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MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PRODUCT CONTROL SECTION 11805 SW 26 Street, Room 208 DEPARTMENT OF REGULATORY AND ECONOMIC RESOURCES (RER) Miami, Florida 33175-2474 BOARD AND CODE- ADMINISTRATaON DIVISION T 11786) 315-2590 F 1786) 315-2599 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE (NOA) www.miamidade.gov/ecozomv James Hardie Building Product, Inc. 10901 Elm Avenue Fontana, CA 923�7 SCOPE. - This NOA is being issued under the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials. The documentation submitted has been reviewed and accepted by iyiiami-Dade County R1sR-Product Control Section to be used in Miami Dade County and other areas where allowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). this NOA shall naL- oe valid after the expiration date stated below. The Miami -Dade County Product Control Section (In Miami Dade County) and/or the AHJ (in areas other than Miami Dade County) reserve the right to have this product or material tested For quality, assurance purposes. If this product or ? _-erial fails to perform iu the accented manner, the manufacturer will incur the expense of such testing and the A114i may immediately revoke, modify, or suspend the use of such product or material within their jurisdiction. R ER reserves the right to revoke this acceptance, if it is determined by Miami -Dade County Product Control Section that this product or material fails to meet the requirements of the applicable building code. i his product is approved as described herein, and has been designed to comply ;with the Florida Building Code, including she l-Iigh Velocii-tv, Hurricar e Zone. DESCR'' 'PION: "Hardie", "Cem" and "Prevail" Planks and Panels Fiber Cement Siding and Soffit APPROVAL DOCUAUNT: Drawing No. PNIL, PLK & SOFF, titled "HardiePanel, CemPanel, Prevail Panel; HardiePlank, CemPlank Prevail Lap Siding; HardieSofft, CemSofflt Panel; Installation Details Wood/Metal Stud Construction", sheets 1 through 12 of 12, dated 04/24/2013, prepared by the manufacturer, signed and sealed by Ronald I. Ogawa, P.E., bearing the Miami -Dade County Product Control revision stamp with the Notice of Acceptance nurnber and expiration date by the Miami -Dade Country Product Control Section. MISSILE h PACT RATLNG: Large and Small Missile impact Resistant EAEFLLIl;G: A permai-ent label with the manufacturer's name or logo, Plant City, Florida, and the foiiowing statements: "ASTM C 1186 Type A compliant' and "Miami -Dade County Product Control Approved" is to be located on each siding plank or panel and per rBC 1710.92 and 1710.93 on soffit panels. RENEWAL of this NOA shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed and there has been no change in the applicable building code negatively affecting the performance of this product. TERI'+HN A Ti0"V of this NOA will occur after the expiration date or if there has been a revision or change in the materials, use, and/or manufacture of the product or process. Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement of any product, for sales, advertising or any other purposes shall automatically terminate this NOA. failure to comply with any section of this NO A shall be cause for termination and removal of NOA_ AD ERTISE.iVIENT: The NOA niunber preceded by the words Miami -Dade County, Florida, and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. Jf any partion of the NOA is displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety. INSPECTION: A copy of this entire NOA shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its dish-butors and wall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. This NOA revises NOA # 17-0406.06 and consists of this page 1 and evidence pages E-1 and E-2, as well as approval document mentioned above. TA e submitted documentation was reviewed by Carlos M. llltrera, P.ln NOA No. 17-0821.21 Expiration Date: May 1, 2022 Approval Date: November 30, 2017 f 1 Page 1 � 1 Tames Hardie Building Products, Inc. NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUBMIT TED EVH)ENCE SUBMITTED UNDER PREVIOUS NOAs A. DRAWINGS "Submitted uuder N04 # I3-0311.07" I. ,'drawing No. PNL, PLK & SOEF, titled "Hardiel anel, CemPanel. Prevail Panel; HardiePlank, CemPlank Prevail Lap Siding; HardlieSoffit, CemSot Pa:.el; Installation Details Wood/Metal Stud Construction", sheets 1 through 12 of 12, dated 04/24/2013, prepared by the manufacturer, signed and sealed by Ronald I. Ogawa, RE, B. TESTS `Submitted urderNOA # 13-03IL07" L Test reports on 1) Uniform Static Air Pressure Test, Loading per FBC TAS 202-94 2) Cyclic Wind Pressure Loading per FBC, TAS 203-94 along with marked -up drawings and installation diagram of HardiePlank, HardieSoffit and HardiePanel, prepared by intertek Testing Services NA LTD, Test Report No. 10073336ICOQ-004, dated 08/2412012, with revision 1 dated 04/25/2013, signed and sealed by Rick Curkeet. P.E. "Submitted under NOA # 024729.02" Laboratory Report Test Date Signature 2. ATI-16423-1 PA 202 & 203 03/18196 A. N. Reeves P.E. 3. AT! 16423-2 PA_ 202 & 203 03/18/96 A. N. Reeves P.E. 4. ATI 16423-3 PA 202 & 203 03/18/96 A. N. Reeves P.E. C. CALCUT,ATiONS 1. None. D. QI7ALITY ASSURANCE 1. Miami -Dade Department of Regulatory and Economic Reso`arces (RER) E. ivIATERL�L CERTIFICATIONS i. None. P'. STATEMENTS `Submitied under NOA # I S-OI23.09" I. Statement letter of code conformance to the 5`h edition (2014) FBC issued by Rona1_d I. Ogawa & Associates, Inc., dated 10/26/2014, signed and sealed by Ronald 1. Ogawa, P.E. it22/�J7 Carlos M. Utrera, P.E. Product Control Examiner NOA No, 17-0821,21 Expiration Bate: May 1, 2022 Approval Date: November- 30, 2017 E-1 James Hardie linildin2 Products, Inc. NOTICE Or ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUBMITTED 2. NEW EVIDENCE SUBMITTED A. DRAWINGS 1. None. B. TESTS 1. None. C. CALCULATIONS i. None. D. QUALITY ASSURANCE. 1. Miami -Dade Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources (RER) ... MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS i. None. �', STATEtA LNTS 1. Statement letter of code conformance to the 6a Edi on (2017) FBC and of no fmancia interest issued by Ronald i. Ogawa & Associates, inc., dated 07/30,2017, signed and sealed by Ronald I. Ogawa, P.E. Carlos M. Utrera, P.E. Product Control Examiner Nt3A No. i7-0821 ?1 Expiration Date: May 1, 2022 Approval Date: November 30, 2017 E-2 cd >_- O� toc�ic ly cm �a� v t3'E�o� v �i Z s 6.IQa'9�Cf�Oto©» N _ice t`n� E :� }• U T p Oi'r" 1. 0 0 I- '� m O m� O Q J�a�t^i cn o Gym ��m.rIn c wmr �� Y 1� o w- o v m di Fn.-_ c Z� 3� � .c Cr E c_ E u C - la �cv�vQmI mmoa flmc=� m dam cma—mom U fl' Zoe ,s,_„, F'g��a 11 �ri ci7 'am t7i m'nvmdv� v L°n�°y E C. ice oYrrm' a: pl,�� ?moo o m-= n. m "- s ti ii a. Z E i tf)2 "e g g -pe IMP - fv7 /f C 4t. CL ZI ud Ci �!v m ca mom: nocami I I Uil ccc.-F,ssu,m gyPlf9l>xrrs,.y a.l' — o . i Fi °i a 6�� ym O CJ N i3 LU �I d C O + i(+ Mo 6 Y 2+0 L •Ca y r c .� G F- .k r,,.lis.`''I•{ `' !� m � b a a 'i v � a bo i3 4 E o m � \ \ d �L U eD _ o a� N N 0 N c N{ N N OW N y3 r o F mq ❑ O °u9G IE _ 8 R0Z W 00� M U rt � o� N ti — oE�z O u_c ._ E 5 a'S p n a smz w m2 w p C zzvl G <z� a Lu Q U O� O y�_ Ho I m z Lam_ 'tKma o Hen nz zt'--' 1 Cy CoM c. Q zw <wd 17� tv l;"s[G v; `? 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