its Tap Chd 30.12 Dour 49 Its 24 in Ida Chd 3012 Down 18116 24 in Top Chd 3.0-12 Dwn 49 Ihs 24 in But Chd 50-12 Donn 181ts 24 in Tap Chd 64-0 Dour 4911s 24 in Bat Chd 64-0 Doan - l8 Bs 24 in Tap Chd 7-7-4 Doun 49 Its 24 in Ben Chd 7.7.4 Doan 181hs 24 in Top Chd 9.7-4 Doan 4911s 24 in Bat Chd 9.7-4 D.% 18 Its 24 in Top Chd 9-M Doan 55N Ben Chd W Dash 261ts Member Forces Summary Table indicates: McoWID, nsusCS1,rtatasialforce, I=omgr.force ifdilf=tfrom —dal face) TC 9-1 0.107 1616s 2-3 0.571 846 Its (-74811s) 4.10 0.107 16 lbs 1-2 0.569 862 Rs -789 tis 3-40.558 8661bs (-79011s) BC 15,6 0.331 01bs 6-7 0.457-765lb. 7-8 a331 -Albs 116ts 1-B 0.332 8691bs (•814 Hs) 2-7 0.254 664It. (4171bs) 3-6 0.246 644 Its (4171bs) 4-5 0.356 �21h (-8151h;) 1.7 0.367-1.0171bs 3-7 0.036. •3411s 4-6 0.367 -997 I% Truss -to -truss Connections Summary ID Carded Truss Cao*y Tnas Cam_ing OHsa Ande 2 90 deg Tr54 IBG FG2 1.&1 r .. 7T73 J3H 19G 3.0-12 270 deg ;T773 r+t tr LkJ3H t't r 1 4a 5 "ISG r� t. 9 �pu c � �� v TM J311 18G "'o 270 deg IBG_ "-.....:: TM 13H Im 9.74 2A deg TT37 18G FGI 1-G12 270 deg Notes: ])'Ibis design is based on ASCE 7-10 as rdaeced by fie 2010 Florida Balding Cade 2) Unlabeled {dates are 1.50 Aga. 3) Men this toss has been rhoson for quality assurance inspactim, the Plate Placement Mohod pa Tn I.200WJA3.2 shall be used CqI.M. 4) Tttss4obsas connection is for p;hical intepaatim only Ahanger or ahor strrcnaxl coo—im shall be provided to resist the onx-clim and uplift shave in the Reaction Surnnsy 5) Provide ada+ate drainage to pecent pending 6) listed wind uplift reactions based on MWFRS Only loading O. 54 95 ::�TATE F W; 441 SSG NA L •NOI'10E•AcoyofWisdes�9dbefmo�edtothe etenbmcomm�oc Tne ae�oft8isodi.LmlmusssMxdoode�aietb aneteq,dememsarppFdbythe7taaMao�ctmeremmfesopmtMaccmarysndcmgrtnene>sofWeufomutiw Stepben W. Warter n'Rk ytheBoi,,p igoc.Asalw Chap,vggbdemessccepeace,fq ep�mleogn5,g=Ctb rl then.necmporcmdengndimMM(Bdibgedu¢ofth%cgmpofm timypanbohrbuilugd5aDdSB tefmpupa the Bvlfiag QagegµrANSV1P1]-2W7 Chapot ll'AWdf>;•Ttusategt¢epoper8end6g,eteccuytmavi sn6daeug.Refatot6e blest edioaof7iC9(Bd1bgC®pomaSfeylafomvraayimypodaedty779ud88Clgfapoper Strut5 rt9eSt®nxtMdseadmpamm safetyuf timrzbtbgtothmtie contanct®pocea IDWeabxveea[gee$rt9n@tbaamtempmayteamin/tracug gecraatbmsby othergtM �aEi(¢4diogreal3tBotol-razes)endtempomry 2590 N. King }Egh.�.RPietce i734951 =Zbo, oftMbmxs>balhe uaceadavicewihBC51•BI sadBCSI-B2 Ttnsaalorupuepe+maoaaaemaif/tracigofcbovdsmdcmnnxbmembers(aLaecdeeted}Th'sdnwbBaab teude buivaforbtmahem9bt.TM menhoddodihLaltmsmeatbmmmsuVhracgglDSlTemVecredbytkBuift Dcs�empuAMMP11,Chapa2kirg irctmeperma mtncbgdeipsaotgccredbyotbemttihalbeaceumpkbedb/naadudbdumybtemie hand deg®alhacvg bySi.p cm p-Ti:6BC9•B3 mH.—,&ce w&ES-2762.7%S7f' mpbi as 20pgetmestbc Wm mednaccmdance edbysdewug ibWi:lesnlgpgtpbfrAuN51?B]Chaper3. Alconnemmpbteaffint bemamGetmedby5mpvn�mg-7i: C�,hac6ercmdarca vihESB•2762.AIcotmenmpbtesarz 20pPe,00GaWe pecrW pbtense sfobxdbya'-Ill-wSi:hiadiateaan 18gagephte. Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: I10 fwddhhb., SOUTHERN 2590 N. kings HighwayectNarne: ProiS 6510d TRUSS Fort Pierce, F134951 Date: 7/12/2014 113320AM ComponentTints SolutionsT COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax Page: 1 of 1 shr Tr Version: 5.01 uild 31 Span Pitch Qly OHL OHR CANT L CANT R PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 12-8-0 4 /12 2 14-0 1.4-0 0-0-0 0-M 1 24 in 521hs 15-4-0 1-4-0 5-0-0 2-8-0 54)-0 1-4-0 1 5-0-0 71-0 t t 12-&0 4x5 - 4x5 - 2 3 12 ` 12 4F_ �4 3x7/ 3x7\ 1 4 15x3 - 1 r .5x a- s 5 1x4 1 1x4 j D-0-0 0-0-0 54)-0 z 0 5-0-0 5-0-0 1Z 124s-o Loading General CSI Summary Deflection Ll (loc) Allowed Imd (w0 Bdg Code: FBC211U/ TC: 0.41(3.4) Ven TL: 0.09 in L/999 (6-1) , L/240 TCLL 20 TPI 1-2307 BC: 0.33 (4.5) Ven !1 0.0-1 in L / 999 (56) L / 360 TCDL: 15 Rephibindmse: Yes N6b: 0.06(3.5) Ha47L• 0.02 in 4 BCIL: 0 D.O.L : 125 % Crmp Fade, Ka = 1.5 BCDL: ]0 Plate Offsets (IntY-Y,Angb (1: (2*.K3410.) (3:00,3$0.) (4:6-1.2-Z%) (5:1.12.348,90.) (6:1-IZ38.90.) Reaction Summary IT Type Bg Catbo Bg Width Matetial RO B¢ Wdh Max Fred Max Crrav UI1Bft Max Wnd Uplift Max Uplift Max Hui. - 1 Put(VAB) 1 8in Contsae Masonry 3.00 in 663lbs - -239 lb. -2391hs 381h; 4 H M (119)1) 1 gin Consade Masonry 3.00 in 663 lot --2391hs -2391hs - Material Summary Bracing Summary TC SP (ALSC6.2013) a2 2 x 4 TC Bacing Sheathed a Ptdns at 5d0, Puiin d%ign by OLhm. BC SP (ALSC6.20 42 2 x 4 BC Racing Sheathe) a Ptdins at 7-50. Pulin dmigaby Others. AUX SP (ALSC&2112) ad 2. 4 Loads Summary am bat been designed forth - a the effects dte to 10 Pal`bmanchdd live load plus deed loads. 1) Tbis trus 2) This s bas been designed fa the effects dwvtd load in acmdance with ASCE7 -10 with the following wet defined inpa: 1;11 t4h dtittete, F the C, O✓emll Bdg Durs 69 It x A q h = ]7 ft. Nd Fad Zme Tnas, Netha and webcrosidutd DOL-1.33, CC Zme N5dh 65 ft. 3) Mininam storage attic loading in ac—lance with IBC Table 1607.1 has not been applied Member Forces Summary Table indicates: M®ba ID, tna CSL n tx axial face, (mot mnV. Ram if different fan ntax a)dal face) TC 7.1 0.250 301bs 2.3 0.343-9941bs 4-8 0.324 30 Ras ]-2 0.409 •1,074lbs 3-4 0.409 -l'o-A Rs BC 4-5 0.329 990 Ibs (-573 Rs;) 156 0.313 996 RB -574 ]bs 6.1 0.329 99U Rs-573Ih; Nehs 2.6 0.056 1371hs (-1316s) 3-5 0.056 137 Rs (-131bs) A ! \ N IY �/ P ........ , qNotes: �. • • G N 1) This dsipa is based m ASCE 7-IO as refenna� bathe 2)]O flod& Bcldng Cod. C7` `.-, si %ban this truss has been chosen for gmbry assmance inspection, the Plate Placanent Method per 7P11-2W2/A3.2 shall be wed Cq-1.21. 3) Prodde adegaate drainage to p—t pond.& 4) listed wind uplift radians based an MWItS Only loading 0.54 9II115 TATE F [u OR I NAILI�G�� 1 ?AI10E-AeopyofNsdes*lbefmnffirdtothetectmcwbaga. Stephen W.Warier nrmro6y+hBawgne¢ eA�tmhbmangm�te:aae�aneenrpnres;mateosgreanna:ymkHr nemwenmpmwee�mn�7neaia6rryma�erwsnompwemramnnnbakwaaga«wemspmaaynr Smd-B asa39s 8 the BaMhgrbsig-a P.Mst/rnlaarrchptatwAB7ax'>•vnsestegni•epmpahame2 mctcn,t iimotaci,&Rer tomehtesediboofBCSI(BdwgCampwem SafT 1,J timFmbpoduce�'7N md5BClafmgoµ �abtunmethodsmdmponam eferyN'mmatimrzhthgtoWeemiecmmoct®pmua7oWeabxrceofgecfeusnlatvnmdtemporarymstain/tracvg gec(utimsgahert,t6e rtanDateo(¢Wugisaasatuntokrmces)mdtempaaey 2590 N. Kings )Bgh.RPierce F134951 mmete/tracvgorlbert ssbalhebaccmdm wihBC9-Blnd BCSI•B27n>Ss,kompuepe®anmttemabYb,cugofcbmdsmdwtauwebm=bm(abmbdiatW)72&dmwbgcmbit4s'ateslhebntumfmhlerdla ,A in.The melhodofbdivi lnnssmemltammaul/bracigthlbeaaspecr.dk,beBw)1vg De,ip- rANWrPI1,Cb.pter2ijrq=f.t peon bacgg&dgniptspecfzdbyotbemthssbabeamompFhdbymndudnd¢ryhtml=meutmd gd t.tbacc.dmcewihBCSI-B3aB=.B7tuepp4abk.-D.TMTAM•Tbide,tm s mestbetmssim=faemedi.ccmdmcewfhtbidmwivgmWthgmiyaierhgreiEdi,AM7/'('nlCh pta3.Alcomedmphtes>bal dng.4bmcuW j � �f mo bemumfactmbyS,mp&rong•TsCmpM,Iwhatc,&=wihESR•2762.AIeome mphiesm20gage,mksnbegwrdphses¢eaas fobdbye'-Irwhb6udi.lesm Iggegephte. l Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: I9 SOUTHERN 2590 N. kings Highway PTojectName: 6510d TRUSS Fort Pierce, F134951 113327AM Component SohltionsTM COMPANIES (800) 232-0509 (772) 464-4160 (772) 318-0016 Fax page: 1/1 112014 Truss Version: 5.01 u0d 31 Span Pitch Sty OHL OHR CANTL CANT PLYS Spacing WGT/PLY 12-8-0 4 /12 1 1-0-0 1.4-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 501bs 15-4-0 1.4-0 6-4-0 6-4-0 1� 1 { 644 1243-0 4x51 2 4f �4 9 N� 3x7I 3x71 1 3 5 6 { 4 1 x4 0-0-0 0." 6�-0 6-4-0 6i-4.0 12.8-D Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (loc) Allowed Imd (RQ Eldg Cade: FBC 201131 TC: 0.66(2-3) VW 7L• . 0.11 in L/999 (4-1) L/240 TOLL: 33 7711-207 IBC: 0.48" Ved IL• 0.02 in L / 999 (34) L 1360 TCDL: IS RepmIrinaease: Ya V&: 0.11(2.4) Hux TL- 0.02 in 3 13CLL: 0 D.O.L: 125% C,.pFamr, Ka=1.5 BCDL: 10 Plate Offsets (1nl:K.Y.Angi (1:61,2-29.) (3-00,3.11.90.) (3:61.2.29.) (4:00,34I,90.) Reaction Summary . 3T Type BR Cmb2 B11 Vide Material- R4d BtR AIM Max lleau Max Gtev uplift Max Mind Uplift M.Uplifi Max Hai. IPin(WI) 1 8in Cmaee Masmry 3.00 in 66316; - -23911E -2391ta 27lbs H Roo (R6)I) 1 8 in Cmmae Masmry 3.00 in 66311E --2391h; -2W llas - Material Summary Bracing Summary TC SP(A3SC62013) 922 x 4 TC Bating SheathadaArlins at54Q Puffin Riga by Odtea. INC SP (ALK6.2f113) g2 2 x 4 BC Bating Sheathed uPulins st 7-J", Puffin design b201h=. Mbs SP(AISC62012)#3 2x 4 Loads Summary 1) 7bis toss has been dosdgted fir the effads de to 10 psf bottom shad Hso Iad plus dad lads. 2) This truss has bait dsignel f" effeas of wind loads in accordance with ASCE/.10 with the following ua defined inpt: l70ttph Wti=eBgxsae C, Oecdl Bdg Di- 65 a x 70 4 h - 17 0. Nat Fad 2me Tnss, Neither end web rmsidaed DOL-1.33, CC late Widh 65 A 3) Mmhnm stuage attic loading in acmiznce with IBC Table 1607.1 has not been applied Member Forces Summary Tabieindicates: MartteID,noxCSf, max axalflaw, tests cmpr.Jim irdiffaentft. nexaxial f=) 4V%A 7C S] 0.?50 3011E 1-2 0.&-1.081, 2-3 0.661 . I.00 N 3L 0324 3011E N '+Its BC 0.485 959 Ba (482I� 4-1 0.485 99/ lls R66s 2-4 0.106 26111s (46 0s) I Notes: tl F'a9 '''•, , 1) This desigp is lased on ASCE 7.10 as ref .ef by the 2010 Florida B:Idmg Cade 2) Unlabeled plates are 1.5x3 Mgt. C)`�••`.-,C ��S � • • • 3)14hm Ibis trzs has baea ch%an for gieHry assunnice, mspeaim, the Plate Placmml Mobad per TP11.2(B7/A3.2 shall be sled Cq- L21. ;�/.� 4) listed wind uplift racdms based an MWFRS Only lading * 0.54 95 TATE F L ,/S /ONIAILIE\``'�. -WrICE•AcopyoCWidegmshalbefrvv h dlotbeerecmncomramm. 7be de�oftb'EndvCmlbus'sbaxdoode�crteree�rzgoiemevne�ppEdq•tls7hmManofeetmeraodreiecapmtbeaccoragaodc®pkterra:ol'uM cfmmnim Stephen W. Warier sal forthbythBuifggRstmer. Aa:alanftdnwngiadbnte—ceptance ofpmfevoalengrcongmpwsbityvkbfmthe tmscompoeent de�mww The tadabirymdoxofthict®pooeoi tmawYFnnbuhrdrBnBde�sWeasprmsbiy of S=•�Bq�3� the Boiing Desp er,perANSIlIPI I.4(IP7 Clop-2.-WARMMf7h—.,c*epoperbaod1eS,—,i.g mai. tdb..i,& R fierrorhebtes edie-fBCS1(Bd76gCep—Sefery iaf tbnj, yyrad—ftTHa ASBCAufmpo➢er nvEtunmetbodsandmpmrea afetyief—ilienrebtngtotheMike c®moctimpoce¢InThe abzoce orspecifcavaEtim aedlempararymttaimNaeRg gecieatbnsbyoneMtheusaletnn(¢ltlhgreelst®tottances)amlemporuy 2M N. Kings High. Ft. Pi= Fl 34951 rem kUb,eng ofthetasethelbe naamdance,wdh6l5-B]ndBCSI-B2 Tnassalorequirepemancee. am/traoogofcbwds.Wcevanxbmaeben(wberendwed)ibsdmanambndtetatbebcatnafmhtealtcmin. The et]sodorndiribraltr�memberreavahnNnevgsbalh ass ecfedbythe Bmllirgh):sja-perATSVfH I.Chapter2;ifTmfctawpermarcnt tracig desynnmt gxcindbyatheraW'st6e10eeamvpEd,rAbymnOerdisdmryhtetaHemabt am dngomllaecixi,hmilsio mdencewihlIC9-113arB31-117asappicebb.•1b40RDW-Thsdest.msmesthetmas—facteeda—ardaoce wiblhedavngmdne q.OW u4nuciledi A75VfH I Chapa3. AlcoenemmPblermat r 2 beseatesfactmedbySnpne Rrueg-Ti: mleESR-2762.Alcameaaple-ne20gage,aobtstb.,p bdpleteeesfobwedby.--IB'wbehvdi lct-l8 gagepbta i