HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Review AffidavitRev ew Anbldi�ltltPdr Inty, Public Works Department e Compliance Division The following products will :be installed in the structure located at 70Z Sc AJJs BGy.� • Fd �� � "'z Building Permit # 2'1J.5' c4t V Owners Namel!2/7,1) c LtN ti I)P L Z Owner's Address Contractor Contractor's Address Product I [Design *Product Rated Pressures Manufacturer rodel.Numberl Method of Attachment Windows * Fill in the rated wind design pressures listed by the manufacturer for each product listed 1st -Choice 3(0 '�9 N 5 61a�JM AJA105 5��� +y 2nd Choice oc,vruou� Fixed Glass 1st Choice 2nd Choice Glass (other) - Butt Glass Glass Block' Tiding Glass Doors 1st Choice 2nd Choice or.u.N4 Swing Type Doors p, 1st Choice -�5D . p F nr n o . 1 7*10 G)D 54M)2 @ 2nd.Choice cir.vww��, - 4 t 2 Overhead Garage Doors 1st Choice 2nd Choice cuwwbn�, oofing...Material Asphalt/Fiberglass. Metal Other 7 Shutters Choice I have reviewed the above components and cladding, and have approved their -use in the structure to provide adequate resistance to the wind loads and forces specified by current code provisions. Name: �. Q� Signature Design Firm Cert. No. 39 Date: 1041.1 STEVEN G. WOOID; PX. IFL LICENSE 3433S 960 SULTAN D FORT ST LUCIE, FL ``D•G. •N oyKE2 T CWA Z5 V APPENDIX T" FLORIDA ENERGY -EFFICIENCY COVE FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION FORfd6WC-04R Residential Limited AWt=IfcnS Prescr" . ve Method C CENTRAL 4 5 6 Small Addlillons, Renovations & BuIlding;WstelMs - - -- - — .--- __ --- __t:. rrr r all _ hA domqftzdad hvtha use of Form 6MC-04for additions .0f 600 less, siftkastalled compiffients of manufactured homes, and ,318- laftnsby-use afForm 6000-wor600A.04. PROJECTNAME-. ■ CLIMATE IVI AND ADDRESS.OFFAm"MNG .�. r �. ._,'I I I ZONE: 4 [D S ❑ 6 h&I ICE: , I ; I E NO - I PERMIT NO.: JURISDICTION OWNER: I WW60ma SMALL ADDITIONS70 EXOTING RESIDENCES (600squals, PrescriptiveMqutraffterits IRIabies 61-'1. 60,2i bMlt apply only to the componame 07— only when equipment is hu;Wled apt' to Will, am addition Construction. Componene, paCesnnntnmMlftepnM='bedfldnbymmhVndaftntmvel&PXNGVAIIONS (Residentbg buildings undergoing Fan- unconditionedspaCes id SC-2 apply 0* to the COMP01113"Is ovellmm wetlqomm than so%*, the assessed value 01the bAdbV). preseyWm requirements friTables 6D-1 ar and equIpMbid being renontati orreplaced. MANUFACTURED HOMES AND OWLDUXM Onlysite4pstalledcomponents and features are covered by INS forrr4 BUILDING SWrEMS. Comply when complete new system Is installed. A g J Pl4asi-F-d-n—t CK 1. Renovation, Addition, Now System or Manufactured Home Ila_tt . . - , . ­ .- - 'I . 2. SIngle4ainHydetached OTMOMPle-19MBYattached 2. S. IF Mulliple-famlly-,Na of units covered -by this submission 4. 4. Conditioned floor area (sq. IQ S. 5. Predominanteave overhang (110 §19iheane Double Pane 6. Glow type and are: Ga. - ''_ —sq.ft. aClearglass . b Tint, nlm or solar screen Gb. 7. _A&.j._sq.fL sq. ft. _ sq. ft., L, 7. Percentage of glass to floor area 30-1-5 8. Floor type and insulationi rT a. Slat on -grade (R-value) so R I IL b: Wbod, raised (R-value) c. Wood. common (111value) 8b. 8c. 'R q. 111L . ft R_ ft d. Concrete, raised (R-value) 8d. R = so e. Concrete. common (R-value) Be. R= sq. fl. 9. Wall type and Insufaiton: a. Exterior. 1. Masonry (Insulation R-value) so. I. 2. Wood frame (Insulation 14-value) Fi= 11- sq. ft. b. Adjacent- 1. Masonry (insulation PValue) & -9b sq. ft 2. Wood frame (Insulation Pvalup) sq. ft. a. Marriage -Walls otMulUploUnits' (Yes/No) go 510, 10. Ceiling type and Insulation: R ­sq.ft. a. Under attic (insulation R-value) _10b. R a eq. Ill. tL3IV0aZS"IYQ 111 ft ft-VaIUS) 11. Cooling system- 11. (40ix- -nbW. mom unit, glIng none) SEERIEER; 12. Heating system* 12. rpw. -L (Types- heat pump. elec. strip, natural gas. LIP -gas. gas h.p.. room or FrAC, - "SpFlcOF' existing, none) 13. Air distrib Won sy.,dam- a. Bach1low damper. or single package systems, (Yes o) 13a. b. Ducts an marriage walls adequately seWatr (Yeaflsio) 43b — 14. Hot water system: (Types elec., natural gas, other. existirigi,none) EF. • Pertains to manuficttusd homes with site-histalled components. heleb Rr&v tl O=WSdaMtpxk&= CaMed b,? aft calclagan mmles cmprw= Vilb ft RON& llflo gyCo BMWcaftoftemmutenIsC=PtdaLIM1:0609vabelmpedmforcamorm"in EMw SnIM ES IREPARED letebyceiltum 0 VM AGUVWUAkTE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE -BUILDING 13-D.35R APPENDIX 13-D Climate Zones 4, 5, 6 �noiccr_.ovicerotvrnmamfnaausurcwtxsxmrrADDIDDHSIS11DSe_FLand I=).Rl1JW/DIDUSiOBUM BUBAIMMMIDS(fEIISTALLIDCOMPORMOFMANUFACTURED HOMES � MINIMUM INSULATION COMPONENT INSULATION INSTALLED Concrete Block R•5 Frame, 2' x 4' R-11 q Frame. 2' x 4' R-19 y Common. From ' R•11 Common. Masonry R-3 _ Under Attic R-30 Single Assembly. Enclosed, 7 Frame R-19 Metal Pans R-13 cNi Single Assembly. Open R-10 Compton. Frame R-11 Slab -on -grade No Minimum O Raised Wood R-11 Raised Concrete R-5 fQi Common. Frame R-11 Inunconditionedspace. R-6 In conditioned space No minimym EQUIPMENt MINIMUM INSTALLED EFFICIENCY EFFICIENCY z SEER =1;;1I 4D Central AIC - Split - Single Pkg SEER = 13.0- SEER =13.0' SEER =-_ .� 205 Seemumt•orp..T,AQ� EER-i 8 :•. EER Electric Res stance z Heat pump - Sptk • h "• '" HSPF =I7.1' -^ HSPF = �- F - Singlia Pkg HSPF = 7-7- HSPF = Room unit or PTHP COP = 2.7' HSPFICOP = s u Gas. natural or propane AFUE=78 . FUE= Fuel Oil AFUE =.78 JA AFUE _ Electric Resistance EF=•92 EF= Gas, natural or LP -gas EF=.59 ' EF= _.= $ Fuel Oil . EF=.54 EF= �=e ��so.n,ece�m.cenvercfuenmm�ucnufv Sea Table 13-607.1.ABC.3.2and 13-608.1.ABC.3.2 Maximum percent to floor area aticwed is selected by We. arerhang length. and solar heat gain coefficient. Maximum 4; _ _ installed %= GLASS TYPE ERHANGAPPQ SOLAR HEAT GAIN COEFFICIENT REOUIRED FOR GLASS PEFICE14TAGE ALLOWED UP TO 2010 UP T030?b UP TO 40?a UP TO 50% Single Double Single Double Single Double Single Double OH-SHGC OH-SHGC OH-SHGC ;- OH_SHGC OH-SHGC OH-SHGC OH-SHGC OH-SHGC V--87 ty-.75 9-.78 .. f 2-.87. 1'--75 0-zii �. 1'--78 a-.61 % 3'--117 2-.75 V-,57 0'-.39 2--76 T--61 0'-A4 4'-.87 S--75 2'-.57 1'-.39 0'-.30 3'-.78 2'-.61 V-.44 9-.35 Get certified SHGC from the manufacturer or use defaults: Single dear SHGC = 75. double clear SHGC =.66. and single GM SHGC = .64 TABLE SC-3 MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR ALL PACKAGES COMPONENTS SECTION REQUIREMENTS CHECK ExledurJoints & Cracks 606.1 To be -Iked, gaskeled. weather-stripped or otherwise sealed. Exterior Windows & Doors 606.1 Max- 0-3 cfrnrsq.lL window area:.5 dmfsq.t. door area. Sale & Top Plates 6091 `'. Sole plats and penetrations through top plates of exterior wags must be sealed. Recessed Lighting 606.1 Type IC Fated vrith no penetrations (Mro altematves allowed). Multistory Houses 606.1 Air banner on perimeterof floor cavity between goons. ' Exhaust Fans 60Ce1. Exhaust laps vented to unconditioned space shall have dampers. except for combustion devices with integral exhaust duc r. Combustion Heating (IN-1 Combustion space and water heating Systems must be provided with outside combustion air. except for direct vent appliances. Water Heaters 6121 t : Comply with effidency requirements in Table 612.I.ABC.3.2 Switch or clearly marked circuit breaker electric or cutoff g905) Igi hit provided External or built-in heal trap required for vertical pipe risers. ' Swimming Pools & Spas 6121 ;Spas & heated pools must have covers (except solar heated). Noncommercial pools must have a pump timer. Gas spa & ppol healers must have minimum thermal efficiency of 78 e. Hot Water Pipes .` ti1211... Insuiiidon is required for hot water circulating systems (including heat recovery units).. Shower Heads 612.1 Water tow must be restricted to no more than 25 gallons perminute at 80 psig. HVAC Duct Construction, Insulation & Installation 6101 All ducts. rdlings mechanical equipment and plenum chambers shall be mechanically attached sealed insulated and installed in accordance with the criteria of Section 610.1. Ducts in attics must be insulated to a minimum of R-6. HVAC Controls 607.1 Separate readily accessible manual or automatic thermostat for each system. ueNCnNL uln[4lruYb: 1. OnTabta 60-1 indicate the Ill -value of the insulation being addict toeach eamponemand the efficiency levels of the equipment being installed. All Rvahresand efficiencies irndalied must not or exceed the minimum values % et Components and equllxrleril neitherbefngadded riatrocoraled maybe let bianL 2 ADOMONS ONLY. Calamine Me pato askaomToliddle ofall glasswimfous, shiling glass doors and glass door panels. Double the area of all rionverfi al root class and add U to the previous iBM Whenglaa in existing exterior eels is being removed orendosed bythe addaiom an amount equal to the total area of the glass may be subtracted from the total glass area. Divide the adjusted glass area total by the eondhiored f nGraraa 01 rite addition. Multiply by 100 to get the peicem. Find Die largest glass percentage under which your calculated petoefdagetags on Table 6CJZ Presaiplivesare given bythe type of glass poor or double pane) and the overhang (OH) paired madb a solar had gain coefficient (SHGp. for a given gf= bpe and Ovedeng. the minimum solar heat gain c0elNdeni afbwed sspea7ed. Adhel glass vvtndovvsand dome Faviousty In the ederror wads ai the housend being reinstalled io the adddlion do riot have to comply with the overhang and solar beat pain adficrefd regolremerdsonTable 6F2 All new class in the addition nffit med The mqubeffent for one of the option in the glass percentage tategoN you ind'rated.ThoOverhang (OH)distance-smeasured perpenff lellyhnmtielate dtheOhm toapowdeachlyundertheoutermostedgeofthe Overhang, 3. RENOVATIONS ONLX Replacementglass needs to mad the follav*g requiternefft& Any glasstpe and satar heat gaifti coefficient may be used for illass areas which are under at IM 8 2-4001 Overhang and vvllose Iovtest edge does notemennd tartherthan 8teettrom ice Overhang. Glasses eas being fenuvaled that do noticed the Criteriamust be either singla-pane Tinted, double -pane dearer double -pane minted. 4. BUILDING SYSTFMS..Complywhen nawsyslam s installed farsystem instdUed. 5. Complete the information requested on the top had of page 1. 6 Read MinimamRequbemsntsfnrSmagAddbfonsandRwovadon,'Table6C3;andrherhallapplcableftems. 7. Read, sign add daletbe'Ovvner/Agem• cedtkaUan armemem on page 1. 13-D.SGR FLORIDA BUILDING CODE - BUILDING If 14