HomeMy WebLinkAboutOliver Technologies Installation Instructions467 $Wsn Ave 9 3$4622. o -MOJ264-743.7 6 a Fai MM 746-8si I I OUVPRTK"MGLOGfES,IlN,,C.. RUTALIATIONIN$T ' "C', AVIODEL I tpjvy SERIES STEgL FOUNPM N$YSTgM - PAN 9 _:&.COWCRg][Efreyjs :PA-TrtfiT# 66A4-1.59:6 OTH9R:PATEf4T PENDING Hy SFAN SWON.OER Pf 81311V v -VI STAITEOF. I rvz Haug 44,2618 OLIVEIRTECHHOLOGIES, fmc FLORIDA INSTALLATION-jf4STftUgTIPW�;.FOKT-HE . MOOELAM"'W%$ "ft ESALL AE Lhj OUND TIOMYNITEML. E7 MWEL 11 61 'IV# (Steps 14 40, 190GITUMNAL. dAY.t"Faulty Steps--19 LATERAL Steps 4-3 and Steps 1044 hat) VnR;C0NCPF.W APPLICAT10- MS.- f6flow'Steps 13k.-IS FK(-4NFFRS -STAU11 I "SPECIAL CWCUM, Awqsofthoro. lowing conditions occur a).:Pier heighf.exceedsAW R66f. eaive exceAd ocation is. ini5b0feetofteast:. 60ength 6f homeexce-eds,.70: 'm fbot square to expose�flrmoitfbr eg.h:gro4nd pan iC) o,,4ew.etLdsand.d.Lobrisiry.a.*T):�ipproximate�wo ... .I. I . . . 1fi.. �h h n jer. r :belov� chassis j�60 p t soil untilu grb Xf 3. pl�ce*g un gan -diredly: an-k. ens or we pan-TIM y in. 6 d :'t '' ,.V. . SPECIAI�,NQTE,0r1o)jjjtudj6 `�.'brqte system may :also. serve asa pier under:th.g.h4thouldeAdadedas any pier.. I.tis:recatrtrrtend:?c that Inc owe -COM wtoviersotomp --te AN(I ORPEgspit SEUSM IF PROBETEST-READINa ARE BETIAIEEN-276.&.350&4 fVQT-f STABIU7 TIES ARE LSO ,ERPLATE.�WERY W.VERTKAL A i 6WKED0 HO d : ia4karAf0r'.a0Pr0.VT1ate pier height' A 5600oft 16catidn. :64 arid' 4, MA, - 459 maax j Tubs ung.th Tube Length vq, W, ,31 tO 33-,tia 41 Diagram A �E I PROK$" K. Er 0 Is f -QU11JED4 0 L.T ST OULD fi- 00 68'ETEST READ1NCSxA BETKENI. rknRMAY- RP ijqf-:(j.`t1SF--Gk0UND ANCHORSMITH MAGONALTIES AND. 10100)-00M the (40` mm..= Q*Max.) b th, T4 eLeng 440 Diagrams t1.50"sq j �%rtcarriage 6�6he _ pare tubts'.(El into, tb&,U" bracket 0) a 5 Pta,e t-bean conned)or (9: ops49on th6bottbmfl ge-Pf the `-irboab, 'be4m onnecto e -c- rsf soo foste.n locks ly bafts -8 4-1 n) Attach jhe se;14ae 1�54 be (E),to-tlie*l-bL�am.conni�cfor�(F viri d. ) � 6 i'l cl fa, Ith b0ft and,nur. (For Diagram 1 .6 —A -iA�. 8.,Re'peat steps 6 through, 7-to create. the. �'V`paftemx0.6 if the Square tubes 1�10--P.180.1 w a, usi-tg st4j 64�Arj.h , an . d tpojs,i . igivton all riots and bolts, (FovDrags qi Aj.hsta V 0 1 secur# andlf 560 tub�its using RSA: i ASySIM. Modol 1116-11" IUSX-A�Jfflffl QE 14MAt TC-(FS,,C0PiK'q'.TT8'ANW.F. NA t4o OF -,is jfi�� THE jjsr. -p , EQO.lRtSVERIICALIIESSPACED.-AT: 4, E' E MANUFACTURER S.PEOFTS DIFFERIC.-NT, -FOUR FOOT (41 GROUND ANCHOR MAY BE --USED EX.C.MWHERE H-- ; HOM 10 ns .91Wrakal:tie manufacture NOTecgnteriip6anchors ancbor lo ipbesd6d.kp . ads in kcessof 4,0001bs- 'reqijlrea,Yanchar�p-er hoiiditude.. o-t-up-W&4#,�hsve�r50 at rt sqPare Wbe- t�McetWl*!10- s "Or I I.Sekict the correct tube.; 'be :the bot � rn, th h. serted-W 7r U a� .to . tubl4i and -1: 5" Wbe as the in 12. instailthe 1-,Wtransverse to theground: pan cdnoea16.i (D) Wftli- arid nut KboltanO nu;. 14. �ecure 1150"'transverse arm io-tl5, transverse- arm i page, hffik AA441 IMA M.W.R.-PAWN'T PFUMNG. 467-S Wan Jive *:.Hpheowa1d.TN 3.8462 * ($0Qj2!$.4w.74-jj:* WWW-.oit.verteennotogl:es,.com-s. IJM�LA j .... I .. I. NNERI rpo-j UMNG CO 15.-A.concrpterunneT;;footOrdrsiabM6y'*beused.jp ace ofth :ste6l.groUnOpan; a). The concr&e shah iiiEi. mint t#-n',2.500psjVrn1jC Alconcrete -runner r.na.y.:beelthee-lb.'noitudiiial:or.t.r6rL A, n dip4 he a rnin'mutf 8"de umvidth.of 1-6 inches deep With'i a minim ie.b and the-t�dgj��of the concrete (see below). l6ncptqd1h6l1j6r 1 1 �g fathes transverse to -allow proper &tanc(�.*between thecqnde ok ,and.olbstoe.al min . Imurn, of ln o esy.�i in not required- Foatf�rs Alf i:p f;fil jopthmastbe4 a !' minimum . Spgd.al �t�ecOM ref e must allow for at least- 4!-froftthe concrete bolt td the:.edge i5fthe '.r oncre e4, NOTE. Tho bon m.of ION—GITUDIVAU-1 MOM 1LO_1J9!TV'L d co creteiuse P4yt# n -ick br . kket is -cittoehed: to thikoilcrete using Ing M. -.Off # 145/8,�rcoq gtevedde:b Olt-s. (Msi pson *rs-eqava _ Mark. bolt fi(A 106 S1 6234014 518" X 31� or pow lent).:PlacefhsCA masprr ry bit,'drill a hole toz,ryiinimurn depth-.&*3*� "Oe sureaftclust and concrete Is blown olitoftb "A s.olace-wedge::bo.l.t�s.intoieiie r "-I+,: L cfx�f , 'A14A60 hnit-nt hamm er ".A.'fituhtlydrive the - wed ge boffs low'- na P.. f n a h d or; -b9jtj,_ThgA1_ obe.pfor: b_e �ykjq1tig-.the. makingsure t t ma. tine oo-, n r.. i t ,F & -TA!�A: 17. 'y 54� imtall6t.i0o 0: 107�1) f M�alI;6 sLtro�a trete k mwk bolt. bole localclon-S, then U-Singa 5,18" dia 11. duA a.h.d. con M^ dr� I tran�* rs,4 :- bjo n out ofthe.hole. Puce wedge'bolts. (Sirllpsotvoart v"S-1-6230*.OH'518":,X.��!i:,or Povoggpecluiva ent) Into. (D) concrete Coilhector . a nd: In VodriT1ed:ho.le.1fneededf n yK jfttri§.the slut lrriakCfnr sure lr�t to. pit the.top 611hread.% On 8- Whenet.) imtaUp usingport#11,01. Mwetsk) CM . 0 _ . , ` .1, LENGTHOF �40U.SE P MS ONLY. 1. i� z­'LOCATI N OF ):LtNOTHS VP tO 82' .. I.I.I... I O... E U.. .. H01VIES WITH 511 'RMPITCRR Q I.RF., �:PER FLORID4 REG.UI. TJONS 6.sy'5terns fOr-hotne lengths up tof-52, and 8 systems, fotdomes -b.VO r'52"A6dAip,80!. PATeNT.1 66:14450 & OTHER. P.ATENT PENDINIG. k6ision 0$1 23t-1 8 IN I CeMintbl%k onlitt, jsarclaqly j j7.Tla'15V0fSe M 61i Plorida:appro�,ed4tground -anchoy-.i:maybe us.ed:ina4locailot)sexce -honle man"ffictureo; slorsi ewall pt where tion d Arm are in excess of 4,660 tbs. Theselocations.recuireaSI anchov.Pot glorida code. C = GRPUND PAN I CONCRETE- FOOTER CAR -RkINNER.1 P = GROUNDRAN I CONCRETE UaRAM_TTRANSVERSE CONNECTOR fco"necu wlth.',qiade'. /2.ii.. Aav!d nut) ffilagib. bpi ..... . . . . . . El=T'ELESC0V!NGV:BkACETU8t ASSEMBLY !S— BEBOTIOMAKDI,15.'�.TUBEI . . . . . . TU TUBE 89.AcE 1,6EAM; CONNECT'OkASSEMM H*IELtSCOPINGIMNS-VEkSCARt,AASSEMBLY 1;;TRAi5VER5.EARMiTgEAM.C6NNC�C.T�OR.:.(cor.inetts with grad Wt and nut), J=VPAN gRAC,KET.(.icoririecis.Mthgrade -S:-,,'lI XX"I&v.carrla D,- Poh'Traftotibe.Cohhec r -m ktjp: . 0-4614 i 110-1.. .PAIENT#,*ro634l5O&.OTHE.R-,PATEN.-T.P;ENt,),ING -Pwg 1.10.1 D-CPCA Revision Q&/�3i'1 ftdA 9 I.I_0ll_"t!jE'