HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Application New WellSTATE OF FLORIDA PERMIT APPLICATION TO CONSTREICT, Permit No., - 3_ e REPAIR, MODIFY, OR ABANDON A WELL Septic No. - ❑ Southwest Permit Stipulations Require ❑ Northwest THIS FORM MUSTBE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY.- _ ❑ St. Johns River The water welt confiactoris responsible forcompleft this 62-524 well ❑ +y wec- ❑ South Florida form and forwarding the penrli to the appropriate delegated ctlpf ❑ Suwannee River county where appricaWe- wup Application No. .CHECK BOX FOR APPROPRIATE DISTRICT = L ► : a .. . btepnen vale PSL 34952 772.283.6452 3. St Lucie Pump & Water Supply, Inc. 1452 772 287 0233 Well Drilling Contractor License No. Telephone No. Nw NE 594 SE Monterey Rd. 4. r of m of Section 18 Address rr. ds1� Stuart FL 34994 36S (Indicate Well an Chart) 5. Tcvnship Range" 41E -City. State Zip s. St Lucie None - 2 j NA ( NA County SubdiVislon Name Lot Block Unit 7. Number of proposed wells 1 Check the use of well: X Domestic (Res. Home) , Monitor , Irrigation (Residential) =, Irrigation (Business) _ Public Water Supply (Business) List Other_ Distance from septic system 75'+ ft. Distance from foundation 25' ft. Estimated start of construction date 8-15-06 Plumbing connection: 8. Application for. X New Construction Repair/Modify Abandonment (Reason for abandonment S. Estimated: Well Depth 131+' Casing Depth 130+' Screen Interval from U - to 'Casing Material: Blk-Steel Im PVC Casing Diameter 21, Seal Material' Cement— 10. If applicable: Proposed From to Seal Material Grouting interval From to Seal Material From to Seat Material 11. Telescope Casing X or liner (check one) Diameter 211 Blk-Steel / Galvanized PVC Other (specify): 12. Method of Construction: . Rotary X. CableTeol Combination Auger Other (specify): 13. Indicate total No. of wells on site 0 . List No. of unused wells an site 0 14. Is this well or any other well or water withdrawal on the owner's contiguousq,qperty covered under a ConsumptivePNater Use Permit (CUP/WUP) or CUP/WUP Apprimflon? A No Yes (if yes, complete the following) CUP/ WUP No. District well ID No. Latitude Longitude Data obtained from GPS —or map _ orsurvey _ (map datum NAD 27 _NAD 83 __j Description of facility House _Sewer -X�Sep.tic LEI O NTY HEA TH DEPARTMENT a of �e� (l/denlify oRaces 15. ! DereL7 m6fy o>al l,ra cCrtgly With Uie apprcabb ndas orllfe 40, EkddakSTiiesve Code 1 =212'atarathe awnerCf and that2wdter= Para crxW21reehalgaPem'+tlfnesded,basbworwill beobtiined prlorba7mm�eherddwegeonshuctlaa lfuclhereutifytlialalllnfoim�5onPmNdedonMis ft nV2 br ft otw,didth 890=50n is D=wrz and that I W3 ob ' approval from 09V redrrar, state, or beat as d abatis )9 Cab, I aPyi0Ne l agree tb aweg aompleEan mpadb the DitSdWWn 30 days aPxdiEingOt P+� NO a== ftL 1452 Y Approval Granted By: -y, See Attached Survey" south in&ed'asaeaaafe,attdd0Iamawareoraq orFV,P syabandonfNsweka,Iaerbyftmtlam aril tliat I Aava lnrpaxd the awnerar>ris rr NWW ara iepresemal m access b tlm wd s�L 6 2. -- D to Hydrologist Approval _ Owner Number. V Feelweceived: $ •Receipt No.- Check No Inspected by: ff Date: THIS PERMIT is NOT VALID UNTIL PROPERLY SIGNED BY AN AUTHORIZED OFFICER OR REPRESENTATIVE OFTHE WMD/CHD. IT B AILABLEAT THE WELL SITE DURING ALL DRILLING OPERATIONS. THiS PERMIT. IS VALID FOR 180 DAYS. FROM DATE OF.ISSUANGE. Form 0123 to i Issue Date: