HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIONAI I APPLI CABL E I N FQ M U ST BE COM PLET E D FO R A PPLI CATION TO BE ACCE PtE D Date: Perm rt Number: Y, LL, cu � D j I - 'A' ;n Building Permit Application Wgnnirrg vnd Deve+ pmer)t5ervices Curving and cage Rc,9000onDivision Commarbai Residential 2300 Virg+rpia Avenue, rort Pierce FL 34982 Phone- (772) 4E2-1553 Fax: I772 � 4E2-1578 C$DG Funding — PF RWT APPLICATION FOR, PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT LOCATION: Address: 7733 Greenbrier Cir Part Saint Luice FL 986 Property Tax ID #- 3 3-700-0090-000-4 Lot No. 85 Sfte flan Dame: _ _ Ellock No_ Pro ject Name : tChi oGenerator DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK, INSTALL 24KW GEhIERAC GENERATOR AND 200 AMP A75 New Electrical Meter Second Electrical Meter CONSTRUCTION INFOR ATr0tV: Additional work to be performed under this permit— check all that apply- (Affidavit requ i reed } _M-echanicaI —Gas Yank _ Gas Piping _ Shutters Windows/Doors Pond Electric T Plumbing Sprinklers X Generator Roof _ Pitch Total Sq, Ft of Construction: ZsSq. Ft. of Fiat FI00r. Cost of Construct i on : $ _ J r v _ Ut}lit i§e s: X 5rewe r — Septic Building Height: OWNER&E SEE: Name Pamela & Arther Qoetchrus Address: 7733 Greenbrier Cir co: Port Saint Lucie zip Code: 34986 Fax; state; FL Phone No -al 7-748-8858 E Fi 11 i n fee si mple TMe Holder on next page j if d iff erent from the Owner listed a eve) Name; ComPany- qwgsA.o_c kMI i NP I Address: 1m ti _1L 4 ,-i L- qq ti 0i A City: E State: 1�7L_ Z i p Code : 1_1Z- Phone No _T ZS5 - ?;._L E- mall e Mate or 0: lonty License 1 � if oral u4 of constru etion is 2 500 or more, a RECO R DE D Notite of Co rnm a nr_ern ent is requ I red. If value of HAVC is $7, 500 o r m ore, a RECORDE D N of i re of Cam moncem er t is req ui red, SUPPLEMENTAL CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW INFORMATION: DESIGNER/ENGINEER: Not Applicable Name: Address: City: -State" — zi p a Phone F E E SIMPLE T IT LE HOLD ER: X Not Appl Ica ble Name: _ Address- Cityziip'Phone-, - MORT AGE COMPANY: A Not Appiiic.ablie Name: Address: City. State: Zip: Phone: BONDING COMPANY: X Not Appl ica ble Name - Address: zip: P Fro ne.: OWN E R/ CO INTR ACTOR AFF I DV IT: Appi icatEon i s hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work an d i n sta l l ation as indicate d. I cort ify th at no wo rk or i n stallation h as c.o mmenred prior to t h e issu an ce of a permit. St. Lucie County makes no representation that is &rantiq a permit will authorize the permit holder to build thie sub}eet structure wh Ich confl icts with a n** j p jp I Icable I+omeowner-s cr soa ion rules, 1y l aws o r a nd covenants that may restrict o r proh i bit su ch structure. PI -ease consult with Your Homeowners Association and review your deed for any restriivtions which may apply. In consideration of the granting of this requested Permit, I do hereby agree that I will, in aIi respects, perform the work i n a ccorda n re with th e a p provad plans, the F Iorida B uilding Code& an d St. Luci a Cou ntr Amendm ents- The following bu1Iding permit appllratioris areexernpt from undergoirrg in fall coricuFrency review; room additiom, accessary structures, *SwIMMIno p'0'0lsr fences, W131151 F"Ons, screen rooms and accessory uses to another iron -residential -use ARNI N G TO OW NE R; Vo ur fail u re to Record a Nati ce of Commis rice meat maV resu It i n payi rig twice fo r i rn p rove m e n ts to your property- A Notice of Commencement must be recorded in the public records of St. Lucie County and posted on the jobsite before the first inspection. if you intend to obtain financing, consult with lender or an attorney before commencing work or recor(fing your Notice of Comrner cement si gn at a of Owner{ Lessee/Contractor as Agent for Owner STATE OF FLORIDA COUNT1 OF St. Lucie S wo o (ar affix eyd) and subscribed before me of _ Physical Presence or anIlne Notarization this — d aye u f ' b 2.021by fume of :PeF5Qn making staterment. Personally} inn own _ OR Produced I d enl i fi cation � T+} a of Identifica ' n Produced (signature Of Notary Public- State of Mcrlda) commission No- ±H6 (Seall I REVIEWS DATE RECEIVED DATE COMPLETED e FRONT ZONING COUNTER I REVIEW ytllli Orr CPREIBC S :H�.RMACHER Y r knot �* e� rFc- tit of Filor[� is ` •� COrnmi5310n 6 HH 341412.8 My C-Omminsien Er�i�ia� Augus12:6- 2024 5UPERVISOR PLANS VEGETATION REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW SEA TURTLE I MANGROVE REVIEW REVI EW