HomeMy WebLinkAboutMobile Home Permit WorksheetIMobile Home Permit Workshi�et Installer: EDDIE GRUNDEL Address of home 13 nettles bivd being installed License # IH,I 118467 Manufacturer JACOBSEN Length xwidth 20x21/48 NOTE. if home is a single wide fill out one half of the blocking plan if home is a triple or quad wide sketch in remainder of home I understand Lateral Arm Systems cannot be used on any home (new or used) where the sidewall ties exceed 5 ft 4 in. Installer's initials EG Typical pier spacing i' 61 I lateral 77 Show locations of Longitudinal and Lateral Systems longitudinal (use dark lines to show these locations) ---� i ----- - ----- ----- - --- ---- - - - -- ------------- --- ----- ------------ El marriage wall piers within 2' of end of home per Rule 15C 4= Li L_J L_j L_J =H , Application Number: Date: New Home ✓❑ Used Home: Home installed to the Manufacturer's Installation Manual Home is installed in accordance with Rule 15-C e✓ Single vide Wind Zone II Wind Zone III 0✓ Double wide Installation Decal # TBD Triple/Quad Serial # TBD PIER SPACING TABLE FOR USED HOMES Load bearing capacity Foote:r size (sq in) 16" x 16" (256) 18 1 /2" x 18 1/2" (342) 20" x 20" (400 ) 22" x 22" (484)* 24" X 24" (576)* 26" x 26" (676) 100 s 3' 4 __5T 6T 7 8' 1500 psf 4' 6" 6 7 8' 2000 s 6 8 8 8 8 8' 5 s 76 8 81 3000 s 8' 8' 8' 8 8' 3500 s 8' 8 8 8 8' mterpolateu nwn rcwe I of - i pier spacing tame. PIER PAD SIZES I-beam pier pad size 17X22.5 Perimeter pier pad size 16X16 Other pier pad sizes (required by the mfg.) Draw the approximate locations of marriage wall openings 4 foot or greater. Use this symbol to show the piers. POPIILAR PAD SIZES Pad Size Sq in Tljxitj 6 x 18 288 18.5)x 18.5 42 x 22.5 60 7 x 22 74 13 ff,4 x 26 1/4 348 0 x 2 400 G x 2 3/ 441 17 17. 2-72-5 446 7.4 x 24 576 _21Sx2 6 ANCHORS 4ft �� 5ft FRAME TIES within 2' of end of he -- spaced at 5' 4" oc _ ✓ _ C TIEDOWN COMPONENT. OTHER TIES Number Longitudinal Stabilizing Device (LSD) Sidewal I Manufacturer OLIVER Longitudinal Longitudinal Stabilizing Device w/ Lateral Anus Marriage wall Manufacturer Shearwall List all marriage wall openings greater than 4 foot and their pier pad sizes below. Opening 1-4 2-3, Pier pad size 17X22.5 23X31 Page 1 of 2 IMobile Home Permit Worksheei-1 POCKET PENETROMETER TES1 The pocket penetrometer tests are rounded down to 1500 psf or check here to declare 1000 lb. soil without testing. X 1,500 X 1,500 X 1,500 POCKET PENETROMETER TESTING METHOD 1. Test the perimeter of the home at 6 locatons. 2. Take the reading at the depth of the footer. 3. Using 500 lb. increments, take the lowest reading and round down to that increment. X 1,500 X 1,500 X 1,500 TORQUE PROBE TEST The results of the torque probe test is 290 inch pounds or check here if you are declaring 5' anchors without testing . A test showing 275 inch pounds or less will require 5 foot anchors. Note: A state approved lateral arm system is being used and 4 ft. anchors are allowed at the sidewall locations. I understand 5 ft anchors are required at all centerline tie points where the torque test reading is 275 or less and N ere the mobile home manufacturer may requires anchors with QO holding capacity. k Installer's nitials ALL TESTS MUST BE PERFORMED BY A LICENSED INSTALLER Installer Name EDDIE GRUNDEL Date Tested Electrical Connect electrical conductors between multi -wide units, but not to the main power source. This includes the bonding wire between mult-wide units. Pg. Plumbing Connect all seNler drains to an existing sewer tap or septic tank. Pg. Application Number: Date: Site Preparation Debris and organic material removed X Water drainage: Natural Swale Pad X Other Fastening multi wide units Floor: Type Fastener: LAG Length: 6" Spacing: 24" Walls: Type Fastener: LAG Length: 6" Spacing: 24" Roof: Type Fastener: GALv Length: CONT Spacing: 24" For used homes a min. 30 gauge, 8" wide, galvanized metal strip will be centered over the peak of the roof and fastened with galv. roofing nails at 2" on center on both sides of the centerline. Gasket (weatherproofing requirement) I understand a properly installed gasket is a requirement of all new and used homes and that: condensation, mold, moldew and buckled marriage walls are a result of a poorly installed or no gasket being installed. I and rstand a strip of tape will not :serve as a gasket. Installer's initials Type gasket FACTORY FOAM Pg. I istalled: Between Floors Yes X Between Walls Yes X Bottom of ridgebeam Yes X Weatherproofing The bottomboard will be repaired and/o- taped. Yes X . Rg. Siding on units is installed to manufactt, rer's specifications. Yes X Fireplace chimney installed so as not to allow intrusion of rain water. Yes X Miscellaneous Skirting to be irstalled. Yes X No Dryer vent installed outside of skirting. Yes X N/A _ Range downflow vent installed outside of skirting. Yes X N/A Drain lines supported at 4 foot intervals. Yes X Electrical crossovers protected. Yes X Other : Installer verifies all information given with this perrnit worksheet is accurate and true based on the manufacturees installation instructions and or Rule 15C-1 & 2 Connect all potable water supply piping to an existing water meter, water tap, or other Installer Signature independent water supply systems. Pg. Date Page 2 of 2 16'-51/2" PROPOSED PLAN ALL DIMENSIONS ARE AP'PROXMWE LIVING AREA 6.&a 50 FT