HomeMy WebLinkAboutVegetation App Pg2 COMPLETE MUM PART I OR H BELOWO0 PART I - EXEMPTION Any person who intends to remove or cause the death of any vegetation pursuant to any of the following exemptions must first fill out Fart I of this form. The burden of proving entitlement to any particular exemption shall lie, at all times, with the person or persons chiming the exemption. PLEASE C14ECK ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: 1 . The minimal removal of vegetation necessary for the clearing of a path not to exceed 4' in width, to provide physical access or view necessary to conduct a survey or site examination OR 10' in width to provide vehicular access necessary to conduct soil tests, for the preparation of bona fide site development plays or vegetation i n�entaries? provided such clearing or removal is conducted under the direction of a Florida registered surveyor or engineer. Fie: $55 2. The -removal of vegetation in a utility easement, drainage easement, storm water management tract or facility, or right-of way provided such work is done by or under the control of the operating utility company and that company has Obtained all necessary licenses or permits to provide utility service through the easement. Fie: $55 3. The removal of vegetation which has been deterMM" ed to be a safety hazard, destroyed or damaged beyond saving by natural causes or causes not covered by other sections of this chapter 1 is infected with disease or is infested with insects, or which constitutes immediate peril to life property or other trees. Fee: $55 *No application, approval, or fees are requi red for removal of a hazardous tree on residential property if the property owner obtains documentation from an arbarist cerfified by the International Society of Arboriculture or a Florida licensed landscape arehitect that the tree presents a danger to persons or property. 4. The removal of native vegetation, upon any detached single family residential lot or parcel of land baying an area of one ( 1 ) acre or Less. This exemption is,, however, subject to the following conditions: Fee: $55 A} Nothing in this exemption shall exempt any person ftom the landscaping requirements set forth in Section 7.09 .00 of the St. Lucie Jaunty Land Development Code; B} This exemption Khali not be construed to allow the removal or alteration of any protected vegetation without a Vegetation Removal Permit on any lot or parcel of land by its subdivider unless the subdivider intends to construct a residential unit or units upon the lot or parcel of land prior to its sale. Q Na native vegetation twenty-four inches (24"), or greater, dbh shall be removed from any residential parcel (including those in the AG-5 , AG-2 .5 , AG- 1 , AR- I , RE- 1 , and R/C coning districts), regardless of parce l size, without an approved Vegetation Removal Permit and an approved mitigation plan. 5. The removal of any non-native vegetation. Fee; $55 which will be waived for removal of invasive exotics only for single family homeowner or property owner's association removing exotics. W0000l (. No vegetation to he removed. Fees, $55 7. The fallowing activities do not require the application of a Notice of vegetation Removal , however may require Building Permit approval or other such authorization: Fee*. None A} Preserve and Parks Management Activities. Vegetation removal activities associated with an adopted management plan for government main#wined parks, recreation areas, wildlife management areas, conservation areas and preserves. The purpose of the vegetation removal activity shall be to protect and preserve the na#ural values and functions of the ecological communities present, such as, clearing for firebreaks, conducting prescribed bums, or construction of fences . B} Existing Agricultural operations . Vegetation removal associated with subsequent harvesting activities, except within required preserve areas or deeded conservation easements, which are part of the on-going activities of the existing operation shall not require a pe it. Initial cleai�ng of a site is not an exempt activity. Bona fide agricultural activities include commercial nursery, tree farm, aquaculture, ranch; or similar operation. . Q Routine Landscape Maintenance. 'Trimming or pruning of vegetation which is not intended to result in the eventual death of the vegetation, mowing of yards or lawns, or any other landscaping or gardening activity which is commonly recognized as routine maintenance, replacement or re-landscaping. '� UPDATED $!28012019