HomeMy WebLinkAboutAUTOMATIC SMART TRANSFER SWITCHESAutomatic Transfer Switches Description GENERA IT service anu non' larvi a ranted Automatic Smart Transfer Switches 100 - 400 Amps, Single Phase 0L) us LITECI aDDII@S IY) nW-Mice UbM switChn Generac Automatic Tra nste r Switches are d align ed fo r u s 9 with si ng I e phase gen orators that uti lize an Evo I ution r" c-f Nexus T" Contf-0I IOTL The 1 OD, 2DO, and 400 amp open transitio n swi Iches are avai la b le i n si-ng le phase in both servi ce equ 4pmeat rated and Acre-seMce equipmeAt fated configurations, The 150 and 300 amp open transition switches are only available in a service fated equ i pmerlt configuration - Standard Features Service rated (AT VV) Generac Aut-omatic Transfer Switches are housed in an aauminurn NEMWL Type 3A ercimre*. with e I ectrnstati ca I I y a pp I i ed and baked pnwd er pal nt. The Leavy Duty Generac Co n1actc r is a tat_ mcogn ized devil oe, d-esignad fo r years of sere i co. The c*ntro I ief at the generator hand I es a 11 the 11 m i ng, sensi ng, exercisi ng functho ns, and transler cc mman ds, Al switc has are covered by a 5 yea{ I i m ited warranty, } Nori-Se rice raked (MC) swilches are housed i-n a sloe I eric Insure_ OPM Technology Th rough the use of d i g i tal power tech not ogy (DP I ), these switoMes have the Capabi I rly to manage -up to 4 i nd i vi d ua I HVAC (2 4 VAC controlled) loads w i lh no additiona I hardware. #yen u s.ed in tandem �u ith mart Managerne nt Modules, up to 8 more loads can be manag ed as we 11, p rovi d i ng Ih a ma st rnstal Iation eff iei ent power manage merit o pti-a is avai lab le. gziQWL�' 1 00-4UO Amps, Single Phase Function All tilMi rig and seXin* dun at5 oriq+rlate in 1he generatar bN t alley GENERAL' Automatic Smart Transfer Switches U51hyrwallage drop•aut.........................................................._....._._._..._.._._..._._._....._...._..._........................................................................_................._......... � rf1el [r: genelahoa 10 seaand factory set, adjasiah.le betwven 2-1 semards by a qualified dealer' Enginewarm ap delayr........................................._._...._..._._....._._..._._...._..._._._....._................................................................................_..._..................... 5 seconds StandbywDlrage sensar........................_..........._......_....,......_......_..........._.................._........................._.............................._.................._......_,..............._�D�6 far 5 seconds LN1. wallage pffkp.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... b0% Re•lransfer t me deli' ..................._........_. _._._._. _. _._. _._. _. ....._._._....._..._...._._..._._......_._..._._....._...._..._._...._....15 smonds EVnecoal -down 1lmer............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 60 seconds rusa..,.,,,.,,,,.,,,.,,..,,,.,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_,_,.,.,,_,,,,,.._,.,,,.,,,,_,,,_,...,.,.,_,,,,..,,_,.._,.,.,_.,,,................,,,_,_,_,_......_,_,_.,......_..,_._._,_..._........_._,_..._._. .._._._._..12 Aimik-S evei+ 7 days The p' nger switch can be operates martally without pater applim. 'When &§td in 6`wia action wO units utilizing MluGon I wnftils Specifications heel FITSCI{IDA3 RTSI'1 F rSW1 50A3 RTSC, U FTSW2M RTMOOM RfSC40W R"S54A0OA3 kT5 too 100 150 200 200 300 400 600 vol tM2e0. 10 1 M2410.19 1M240.10 120 40. is 12W40. 1 o 12V 0.1 o 120/240.. L 124240 f o Lad Tra, ItiofF Type (k t ie) 1mn Trafr ion Trail Aon Servic-e Rated Dpen TaansAan Sm�w F Open Trarrsilian Spen Transitiar. SUNQU R510 Open TramRioa �er4ioe F d Qpan Trami0m Open Transition Serwloe N*d Eiclawr Type NEMOVUL $R NEMOWL R NEV;1JL . R NEMA(UL 3R NEM"L N NEMJVUL 31� NEMNUL 3� RNA,-UL 3R UL ftng LIL/M L U LR�CUL UL UL LIUCUL ILL Withsiand Ra;ing (Amps) 1O= MGM 22.000 10.00 22.00U 22.000 22,OU0 22.000 Lug "e va - * 14 250 MCM - #$ 600 MGM - 04 of 110 - MCM Dimensions koxml OM10�8 RPPW' MU RTSW15W ffW2 IM RrSWZ)DA3 HTSW30111M R'SC*MM USINOW +11 17 {437.9 1 T.?037.9 26.75N9A 1 F,24Y437 9 26,351679,E 423VIU9.9 31.25r793.8 42 9MIX1.9 {irr,�rerrip t{2 21M 2040 3062 2l N 3W62 01211�.2 "l4A 4W1 M.2 MIMI W1 12.5377,E 12 507.5 11J.VWK7 121WITS 1Q.5dd56,7 19 1 wlilJ 2 16-WIL .1; 0 Ya 14ArM8 14 67370,E )$.W42,4J 1A.M70,8 13.5fN2-9 21AM54.2 205M.6 21 .54-2 01111rrrnp 7,M BU 7.061MA 6.V160.1 7.01KIJ 6.YT60.1 1-0061255 50.* .5 10MM.5 1WDVX M9 07 22-1U1 3�070 M.07 3MTEs URT,1.5 1?Te0-33 1QU.5 I oerrr,J h W2 13E ER GO �elnern Power Systems. Inc. - S45 W29290 IOW', 59. Waukssba, W153189 i generraic,carrM GALS Ge wn Pnu :�p7ems. Inc i it IYM reserved Al specHiamensare SuGrsr. to ChangeAgW najKW. 9Arfn 0L3205_J RM hU5A 07,1'15 RECEIPT IL A w5 mThf Afhen!S of FkWMO- DEI AND, FL 32720 FEEIPT Reoeipt No.: 28229 esai❑n No-: PA YER INFOR A TION Payer: Barbara Banjamir« PA YMENT DETAIL Ror,e,i pt Date: OW0612021 11.07 a rn Date PaymemMelhod Refsrtnes Camhler Commerdt Amount 03(M'2021 Credit C zird PU BL ICUSER442830 $30.00 RECORD IWORMA T)ON Record ID, BD21-0872 Record Type; Eleokdc Preperty Address: 392 N O ELL LOOP. D E LAND , FL 32724 FEE DETA fL Fes Description lnvoGr'e # Residential Appfioation St brnittal ree 17988 Grand Tel Paid Fee Amount Arno'unt Paid $30-00 A _Reaeipl_Templale,ripL Print Dale- 03MB.'2021 Page 1