HomeMy WebLinkAboutDrawing REVISION 2-14-2000GENERAL NOTES 1. PRODUCT 1. CONCRETE: Strength of concrete (regulo. 2. PRESTRESSED STRAND: Strands to be 3--wire indicated by the first two digits following the 3. TOLERANCE: Width Full Width Units........t 1/ Saw Cut Unit............f 1/ 4. CAMBER: Comber is on inherent conditionin the same. Coreslab Structures Orlando Inc ( )l 5. Anchorage details shown are those suggested designer or customer to satisfy certain design 6. Fistd—splitting of a stab is sometimes desirable, customer's responsibility. 7a. TOPPING: Where structural topping is t insure adequate bond strength. Structural t such topping shall be measured at the center a iovet surface. The topping pour and all m topping in all exterior areas, and will not tx reinforcing steel to be placed in the toppin 7b. TOPPING: Structural reinforced concrete deck construction. Plank surface shall be free be sprinkled lightly immediately prior to the concrete and should set his screeds accord S. FLOOR UNiTS: The customer should appif pad. Coreslab Structures (Orlando) inc. reco 9. ROOF UNITS: Slight vertical movement o Coreslab Structures (Origndo) inc. recommords and ceilings. 11, DRAWINGS 1. General Contractor and/or Architect/Engineer should check all wall dimensions shown for accuracy. Approval of these shop drawings FiNISH !VOTES weight) shall be a minimum of 5,000 psi at 28 days. will constitute verification of dimensions shown thereon. Corerslob Structures (Orlando) Inc. must be advised of any dimension changes made after approval of these drawings. Customer may be liable for costs incurred due to changes made after receipt of CEILING TYPE 5/16" diameter, 250K, tensioned to 10.150 lbs. each. The number of stror4s is approved shop drawings. letters PS in the designation. ❑ NONE 2. APPROVAL: These drawings areto be approved by the purchaser prior to fabrication of product. Length .............:......... PAINT * 1/2" 3. A This symbol indicates sawcut or split edge of Permo—Span planks. 0 SPRAYED PLASTER 9t ❑ " Thickness ...........................* 1/4" Ill. ERECTION OTROWELLED PLASTER ' Deviation from SQ............ t 1/2" 1. Parma —Span units may not be lifted by inserting hooks or bars into voids, and may not be inverted. All holes and openings, other than all prestressed flexural members and the general contractor shall make alloonces for those shown on these drawings, are to be field cut no less than 24 hours after Permo—Span has been erected and grouted. All Field cut o SUSPENDED will feother out keyways of unto d slabs when the differential camber exceedl 1 4", hales ore the responsibility of the General Contractor who must secure opprovel to cut some from Careslob Structures (Orlando) Inc. ;. ; _ / Engineering Deportment. OF WINGS 1. PLUMBING HOLES BY OTHERS, by Coreslab Structures (Orlando) Inc., and may be changed at the discrethn of the criteria. 2. VERTICAL RISERS: The General Contractor shall insure that vertical risers, etc. do not interfere with the placement of Perma—Spon (` 1l * LOADS planks. , creating a ragged edge. Any necessary rework because of this condition is the 3. Tie beams must be true, level, and free of knots. If precast perimeter beams or knockout blocks are used, they must be COMPLETELY FILLED. be applied, planks ore to be thoroughly cleaned and wetted by the G.C. prior to topping to 50 P5F S.L. ON W nRMA-SPAN ping shall be a minimum of 3,000 psi, 28 day strength concrete. The thickness of 4. GROUTING: The grouting of the keyway is the responsibility of the erector. All joints between slabs shall be completely filled with of the span and may vary due to camber from the center to the supports of required for grout consisting of f —port Portland cement to 3—parts clean Bond. The grouted deck shall be allowed to cure overnight before Aerials required for some are by others. Corestob Structures (Orlando) Inc. reconmends removing any leveling shores (when used), cutting holes, restraining ends, or applying any further construction loads. Cores, responsible for the consequences for eliminating the some. The design of suppornentol exposed ends, etc. finished by others. Topping concrete shalt not be substituted for grout. to satisfy certain design requirements is the customers responsibility. 5. All non —bearing wells should be held down to 1 in. until slabs are set and grouted and all dead loads are applied to the slabs before dry topping of the grade indicated on the drawings shall be provided as an integral; part of the packing the gap (by G.C.) between the non —bearing wall and the slab. of foreign materials and wetted 24 hours prior to the topping pour, and the lock shall pour. General Contractor's attention is directed to inherent camber in prestresse 6. ACCESS: General Contractor agrees to provide and maintain for the duration of precast installation, stabilized access, acceptable to gly. Coreslab Structures (Orlando) Inc., so trucks and crane can move under their own power to various points of erection, with no overhead obstructions. Customer accepts all liability for deliveries beyond the curb line, including oil underground utilities and cost for a leveling course over untapped slobs in areas to be tiled or carpeted without suitable loss of time. Coreslab Structures (Orlando) Inc. reserves the right to stop deliveries and/or erection in the event such conditions are nmends on underlayment be used for rigid the applications. not provided. precast concrete roof units is anticipated but can be reduced with proper insulation. 7, it will be the responsibility of the customer to provide, when requested, a control line within the building, for reference during the erection a physical separation of the plaster planes at the Intersections of non—bearirg walls of Permo—Span slabs. 1V. FiRE RESISTANCE 1. Fire resistance, where required. is calculated by procedures found in the PCI Design For fire Resistance of Precast/Prestressed NOTE: CONSTRUCTION LOADS NOT TO EXCEED DESIGN LOADS Concrete Manual (MNL 124-77). the SBCCI Standard Building Code, and the South Florida Building Code. SAFE S.L. VAR TOPP. BARE CANT. _ _ 10 - { µ do - IA - - - - _ 200+ _ 2 — — 2A — — 2E3 - - 2G - - - - — — — — — — — — — — — — _ _ — — — — _ — — — — - - - - go Q I M 8" bit - it 53'-8" 7'-bb`-O" 41'-6" a4 bar cast In boam baro cont., and 16" VIA. FLUE DPENiN65 SHOULD 13E GORE DRILLED cy *4 bar outmd in core or IN FIELD, BY OTHERS, AFTER 5LAB5 ARE SET AND keyway, one per plank, by GROUT HAS CURED. � Others. _ fy N N N t d- N� D 0 L L I L—A a Q FERIiiiiiiiiiiiiiii�A-SFAN ROOF FRAI`IIIIiiiiiiIIIN6 FLAN a PRECAST / PRESTRESSED DATE CONCRETE INSTITUTE *4 bar cast in beam O 34' o.c., 03 bar Cont., and *4 bar grouted in core, or ke, ens per plank, bg • Z- 8" Pemrla-Span 5econdor� pour N Others. t rA se � �� � v) AED VI DATE , A cHECKE 12/6lg9 o: DATE .^ DESCRIPTION BY DRAWN . 12/b —REVISIONS— 8" Permo-5pon 5" brq. Secondary pour by Others. Drill i" dia. hole 4" into beam and grout 1 04 bar into hole and slab Vold, I per slab, all bg others. S . LUCIE COUNTY BUILDING DIVISION REVIEWED D FORCOMPA REVIEWED EIY DATE �-j`�'' PLANS AN PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON JOB OR NO iNSPEr'-r' Z ILL U 0 U PERMA—SPAN (P.S.) SCHEDULE UNIT TOTAL LENGTH WIDTH 8P5145A 32 30'-8%" 3'-4" do I do 2'-4" 8P5085A 31 14'-bV2" 3'-4" { 2'-8 t' I 21_011 � � •p < t3. � (7 r. In ;t3 t,7r Oi CA OWOOOK0 ® � Q'0°•' moo cp�w So X cc Gl. � CA 2= O + *4 bar cast in beam O 54" o.a., *5 bar Cont., and 04 bar grouted in Gore or keyway, one per plank, by Others. • — 6" Parma -Spam lkl_ 50 brq. — Secondary pour by others. G F+I REMARKS 5AWGUT 5AWGUT 5AWGUT 5AWGUT This seal certi.fi6 tht, striictu[al *lail3cy of only the precast Compo-nents shown oa-Zis drawing, meiflufacttlrc�* and erEted-,by Coreslab St.uct" j _, ndo) Inc. - By:- Reglstered. Engineer *4 bar cast in bears O 5'4" o.c., 05 bar cent., by Others. L'. "li, 0 0 0 � 6' Parma -span 2" lap Secondary pour by Others. Contractor Note: Production can not be scheduled until our shop drawings are signed (by contractor), marked "Approved" or "Approved as Noted" and returned. Production will not commence prior to finalization of contract. Approved Approved as Noted Resubmit Contractor Date CHILBERG (INSTRUCTION� n. Architect Date PROJECT .-., SHOP DRAWINGS VENDOR APPROVAL Engineer Date El 0FIELD COPY FOR APPROVAL 0 A/E APPROVAL. DO NOT USE FOR FABRICATION DEC 0 7 1399 NOTE: The precast erection drawings, sections and details, and design calculations have been prepared by Coreslob Structures (Orlando) inc. for use in fabricating and erecting this specific project. Any use of these documents without Coreslab's written permission is prohibited. BLUE BEACON TRUCK WASH} FT. P I ERGE c� I� (ORLANDO) INC. 11041 ROCKET BOULEVARD, ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32824 CUSTOMER: PHONE68 : t407)855-3190 FAX: (407)555-7 0 aPPROVED SHEET ; w,,. DRWG. CHILBER(57' XN5TRUCTI0N